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Fandom volkners cure(a pokemon rp by kiri and exnihilo)

Volkner leaned back in his chair, surprised at the small kiss Kiri placed on his cheek. He nodded silently, feeling Raichu jump onto his shoulder Volkner watched Kiri walk out, followed by her pokemon. Still slightly stunned-and somewhat pleased- he and his present pokemon followed the previous procession.
She was blushing like mad.. she stupidly and bravely..kissed volkner! She tried to be calm thinking he too shook it off and took a few breaths. "Alright everyone were gonna give volkner and his friends a few dancing lessons..and lady that does not mean you call one of his pokemon flatfooted.." Lady frumbled and kiri claps her hands to get everyones attention. "Okay who wants to go first?" Roxy walked up and smiled.

@Ex Nihilo
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Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Kinda lost this thread somehow. ]]

Volkner followed Kiri with an embarrassed air, his cheeks still burning. Looking furtively at the girl and her pokemon, Volkner let his pokemon out of their pokeballs, watching them line up and look in interest at Kiri, Raichu sneaking between the crowd of Kiri's pokemon, bumping against Lady with a mischievous chirping sound. Volkner smirked at his pokemon, glancing at Kiri.
its okay) Kiri and roxy began with how they handle close range with long range making a firespin look like a beautiful yet dangerous ribbon. Then she shows how she handled close with Melody looking like a romantic dance. Then she decided to blow his mind. She backed up to the water gently taking what looked like a horn and a whirlpool slowly engulfed her. Roxy gently held Volkner back as if saying 'wait for it..' And a bright light glowed and up and what bursted out was her on a mega gyrados. but she was freaking out a bit seeing he missed and was aiming for the rocks and the pidgeot caught her before she hit the rocks as the gyrados changed back. "Thanks gil.. Okay killer we have to learn to aim right. you had the dance right your just not looking." The gyrados made a sorry face and she pets him. "I know killer i still love you."
Quietly Volkner watched the pokemon dance, giving a criticizing nod of his head. They were really good. Then Kiri stepped into a whirlpool and shot out riding a gyrados. In awe Raichu hopped onto Volkner's shoulder, and the two watched with bated breath as the trainer and pokemon headed towards the rocks. Watching Kiri land safely Bolkner gave a small applause. "Pretty impressive." He told her, giving her a sincere smile, he didn't hold her gaze for long though, remembering her kiss. Raichu bounded from Volkner's shoulder to the ground, running around the gathered pokemon, giving the two humans what passed for a taunting laugh.
She smiled making a small bow "Thank you. I can teach you. In our battle i could tell you were in sync however.. your notes with each of them were just a tad..How can i put this lightly? Flat." She gently held his hands. "And i think i know the reason. Since you were out of focus so was your pokemon. so before i teach your pokemon im gonna teach you!" She gently lets go and goes to look for her small music player in her bag. Melody sits next to Raichu and Luxray. 'my master is flirting i believe.. she rarely shows her tricks let alone lessons..I think she really likes your human.'
Volkner looked at Kiri with a raised eyebrow, glancing down as she gripped his hands. "Flat?" He echoed curiously, stepping a little nearer to her as she dug through her bag. "You're going to teach me what exactly?" He asked, looking at her expectantly. Raichu nodded. 'Of course. I would think I liked my master too if I kissed him.' Raichu said craftily, giving the sylveon a sly look.
'Funny i didn't know you swung that way raichu..i can introduce you to my friend Luciano' Melody countered as she began snuggling Luxray again. "dancing obviously. And what i meant is.."She gets up and gently tapped his head. "Your out of sync up here. Your soul was playing the music but your emotions weren't following" She taps the music players play button and a slow song plays. "Lets start slow and go from there." She gently touches his hands and puts them in the right places. "Just relax and embrace the emotion to the dance. In this one think of how luxray feels about Melody..if you feel uncomfterble we can stop." She started to lead waiting for him to get the beat to let him lead.
Raichu looked at Melody with a small grin. 'I was hinting more at your master's affections but I wouldn't mind meeting your friend.' Raichu said in return, scampering off to bother Lady. Luxray watched him run off and gave Melody a look of seriousness. 'He had a point. She did kiss him.' Volkner looked a little sheepish, glancing at Kiri. "How will this help exactly?" He asked, looking at her with a questioning expression. He wasn't exactly dancing just yet, just following Kiri's movements so he wasn't standing still. He smiled a little when she mentioned Melody and Luxray.
"Simple if you since your emotions to the battle your mind will be clear.. Melody threw me for a bit of a loop when she had hidden feelings for you luxray so i had to replace her in the battle because i wasn't in sync with her when she was battling luxray and i noticed you were too. So i had a theory if we danced together..even if for a little..we might understand why they love each other so much.." She was blushing a bit. she was growing feelings for the gym leader and her main excuse for doing this was just to get to know him and her shyness was kicking in. Roxy and melody noticed and Roxy nodded. 'Hm the blonde one is a bit shy.. Maybe he just needs a little push.' Roxy used a little psychic to make kiri kiss him again and roxy gave a innocent 'opss' and melody looked at her friend annoyed. 'Roxy like that's going to help Volkner your just making our master more embarrassed!' Lady looked at them 'Roxy is in the right though..Our master is a great stradigist but This annoying raichu and Luxray's master is on boldness.. sometimes you need to be bold to win what you want.' Lady smacked raichu with her tail 'And stop trying to kiss me!'
Sorry I've not replied sooner, I've been uber busy.}

Volkner smiled slightly, nodding slowly. "Alright, so, we are dancing because our pokemon are in love?" He asked, with a slight grin. He continued to dance for a little longer but froze when Kiri kissed him again. Volkner took a small step back, letting go of her. Looking down he cleared his throat, his cheeks burning. "I...uh..." he stumbled over his words, looking at her. Luxray and Raichu stopped whatever they were doing and looked at their master, Raichu moving away from Kiri's pokemon and bounding onto Volkner's shoulders.
"I think that's enough for now.." She said embarrassed enough to return all her pokemon and pack up to leave. Meolody gave one final kiss as she and kiri hop on killer the gyrados and began surfing to the league. kiri was just to embaressed to look at him 'Fate is playing mind games. Im just to random and hes bold and keps a level head.. like he would want someone like me..' she sighed and melody hugs her master. "Relax.. You will see luxray again later..It will just be a bit awkward between me and Volkner.."

(Shes trying to deny her feelings but the feelings will haunt both of them when apart right?)
Volkner stepped back and watched Kiri leave, feeling slightly bewildered. He tried to catch up with her but stayed still as his pokemon crowded around him. He would have to find her later. She wouldn't leave town in a complete rush would she? Luxray and Raichu watched Kiri and her pokemon go, surrounding their own master to keep him from running after her.
Kiri whimpered leaving him alone but she was so embarrassed. Even during the trip she couldn't stop dreaming about him. Then came her final step the Elite four.And it was being recorded live on TV. She danced around the bug pokemon and the ground types did give her some trouble. Then their was flint. He smiled and tried to charm her. "Yo! Your Kiri right? You had me counting the days on my fingers waiting for you to come. I heard from Volkner what you did in Sunyshore. You managed to light a fire in that guy's heart again. How could you not expect me to look forward to seeing you in battle?" Kiri smirked and sylveon smiled "Touch talk coming from a fire user." During the fight it got just as heated as she did with volkner,maybe a bit to heated since she was caring about Melodys safety then her own and a will-o-wisp from the flareon hit her arm. Kiri twitched in pain and smiled saying shes fine when in truth shes not.
Volkner had not tried to follow Kiri, instead he had stayed at SunyShore and watched her battle over tv. When she began her fight with Flint he smiled slightly. He watched with interest her battle moves up until she suddenly got hit with some sparks. He frowned at the feeling he suddenly felt as he watched her ignore what obviously hurt a little more than she showed. It brought a small grin to his face to see her play it off like it was nothing. He had thought hard about what to do about Kiri. At one time he almost went to watch her battle in person, to congratulate her, just to see her. But his better judgement vetoed the idea instantly.
After beating the champion she came back to sunnyshore tired and hears the cheers of the fans. she bows nicely and was guidedto a pokemon center to rest. Melody instantly Runs to volkners gym seeing volkner and luxray. 'LUXRAYYY' melody called out happily and pounced 'did you see us on tv? I was so nervous but i remembered that its like on stage so i stayed confident and then my human got hurt but shes fine now and we won and.' Melody took a breath to calm her excitement.

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