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Realistic or Modern W I N T E R L I G H T (Closed)

Hey everyone, I'd like to add a thing. We have a lot of people and some things are getting a wee bit confusing

Ergo, I'd like it if you could please include the name of the character you're posting as above your post, and your location. EI


Rojek Castle great hall talking to Alice

Bob stretched out on the couch and launched into a long, contrived argument about how battle toads was so much better than fallout.

And so forth.
Guys I said grey could come off snobish sometimes sometimes not everything he says is snobish or even meant to be rude plus most of the rude stuff he says is aimed at Jessica because there rivals geez don't see you guys hating on her as much as greys getting hated on I feel bad for poor grey lol but it's eh go as you where just thought I'd mention he isn't always being pretentious or snobby
Being honest he really does come off as both pretentious or snobby. It's not about whether you mean to do something, it's about how it's received. If you don't mean to hit someone with a car and still do it you still go to jail.
It should be clear hell the last thing he said was he liked dusters snake and before that he was insulting Jessica because well he doesn't like her and she doesn't like him but I guess I could make it a tad bit clearer.
Tylor, I am fully willing to believe you when you say that.

But the issue is, you are saying this OOC and I am believing you OOC

The words you type IC are interpreted by my characters IC and can't be influenced in an OOC manner.

I'm sorry to say but grey really is coming over like a pretentious whiney dude IC.
sorry dude but its how you act IC that influences how my character reacts IC, and so far Grey has been snobbish and condescending, giving no reason for anyone to really like him while otherwise giving reasons to not like him simple as that.
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Ok whiney was overboard he is not whiney o_+ never whiney....sometimes whiney..... Only sometimes and I know they can't be influenced I'm just saying if this keeps up greys gonna die of heart break before he dies from anything else xD lol jk...maybe people do die from heart break... But that's not really greys style but I guess I can deal with it idk I just started taking those feelings of hate towards grey personally I know its not personal but damn if I feel that way
You've gotta learn the distinction between IC and OOC dude. We're all in character - and we certainly don't let feelings out of character effect that. And vice versa.
I'm aware and don't usually do this stuff I guess it's mainly because I'm getting a majority of hate towards my guy and usually I don't get that but. Its cool I'll get over it
Dear god nepty why did you have to play that voice link now I'm going to have nightmares about that scream where did you even get that from- shivers- grey may be scarred after hearing that lol nah he isn't that easily shaken he might just be scared for a second
@Cyber Wolf @Aevum

At Cash's insistence, I won't be setting us on a permanent day night cycle yet, unless others ask for it. I am however going to ask that all characters get to bed soon unless they've got other things to do, so we can start this game in earnest. (ingame morning is when the plot really picks up.)

Due to the nature of the setting, and how it's set to be taking place over several days or weeks with multiple characters, I WILL need to be able to be able to actually follow and keep track of things, wich is rather hard at the moment. Ergo here's what I'm suggesting.

When you want to go off and do something alone, just PM me as to what you do and I'll get you your reply with descriptions of the area, clues et cetera post-haste. I will also periodically post an update in the IC thread on where everyone is and what IC time it is, so no one (me included) loses track.

I will however need a timestamp on each post for this game to actually function. This means that if you post something at in-character 5 PM, and someone posts something that could be construed as several minutes later put "5:07 PM" or something. This way, we can actually keep a legitimate timeframe throughout the game.

Thanks for your cooperation!

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Hey, guys I'm very sorry for this and I hope you won't be mad..... but I have to drop out..... With all the real life problems and other role-plays I'm afraid that I will not be able to give the attention this role-play deserves.... I'm very sorry for your inconvenience, if someone wants they can use my characters. I don't mind.

~ I won't be gone for long, at least I think

Lilah ♥

*Dramatics is my middle name*​
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sad you cant play but sometimes these things happen.

hope your RL issues work themselves out eventually, i think letting the GM take control of the characters is the best course of action personally though.
Its a shame you weren't able to participate, I wish you the best of luck with your IRL issues yeah, hey maybe by the time we go for a second RP you can write with us there.
@Cyber Wolf @Aevum

The characters Nina Truman and Toma Nash will now be GM-controlled for the foreseeable future.
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