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Realistic or Modern W I N T E R L I G H T (Closed)

Diminium said:
So it's pretty much dawn now with everyone asleep/in their rooms?
Basically, yeah, it's any time bewteen 1 AM and 6 AM. I'll probs timeskip to dawn in a few hours...or now if people want.
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Nepty said:
Basically, yeah, it's any time bewteen 1 AM and 6 AM. I'll probs timeskip to dawn in a few hours...or now if people want.
Are more people awake now? I think so. That sounds better for the sake of practicality :)
Agreed. Probably best to move quickly.

Hey. Hey glass. Check this shit out.

*Un-laconifies your post*

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Aaand posted. It's morning.

Sorry if the post is lacking in quality. It's 6:33 AM and I haven't slept at all. Flu. Sinuses blocked. You know the deal.
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]Yep I to am sick so can someone give me a summary I fell asleep

Read the thread
A summary would of been quicker but I already read the thread anyways so never mind is grey suppose to be eating with everyone else?
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Well, some people have already left but most should be in the process of eating yeah.
I'm only asking because he passed out from the cold last night so I don't really know if it would make sense for him to be up yet or just waking up or what idk lol I just want it to make sense
Well he got a good sleep in the warmth so I'd be willing to bet he's feeling a bit better, he might want to like stay inside but he would at least be able to get up and eat stuff.
Hey, @Diminium - there's no guns or ammo in the armoury. I put a description of it up in one of my posts. If Jeff asks, Quisley will give him one of the better swords.
Yeah there's a shotgun in a gun cage, but that's it, aside from the various old hunting rifles around the castle in Hayden and Melanie's rooms.

Also I'd like to point people towards Admiral9's post on page 6. It's got some neat plot relevant details I sent to him.
[QUOTE="The Glass Ninja]And Jeff? He was almost childlike in his exuberance.

seriously, no sarcasm.

Thank you.

...Oh god, that sounded sarcastic as hell. Why am I being thanked? And, I know you're Canadian too - so you're at least some part British. Which means the sarcasm is even stronger.
[QUOTE="The Glass Ninja]...Oh god, that sounded sarcastic as hell. Why am I being thanked? And, I know you're Canadian too - so you're at least some part British. Which means the sarcasm is even stronger.

I just wanted to thank you...


oh what have I done?
[QUOTE="The Glass Ninja]I'm having a joke, Dimi. But seriously - why the thanks?

I know, I know :) But I'm Canadian know, and I always gotta apologize.

As for the thanks, well, it made me glad that you really got the gist of how I was trying to play Jeff with that sword: A total dork
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Ah man, I was caught up the past couple of days with school stuff...but still 2 days and 7 pages. :')

I wish I could be 100% committed to this RP but with my whack time schedule and school (next week is my second favorite thing midterms) I'm worried I won't be able to keep up. Especially cause seems it feels very dialogue-driven. But I'll do everything in my power to give it a good try because I'm digging it like smooth jazz. B)

I'll post my character sheets soon @Tylor guillory and anyone else; I just wanted to tweak them a bit (not content, just how its presented) because they got really sloppy towards the end thanks to sleep deprivation lol (-casually crams them into a meat blender-). It will make me rest easier, and that's all that counts.

Also I made a cheat sheet of everyone's character which I am using in the meantime if you want me to PM it to you Ty.

Long posts are long whoops. Sorry for typos / funky writing too tired to edit rn.
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