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Fandom volkners cure(a pokemon rp by kiri and exnihilo)

"Jump boy and use toxic!" the furfrou jumped and spat out a toxic spit on eletivire causing it to be poisoned. "Good boy Now hit him with a return!" Lucifer nodded and gave a powerful tackle that made him easily land next to Kiri. "Good boy."
Electivire barely dodged the toxic move, getting hit off center by the Furfrou. Volkner gritted his teeth, knowing that the move did damage. "Use Ice Punch, Electivire!" Volkner shouted, as soon as he saw the Furfrou start to use Return. This round would end better than the last, Volkner thought. He watched as Electivire dodged Furfrou as he used Return and delivered his Ice Punch, moving with habitual ease across the gym floor.
she growled even if the ability cotton guard did half she now had a frozen lucifer! she returned him and called out melody again "You did good boy..Alright mel.We know this guys a pucher.. just try your best okay?" Kiri wouldnt admit it but she was scared. she thought she was prepared. "Ok melody misty terrain then a disarming voice!" She was now hoping for psychical contact. Come on... some on... she thought waiting for it.
Volkner grinned in triumph as Electivire froze Kiri's Furfrou. "Good job, Electivire! Let's stay on our toes." He said, feeling pumped. He looked at Kiri as she sent Melody in, still smiling slightly. He watched as Melody faced off with Electivire. Knowing of Misty Terrain and Disarming Voice Volkner tried to form a strategy in his head. Electivire could dodge most moves but the ones the Sylveon seemed to favor were not physical moves that could be dodged. When Kiri called out Volkner told Electivire to dodge, stay away from the Sylveon as much as possible. Plain and simple, to get a feel for Kiri and Melody's own strategies.
"Okay looks like hes a tough cookie. Lets getup close with a draining kiss girl." Sylveon nodded and ran up but her eyes showed fear and she tried turning around sensing a trap. "Melody whats wrong?" Melody never reacts like that unless something was really wrong. she thought and looked at volkner. What is he up to?
Volkner smiled as the Sylveon ran towards Electivire, the larger pokemon awaiting his Master's commands. Volkner waited until the last minute on his plan, noting how skittish Melody acted. When she began to try and turn around Volkner gave his pokemon it's directions. "Use Ice Punch now, Electivire!" Knowing his pokemon was agile enough to land the move before Melody back off to much. The trap seemed to be closing nicely and Volkner looked over at Kiri as he watched Electivire do his thing. Her pensive glance made his smile widen a bit.
the ice punch did hit but Melody shook it off and she saw her ability took effect.Kiri noticed it too and was smiling big. His electivire was blushing and then she glanced and saw his othe pokemon luxray, was showing signs of jelousy and Melody whined a sad 'sorry' Oh i see.. melody likes Luxray. she thought and smiled. "Looks like we have a tiny problem girl..Electivire now has a crush on you but i can tell you have feeling for another pokemon in this room huh?" Melody looked at kiri and nodded. "Well we gotta fix this little problem hm?"
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Volkner's would be look of satisfaction turned to astonishment as he saw the effect the physical contact caused. Knowing what the problem was Volkner had to rethink his attack. "Alright Electivire," Volkner muttered, looking at Luxray who seemed a little upset. "What is wrong Luxray?" Volkner asked, looking up at Kiri and Melody. "What is she up to?" He asked himself.

"Electivire, use Fire punch now!" Volkner demanded, trying to push his pokemon out of it's infatuation. The pokemon moved slowly, the effect of Melody's ability making him uncertain.
"First we gotta put this one in his place. Jump and moonblast!" Melody jumped and moon blasted "Alright girl now you have to say how you feel.. I know its scary but if it makes you feel better your family is right here." All the pokemon behind her cheered and melody took a breath and in a disarming voice said her message to the electrivire and all the others. 'I really love Luxray!He helped me when i snuck in here and played with me and he was really nice to me and cared even though he knew i would be his opponent today.' when she stopped melody looked at kiri "better?" Kiri asked melody and melody nodded but she knew their was the wait and reply of feelings.
Volkner gritted his teeth, watching Electivire get moonblasted by Melody. Watching his pokemon skid backwards and end in a heap he drew in his breath sharply and pulled out Electivire's pokeball, letting him return to it. He looked up sharply as Kiri and Melody started talking, hearing Melody. He looked down at Luxray and back at Kiri and Melody.

Luxray shuffled his paws, looking at Volkner who shrugged, motioning at him. Luxray stepped forward, looking at Melody with a happy look on his face. He looked a little abashed and Volkner looked at Kiri with a slightly awed look, almost questioning.
"Ok mel you ready?" Mel looked with worry and kiri sighs "Melody do you want to show you.. 'possibly potential boyfriend' that you can defend yourself? i know you showed it already but hes gotta know hes the strongest. I promise if we win you can snuggle him." melody squees and used misty terrain out of happiness "Well then. Ok girl get ready to dance."
Volkner watched Luxray step out to battle Melody for the final round and sighed, brushing his hand through his hair. This would be difficult. He thought, ready to start. Luxray would use Shock Wave to start off. "Alright, Luxray, let's start off with Shock Wave!" He called, watching his pokemon with pride. He knew how to battle and wouldn't let Melody get to his head, not during a battle, at least Volkner hoped. No, he knew his pokemon better than that.
What surprised both of them made even kiri frustrated. Both refused to battle and were just snuggling.. "Excuse me just one moment."She gently walked up and picked up melody and puts her in the basket. "Im sorry girl i know you love him but you couldn't wait for snuggles.." Melody sighs and kiri walked up. "Alright lady time to bring the perfect storm. Mega Evolve!" She toughed her pendant and her houndoom mega evolves into something ferocious. "Alright girl I know your battling your sisters boyfriend but in a way, think of it as an interview and a battle for the badge." Lady nods. "Use flamethrower!"
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Volkner groaned inwardly as Melody disregarded the battle, taking Luxray with her. Watching Kiri excuse Melody and carry the lovestruck pokemon away Volkner smiled. Calling Luxray to attention. "Come on, Luxray. We're almost done here." When Kiri sent Lady forward and had the pokemon Mega Evolve Volkner watched Luxray, calling out a move to counter the flame thrower. Luxray jumped away from Lady as she used Flamethrower and used Irontail, getting back into the rhythm of battle.
(letimeskip because i think its dragging a tad) The match ended in a win and Kiri cheered in glee! "ALRIGHT!" Lady howled in victory and even though Melody was happy for her master she was worried about Luxray. Kiri petted melody. "Chill girl..After the league i promise you can be with Luxray."She picks her bag up and puts everyone back in their pokeballs. and does a little victory dance. "I won i finally woon. Im gonna kick.. my cousins booty.. HAHA!"
Volkner smiled as Kiri celebrated her victory. 'Finally.' Volkner thought, picking up his pokemon and their appropriate pokeballs. Jolteon, Electivire and Luxray needed to take a trip to the Pokemon Center- Jolteon was unconscious and would probably a little sore about his losing when he regained his consciousness. Volkner walked over to Kiri, his blue eyes holding a renewed spark. "You did good. You deserve this." He said, holding out the prize a trainer won when they beat him, the badge. "Now you can continue your journey." He said quietly, giving her a congratulating smile.
She nodded gently taking it and putting it in her case. and gently bows to him "Thank you for the battle I really had fun.Oh and wanna know a little secret?" She leans in and whispers. "I think melodys cute charm rubbed off you because i thought you were kinda cute when you got frustrated." She backed away smiling and walked out of the gym to the pokemon center. "Alright girl After a quick checkup we get Lukas and ride the sea. "Melody mews happily.
Volkner nodded at Kiri, returning her bow. He almost responded when she leaned in to tell him the secret and when she stepped away smiling he felt his face form an embarrassed, surprised look and he smiled after her. Hearing her words on the way out Volkner gathered his pokemon, Raichu on his shoulder and his battle weary pokemon in their pokeballs. He needed to get to the Pokemon Center too. He smiled at her comment on him looking cute when he was frustrated as he ignored the glances from the others in the gym, rushing out of the gym. He had a little secret of his own.
Nurse joy took her pokemon to the clinic room while Kiri went to get lunch for everyone and her self. She opened her bag and pulled out 6 pokemon food bowls and piece of paper. For each bowl she matched the colors on the paper to the pokemon food that was on display. then she got herself some chicken lo mien. when she saw her team. "Alright guys eat up! Were going to the pokemon league and maybe my cousin is there." They all nod and begin eating. She hears the pokemon doorbell and sees Volkner come in. She instantly restrained Melody. "Calm down Melody..its not like luxrays trying to escape volkner.." Kiri was to distracted to see what was going on but melody and the others noticed their love separation problem was worse then the nidoran couple problems.. and if its bad when you keep nidorans apart. they wondered how hard it was to keep an alpha luxray away from his chosen love.
Volkner saw Kiri when he walked in and gave her a brief smile, walking past to give his three worn out pokemon to Nurse Joy. Luxray looked quietly over at Melody before Volkner left his pokemon in the capable hands of the Nurse. Going over to Kiri and her eating pokemon he smiled. Melody looked very anxious and he kneeled down to touch the lovedstruck sylveon's head. "You plan on leaving soon?" He asked, turning his attention to Kiri as he sat down, letting Raichu perch on this knee.
she nodded. "Yep I have to leave before the Gyrados migration or ill never be able to make it. she pats roxys bak when she was choking and the delphox swallowed and nodded a thank you. "luckily I asked miss Joy to send one of my pokemon back for Lukas.. Lucky i didn't use him. Poor thing would had been at a disadvantage" She finished her food. "Alright what about you? Since you lost to me you must be curious about some of my secrets on how i won or something?" she asked as she pets lady. Voltaire feeling better offered some of his food.
Volkner listened carefully, slightly distracted by an annoying feeling or thought at the back of his mind. "Me? Well, I am somewhat curious. Do all of your pokemon dance?" He asked, feeling immensely foolish as he said it. Raichu looked from Kiri's Jolteon to the food in front of it, slowly moving towards it. Volkner felt his smallest pokemon remove himself from his lap and gave him a brief glance, raising an eyebrow.
She smiled "not all. Lukas can't no matter how we tried. And Skipper has stage fright." She pets Voltaire. " Each one I own that can has a special dance."
Volkner nodded. "Really, what kind of special dances do they do?" He asked, wondering if later she could show him. It was a very intriguing trick. And it showed a lot about the bond between her and her pokemon.
"how about i show you how its done." she said kissing his cheek as she signaled everyone to follow her to the beach.

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