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Walking Dead: Paths

The chaos ensues, though there are a few people still struggling to get safe. Denis looks around, noticing Jayden from earlier. He's with his mom, she's covered in blood, a few chunks of skin missing as she fights to keep her son safe. Without hesitation Denis falls to one knee, pulling his rifle over his shoulder in the doorway. Bringing into fight with the dead surrounding them, he adjusts his sights in seconds and takes his first shot. He puts another round in the chamber with his bolt action sniper before taking a second and quickly a third.

The noise attracts a couple of nearby dead, but Denis ignores them as they don't seem to be trying to hard to get to him. He makes his way towards the boy and mom. "Metroko," She knows my name because she's seen me in uniform once. "I was bit, I think I'm infected, you have to keep Jayden safe! Please!" Denis didn't take too much time to think about it, he noticed a blanket in a nearby shopping cart, abandoned. He grabbed it and lifted Jayden out of his wheelchair, wrapping the soft blue blanket in a way where Jayden could sit. Denis then lifted Jayden and the blanket and arranged it so Jayden was against his back, facing him so he could use his arms for support. He tied the blanket in a sort of harness, reaching under his arms and tying a knot around the back of his neck, carrying most of the weight with his lower neck muscles.

With one last look at the mother, and despite Jayden's pleas and disagreement, Denis took off, adjusting his rifle and duffel bag on the run. He went in the direction with the least amount of movement so he could somewhat safely come up with a plan.

~Train #6 takes off as we wait for Prince St. Station~

Scar: "I'm on Twitter following the feed about Victoria Ramone..." *looks at phone*

Me: "Oooh, I'm about to try to access tv to see what's happening.." *Opens parsing app on phone*

Scar: "From your phone...? Oh, right. Ms. Tech Genius over here."

Me: "What? You want the apple you gotta be willing to climb the tree..." *uses computer code to access streaming live feed, sends a copy stream to mobile video player*

Scar: *looks over at my phone in bewilderment* "Uhh...?"

Me: "Annnnd eureka!!" *news feed pops up on phone*

Scar: "...you are like the world's greatest mind Destiny....that was fucking EPIC." *scoots beside me*

Me: *takes out headphones, gives one to Scarlet* "Let's see what it's talking about....after it buffers..."

Scar: *Puts headphone in ear*

Me: *puts other headphone in*

~The video feed patches through to my phone~

Tom (newscaster): "....maybe about five or six PM, but as of now traffic is backed up because of the crash Fire Dept. has gotten the flames extinguished and under control EMS is treating injuries of the car passengers that were affected by the helicopter crash. So far there are four motor vehicles reported involved in the incident along with the helicopter. Of those four vehicles, 10 passengers were in those vehicles and 1 is perfectly okay 2 have minor injuries and 1 suffered a concussion and 2 are in serious condition, and we will also note that 2 are dead in this incident. Now this IS excluding the passengers in the chopper EMS and NYPD are trying to evaluate the passengers now uh still a number has not been given to us."

Jeff (Anchor): "My God...that is truly horrible. Well viewers if you're just joining us what began as a woman being rushed to NY Presbyterian hospital in critical condition has turned into a more horrifying and gruesome tragedy as the chopper that was transporting her went down onto Highway 9A right over 12th avenue and now we have 2 fatalities so far and 5 injuries. As far as the passengers of the chopper nothing has been confirmed yet we're waiting on that report--"

Anchor: *interrupts* "Hold on Jeff we're getting live footage from our news team in the air it seems that two choppers from Presbyterian have landed on the scene for more potential injuries.." *continues*

~Live feed shows perspective from news air chopper . Camera hovers over John DiMaggio Highway where small smoke trails into the air and a broken trail of debris can be seen. Totaled vehicles and a fregmented chopper dress the pavement. Fire Dept. , EMS, and NYPD lights flare across the highway for about a mile, as all members attribute to clearing the wreckage and tending to the victims.~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/crash1.jpg.b9c9076d83f75de244cb510e65483313.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26515" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/crash1.jpg.b9c9076d83f75de244cb510e65483313.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Female Anchor: "It seems that no one has survived the helicopter crash but our hopes are still optimistic obviously the best case we want EVERYONE to be okay and get treated no matter how bad the injuries, but as of yet no one has a count on chopper survivors right Tom?"

Tom(Newscaster): "That's right Carol we've yet to receive a report on it and me myself I can only get so close I'm about 100 yards away from the actual crash site and from what I can see EMS is treating the road vehicle victims no one has seen any sign of any chopper survivors yet."

Carol(Anchor): "Well we will certainly keep our prayers and hopes up....um *pauses* ....what?...this is confirmed? Well we have breaking news once more to add on to this horrifying story it seems that Victoria Ramone, the victim who was bit by her husband Jose Ramone in the neck around an hour ago, her husband Jose attacked and bit another person, a paramedic just outside of a hospital in New Jersey, and now Police has shot and killed him in defense for themselves and for surrounding lives.

Jeff(Anchor): "My goodness" *shakes head* "What seems to be already a nightmare just keeps adding more and more terror. We can only hope for the best for Victoria and the other crew that were in the chopper... *background voices* ...okay do we have that now? Okay, so we're going to the ground with Tom as the new chopper flies overhead with the feed. Tom I hear they're pulling out the victims from the chopper."

~Phone shows split screen of Tom and the accident behind him, along with the overhead chopper feed~

Tom(Newscaster): "Yeah what you see behind me and on the live overhead feed is EMS and the Fire Dept. working to finish unhinging the chopper openings and pulling out the victims. So far I can see about three bodies pulled out of the debris and they don't seem to be moving. I cannot identify if one is Victoria or not and who's a crew member.... "*continues*

Scar: *looks on, glued into the screen* "This is fucking ridiculous...like crazy crazy.."

Me: "I know right..." *eyes stuck on screen*

Tom(Newscaster) *continuing* "....will say that there are casualties but no one is saying that there's not I speculate they're just trying to wrap their head around the situation first before any official report goes out." *shouts in the background* "Oh it seems we have some commotion behind me...I think one of the victims from the chopper is moving!!!"

~Overhead feed shows EMS converging in on one body as if to help stablize it~

Tom(Newscaster): "Yeah something is definitely going on" *approaches crash scene* "uhh I believe one of them is in fact alive and moving but perhaps he or she is in shock or suffering from some type of seizure because now many paramedics are coverging on the person um..."*voice gets louder* "Yeah! Something is happening!" *paramedics starts yelling, shouting for police* "Now they're yelling for police! We're trying to get close enough without being in the way but it seems the victim is panicking over what may have happened or experiencing trauma! "

~Overhead feed shows a crowd of paramedics and NYPD surrounding someone in what seems to be a panic. The camera zooms in on the crowd of officers to see that NYPD pull a paramedic away who's holding his right shoulder, and the rest of the crowd holding down a paramedic in a neon yellow vest detaining him as he moves rapidly. The paramedic holding his shoulder lays down while being treated. Camera zooms out.~

Jeff(Anchor): "Our new feed has to now zoom out for the integrity of our viewers but what it seems like now is that a paramedic in the chopper has indeed survived but maybe out of shock has inadvertantly attacked one of the other paramedics here on the ground...police and EMS and now joined by firemen are trying to calm and sustain the victim. And as you can see a paramedic that has been hurt in the shoulder there is off being treated by more paramedics to the side."

Tom(Newscaster): "Yeah it's getting absolutely hectic down here police have told us to stay back from what I've seen a surviving paramedic did in fact panic and attack a fellow paramedic trying to tend to his injuries, the attacking paramedic is now detained and held in the back of that ambulance right there" *points* "I think he may have scratched or maybe bruised the helping paramedic's shoulder...."*looks in the distance* "and now we can see even more EMS and police coming in I see choppers from Roosevelt Hospital, NYPD, and other news stations coming into the crash site airspace haven't see anything like it in a very very long time!"

Carol(Anchor) "Tom....Tom we're going to have to cut you off momentarily we have more now on the other side of this news story following Victoria Ramone's husband Jose Ramone who was shot and killed after attacking yet another victim it seems that the paramedic that he attacked, a 28 year old David Lance has now been admitted to Palisades Medical Center where he went on record to say that Jose did in fact bite him as well, and now judging by the wound and symptoms, may be a case of rabies that Jose has spread to himself, meaning that potentially Victoria could have them."

Me: "Jesus Christ!"

Scar: "No way..." *mouth wide open*

~People on the train begin to look at us in curiosity~

Scar: "Freaking RABIES?? Are you serious?"

Me: *connects dots* "Sooo...if Jose spread it through bite that mean Victoria has it, and maybe somehow she acted out and that was the cause for the heli crash..?"

Scar: "Absolutely a possibility. My goodness. Call your mom."

Me: *nods, exits out of the video feed and pulls up Biosciences department. Presses CALL*

[phone rings]

Hope: Biomedical this is Hope.

Me: "Mum turn on the news. The helicopter that crashed they think Victoria's husband gave her rabies police shot and killed him in Jersey after he bit a paramedic, the paramedic is at the hospital right now, and a survivor from the helicopter crash just attacked a paramedic here...."

Hope: Oh my word!!! Are you serious right now??

Me: "YES MUM."

**people begin to look at me**

Hope: Well if it's Rabies then it's going to be some protocols here for sure....what channel?

Me: "I used CBS New York...." *looking at Scar*

Hope: Okay, well I'll have to turn it on when I can I'm still overseeing some tests right now.

Me: "Okay, Mum please be careful. Rabies is no joke."

Hope: You're talking to a Master's biochemist babe I'll be okay, where are you now?

Me: "On the train back to campus"

Hope: Okay text me when you get there.

Me: "Okay, if they fly in people from that incident be on the lookout okay?

Hope: Yes, I hear you. Relax, go home, and enjoy your day leave this to us. Love you.

Me: "Love you too mum, bye" *hangs up*

Scar: "What'd she say!?" *anxious*

Me: "She said she'll be on the lookout, and to just relax.."

Scar: "Good advice, but it's just so terrible though." *sigh*

**most of people are looking at Scar and I**

Me: "People looking at us like we're crazy."

Scar: "So what, we're informed. They're curious. Don't stress it."

Me: "I wasn't." *takes out phone, sends a text to dad* -> 'Hey, mum might be working late tonight because of a big incident between NJ/NY. Some woman got bit by her husband and he attacked a paramedic in NJ and was shot and killed, the paramedic thinks it's rabies. The woman was being flow to NY Presbyterian but it crashed into highway 9A. EMS, police, Fire dept everywhere. Don't worry we're all ok it's only in the area up

on 12th avenue.'

Conductor: "Prince St. Station coming up next stop....repeat, Prince St. Station coming up next stop."​



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Denis finds somewhere to sit, not undoing the boy, and opens his duffel bag to search for food. He was in an alley, open only towards the streets, where he can keep an eye out for danger. Jayden is crying now, complaining about how scared he is. "It'll be alright." Denis doesn't speak very often, as he has made a vow of silence some time ago, and Jayden never heard him speak. His calm voice, sounding sure of the situation seemed to calm Jayden as the boy accepted an open can of beans from the man. Denis closes his eyes so he can think, relying on his hearing, and maybe even going to sleep. From his training and in the field, he has, on two occasions, slept in the field, surrounded by enemies, waking himself up when slight suspicious sounds were heard. This was no different, and even with the child, Denis doesn't feel like he's taking a risk.

[wails of fear, chaos, and peril fill the Big Apple, as it gives a distinct impression of ultimate turmoil]

Me: *looking into the mass of terror before me, locked in on one specific thing that brings me absolute pain and horror*

Man: "HEEEEEYYYYY!!!!!" *shuffles through the crowd* "DESTINYYYYYY!!!! MOOOOVE NOW!!!"

Me: *Zones voice out*

~The explosion of a car against a mountain of scrap metal breaches my hearing~

Me: *flinches a bit, but remains staring into the chaos...*

Man: *sees two slow creeping, bloody pedestrians limp up behind me* "Shit! Destiny MOVE!!!" *raises SCAR assault rifle*

Me: *ignores all surrounding sounds, focuses on object*

-----------------------------------------------------TWO AND A HALF HOURS EARLIER--------------------------------------------------

~Getting off of the train at Prince St. Station, Scar and I make out way back to campus~

Me: "Well, I feel sorry for the poor people who's in that traffic" *shakes head, moving down steps*

Scar: "Huh! Who're you telling!? They're not even going to be able to MOVE until like 6ish."

Scar: *picks up vibrating phone and answers call* "Hello...?.....Oh hi Tommy! OMG I HAVE to tell you about this craaaaazy incident that's going down right now......heck yeah....okay, so it started like..."

[Phone vibrates]

Me: *checks phone*

~1 new message, 4 others replied to your tweet!~

Me: *checks messages* -> From: Kanine - 'I seen your tweet about that woman, that's crazy have you seen her yet?' - 4:03PM

Me: *replies* => 'No I'm gone now they're still at the crash site. I'm walking back to Carlyle with Scar. I'm just gonna pack my clothes for tonight and come over and get ready there okay? Then after I hang with the girls, I'll spend the night if that's okay.'

Scar: *on the phone* "......Yeah, like shot him DEAD because he attacked a paramedic. They think he had rabies....." *laughs* "yes like rabies rabies...." *looks at me and shakes her head*

Me: *laughs, feels my phone vibrate in my pocket* "Uggh, who is this?" *takes phone out*

~Text message from: Kanine -> 'Heeeeeeck yeah that's okay, I got something for you anyways ;) ' - 4:06PM~

Me: *scoffs and rolls eyes at message, replies* => 'Umhmmm lol'

Scar: *talking* "....yeah over on Highway 9A right over 12th avenue, the scene is crazy I kind of want to go over there..."

Me: *at Scar* "Uhh...bullcrap! That's like neverending traffic, and a chance at being turned into a blood crazed animal! haha!"

Scar: "Ha, yeah night of the living dead: the new york minute."

Me: "eww....terrible title" *laughs*

Scar: *gives me the bird* "Oh, Tommy says hi"

Me: "Tell him I said hello, and to work on his post play hahah..."

Scar: "....he totally heard you!" *laughs*

Me: "GOOD!" *chuckles*


~Horns from Ambulances fill the air as they get louder and louder, EMS drives by at blazing speeds heading north. NYPD Lower Manhattan joins in right behind them.~

Me: *looks at emergency vehicles*

Scar: *looks at emergency vehicles and puts finger over ear to hear Tommy*

Me: "THINK THEY'RE GOING UP TO 9A??" *talking over sirens*

Scar: "PROBABLY." *nods*

Me: *sends a text to Mum* => 'Hey I'm almost back now, text me details when you can about what's going on there, oh I text dad too told him you could stay late. '

[phone vibrates repeatedly]

Me: *looks at phone to see a incoming call from Kanine* *presses ANSWER.*

Me: "Ello?"

Kanine: Hey, what's up?

Me: "Nothing just coming up to Carlyle, whatchu' doin' ?"

Kanine: Cleaning up a bit, so what time are you coming over here?

Me: "Umm I mean, I can pack my stuff in like 5 minutes when I get up to my dorm and then just come over after that. So like, 30 minutes? Or is that too soon?"

Kanine: Of course not, half an hour is fine. What time are you all going out?

Me: "Around like 6ish, we'll probably grab more food then head out after. And I should be back at your place arounnnnd.....like....1ish? Cool?"

Kanine: Okay, that's fine. So that means I got an hour and some change with you before you head out...

Me: "Yeah....? hahah"

Kanine: Ohhhh nothing....

Me: *shakes head* "Goodness. Contain yourself, madman."

Kanine: *chuckles*

Me: "Well I'm about to get ready, I'll text when I'm in Times Square okay?"

Kanine: Alright, fine by me. See you soon.

Me: "Later gater." *hangs up*

Scar: "Yeah, and you guys aren't going out? Umph."

Me: "Ahhh phooey. Shush it."

Scar: *walks up to Carlyle Court and scans ID to enter dormitory, holds door open for me*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Dorm.jpg.b5fb1ef1a2b79647caa536fc455a6a9b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26522" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Dorm.jpg.b5fb1ef1a2b79647caa536fc455a6a9b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: "Why thank you." *enters in*

~In the dorm lobby, the television shows a CNN report on the Victoria Ramone incident. The TV shows Highway 9A and most of the debris being cleared out of the way, but a swarm of NYPD flooding the streets blocking all of the lanes surrounding the helicopter. NTSB vehicles arrive from the north and set up a perimeter about half a mile up.~

Scar: *presses elevator button*


CNN anchor: "....yes yes it seems that they did end up detaining them, uhh I believe severe shock to the system has hit all of these poor individuals it's really really a sad case what turns out to be a miracle in having 4 of the chopper passengers recovered, 2 of them have now attacked paramedics and NYPD officers, now the NYPD and all of the crew down there are giving them the benefit of the doubt because of the tragic incident they've just been through, but what exactly is causing these individuals to just up and attack?"

Ground reporter: "Now that we have no information of all of this is really strange indeed, um again this is the 2nd incident in which a person affiliated with Victoria Ramone has attacked an individual and remember Jose Ramone attacked two individuals; Victoria his wife, and a Jersey paramedic David Lance..." *continues*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/crash2.png.b9303cd129da81ddbe8adfcc77e1b715.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26521" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/crash2.png.b9303cd129da81ddbe8adfcc77e1b715.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


~Elevator door opens~

Scar: "More chaos.." *shakes head* "I'll be ready when they get all that mess settled..." *steps into elevator*

Me: "You and me both holmes." *enters elevator*

~Elevator closes and rides up to my room floor~

Scar: "Something tells me your mom is going to be busy, NYPD probably is going to call her for an expert approach to the responses of shock to the body or something..."

Me: "More money for us..." *smirks*

~Elevator door opens to my floor~


Scar: *walks to room*

Me: *follows* "So hey what are you gonna do while I'm at Kanine's?"

Scar: "Nooo idea, probably shower and get ready, it's already 4:19 so by the time I shower and get fully ready 6 will be right around the corner..."

Me: "True. Will you call Joan? I'm sure your phone has more charge..." *looks at battery status*

~Battery: 21%~

Scar: "Yeah sure. I got this fool!" *gangster gestures* *pulls out keys and unlocks door*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c0145fcd6_CarlyleCourt.jpg.12b2d213604befd596d3688c05adb85d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26520" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c0145fcd6_CarlyleCourt.jpg.12b2d213604befd596d3688c05adb85d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Scar: "Hooooommmmeee!!!" *jumps on bed*

Me: "Hahah" *grabs backpack and empties books, begins to open closet for fancy clothes*

Scar: "You're leaving me" *makes sad face*

Me: "I'll see you in 90 minutes doosch!" *sticks tongue out at Scar*

Scar: "Might want ta take your team outfit...you're going to be doing some workouts tonight with Kanine if ya know what I mean." *winks*

Me: "Ugh, yeah right." *picks up NYU track suit and folds it up, places on bed*

Scar: "Oooooooh let's go to Breslin!! British cuisine tap into your roots! Ehh? Ehh? Plus I heard their food is to DIE FOR."

Me: "Yeah, Breslin IS good mum eats there all the time. The seafood is awesome." *putting dress into backpack, along with soap, washcloth, perfume, lotion, toothbrush and toothpaste, high heels, and necklaces*

Scar: "Okay, so Breslin and then....Jazz Standard?" *grabs phone*

Me: "Yepp"


~33rd Street, Korea Town~


Lacey: "Ugh!!! GOOOOOOOO!!!!! *beeps horn* "I'm never driving again I swear...."

~Lacey's car radio goes to commercial~

Radio: "95.5 coming in live with the hottest rock and pop hits all day everyday, uhh alot of things going down right now if you haven't heard of the incident of Victoria Ramone you need to either hit Google or turn on the news. Victoria was bit in the neck by her husband who was later shot and killed for biting ANOTHER victim a freaking paramedic!!! The chopper she was on crashed onto John DiMaggio over 12th ave and now it is just a massive CRAZY scene out there so anyone thinking on taking 9A, DON'T. EMS, PD, Fire Dept, NTSB, what have you all are out there right now man so please drive safe and watch the skies. Another crazy thing is we looked about 30 minutes ago a similar situation happened in Chicago where a homeless man was bit and attacked by a strange woman, and even down in Atlanta where police arrested a man for biting his co worker in the arm....listen I don't what's going on in today's world but please stop the violence and cannibalism! Don't do drugs the whole nine!" *background laughs* "haha I'm serious guys it's ridiculous! Time is now is 4:25PM we'll be back with more hits after these messages..."

Lacey: "Jesus....that's crazy" *grabs head, honks horn* "GOOOOOO!!!!"



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(You can go ahead and post until the outbreak. I'm just going to have my toon hang out until our times catch up, as I'm into the outbreak and you're still slightly ahead of it. If that's cool?)
((okay sorry I'm literally a post away from first incident)) 

~33rd Street, Korea Town~

Lacey: "Uggggh!! What's the hold up!? This is ludicrous!" *beeps horn aggresively*

~Car in front of Lacey gives her the bird~

Lacey: "Asshole..." *leans back in chair*

[shouts begin to emerge from an alleyway to the left]

~People begin to run out from alleyway as bursts of gunshots go off~

Lacey: *screams* "AHH! OH MY GOD!!" *ducks in seat*

Korean: *screams* "Ackf!!" *bullets pierce through his chest, arm, and leg as he falls to the ground*

Lacey: "OH GOD OH GOD..." *dials 911* *rings*

911: 911 what's your emergency?


911: Calm down ma'am where are you?

Lacey: "In my car on the street!! I'm ducked down in my seat so they can't see me..." *voice gets quieter*

911: Okay ma'am just stay down Police has been dispatched. I need you to stay secure where you are unless you see a better hiding place.

Lacey: "Uhm.." *tears up, sniffles* "No...I'm going to stay right here.."

911: Okay and what's your name?

Lacey: "Lacey Sullivan, I'm a Junior at NYU..."

911: Ok Ms. Sullivan just remain calm okay NYPD is on the way.

Lacey: "I don't hear anything anymore...." *peeks up*

911: Ok ma'am just remain down okay?

Lacey: "No one's around...a few people running away from the scene....Oh my God he's not moving!!!" *looking at Korean* "Oh God no I think he's dead...." *cries*

911: Just remain where you are don't leave the car just stay hidden okay? Ma'am? Ms. Sullivan?

Lacey: *slowly opens the door, creeps out the car* *stares at body*

Korean Man: *moves slightly*

Lacey: "Oh God!" *rushes to Korean man* "He's alive! He's moving slightly!!! *To 911 operator*

911: I told you not to leave the car Ms. Sullivan...

Lacey: "Forget that he's alive!!" *sniffles, tears streaming* "Hey you okay? *kneels beside Korean man*

Korean Man: "Graaaagh..." *moves slightly*

Lacey: "Don't talk okay? Uhm....just stay still..." *looking for wounds*

911: What can you see Ms. Sullivan?

Lacey: "He's bleeding all over the place....he looks about 30 something, black suit on with white button up and black tie...."

911: Is he on his back?

Lacey: "On his side....he's moving slowly" *looks for gunshot wounds*

Korean Man: "Waaaaaghhhh...." *grabbing Lacey's shoulder*

Lacey: "It's okay I'm he--" *stops when she looks into his cold, white eyes*

Korean Man: *bites Lacey in the side of the mouth*


911: Ma'am? Ms. Sullivan what's happening?? Ma'am?? *background speaking* Yeah she yelled and now she's not saying anything. Ms. Sullivan if you can hear me hang on NYPD is on the way along with EMS.

Lacey: *coughs up blood, choking on it*

Korean Man: *climbs on top of Lacey, and resumes eating the flesh off of her face*


~Carlyle Court Dorms, NYU~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c01515997_CarlyleCourt.jpg.2e9da86ffe8475bb66d97e1cea73b397.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26556" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c01515997_CarlyleCourt.jpg.2e9da86ffe8475bb66d97e1cea73b397.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: "Okay...so I have everything set. What time do you think you'll be there to pick me up?"

Scar: "Uhh let's do 6:15. That sound good?"

Me: "Alrighty. It's a date!" *smiles*

Scar: "Don't give it up too easy now...." *smirks at me*

Me: *glances at Scar* "Shutup." *equips backpack and grabs purse*

Scar: "Later gater." *waves, gets up to take shower*

Me: "See you." *closes door and walks down the hall, looking at Lacey's room as I pass* "Gahh, she's always so quiet in there....would it kill her to get out and do something...?" *Thinks on how next time I should invite her out*

Me: *presses elevator button*


~Elevator door opens, and I enter~

Me: *checks phone*

~Warning -- 20% Battery remaining.~

Me: *walks out of elevator to see the Resident Assistants and a few other students focused into the TV*

NJ Anchor: "...about the attacks in question all that we have so far is that all residents are being evacuated from the south New Jersey area in wake of these vicious attacks, if you ask me I'd say that the attack from Union City resident Jose Ramone earlier today is what sparked this panic because now David Lance, the paramedic that was bit by Ramone was pronounced dead in the hospital but then moments later witnesses reported that Lance got BACK up, and attacked a nurse there in the hospital. Now SWAT is here, we don't know if anyone has contacted the CDC or any federal agencies but this is definitely something chaotic..."

Me: *gasps* "Oh God....." *slowly shakes head*

CNN Reporter: "Absolutely terrifying news I just can't believe it all day we've been hearing reports about the Ramones and now even more choas in this after math a New Jersey city is being quarantined for a suspected viral threat now believed to be rabies spread from Jose Ramone this is pretty serious we ask if you are in the Union City area please evacuate at once....and now going back to our feed over in New York where the chopper crash containing Victoria Ramone is we can see that NTSB, NYPD, and mainly EMS flood the scene all reporters have been asked to stay back as the chopper crash victims are showing the same symptoms. We can only suspect that a quarantine will be initiated for that as well...."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/newsNJ.jpg.a821f2f40192f00d80f11c28696f9552.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/newsNJ.jpg.a821f2f40192f00d80f11c28696f9552.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~TV feed shows the incident of the crash, where a few bodybags are layed out on the pavement and Ambulances and NYPD units cover both sides of the highway for a mile radius.~

Male Student: "That is so scary..."

Female Student: "I know!"

Me: "We've been following this all day...my mum works at the hospital Victoria was being flown to.."

Male Student: "Oh yeah!?" *looks in interest*

Female Student: "Really!?" *looks surprised*

Me: "Yeah, this is getting out of hand. Freaking rabies!?"

Female Student: "I know it almost makes me scared to leave out!" *picking up clothes basket*

Me: "I need to call my mum..." *walks out dialing NY Presbyterian*

Female Student: "Be careful!"

Male Student: "Yeah be safe! You need an escort to where you're going?"

Me: "No thanks I'm fine thank you though!" *phone to my ear, rings*

Me: "Come on pick up...."

Man: NY Presbyterian this is Larry.

Me: "Hi Mr. Larry it's Destiny is my mum around?"

Larry: Oh hey Destiny uhh your mom's kind of busy right now there's a lot going on today. Can I have her call you back?

Me: "Is it about the rabies outbreak?? The people in the crash?"

Larry: A part of it, yeah, but listen I'll have her call you FIRST thing okay?

Me: "Okay thanks...."

Larry: Alrighty take care Des.

Me: "Bye..." *hangs up, concerned*

Me: *sends a text to Scar* => 'Hey turn on to CNN NOW. They're saying that Union City is quarantined for rabies, and that north NYC is next...'

Me: *walks on to the train station in a rush*

Me: *sends text to Mum* => 'Hey just checking on you call me when you can.' *sends texts to Norty, Dad* => 'So Union City, NJ has been quarantined for rabies because of that man that bit his wife in the neck....now maybe north NY too bc that's where the heli crashed and victims are attacking people...'

[Phone vibrates right after texts are sent]

Me: *sees Scar contact, answers* "Hello?"

Scar: OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! It's a freaking virus!? People are attacking people like they're infected or something!?

Me: "Crazy right?, they still on the news report?"

Scar: Heck yeah it says 'viral outbreak in NJ, NY' soooo I definitely need to call my fam and make sure they're okay...

Me: "How far from Union City are they in Jersey?"

Scar: Like, an hour! I need to tell them if they don't know already.

Me: "Yeah definitely do that and then hit me up and let me know if they're good okay?"

Scar: Okay, later. *hangs up*

Me: "My goodness." *scoffs* "I might leave town for the weekend!!!" *walks fast*

~In the far distance in the skies I can see several helicopters flying north~

Me: "Yeah...this is reDONKulous...." *looking up*

[Phone rings]

~I look down to see BRENDA calling so I answer~

Me: "Yo"

Brenda: Hey, what's up?

Me: "Nothing on my way to Kanine's place, trying to get away from all this rabies mess..."

Brenda: Wait what?

Me: "You haven't seen the news? south NJ is being evacuated, and now maybe north NYC"

Brenda: Whooooa....so wait are you leaving the city?

Me: "No, I'm going to Times Square to see Kanine for a bit then we're SUPPOSED to be going out tonight..."

Brenda: Who?

Me: "Joan, Scarlet, and myself."

Brenda: Ahh, wait haha what if they like quarantine the city and you can't get out? Oooooooh *dramatic noise*

Me: "Uhhh, don't say that because it's serious here..."

Brenda: Ah I'm just joking..

Me: "I might just stay in tonight..."

Brenda: Hey, I don't blame you...better safe than sorry kid.

Me: "Yeah...in fact I need to hit everyone up I'll hit you back okay?"

Brenda: Ok chick, cool. Later.

Me: "Later." *hangs up and goes to messaging. Sends chain text* => To: Joan, Scar, Kanine, Mummy - 'Hey, I think I'm just gonna stay, this rabies stuff looks pretty serious and I'll just wait until it clears up.'

Me: *walks up the steps to train rails*

~All people waiting for the train talk about the small outbreak amongst themselves~

[Yeah...I heard they're going to seal off Highway 9A...They say that it's like a contagious virus...I wonder if the military will be here..]

Me: *looks on, trying to ignore. Thinks about my mom*

[sounds of clicking metal and an engine gets louder]

~Train D pulls up to the station, as a crowd of passengers rush out of the train~

Me: *going through crowd* "Excuse me....sorry....excuse me...coming through.." *finds a seat on the train and sits*

[phone vibrates]

Me: *checks phone and sees two new messages* -> From: Scar - 'Yeah that's fine, makes sense. Are you coming back here?' - 4:42PM

-> From: Kanine - 'Stay over here?' - 4:42PM

Me: *replies* => To: Kanine - 'Yes, so we'll have all day if you'd like'

=>To: Scar - 'No, I'll be at Kanine's'

~Incoming text from Joan -> 'Ohhhh okay, that's fine! Some other time then' - 4:43PM~

Me: *looks at red battery icon to see that phone energy is at 18%*

[the sound of sirens began to fill the hearing over the rumbling of the train]

Me: *looks out the window to find the source of the sounds*

~The population of the train converges to the right side windows and begins to look out into an array of EMS and NYPD, a police chopper hovers overhead of what appears to be around Koreatown~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/koreatown.jpg.52fc7be7fa2394382910aad7c0290a1d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/koreatown.jpg.52fc7be7fa2394382910aad7c0290a1d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: *jumps up and puts face inches from glass, looking in shock* "Oh no....no no no..."

[The train fills with chatter from the NY citizens of suspicion and bewilderment.]

Me: *sees about 10 or so NYPD cars, 4 EMS ambulances, CSI vans, an NYPD chopper overhead, and a Roosevelt hospital chopper flying in* "Oh hell no...nope". *opens phone screen*

~2 new messages, battery 17%~

Me: *checks messages* -> From: Kanine - 'Yayyyy!' - 4:46PM

->From: Scar - 'Okay, if you need me hit me up.' -4:45PM

Me: *replies Scar* => 'Yoooooooo!!!! I think it's reached Koreatown!!! Police and EMS are sprawling out there!!'

[sirens fade as the train passes through, but the chatter still remains]

Me: "Oh God..." *closes eyes, thinking about what's happening* "Uugh it's always something...." *rests eyes*


Conductor: "Arriving at the Rockefeller Center stop....repeat arriving at the Rockefeller Center stop,"

Me: *opens eyes, seeing that I dozed off on the train. Scooting up in my seat, I grab my purse and prepare to exit*

~Train D opens up to Midtown NYC, where I exit along with a crowd of people out into the vast urban life of New York City~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/rockefeller-center-new-york.jpg.b436bd2a29441f90f63a7cd58bae3b54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26559" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/rockefeller-center-new-york.jpg.b436bd2a29441f90f63a7cd58bae3b54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: *begins to walk to Radio City Apartments, calls Kanine*

Kanine: Hello

Me: "Hi I just got off of D I'll be there in about 2 minutes okay?"

Kanine: Okay baby I'll see you when you get here.

Me: "Okay, later." *hangs up*

[phone rings]

Me: *looks to see MUMMY is calling, answers* "Hey Mum..."

Hope: Hey, you call?

Me: "Yeah I heard it was busy there because of that incident."

Hope: Yeah it's gotten hectic I've been sending dosage and chemical treatments to the ICU...they said that whatever it is is driving them rabid so I want you to stay indoors tonight.

Me: "I am I sent you messages, we're not going out."

Hope: Okay well my phone is in my locker so I can't see them right now. Where are you? I hear alot of people...

Me: "I'm on my way to Kanine's place I'm going to stay there until this clears up."

Hope: Oh...be careful now Destiny.

Me: "I am mum, have you heard from dad or Norty?

Hope: No not yet I'll talk to Norton tonight after work. I'll sign your application tonight also and fax it tomorrow.

Me: "Okay, well I was just calling to see what was up."

Hope: Oh okay, well I'll call you after all this, or have your dad to.

Me: "Okay."

Hope: Talk to you later, bye.

Me: "Bye."

*hangs up, comes up on 48th street. A line of NYPD units blockade 48th street and Americas avenue*


~Stacks of traffic clog up Americas ave and 48th st. Cars moving feet at a time and an abundance of vehicle horns, swearing, and shouting rampage the streets.~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/5289.jpg.e9ba6f0b527d8f067bb0fd883b129398.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26555" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/5289.jpg.e9ba6f0b527d8f067bb0fd883b129398.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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(It's already dark for my character, maybe around 7-8 pm, so you can post until you get there, otherwise I'm just going to continue to keep posting hours ahead of yours.)

((you could rp your current time of 7-8PM dealing with walkers until I get to that timeframe?))

Me: "The hell...?" *looking confused*


~NYPD line the streets directing all cars and pedestrians to the south. Cars and swarms of people begin to back up for about half a mile from mu location~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/blockade.jpg.60b0d98ddae7e9876231c6a2ec6d0a46.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26584" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/blockade.jpg.60b0d98ddae7e9876231c6a2ec6d0a46.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: *walks down to the sidewalk, and shuffles against the current of the crowd with hardship. I approach one of the NYPD officers directing side traffic.* "Hey excuse me officer, where I'm going is literally right up the street it's Radio City Apartments, is there anyway I can get by..?"

NYPD Officer: "Sorry miss no one can go north past 48th street that's orders you have to divert south until otherwise notified."

Me: "We're talking about yards away here officer please that's where my shelter is..."

NYPD Officer: *shaking head* "Sorry you gotta keep moving miss, that'a'way" *points south* "Maybe you can hitch a ride with a friend to somewhere but anything north of 48th is off limits."

Me: "But why? The outbreak is up on 12th, and maybe in Koreatown why block off 48th?"

NYPD: "Can't answer anymore you gotta keep moving." *turns me around*

Me: "Ugh.." *begins walking south, pulls phone out, calls Kanine*

[phone rings]

Kanine: I'm coming down now...

Me: "No, babe they're saying I can't get past 48th. Some kind of blockade and city wide curfew/evacuation is going down.."

Kanine: What?? I mean I heard the sirens but I didn't know it was because of THAT.

Me: "What do I do? I'm going to go to Cosi and wait ok? Do you want to meet me there?"

Kanine: Yes, definitely babe I'll come get you. I'm leaving out the door right now. I can hear a lot of people in the background...

Me: "Heck yeah, it's everyone from Rockefeller Center, plus the trains, plus the pedestrians already out and walking...maybe like 600 of us out here. Maybe more."

Kanine: Damn, well head to Cosi I'll see you there.

Me: "Okay, later"
*hangs up, walks with the crowd*

[NYPD sirens and the loudspeaker from the intersection controls the sound of the area all around me. My ears being to pop from the overhaul of noise around me]

Me: *digs in ear, looks up in a clear, blue sky. I spot a helicopter in the sky in the distance. It seems to be changing directions from north to east back and forth. It draws closer*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/fallcopter.jpg.b5caffd694cbb9fdc5dc35badccfd771.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26589" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/fallcopter.jpg.b5caffd694cbb9fdc5dc35badccfd771.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: *sends a text to Scar* => 'Duuuuude they are calling for a city curfew! They blocked 48th I can't even get to K's place! I'm going to Cosi to wait there. Stay in lol.'

[the slight sound of a chopper joins in with the NYC ruckus]

Me: *keeps walking, looking up at the chopper. It begins to rock back and forth* "Whoa whoa....what the heck!?..." *sees the white and red colors of the chopper, instantly connects the dots* "Ohhhh that's the Roosevelt chopper from Koreatown!"

~Slowly but surely the crowd begins to take heed of the unruly chopper wavering in the air. People begin to slow down and point upwards towards the helicopter~

Citizen1: *points* "Oh my God look at that..."

Citizen2: *looks up* "He'd better get that baby under control eh?"

~The helicopter begins to sway violently now, spinning out of control and descending towards my location...~

Citizen1: "It's going to crash!!!" *points up*

Woman: "Everyone MOVE!!"

[screams and shouts fill the streets in slight panic. The crowd disperses into the nearest building they can find. the sound of the chopper gets louder and louder.]

Me: "Oh shit!" *moves to clear off the street, but constantly runs into person after person amongst a vast crowd.*

~Helicopter begins spinning more and more violently and faster. It heads straight for the middle of 48th street....creepishly close to my location. The uniform crowd disperses and runs in many different directions~

[shouts and clash of voices continue]


Me: *gets to the sidewalk under a roof cover, and looks out at the chopper*

Man: "Hey! Miss get out of the way!" *grabs my arm*

Me: *I get pulled over into an alleyway, I jerk my arm away* "I'm fine! Get off of me" *glares at man*

[sound of spinning helicopter gets pouder and louder, screams of pedestrians still scouring off the streets emerge.]

Me: "No......" *looks at falling chopper*

~Chopper spins one final time as it crashes into the side of a building high up near the roof. It crashes on my side of the street about a block away~


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/crash4.jpg.cf13319a4ea168b5768c62346efb674f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26585" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/crash4.jpg.cf13319a4ea168b5768c62346efb674f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~The fiery debris falls downward to the street, where it lands on a couple of vehicles, causing them to catch on fire.~

[cries of females and scared children surround the area, interrupted by the loudspeaker of the NYPD]


Me: " Holy crap....holy crap this is insane..."*takes out phone and calls Kanine*

Kanine: Hello?

Me: *covering other ear* "Kanine!!! Don't come to Cosi!! Don't come to 48th street! It's been another chopper crash it's crazy here everyone'r running EVERYWHERE!!!"

Kanine: What? Hey hey baby slow down what's going on?

Me: "A chopper crashed into a building and it's on fire 48th is closed...we're all going back down Americas Avenue towards Times Square....this is CRAZY!"

Kanine: Oh my God are you serious!? Okay, stay on the phone with me, how far down America are you?

Me: "I just turned off of 48th.....look my phone battery is low and I need to call my mum and let her know where I am...." *talking over ruckus*

Kanine: Okay PLEASE PLEASE call me back okay? I'm coming to America ave right now!

Me: "Okay I will I'll call you back okay?" *over noise*

Kanine: Okay bae....

Me: *hangs up and dials NY Presbyterian Biosciences* "Come on mum.....come on come on....."

NY Pres: Hi you have reached New York Presbyterian Biosciences division, we are unable to take your call at this time. Please leave a message and we will return yor call when convenient. *beeps*

Me: "Ugh" *hangs up, calls Scar* "Pleeeeease..."

Scar: Heyya.

Me: "Scar, can you come pick me up!? Another chopper crashed literally yards away from me the city is under curfew and we're walking southbound on Americas ave....I can't get past 48th to Kanine's..."


Me: "I'm fine, I'm fine Scar okay? The NY Post is on my right I'm heading toward 47th......"

Scar: Got my keys I'm on the way meet on 46th and America okay? Stay there until I get there I'm running to my car now. *wind blows in phone*

Me: "Okay, I'll keep my battery for you it's getting low!"

Scar: Kay, coming bye! *hangs up*

Me: *looks at phone*

~5:03PM, battery: 16%~

Me: *looks around at the horde of people swarming south.* "Goodness gracious how did this happen to meeeee....." *sighs* *looks up near Times Square where several news and NYPD choppers hover overhead*

Me: *sends text to: Mummy, Dad, Norty* => 'I'm stuck in an crowd control type thing. we're moving south on Americas ave Scar is picking me up but whatever this thing is is hitting NYC. We're on citywide curfew smh this is crazy.'

~Hordes of people continue to move down along america avenue, I pass many corporate and professional buildings that seem to be sealing off windows and closing blinds. Residence buildings seem to take as many people as they can, I just continue to walk. And walk....and walk~

Me: *looks and sees the 46th street sign coming up*

[roars amongst the crowd gets louder than usual. Violent shouting and running commences as the crowd behind me pushes into my back]

Me: "Hey!!! What the?" *stumbles, looks back and sees the crowd running away from something in the distant background* *begins to speed up with the crowd* "What's going on!?!" *to the person behind me*

Man in suit: "I don't know we need to get off of the street!"


~One car one into the back of another as a pile up begins~

Me: *looking at the traffic* "Hoooooly...."

NYPD Officer: "Let's move! go go go!!!" *directing pedestrians*

~Pedestrians speed up as the NYPD rolls up to the pile up~

[screams of people can be heard in the near distance]

Me: *looking back to see the source of screams*

NYPD Offcier: "Hey.....Hey!!!! Back off! Get off of her!"

Me: *looking back through the crowd of panic at the officer*

NYPD Officer: *fires gun at something*

[POP!! POP!! Roars fill the air as full scale panic commences]

Me: "OH SHIT!" *sprints away towards 46th st*

~A tsumani of pedestrians follow me, the ones in front break order and scatter in many directions. NYPD converges to where the gunshots are being fired, as terror fills the bodies of the fleeing population.~

Me: *crosses the street and runs down Americas ave. I bolt pass 46th street and remembered that's where I meet Scar* "Shit" *looks back at the stampede of people swarming my way, and I run full speed towards them* "Agh! Scuse me! Coming through!!!" *jukes and eludes rampaging pedestrians*

~I come into street view of 46th street, looking down that street into a vast assortment of vehicle I search for a red Honda Accord.~

Me: "Come on Scar where are you??" *strides down 46th street*

NYPD: *distant* "Everyone stay calm!!! Move south NOW!!! Go Go!!! Stay in an orderly fashion!!!...."

Me: *sprinting down 46th street looking for a red honda accord* "Ugh" *posts up in front of Liberty Mutual and dials Scar*

NY Liberty Mutual Employee: "Hey lady!!! You gotta' get inside here come on it's dangerous out there!!" *to me*

Scar: *answers, but phone remains silent*

Me: "Scar!?......Scar answer me! Where are you??" *covers ear*


Me: *hangs up,
continues down 46th*

NY Liberty Mutual Employee: "Hey, what are you doing!?" *reaching out to me*

~NYPD choppers fly meters above our heads down 46th street. Sirens can be heard in the near distance, but not seen.~

[The shouts and disorientation of the crowd amplifies]

Me: "SCARLEEEETTT!!!" *searching*

~More shots can be heard in the distance behind me~

[POP! POP! POP!!!]

Me: *looks around to see most people clearing the street, a few remain on the ground injured* "Oh my goodness...." *runs up to one injured man* "Sir are you okay? Sir!?"

Injured man: *unresponsive*

Me: *dials 911*

911: [beep beep beep beep beep]

Me: "Are you freakin KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!?" *hangs up*

~Something touches my shoulder and grips as I'm unawared of its presence.~

Me: *jumps, instinctively grabs hand*

Scar: "Ow ow ow! Des it's ME!!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/ScarletRoomie.jpg.5a534a9a11ab12b5523503456a59d548.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26587" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/ScarletRoomie.jpg.5a534a9a11ab12b5523503456a59d548.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: *lets go* "Scar I'm so sorry!!!" *hugs* "Can we please leave!?"

Scar: "Traffic's blocked my car's back at Havana Central. I stood on it and miraculously I seen you. I heard gunshots Destiny what's happening!?"

Me: "I have no idea, they were telling us to find shelter and that a city wide curfew was happening then we heard shots and then we just start running.." *unknowingly starts talking fast*

Scar: "Hey, hey it's alright" *rubs my back, hugs me* "Come on let's head into Havana..."

Injured Man: *grabs my leg*

Me: !? "Sir are you okay??" *pulls leg away and squats down*

Injured Man: *opens eyes* "gwaaaahhh..."

Me: *eyes widen at the cold, death white eyes before me* *gasps*

Injured Man: *lunges for my legs*

Me: "Agh!!!" *shouts, scoots away*

Scar: "Hey calm down man!!! We're trying to help......" *stops when she sees his white eyes, slowly backs away* "Destiny....what is that...?"

Me: *backs away* "Uhh....a blind man that needs help maybe?"*shuttering*

Injured Man: *gets up and limps towards us*

Scar: "Then why is he walking right at us like he can see?"

Me: "Maybe he's daredevil...?" *face gets more shocked*

Injured Man: "Gwwwwwwwaaaagah...." *reaches out for us*

~Suddenly a crowd member still running bumps into the injured man and knocks him down, he goes back to help him up~

Runner: "Oh God! I'm so sorry..." *helps injured man up*

Me: "Hey be careful..! Something's wr--" *cut short*

Scar: "No no he's acting str--"*cut short*

Injured Man: *grips runner and bites him in his chest*


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/bite.jpg.021e67f9b43a920c0b3621425b6459fc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26583" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/bite.jpg.021e67f9b43a920c0b3621425b6459fc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Scar: *screams, runs*

Me: "Hey!!!" *kicks injured man off of runner* "Oh my God...!"

Runner: "Agh....agh.....grr..." *looking down at blood seeping wound*

Me: "We need to get you into--" *interrupted by Scar*

Scar: *drags me away* "Come on, we're LEAVING!!! He's got rabies now and you're not getting them!!!"

Me: "We can't just leave him Scarlet!!!" *pulling away*

Runner: "Agh, please help.."

Injured Man: *grapples runner from behind, biting him in the neck and taking him down*


Me: *scream* "HOLY SHIT!!!" *runs*

Scar: *screams and runs*

Me: "Your car! Go to your car!"

Scar: *runs in the street down towards her honda, dodging stationary vehicles*

Me: *follows Scar, jumping and leaping on top of cars*


~Military choppers zoom overhead and converge north towards the initial incident~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/militarychoppers.jpg.1929411323f946e28f612eb902c3163b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26586" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/militarychoppers.jpg.1929411323f946e28f612eb902c3163b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: *looks up at the choppers*

Scar: "Des COME ONNN!!!!" *motioning to her*

Me: *continues down the middle of the street on top of cars*

Scar: "I see it!!" *closes in on car*

Me: *spots 2004 red honda accord* "Me too!!!"

Scar: *unlocks door, gets in*

Me: *hops down off of cars and gets in passenger seat* "Soooo.....I'm pretty sure the police is occupied with this curfew......take the sidewalk..."

Scar: "What!?" *looks at me surprised*

Me: "Take that alleyway over there!!" *points across the street at a moderate size alley* "You can get off on another street and go back to campus."

Scar: *sighs* "uhhhh....."

Me: "You wanna stay here in this shit and get infected?? DRIVE."

Scar: ".............screw it" *cranks up car, begins to drive on the sidewalk to an alley on the left.* "Move move!!!!" *beeps horn*

Me: *motions people out of the way*

Scar: *turns left into an empty alleyway*

Me: "Good....ok now see if there's another left turn to take us back so we can head down south..."

Scar: "Okay....I think I see it" *driving up to a left turn and takes it* "What streeet is this?"

Me: "No idea, but look the cars are going south..."

Scar: *turns left out the alleyway and onto the sidewalk* "Shit it's packed here too..."

Me: "squeeze in!"

~Crowds of people swarm the streets and sidewalk migrating south, but yet in an unorderly fashion~

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Jayden cries for an hour, though Denis sleeps through it. What finally wakes him is a slight rustling sound. Some of the dead are getting a little too close. Most of the living seem to be gone as he surveys the area, grogginess seemingly non-existent as he springs to his feet. Breaking his vow, yet again, he asks the boy, "Do you need medicine?"

A boy with a disease probably needs something, at the very least maybe pain medication. "Yes sir." Comes the polite reply through the sobs and convulsions. Denis then took off towards the nearby pharmacy, hoping to pick up whatever the boy needed. By now the boy has quieted, reassured again by the mans commanding voice. Somehow it proves he has control over the situation, even though only a few words were spoken.

Denis slips into a nearby CVS, luckily without confrontation, ignoring the gruesome scene outside, unfazed by the horror of the reality. Holding his rifle in his hands, despite the close proximity, he planned on using it like a club to avoid attention. Denis hasn't figured out how they act yet, as he's analyzing them like his enemies in the field. He's not sure if sound works, or scent, everyone's seen the movies, but there's always been variety.

Denis hears the news, rabies, yeah, load of bull. Rabies can't bring a man back from being shot in the chest. This was more likely some cell reanimating disease controlling electrical signals after shutting down critical life systems, though he was no scientist, he didn't really know. Blind guesses never gets you anywhere, Denis didn't believe in luck, so he shut out his theories and continued his walk, reminiscent of his rucking days, carrying 120+lbs ruck sacks for miles to avoid detection from his enemies.

"Do you know what you need?" Denis' voice penetrates the otherwise horrific sounds of the night. Denis brings the boy to the back, where the medicine was, though he wasn't alone. Though most have already died or left or set up barricades, a few still roamed around. Another man was looking through the medicine, a sickly man and Denis just ignored him, though he was still ready to retaliate. The other man lifted an umbrella in defense. Denis, figuring he was harmless, stood sideways against the medicine so Jayden could look for what he needed. "That one!" Jayden said, pointing to a large bottle with a rather bland and generic looking label. Grabbing several bottles, among other useful medicine. Luckily, unlike the movies, the shelves were still almost completely fully stocked.

After grabbing other useful things, more canned food, clothes, water, tools, and put them in his duffel bag before heading towards the entrance. Now it was time for a plan. What's more likely, an isolated incident, or a worldwide pandemic? The chopper went down, which means someone one board was seen as fit to take off, but became ill during the flight. So this disease can be held for some time before attacking the hosts body. Denis' guess, it would be world wide, like the movies. Denis began going through his mind areas that would be good for setting up. Smaller buildings would be better, easier to defend and patrol. Convenience stores and gun stores in particular. Defense and food, actually, CVS wouldn't be a bad place to hole up. There's a gun store a few blocks away, and some food in the CVS. Denis sat down in a corner allowing easy surveillance of the store while he thought a little longer on the situation.

Me: "Oh no!" *rapidly grabbing phone* "I forgot to call Kanine back...." *looks at phone*

~Battery low: 12%~

Scar: "I can't get back up north so I can't get him unless he makes it down this way somewhere" *beeping the horn trying to get onto the street*

Me: "I know, I guess I can tell him to get on 7th ave and trek southbound... either way he's getting outta harm's way." *dials Kanine*

[phone rings]

Me: "Pick up.......pick up..." *fidgeting with my legs*

Scar: *looks over at me*

Kanine: Hi this is Kanine Goode sorry I wasn't able to take your call, please lea--

Me: *hangs up* "UUUGGGGHHH Noooo!!! He's not answering!"

Scar: "Hey calm down he's probably outside with all the noise just leave a message."

Me: *calls back, nervous*

Scar: *begins to scoot in the street*

~Cars behind us press down on their horns with fury.~

[HONNNNNNKK!!!! The sounds of endless muttering from rushing voices all around surrounds us]

Driver: *inaudible shouting*

Kanine: Hi this is Kanine Goode sorry I wasn't able to take your call, please leave your name and number and I'll be sure to get back at you. *beeps*

Me: "Baby it's me Destiny PLEEEASE be okay I'm calling to tell you I had to divert south Scarlet picked me up we're going down on 7th ave babe. Listen if you can't get there just PLEASE find somehwere safe and stay in the rabies is getting serious a man was attacked right in front of me, so PLEASE babe just stay safe I'll meet up with you if I can we're going back to campus....." *hangs up*

Scar: "He's okay, he'll be fine he can take care of himself."

Me: *says nothing, worried*

~A horde of pedestrians begin running towards and past us. Their faces of awe, fear, and screams of panic notify us to a darkening truth~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/scene5.jpg.9a4c1d5fb94eb2b152f6eb3e1e4522c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26604" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/scene5.jpg.9a4c1d5fb94eb2b152f6eb3e1e4522c0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Scar: "Oh shit...."

Me: "Why the hell are they running north Scarlet...."

~People bump into the car as they run past. Impacts of their bodies against the metal sounds harder and louder than anticipated~

Scar: *beeps horn aggressively* "WATCH OUT FUCKING MORONS!!!!"

Me: *looking all around at the panic* "Maybe we should go too.."

Scar: "We JUST got southbound now you wanna go back north!?"

Me: "Look at Times Square sweetie it's fucking ridiculous!!!" *points into the chaotic fray*

Scar: "What about my car Destiny I'm not leaving it!!"

Me: "Then park it!!! We'll come back and get it okay? If something happens to it I'll help pay for whatever but right now WE NEED TO GET TO SAFETY." *urging to Scarlet*

Scar: "Okay, okay." *begins to push towards a parking space*

Me: "We're literally in the midst of Times Square so finding a place shouldn't be hard....unless you wanna keep on south?"

Scar: "No we need to find a building with a lot of space and just chill. Let NYPD and the military handle this."

Me: "That's the thing though!! The military is here!!! This shit must be critical if they're here....they might quarantine us..."

Scar: "Hey, don't say all that maybe call your dad and get us out of here!" *pulls up behind garbage truck, parks right outside of McDonalds*

Me: "Heeeeck yes." *dials Dad. Phone rings*

Norton: Hello?

Me: "Dad!!"

Norton: Hey Destiny what's going on?

Me: "New York City is under citywide curfew! There's a rabies outbreak and the military is out here dad."

Norton: What?? How long ago?

Me: "Uhm, like the first incident was three hours ago. It came from Jersey to NYC and now it's getting crazy.."

Norton: Where's Hope?

Me: "Mom's still at work she's helping the staff treat victims and also researching the virus I think..."

Norton: Okay listen to me, where are you now?

Me: "I'm with Scarlet. We're parked in Times Square we're about to go by foot to a safe shelter..."

Scar: *looking over at me in curiousity*

Norton: Listen, get to a building that will take you up on the roof somewhere, at LEAST two stories okay? Do you hear me?

Me: "Yes sir, when I get to the roof then what?"

Norton: Standby. I'm going to call your mother and then get all of this squared away. Do not leave that roof Destiny.

Me: "Okay, got it."

Norton: .........I love you Destiny.

Me: "Love you too dad. Oh hey my battery is on like 10% okay? So call when you can."

Norton: Alright. Get to where you're going double time.

Me: "Kay!"
*hangs up, rushing* "We gotta go now Scar. Dad told us to find at least a two story building that we can access a roof to."

Scar: *eyes widen as she stares to something beside me*


???: "Waaaaaaaagh!!!"

~suddenly something impacts Scarlet's passenger window.~

Me: *slightly jumps* "Ohh!! What the?" *scoots away from window*

Scar: "Holy shit it's one of those infected! Come on Des!" *opens driver side door and pulls me along*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/windowzombie.jpg.c54620a2eb68202c1dc761a82449230c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26605" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/windowzombie.jpg.c54620a2eb68202c1dc761a82449230c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: *scoots over to driver side and exits after Scarlet*

[The crowd screams as they run around the main attraction of Times Square, staring around rapidly in many directions for anyone resembling a rabies infection.]

Scar: *looks at what hit the window and her jaw drops* "Oh my God....Des she's....she's infected.."

Infected woman: "Waaaahj! Gwwaaagh!" *looking at me, reaching arms out*

Me: "Come on let's go!!!!" *takes Scarlet and runs out onto Duffy Square*

~Hordes of people push and rush past us as my backpack and purse knocks me around. Still, I don't release Scar's hand~

Me: "Move! Scuse' us!!! Agh!"

Scar: "Stay close to me Des!!" *gripping my hand*

~We both stop momentarily in the midst of all the ruckus. Not one NYPD officer, EMS, or even fire truck in sight. Screams and rushing of people continue amongst Times Square. The sound of glass begins to break.~


Scar: "Oh God better not be my car!!" *looks over to where her car is to see a group of people breaking into chain stores on the strip*

Me: "Holy crap they're raiding places!! This is like some movie type ish!!!" *looking around*

Scar: "Let's go to the top of those stairs!" *pointing at the Duffy Square stairs*

Me: "Go go go!" *pushing Scar in that direction, still gripping her hand*

~swarms of people bump into us, making it difficult to reach our destination only some yards away~

Scar: *running through the stampede* "Ow! Shit! Ugh!"

Me: *trailing right behind her with my hand clenched in hers*

Scar: *finally reaches stairs where a few people scout into the crowd* "Okay....Jesus Christ..."

Me: *turns around and stares into masses of frantic people scattering like roaches*

~Some odd 1,000+ people scant about the streets and buildings of Times Square, their chatter with a mix of breaking glass and honking horns in the distance invade my eardrums.~

Scar: "WE NEED TO GET TO A ROOF RIGHT??" *talking over noise*

Me: "YEAH....UHH...." *quickly scans the area, spots a roof area behind large billboards of a 2nd story building* "THERE!!!" *points to the building, realizing the large tower structure that reads 'American Eagle Outfitters' above it.* "American Eagle!!"

Scar: "I SEE IT!! IT'S REALLY CLOSE, STICK BY ME!" *bracing to run into massive crowds*

Me: "LET ME LEAD!!! GRAB THE BACK OF MY SHIRT AND DO NOT LET GO!!! READY!?" *stepping in front of Scarlet*

Scar: "YEAH, GET IT!" *tightly grabs the back of my shirt for dear life*

Me: "......GO!" *sprints out into the crowd and shuffles my way through rampaging pedestrians* "MOVE!!! THE FUCK OUTTA THE WAY!!! GRRGH!!" *badgers through intercepting runners* "AUH!!....." *gasps hard, stops*

Scar: "What is it--" *stops, locks eyes on white eyed man in front of us*

Infected Man: "Jgaaagh...." *walks towards us.....with one arm broken*

~Suddenly a man in a sleeveless zip up hoodie appears inches behind the infected man...the last thing I see before closing my eyes is him pull up a crowbar, as he swings it at the side of the infected man's face.~

Man with crowbar: *swings* "Grrrrr!!!"

Me: "OHHHHHH!!!!!" *instinctively closes my eyes*

Scar: *screams, covers mouth*

Me: *I feel warm fluid splatter over my face as my eyes are closed, and I can hear Scarlet's screams along with the sound of a blunt object connecting with the man's skull*

Man with crowbar: *digs crowbar out of infected, sprints away*

Scar: "DESTINY!! GO GO!! OH MY GOOOOODDDDD!!!" *pushing me around the corpse*

Me: *opens eyes and begins to run around staring at the half faced corpse*

Scar: "GO DESTINY...!" *tearing up*

Me: *begins to run but stops again at the sight on the sidewalk in front of American Eagle*


~There, a man is being not only attacked by the rabies infected people.....but eaten....eaten alive. He screams in horror as a group of infected literally tear out his intestine~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/gore.jpg.61788736f619bc3b068c8f5e722e87b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26602" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/gore.jpg.61788736f619bc3b068c8f5e722e87b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: "UUUUGHUH!!!?" *Stomach turns. covers mouth with arm, steps backwards*

Scar: *Gags immediately, hold stomach*

~One of the group locks eyes with me, and begins to rise~

Me: "UOOGH!!" *bolts away to the left, towards American Eagle*

Scar: *screams at the sight of about 6 infected moving towards them from the right of American Eagle*

~As pedestrians run in complete fear, some brush past the infected knocking them down....but others run into the infected, only to be grabbed and faced with the inevitable horrific truth. Death. A group of infected converge on a man knocked down by the stampede.~

Me: *looking at the infected begin to climb on top of the man*

Scar: *takes my face and turns it away* "DON'T LOOK, RUN! RUN!" *pushes into my back*

Me: *bolts onto West 46th street against oncoming but stopped traffic, running against a tidal wave of frantic pedestrians* "Wait! No!! Watch out!!!" *people continue to run past me and my warnings*

~Just a few yards ahead of me, another person goes down to a group of infected individuals as they scream in agony. The infected group covers the full length of the sidewalk.~

Me: *stops, catches a gate door to an alleyway out of my peripheral vision* "Scarlet stay with me!!!" *takes off for the door*

Scar: *gasps* "No no no no no what are you doing Destiny!? Ahhhhhhh!!!" *screams, hanging on to me*

Me: *reaches door and begins to open it*

Infected lady: "Blagh!" *reaches for my arm*

Me: "Guugh SHIT!!!" *jerks away*

Scar: *kicks infected lady in the stomach* "Go now go NOW!!"

Me: *opens doorway into alley*

Scar: *sticks right behind me* "Run go! Go!! They're coming!!!"

Me: *Scarlet releases my shirt as we both free sprint into the alley*

Scar: *looking back* "Oh shit they broke through!!!"

Me: *full speed sprints, moves incredibly fast.*

~Alleyway opens up into a wide area with a 4 way intersection~

Me: *looking to the right down the alley lane I see a waves of pedestrians running through and over each other in the streets*

Scar: "Door dead ahead!!!!" *huffing as she sprints*

[roars of screams and panic citywide]

Me: *running as fast as I can, panting* "Hu.....hgh...." *looks back*

Scar: *screaming* "Go Destiny!!! HURRY!!! *panting as she sprints*

~Blood and trash fills the alleyway~

Me: *sees door up ahead, runs full charge at it* *braces for impact*

Scar: *follows right behind her*

Me: *breaks open door with shoulder* "Agh!" *falls from momentum*

Scar: *instantly picks me up*

Me: *looks up to see a man pointing a gun right in between my eyes*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/gunpov.jpg.ce54a43733fee14b1c5016e403610844.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26603" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/gunpov.jpg.ce54a43733fee14b1c5016e403610844.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Scar: "WHOA WHOA DON'T SHOOT!!!" *looking up*

Me: *looking up and throughout the room, military soldiers all converge on our location by the door*

Soldier: "Are you two infected!? Answer me NOW!" *pointing gun in between my eyes*

Scar: "NO!!! I SWEAR!" *tears streaming and nose red*

Me: "No...NO...but they're chasing us through the alleyway and we need to get away from them. My name is Destiny Frye I'm a student at NYU and my father is vice superintendent at West Point..."

Scar: "Please! We're telling the truth! Let us IN!!!" *scratchy voice*

Soldier: "Get in here, fast... go go." *closes door*

~All of the soldiers lower their weapons~

Sarge: "Step aside" *to soldiers* "How the hell did you find us?"

Me: "We didn't. We were running from.....those CRAZIES out there." *points to the door, just now realizing that I'm trembling*

Sarge: "Who's blood is that on your face?" *all the troops stare at my face*

Me: "What..?..." *touches my face, hand shows faint red spots* "I...I don't know.."

Scar: "It's not hers. Someone freaking crowbar'd one of those things and her blood got on her face..."

Me: *gives a shocked look to Scarlet*

~All of the soldiers take steps back, grips their weapons~

Soldier: ".....and how are you sure you're not infected?" *grips weapon*

Me: "Jesus what do I have to do STRIP guys!? I haven't been bitten nor scratched, the blood didn't get in my eyes or mouth I'M GOOD."

Soldier2: "You didn't even know the blood was on your face until we said something..."

Scar: "She IS NOT infected!!! Don't you have some sort of expert or device that can tell? You're military aren't you!?"

Me: "My mom is a biochemist at NY Presbyterian okay? I know a bit about chemical and viral responses of the body. If I so much as cough the wrong way then by all means shoot me but until then how about we focus on the fact those infected are out there!" *raises voice*

Sarge: "....and you said your father works at West Point?"

Me: "He RUNS it. Captain Norton Frye Sr. He called me and told me to get to high ground, we tried to go up in American Eagle but the infected one are literally eating people....." *stops from thinking about the horrendous images*

Sarge: "Marlon, call it in." *directs to a stout, blue eyed soldier*

Pvt. Marlon: "Sir." *picks up radio and begins speaking* "E-Nest this is Sparrow Delta we are at checkpoint Bravo. We have a situation two civvies just stumbled upon us and one's claiming that she's the daughter of Captain Norton Frye Sr how copy?"

~The room remains silent as the outsdie chaos can be heard through the walls. The entire room bears eyes on me.~

Radio: Uhh...Delta solid copy we're contacting Captain Frye now as we speak can you give us a physical description over?

Pvt. Marlon: "She's about..." *studies me* "Five foot ten, shoulder length brown hair...scratch that light brown hair...light brown with very blue eyes. She has a brown purse and a black and purple backpack. Over"

Sarge: "Check her stuff.."

Soldier: "Sir!" *approaches me slowly* "No sudden moves okay?"

Me: "Okay, here." *hands over purse and backpack*

Soldier: *cautiously takes my belongings, sets them down and searches*

Radio: Copy Sparrow Delta, standby.

Scar: *moves over beside me* "It's going to be okay."

Soldiers 3 & 4: *grips M4A1's with eyes on me*

Me: *remains completely still*

Sarge: "You said he called you...from what number?"

Me: "Actually I called him...I can give you my phone if you wanna see or call him...."

Sarge: "You said he called you."

Me: "Look everything happened so fast okay forgive me if the shock from all this caused me to have some detail slips in what's happened the past few hours."

Sarge: "Why where you out?"

Me: "I was on my way to see a friend, Kanine Goode. When I got to 48th they'd blockaded--"

Sarge: *interrupts* "Who?"

Me: "...NYPD. They blockaded 48th and everything north and said we had to divert south, so I couldn't get to him I called my best friend" *points at Scarlet* "to come pick me up, and when we got to Times Square all hell broke loose..."

Scar: "We seen people being eaten..." *sniffles* "this shit is straight out of a horror movie man..." *shakes head*

Sarge: "Your phone" *sticks hand out*

Me: *pulls out phone, unlocks it and hands it to Sarge*

Sarge: *looks through phone* "...you have two missed calls..."

Me: !? "From who??" *walks up to Sarge*

~The entire squad aims their weapons at me once more.~

Me: *stops* "Easy...easy..." *puts my hands up*

Sarge: "From your dad....and Kanine."

Me: "Oh my God after you search can I please call them back?"

Sarge: *puts phone to his ear* "Hello, who am I speaking with?.........Hello Captain, my name is Sargeant Emon Larcena with the United States Marines. I was just calling to confirm your daughter's identity she's safe and we have her and her friend.........yes sir, she's fine.....sir." *looks at me and hands me the phone* "He wants to speak with you.."

Me: "Be sure not to shoot me when I move.." *takes phone* "Dad?"

Norton: Hey sweetie, what happened? Why didn't you answer my call?

Me: "Dad we were on our way roofside but they...those infected started literally eating people like, on the streets. So Scar and I got away and ran into an alley and now we're with the marines."

Norton: Okay baby, listen, give Larcena the phone.

Me: *gives phone to Larcena*

Sgt. Larcena: *takes phone* "Yes sir......We have three in Manhattan. Columbia University is the north safe zone, NY Presbyterian is the west safe zone, and the Civic Center is the south safe zone......the western RV is the closest.......yes sir......Affirmative sir. We'll have a unit escort them.....we're on orders to contain this problem.......not a problem....yes sir....here." *hands phone back to me*

Me: "Yeah dad..."

Norton: You'll have a team escort you to NY Presbyterian where your mother is okay? That's the western safe zone. Get there and stay by her at all times. I'm going to get you guys out of there you hear me?

Me: "Yes sir. I got it."

Norton: I love you, Destiny.

Me: "Love you too daddy..." *eyes water*

Norton: *hangs up*

Soldier: "Sir, her bags are good, nothing of a threat or harm." *packing stuff back into my pack and purse*

Radio: Sparrow Delta everything checks out on Captain Frye's daughter...proceed with given instructions to the west safe zone. Over.

Sgt. Larcena: "Copy E Nest. Over and out." *looks at Scar and I* "You two with me, stay with the unit at ALL TIMES. Alright marines we're Oscar Mike!! Let's go!!! Mills! Take point!"

Pvt. Mills: "Sir!" *hands me back my backpack and purse* "Sorry about that.."

Me: "No sweat." *staps on backpack, puts purse inside*

Scar: "Soo.....do we get a weapon too?" *looking at Mills' holstered handgun.*

Sgt. Larcena: "Absolutely not. Stick close to the group, period. Alright Delta let's move!" *equips SCAR assault rifle*

Pvt. Mills: *moves toward the front of the building*

Pvt. Marlon: *falls to the back, pushes Scar and I to the middle* "Let's go, stay close..."

Me: "Okay" *grips Scar's hand*​



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(there isn't a "plan" just the plot. I was thinking somehow they meet on the streets in all the chaos. I'm putting the post up now where Destiny is stopped and staring into the crowd, you'll se why she's so stunned when you read my post. If you want you could come in then or keep dealing around CVS up to you.) 

~We follow the unit as we open a door into a nice, quaint bar and lounge with plush leather seats and flourescent lighting~

Soldier3: "Mannnn a bottle of jack sounds good right about now..." *looks at bar*

Soldier4: "Hoorah Dottsen...."

Sgt. Larcena: "Quiet marines! Stay Frosty.."

Me: "Norty would be so jealous of me right now..."

Scar: "Why so?"

Me: "It's like we're in Call of Duty or something.."

Scar: "Bullshit, those people outside aren't enemy infantry..."

Pvt. Marlon: "What do you guys know about these infected people."

Me: "I think it started with Victoria Ramone...she was being airlifted here after being bit in the neck by her husband Jose. The chopper she was on crashed up north and Jose bit another paramedic in Jersey...the paramedic he bit was pronounced dead and then got back up and attacked someone or something...all I know is, they're rabid. They will try to attack and bite like some freaking...zomb--"

Sgt. Larcena: "Cut the chatter!!!" *moving to the other side of the door, where faint screams and noise can be heard*

Pvt. Mills: "Here we go." *opens door as the unit rushes outside and clears all directions* "SHIT! PEOPLE EVERYWHERE! IT'S GONNA BE HARD TELLING THE DIFFERENCE!!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/troops.jpg.3594dad08b8cb844126333f572f6e893.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26629" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/troops.jpg.3594dad08b8cb844126333f572f6e893.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


[the sound of endless roars and cries breach my eardrums like a tidal wave. Distant sounds of explosion like booms and breaking of glass can be heard from all around.]

~The unit moves up, careful not to fire at any pedestrian~

Me: *sees that we're back on Times Square* "No!!! Times Square is NOT where we need to be right now!!"

Scar: *looks up at the main billboard in the middle of Times Square*

~The billboard shows a helicopter over Times Square. The number of people sprawling the streets and city is unthinkable. The news report title on the screen is 'MASSIVE PANDEMIC IN NYC/SOUTH NJ' small coats of red can be seen littering the streets that can only be inferred as blood...~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/TimesSquare.jpg.0cfcbc90a0726c75c29e4d37b6219faa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26628" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/TimesSquare.jpg.0cfcbc90a0726c75c29e4d37b6219faa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Scar: "Oh my God..." *covers mouth* "Destiny look...."

Me: *looks up at the billboard, mouth widens as I remain speechless*

Pvt. Dottsen: "Daaaammmmmnnnnnn...." *looking up*

Sgt. Larcena: "Alright Delta let's hasten up, move up to Broadway and make a left up to 48th. Move!"

~Group moves along to the corner of the block where complete chaos is at hand~

Pvt. Mills: "The hell happened to those NYPD blockades!?"

Pvt. Marlon: "Probably got pushed back....!"

Sgt. Larcena: "E Nest we need a sitrep on those blockades how copy?................okay roger. ALRIGHT UNIT!!! BLOCKADES HAVE BEEN PUSHED BACK TO 51ST STREET!!! WE NEED TO TREK NORTH GO UP THE SIDE!!" *crouches under streetlight and motions us to proceed*

Me: *proceeds to move with group*

Pvt. Dottsen: "Ohhhh shit!!!" *looks up on top of the building where the main billboard is*

~Bodies began to drop from the building as their lifeless corpses splatter upon impact with the pavement~

Me: *stops* "Nooo no nooooo!"

Scar: "Agh!" *jumps back, stumbles into a rapidly moving crowd*

~Scarlet bumps into a pedestrian, knocking him back a bit~

Scar: "Ah, sorry I--" *immediately stops when she sees the man's dead white eyes*

Infected: "Gwaaaagh!!!" *lunges at Scar*


Me: !?

Pvt. Marlon: "MOVE!" *runs to Scar and melee's the infected man*

Infected: *falls down* "Blgh!"

Scar: "Oh Jesus...thank you.." *sighs*

Pvt. Marlon: "Lets move.." *takes Scarlet*

Infected: *grapples Scarlet's ankle, and bites down*

Scar: "AGGGHH FUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!" *looking down at the infected*


Pvt. Marlon: "No!!!" *Fires M4A1 into infected's head*

Infected: *goes limp*

Me: "NOOO!!!" *tries to go to Scar, but I'm stopped by Pvt. Dottsen* "Noooo!! Get off of mee!!" *tears fill eyes*

Scar: "Ugh....agh..." *stumbles to the ground*


~An 18 wheeler truck honks as it zooms through 47th street at uncanny speeds, running over infected and regulars alike as their mangled bodies turn to red mush under the force and impact of the vehicle. It narrows in on our location fast, scraping cars aside as it does.~

Soldier4: "Oh shit, incoming mobile get off the streets!!!" *looking at incoming 18 wheeler*

Pvt. Dottsen: *moves me over to the upper sidewalk*


Pvt. Dottsen: "RELAX!!! Gr, agh will you STOP!?" *struggling to hold me*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/ScarletRoomie.jpg.b4f067eca75172028af56f180810e336.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26624" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/ScarletRoomie.jpg.b4f067eca75172028af56f180810e336.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Scar: *looks at bloody ankle, then looks at me* "It's...it's okay Destiny...it's okay..." *trembling*

Me: *not able to hear her because of all the chaos around us* "....Scarlet.." *cries*

~The 18 wheeler begins to swerve out of control, still honking as it loses control and heads straight for the massive chaos in the middle of Times Square.~

Pvt. Mills: "Here it COOOOOMMMMEEESSS!" *falls back under Starbucks on 47th and Broadway*

~The group hides under the cover from the Starbucks, as the speeding massive vehicle spews a trail of red everywhere....and runs right towards an injured Scarlet.~

Me: *looks at 18 wheeler, then Scar* "NOOOO!!! SCAR MOVE! PLEASE!!! PLEEEEEAAAASE!!!"

Scar: *looks back at 18 wheeler, scrambles to get away as the wheeler approaches her body*

Me: "OH JESUS...!" *braces for the inevitable*

~Scarlet is hit by the side of the wheeler, as its force is enough to rip her off her feet and smack onto the pavement. Blood leaks from her mouth and ankle. Her left eye stares directly at me, while her right is rolled into the back of her head.~

Pvt. Mills: "OH MY GOD."

Me: *screams in agony and breaks down crying* "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!"

Pvt. Dottsen: *embraces me tightly* "Oh my God.....it's okay...it's okay..."

Sgt. Larcena: *stares at Scar's corpse*

Pvt. Marlon: *paces in panic, puts hands on his head*

Soldier4: *looks in despair at the mangled body*

~The 18 wheeler crashes right into a heap of stationary cars in Times Square. A loud, chain explosion sets off upon impact of the mass quantities of cars. Flames and scrap metal begin to spread everywhere, sending limbs and corpses across Times Square.~


~The wave of the blast shatters glass all around us, heat and debris scrapes my face as my eardrums pop from the force of the blast.~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/fierycrash.jpg.c6ea99619d92811a020e0d7d47723e84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26622" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/fierycrash.jpg.c6ea99619d92811a020e0d7d47723e84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: *closes eyes* "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" *ears ring from pressure of the blast*

Pvt. Dottsen: *shields me*

Sgt. Larcena: "Delta!!! Let's GO! Move up Broadway!!! MOVE UP BROADWAY!!"

Pvt. Marlon: *covers the rear* "Get up, GO!"

Me: *Dottsen picks me up, guides me up the sidewalk of Broadway.*

~The rest of the group converges on us. The entire upper left area of Times Square is now in flames on the street level. Dozens upon dozens of people run away from the monstrous flames engulfing anything that it can compel. People began to move for higher ground in buildings, where in the windows it can be seen that people are being attacked in there as well. Blood splatters upon various windows from high story structures.~

Me: *glancing over into a blood infested Sunglass Hut to my left, I see a crowd of people limping slowly, with bloodied bodies.* "More....more there.." *disoriented from explosion and shock*

Dottsen: "I see him....squad! Hostiles at 9.." *carries me along*

~One infected with some shades on glances and locks on to me, as I stare back at it.~

Shades Infected: "Gwwwwaaaagh...." *beats onto glass*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/shadeszombie.jpg.d1fbf2ffb6a90f92f1c03cb969085dcf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26627" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/shadeszombie.jpg.d1fbf2ffb6a90f92f1c03cb969085dcf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~the entire other group of infected join in on beating the glass, as they groan in a lifeless sort of way. Delta unit speeds up at this indication.~

Sgt. Larcena: "Faster, go go!.." *moves up Broadway*

Me: *ears still ringing from explosion, everything seems slower* [RIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG!!!!]

Soldier4: "Whoa whoa!" *stops at incoming swarm blocking us from the north*

Sgt. Larcena: "ACROSS THE STREET!" *commanding over chaos and noise*

Pvt. Mills: "Double Time! Let's GO!!" *takes point, makes it to sidewalk across the street* "Get outta the way people!!"

Dottsen: "You're alright Destiny, you're okay huh?"

Me: [RIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGG] *shakes head* "Yeah, yeah I'm ok.."

Dottsen: "Stay in the game ok? Just three more streets to go" *holds me up, wipes my wet face*

~The heavy panicked crowd rushes and rampages from miles around through Times Square. About 6 choppers overhead can't even be heard due to the unruly ruckus from all around. Windows in the building above Mills across the street shatter and deposit some bodies out onto the street. They fall around Mills and splatter onto the concrete.~

Pvt. Mills: "SHIIIIITTT" *aims M4A1 up at the second floor building*

Soldier4: "I got you Mills!" *aims M4A1 at second floor, moving to Mills*

Sgt. Larcena: "Everyone GO get there!" *pointing SCAR Assault rifle southbound*

Dottsen: *gets us across the street*

Pvt. Marlon: *points M4A1 back towards fiery wreckage*

~The bodies on the concrete begin to slowly move. struggling to get up.~

Dottsen: "HOSTILESSSSSS!!!!! THEY'RE GETTING UPPPP!!!!" *aims assault rifle in other hand at the infected*

Mills: "How the hell can they take that fall!!?"

Me: *looks over shoulder, disoriented. Sees more infected coming behind the unit that no one's paying attention to.* "Shit...."*woozy* "Hey...."

Dottsen: *distracted by infected infront of him*

Group of Infected: *groans as they approach slowly*

Me: .....!! *breathing increases. I turn to Dottsen to see a knife in his shoulder strap, and a USP handgun in his hip holster. The ringing still hits, but I begin to zone it out in pure adrenaline. I take Dottsen's USP and I begin to aim it at the infected.*

Me: *when the iron sight lines up with one infected's head, I pull the trigger...but nothing happens*

Dottsen: !? *looks at me* "What the hell are you doing!?" *sees group of infected* "Shit! Hostiles at 5!!"

Soldier4: "We're going ta' have to shoot our way out!!" *Aiming at the back group of infected*

Dottsen: "Give me that weapon!" *tries to remove handgun from my hands*

Me: "No!!!! I can use it!" *struggles*

Sgt. Larcena: "HEY! ENOUGH!!" *aims SCAR rifle at back group of infected*

Mills: "Aaaagh!" *charges and melee's two infected in the back group*

~Infected on the concrete arise~

Marlon: "Shit! Sir! Orders??" *aiming at front group of infected*

Dottsen: "LET GO DESTINY." *pulls handgun away*

Me: "UGH!" *lets go and quickly takes knife from Dottsen's shoulder holst.* "YAAGH!" *turns around and stabs an infected in the heart*

Stabbed Infected: "Gltaaagh!" *lunges over on me*

Me: "AH!" *falls down on my side, hands still on the knife, I drive it deeper*

Stabbed Infected: "Hyaaagh!" *grabs my hair, goes in for my neck*

Me: "Gggggaaaaagh!!!" *resists infected, takes hands and chokes his neck, followed by a headbutt*

Dottsen: *fires a handgun round into stabbed infected's head*

Me: *jumps at shot, blood splatters on neck and my already stained top. I rapidly scoot away*

Larcena: "FIRE!" *pumps SCAR shells into back group of infected*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/scene1.jpg.ad0aa855cbd7f2c8dd2f7835c04b34a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26626" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/scene1.jpg.ad0aa855cbd7f2c8dd2f7835c04b34a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marlon: *fires at front group of infected*

Soldier4: *helps me up* "What are you stupid!? You tryin' to get yourself killed!?"

Me: "I was trying to look out for you all!!!" *stands upright*

Dottsen: *jerks me by the shoulders* "DON'T YOU EVER PULL ANYTHING LIKE THAT AGAIN DO YOU HEAR ME!?"

Me: *pulls away* "Get OFF of me!!"

Larcena: "HEY!!! CUT THE SHIT AND MOVE NORTH NOW!" *putting down the last infected*

Dottsen: *takes me by the arm* "Let's GO!!"

Me: *rushes along with him*

~In the crowd, amongst the masses of terror, chaos, and panic...I scan among the destruction before me as I hastily move through the stampede of disorientation.....until I spot something that makes my bones tremble at its very sight. That involuntarily freezes my body cold with disbelief. Dottsen pulls with all the strength in his biceps, but I pull away and take off towards this sight...~

Dottsen: "DELTA HOLD!!! THE GIRL IS RETREATING!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!" *shouts and chases me through the endless wave of humans*

Me: *bowing over people to get to this unbelievable sight, with no regard or remorse for anything else*

Larcena: "HEY!!! SHIT DELTA HOLD THIS POSITION!" *chases after Dottsen and I*

Me: *breathing rapidly, stopping upon clear sight of this incomprehensible figure before me*

----Endless cries fill the vast urban mecca of New York City. Screeches of sheer terror intertwined with a tone of cataclysm and despair. So much pain, so much agony, so much blood. Splatters of red cover the streets and the surfaces of the stone and metallic structures that compliments the Big Apple with an aura of destruction. Tens of thousands of pedestrians run unruly amongst the unpredictable calamity that has came before them. Wails of fear and panic spread across for miles upon miles. Entrails infest the roads along with lifeless corpses that smother every inch of pavement that can be seen. Crowds clashing with other crowds in violence with a motive of security. Of survival. Masses of people being ran over and ran down in the streets, in and out of buildings, everywhere. Limitless sounds of the shattering of glass, impacts of metal, roars of peril resonate through the vast metropolitan masterpiece. Bodies drop from altitudes that provide certain death, one after another, raining down flesh and bones as the sound of their anatomy exploding against the hard ground causes a amplification of shock. Bursts of shots and angry rants travel the airways to anyone who was focused enough to listen to them. Limping bodies slowly roam the streets out of the horde of humans. Of the wave of corpses littering the roads, alleys, and avenues, a few write in pain, slowly moving in a drive for life...some with blood leaked faces and limb torn stumbles. It's like they're longing for something....those pale, fragile voices of theirs reach out in need for something. They move not budged by the essence of death before them, but rather embraced into it. These frenzied individuals tackle people where they stand, attacking them in a frenzy that only feeds the fuel of the oblivion before this city. This hell. Dozens of helicopters overhead hover over the destruction, and all the brilliant lights and billboards of the mecca all are diverted to breaking news broadcasts. Screeching of tires and crashing of car vehicles into all marks of land join in the fray of a seemingly unending nightmare. Everything's happening so fast, yet time is immobilized. People breaking down doors to infiltrate buildings and shelter, for whatever reasons. In the midst of all this oblivion lies me, unmoved. I look on with a face of shock and awe, but also one of will and drive. Blood spots cover portions of my face, and my clothes are dyed a permanent crimson that wreaks of death and decay. Everything is slow for me. Looking into the sea of danger, my honey eyes lock in on one thing in particular....and then it hit me. That's when I knew. That this wasn't rabies. And then.......

((Ok, now I'm present time))

Me: *staring at something that fills me with pure agony, pain, sadness, turmoil....and rage*

Sgt. Larcena: "HEEEEEYYYYY!!!!!" *shuffles through the crowd* "DESTINYYYYYY!!!MOOOOVE NOW!!!"

Me: *Zones voice out*

~The explosion of a car against a mountain of scrap metal breaches my hearing~

Me: *flinches a bit, but remains staring into the chaos...*

Larcena: *sees two slow creeping, bloody pedestrians limp up behind me* "Shit! Destiny MOVE!!!" *raises SCAR assault rifle*

Me: *ignores all surrounding sounds, focuses on object*

Me: *tears up, but still gazing into the crowd at this one figure*

Me: "No........." *eyes filling with tears* "You..." *chokes up*

~Time slows down for me, as I look into the cold, white eyes of the figure. As I look into the cold white eyes of what used to be my roommate...and my best friend~

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Infected Scarlet: *limps directly towards me, arms broken, mouth bloody, face paled.* ".....G...hwwwaaaaaggggh....."​



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The sounds of screaming following an explosion can be heard nearby. Zombies don't cause explosions, do they? Denis decides to head out of the store and towards the sound, which ends up not being all that far away. Tactically avoiding the dead, as he closes in he can make out a group. A few men and women, most of them in uniform. A shocked girl looking at the same thing a few men are aiming their weapons at. The men seem hesitant, maybe this was a friend of theirs? Either way, the dead had to be dealt with.

Jayden was sleeping by now, which may have seemed odd, but Denis could sleep as well, which made him grateful he got in an hour of sleep earlier. Denis takes a knee and aims his rifle, taking a swift shot through the dead's head, dispatching the adversary. Most of the soldiers seem startled, though they will quickly look for the source of the shot. Denis raises his rifle in an nonthreatening way, showing he's friendly, and takes out his I.D., showing it out at arms length as he walked forward.

The one in charge quickly finds the direction of the shot and the man walking towards them. The man in charge aims his weapon at Denis, "I'm Sgt. Larcena, identify yourself." The sergeant sees Denis holding his I.D. out and takes it from him when he gets close. By this time the other soldiers are aiming their weapons at him as well. "Gunnery Sergeant Metroko, retired eh? You're a god damned legend you know." The sergeant turns his head to the others, "Lower your weapons, he's an ex marine."

A rebuttal from another soldier keeps the others on edge, "How do we know he's safe sir?"

Larcena adds, with a tone of confidence, "We'd all be dead if he wanted us that way. We're still alive, that's how you know he's safe." Larcena continues as the others lower their weapons, focusing on their surroundings, "We need to move, get the girl and keep moving."

A blank stare from Denis reminds Larcena of the reason why he's not still a Marine. "Must have been hard Metroko, huh? I don't suppose you'll take charge will you?" A slow nod from Denis lowers Larcena's spirit slightly as the sergeant asks, "Any useful information?"

The group continues on their trek, trying to carefully take on new people into their group while also careful to not let any infected near. Denis then breaks his vow, yet again, because he figured they'd be better off with what he knew so far. "It's not rabies. They can smell and hear, but their eyes don't seem to work. Shoot them in the head." The short dialog left questions, "So, they're... zombies?" Larcena takes a short second to process before planning their next course of action as another soldier speaks up, "You're just going to believe this zombie bullshit?" A quick death stare shuts the soldier up as the sergeant replies, "This is gunnery sergeant Metroko, a living legend, he didn't get to be so good by making bad guesses and mistakes. Now, he's retired, and due to his condition he won't be taking charge, but if he ever gives you orders, I advise you listen." Larcena can still remember classes during training. Everyone at her time had heard the stories. They said he was the world's best marksmen. Mission after mission a success. Later on in her career, she had also heard the stories of his release. Forced to months alone in the field, surrounded by enemies, later he was forced to kill children. Had to be hard. In fact, PTSD was fairly common of soldiers who worked overseas.

Larcena barks out orders to her soldiers and instructions to the few people who aren't panicking long enough to notice the military group. They take on a couple of newcomers on their way, a large black male and his daughter and a short stocky while male. They don't take time to learn names just yet as the streets are still dangerous. Denis doesn't seem too fazed, and, to be honest, he really wasn't paying attention as he ran with the child on his back, duffel bag slung over one shoulder and rifle around the other. Denis ran when the group ran and stopped when they stopped, offering no more advice for the time being, even annoying one of the soldiers with his unwillingness to respond.

(I kinda guessed the soldiers, and everyone but your girl, are npcs, so I just controlled them as I saw fit, if that's cool?)
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((that's fine but you should re edit the post a bit because there's literally hundreds upon hundreds of people running rampant and chaotic in the streets so it's kinda silly they'd just be walking and talking in the middle of all that. And make Larcena more of a "tough ass" lol.))
(I didn't move us because I didn't know how you wanted your toon to react, but I'll move us and I suppose you can just do what you do. I'll make an edit now.)
((make it as realistic as possible, if these events were real no way anyone would just stand in all that lol ^_^ ))

Me: *looks at Scarlet as a bullet darts through her head and she drops limp*

~The solidiers divert their attention to a shaven head man with dark eyes, he immediately raises his rifle to show no threat. A red headed boy clings to his torso wrapped in some type of cloth. I look at him in shock, as he's just killed my best friend....or what was my best friend. The soldiers converse with the man and ID him as Gun Sgt. Denis Metroko, some kind of expert marksman. After brief conversation we begin to move from the fray of this chaotic destruction. Along the way, an African American man and his daughter plead us to let them join, and also a short stocky Caucasian male. Larcena reluctantly agrees as we all regroup under the overhead of a building nearby.~

Sgt. Larcena: "Alright Delta! Remember your orders we need to get north of 51st street pronto!!! Safezones and support trucks are along the line."

Pvt. Dottsen: "Sir, we need to see if anyone of these people are infected..."

Pvt. Mills: *grips M4A1*

Soldier4, 5, & 6: *grips M4A1*

Me: *looks at Denis, African American male and daughter along with Caucasian with caution*

Sgt. Larcena: "I need you all to answer me....were any of you bitten?" *looks at the new oncomers* "Metroko? Were you bit? Scratched? Anything?" *looks at Denis*

Black man: "No! No I swear! we just came out of Starbucks when they broke down the glass!"

Daughter: "Please! We're no one of them!"

Caucasian: *says nothing*

Pvt. Dottsen: *raises M4A1* "Answer the question!!!"

Pvt. Mills: "Nahh, screw that! He's not answering! You stay the fuck back!!!" *aims M4A1 at caucasian*

~The entire unit aims at the stocky male as they slowly creep away from him~

Caucasian: "Please! Please man!!! I have nowhere to go please!!"

Larcena: "STAY THE FUCK BACK!!! YOU WILL BE SHOT!" *backs away* "Let's move Delta!! People stay close!"

Pvt. Dottsen: *grabs and protects me as we begin to move towards Broadway and 48th st*​
Denis is slow to answer, almost forgetting the question. The prolonged period of paying attention has taken it's toll. He moves his eyes to meet the lead soldier and gives a small shake of his head, indicating he's fine. Pvt. Mills finds this suspicious and pulls his rifle to the quiet man. Denis meets his eyes, almost daring him to try. The unnerved soldier lowers his rifle cautiously, the question never escaping his mouth as they move down the line, questioning each newcomer in turn.

The poor bastard, trying to enter the group while infected. It's funny how stupid people can be, though Denis left the questioning of the people to the soldiers. A few more blocks and the group will be where they need to be, not that Denis knows where they need to be. He focused most of his energy now just listening. His unfocused eyes followed the group as he ran along with them, using his ears to track the noises, keeping track of the dead as they gave their location away with uncontrollable grunts and snarls. This may not be too far off from a day of shooting his rifle at the range, instead of targets he gets dead people come back to life.

The cooler winds of the night bring familiar scents. Laying in the aftermath of a battle, disguising himself among the dead, waiting for days for his mark to show his face. The scent of the dead begins to fill the night, the sight of the gruesome battlefield between the living and the dead contrasting the beautiful night skies. A full moon and the starts seemingly very bright, the temperature comfortable. The dead sure did pick a nice night to fight back.

(( If you see a M or F beside someone's name it simply means Male or Female

:) ))

~The scene was still just as chaotic. It wasn't fully dark yet, but the dusk sky begin to show wel-lit stars and a bright moon upon the crisp azure blue sky. Funny, just half an hour ago the sun was displaying a golden aura across the landscape, somewhat showing the blood and gore off in the streets. Now people were just as frantic. More and more people running in the streets with vermillion stains on their clothing. Citizens banging on glass from high buildings until the window is sprayed with coats of red. Cries, sobs, and rants fill the airways of the city streets. As men, women, and childern are either screaming in pain, or grunting in bloodlust. I mosey about in a trance, still not processing any of the turmoil I've experienced for the past two hours. It all happened so fast. Helicopters zoom overhead as their engines roar with prejudice. News choppers and media teams cover from overhead as the NYPD choppers begin to announce to the masses of people via loudspeaker:~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/crowd1.jpg.f7d814704302ce48b546c2363c047716.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26660" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/crowd1.jpg.f7d814704302ce48b546c2363c047716.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Sgt. Larcena(F): "We have to keep pushing!! We're only on 48th! 51st is three more streets up!"

Pvt. Dottsen(M): "Sir we can't take on all these civvies who need our help!!! Eventually they'll just pile up and we won't be able to tell who's infected or not!"

Pvt. Mills(M): "We can't just leave em Dottsen!!!"

Pvt. Dottsen: "They need to get north of 51st as do we!!!" *recons area* "Shit....they're all around us!!"

~A vast swarm of people rapidly move to and from our location at the corner of the intersection. It's near impossible to sort out the infected from the regular. The snarls fuse with the screams and cries in a way that's almost melodic.~

Me: *spots 3-story M&M candy headquarters across the street* "There!!" *points to it* "My dad said get to high ground!! We can go there and get on the roof!"

Larcena: "No, we keep moving north! The checkpoint is at 51st street we go there."

Me: "We might not make it! We need--"

Pvt. Dottsen: *interrupts me* "Hey!! You're under our watch we follow Sarge you got that!?"

Larcena: "Cut the chatter!"

Me: "My dad said get to high ground, he's a Captain which is higher than you."

Larcena: "He also told me to keep you SAFE! We need to get to 51st period, he's not in charge of this unit I AM. So you keep quiet and follow our lead if you don't want to end up like one of them!"

Me: *thinks about Scarlet, I swallow my words with sadness and anger*

~Suddenly, looking back at Times Square more NYPD choppers show but this time ropes begin to drop down into the epicenter of the national urban venue as fully armored, equipped, and geared teams begin to rappel from the ropes. With shielded masks and riot gear on. The NYPD speaker still speaks throughout the vicinity, somehow reaching over the cataclysmic noise and clatter of the death infested area.~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/helidrop.png.28ab12a72e7d3e8d163a882757224eec.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26661" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/helidrop.png.28ab12a72e7d3e8d163a882757224eec.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

soldier4(F): "Everyone get north of 51st street!! go NOW NOW!!!" *yelling to pedestrians*

Larcena: "Okay, let's move it!" *leads group across vast street filled with running people*

Black male: "Stay close to me baby okay? It's all right sweetie" *to daughter*

Daughter: "Okay, ok daddy" *clings to her dad*

~Sparrow Delta forms a circle around us as we move in one motion through the drenched streets of NYC. Each of the soldiers look out for anything out of the ordinary, ready to do what's necessary at a moment's notice.~

Me: "...I want a weapon.."

Pvt.Dottsen: *aiming into crowd* "Hell no, after what you pulled back in that square? Lucky you're still here..."

Me: "I can defend myself!! I'm not just some brat I can take care of my own."

Soldier4: "Absoloutely not, no civilians are to be armed. Now stop talking and follow suit!" *aiming around*

Me: *looks at Denis who hasn't said a word. Anaylzes his calm, focused demeanor as it sends a wave of indifference through me*​



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(Lol, I had assumed Larcena was a male because one of the other soldiers replied with "Sir!" but yeah, indicating their gender is very helpful. I was looking for what gender Larcena was.) 
(In the military, they say Sir/Ma'am, based on gender, and actually, it's very disrespectful to call a male Ma'am, or a female Sir. At least in the air force it is. I used to be in :D
At the sound of a request for a weapon Denis walks quickly to the girls side, handing over his revolver. Denis is good enough to use his snipe at nearly close range, using it like a club any close than that. Denis is bothered, and he figured he broke his vow enough to throw it out the window, at least for today. "If you need to reload it, I have more bullets, if you point at me, I will kill you." Denis then proceeds to shout, if you want to live, you'll have to follow me."

As Denis begins to veer away from the group a soldier asks, "Why should we follow you? Because you're some fancy E7?" Denis calmly shouts above the chaos, "If an infected man can get onto a chopper, he can get into a blockade accepting people during chaos." At that, Denis took off. As the girl previously suggested, high ground wouldn't be a bad idea for now, and through the M&M store, they may be able to pick up some type of food. The roof access is usually just a single door and a ladder or two, which will be easy to defend. Denis turns back to the group, still confused at what to do, defy military orders, or listen to logic? Could the military blockade really be penetrated? It's a question they had to answer for themselves. "A few hours, when traffic dies down, we head to the safe zone, if they are still around and the infected haven't arisen, then we know we're good." Denis heads off with Jayden the wondersleeper, hoping the group follows for their own safety. It's easier to defend an area with few entrances, but not an area where anyone could be a potential enemy, and you're surrounded by them.

((mother was marine lol...sir was okay for them, it wasn't gender based it was a formal representation of mutual respect))

~Denis rapidly walks up to me side, causing me to step back a bit, he then pulls out a revolver. Not a .22, no this was much more powerful. He sticks it out towards me and looks at me with lost, dark eyes.~

Denis: ""If you need to reload it, I have more bullets, if you point at me, I will kill you." *shouts* "if you want to live, you'll have to follow me." *begins to rush off*

Pvt. Mills: "Why should we follow you? Because you're some fancy E7?" *still focused on recon*

Denis: "If an infected man can get onto a chopper, he can get into a blockade accepting people during chaos." *rushes off*

Sgt. Larcena: "We're under orders Metroko!!" *shouts over chaos*

~The soldier beside me walks up to me and sticks her hand out for the revolver.~

Soldier4: "Give me the weapon, you're not liscenced to carry that firearm."

Me: "No!" *jerks it away, looks at soldier's name strip* "Azelea..please I need to defend myself!"

PFC. Azelea: "Nope, give it here." *walking to me*

Me: "Screw this." *darts from the group towards Denis and the redhead boy near M&M world*

PFC. Azelea: "Shit....RUNNER!!!"

Pvt. Dottsen: "Oh goddammit!!!!" *rushes to get me*

Sgt. Larcena: "Son of a bitch!!! Delta, get the package....NOW!" *moves out towards M&M World*

~Denis and the boy run about 20 yards ahead of my location.I see them dodging past the massive wave of pedestrians everywhere. I shout for him, as he seems to look back to my voice, but doesn't find me in the crowd. I lift the revolver he gave me high into the air to catch his attention, still running and moving through the crowd.~

Me: "Hey! Metroko!!" *running up, stops at sight*

((Dice Roll: walker behind Denis - >6

M&M World is barricaded - <6

Helo crashes into M&M World - =6))


Me: *slowly raises my gun and aims right at Denis, as I cock back the hammer and put my iron sights right near Denis*

Pvt. Dottsen: *sees me from a distance* "What the hell is she doing?? HEY! DESTINY DROP IT!!!" *raises M4A1 at me*

Me: *pulls the trigger, as the bullet darts and whizzes a foot from Denis' ear and pierces an infected right through the head that was inches away from grappling Denis*

~The sound of the gunshot only blends in with the already catastrophic hell around us all. People continued to run rampant in the streets as more military choppers zoom overhead. People bang on the window of M&M World screaming and shouting, as the inhabitants inside step away from the glass in distrust. I give Denis a look of urgency as I begin to run over to the front door.~

Me: "Come on!!" *motions Denis over*​
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The bullet flies by, Denis can feel the wind from it's proximity and hear the humming as it whizzes by, like an annoying fly that just won't leave you alone. Denis knew the dead man was there, but he also knew the girl knew, and when they are in bad situations, Marines can make up some twisted games to stay entertained. Denis simply smiled at how the girl reacted to the situation, pleased with himself. He turns back towards the building, running towards the entrance, darting between dead and living alike. Almost hitting the door at full speed he reaches out and pushes off, sliding his body's momentum sideways, now running along the side of the building.

Denis' plan was to go for the ladder, as he figures it will be less crowded than the inside of the building. A single zombie stands in his way, sadly what looks like a pregnant lady, which he quickly slams the butt of his rifle into her face, caving her head in in a firework spray of blood. Not even slowing down to check, Denis turns the corner, trusting his ears to find his enemy. He was in the zone now, it was almost like it was back in his Marine days, when he was found and had to quickly escape the compound he infiltrated.

The ladder is high above, needing to be dropped, as it's meant to be a fire escape, not an access way. Despite having a rifle, bag, and boy on his back, Denis rears up, charging at the wall hosting the ladder. He jumps and kicks off the wall, just missing the ladder the first time, and soon realizes he's becoming exhausted. Luckily exhaustion isn't an obstacle for a trained Marine, as he rears up for a second time, analyzing the wall for the best foothold. He notices the group catching up as he spots a slight dent in the concrete side. He runs and catches the ball of his feet in the dent and gets just high enough to reach the ladder with a single hand. He pulls himself up as another dead turns the corner into his alley. Denis wants to see how the group handles it, so leaves it alone and climbs the ladder, adjusting the bag and boy every several rungs.

He makes it to the top, and despite exhaustion, scans the roof. No dead, but there is a group of four living. One of them looks to be a cop in uniform, with three adult civilians. Before they can see and react, Denis has his rifle aimed. He doesn't want to deal with the situation, so he slumps down against the slight raise of the roof at the edge, sitting slightly sideways, minding the boy on his back, clinging like a monkey to it's mother. Now awake, Jayden is whining softly, but Denis ignores it as he waits for the group to come and deal with the other group. Denis closes his eyes, beginning to take a nap. The cop sees and starts to go for his gun, though Denis opens his eyes again and gives a calm, yet somehow threatening stare back, just to let them know he's still paying attention.

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