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Fantasy Warrior Chronicles (Now Accepting! High Positions Available)

"I remember I was owned by two legs, a two males, best of friends. I lived near the coastline with them, after they took me after I was taken away from my mother when I was young," Tidalwave mewed, gulping down a chunk of mice flesh, "They took me out to sea with them, in this monster that flew on water. I helped them get rid of rodents on this monster, while I was rewarded with fish, sometimes these fish in shells with these sharp claws. They had crack them open for me, it's a delicacy." Tidalwave licked his chops, returning his gaze to Fawnstar, "That is, before we crashed. The monster overturned and my two legs died. How I managed to survive, I do not know."
"That sounds.. Kind of tragic." Fawnstar mewed, elegantly biting into her prey, "In any case, I'm glad to have you in Nixie Kingdom. I hope you find a nice home here." She blinked at him, giving a small dip of her head, "Please stay as long as you wish."
Tidalwave tilted his head towards the river which Nixie Kingdom resided by, his eyes fixated on the current. "Be careful nearing the river, the currents are relatively strong today." He switched his pick black eyes to Fawnstar, "I'll try my hardest." The water tom dipped his head in as well.
Fawnstar dipped her head in return, "And you be careful as well, Tidalwave. Especially with that tongue of yours." Her tone turned more serious as she gazed at him, "I don't need any conflict in my Kingdom. Is that understood?"
Tidalwave peered at Fawnstar inquisitively; it's been too quiet among the two kingdoms, even more so that they haven't quarreled in a while. Abruptly, Tidalwave mewed at Fawnstar and shot her a serious look with his black eyes, "Hey.. Fawnstar? Have you talked to Star Kingdom lately?"
"Star Kingdom?" She flicked her tail, eyes widening slightly as she looked at the young tom, "I share tongues with them every so often. Though... There aren't any major issues that I believe I would need to speak to them about. That is, unless you believe otherwise?"
"It.. hasn't been too.. quiet?" Tidalwave asked, perking his ears and listening quietly to the still silence of the breeze and the clamoring of the kingdom itself. "Pixie Kingdom hasn't been a bother, has it?"
Fawnstar chuckled softly, "Silence is nothing but a parallel to peace between us." She mused, standing up and stretching out her back, "Spiralstar and I get alone fairly well.. I'm not very concerned for right now. Though, we must always be prepared for the unexpected, right?"

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