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Realistic or Modern Warrior Cats - A New Dawn [CANCELLED]


New Member
  1. Follow all of this site’s guidelines, and especially no sensual roleplay. You may, however, do darker themes or snuggling or things like that, but nothing that is over the top. Violence is, however, allowed at times in this roleplay. Don’t do it like every time though or too often, as that may get a bit annoying.
  2. Minimum of 3+ sentences per roleplay entry. Also, try to keep Out of character talk to a minimum, or take it to your personal chats or anything like that, especially since this is a forum set-up and will clog the roleplay.
  3. Respect all moderators. I may have moderators here, and they will help make sure things run smoothly. Please respect them and respect me as well. (TheLovelyWolf)
  4. This is a realistic roleplay. For now, there is only one clan, and more may be added in the future. Either way, no magic powers, unrealistic pelt or eye colors, etc. The only time neon colors may be allowed is possibly the eye color, but that’s about it. Still, try to keep it realistic.
  5. Please, PLEASE use a header so we know which Oc you’re playing as, especially if you have more than one. Even just the name in bold above your roleplay entry is acceptable.
  6. Before roleplaying as an Oc, you must submit them. This will be short and sweet, but I have to know who you’re playing as since I’m trying to keep track of these cats and it makes my life a lot easier. This must be done for each Oc you use, too. Also, there is no limit for your number of Oc’s, but only 1 high rank for now. High ranks are earned still, so don’t expect to just immediately get a high rank like deputy. Proving you can be, for the most part, active and also showing good grammar and respect towards others will all be good ways to have your Oc earn a higher rank. For now, while there is no medicine cat, we will Npc one, since I still want that role to be earned but also for cats who need healing to get help.
  7. More rules may be added later, so keep a look out for any updates!
The Clans
Creek Clan: Creek Clan is currently the only clan, though more may be added later. Creek Clan is located in a vast Temperate Deciduous forest. There is much undergrowth and tall trees, as well as a more shallow creek near the Creek Clan camp. The clan has only recently been founded by ScorchStar, who left his loner territory to make his own clan and way in the world. The Creek Clan cats are known to be fiercely loyal, but also have quite the empathetic and understanding side to them. More specific territory markers may be added later.

Oc Form 1 (Necessary Form)
Name | Gender | Clan and Rank | Sexuality | Single/Taken? (Username)

Oc Form 2
Clan and Rank
Single/Taken/Not Interested
Description (No Unrealistic Colors)
(Username/Name Called)


Creek Clan
- Leader (1/1)
ScorchStar | Male | Creek Clan Leader | Straight | Single (TheLovelyWolf)
- Deputy (0/1)
- Medicine Cat (0/1)
- Medicine Cat Apprentice (0/1)
- Elders (Infinite)
- Kits (0-15)
- Queens (0-5)
- Warriors (Infinite)
- Apprentices (Infinite)
- Outsiders (0-10)


Host: TheLovelyWolf

Moderators: (0/5)

Mod Apprentices: (0/4)
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