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Fantasy War of the gods


Junior Member
In the beginning, mankind worshipped and loved the gods of their respective pantheons, ignorant of the power that their devotion gave.

As time passed, mankind began to share ideas and beliefs as they traversed the globe, unknowingly undermining the gods' control over their own realms. Wars for the remaining power erupted within the pantheons, causing earthquakes, floods, and other disasters that seemed to signal the end of the human world. In terror, mankind flocked to their gods, giving them the power the gods desired.

As civilization continued to develop, some became suspicious that the gods were to blame for the destruction of their world. An uprising was sparked against Olympus, Valhalla, and all the other pantheons. The gods were split in their methods of dealing with the human uprising and thus divided into two factions: the Old Order and the Elysian Uprising.

The gods of the Order believe fear, domination, and destruction should be used to force human devotion while those in the Elysians believe their power should come from mankind's love and choice to worship.

Now as a Half-God, descendant of both god and mankind, you must decide to fight for either the Order or the Elysians and battle by summoning the form and powers of the gods.

If you got any questions, feel free to ask.
oh, so you want to make the rp first then work on plot stuff?
Not exactly. I've got a couple of different plots planned for this rp, but rather than choosing one and making everyone else adjust their character to it, I'll just see which one works the best with people characters.

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