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Walking Dead: Paths


Senior Member

"Paths. Endless and vast opportunities to explore new opportunities. New terrain. Both figuratively and literally, they take you to places that you've never thought to venture. They're so subjective, but yet so uniform in one cause: journey. Fate. Destiny. For me....? Ehh, right now I'm just trying to get the hell out of this chaos..."

The Walking Dead: Paths begins the first outbreaks of the zombie apocalypse in New York City. Life as you know it will all collapse upon you as everything you know, everything you love, and everything you stand for will vanish in a chaotic and ominous turn that will test your very essence of life against history's greatest crucible: Survival. Will you stay true to all that you were raised to believe in and be? Or will you become something else...

ANYTHING GOES in this open, heart wrenching, expansive world of surviving another day to fight for every inch of life you can. This is not about just surviving against the zombie apocalypse anymore, now the fight for the world as you know it to be begins. Just a typical urban, eccentric, upbeat day in the Big Apple, until in one moment of an instant the transition from society and civilization as we know it starts into a path of death and blood. The lost souls of millions converted into sinister dreaded creatures that slowly roam the earth now. Walkers. Zombies. Demons. The path to survival begins now.

View attachment 70842

First and foremost, if you are not prepared for intense and severe scenes of blood, gore, violence, and suggestive themes this rp is not for you. Open minds and maturity are required. Next, remember the universe you're in. You have to be willing to accept loss, death, and sacrifice at any turn. Stay true not only to your character, but to the world the character exists in. No spamming and modding outside the realms of reasonability. Finally, keep your wits about you. Things can turn in an instant, so stay on your toes.

-Multi character control of secondary characters are allowed.

@Status Undead we can put our characters here first before we begin.

Character Sign Up Template

So here's the information needed in order to sign up your character for the story:



Hair Color

Eye Color

Blood Type


Hobbies (Up to ten)

Good Character Traits (Up to six)

Character Flaws (List five)

Brief Character Bio: (Small Paragraph)

_________________EXAMPLE (AND MY CHARACTER)___________________________

Name: Destiny Frye aka "Fry"

Age: 19 years old.

Hair Color: Light Brown

Eye Color: Crystal Blue

Blood Type: O+

Occupation: Computer Science Major at NYU/NYU Track & Field.

Hobbies: Tech geek, video gamer, sports fanatic, hunting, zodiac expert, pro class dancing, white lotus martial arts, fashion junkie, culinary fanatic, gnosiophiliac.

Traits: Strong-Willed/Loyal/Honest/Intelligent/Open-Minded/Optimistic

Flaws: Melodramatic/Domineering/Pretentious/Stubborn/Sensitive

-Destiny Emerald Frye is originally born on July 4th 1994, and raised in Springfield, Missouri and moved to NY Junior year of high school. She is Hispanic and British, 5'10" and approx. 130 lbs. Her father Norton is the vice superintendent at West Point Academy and was the reason for her moving. Her mother Hope is a biochemist at NY Presbyterian/ Weill Medical Center. Both her parents graduated from Missouri University and Hope attended graduate school at Yale. She has an older brother Norton Jr "Norty" (23 years old) that joined the Air Force at 18 and became an Aviation Resource Manager and attended Air Force Academy. Destiny and Norty are like twins more than siblings, and have a very close relationship/chemistry. Destiny is an introvert to her parents but outgoing in nature. She attended Delaware elementary, John Pershing middle school, and Parkview High School in Springfield, MO. In NY, she attended Clarkstown High in West Nyack, NY. She graduated #24 in her class of 862 students. She also broke track records in NY in the 100, 200, and 4 x 100 relay events. She received a full scholarship to NYU where she now attends in her upcoming Sophomore year, and runs track as well and was recruited top 10 in the nation. She is highly logical while yet being extremely creative and imaginative. Bred a country girl, but enjoys the urban setting and nightlife. Being a military girl, she has proficiency with firearms and weapons. She dances in her spare time and is trilingual with Spanish and Italian. Her best quality is her adaptability to any situation, having vast resourcefulness and willpower from her experiences. She is also an avid Christian and has great faith religiously and in general. A popular figure, her worst downfall is the limitations she places on herself. All of that, or none of that will matter for what she is about to face...


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Name: Denis Metroko

Age: 27

Hair Color: Black and short

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Blood Type: O+(Not because it's your toons', but it's my actual blood type, so I anted to use it.)

Occupation: Machinist contractor for the military.

Hobbies (Up to ten): Pool, Working out, Reading and writing.

Good Character Traits (Up to six): Ex-Marine Sniper top of his class. Calm and calculative. Physically fit and healthy. Compassionate. Survivalist expert.

Character Flaws (List five): Selective Mutism. Inattentive. Short memory. Depression. Unattached to the world.

Brief Character Bio: (Small Paragraph): Most of what can define Denis's personality can be explained all from one day. He was a Marine sniper, the best the Marines have ever seen in fact. He was on a mission once in the Middle East. Sometimes children would be used against the Americans, they would have bombs strapped to them and sent in to ask for food, being remotely detonated by a terrorist. Denis was on a roof almost 200 yards away. He was watching a group travel through the streets searching for IEDs so they can disarm them safely. A lone child was coming up to the group. Denis whispered to himself as he set his sights on the child, 'Don't let him close, don't let him close.' but the men seemed to encourage the child. Knowing that he could be dangerous, Denis was forced to take a shot, through the child's chest, killing him. That same day he ended up killing 7 other children, only one of them having a bomb, along with a few adult terrorists. Though he received medals for having saved the group, allowing them to clear a path for other soldiers, he was shortly after discharged for depression and mental stress disorders, after which he has taken a vow of silence in the name of the children, only speaking when mandatory.

(I don't know if you want a description inside the Character Bio on his appearance or not, but I can do one if you want.)
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Is a description good enough? Or is a picture required? Me personally, I don't ever use pictures unless they are needed, I prefer describing, as it helps my writing, at least I hope it does.
Standing at 5'11, Denis wasn't a rugged man, though he had a sturdy stance. The way he presented himself, people would think he was in charge, if they didn't know any better. His short, military standard haircut and clean shaven face let people know he's in the military. His body is an average 180 lbs, his muscles toned and tight from his training as a sniper and continued work out regimen after the military. After his ordeal, he has become detached, eyes always seemingly off in the distance, filled with regrets and what ifs, thoughts of being remembered as a child murderer, despite being known as a hero.

His face betrays his emotions. Anyone who didn't know any better might have thought he was a special needs person. His tense cheeks and tight jaw accentuating his strong cheekbones, often showing the muscles near his temples as he grinds his teeth. His thick eyebrows lay low, almost creating a permanent scowl. He has rough hands developed through his work as a marine and machinist. Almost like a body builder, he has wide shoulders and thick thighs, though unlike extreme body builders, he has full range of motion.

(I hope this is good enough?)
We can start at any time you want. Though I'll have to admit, playing a selective mute recluse for many days wouldn't be so interesting lol. But I'm good with any time frame, it won't be too hard to play someone that doesn't do anything.
You can start at your job and trust me when the outbreak hits things are gonna hit the fan lol
Clinking, clanging, banging and gears grinding. The sounds of the various tools of a machinist can be heard throughout the hangar sized building. Wires hang from the ceiling connected to remote controls for various devices, swaying slightly as the wind makes its way through either side of the building as the large garage style doors are left wide open. The heat from the Sun heats the steel building faster than the A/C can cool it as it's an older building and lacks optimization.

Denis is left alone to do his work, as he usually is. He doesn't talk much, but he doesn't need to, he gets the job done, and done right at that. Requiring precision and sometimes trigonometry level math, he makes it seem easy. A couple more hours until the end of his shift, when he will go to the gym and back home to prepare for some sniper training the next day. The weekend was a wonderful time indeed.

(I don't know if you want to start the outbreak or not, so I'll leave it here for now.)

((I rp in first person hope you don't mind you can rp however you want))

Endless cries fill the vast urban mecca of New York City. Screeches of sheer terror intertwined with a tone of cataclysm and despair. So much pain, so much agony, so much blood. Splatters of red cover the streets and the surfaces of the stone and metallic structures that compliments the Big Apple with an aura of destruction. Tens of thousands of pedestrians run unruly amongst the unpredictable calamity that has came before them. Wails of fear and panic spread across for miles upon miles. Entrails infest the roads along with lifeless corpses that smother every inch of pavement that can be seen. Crowds clashing with other crowds in violence with a motive of security. Of survival. Masses of people being ran over and ran down in the streets, in and out of buildings, everywhere. Limitless sounds of the shattering of glass, impacts of metal, roars of peril resonate through the vast metropolitan masterpiece. Bodies drop from altitudes that provide certain death, one after another, raining down flesh and bones as the sound of their anatomy exploding against the hard ground causes a amplification of shock. Bursts of shots and angry rants travel the airways to anyone who was focused enough to listen to them. Limping bodies slowly roam the streets out of the horde of humans. Of the wave of corpses littering the roads, alleys, and avenues, a few write in pain, slowly moving in a drive for life...some with blood leaked faces and limb torn stumbles. It's like they're longing for something....those pale, fragile voices of theirs reach out in need for something. They move not budged by the essence of death before them, but rather embraced into it. These frenzied individuals tackle people where they stand, attacking them in a frenzy that only feeds the fuel of the oblivion before this city. This hell. Dozens of helicopters overhead hover over the destruction, and all the brilliant lights and billboards of the mecca all are diverted to breaking news broadcasts. Screeching of tires and crashing of car vehicles into all marks of land join in the fray of a seemingly unending nightmare. Everything's happening so fast, yet time is immobilized. People breaking down doors to infiltrate buildings and shelter, for whatever reasons. In the midst of all this oblivion lies one being that remains unmoved. She looks on with a face of shock and awe, but also one of will and drive. Blood spots cover portions of her face, and her clothes are dyed a permanent crimson that wreaks of death and decay. Everything is slow for her. Looking into the sea of danger, her crystal eyes lock in on one thing in particular....and then it hit her. That's when she knew. And then.......

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------SEVEN HOURS EARLIER--------------------------------------------------------------

~Intrusive beeps from some source can be heard~

Me: *fades in and out of consciousness*

~Beeps continue~

Me: *slowly fades into consciousness* "Uugh...." *Light shines in on eyes to cause blurry vision, beeps fill eardrums*

Me: "Ugh..." *squints eyes, rolls over in bed*

~Alarm continues to go off~

Me: *grabs phone and deactivates alarm, sees time is 12:02PM*

Me: "Great....I'm late" *jumps up and sits on bed, rubbing eyes*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Dorm.jpg.a8950ce24864979f50a55af482c4a8af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26467" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Dorm.jpg.a8950ce24864979f50a55af482c4a8af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: *Gets up and throws on NYU track team sweatpants, shirt, and purple nike running shoes* *sighs* "Now I'm gonna miss lunch AND have to run extra...." *goes to mirror and combs hair and puts it into a ponytail*

Me: "Oh well..." *Grabs phone, keys, student ID and heads out the door, locking it behind me*

Me: *heads down the hall and takes the elevator down into dorm lobby, where a female student steps on with her*

Student: "Hey Destiny" *smiles*

Me: "Hi Lacey.."

Lacey: "Everything ok?"

Me: *sighs* "I'm freakin' late for a team meeting...so I'm probably about to miss lunch and get chewed out and run extra and blah blah..."

Lacey: "Oh...that sucks my girl."

~Elevator opens~

Me: "Yeah....well see ya." *walks off elevator and make my way outside, sun beams on my face* "Geez..." *makes my way to Coles Athletic Center*

~At Coles Center~

Me: *Opens up doors and jogs down to the Track & Field offices*

???: "Destiny where have you been?? The meeting's about to end!"

Me: *Looking at coach* "Hey Coach Roberts I'm sorry I overslept I promise I set my alarm for 11 and I don't know it went off at 12 and..."

Coach Roberts: "You don't know?? How do you not know if you set it?" *smiles sarcastically*

Me: "I didn't hear it until 12..."

Coach Roberts: "Yeah well get in there, Coach McDonough will decide what happens from here" *walks on*

Me: *enters office slyly, all eyes divert to me*

Coach McDonough: "Destiny glad you could join us...being a national champion doesn't give you extra privilege, see me after this."

Me: "Yes sir"

~Teammates whisper under their breaths and give trolling looks~

Coach McDonough: "So basically the reason I called you all here is to basically make sure you all have your academic tracks in order for next year, and for our incoming recruits I want you to mentor them show them the campus this summer and go over some of our policies....like being punctual" *looks at me*

~slight laughs~

Me: *squints at head coach* "Ha Ha Coach....."

Coach McDonough: "Alright everyone get out of here...except Destiny."

~Redheaded female gets up and passes me~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/ScarletRoomie.jpg.7d637a8a6a26e46d481fce6f7e577195.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26468" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/ScarletRoomie.jpg.7d637a8a6a26e46d481fce6f7e577195.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Teammate: *whispers* "Good Luck...." *exits*

Coach McDonough: "So...what happened?" *leans back in chair*

Me: "I set my alarm for 11 and I didn't hear it until 12, I rushed here as soon as I could. Sorry coach." *walks in a bit more*

Coach McDonough: "Well....since you're here you can make it up by helping me fill out these recruit drafts. Just fill in their name, height, high school, events, and grade in that order." *hands over spreadsheet* "You know this is the first year of us going Division I you ready?"

Me: "Yes sir, just means I gotta work that much harder." *starts filling out papers*

Coach McDonough: "You work hard, Destiny. Probably the most out of everyone. You're a good leader, so lead by example. Spread that drive and heart into your teammates, and we'll do fine. What summer classes are you taking?"

Me: "I have Computer Vulnerability Testing, Psychology, and some volunteer work with my mom at Weill Cornell...dad wanted me to take Psych and get some good credits on my resume with community service."

Coach McDonough: "That computer stuff you can have, never could get into it. How is your dad up there at West Point?" * staring down, writing*

Me: "He's good, keeping the place pretty sharp."

Coach McDonough: "That's good, better not tell him you were late then, he'll throw you in a pit somewhere *laughs jokingly*

Me: "Ha! Probably would..." *filling out paper*

~Phone vibrates~

Me: *checks phone*

-> Text msg from: Mummy - Hey don't forget to come by the hospital so so I can sign off on your application'; 12:49pm.

Me: *replies*

-> 'Okay I will, I was coming after my meeting anyways be there about 2:30 3ish'

Me: *sets phone on the desk and continues filling out paper*

Coach McDonough: "You know the #21 ranked recruit is on that, she committed last week. Amy Porter...we also got ta' ...#106 and #213. Tergier and Florence."

~Phone vibrates~

Me: *grabs phone to see a text from Mom* -> 'Ok' *another text comes in* -> Text msg from: Scar - 'Hey, what'd coach say!?'

Me: *puts phone in pocket and looks at paper* "Hmm....Porter 5'4" a sprinter...12.06 in the 100? That's good, Laney Tangier 5'5" sprinter and jumps...Armala Florence 5'7" distance runner..."


~something impacts the office window~

Me: "The heck?"

Coach McDonough: *gets up and checks window* "Ahh, they're out there with the basketball and hit the window."​

Me: "Ohhhhh okay." *looks back down at the paper and focuses on player grades*

~Destiny Frye.....A+, Amy Porter....A-, Scarlet Becker....C~

Me: *sees Scar's grade*

Coach McDonough: "You almost done?"

Me: "Yessir....finishing the times up...."

Coach McDonough: *keeps writing*

Me: *Listens to voices of two males and a bouncing basketball outside*

Me: "And......done." *places pen down, cracks hands, Hands paper to coach*

Coach McDonough: "Okay" *takes paper* "So basically turn in a copy of your courses to your events coach, um check in with them weekly and attend study hall at least twice a week, and then obviously if you're going to train or have treatment have it cleared by either your coach, me, or Director Bledsoe. Alright get out of here. Next time equals hills."

Me: "Yes sir, see you later." *gets up and leaves* "Well, I guess that wasn't all that bad..." *takes out phone*

~Time: 12:57PM. 6 new messages, 1 new voicemail, @gearhead4lyfe retweeted you!~

Me: *checks messages*

->From: Joan - 'Yoooooo...call me when you can' - 12:54PM

-> From: Kanine - 'Hey babe, come over tonight let's watch movies' - 11:38AM

->From: Norty - 'Dude, have you seen the Inception trailer!? CRAAAAAAZYYYYYYY' - 11:14AM

->From: Norty - 'When are you going home Fry?' - 10:36AM

->From: Ben D - 'You trying to hit up breakfast?' - 9:51AM

->From: Sammi - 'I miss yew

:/ ' - 2:44AM

Me: *replies*

=>To: Kanine - 'I might hang out with Scar and Joan tonight so I'll see okay?'

=>To: Norty - 'No I have not lol, and June 25th homeskillet'

=>To: Sammi - 'Imy2

:( how's Texas?'

Me: *calls Joan while walking to my dorm, phone rings*

Joan: Helloooooo

Me: "haha what's up?"

Joan: Ahm, nothing just wondering what coach said and where are you?

Me: "He freakin' made me fill out the recruit reports and then filled me in on what the meeting was about, and I'm on my way back to Carlyle."

Joan: Oh are you getting food after?

Me: "Can't I gotta go to see mum at the hospital for my volunteer work I'm going to shower now."

Joan: What are you doing after that?

Me: "Uhh...nothing planned, come back to campus if I don't hit times square. Oh and Kanine wants to hang tonight but I told him idk"

Joan: I love your freaking accent haha british meets cuntry'...and please all Kanine wants is your panties...

Me: "Ahw shush...anyways I'll text you if I'm free okay?

Joan: Kay, later gater.

Me: "Later" *hangs up* *Looks up at dormitory in the near distance*

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*Uses ID to enter dorm hall and proceeds up to my room*



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After an hour at the gym, Denis makes his way home. He walks to most places, as he enjoys the exercise, and notices a child in a wheelchair. A friendly 12 year old red head boy, freckles adorning his face ever so stereotypically, hair in a messy little afro. Jayden, a boy who often talks to Denis at the park when Denis is on his break from running. "Hello Mister!" The boy waves as the man stares blankly, continuing his walk, the boy seemingly still happy despite always being blown off.

Having made it home, Denis pulls out his rifle, preparing it for cleaning for the next day. He pulls out this piece and that, methodically and through muscle memory, placing bits about carefully on the cloth he has laid on a small round wooden table. He enjoys the view from his third story apartment as he works about. The Sun is angled slightly into the room, casting a warm light as the day comes closer to an end.

A few rocks can be heard being thrown around outside, a quick look reveals some young boys throwing rocks at, and messing around with, what appears to be a middle aged man with some kind of disease. He's walking around as if he has no energy. The boys probably thought he was drunk, but his skin has a pale hue to it. Paying the group no mind, Denis continued his task, scrubbing pieces before wiping them clean, placing pieces back together, and making sure everything worked properly. Playing with his rifle was one of the few things that can keep his attention.

Screaming outside the window alerts Denis, he looks calmly to assess the situation. It seems the drunkard bit one of the boys, through the skin it seems, blood dripping onto the ground and smeared on the man's face. Noticing an elderly woman calling the cops, Denis decided he didn't need to intervene, instead getting ready to make a snack before packing for the next days activities.

Me: *opens up already unlocked door to see Scar inside on the phone*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Dorm.jpg.50750d7aa489987a8b603bd59ba529c8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26475" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Dorm.jpg.50750d7aa489987a8b603bd59ba529c8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Scarlet: *looks up at me* "Hey roomie, so did coach chew your ass out?"

Me: "No, he just made me fill out paperwork with him, the recruit draft reports" *sigh* "Who's that? *pointing to the phone*

Scar: "Tommy" *smiles*

Me: *jaw drops* "Are you two...?"

Scar: "Hahah Jesus can't we just converse on the phone nosy mcgruff!?" *talks to Tommy* "She asked were we together haha...I know right..."

Me: *grabs towel and underwear and heads into the bathroom, takes a shower*

~After shower~

Me: *exits bathroom with towel over body, opens closet door looking for clothes to wear*

Scar: *looks over at me* "Chick, I'm so jelly of your body right now...everything is perky and toned..you suck."

Me: "Scarlet I have my towel on!"

Scar: "Sooooo I've seen your body countless times so I'm commenting!"

Me: "Oh you're commenting now about looking at my body, something you wanna say Scar? Hmm?" *laughs*

Scar: *laughs loudly* "OH SHUT UP! I'm Anti-Colonel Angus!"

Me: *laughs* "Just staying!" *looks in closet and searches through clothes*

Scar: "Sooo what do you have to do today?"

Me: "Well I'm about to head to Presbyterian so my mum can sign my volunteer form for community service, after that I'm gonna get food from somewhere, then train back here and then who knows... *looking through clothes*

Scar: "Ahh, well I mean I don't have anything to do if you want me to come with.."

Me: "Sure, if you want!" *grabs beige popover cropped top and some navy tight fit jeans* "Hmm....kicks...kicks...."

Scar: "Oooooh are you feeling heels? Nahh you need to wear something comfortable for all the potential walking..."

Me: "True. Sandals...nahh since we're going to the hospital I'll grab these" *grabs high top white and gold nikes*

Scar: "Okay doke, are you leaving now?" *putting on sandals*

Me: "Soon as I get ready, yeah" *Drops towel, puts on clothes, fuzzy socks, and shoes* "Whatcha wanna do tonight?"

Scar: "Hmm...it's a Friday, so no staying in. Let's go grab boys heehee."

Me: "Hah. Classic Scarlet, Joan wants to RV with us also so maybe a lounge?" *puts on gold watch, diamond bracelet, earrings, and a sash style belt.*

Scar: "I'm game" *smirks while grabbing wallet, keys, phone, and ID*

Me: *combing hair in the mirror* "Okay cool" *smiles at Scar* "ready?" *puts comb in purse*

Scar: "Yeah" *heads to door*

Me: *grabs phone, phone charger, wallet, keys, ID, and stuffs them in my purse as we both leave the room*

Scar: *closes and locks dorm room door*

~Music plays from an open door down the hall~

Me: *walks past open door to see Lacey cleaning her room spotless*

Scar: "LACEY!!!"

Lacey: *jumps* "Agh! don't do that!" *laughs*

Scar: *laughs, walks on*

Me: *chuckles* "Her fault." *walks to elevator*

Lacey: "Sheesh..!"

Scar: "Lacey's so weird...."

Me: "She just keeps to herself, nothing wrong with that."

Scar: "But it's college I mean I know it's summer in nyc but....like...go out and meet people, she's going to be the one that shoots up the place you know?"

~Elevator door opens~

Me: "Don't say that! Nuh uh!" *shakes my head*

~We both get on the elevator as it descends to the lobby~

Me: "What time is it?"

Scar: "It is...." *checks phone* "1:51PM"

~As Scar and I walk across campus & make our way to the Prince St. train station~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/nyu1.jpg.b897e6a7ab81a67f5b28d1ae7759e4e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26476" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/nyu1.jpg.b897e6a7ab81a67f5b28d1ae7759e4e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: *whips out phone and checks*

~Time: 1:58PM, 2 new messages, 1 new voicemail, 12 others retweeted you!~

Me: *Checks messages*

->From: Kanine - 'But I'm going to be lonely tonight :/ I need my french fry' - 1:36PM

->From: Sammi - 'Hot as hell, boring as shit...I'm ready to come back to NYC!' - 1:19PM

Scar: "What'd your boyfriend say?"

Me: *eyes Scar* "He is NOT my boyfriend."

Scar: "Oh yeah, because you go on dates, hang out, kiss, cuddle, hold hands, fuck..." *says sarcastically*

Me: "Hey! We're....just talking but it MIGHT get serious. I just have to see if he's serious. He says he really likes me and he's never done half the things with anyone as he has with me. I know how cliché it sounds but he's been proving it."

Scar: "Umhmm....and if he breaks your heart I'll break his neck."

Me: *replies Kanine* -> 'You'll be fine without me for one night lol :*' *proceeds to check voicemail*

Voicemail: Please enter password, then press pound.......You have one new voice message. First voice message: ""Hey Des, it's Redd...uhm..I was just calling to check up on you see how things were, anyways I miss you, hope all is well. Bye.""

Me: *pauses, then hangs up*

Scar: "Everything cool?"

Me: "That was Redd, my ex. He always calls out the blue and ...ugh."

Scar: "What'd he say?"

Me: "That he missed me..."

Scar: "And how do you feel?"

Me: "Like he always calls at the wrong moments. Randomly he'll call when I'm good and then soon as I hear his voice I get...."*shakes head*

Scar: "Flustered huh? You still care about him?"

Me: "Of course I do! But...as far as relationship I mean not particularly. I knew he couldn't handle the distance."

Scar: "Well, when a woman breaks up with a man it goes directly to his ego, he's still attached."

[Crowd chatter increases]

Me: "Yeah" *looking at Prince St station*

Scar: "Don't sweat it Des, have faith that what you did was for the best okay?"

Me: *nods, travels to train platform*

[Crowd chatters loudly]

Scar: "SO HOW LONG WILL WE BE AT THE HOSPITAL?" *talking over crowd*

Me: *smirks* "NOT VERY LONG" *takes out phone and goes to my YC parse app and uses computer code to access Weill Cornell's log records* "Umhmm..." *finds time slot for 2:50PM and remotely enters my name into the slot*

~Train #6 arrives~

Scar: "Alright! HERE WE GO." *crowd exits train and bumps into us*

Scar: "OUCH! Watch it JERK."

Me: "Ugh! Excuse you people!" *swims through people to find a seat on the train*

Scar: *sits beside me*

Me: *Dials Weill Cornell Biosciences dept.* *phone rings*

???: Hello, Biosciences this is Mark.

Me: "Hi may I speak to Hope please?"

Mark: Juuust a moment... *silence*

Me: *waits*

Hope: Biosciences this is Hope

Me: "Hey mumma"

Hope: Hey doll

Me: Scar and I are on the way to the hospital we'll be there in literally half an hour."

Hope: Half an hour? Okay you want me to fill you out a sign in?

Me: "No no it's cool I already did that"

Hope: How did you do that!?

Me: "I did it 'online' " *smirks at Scar*

Scar: *shakes head, laughing*

Hope: Well, okay if you say so. See you in a bit.

Me: "Love ya bye" *hangs up*

[Phone vibrates]

~Text from: Kanine -> 'What if I'm not? Babe pleeease just stop by for at least like half an hour? :| '

Me: *replies* -> 'Fine I'll come by for an hour then girls night. Buster :P '

Scar: "So what lounge or club you trying to hit up?"

Me: "Well, the Jazz Standard is the highest rated maybe there? I've never been."

Scar: "Hmm...I can dig Jazz. Should we call Joan and tell her be ready for tonight then?"

Me: "Yupp, do that kid"

Scar: "Alrighty" *takes out phone and begins texting*

Man: *walks up to me* "Excuse me, do you have the time? My phone is deceased."

Me: "Sure, it's 2:21PM " *looking at phone*​



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The Sun begins to set, changing the shadows in the room ever so slowly, telling Denis it's getting time for dinner. After preparing his meal he plops it in the oven for a few minutes. While he waits, he hears screaming, from a distance it sounds like. He looks out his window, a clear view to The Jazz Standard. It's far, but easy for his trained eyes to see, and oddly enough, people are running out of the club, as people are usually trying to get in. As earlier, he figured someone called the police, so he ignores the situation and instead tends to his food. Though it is odd to have to incidents involving screaming in one day, as the neighborhood is usually much more quiet. Denis ignores this thought and sits down, digging into his baked chicken and macaroni, on of his favorite dishes.
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[QUOTE="Status Undead]The Sun begins to set, changing the shadows in the room ever so slowly, telling Denis it's getting time for dinner. After preparing his meal he plops it in the oven for a few minutes. While he waits, he hears screaming, from a distance it sounds like. He looks out his window, a clear view to The Jazz Standard. It's dark now, but his trained eyes see clearly, and oddly enough, people are running out of the club, as people are usually trying to get in. As earlier, he figured someone called the police, so he ignores the situation and instead tends to his food. Though it is odd to have to incidents involving screaming in one day, as the neighborhood is usually much more quiet. Denis ignores this thought and sits down, digging into his baked chicken and macaroni, on of his favorite dishes.

Hey, could you edit the post to where it's not night yet plz? I don't want to move too fast I want to build my character up and set up the outbreak so we can have more story to run with.
[QUOTE="Status Undead](How's that? I just replaced it's dark now, with it's far.)

I'm saying it should still be in the day. My character it's only like 2:30 PM and the direction I'm going with my story they're not going to make it to the Jazz Standard, that's what I meant I don't want to move too fast time wise sorry I should have clarified.
(You can move at a different time, it doesn't have to be night for you, though it can be for me. That gives you that whole time to write up what you want, because my character won't be doing much until the outbreak anyways. So you can just write up a post until it is dark.)
[QUOTE="Status Undead](You can move at a different time, it doesn't have to be night for you, though it can be for me. That gives you that whole time to write up what you want, because my character won't be doing much until the outbreak anyways. So you can just write up a post until it is dark.)

Okay good deal 
((When I write the outbreak happens before nightfall that's why I said something))
((It's going to happen around 6ish so I'm guessing the sun will be starting to set but it'll still be light out)) 

[roars of screams and panic citywide]

Me: *running as fast as I can, panting* "Hu.....hgh...." *looks back*

Scar: *screaming* "Go Destiny!!! HURRY!!! *panting as she sprints*

~Blood and trash fills the alleyway~

Me: *sees door up ahead, runs full charge at it* *braces for impact*

Scar: *follows right behind her*

Me: *breaks down door with shoulder* "Agh!" *falls from momentum*

Scar: *instantly picks me up*

Me: *looks up to see a man pointing a gun right in between my eyes*

---------------------------------------------------------------------FOUR HOURS EARLIER-------------------------------------------------------------------------

~Train #6 arrives at 68th street, Hunter College.~

[Train doors opens as the chatter of an array of voices surround the train]

~Walking down 69th to Weill Cornell/NY Presbyterian~

Scar: "I'm just saying... being a back to back national champ you could transfer to ANY of the top tier schools...LSU, Arizona, Stanford..."

Me: "Yeah but NYU is Division I now in Track...I'd rather set the records here and be known for making it reputable."

Scar: "that also means recruits are getting stronger in prestige...some of us might be cut, not everyone is a Destiny Frye."

Me: "Scarlet, stop. Don't say it like that I'm not all high and mighty nor am I better than anyone...we're a team I couldn't do it without any of you."

Scar: "Uhhh....YES, you could. This isn't basketball, track has individual events."

Me: "But Scar our team will NEVER win no matter how many 1st places I get or records I break."

Scar: "True....TAXI!!!" *whistles*

Me: "Train with me this summer, you'll be the best mile runner in NYU history. I got your back!"

~Taxi pulls up to the curb a few feet away~

Scar: "We'll push each other" *smiles, hops in taxi*

Me: *hops in taxi*

Driver: "Afternoon ladies, where tous' ?" *looking in rear view mirror*

Me: "Weill Cornell please."

Driver: "Okee dokey, what ya' got a family memba' you visiting?"

Me: "Yes, but not for anything bad my mum works there."

Driver: "Ahh she a nurse?"

Me: "Biochemist."

Driver: "Oh man, fancy. So she be makin' dem potions and wat not?"

Me: *laughs* "Noooo hahah celluar systems in organisms haha!"

Scar: "Hahahahaha!"

Driver: "Oh! Hahah see!? Shows how much I know I'm just a dumb guido" *laughs it off*

Me: *pulls out phone, sees new message from Kanine* -> 'Yayyyyyyy ;) I'm going to massage you something serious tonight!' *I reply* -> 'Boy shush lol I'm only staying an hour.'

Driver: "Yous two pretty young ladies what ya gonna go to the hospital and parade around the doctors eh? Make em want ya? You'd have a job just like that" *snaps fingers*

Scar: *mouths to me* 'Awkwaaard....'

Me: "haha no sir just going to fill out papers for volunteer work"

Driver: "Same deal. Men'll be prowling around ya in no time." *pulls up to Weill Cornell* "Alright ladies, here you are, have a beautiful day okay?"

Me: "Thank you so much you too" *hands Driver $6*

Scar: "Thank you!"

Me: *looks at phone, time is 2:48PM* "Perfect timing"

~Walks into Weill Cornell Medical Center~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/weillNYP.jpg.48b2cce3116f12c7d22b6c1b59fba883.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/weillNYP.jpg.48b2cce3116f12c7d22b6c1b59fba883.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: *approaches lobby desk* "Hi, Destiny Frye for 2:50"

Attendant: "Okay...I see your name but you didn't specify who you're meeting with."

Me: "Hope Frye, she'll confirm.

Attendant: *calls Biosciences Dept.*........."Yes Hi this is Tisha Lawrence from the front lobby calling to confirm an appointment with Hope from a Destiny Frye.........okay....alrighty, thank you." *hangs up* "Okay you're good to go. Take the elevator to the 3rd floor and to the left,"

Me: "Thanks."

Scar: *hums*

Me: *calls elevator*


~Elevator opens~

Me: *presses 3rd floor button*

Scar: "How long you volunteering for?"

Me: "I don't even know yet."

Scar: *looks in elevator mirror to straighten hair*

~Elevator opens to third floor~

Me: *walks to the left into the Biosciences department*

?: "Hello there Destiny! Looking good! Got yourself a nice tan, summer body going on, what boy are you trying to impress!?"

Me: "Hi Mrs. Kathy, I'm not trying to impress anyone haha."

Scar: "Umhmm suuure."

Mrs. Kathy: "Hahah okay, you looking for your big headed mother?"

Hope: *sneaks up on Kathy* "what'd ya say? hah?"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Hope.jpg.5683d75f6eb83cad30de3e47abaa6383.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26494" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Hope.jpg.5683d75f6eb83cad30de3e47abaa6383.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kathy: *jumps* "Oh goodness! haha girl you can't do that!"

Me: *laughs*

Hope: "Come on, I have the papers in my office..." *to me*

Me: "Kay." *follows mom*

~The entire Bioscience staff greets me as I walk by~

[Hello....Hey Destiny!.....How are you?....Hey there Destiny! Getting taller!]

Scar: "Geez, everyone knows you here!?"

Me: "Just the people mum works with. I used to visit every Sunday when we first moved here. I basically get access to all the labs and such, pretty darn cool, kinda a big deal" *winks at Scar*

~We enter the Office quarters~

Hope: *scans keycard* "Okay go ahead in there and fill it out it's on my desk, I have to go oversee this lab report I'll be back in about 15." *leaves*

Me: "Kay." *takes pen and volunteer application* "I hope I won't have to like, do grunt work. I wanna carry like volatile viruses or something haha."

Scar: "Haha! Alright! Now when you become a zombie don't say anything!!" *sits in chair beside me*

Me: "...or a superheroine." *filling out application*

Scar: "What would your power be?"

Me: "Hmm...I would have....Telekinesis."

Scar: "Ugh!!! That's so common Destiny!! Boooooooo!" *gives thumbs down*

Me: "Okay, well then what would YOU have?" *looks at Scar*

Scar: "I'm a redhead, straight up Fire manipulation." *does hand gestures*

Me: "Emm, I'd stop you!" *fills out application* "You wouldn't stand a chance..."

Scar: "Oh REALLY? So who'd be the villain?"

Me: *looks at Scar* "Definitely you."

Scar: "Definitely me." *says it the same time as I do*

[Phone vibrates]

Me: *checks phone*

Text msg -> From: Joan - 'Hey have you seen the news about that guy who started eating into this woman's neck over in Union City!? They're flying her over to New York Pres!!' *jaw drops, reply* -> 'Are you serious!? I'm here now!! Dannnnnng'

Scar: *into her phone*

Me: "Scar, Joan just said that some crazy guy bit off this woman's neck and she's being flown here!"

Scar: "Wait what!? Forrealzies!?"

Me: "Heck yeah!" *rushes filling out paper*

Scar: "Oh that's crazy...." *goes on google and searches Union City man bites woman* "....Oh shit, breaking news 11 minutes ago"

Me: "See...Jersey folks are crazy!"

Scar: "Hey! Don't put that on us!! Dude was probably from like, MISSOURI or something!"

Me: *eyes Scar* "Ha ha....funny." *says sarcastically, writes out application.* "I need three references....no family. Coach McDonough, Scarlet Becker, and...."

Scar: "Kanine" *smirks at me*

Me: "Ugh....no..." *secretly puts Redd Hart as 3rd reference* "Okay..Name, check...bday, check..blood type.. check, eye color and hair color...check, full time student...Sophomore....19..."

Scar: "Where you want to get food from?"

Me: "There's a Mickey D's right down the block. I'll probably eat there."

Scar: "Cool with me."

Me: *finishes up paper* "Felon? No....Crimes? No...."

Scar: "You haven't had so much as a parking ticket...daddy's little girl!"

Me: "I am not! Just because I obey the law doesn't mean I'm a nun haha."

Scar: "You are a saint, remember freshman year? We were all out partying and where where you? In your dorm....studying, and doing ....homework...eck." *makes gagging gesture*

Me: "Oh shutup! I chose to be studious and NOT have bad grades my first semester in...I eventually joined you guys did I not?"

Scar: "Yeah you sure did....and boy did you party...you sly devil you..." *nudges me*

Me: *laughs* "Aha! chill it flamebrain!"

Scar: "Remember when we acted like we went out to ward off those grenades that tried to get at us? Hahah!"

Me: *laughs* "Yes! Haha 'if you girls really go out, kiss each other then' " *imitating the guy* *looks at paper* "How many hours a week...? Uhhh....." *fills in 10 hours/week* *checks over application* "Done."

Scar: "Yayyyyy! So do you just leave it on her desk or...?"

Me: "I'm gonna wait until she comes back."

Scar: "Okay, cool" *gets on Facebook and posts status: 'Girls Night!!! @DestinyFrye @Joan Kanarkiewicz '

Hope: *walks in* "You finished?"

Me: "Yes ma'am I am!" *hands application to mum*

Hope: *Takes application and looks over it* "Okay." *sets it on desk*

Me: "Mum, did you hear about the lady who got her neck halfway bit off by some crazy man?? They're flying her here as we speak."

Hope: "Oh God...when did this happen??"

Me: "Like 20 minutes ago. Crazy."

Hope: *shakes head* "Goes to show you, people are crazy. Do you want something to eat while you're here?"

Me: "Doesn't matter, we were going to go to McDonalds..."

Hope: "Well just get something here so you won't have to walk over there.."

Me: "It's fine we can go to Mc--"

Scar: *Interrupts* "We'll eat here Mrs. Frye. You know she can be stubborn." *points to me*

Hope: *laughs* "Suuure can!"*shakes head*

Me: *eyes Scar* "Okay, that's how you want to play it..."

Scar: *laughs*

Hope: "We have chicken tenders or shrimp....sides are Mac & cheese, french fries, and pasta."

Scar: "May I have chicken tenders with Macaroni and fries please?"

Me: *reluctantly* "Uh Shrimp with pasta and Macaroni...and a water."

Scar: "Water for me too please."

Hope: "Ok, well come on I'll take you guys down to the food court so you can get whatever." *gestures out the door*

Scar: "Thanks Mrs. Frye." *walks out of office*

Hope: "You're welcome sweeite!"

Me: *walks out*

~Walks to the elevator with Mum and Scar~​



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After dinner it's time for some tv. Denis, during his down time, was fond of keeping up with current times, making news channels his most visited. As soon as the tv is turned on a man is on, the background looks to be in a panic. "Stay indoors, lock your doors, and wait for the police! This appears to be, to my disbelief, a zombie outbreak. The dead are risen and chase after the living. So far it seems to be contagious only if they bite or scratch you, but don't take any chances, don't touch them. In fact, don't touch anyone. Actually," The news anchor looks away from he camera, "is my family ok?" The man seems to hesitate before looking back into the camera. "I'm very sorry, but I have to go. More from Summers"

In disbelief, Denis looks out his window, there does seem to be panic throughout the street. Though the supposedly drunk people aren't really drunk. Denis thinks to himself, Zombies? Can't be. But sure enough there are people eating other people, and New York wasn't known for it's cannibals. Denis decides to barricade his door, luckily his fire escape had bars on them, so nothing can come in that way, leaving just the door. After barricading the door he fished out his rifle and all his ammo, packing it, among other supplies, flashlight, batteries, matches, and others into a large duffel bag. Denis hooks up his strap to his rifle to be slung over his shoulder for ease of access and heads towards the window again to survey the situation. Not yet sure of what to do, he doubts he has enough ammo to kill every zombie, Wow, it's weird to say that, he grabs his revolver and watches, prepared to kill anyone that comes through the door.

After some time, it seems most of the living are now the walking dead, with less people to cause a commotion, Denis decides it's time to head out. Unbarring the door, he takes his time making his way down the two flights of stairs. Most people have already evacuated or decided to set up shop in this building, so there was very little activity inside. Unlike in the horror movies, the lights all still work, no fancy light shows in this building. As Denis neared the exit he kept his hand tight around his revolver, knowing his favorite sniper isn't for indoor skirmishes. He makes his way to the exit and opens the door, surveying the situation outside.

(Not sure if you meant for that gun wielder to be me or not, but I put myself there, though it doesn't have to be you in my doorway. Again, you can play with time until we meet up.)
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((I was thinking we meet up in the streets somewhere, like the very first post I put where Destiny just standing in the middle of all that chaos, Denis could be the one that snaps her out of it. I was thinking the military was the gunpointers.))

~Weill Cornell/New York Presbyterian food court~

Hope: "Here" *hands to go plates to me and Scar* "What are yall about to do now?"

Me: "About to head back to NYU, eat, then we're going to hang out somewhere tonight..."

Hope: "Where to?"

Me: "Maybe a jazz lounge? Idk" *shrugs*

Hope: "Well don't stay out too late, you know how your dad gets..."

Me: *sigh* "Mom I'm an hour away from dad, I'm 19. I'll be fine."

Hope: "Tell that to your father..."

Me: "He looks at Norty like he's a frekin' Heisman trophy winner and me he just.--"

Scar: *Interrupts, taps me on the arm* "Des look! The tv!!!"

~All people in the food court seemed to have stopped their actions and slowly focus their attention to the television~

TV newscaster: "Yes....um it seems to have been downed right on Joe DiMaggio Highway right where the Hudson river greenway meets 12th avenue..reports say that the helicopter was on its way to New York Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical where the patient, Ms. Victoria Ramone was being airlifted to treat a severe attack she had received just about 45 minutes ago from her husband, Jose Ramone age 34. Ramone had reportedly bit Victoria in the neck causing heavy bleeding and tissue damage...uh it's real disturbing to even fathom but now that helicopter has indeed crashed onto Highway 9A just meters down the street from the Sanitation Department...."*continues*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/crashNY.jpg.490dfc73cd14611a61dbe9e803deca1c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/crashNY.jpg.490dfc73cd14611a61dbe9e803deca1c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: "Oh my God" *jaw drops* "How did it crash!?"

Scar: *mouth wide open* "No idea....that's terrible!"

Hope: "Oh my goodness!!"

[Food court begins to mutter and converse, gasps can be heard]

Me: "Mom you HAVE to call me and fill me in on the full details when you get off tonight..."

Hope: *says nothing, looks on*

Me: "Seriously."

Scar: *shakes head slowly, mouth still open*

TV Newscaster: *continuing* ".......right, and we have EMS, Firetrucks, and the Police sprawling all over the area that section of Highway 9A has in fact been closed off in order to preserve life and contain the crash they ARE looking for survivors of the crash we can only hope and pray for the best. We have helicopters overhead monitoring the incident, the NTSB probably will be here soon, and it's...this is just tragic a woman being rushed to NY Presbyterian and the noble staff that was working to keep her alive have all went down and we don't know if they're okay or not."

TV anchorman: "So do they at least know how many people were in the heli Tom?"

Tom TV Newscaster: "No it has not been confirmed yet Jeff but speculation can place them at about 7 for an educated guess including Victoria Ramone. Again, we will not know until law enforcement and EMS gives us a number and confirms it."

Me: *My vision is blocked by Mom*

Hope: "Fry, go ahead and enjoy your day I'll tell you about it later you don't need to see this."

Me: ..."Mum I see stuff like this all the time, it's life."

Hope: "Yeah well I don't want you looking at it anyway that's so tragic. Go on, call me when you get to your dorm, and tell me where you go tonight."

Me: "...Mooooooom..."

Hope: "I don't want to hear that just say yes. Don't make me tell your father."

Me: "Since when did YOU get so stern gahh..." *To Mum*

Hope: "Oh, shush. Call me later tonight you hear me??"

Me: "Yes. Okay." *turns to leave the food court.*

Scar: *follows me, still looking at TV*

Scar: "That is ridiculous..." *To me*

Me: "I know right, but then she's acting like I'm not grown...like I can't handle anything."

Scar: "She's your mom Destiny it's her job to care that way. Probably freaked her out a little bit."

Me: "Yeah, maybe." *leaves out of hospital* *checks phone*

[sounds of NY traffic and pedestrians fill the air]

~3:26PM, 2 new messages, Scarlet Becker tagged you in a post.~

Me: *checks messages*

->From: Joan - 'The helicopter with that woman went down!!! :o it's on the news!' - 3:17PM

->From: Mauricio - 'Hi Destiny! If you're still interested in the modeling gig please contact me asap at 646-822-4973' - 3:02PM

Me: *replies Joan* -> 'I knowwwww!!! I was watching! That mess is CRAZY. We're on our way back to campus now.'

Scar: *goes to the curb to look for a taxi*

Me: *sends text* -> To: Norty, Brenda, Twitter - 'Soooo yeah....a woman got her neck chewed off in NJ and was being rushed to the hospital where Mom works...and the heli crashed :| '

Scar: "TAXI!" *waves hand to Taxi*

~Taxi turns around and pulls up to the curb~

Scar: "Come on Des" *gets in Taxi* "Hi, Hunter College Station please..."

Me: *gets in Taxi*


Me: "!!! The heck was that!?" *looks overhead to see two NY Presbyterian choppers fly overhead*

Scar: *looks out of window at choppers* "Must be going to the crash site.."

Me: "Hope they're all okay."

Scar: "Me too"

~Taxi drives to Hunter College Station~

[Phone vibrates]

Me: *opens phone messages*

-> From: Joan - 'Okay, I'm going to start getting ready around 6ish'

-> From: Brenda - 'Hey bestie, and really? 0_0 oh no that's terrible!'

Scar: "Hey, what are you wearing tonight?"

Me: "Probably a dress and heels...classy life."

Scar: "Yeah I was thinking the same...Oh!" *reaches in purse and pulls out $10* "Here you go sir, keep the change" *Hands driver $10*

Driver: "Thank you"

Me: "Shoot! I forgot to charge my phone at the hospital..." *looks at battery status*

~Battery: 46%~

Scar: "Just charge it when we get to the room."

Me: "Yeah, I have to now."

Driver: "Hunter Station." *pulls up*

Scar: "Thanks." *gets out*

Me: "Thank you." *gets out*

[hordes of pedestrians exit the train with loud chatters of conversation]

~Scar and I get on the train to see all seats full~

Scar: *scoffs* "Great..."

Me: "Oh well" *grabs pole*

Conductor: "Hunter station train #6 leaving for Lexington Ave next stop time now is 3:33 PM we will be departing in 2 minutes."​



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