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Fandom Waking Worlds and Curious Faces -- Yogscast RP

Rythian scowled, keeping a good grip to his sword as he looked at the doorways. He couldn't take the time to check each one if the person (persons?) down here may go down to the store room. He'd have to take care of the situation first.

So he followed the voice, steps careful and gentle against the dirt. He didn't like this one bit.
He kept quiet, keeping steady pace towards the voice or where he thought it stopped. Who was Ruby? Who was this person? He wasn't certain, but Rythian wasn't going to make himself a bigger target by speaking.
Rythian paused at the sound and held his sword steady, he wasn't certain what would come his way and after the incident with the fox, he wasn't keen on dealing with any trickery.
Instead of footsteps a slapping sound sounded as something hopped down the hallway. Finally, it was visible.
It was... a very large frog? Well, only about as large as a house cat, and with little mushroom horns. It continued on it's way down the hall.
It must not have had very good eyesight, as it approached without much of a care, croaking occasionally.
Rythian paused, but still kept his sword at the ready. After all he... well, he honestly had no fucking clue what this was. Or what it was capable of, and that was the larger concern to him.

(( ooc: !!!! CUTE FROG! :O ))
Rythian looked at it in silence, debating the right move. But he didn't have many choices, per-say. So he just chose the one he felt best and stepped around the frog, trying to continue down the path and find the person or an exit. Whichever came first.
He paused, watching it take the lead, and frowned before shaking his head and following. Though he kept his eyes and ears open for any kind of possible traps. Rythian, afterall, was fairly untrusting of odd frogs just as much as talking foxes.
It lead him quietly to a room. In the room was a concerned looking woman with a big, red mushroom-looking witch hat, a long black dress that dragged on the floor, and a belt with a few red potions looped onto the side. Hair covered her eyes and she had no reaction when Rythian walked into the room. "Spore? Did you find anything?" She held out her arms. The frog happily hopped over and into her arms.
Rythian paused, staring at the woman and then closing his eyes, no- no there was no way-. He shook his head and opened his eyes, "Who are you and where are we?" He asked, keeping his voice steady and his sword tight in hand.
"I asked the questions first. Who are you and where are we?" Rythian pressed. After the bout with the fox he had no trust for random folk and if they were being truthful or purposefully obtuse.
"Sapphire." She responded, a twinge of annoyance in her voice. She was still looking at the ceiling, she had placed a hand on the frog (assumingly named Spore) and scratched him behind his mushroom horns.
"Sapphire." Rythian repeated and sighed, standing a bit taller and keeping the sword in steady hand, "Where are we? Besides your home. Are we underground? How far, if so?"
"Do you know any foxes?" Rythian hazard, keeping his voice steady, neutral. He needed answers before bringing the other two through this place, else risk their safety.
"A kitsune?" Rythian paused, thinking to himself before it dawned on him, "Oh... Damnit, I should've seen the signs." He muttered, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Of course it was a kitsune, that was the only logical reasoning.

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