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One x One [ ❄ // w i n t e r c r e s t




name - jace wintercrest

nickname - jay

age - eighteen

year - twelve

sexual orientation - heterosexual


no slide no slide
Standing in at a healthy 6'3, Jace has the perfect example of an athletic build. His shoulders are broad, his arms are muscular, and his hands are fairly large, which had helped him when he was on a swim team when he was younger. The boy's hair, dark and lustrous, could almost be mistaken for jet black, if one were not to observe closely. However, the sultry deep coffee stained brown could be subtly seen around the edges of each strand, and the depths of his creamy coffee colored hair reflect the luminescent hue of his sea green irises. His smile is radiant, although not seen often, and from a profile view, his jawline is rather prominent.

Personality - Among other things, Jace is the type of person that begins to become more enjoyable the longer you know him. Upon first meeting, he may appear rather closed off, antisocial, and maybe even a bit rude. But as one begins to know him further, he becomes an extremely amiable guy, who cares deeply for those closest to him. He's generally kind towards acquaintances, but if one truly wishes to know him, one just has to wait for him to open up on his own time. Jace tries to avoid the fame that follows his family lineage as much as possible, due to the fact that he doesn't particularly appreciate the large amount of people that try to befriend him due to his wealth. And so, he goes by the name "Jace Winter."

Likes / Dislikes

+reading (secretly)

+writing (secretly)

+drawing (secretly)

+football (soccer)


+keeping to himself

-obnoxious people

-people discovering his family's wealth

-people getting into his business

-overwhelming amounts of attention

-getting attached to people for fear of rejection

Jace's last name, Wintercrest, is indeed the same Wintercrest in the school's name. His ancestors built the school in 1856, and every generation has attended the school to date. Past generations felt the need to flaunt their wealth and their name, and so Jace's aprehension to do so has earned him disapproval from his family members. He has gone under the alias "Jace Winter" for several years now, hoping to avoid people who use him for his wealth and connections.
Extra Info

Bad Habits - Forgetting to think about other people's opinions/emotions, concealing his own emotions and feelings in fear of rejection, tends to radiate a rather antisocial and unwelcoming vibe, can never get to anything/ anywhere on time, has little to no consideration for rules that he feels are unnecessary, is extremely overprotective, can easily become jealous, often doesn’t confront problems and just lets them sit there and get worse, and is a major procrastinator

Secrets- Although the boy likes to keep this little detail about him quiet, he indeed knows how to play the guitar, and you bet he has quite the voice. Additionally, he enjoys a good read as much as the next person, and finds that writing in a journal allows him to reflect on decisions he has made in the past, and in his spare time, he has been able to develop quite the closeted talent of sketching. Of course, he keeps this concealed in order to maintain the intimidating persona he often hides behind.

extracurriculars- football (captain)

-art club


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96967839_ScreenShot2016-04-07at3.14.24PM.png.49f55f3adf77000b04dc5d95db2f7c41.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120960" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96967839_ScreenShot2016-04-07at3.14.24PM.png.49f55f3adf77000b04dc5d95db2f7c41.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: Female

Age: Seventeen

Year: Eleven

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Freya is shy and keeps to herself most of the time, but once she opens up to someone, she is outgoing and confident. She enjoys being kind to others and making friends, although she is shy, and it takes a while for her to open up to others. After getting to know her, Freya is a fun, compassionate, sweet, romantic, and loving person. She enjoys going to parties even though she is quiet. Once she enters a party, she becomes a completely different human being. Freya is friendly with everyone but if she dislikes someone, she won't let them get to her. Freya constantly bottles up her feelings and never lets anything out, causing her to become stressed and miserable whenever there are problems in any of her relationships. In her free time, you can mostly find her taking pictures, writing, reading, or daydreaming about finding love. She aspires to become a writer when she is older.

Likes: writing, photography, reading, listening to music, parties, being with friends, going on adventures

Dislikes: feeling alone, embarrassment, being humiliated, socializing with strangers, public speaking, losing friends, feeling under pressure

Freya was born and raised in the city of London, England. Growing up, she was always shy and quiet, which allowed her to have few friends. Her quietness made everyone think she was odd and she was made fun of for it. When she grew older, her shyness continued to increase and she became insecure of it, making Freya very nervous around people she isn't comfortable with. Freya and her family moved to Cambridge when she was eight years old and have been there ever since.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9696a595_ScreenShot2016-04-07at3.14.35PM.png.95c3909f75aa448fc7eacb5b61398b52.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120961" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9696a595_ScreenShot2016-04-07at3.14.35PM.png.95c3909f75aa448fc7eacb5b61398b52.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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