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volleyball rp 1x1 (closed)


Junior Member
The volley ball team has been looking for new members! Though its tough to get in, its not impossible!

Can you make it?

Will you find love?

Will you have fun?
Emily stood in a line with two other girls next to her, they; the leaders of the school's volleyball team, where looking for new recruitment. Emily with her dyed red hair and black roots pulled back into a ponytail, held the one and only volleyball. Any second the new members will be walking in through the gym doors to try out for this team.
Lyta walked across the hallway, a bit confused. She was just enrolled here, and she haven't joined a club yet. Her homeroom teacher told her to join one, so she would have more friend. She then walked over to the gym, after she checked around the club's building and none of it piqued her interest. There, she saw three girls stood there. It seems they was on the school's volleyball team. Pondering for a while, she then walked over to them and spoke politely. "Excuse me. I want to try out for the team. Can I?"
Emily looked over to the girl and smiled, she was much taller than her, and had more meat on her bones too, she was made for volley ball.

"Sure, but it starts in a few minuets, you'll have to join the other girls over there for now," she pointed to the handful of girls practicing for the team.

"have you been on a volleyball team before?" she asked.
Lyta shyly looking away, when the girl with a red hair checked on her. "U-uhm y-yeah. I-I was in a volleyball team back in m-my j-junior high. O-okay, I'll walk over there." She then turned around, and walked over to the rest of the girls. She didn't like being in the crowd, as it made her uncomfortable. But she has to bear with it this time. There were around 10 other girls here, so she walked over and stood on the far back of the crowd.
Once Lyta walked over to the group of girls Emily let out a thunderous clap to get the girls attention.

"Alright! lets get started!" she announced and the two other girls behind her joined in.

"We are looking for three new members for the varsity volley ball team." one of the girls spoke.

"So far we have seven people here, so sadly some of you will be cut. once we made our choices we'll leave a call back list outside the gym." Emily added.

"For now, lets start with some suicide runs. who doesn't know what those are?" the third girl spoke up. A few girls raised their hands sheepishly.
Lyta, raised her hand. She didn't knew what was suicide runs. Is it some kind of running against a wall and suicide, she thought. She shivers a bit and then focused back her attention to the girl in the middle, which she knew her name was Emily. She saw other girls raised their hands too.
"Okay, lets just say you'll know what suicide runs are after this." The third girl chuckled with the second.

Emily rolled her eyes with a smile.

"everyone line up here at the end of the courts." Emily announced and the girls did what was told. She then explained what suicide runs were, you run to the closest line, back to the first line, the middle line, back, the second to last line, back, and the last line, back. Sounded like a lot of work. luckily, they were inside with air conditioning and water fountains nearby.

"first person in line, Go!"
Lyta just watched as all of the girls run, and not long she was on the very front lines, along with other girls. When one of the seniors told them to start running, she ran as fast as she could, doing exactly what others girls did, but surprisingly, she finished first. She took a deep breath, and panting for a while, as it was her first exercise in months.
"Good job kid!" she slapped the back of Lyta's back as a way to say 'good work'.

"Because you made it first by a landslide you'll be first for the invisible chair excersise."

some of the kids groaned while Emily kept her grin.
Lyta nodded her head, and returned with the other girls. Invisible chair exercise, if she recall it right, she has done some of it back on junior high school.
The girls lined up against a wall pretending to sit in a chair, in only moments did their legs start to hurt.

"Alright!" Emily boomed, "I will be tossing this ball down the line and you will be setting it to me back, you MUST stay like this until i get back to the front, got it?"

The girls gave a mumbled yeses and sures and Emily began to hit the ball back to Lyta since she was first in line, then back down the line.
Lyta caught the ball, and she almost dropped it. She then threw it back to Emily. Her toss was weak, as she was trying to stay in position. "Rrgh..."
Emily the the ball down the line of girls one by one then back up the line.

Once The ball hit emily again some of the girls collapsed onto the floor, their legs so sore already.

"Good job Ladies, now we can finally start try outs!" Smiled Emily. "Who wants to go first?" She asked.

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