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Futuristic Voidstar


New Member
Voidstar- an ancient space station from the first twenty years of the System Era that was lost in the Vanishing Nebula. Every sixty years, Voidstar floats just close enough to the edge of the nebula for anyone to explore, like cruel, unavoidable bait. There are still many unanswered questions, or answered questions that were merely lost. Who built Voidstar? Why does it look like it's been through battles? Why was it abandon in the nebula? What secrets does it hold?
However, Voidstar may not be a space station at all. Legends have become rumors. Some say Voidstar was not as friendly as it seems. Some say it was a illegal scientific facility. Or a prison. Or maybe even a secret black market. Or something perhaps even worse.
In any case, the derelict is filled to the brim with devious traps. And there is one particualar myth about Voidstar that was never shaken; not by archaeologists, not by scavengers, not even by the toughest cynics. Something lurks in Voidstar. Something has made it its home. This something does not like guests all too well.
So beware, traveler. Beware, and enter Voidstar at your own risk.
Brief Rules
Feel free to make up things as you go. Planets, galaxy names, so on so forth. Please don't abandon other players and just go off on your own though. Try to interact with other players; especially when introducing your characters. Don't just be at some random planet where the group is not. Feel free to PM with any questions. Be whatever species you want. Aliens exist in this universe. I encourage romance, nothing erotic though please. Please be respectful of me and other players, or the thing from Voidstar will one-shot you mercilessly. Or maybe I'll cameo a facehugger or Predator to deal with you. Either way, just be a nice person, relatively speaking, and we won't have any problems.
Argene Stoancrell, The Cyborg Pirate
Argene hunched over the bar, cradling a tumbler of thin amber poured over peeks of ice and served without thought. Her scraggly chocolate mane flowed down her cranium and licked the surface of the counter, covered in grease and blood, but she didn't care much. Neither did the patrons. Especially the ones who lay at her feet, keeled over in awkward positions and knocked out from the beatings she had dished out moments before. And they definitely deserved it. As an old proverb once went; never prod a bear when its just lost it all. Though, it seemed like the universe had a lot to learn about the former pirate captain. Above all, there were two things Argene hunted down more viciously than a bloodhound on the scent of a wounded fox. Revenge and treasure. Just because she was alone at the moment didn't mean she was down and out for the count. Far from it. The proof was in her metal leg and the story behind it. Same with her robotic arm. Both limbs had a tangled weave of scars at the point where they had been dismembered in the first place; her leg, just above the knee and her arm, clean off with a chunk that was her shoulder too. There was no one left alive, aside from Argene herself, who would be able to vouch for either true story. This was because she had left none alive to tell it.

Ruthless. Merciless. Endlessly persistent. Unkillable. She had a lot of tags to her name. However, it seemed like not one of her crew remembered any of them when they mutinied and tried to jettison her from the airlock. Luckily for Argene, she had already been suspecting them for a long time. As fearsome as she was, she had to fully admit, it was her first mate who had the appeal of the crew. So it wasn't a surprise to see him at the front of the people with a vibrosword pointed at her vital organs without hesitation. They had met a long time ago. When she pulled him from the trenches, she saw that traitorous glint in his eye. But he was by far the most skilled person she had ever taken under her wing. She guessed that he saw her as if her time of glory was coming to a close. She was getting along in her years; settling into forty-six going on seven. Maybe he simply became impatient for leadership. Or perhaps he was sick of sharing so much of his cut and decided to take full control of his own wages. Whatever motivated him, it lead to Argene being on the other side of his weapon, her own being stripped from her along with her lustrous hat and coat. Then he made the foolish mistake they always make. Hesitating to end it. At least, in a quick sense. No. He wanted her to be utterly humiliated. That's when they put her in the airlock. But Argene was prepared. Months before, she began to secretly plant force-shield suits and powerful magnetic holds under the floorboards of all the airlocks. It was the closest of calls, but she had managed to snatch one before being blown out. It had all happened so fast, no one from her ship figured she survived. An advantage now to be sure. After being blasted out, she clung to the hull of the ship and held on until the docked at a nearby replenishing station on the sketchy side aptly named "The Rusty Hull". It was fortunate for her that there weren't any security scanners or she'd be caught immediately. Once her crew had taken off, she crept down and disengaged from the outside of the ship. With impressive stealth for a woman with the stature of six feet and five inches, she murdered the remaining watchmen on her ship, Silver Key, and deserted her former friends on that god-forsaken spit of asteroid.

So here she sat. A captain with no crew and the promise of fortune and fame being dangled in front of her face like a carrot. She had heard of "Voidstar" multiple times in her travel, but just when it was about to reemerge, this crap happened. Hence the glass of whiskey. And the momentary thrill of a bar-fight that hadn't lasted nearly long enough. But if it was the last feather in her cap, this old pirate captain wasn't quite finished with carving her legend into the very stars. Whatever it was she had to do, and by whatever means she needed to get it, she would prove herself to be the toughest scrub of space scum this galaxy had ever seen.

Location: Blue Sentry Station - The bar
With: Bartender and other patrons

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