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Realistic or Modern W E L C O M E ~ P A R T N E R S


A Drifting Spirit
L E T ' S - W A N D E R - O V E R - Y O N D E R - T O G E T H E R

Hello all, my name is W A N D E R L U S T but most people address me as Wander, or surprisingly, baby girl. I'm pretty experienced with the world of roleplay, five or six years now I think, so I'm pretty flexible when it comes to ideas. I have a decently busy schedule during the day being a college student but I'll be able to bang out replies in between classes. I also work at night on certain days of the week so those days my replies will almost certainly be later at night after my shift.

I guess we'll talk about some expectations or something now.

Generally, my posts can be one paragraph or four depending on how much my partner puts out and how much I feel necessary to write. I don't like wasting space with unneeded nonsense so don't expect me to write a novel on how blue the sky is when the characters are having an important moment. I like when things flow together nicely to paint a good picture rather than throw stuff together that makes no sense just to be longer. I'd like if my partner shared a similar taste in that.
As for orientations, I typically prefer to play a female role but I'm open to playing as a male as well. I can be flexible if my partner can be flexible. Another thing is that I love doubling up characters. Makes things more fun that way. I don't want a partner that can only play one specific thing and all their characters are the same. Make it interesting for the both of us. Also, I am completely opposed to fxf. Nothing personal really I just can't write it out cause it's not who I am. Mxm and mxf are fine though.
I ask that my partners be around my age so not under 16 and not over early twenties. I'd feel more comfortable going all out that way. Too many times I've gotten partners who were way older than me, like I'm talking in their thirties, and I was just a youngin. I'd like to not experience that again.
Speaking of comforts, I like to use the private messaging or the threads here for my stories. My skype is for my family and discord is for gaming with friends. I'd like to keep things separate.
Lastly, I'm into a butt load of stuff so come at me with them. Except furries. That's a hell no for me but a lot of other things are a fuck yes most of the time. I'm definitely a hopeless romantic so romance in my stories are welcomed with open arms but not required.

That's done and over with, even though it took a million years, so let's talk genres n' crap.
My preferred role will go second and the ones I'm really dying for will be bolded.

Good boy x Bad girl
Survival, Apocalypse (just watched the mist on Netflix so I'm hooked right now)
Demon x Human (vice versa)
Mythical entities
Werewolves/Vampires x Humans/Other vamps n' doggos

Camping trip
Modern/Slice of Life
Love interest x Yandere (vice versa)[if you know what this is - I love you]
Original ideas?

That's about it so send me a message here or in a pm. I'm only looking for a few partners so first come first serve! Thanks babes ♥
Ohmygosh I just have to say Hi, first! (Your username is super familiar) I’m definitely interested in the Mythical Entitied or Survival, Apocalypse!

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