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Fantasy Warrior Chronicles (Now Accepting! High Positions Available)

Deep within the green of woodland outskirts, within the territory of lore, a sinister presence has made its existence known between the detached kingdom. A slayer has come to overthrow the two Kingdoms to give rise to his own. Taking kits one by one to their condemned fate, to give rise to his own Kingdom, the Kingdoms are accusing one another for their wrongdoing, resulting in further isolation between the two.

Kits are now put on high security, nursing mothers refuse to leave the bounds of their Kingdom, and resources are dwindling, and fast. StarClan has been mute since, after leaving this prophecy, “Deep within the heart of stone, the soul rages for more bone”.

The Kingdoms are running out of options to survive. Will they come together, or share the same demise?
A nice breeze caressed the young King's unkept fur, as he watched his Kingdom bustle living their daily lives under his control. Spiralstar has been a leader of this Kingdom for about 5 moons now, being the youngest of all his predecessors. The old King had passed away from illness, and Spiralstar had been appointed as Prince at the time. He had been entrusted with this duty ever since he had stumbled into Pixie Kingdom, and the old leader took great notice of him and his potential. Spiralstsar was peculiar; he rarely talked to anyone besides the King, and had an isolated attitude. Alas, he proved himself worthy of leadership.

Spiralstar flicked his tail, humored that he had been given this noble position, not that he didn't deserve it. He worked hard for it, even though he wasn't much of a civilized cat. He is quite blunt and his final word goes, but he tries to do what's best for the Kingdom he had been entrusted with. His ears perked at the sounds of mews coming through the Matrons' Den; the arrival of new kittens. Pixie Kingdom was growing abundantly, rich with new potential and culture within itself. Being of only 20 moons, Spiralstar has kept Pixie Kingdom in order since his predecessor's passing.. and he planned to keep it that way.
Among all of the aspects of being Queen that Fawnstar enjoyed, her most favorite would have to be visiting her subjects. Fawnstar was a proud Queen, and the subjects of her Kingdom were always first priority. It was dawn, and the first hunt was about to begin. Fawnstar gave a small sigh as she stretched her petite body in the few rays of sunlight that had made their way into her den. Soft pawsteps could be heard whilst Fawnstar headed out into the main clearing of her Kingdom; whom, were mostly sleeping right now. Other than the few warriors and Royal Guard members gathered around to start the hunt, not a single cat was to be seen. Though Fawnstar certainly enjoyed seeing her Kingdom being lively and enjoying each others company, she had a fondness for silence as well.

At this point in time, everything seemed quiet and calm. As if, everything between the Kingdoms was working out just fine. If only that was truly the case. If only, there wasn't a war brewing among such a seemingly peaceful place. Fawnstar sat on her back paws, bushy tail curling around her paws. Closing her eyes for a brief moment, she prayed to her StarClan ancestors. Praying that somehow, someway, someday, the Kingdoms could live in peace.
Tidalwave stirred in his sleep, bellowing his loud meow throughout Nixie Kingdom. It woke up a couple of cats, that didn't dare scold him, to save themselves from fight from the sea itself. "Hmph." Tidalwave meowed, scratched his ear with his back leg. It was amusing, that no one bothered him; he's been itching for a fight for a while now. Getting up from his moss bed, Tidalwave padded his way into the clearing to see his faithful Queen. Although he was quite the hothead, he had to respect his Queen or survive the elements by himself. "Her Majesty," He bowed his watery head, towards her direction, "How are you?" His meows sounded quiet serene and quiet, like small waves making their course through the waters.
Fawnstar's ears flicked as she heard the warrior approaching her, "Good morning, Tidalwave." She mewed, voice matching the same volume as the other's. "It's a bit cold this morning, though I prefer it more than being hot." Fawnstar turned her head slightly to gaze at the male, calmness gracing her features, "And how are you doing? Planning on joining the hunt?" She flicked her tail in the direction of the hunting party that was gathering.
Tidalwave's ears perked up at the word /hunt/. He was always up for a good hunt, or battle of course. His black eyes filled up with excitement. "As always." A nice breeze picked up and passed by Tidalwave, caressing his pelt, creating the illusion of moving sea waves. His fluffy tail attracted some stray leaves and dirty, causing the cat to grimace. He was fond of his pelt and for it to dirty like that caused some annoyance in the cat. Tidalwave growled a bit, and seemed to a shake the ground, not by much, but a tad bit, that is was seemingly unnoticeable. "Once I clean my pelt, of course."
Fawnstar chuckled at his remark, "It's nice to see a tom that finally cares about his appearances around here." Her blue eyes glinted in one of the rare rays of sunlight this morning, "I'll be going this morning as well." Fawnstar mewed, tail wrapping around her paws as she gave the side of one of her front legs a careful lick, "As always." She mimicked him, eyes narrowing at him playfully, seeing if he would notice. Though Fawnstar was wise in front of her subjects, she had a more informal side that seemed to often escape more than not.
Tidalwave noticed his Queen's body language and smirked, "You're in a good mood this morning." Tidalwave sat beside her, grooming watching as the rest of clan became full of life and everyone carried on with their every day duties. "We should get going, the patrol is leaving without us." Tidalwave rose, padding his way over to his fellow felines to hunt.

Spiralstar was also on his patrol with his subjects to gather supplies for his Kingdom. It was nearing winter and they needed as much prey and medicine to harvest for the upcoming season. Coincidentally, the most populated area for small does and badgers was near the line that separated the territories of Nixie and Pixie Kingdom. Tensions have been high for as long as any cat could remember between the two Kingdoms. Not to the point of aggressiveness, more on the grounds of neutral, yet both Kingdoms have their reasons for dislike for either Kingdom. Approaching the line, the young King smelled the opposite Kingdom approaching. Pixie Kingdom has adjusting to the leader being relatively mute, thus understanding his body language and signals. Perking his ears and lowering them a tad, Spiralstar ordered his subjects to stand their ground and keep cool. Nixie Kingdom posed no threat, yet he didn't want any of their influence towards his Kingdom.
"I'm in a good mood this morning?" Fawnstar let out a mrrow of amusement, flicking both her ears as she began to pad towards the gathering group, assuming Tidalwave was following her. "They wouldn't leave without their Queen." Fawnstar neared the group of warriors and Royal Guard members that were immediately at her sides, though she waved them off with a flick of her tail, staying towards the back of the group beside Tidalwave. Unlike most warriors who always seemed to be nervous in front of their Queen, Tidalwave treated Fawnstar with a certain informality that allowed her to forget about her royal duties for the time being. It felt nice to have someone treat her as a friend rather than a Queen.
"I smell.. intruders..." A hiss escaped Tidalwave's mouth and his fur stood on ends. He stood close by the Queens, along side the Spymaster to ensure his Queen's safety. Upon leaving the clearing, Tidalwave came upon Spiralstar and his patrol, scouting the opposite area of where the Nixie Kingdom resided. Pixie Kingdom's King and his subjects didn't cross the border, by it was still a sight to see the skeletal king and his subjects frolic so close to the neighboring Kingdom.

Spiralstar's tail flicked at the sight of the opposing Kingdom's Queen and her royal subjects. Pixie Kingdom's cats simply stood their ground, with their tails tucked in front of their paws, all behind Spiralstar. "Hmph. What are they doing here?" One of the cats mewed from behind Spiralstar. Spiralstar swung his head at the cat, with a menacing glare, which immediately shut the cat up. Turning his head to Fawnstar, the young King cocked his head to side, wondering why Nixie Kingdom also was near the border.
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Fawnstar's face was smug as she saw the opposing Kingdom's patrol, sitting back on her paws as she settled her gaze on Spiralstar, "I should be asking you that question instead." She mewed, eyes narrowing at the warrior who seemed to be cowering behind his leader. "This is my Kingdom's territory." Fawnstar flicked her tail in the Pixie Kingdom cats' direction, "And that is your territory. Is it not?" The Queen tilted her head at the group of warriors, always doing her best to remain calm in situations that involved Pixie Kingdom. Though the two had never gotten along, the Queen never saw the point in being hostile to the others. Rather, she attempted to treat them with equal respect as her own subjects; for she was a just and rightful Queen. Fawnstar gave a small dip of her head, "I assume the prey is running well for Pixie Kingdom? It's getting colder these days."
Spiralstar's eyes narrowed at Fawnstar's words; he was neutral with her, he had no harsh feelings towards her nor did he care much for her well being. The quiet king let out a small, echoing me that sounded quiet ghostly, "There's a border. We're not crossing territories, nor do we plan to." Spiralstar's expression remained the same, and his heterochromatic black and gray eyes shone the same blank expression. He didn't answer Fawnstar's other question, leaving it to his subjects to answer. He wasn't much of a talker, so hearing his voice was quite rare.

His subjects were at awe at the young king's voice. It sounded.. so quiet? Almost as silence? Like a phantom even. Many had never heard Spiralstar's voice before and they were in utter shock. Recovering from his trance, a small tom answered Fawnstar's question, "It is. The Kingdom is prosperous and full of life!"

Tidalwave couldn't believe his ears. The mute King had spoken? He blinked, unsure if Spiralstar even spoke; it looked like he never opened his mouth. Shaking his head, Tidalwave kept his ground and shot the patrol a smirk, "Hmph, Nixie Kingdom is the best of course, thanks to Fawnstar!"
Fawnstar nodded at the small tom's answer, a pleasant look glazing her demeanor as she relaxed and sat back on her paws. "Well, that's good to hear. It's always nice to hear that our fellow cats are surviving well." She chuckled at Tidalwave's outburst, reaching over and flicking the top of her tail over his forehead, "Now, Tidalwave. We both know that's not true. The whole Kingdom is what makes Nixie Clan such a wonderful place." Fawnstar rose back to her feet, bowing her head in the direction of Spiralstar, for she had a very high respect for him, "We wish you the best for this winter, Spiralstar."
Spiralstar said absolutely nothing to Fawnstar, instead he looked at his cats and assembled them to go back home. They had collected enough prey and medicine to store for winter. The cats nodded, understanding their King's call. The young cat waved his tail at Fawnstar, signaling a goodbye. Pixie Kingdom and their King were gone.

"Whats wrong with him?! Doesn't he ever speak? Why is he even leader when that cat can't even speak?!" Tidalwave grinded his teeth together, angry at Spiralstar's treatment of his Queen. He flicked his tail so violently, it felt like a strong breeze during a storm.
Fawnstar dipped her head in respect to Spiralstar as he went off, understanding Spiralstar's mute-like antics. She knew that he respected her, and that was all that mattered to her. At Tidalwave's outburst, she narrowed her eyes at him, giving a bite to his ear.

"And why are you even a warrior if you act like an apprentice?" Fawnstar sighed in false annoyance, rolling her eyes at the warrior before signaling for their patrol to continue. Though she was a bit annoyed by Tidalwave's outspokenness, nothing more was said about the matter.
Tidalwave let out a simple yelp and pawed at his ear, "Ouch!" Many cats gasped, and looked at Fawnstar with frightened eyes. Would Tidalwave attack his Queen? Would he destroy Nixie Kingdom?

Tidalwave merely shrugged it off and padded right next to his Queen, "Why is there so much hostility towards Pixie Kingdom?" Tidalwave just recently washed up in Nixie territory, unaware of all the muck and tension that has been laid out in Nixie and Pixie history.

His mates let out a sigh of relief, glad that Tidalwave wouldn't hurt their Majesty; he did have a streak for getting angry and injuring other cats.
Fawnstar simply flicked her tail as she walked alongside her trusted Royal Guard, "Pixie Kingdom is known for playing tricks. The two of us are complete opposites." She went on to explain as she inspected the territory, "Nixie Kingdom are cats of water, and more.. Kind intentions. Whereas the cats of Pixie Kingdom are notorious for simply being mischievous." Fawnstar looked back at Tidalwave, knowing that if he tried to pull a move on her the Royal Guard would immediately be all over him. Fawnstar never feared her safety, for she could defend herself; and she had a strong team of supports surrounding her. "Have you ever crossed paths with Pixie Kingdom before? Or.. Is this your first encounter?"
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Tidalwave blinked, unaware of her question, since it never really occurred to him... if he had encountered them before.. "I.. I don't know.." Tidalwave growled, cursing himself for having such a fuzzy memory, "I'm not too sure.. Spiralstar looks familiar, that's for sure.. I apologize, I'm not from here whatsoever." Tidalwave ears perked up at the chitchat that surrounded Spiralstar.

"Wasn't he named Spiralskeleton before he became leader? What a weird name."

"Yeah, I heard he's actually dead. Ha! Pixie Kingdom ruled by a ghost!"

"Well I heard he's actually just an illusion. Nothing to worry about."

"What do you think about Spiralstar and his Kingdom?" Tidalwave questioned Fawnstar, tilting his head as he laid out the fresh prey the patrol had gathered, "He seems.. different."
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"Now, now. You leave Spiralstar alone." Fawnstar laid her head on her paws, watching the patrol closely. "He might be new to leading the Kingdom, but he's very wise. Just because he cannot speak, does not mean that his abilities as a leader are hindered." She spoke softly as she padded over to the pile of fresh-kill, nudging through it with her nose as she thanked StarClan for their lives, "We oftentimes don't realize that even though some cats may not be like us, does not mean that they are inferior to us." Fawnstar's gaze was back upon Tidalwave when she sat up, "And that is the reason why I believe the tension between us two is so high. Our differences outweigh our similarities, and for that reason, both sides begin to believe that they are better than the other. If only we could live in peace as our ancestors did.."
Tidalwave grumbled, "Oh, he can speak alright. He probably thinks we're inferior to be spoken to or something." Tidalwave sighed, licking his wave like fur, "Star Kingdom must have seen a lot in him if they chose him as a leader. He must be something special." He looked upon his Queen, smirking mischievously , "You must be pretty something special too."

Spiralstar and his patrol were welcomed back with nods of approval and cheers, as they had brought back plentiful prey and medicine for the Healer, so his Kingdom could thrive during the winter. He set down his portion and without a word or gesture towards his subjects, he headed his way towards his den.

Aligned and decorated with bones and carefully placed for inspection, by the young King who so loved them so. In the middle of the grisly opening, there lay a single, ghostly form. Spiralstar was asleep in his moss bed, like a ghostly apparition in the middle of the King's Den. His clone padded into the clearing, sitting besides Spiralstar.

"I've done the patrolling, just like you asked. Any leads on what's going on?"

Spiralstar stirred in his sleep and cocked his head towards his clone, "None yet. Whatever is going on with these missing kits is beyond me." He blinked and closed his eyes once more, making his form resemble a cat's skeletal structure, "There's a presence out there. This presence is indeed evil and has an essence of hate and power, far more than I inquired. It's out for blood; for whom's, I cannot tell."

The clone gave Spiralstar the same exact expression the young King easily adorns, "Is that so? That means I'll be doing the tasks for a while?" Spiralstar chuckled, humored by his own clone's inquisitiveness. His clone smirked as well, feeling foolish for asking such a question. "My apologies. I patrolled Nixie Kingdom's border; there was nothing I could see, hear, nor smell," His Majesty's clone eyed him carefully, "You're doing all this for this Kingdom, huh? You've opened up." Spiralstar kept his silence at his response, never once keeping his gaze on his own clone, but instead out to the clearing.

"All this, for Pixie Kingdom?"


"May Star Kingdom guide you."

The clone disappeared in a wisp of smoke, as the young leader slept quietly, undisturbed as he retained all his clone's memories, once more.
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Fawnstar chuckled at that, signaling for the patrol to follow her as they headed back towards the Kingdom, "I'm simply nothing but my mother's daughter." She mewed, tail flicking behind her as they walked back into the Kingdom, placing the freshly caught prey into the clearing so all the subjects of the kingdom would be fed. "Thanks for coming along, Tidalwave. Though you should be careful with that tongue of yours, hm?"
Tidalwave flicked his tail playfully, shooting Fawnstar a sneaky look, "This tongue has been predicting tide currents since it got here. I don't think we want that." Chuckling a bit, Tidalwave caressed Fawnstar's shoulder with his fluffy tail, "Thank you for taking me in." Tidalwave's eyes were sincere and calm like the aftermath of a heavy seastorm. It's a rare sight to the see haughty and rather loud mouth cat so sincere towards any cat.
Fawnstar beamed at Tidalwave's affection towards her, a barely noticeable purr in her throat before she flicked the tip of his ear with her tail, "Of course, Tidalwave. All cats of the water are welcome here in Nixie Kingdom." With a dip of her head, she took a small mouse from the pile and motioned for Tidalwave to do the same and sit beside her. She had a feeling that Tidalwave was misunderstood by most of the cats in Nixie Kingdom, and it was for that reason that she wished to get to know him better. "What was your life like before coming into my Kingdom?"

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