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Fantasy War of the Three Kingdoms


( . Y . )







Strengths: (include Golem's strengths and weaknesses alongside your character's.)


Golem: (if your character has one.)

Bio: (optional)


Theme Song: (optional)
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Name: Malora Quinzphy

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Magic user

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.fc2a50234aa13d7efbb0aa5cc693cb0e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66689" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.fc2a50234aa13d7efbb0aa5cc693cb0e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She's generally very quiet and monotone. She doesn't like talking to others and tries to avoid them as much as possible. However every blue moon, she'll meet someone that she trusts and is loyal to. She accepting of all races even humans without powers. When she's determined to do something she tends to do everything she can until she's finished what she started, even if it means pushing off sleeping and eating. She enjoys the simpler things in life and dislikes close minded people. If she was asked if she was an optimist or a pessimist, she wouldn't be either. She's a realist even though there will be times where she can't face the truth on her own.


  • Glyphs: allows her to create her symbol out of mid air and jump and walk around at ease.
  • Speed: She can run at an incredible amount of speed and leaves behind black and blue rose petals
  • Shadow Clone: She can leave behind a shadow of herself as she teleports away but she doesn't use it often because it hurts her

Draw: Each hit she gets will only make her stronger. When she's been damaged she'll take the energy from her opponent and fight use it to fight back


Malora: Good at lying, skilled in ninjutsu, stealthy

Golem: Has crystals all over its body, has an axe for a hand, made up mostly of rock and diamond


Has problems with priorites, doesn't really work with other people well, has slight anger issues, tends to hold a grudge

Golem:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.1fe1ba9c378239a34f767a4591c6f40c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66703" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.1fe1ba9c378239a34f767a4591c6f40c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: People tend to call her Blake because it's her middle name, she's in the closet about being a lesbian.

Theme Song: Rain by Hollywood Undead



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Name: Elijah Arnold

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species: Magic User


Personality: Elijah is a quiet and wise man. He is almost like a sage with his way of speaking and his calm demeanor. Elijah has authority on one shoulder and humility on the other. He will never put anyone down or judge for any reason. Elijah is on the intellectual side of life, preferring to be logical and rational about everything. He is not a violent or mean person, even towards his opponents. But Elijah has no trouble fighting if he must.


  • Arcane Glyphs - The purest, strongest, and first form of magic to ever exist. It differs from current glyph magic in that these glyphs cannot be destroyed, but will drain in power. Each glyph has a specific purpose, allowing the user to use literally any form of magic with the correct glyph and can be charged with the mana of Elijah limitless. The glyphs take a ridiculous amount of mana to charge and physically harm Elijah each time he uses them even for the smallest tasks.
  • Totemism - Elijah can conjure totems from the ground or floor around him, treating them as obelisks of magic in order to assist him in casting spells, creating golems, or doing anything that has to do with magic. The totems have shields around them that protect against anything that could damage them, but once the shield is down the totem can be easily destroyed due to their wooden construction.
  • Arcane magic - Elijah can cast bolts and arrows and bombs of regular magic. He can create shields, wards, light orbs, and blasts. Any basic utility, defense, or offensive spells he can do with regular arcane magic.


Elijah - High intellect, powerful magic, extremely wise, quick reflexes, master strategist

Golem - Magic crystals constantly growing underneath him that Elijah can harvest, stone reinforced by crystals, battle-built golem (it was built to fight against mages and golems when Elijah can't.)


Elijah - Not a physical person, average strength, magic dependent

Golem - He is not a golem that thinks for himself


Other: Elijah believes that conflict between the kingdoms is stupid and pointless.

Theme Song: [media]

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Name: Carlotta "Lottie" Weswire

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Magic user

Appearance: https://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8679wA5FQ1r7ojr8o1_500.jpg

For her age, she's extremely short, only at 5'5".

Personality: Lottie is a hot-tempered bull. She is extremely confident in herself and everything she does, and she loves jumping into dangerous situations. What she usually doesn't show though is how fragile she really is inside.


-She can jump extremely high (a dozen or so meters into the air), as well as take little to no damage jumping from high places.

-Paper Manipulation. She can literally control and summon paper. Sounds weak, but how would you feel getting thousands of paper slices all at once? Plus, combined with her control over fire, she can throwing flaming paper at you.

-General Fire manipulation. She can summon small fireballs or wield a whip of flame, or maybe generate a wall of flame to block her enemies from her. Just general fire magic.


Lottie - She's strong. She may not look it, but she is a blackbelt in karate, as well as a master of dirty tricks. Throwing dirt in your eyes, a kick to the no-no square, all of it.

Golem - Her golem has the power to spew lava from it's mouth. It is also very large and heavy, and able to cut through basically anything with enough time using it's lava blades.


Lottie - She's pretty loud..she doesn't know the meaning of 'sneak', or 'quiet', so that's a large disadvantage when trying to be covert.

Golem - Sometimes the golem can be a little TOO big and heavy. It has a hard time getting through tight spaces, and always fails when crossing bridges or something like that. It also radiates heat in a wide area, giving people a kind of warning that it's coming.

Golem: http://1dut.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Creative-earth-magma-fire-water-and-iron-Golem-artworks-and-wallpapers-1dut.com-28.jpg

Her golem is composed mostly of lava and molten rock. It has a centaur-type body, but has large blades covered in lava for hands. The rest of its body is superheated rock.

Bio: -

Other: -

Theme Song: The Fighter - Gym Class Heroes


xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:
Name: Malora Quinzphy
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Magic user

Appearance: View attachment 151545

Personality: She's generally very quiet and monotone. She doesn't like talking to others and tries to avoid them as much as possible. However every blue moon, she'll meet someone that she trusts and is loyal to. She accepting of all races even humans without powers. When she's determined to do something she tends to do everything she can until she's finished what she started, even if it means pushing off sleeping and eating. She enjoys the simpler things in life and dislikes close minded people. If she was asked if she was an optimist or a pessimist, she wouldn't be either. She's a realist even though there will be times where she can't face the truth on her own.


  • Glyphs: allows her to create her symbol out of mid air and jump and walk around at ease.
  • Speed: She can run at an incredible amount of speed and leaves behind black and blue rose petals
  • Shadow Clone: She can leave behind a shadow of herself as she teleports away but she doesn't use it often because it hurts her

Draw: Each hit she gets will only make her stronger. When she's been damaged she'll take the energy from her opponent and fight use it to fight back


Malora: Good at lying, skilled in ninjutsu, stealthy

Golem: Has crystals all over its body, has an axe for a hand, made up mostly of rock and diamond


Has problems with priorites, doesn't really work with other people well, has slight anger issues, tends to hold a grudge

Golem:View attachment 151567

Other: People tend to call her Blake because it's her middle name, she's in the closet about being a lesbian.

Theme Song: Rain by Hollywood Undead
Accepted. @the ordinary tune



Fauoni Hyacintha






Magic user


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.86ba6da193d5a31ac0a20e813733562d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66779" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.86ba6da193d5a31ac0a20e813733562d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Fauoni is merciless and cruel when provoked enough, and is almost always like this towards the Terram and Pluvian natives. She is normally kind, especially towards the people of Caelum as she became the new ruler almost immediately after her last parent died. She is very cautious and uses many different tactics depending on her enemy.


-Fauoni is the one with the most magical prowess in Caelum, as were the other Hyacinthas. This

allows her to easily use magic and not tire, as well as enable her to have more control over her summoned weapons and armour.

-Fauoni is nearly unmatched with a sword as she had been using it since she first started summoning.

-She is able to talk to others over long distances with telepathy. The others can communicate back if they have at least some level of magic.


-Fauoni is a good fighter, even without magic because of her small size combined speed and agility.

-The golem's body is very tough and durable, making it very difficult to deal with when combined with it's speed.

-The golem is surprisingly fast for how bulky and slow it looks. It is able to jump great heights and distances with ease.


-Fauoni does not have very high endurance and often relies on her golem as a shield.

-Fauoni is not as skilled with other weapons besides swords or something similar as she did not spend as much time practicing with the other weapons as she did with her sword.

-Her golem is large and heavy. While it may make up for this by being hard to see in the dark and movin fast, it's weight is still the same and it can break things underneath it such as wooden boards etc. but it may even break stone.


It is a large, black, and bulky humanoid which can move surprising fast for it's size and weight.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.420e79f9edb7d0083ba21712ca870c56.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66774" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.420e79f9edb7d0083ba21712ca870c56.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





Theme Song:





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Jeanne Artoria






Magic user




Jeanne was born defective, possessing a warped mind since birth. She is an evil person, but not a villain. She is deviant, but not inhuman. She is not sane, but neither is she insane. She is a void human being without a clear sense of self. She is calm and serious, rarely displaying emotion but also cruel and calculating, making it difficult discern her thoughts and intentions. Jeanne is someone who prefers to personally take action instead of having others do the dirty work for her with the exception of her golem, she is like "the calm before the storm," as she may remain silent until spotting a weakness in her enemies, and once she does, she will expose it without mercy. Her icy exterior makes it nearly impossible to approach.


-It is unknown why, but Jeanne prowress with magic is rather high for her age though is almost child's play to those who are more experienced than her such as sages and such.. Some speculate it is because of her desire for balance between the three kingdoms and she needs the power to create that balance, as such she can use magic recklessly and relentlessly without tiring.

-Jeanne is a master of the spear, no one has been able to match her so far when she wields it and she is also fairly skilled with her sword but not as much as the famed Fauoni of Caelum.

-Jeanne is also very skilled with light magic but very few have ever seen her use such magic in combat. Those who have refer to it as "Black Light" or "Destructive Light"


-Jeanne has done nothing but fight and as such, she is a very, skilled fighter. Despite her appearance she is dangerously intelligent but she often hides this fact.

-Jeanne's Golem is very durable and is able of fighting nearly endlessly.


-Jeanne often prefers not to solve issues diplomatically unless she really has to or just feels like it.

-Jeanne has a tendency to both overestimate and underestimate others.

-Relies on Jeanne for battle tactics






Her golem was originally white and almost angelic in appearance but her warped sense of justice and balance corrupted it turned it into what it is today.

Theme Song:


If there is anything I need to fix or change, just let me know. Also, Sorry for using your CS style.
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NetherLightGod said:


Jeanne Artoria






Magic user




Jeanne was born defective, possessing a warped mind since birth. She is an evil person, but not a villain. She is deviant, but not inhuman. She is not sane, but neither is she insane. She is a void human being without a clear sense of self. She is calm and serious, rarely displaying emotion but also cruel and calculating, making it difficult discern her thoughts and intentions. Jeanne is someone who prefers to personally take action instead of having others do the dirty work for her with the exception of her golem, she is like "the calm before the storm," as she may remain silent until spotting a weakness in her enemies, and once she does, she will expose it without mercy. Her icy exterior makes it nearly impossible to approach.


-It is unknown why, but Jeanne prowress with magic is insanely high. Some speculate it is because of her desire for balance between the three kingdoms and she needs the power to create that balance, as such she can use magic recklessly and relentlessly without tiring.

-Jeanne is a master of the spear, no one has been able to match her so far when she wields it and she is also fairly skilled with her sword but not as much as the famed Fauoni of Caelum.

-Jeanne is also very skilled with light magic but very few have ever seen her use such magic in combat. Those who have refer to it as "Black Light" or "Destructive Light"


-Jeanne has done nothing but fight and as such, she is a very, skilled fighter. Despite her appearance she is dangerously intelligent but she often hides this fact.

-Jeanne's Golem is very durable and is able of fighting nearly endlessly.

-The golem is surprisingly fast for how bulky and slow it looks. It is able to jump great heights and distances with ease.


-Jeanne often prefers not to solve issues diplomatically unless she really has to or just feels like it.

-Jeanne has a tendency to both overestimate and underestimate others.

-Relies on Jeanne for battle tactics






Her golem was originally white and almost angelic in appearance but her warped sense of justice and balance corrupted it turned it into what it is today.

Theme Song:


If there is anything I need to fix or change, just let me know. Also, Sorry for using your CS style.
Hmm... I think you should tone it down a little with your character's "Insanely high" magic prowess. Also, not sure whether it was intentional or not but it looks you copied one of my golem's abilities. Just pointing that out. Fix this and you're accepted. @NetherLightGod

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.c2c389d0e73adf73ed732f8367358b0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66815" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.c2c389d0e73adf73ed732f8367358b0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Moana Merri

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Human



Personality: Moana is a very Quiet soul. She's very shy when it comes to new people, but is very open to creatures of magic, or animals in general. She's very kind and happy and very loyal. She'll stick to you till the very end, if you earn her trust that is.

Powers/Abilities: She has no powers, or ability to magic whatsoever. Though she has a strange ability to connect with animals.

Strengths: Kindness and politeness strengthens her, and so do animals.

Weaknesses: Just about anything if you think about it. She has a weakness of trusting people too much. She can't tell bad news from good news. She's also allergic to iron. If she touches it she gets burned/hives/and has a hard time breathing.

Golem: None

Bio: Her past is very complicated. Both of her parents were magic users, and had 3 other children as well. Moana was the only one born without magic. She was abused and brutally beaten because of her lack of magic, and when she was old enough she moved out in the middle of nowhere to grow a garden of plants and various fruits.

Other: She loves to sing and write. It's one of her favorite pass times, and does either of those things after the gardening is tended to.

Theme Song: [media]

@Queen of Fantasy[/URL]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.6ed30427e5d3fd899d7c1a348ed07712.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66861" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.6ed30427e5d3fd899d7c1a348ed07712.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Unfortunately I did not think of using this picture earlier.



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NetherLightGod said:
@NetherLightGod Good. You're

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.583492c6976954c987ed94c31455e21b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.583492c6976954c987ed94c31455e21b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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73, appears to be 22




Undead Magic User. They cannot die from age, disease, starvation, or hunger, but generally have weaker magic prowess than when they were alive, although they keep their golem, their magic is not that intimidating and they mainly rely on their enhanced physical strength. Their weak magic makes them unable to cast or use anything which drains a lot of mana. They mainly look human but not age and also let out a pungent smell similar to that of decaying bodies. The undead are usually born through either necromancy or, in some very rare cases, they are simply brought back to life through unknown ways. This can either be after the magic user has been dead for a long period of time, or right after their death.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.4bedab8eb7f4cf3cf516b575759713c8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67562" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.4bedab8eb7f4cf3cf516b575759713c8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Mortuus is smart and cunning, often trying to track his opponents since he can no longer use magic as well as he used to. He does not often show mercy on a fight as he believes that if he spares his enemies, they are given a chance to fight him again, in other words, given a second chance to stand in his way. His undead scent makes hi stand out and attract attention towards him wherever he goes, almost instantly letting everyone know he is an undead, making most stay away, though he is easy to get along with if one can bear the smell of decaying bodies for long enough.


-Mortuus is unable to die from disease, age, starvation or blood loss.

Golem- Can create round barrier-like projectiles that start off small but steadily grows in size, though this only makes it harder to avoid and does not make it any stronger. It can either disintegrate upon touch or knock back, and can even be used to protect itself and it's master as a shield of sorts.

-To make up for weak magic, undead magic users have greatly enhanced physical strength.


Golem- It's ability makes it very deadly at close range, though it can also pose a threat at long range, the slow moving projectiles with be easy to avoid and it's large size and slow movement may warn those that are targeted or in the way.

Golem- Can use it's ability as an excellent shield as it can either knock back or disintegrate.

Golem- It is very fast and agile in order to be able protect both itself and it's master simultaneously while fighting.


-Weak magic and lower magic prowess than when he was alive forces him to mainly rely on physical strength alone which is difficult when up against skilled magic users.

-The scent that the undead have can be both a weakness and an advantage as it can distract foes and at the same time attract attention to him or give him away as an undead, not to mention it can make him easier to track.

Golem- It's ability is very powerful however it travels very slowly and is absolutely terrible at long range, even though it increases in size as it travels, it is still very slow and it's large size will only make it easier to avoid for those in it's way.

Golem- In terms of strength and durability, it is below average and it's ability and speed may be the only good things about it.


Aptly named "Crescendo" by it's master.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.82ec8512570b222020bb08440c893ce2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.82ec8512570b222020bb08440c893ce2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Mortuus was a magic user from Pluvia who left the kingdom to explore. He was, however, killed after a fight with a skilled magic user from Terram shortly after he began as both of them happened to be travelling. Many years afterwards he was brought back to life via the rare an unexplained way that some magic users are turned into undead. Though he can't remember their face, he still tries to search for the Terram magic user who killed him, even though he does not know whether they are still alive or not.



Theme Song:





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Name: Risa Bentolla

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Species: Magic User

Appearance: http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/0b8a07bf4a17917f818ded14e3206464/http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s183/chibitotetsu/anime-girls-sisters-red-hair-Favimcom-463810-1_zps19d1c61e.jpg

Personality: On the outside Risa seems like an extremely sweet person, always very giving and caring, and always wanting to make things better. This really isn't the case. Risa is manipulative, cunning, and extremely rude. To be a good ruler however, she has to hide this personality behind a screen of kindness. Having a nice conversation with her, she will most likely be thinking of how she doesn't care what you're saying, and wishes you'd shut up. She has a cold heart, and is known as 'The Bloody Rose' in battle because she shows mercy to no-one, old or young.


Sonic Scream - She can scream at an extremely high vocal range, which can result in the shattering of glass, deafening of some people, and even the cracking stone if she goes high and loud enough.

Healing Factor - She can herself more quickly than others. She's not invincible though. If she got cut in half, she would die. But if her throat was slit, it would heal quickly. But the bigger the wound, the more time it takes.

Power Bestowal - Although she would never admit it, she can bestow her powers onto others. If they got their throat slit, she would only have to touch them and they would have the healing factor for a certain amount of time. Same for the sonic scream.


Risa - Risa can remain totally calm even in the heat of battle. She knows how to analyze the situation and react accordingly.

Golem - Risa's golem has the power to stick it's fingers into the ground, and have to travel through to ground to any location she can physically see. Doing this, it can grab foes and crush them, make stepping stones for Risa, and knock opponents away. Other than that, it has nothing.


Risa - The only thing Risa knows how to summon, other than her golem, is a small dagger. She has no idea how to fight hand-to-hand either, so her golem is her lifeline. She's not very adept magically either, so simply summoning her golem will normally tire her considerably.

Golem - When the golem us using its fingers go grab you from underground, it makes a loud, obvious rumbling noise as it gets closer, making it semi-easy to dodge. It is also pretty slow while walking, so it isn't hard to run from.

Golem: http://orig15.deviantart.net/a3b3/f/2009/070/1/7/rock_golem_by_beonarri.jpg

This golem is made up of hard, rocky plates. It only has one eye making it a type of Cyclops creature. On each hand it has three long fingers.

Bio: -

Other: She doesn't feel she can trust anyone. She is current ruler of Terram as well.

Theme Song: Live It Up - Colbie Caillat


[QUOTE="the ordinary tune]Name: Risa Bentolla
Age: 27

Gender: Female

Species: Magic User

Appearance: @the ordinary tune Accepted!

Name: Marie

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Magic user

Appearance: (First Picture.)



A proud and brave girl. She is pretty cold to people she doesn't like, but if you get on her good side, she is very nice. She isn't outgoing, but is always willing to try something else. She tends to like girls more than guys.


•Blink: Allows her to teleport forward a few feet.

•Tomes Uses tomes to cast spells ranging from fire, air and electricity. Se can also use them to summon Different types of weapons. Tends to summon ranged weapons such as bows or spears of elemental properties.

Strengths: She is good at rallying people together in a time of need, as well as negotiating and influencing people.

Weaknesses: Though she is a good leader, she tends to be very demanding, and gets frustrated very easily. Not only that but she is also very impatient, and tends to do things her way.

Golem: Does not prefer to use a golem.

Bio: (Can't think of one at the moment.)


Theme Song: N/A
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AmandaC20 said:
Name: Marie
Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Magic user


@AmandaC20 Accepted.

@AmandaC20 the link you gave for your character's appearance shows multiple pictures, however.
Verdas said:
@AmandaC20 Accepted.
@AmandaC20 the link you gave for your character's appearance shows multiple pictures, however.
Ok. Let me get the exact one

Got it. The picture of her is the first one

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