Waldron and Emmalia IC

Emmalia nodded and wished she was asleep also. Alas, there were bigger problems, like the fact that she was still bleeding. She went into an alley, took off her shirt, and began washing it int he bucket. In the end it was no longer white but grey, dyed from her black blood, with a darker blotch on the shoulder. It could do - it had to do, since her bleeding had only increased pace. At least, by her figuring, if she died, she died a human. She pulled her shirt back on and rejoined Waldron. "Let's get to a doctor before I collapse."
"Right behind you." Waldron agreed with the idea of finding a doctor, and fast. They needed to get indoors as well, there was no telling if Ander was right around the corner and preparing an ambush...This entire town may not even be safe for the two anymore. But Waldron couldn't tell and he doubted Emmalia could in her weakened state, so they proceeded to a doctor's building in the town, a fairly well off and large enough building. "Well, at least we're in luck on actually finding a doctor. Why don't you answer the door, I doubt i'd put off the impression that i'm seeking help?" He looked back at Emmalia, then pointed at his armor and the massive warhammer he was lugging.
Just before Emmalia knocked on the door, she paused. "Waldron... Ander said something about having given me only a quarter-dose. What if I revert to vampirism while I'm in there?" She glanced back at him. If someone tried to kill her, what would he do? So far everything he'd done suggested he'd protect her if she couldn't protect herself, but his words suggested otherwise. To be trapped with a doctor when she reverted to vampirism - if she did - was not a fun thought.
Waldron looked at her "Well, we deal with the situation. Hopefully that doesn't happen. Yet if you did, that'd also be good, because we wouldn't need the doctor anymore, so it's a win win." He shrugged, looking over at the door and nodding "Don't worry about it, I'll create a diversion for us to take off if the doctor starts seeing something strange." He walked up the small stone steps, knocking and waiting with his hammer on his shoulder.
Em nodded and stood straight, head up and shoulders back. If she knew anything, it was presentation. The doctor, an older man in a white coat, answered the door. He initially looked at Emmalia's wound, then looked up with wide eyes at Waldron. Emmalia said, "Sir, we need you to stitch me up. I've lost... a lot of blood. I don't think I can lose much more, honestly. We'll pay well."

The doctor looked hesitantly at Waldron, then said, "I'll allow you. But... if you're being pursued by the Guards...." "We're not," Em assured him. He allowed them in without further comment, though he kept a wary eye on Waldron. Emmalia was sat down on a bed, and the doctor set to work immediately. He was surprised to see that she didn't wince at all as he cleaned and packed her wound. To her, the pain was bit a minor inconvenience.
Waldron looked at the doctor as he walked up the steps and he chuckled to himself for a moment "Why would you think my friend and I were being pursued by guards?" Waldron was fully aware of the mans wary eye on him. He wasn't surprised, his armor and weapon suggested he wasn't a pleasant person to be around, and at least to himself in his own thoughts, he wasn't. So he made the most of this feeling of wariness and maybe even fear to inspire the man into not talking to him, something he'd honestly prefer, he didn't like having conversations with many people. So he just stood in the corner of the room, his warhammer to the floor and himself leaning on it
The doctor looked up at Waldron and raised an eyebrow at him. "There is an arrow wound in her shoulder, the first thing I'm likely to assume is guards." He left it at that and finished patching up her wounds. She thanked him and stood up, a bit shaky from blood loss. She paused to cough up some blood - the internal damage from Ander's attack had yet to fully heal. When the doctor went to touch her, she just turned and glared at him. She hadn't been at risk of actually dying in a long while, she didn't want to die just yet because the doctor was too nosy. For payment she reached into her coin purse and dropped a handful of gold on the table. The sensation of being poked at while she sat still on some table - she didn't like it at all any way, and she just wanted to get out. She may have been willing to get checked out before, but not anymore. Overall, she was tired, sore, hungry, and in a very skittish mood. She looked up at Waldron and met his eyes, conveying that she wanted to go now that she was patched up.
Waldron looked over at the doctor and nodded to confirm mainly that he was done staring down. He then walked over to the door, pushing it open and stepping into the open streets. He then leaned back to whisper something to Emmalia as she followed "We're pushing our luck by staying here. I have no doubt in my mind Ander is still around here somewhere, which means another sleepless night for us...Or me." He then looked both ways down the street to make sure no one was watching them or anything, then up at the roofs...He had gotten paranoid after he saw Ander take down Emmalia, someone who had saved his life twice and he trusted to be extremely well versed in combat brought down by some sly maniac with a vendetta.
Emmalia nodded in agreement. "We could stay in the woods.... I'm healthy enough, I think." She was sore, covered in bruises, and one of her ribs was definitely still broken, but because she was human now, even if she was dying, she was relatively better than she had been in six years. Not that it was to last, though.... Her body was already starting to ache again with a fever.... But she would try to stay in denial for as long as she could. "We just need to be smart somehow.... Find some place he'd never think of us going."
Waldron looked back at her, and although his face obviously didn't show it, his body had a posture of surprise when Emmalia said 'Some place he'd never think of us going' He laughed for a bit, shaking his head "You say that, yet you suggested the woods, and where the hell have we been in for 5 or so days, right, the woods! He'd definitely think of us going there. We need to find a more fortified town, maybe even a city if there's one nearby. But if we go back into the wilderness, no that's the predictable thing we'd do." He looked back down the streets again...The inn wouldn't work of course, but they could always get out on the first wagon they saw. Any way out that didn't put them back into the open forest.
Emmalia paused and thought for a few silent seconds. She could feel a slight warmth to her, and a weariness in her limbs - a minor fever. Her head hurt from her fangs slowly beginning to come back. And, worst of all - she was starting to get thirsty. But Waldron was completely right, they needed to go. "A caravan. We can find one and offer to guard them for a very low fee - we'd be able to stay with them in the night, and leave before dawn... probably."
Waldron nodded in agreement, it sounded like a sound idea, a caravan may have other guards or hired blades, meaning they didn't have to do all the work anymore and could possibly relax for a small while. Waldron began walking down a street, waving Emmalia on to the boundaries of the town, where trading caravans were most likely to gather. Although they found what they were seeking for, they came at the wrong time. The Ash Hand were back, and in strong force apparently. Waldron suddenly crouched down behind a barrel, looking over at the caravan, Odrek and 4 soldiers armored in full plate with at least half a company at their heels were managing the current ins and outs of the town. Waldron hissed an insult, looking back at Emmalia "Looks like walking out is gonna be a hell of a lot harder than we thought."

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