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Realistic or Modern wallflowers.

yoooo looking forward to it. tbh i always hated roleplaying siblings by myself like idk it's a lot more fun to collaborate with someone on it?? but that's just me i kno q u i t e a few people who do it so yolo

h e l l a
Pine said:
yoooo looking forward to it. tbh i always hated roleplaying siblings by myself like idk it's a lot more fun to collaborate with someone on it?? but that's just me i kno q u i t e a few people who do it so yolo

h e l l a
o my gosh me too but with these two idk it just happened and ill regret it later BUT idk well see if maybe i can make it work
the question is *squints at cs's* are they twins tho. but aye m8 whatever comes 2 u natural is best yo
Pine said:
the question is *squints at cs's* are they twins tho. but aye m8 whatever comes 2 u natural is best yo
i dont even know this is too stressful i cant do simple decision making i am so unprepared for this

id rather spend my time on things like this

@Pine u know what tho ive been thinking about it and youre right i dont want them to be siblings anymore thats actually really boring ://// i kind of lowkey want one of them to have a sibling but u know its cool they wont be related
LOL. i mean u do you, i wouldn't object to you playing siblings if you want. :o just in my experience when i've seen people roleplaying two characters that have a relationship with each other they kind of just end up... doing their own thing? which i mean is great if u want to just write by yourself but i'm a slut for character interactions bc i like reading replies more than writing them, i think LOL. but yeah like i think it's p common for people to just kind of... make... only children for characters. that happens like 95% of the time with characters and maybe like 30% of the time irl (don't ask me where i'm getting these statistics from LMFAO). BUT BUT the character i'm writing up a cs for has two younger brothers. owo (and will eventually have two more younger sibs but lol that won't show up in this roleplay.) and not for this character, but for other characters i've been playing around with step-sibs a lot and that's fun. idk, ~*~*~ the world is full of possibilities ~*~*~
yeah idk ive done siblings before when i played as both and ive done it where i have one and another person has the other sibling and the latter is definitely more fun so yeah. i guess ill do it this way so i changed his name from belarus to ashton because with estonia and belarus i kind of had a whole named-after-countries-in-europe kind of thing so yeah there we go im more happy this way actually yay
i mean it's totally plausible to roleplay sibs and still not have them interact with each other haha. maybe not so much with this plot tho. but ayeeee neat neat glad 2 hear it. uwu !

and lol i didn't even realize
. it's a wonder i passed world geography at all tbh
Pine said:
ghost ain't even straight
ghost is married

to me :^)
Oh honey, not until you buy me that $$$$ ring
Oh but also, before I forget

I started have working on my character's CS in my private workshop, but my mom took my computer because, you know, I'm not a senior I am 13.

Shes upset because its the end of the semester next week and I don't have every single assignment done.

So progress on that is basically at a standstill until I get it back, but that should happen at the very most after a week....
Just realized that I have a large problem. I'm not sure if you've accepted anyone yet or not, but one of the users who applied I'm actually ignoring for certain reasons so...I could theoretically go through this rp without seeing half the posts
Ghost said:
Oh but also, before I forget
I started have working on my character's CS in my private workshop, but my mom took my computer because, you know, I'm not a senior I am 13.

Shes upset because its the end of the semester next week and I don't have every single assignment done.

So progress on that is basically at a standstill until I get it back, but that should happen at the very most after a week....
ok cool thats fine im like -75% done with my character so yeah its fine dont worry about it :-)
ok friends i have a proposal

does anyone want to be estonia's stepsibling because i kinda want her to have a stepbrother or stepsister but yeah how about it
*vibrates* hhhhh i'm already committed to the character i've been planning on using bUT if no one else is interested, i could def make an npc bc i'm a slut for that kind of thing??
Pine said:
*vibrates* hhhhh i'm already committed to the character i've been planning on using bUT if no one else is interested, i could def make an npc bc i'm a slut for that kind of thing??
yeah i should have done this sooner probably bc now everyone already has their characters pretty much planned out i guess but u know if no one wants to its fine i can just play as the sibling myself

unless u want to u slut

just kidding

but fr if u really want to u can it would be less work for me :'^)
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[QUOTE="self titled]unless u want to u slut


ho but i do like hella

i would try to genuinely double but that's just time consuming lol but like yeah if i can make a side character out of them *waggles eyebrows*

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