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Fantasy Void of Worlds (CS)


Melon Bomb

hi i make bad decisions
Character Sheet for Void of Worlds
(this is only a template, you can make your own as long as you have all the necessary information)​







  • Equipment:




[FONT=Book Antiqua][imageFloat=left] [/imageFloat]

[tabs][tab=Skills & Gear][/tab][/tabs][/FONT][tabs][tab=Equipment & Abilities][FONT=Book Antiqua]Equipment:[/FONT]


[FONT=Book Antiqua]Abilities:[/FONT]

[FONT=Book Antiqua][/tab][tab=World & Legend][FONT=Book Antiqua]World:



_Tuno4.pngName: Verre Aslin

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Faction: Dove

Personality: Verre is soft-spoken, childish, and inquisitive, but not really keen on sticking his nose into trouble. Having spent much of his life keeping his head down, he comes off as somewhat shy but can be quite talkative once he gets to know somebody. His sense of justice is still developing so he is often unsure what the best thing to do is in any given situation, trusting those he believes in to make the fairer choice. He hates violence and fighting, but will not let that keep him from accomplishing his goals.

  • Equipment:

    [Weapon: Short Sword & Dagger] This is about as much as his spindly little arms can handle.

    [Tool: Flute] Verre's other hobby, besides bird watching. He's pretty good at it.


    [Magic: Bird Person] Verre is able to produce, control, and communicate with birds (but usually just crows).
    1. Summon Crow: Verre summons a crow that acts as an extension of his own senses.
    2. Shape Shift: Verre transforms part of his body into that of a crow, creating wings, claws, or simply making his body lighter.
    3. Disperse: Verre transforms into a murder of crows, only one of which needs to remain intact for him to safely revert back to human again.
    [Magic: Carrier Crow] Verre imbues a crow with a magical property.
    1. Glass Body: The crow is transmuted into glass, making it harder to spot.
    2. Steel Body: The crow's body is transmuted into steel, making it highly durable and rendering its feathers deadly like blades.
    3. Explosive: The crow explodes with the force of a stick of dynamite.
    [Skill: Threat Detection] Verre is very naturally sharp about picking up that he is being watched, or that something dangerous is coming.

    [Skill: Sense of Direction] Verre always seems to know the right way to go.

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(fadeIn 400 tabsContent4) [/script] [div class=bkgd] [div class=texture][/div] [div class=line style="width: 100%;top: 18%;"][/div] [div class=line style="width: 100%;top: 22%;"][/div] [div class=line style="width: 2px; height: 100%; left: 72px; color: var(--text-color);"][/div] [div class=line style="width: 2px; height: 100%; left: 87px; color: var(--text-color);"][/div] [div class="circlepic linecircle linecircle1 tab"][div class="linehover linehover1 hidden"]basics[/div][/div] [div class="circlepic linecircle linecircle2 tab"][div class="linehover linehover2 hidden"]persona[/div][/div] [div class="circlepic linecircle linecircle3 tab"][div class="linehover linehover3 hidden"]background[/div][/div] [div class="circlepic linecircle linecircle4 tab"][div class="linehover linehover4 hidden"]misc.[/div][/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent1"]basics.[/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent2 hidden"]persona.[/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent3 hidden"]background.[/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent4 hidden"]misc.[/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent1"][div class=text][div class=tag]name:[/div]Mercedes Athena Thompson [div class=tag]nickname:[/div] Most people just call me Mercy [div class=tag]age:[/div]"Hasn't anyone told you its not polite to ask a woman her age?" 35 [div class=tag]gender:[/div]Female [div class=tag]sexuality:[/div]Heterosexual [div class=tag]role:[/div]The Hero: not a superhero, but rather a hero who gives people the power to save themselves. [div class=tag]race:[/div]Demi-Human? Preturnatural Creature? Human but not strictly? [div class=tag]hair color:[/div]Black [div class=tag]eye color:[/div]Muddy Brown but sometimes Topaz [div class=tag]height/weight:[/div]5' 6 135lbs" [div class=tag]distinguishing features:[/div]Dark skin with anglo features? Tattoos up and down arms, across chest, below navel [div class=tag]body mods:[/div]Mercy has ear piercings, sometimes theres feather earrings sometimes not [div class=tag]ailments:[/div] Her mouth has a unique ability to open sometimes at the worst times. [/div][/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent2 hidden"][div class=text][div class=tag]vices:[/div] Having a smart mouth, An eye for an eye [div class=tag]virtues:[/div] Sweet things when things are bad is a life rule, The people you care about deserve the protection you can give, Alcohol isnt my cup of tea [div class=tag]strengths and Abilities:[/div]Enhanced senses, Enhanced reflexes, intelligence, Speed unlike others, Shapechanging, Martial Arts, Unique Magic and sense of magic, ghosts [div class=tag]weaknesses:[/div]Strength of a regular human that keeps as fit as possible, [div class=tag]likes:[/div]Baking sweets (especially chocolatey things) [div class=tag]dislikes:[/div]Piano and singing, Authority chafes me, my (real) father, [div class=tag]fears:[/div] Leaning on others, being abandoned, being alone, witches, Wolf (a person/vampire), Stupid suicidal people, The Fae (ex: yoyo girl/edith) [/div][/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent3 hidden"][div class=text][div class=tag]family:[/div]Gary Laughingdog (Half Brother), Margie Thompson(maiden name, Mother) Coyote (Real Father) Evelyn (Foster Mother) Brian (Foster Father), Paul (Margies husband), Ruthie(Half sister), Veronica (Ronnie, Half sister) Bran Cornick (The Marrok, Adoptive father), Samuel Cornick (Ex Boyfriend, Kinda Adoptive brother?) Charles Cornick (Adoptive Brother, Bran's second son, teacher of most things Native american), Siebold Adlebertsmiter(father figure), Thaddeus Adlebertsmiter (like a little brother) [div class=tag]World & Legend:[/div] Shifting Shadows World: AU of Earth, Humanity was the ruling force until the Fae admitted their existence to humanity from there the werewolves also outed themselves. Vampires still keep themselves as hidden as possible but with technology advancing as it is it probably won't be for much longer. The preturnaturals that were hiding in the dark are coming to light. The Legend of Mercedes Athena Thompson can be better described on the history portion. [div class=tag]education:[/div]Reed College of Portland Oregon, Bachelors in European History, associates in Teaching, later became a master mechanic [div class=tag]history:[/div]Mercedes was concepted by one Margery Thompson whom at the time was a rodeo bunny and Coyote (who was wearing the identity of Joe Old Coyote) A bull riding native american from Browning Montana. Coyote whom is a Native american Great Manitou could create a person with memories and backstory like a god. Joe was killed a few days later by the vampires after he had taken out one of their seethes before meeting margie. At first Margie had been determined to raise Mercy on her own despite being 18 at the time but when she came to find a coyote pup instead of a human baby in her crib about 6 months after having her she looked for help. She found that help in the Marroks pack back near where it all started. The marrok was the most powerful and dominant werewolf in the Northern Hemisphere (possibly the world) located in a rural town called Aspen Creek in Montana. She grew up there as the foster child of Evelyn and Brian close friends of the Marrok with of course visits from her mother every month. Running with wolves most of her life she learned a lot more about her world, mundane and preturnatural than she would have otherwise. The age of 14 Evelyn died from a long battle of cancer and Brian unable to cope with the loss of his mate committed suicide by drowning himself in one of the arctic lakes. After that Mercy craved a place that could feel like home again and she found that with Samuel Cornick the marrocks oldest son. It was a romance hidden from the marrok because he would have known that his son didn't love the girl and was only wanting her for the possibility of having living children. At 16 after being caught dating the Marroks oldest son Samuel, Bran (the marrok) sent her to portland to live with her mother. She hard pressed herself to be as perfect as she could while living in her mothers home with her new husband and two other children. At 18 she went to college at Reed College in Portland Oregon studying European History and a bit of teaching. After graduating with a bachelors in History and an associates in Teaching she moved to finley, washington and searched for a teaching job. While waiting on a teaching job to appear she gained a precarious employment at the volkswagon automechanic job, Zee's Garage by the 9 year old at the time Tad. While Zee (siebold) was on a drinking bender after the death of his wife and tad's mother he had given up on the garage but tad still ran it competently and employed her in his fathers stead. After a while of her making mistakes on things he deemed simple Zee decided to mentor her on the proper way to fix cars. After a long year where she was continuously fired by zee and rehired by tad she grew to love the work of turning a wrench and decided even if a teaching job became available she'd much rather be doing what she was doing. Turns out Zee and Tad were part of the Fae community and a few years later the grey lords (the fae that govern the rest of the fae) forced Zee to expose himself to the public he sold Mercy his garage first. He still comes by and works there pretty often though and Tad gives a hand too. [/div][/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent4 hidden"][div class=text][div class=tag]theme song:[/div]Heroine by Sunmi [div class=tag]mbti type:[/div]INFJ-A [div class=tag]enneagram type:[/div]8 [div class=tag]other:[/div] [div class=tag]relationships:[/div]
  • In aliquam sem fringilla ut. Tincidunt lobortis feugiat vivamus at augue eget arcu. Est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing. Ut etiam sit amet nisl purus in. Facilisis sed odio morbi quis commodo.
  • Mauris ultrices eros in cursus turpis massa tincidunt. Libero volutpat sed cras ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu felis. Aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit euismod. Lectus arcu bibendum at varius vel pharetra. Elementum eu facilisis sed odio morbi quis. Condimentum id venenatis a condimentum vitae sapien pellentesque. A diam sollicitudin tempor.
  • Nunc congue nisi vitae suscipit tellus mauris. Quis commodo odio aenean sed adipiscing. Auctor augue mauris augue neque gravida in fermentum et. Mus mauris vitae ultricies leo integer malesuada nunc vel risus. Amet est placerat in egestas erat imperdiet sed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.
  • Turpis egestas integer eget aliquet nibh praesent tristique. Dictum sit amet justo donec enim diam vulputate ut pharetra. Suscipit tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed enim ut sem. Etiam tempor orci eu lobortis elementum nibh. Pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod elementum nisi. Sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra.
  • At elementum eu facilisis sed. Ultrices mi tempus imperdiet nulla malesuada pellentesque. Dictum at tempor commodo ullamcorper a. Dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique et egestas quis. Purus gravida quis blandit turpis cursus. Senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac. Purus sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue.
  • Non quam lacus suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere lorem. Eu consequat ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam. Id cursus metus aliquam eleifend mi in nulla posuere. Sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing.
  • Ut etiam sit amet nisl purus. Viverra adipiscing at in tellus integer feugiat. Mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet porttitor lacus. Ut pharetra sit amet aliquam. Libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget nullam non.
  • Massa id neque aliquam vestibulum morbi blandit. In vitae turpis massa sed elementum tempus egestas sed sed. Luctus accumsan tortor posuere ac ut consequat. Mattis aliquam faucibus purus in massa tempor nec feugiat.
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[/div] [div class=role]the hero.[/div] [div class="circlepic homecircle"][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=credit]code by [COLOR=#dedede]sox[/COLOR][/div]
dbrknhg-86c0194f-3d85-4818-a235-c8412307ff62.jpgName: Tracey Morgan

Alias: Sapphire

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Faction/Occupation: Seven Arrows

Personality: Sapphire is what many people would call, unbalanced, pretentious or even stupid. However those assumptions are not always correct for she is a friendly creature. Capable of making cold-headed decisions and not being afraid to leave people behind if need be. Although her smart side is covered and shoved into the background by her funny side, she's a great asset to have. A jokester, always happy to tell a funny story, or a joke, just to see her friends laugh. A sweet soul and a cocky soul.

  • Equipment:

    [Weapon 1: Dagger of Whispers] - A small dagger decorated with a red piece of cloth connected to the handle. A gift from Tracey's father, given to her after her father's death. The dagger speaks to the one who wields it. It offers a pair of eyes. It always has Thief's back.
    [Weapon 2: Ripper's Blade] - A standard short-sword with a twist. The blade has a modification a little sharp ridges are drilled into it. A cruel way to go... Sapphire's specialty.
    [Weapon 3: Hawk's Tear] - A longbow. It is rumored that Tracey not even once hit her target with this weapon.
    [Armor: The Mourning] - A standard light armor with steel shoulder plates and knee pads. It offers low protection but high flexibility.
    [Artifact: Thief's Sapphire] - The origin of Tracey's nickname, a shining blue stone capable of masking one's presence for a limited time.


    [Magic] - Sapphire born with no magic predisposition.
    [Skill] - All the things a human body can do + a little bit extra. --> Using weapons on a high level of dexterity.

Melon Bomb Melon Bomb
ff9299fb1baf2232e33f00ce95e66670.jpgName: Band'lur Wallbreaker

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Race: Beasfolk, Lizard type.

Faction/Occupation: No affiliation. Seeks to help anyone in need.

Personality: Gruff mannered but easygoing, Band'lur is an incredibly loudmouthed and crass individual. While this can be off-putting to some, others have been known to find the Lizardman oddly amusing and charming.

Band'lur can be hard to get along with sometimes. Never one to hold his tongue, and always having several insults ready to let fly at a moment's notice, the Lizardman has (rightfully) earned his share of punches for failing to keep his mouth shut. These scuffles have done absolutely nothing to stop Band'lur from running off at the mouth when and as he pleases, however, and he often seems TOO eager to bait others into anger for his own amusement, even at great risk to himself.

Despite this Band'lur is still quite friendly. He is amiable and approachable, though he is not usually one to wait for others to speak first, and has been known to insert himself into ongoing conversations. A lover of drink and food , the Lizardman is most at home in various Bars and Inns. Band'lur is particularly fond of stories, not really caring if they are true or not, only interested in if they manage to keep him amused for their duration.

As evidenced by his often aggressive manner, Band'lur enjoys fighting and considers 'friendly brawls' as both a good way to both introduce oneself and to make friends. Not all agree, with the man's opinion on the matter, but unfortunately, just enough do that he has no interest in changing it.

While not an intellectual by any means, Band'lur is far from stupid. The Lizardman is notable for his efficiency in all things. Simple solutions to complex issues is the mark of a man who understands what does and doesn't work, and Band'lur understands and holds the firm belief that practice makes perfect. Confidence in all things done is also tantamount. Band'lur always strives to be sure of what he does, even if seems as if he's doing nothing more than throwing himself headlong into.

It can be said that Band'lur is a rough individual, but he has chosen to temper that roughness with great kindness. Scars tell the story of many hard fought battles, but the Lizardman believes that strength of character is of higher priority than the strength of one's sword arm. The loud mouthed Lizardman prefers to use his strength to assist others, even in the most menial of tasks. It is not uncommon to see Band'lur running errands for others or performing chores that they're unable to. He is especially fond of children, and always does what he can to make them laugh and smile.

Band'lur holds a particular hatred for bullies. In his eyes, to use one's power to harm those that cannot defend themselves is not only needlessly cruel, but an utter waste of that power as well. Strength not put to use for the benefit of others is strength undeserved. He believes that even in the overwhelming face of disaster, to be endlessly cheerful and to make others the same is worthwhile in the fight against darkness a lifting a blade.

  • Abilities:

    Unarmed Combat: Band'lur forgoes the use of weapons altogether and has made the effort to hone his entire body into one instead. Decades of practice have granted the Lizardman the ability to dance around awkward foes to deliver crushing blows with hands, feet, and even the bony crest adorning his head. A long tail provides Band'lur with another option to assault foes with, and he puts it to use by stunning and tripping up his enemies.

    Enhanced Strength: Band'lur is capable of lifting and moving immense weights far beyond what can be considered normal. This strength is put to terrifying use in battle, and the Beastman has been observed to toss opponents several dozen yards with little issue. Most often, however, Band'lur takes the role of pack mule, carrying items for others though he doesn't seem to mind.

    Iron Scales: A thick hide and hardened scales keeps Band'lur safe in the manner that a full suit of armor would, but without the added effect of weighing the man down.

    Mountain Man: A life among steep cliffs and hills has granted Band'lur excellent climbing ability. Clawed hands and feet, along with a thick tail allow him to keep his balance on the steepest of inclines. Naturally, Band'lur is less effected by the thinner air of high altitudes as much as any other person that make high places their home.

    Gourmet: Of a sort. A life in the Peaks doesn't afford one the opportunity to try new and exciting Cuisine and so Band'lur makes an effort to sample all that he can. This has extended to his own cooking as well, and the Lizardman will spice up his own meals with ingredients gathered from the wilds during his travels. The downside to this is that Band'lur will eat anything that seems remotely edible and isn't particularly strict about what goes into his stomach.

Extra Info

  • Band'lur is very fond of cats and can often be found surrounded by the small fuzzy creatures.
  • He doesn't look it, but Band'lur likes to draw. He carries around a leather-bound sketchbook along with his other personal effects.
  • Band'lur is a very poor swimmer and grows increasingly nervous the larger a body of water is.
  • Likes stargazing and sleeping in high places.
  • Dreams of getting into a fistfight with a Dragon to prove his dominance. He's positive that he'll win despite all evidence saying otherwise.
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Name: Yama no Kami

Age: 334


Race: Oni

Faction/Occupation: Hero for Hire

Having traveled her world for a little over 300 years, Yuma is really wise although the problem is, is that she conveys in really simplistic ways. She is really upbeat about everything and reckons that there are only two ways to really get to know a person properly, fight them or have a drink with them. Despite her looks she is really affable, always glad to tell stories of her adventures to anyone willing to listen to her which indeed are true. Despite this affability Yama is always eager to fight people especially if those people are bullies or are mindless beasts, which sometimes scares the people she meets, despite her looks and multitude of scars she really does enjoy helping people and playing with kids often standing there and letting the kids climb on her and swing on her arms. She enjoys helping with any tasks although with things that take a lot of work such as defeating a yokai she prefers to take some pay for it, be it gold, food, sake or free lodgings. She loves tricking people into drinking her goddesses sake and seeing how quickly they get shitfaced from it.

  • Equipment

    [Weapon: Willbreaker]
    Her massive spiked club or a Kanabo as she calls, being an Oni, Yuma is able to lift it up and use it with a single hand. It's made of solid wood and was enchanted by her goddess to be near unbreakable. It's been named this by her enemies as soon as they see it, they would rather give up than to fight her.

    [Weapon: Wall of Rage]
    A massive Wall Shield although originally it was a Yokai called a Nurikabe, this one was killed by Yama with a single whack of Willbreaker. The Yokai's broken body was reforged by Yuma herself into her shield, naming it Wall of Rage as the Yokais rage for being killed with a single hit could still be felt within it. This rage has made it determined to never be destroyed again by another weapon.

    [Item: Infini-Gourd]
    A very simple magical item. It was a gift from Yuka's goddess, Inari Okami. It was to have an infinite amount of Sake in it, the sake is very potent with very few besides Yuma who can actually handle a swig and not get drunk immediately from it


    [Skill: Oni Strength]
    Very straightforward ability, she is super strong due to being an Oni, able to hold her club, shield and Gourd all on her body with ease

    [Skill: Oni Durability]
    Due to being an Oni, Yuma's Skin is like Iron very hard to penetrate taking a lot of force to damage her decently

    [Skill: Indomitable Rage]
    If having iron like skin wasn't enough Yama is able to use her anger to buff herself up, after drinking enough sake, decently hurt or just naturally loses her cool, she gets royally pissed off being able to tank things she normally wouldn't and turning her shield into a giant, heavy smashing board and if need be will drop her weapons and just punch her way through the problem


Name: Leto the Godslayer

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Godslayer (Formerly Human)

Faction/Occupation: Factionless

Personality: Leto is someone who is defined by their willingness to act. If he sees that someone needs help, he helps them. If a monster is bothering him, he kills it. He is easygoing as prefers to spend his days having fun. However he is also subject to the lust for battle found in all Godslayers. Leto's almost god-level power is both a blessing and a curse to him. It has granted him strength that places him above most people. Yet it also makes him a bit alienated by them, unable to share in their weakness and mortal burdens. While he doesn't wish to live his entire life on the battlefield, his instincts will always pull him there. Patient and intelligent, he always backs up any move he makes with a decent plan.

  • Equipment:

    Crissaegrim: A magical sword forged by the Axiom. It was created from the remains of the Demon Sword Lucifer and the Seraphic Sword Michael. Resembling a katana in appearance, it has a pure black blade. It is capable of slaying the divine and inflicting wounds that can only be cured by divine magic. Crissaegrim exudes both angelic and demonic power. Crissaegrim will only ever manifest for Leto and can be summoned to his hand at will. It also glows to the presence of beings it considers as dangers to Leto.
    Crimson Dragon Coat: This coat was gifted to Leto by the Dragon God known as Tiamat. It was made from her bloodied scales as a gift in the event she lost their duel to the death. This coat looks like a simple fashion accessory but actually outdoes even the scales of an adamantine dragon. Many weapons don't even scratch it, almost all magic is nullified upon contact with it and the coat also regenerates itself over time. Leto never takes it off and its enchantments ensure that it can only ever be worn by him.
    The Void Pendant: This pendant was taken from the treasury of Heaven. It contains a pocket dimension that the user can freely travel to at any point. Its primarily used by Leto as his home and also storage for anything he finds. The Pendant actually can't be removed by anyone except the angel Raziel....who was killed by Leto.


    Summoning Magic: The magic granted to Leto so that he could properly turn the tide against the divine. It allows him to summon and command powerful familiars reminiscent of divine entities. These beings are completely loyal to Leto and perform any task asked of them. However they also have sentience and assist their summoner with advice and guidance. Leto can also fuse his summons together to create entirely new summons. Over time, Leto can learn certain spells from his summons if their bond is deep enough.
    Elemental Magic: Leto can use magic drawing power from the elements to attack his enemies.
    Support Magic:
    Leto can use magic to provide buffs, debuffs and healing to himself or others. He mainly uses this to boost his or his summons abilities temporarily in combat.
    .Superhuman Strength
    .Superhuman Speed
    .Superhuman Durability
    .Superhuman Mental Acuity
    .Martial Arts
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image0.jpeg Name: Uze'don Skullsong
Nicknames: Uze, Don, The Woodsman
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Race: Half orc, half elf
Faction/Occupation: None yet
Personality: Uze is a very down to earth and calm orc. He tends to keep to himself and enjoys having a simple life with no regard for isolation. He's a lot more approachable than he seems as he can be a good conversationalist so don't be fooled by his 6'9 extremely bulk and lean with his sad but hardened face.

Uze loves nature and animals and usually tends to settle down near places where he feels nature is most at peace. He's a ultimate survivalist loves living in the wild as it reminds him of the time before he became a legend. As a half orc and elf he received a lot of backlash as he was different from his orc tribesmen so he can be very hot-headed but tries his best to keep his temper. Being as powerful as he is and hot headed as he is Uze tries his best to avoid people so he doesn't get into a fight and accidentally hit someone a little to hard and ends up getting wanted by the authorities. Uze is a truly kind soul and wishes the best for everyone but he has a hard time really showing how he feels for others so when he expresses himself it might make him seem awkward but it's a genuine thought behind it. He's a old soul with an even older lifespan as half elf and orc if he stays healthy enough can live for 200 maybe over years. So his appearance may seem a lot younger than what he really is. When you get to know him and he treasures you as a friend he becomes loyal to the bone and will protect you. Uze is someone you want on your side so aggravating him isn't exactly the approach you might wanna take unless you like getting slammed around till your spine shatters.
  • Equipment: [Weapon]"Big Ax"- The over-sized lumberjack axe (That's in the picture) Uze always carries around it's not really a weapon but it sure works like a good one as he uses it to more so have a weapon that keeps his bloodlust at bay where he tends to get carried away when using his fists. The axe is no normal axe though as Uze sharpens and tempers it daily and keeps it in tip top condition. The metal used to make the blade of the axe was one of the rarest metals in his world and the axe is able to take a real good beating before it will bend or break. The wood used the the handle is the wood from the most sturdy wood the axe cut as the story goes his father was cutting the tree for a week before it fell.
    [Armor]-"Shire Wolf Armor"- A legendary wold pelt that makes the wearer immune to cold and fire as well as smaller ballistic weapons like arrows and muskets. This armor may not seem as strong but its as tough as steel and allows a more more flexibility for the wearer As it was crafted from a overgrown wolf who's hide was almost unbreakable.
    r/darksouls, can you help compile a complete list of all the ...

    [Artifact]"Blessing of Ra"- An ancient bracelet that supposedly blesses the wearer with extraordinary luck and a protection from poison
    Ancient Traditions Bracelet | Robert Redford's Sundance Catalog

    Tahgl'ik Stone"- A old necklace made from a powerful wizard that can protect the wearer from deathly situations by clouding them in a healing light Uze does not wear this but he does keep it on him if he feels he really needs it
    Spike Point Magic Glowing Triangle Necklace Women Luminous Glowing ...

    [Magic]- Uze is adept at using "Chigi" or magic in his world as this magic is as potent as the mental capabilities but if you don't have a strong mind then you can only use it so many times and Uze he has a strong mental fortitude and mind but he simply doesn't care much for knowledge of magic as he doesn't use it much so his ability with magic is no where near as strong as it could be.
    Simple healing spell
    Earth manipulation- Able to lift the ground from around him to either pull up as walls from protection or push them out to put the enemy on the defensive
    Berserk- Lose all restraint and let the primal urges take control to rip and tear till it is done
    Unfathomable Strength- Able to lift trees and people with ease as well as being able to take a good beating without faltering
    Strong senses- Sharp sight, Hearing, smell, and strong taste with sudden reflexes
    Survival Instinct- Able to detect poison from food by smell or taste and surviving in extreme conditions without major difficulties
    Weapon Adept- Cable of using a large variety of weapons
    Quick toes- Can move rather fast for his size and refuses to be shown slower than a opponent
    Iron Will- He is unbreakable and he trains to be even stronger.
    Hand to Hand Combat- Uze always believed your body is your greatest weapon so when growing up he mainly used his fists until 25 where he went to go become a legend and took the axe of his father to always have his father's spirit watch over him. When Uze is dead serious about fighting though he will put down the axe and ball his fist up in a kickboxing like stance.

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larque.jpeg Name: Larque

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Race: Derrak

Faction/Occupation: N/A

Personality: Larque is distant but ever curious. It is very difficult to perceive what kind of person Larque would be, as he is always kept straight faced. He has an ever growing thirst for knowledge, whether it regards him or not. Larque has never gotten close to anyone beside his patron, and is yet to plan so. This isn’t to say he is shy, but his interactions with people never go beyond small talk relative to his purpose. Larque is stark serious and will never let himself be distracted beyond his purpose, not matter how much he longs for something more.

  • Equipment:

    [Weapon: “Voidbreaker”] A dark greatsword with purple stones encrusted in its handle. These stones are powerstones referred to as “Medan”. If willed, a striker from this sword activates the power stone and can turn anything it is stabbed into to dust. When swung a purple arc trails from it, which can be just as fatal as the cut from the sword alone.

    [Armor] A chest plate encrusted with white “Cylian” power stones, which surrounds Larque with a defensive aura.

    [Artifact: Powerstones] Larque carries a pouch with five power stones each of a different colour: One purple, one blue, one white, one orange, and one yellow.


    [Magic] Larque’s magic comes from his patron, Meda. She granted him a fraction of her power, which allows him to manipulate terrains, transfigure, and shapeshift.
    [Skill] Enhanced metabolism - Derrak have the ability to heal at a faster rate than most humanoid creatures, regarding the injury isn't fatal like the loss of a limb.
    Enhanced mind - Derrak have resistance to being charmed unless they are willing.
    Dash - Derrak can run twice as fast as a normal human.
    Prophet - Larque can answer a yes or no question to his patron and recieve an answer within a minute.


Name: Adaline Lucastia

Titles: Lady Adaline of the Lucastia Dukedom, Child Genius of the Century, The Champion Of Apollo, The One Who Will Ascend

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Race: Champion - a champion is an individual favoured by a god, and blessed with their power. Adaline's patron is the mighty light god Apollo. (Read more in the 'Legend' section)

Faction/Occupation: None, open to help anyone as long as they're fighting for noble causes.

Personality: Adaline is an energetic, easygoing, happy young girl who flourishes when she's with her friends. She wins over people easily with her adorableness, and is always eager to meet new people. She follows the motto of giving people "the benefit of doubt," and is sometimes a bit of a pushover, but stands firmly for her beliefs and the greater good. She also isn't afraid of a little bit of friendly competition, although she has a tendency to get a bit sad when she fails to meet her expectations. She developed a lot of insecurities because of her demanding and cold parents.

  • Equipment:

    [Weapon] N/A
    [Armor] Although Adaline wears no armor, she protects herself with multiple buffs and defensive spells in battle.
    [Artifact] The Lumen Sancta Ring: This is an ancient ring that was gifted to Adaline from the light god Apollo during the Champion-Patron Ceremony. Besides being a fabulous accessory, it greatly increases the effectiveness of Light magic. It also possesses luminous qualities.


    [Magic] Upon the Champion-Patron Ceremony, Adaline received the power of Heavenly Light Magic. The power derives from Apollo's Blessing, which gives them an innate ability to call upon holy light. The user may then be able to wield it to attack, defend, buff, etc. Holy light also has healing properties. Consequently, since the user is channeling blessed magic, they must lead a life of good deeds or else they will be severely punished. As a result, most users of this magic lead lives of charity and fairness.

    [Skill] Direct Line To Apollo: as her patron, Adaline has a direct line to Apollo and his power, which she may call upon at any time. If she wishes to contact Apollo, he will usually send a delegate/representative as he may be busy with other affairs.
    Invisibility: Since Adaline wields light, she may distort the photons around her rendering her invisible. This however requires a lot of concentration, and the effects will be immediately rendered useless if she bumps into something.
    Passive Healing: As Adaline's patron god Apollo is also the god of healing, any harmful substance she comes into contact with will be neutralized. This includes alcohol *sigh*
    Musical Talent: Adaline has a passion and talent for music. She specializes in vocal music, but also strums her ukulele to her hearts content.
Name: Marina Campbell, known by most as Silverheart

Age: 46 at the time of death

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Personality: Marina Campbell

Faction: The Doves/Circle of Heroes

Personality: Marina sometimes feels like two different people. She feels like she’s Marina Campbell, her original name, and Silverheart. Two people sharing the same body, though this isn’t quite true.

Marina is a frightened woman who desperately wants to do the right thing, who wants nothing more than for those who put their lives on the line, who uphold honor and fairness and kindness, to be rewarded. To see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. She wants to make sure the world is a fair place, because it wasn’t fair to her.

Silverheart is the vehicle Marina uses to make her dreams a reality. Silverheart is strong where Marina is weak, decisive where she vacillates. Silverheart gives grand speeches and inflames others emotions where Marina doesn’t know what to say. Silverheart never backs down from doing what is right where Marina wants to run and hide.

They’re the same person, but Marina feels that without Silverheart she would be nothing, which is funny to the people who know her. Marina IS Silverheart. Everything Silverheart is, Marina is too. Long before she took up the Silverheart mantel Marina would never let an injustice pass, or refuse to lend a helping hand. In reality the persona of Silverheart has steadied Marina, but not granted her anything new.


Sword of Dreams: This blade was given to Marina as a reward for holding true to her principals. A blade of white metal, it is deadly sharp and nigh unbreakable. However, if it cuts a conscious being, it leaves no wound. Instead it allows Marina to channel images and emotions into the victims minds, as well as pluck images and emotions out of theirs. Marina uses it mainly as a peacekeeping artifact. She channels her lack of desire to harm the recipient, as well as her honest feelings of concern to attempt to defuse situations. She can use the weapon to relate people as well. Her favorite method is to cut two warring parties, pluck the most beautiful, heartfelt memories from each ones mind, and send it to the other, to help them understand that their enemy is a person too. This blade gives her extremely powerful mental defences, augmented by her naturally strong mental defences.
Bloodbiter: When diplomacy fails, Marina relies on the blade imbued with the soul of her old friend Fleurett. Fleurett, loyal to a fault and refusing to leave the mortal plane without Marina even after her mortal form was destroyed, eventually became the black blade she carries today. Unhinged and violent after so long dead, Fleurett still remains fanatically loyal to Marina. When Marina slays a living creature with this blade, the spirit of Fleurette can temporarily take control of the body. Marina uses this blade rarely, because while loyal, Fleurette has lost much of her humanity and it is difficult to see her friend in that way.
Silverheart: The armor she was named for, it’s a full suit of plate. Resistant to magic and weapons, it’s saved Silverhearts life more times than she can count.
Giant’s hand: Giant’s hand is a large shield Silverheart prised from an ancient sleeping Ore Giant. Gleaming only dully silver, it doesn’t match the rest of her armor, but it has never taken so much as a scratch. Silverheart doesn’t believe it’s capable of being broken.


Silverheart knows no magic, but she is highly proficient in most martial skills, from unarmed combat to archery. More than those, however, she prides herself on her swordsmanship.

Silverheart also has extremely powerful mental defences and resistance to corruption. She spent all her life fighting a wizard whose primary method of control was via corrupting influences and mental manipulation.

Her greatest skill, however, is her ability to lead. She often inspires a great devotion in her followers, for her tactical acumen as well as for her sense of responsibility and honest love for those who have decided to follow where she leads.

Silverheart rose to the rank of Captain in the Army of Yudal, the country of her birth, through hard work and dedication. A promising officer, it was only until the ancient Protector-Wizard Gorsemane turned against his people and began to create an undead army that Silverheart truly came into her own.

The Battle of Hallan Heights was the fight that cemented Silverheart as a hero in the hearts of her people. (
(The Battle of Hallan Heights )
I wrote a story about it! Read it if you want! It’s a little long, however, so be advised. Though it will give you a much better picture of who Silverheart is!)
Thought dead, her soldiers were sent back to give the main army time to escape. When Silverheart returned to find her soldiers given a suicide mission, she frantically returned to them despite being ordered not to. Stripped of her rank, she took command of not just her soldiers, but all the other battalions and prison-slave soldiers, criminals forced to fight in war as their punishment. There was no one to stop her. She freed the prison soldiers and sent the ones who would flee away, those brave enough to stay she gave weapons and armor and folded them into her squad.
She expected to die here, but she managed to turn the undead back. It’s in this battle that her second in command, Fleurette, was killed. However so fervent was her devotion, Fleurette fought the control of Gorsemane, and fought for Silverheart even in death. Inspired, many of the soldiers that fell are said to have risen and fought against Gorsemanes control.
One of Gorsemen’s greatest lieutenants, an Angel he had slain and corrupted, was destroyed by Silverheart and her forces that day, a great blow to Gorsemane’s, and one that threw him off balance, allowing the defenders time to recuperate, and eventually escape once they had given the main army enough time.
After the battle Silverheart slew her soldiers that had risen as undead. They asked her to, unable to keep the whispers of Gorseman at bay, their wills fading. She did so, tears flowing down her face.
All except Fleurette who refused to die, and who Marina didn’t have the heart to kill. Fleurette would be Marina’s dark shadow in the battles to come.

Years passed with the war raging on, Silverheart, Fleurette and their band fighting against the undead, until eventually they fought to Gorsemane’s stronghold. After a desperate battle, Silverheart, Fleurette and a small group of their closest allies managed to break through, and though Fleurette was destroyed again, slay Gorsemane. Fleurette’s soul latched itself onto Silverhearts sword, creating Bloodbiter.

As a reward, Silverheart was given the Dream Blade by the remaining angels in her home land, and declared a hero of the realm.

Silverheart then started a band of knights named the Lionhearts, dedicated to helping those who needed it, funded entirely by the wealth that the kings of the lands heaped on Silverheart for slaying Gorsemane.

Silverheart was eventually slain by her own people. A pogrom against a group of humans that were generally disliked called Gypsies forced Silverheart and her knights to step in and fight against the king of her home country Yudal in an effort to stop the killing. The knights were eventually victorious, and helped the Gypsies flee the country, but the king demanded Silverheart give herself up for arrest or he would declare war and use the entire kingdoms army to smash the much smaller group of Lionheart Knights. Having lost the support of the people, as racism against the Gypsies was high, Silverheart gave herself up to save her knights.

"People hate because it's easy." Silverheart said to the crowd assembled to watch her execution. "Not because they're evil or cruel. Evil is born of people standing by and letting evil things happen. If you believe something is wrong you have to stand up and stop it, or you're just as complicit as they are. I die with a clean conscience, because I have always stood up. How many of you can say the same?"

And then she was in a strange world, with strange people and rules she didn't understand. But Silverheart and Marina would do what they always did. Stand up to those who needed to be stood up to, and aid those that needed aiding.

The Battle of Hallan Heights Story I wrote about Silverheart again! I'm a decent writer, I swear, and if you read it and I'm not you can tell me otherwise! I can take it!
IMG_9581.JPG "if no one can hurt you, then nobody loves you..."

n a m e: Mori (can't remember his true name)

a g e: Unknown, looks like a young teen

g e n d e r: Male

r a c e: Deathtouched, formerly human?

f a c t i o n / o c c u p a t i o n: None (yet?)

p e r s o n a l i t y: Mori is... quite odd, to put it nicely. Soft-spoken and always faraway, it seems he lives in a different world than everyone around him, and considering his past, perhaps he does. Emotions appear foreign to Mori, be they negative or positive. He feels entirely empty inside and this causes him to come off as creepy, cold or ditzy to many, but that isn't intentional... at least, not most of the time. Though much of his true personality was lost along with his name and history, the remaining traces suggest he was sassy (a trait that remains despite everything) and perhaps even playful or teasing. Now however, Mori is a contradictory mix of childish curiosity and an old soul's wisdom. Such a combination really shouldn't be possible, but then again, neither should Mori's existence.

He can often be heard stating odd and out-of-place phrases in his strange emotionless voice, or reading books upside down. Mori likes to pick up shiny or pretty things and keep them, even if they aren't his... though if this is pointed out, he'll return them without any fuss. Most wild animals seem to like him, and he will have entire in-depth conversations with them as through they're answering him. Same thing with 'spirits'... whether they're actually around or just a figment of his imagination, no one is quite sure.

Despite his spaced-out appearance, Mori is not stupid or oblivious. It's the complete opposite, actually, as the boy is scarily observant and never seems to lack awareness even as he wanders around with his vacant eyes looking half asleep. Sometimes he just seems to know things. As mentioned previously, while he seems incapable of anger or fiery reactions, deadpan sass is often dished out to enemies and occasionally others as well. Those not on the receiving end might find this amusing to watch, and people hoping to mock him for his airheadedness are often left sputtering by his blunt responses.

While no one is truly fearless, Mori's lack of emotion allows him to function logically in situations where others might panic or rely on feelings alone. This is a double-edged sword however, as while complete calm can absolutely be deadly, he also lacks passion and the fire in one's soul that can cause a person to perform great feats. That said, his clearheadedness does make him quite good at dishing out quick and clean kills.

Mori is reasonably loyal to those around him but can be stubborn and lacks social awareness in sensitive situations, often unintentionally making them worse. That said, he's also surprisingly cute at times and a very good listener... just don't go to him for advice. Or do if you're curious, as he'll sometimes spit out a very meaningful yet cryptic line.

yes he's luna lovegood, edgy goth child edition. no i'm not sorry.

...and if nobody loves you, then i do."

  • Equipment:

    •Blade of the Death-hunters
    A fairly standard issue sword from Mori's days as a hunter, it is very sharp and well-crafted but not particularly stunning. The blade is crafted out of so-called 'ghost metal', a rare material exclusive to Prares that is both exceptionally light and durable as well as having a strange, albeit faint, dark sheen. Allows some channeling of Mori's ability, but cannot fully destroy a foe like the scythe, only create difficult to heal wounds or disintegrate appendages that are no longer attached (arms, legs, wings etc). Still perfectly effective for fighting the old fashioned way however (including in his intangible form), and Mori is much more adept at using it than his scythe... he wasn't considered a prodigy and chosen one for nothing.

    •Deathkeeper's scythe
    A collapsible, decorated silver and black scythe that's on the smaller side, which is ideal for Mori's more delicate stature. The materials are unknown, but as each Deathkeeper only ever owns one scythe, it's likely very hard to destroy. Using it, Mori can cause his enemies to disintegrate into a pile of bones and dirt with one hit, so long as he's channeling his power. When not channeling his power however, his sword is usually preferable. Mori cannot wield his scythe while intangible as it is not made of 'ghost metal'.

    •Black coat
    Mori dresses exclusively in black, and he is rarely seen without his long, plain black coat with silver buttons. The fabric is silky yet surprisingly tough and serves as effective light to moderate armor, but it doesn't compare to metal pieces.

    Also in black, but decorated with small silver moth decals around the edges. Can be used to conceal his knee-length hair or face if needed.

    •Silver necklace
    A simple silver necklace with a red gemstone that Mori wears under his coat and rarely removes. While he can't recall the details, he's certain that it's very important to him and holding it evokes faint emotions and feelings of nostalgia...
    while decidedly unlikely now, Mori wishes to regain his memory and considers this item to be his best chance so far.

    •Crystalline Teardrops
    A vial of powdered, luminescent rainbow crystal mixed with spring water that is very effective in killing corrupted Deathkeepers. Harmless to humans, animals and non-corrupted reapers. Usage and effects on other things remain untested.

    It's literally just candy. Mori will absolutely kill you if you take any, though...


    •Kiss of Death
    No kissing actually required, thankfully. This ability allows Mori to turn his enemies into a pile of bones and dirt by attacking them... it's basically 10 years of decomposing done all at once, with a single blow. Not the prettiest thing to watch and probably a big part of why so many people find him unbearably creepy, but quite useful nonetheless. By far most effective when channeled through Mori's Deathkeeper scythe. It's still possible for him to gain some effect when slashing with his sword or even fingernails, but such wounds will likely not instakill and instead just hinder. As this power requires soul energy, Mori can't use it infinitely without effort like an actual Deathkeeper as he absolutely refuses to consume souls, though it is much less draining than commanding the dead and can easily be used to take out a small army.

    •Wake the Dead
    Like a zombie movie, but they're controlled by Mori and only eat the bad guy's brains... well, they actually don't eat anything, but they can and do fight and since they're already dead, they can't die a second time and will keep going until utterly destroyed. Of course, this requires concentration to pull off. The smaller the reanimated creature, the more of them Mori is able to control at once. Huge flock of birds? Totally possible. A dozen or more armed soldiers? Sure. Hundreds of elephants? Not as likely, unless Mori decides he's cool with throwing up blood and falling into a coma (which? maybe?), or worse yet, growing even more deranged... at least losing control just makes them fall apart rather than attack everyone like actual zombies though? Fossils and things like that are exempt, as are creatures without any sort of skeletal structure or exoskeleton. Mori will absolutely use this on fallen allies, so if that will be a problem, it would be best to mention said fact beforehand. No, he won't make the zombies dance. Don't ask.

    •Spirit Shield
    Using a strange, barely visible substance Mori claims to be the physical manifestation of spirits, he is able to conjure a strong magical shield around himself (certain areas or his entire body) that is effective against both physical and magical attacks. When not actively being deployed in battle, he uses it to enhance his coat and turn it into effective yet weightless armor.

    •Veil of the Otherworld
    Mori is able to turn himself intangible and enters a ghost-like, misty form. How visible he is while using this depends on the time of day and atmosphere. Foggy nights render him invisible to all but those with magically enhanced sight, but any bright light (sun or artificial) makes this power give him a blurry, see-through mirage like appearance instead. While in this form, Mori can phase through most objects and even living things with ease, but he is unable to properly attack unless it's with his sword... though he absolutely can pop up behind someone and then strike using his scythe. Nothin personnel, kid.

    •False Eternity
    Playing dead... like a possum, or maybe a dog some ten year old trained. Due to his already low body temperature and faint heartbeat, Mori can enter this state and appear dead to anyone without a way of sensing heat or life energy unless inspected closely. Doing so allows him become semi-comatose and hold his breath for a long period of time, meaning he can survive for a while doing this on land or underwater. Useful for slowing the effects of poison and blood loss as well.

    •Whispers of the Lost
    Supposedly, Mori can see and hear dead people. Jury's out on whether this is true, he's completely delusional or just doing it to creep people out... but that might explain why he always seems to just know certain things. Can he command spirits? Maybe, but asking nicely would be more effective...

    •Touch of Immortality
    Mori can still die of course (permanently? who knows...), and does not heal much faster than any other human. However, wounds and injuries that would kill a mere mortal are often survivable for Mori even if they take considerable time to heal. He does feel pain, but is dead inside to the point where going into shock from it is impossible.

    •Lord of the Moths
    Moths love this creepy kid and often follow him around. Not the nasty kind that eat your clothes though, thankfully. Mori seems to attract the big, kinda pretty ones instead.


    Mori trained relentlessly and trained well with the hunters, and it paid off in his enviable skill with a blade. As he's small and lacking in brute strength, Mori uses agility and speed to his advantage instead and can jump and flip his way through an attack with ease. Using his surroundings to his advantage is a big part of Mori's fighting style, as without fancy footwork and swiftness, he'd be on the weaker side against many opponents. Using these methods however, taking down opponents more than triple his size and strength is absolutely possible.

    Despite how distant and spaced out Mori appears, he's eerily aware of his surroundings and those in them. Tends to notice details and anything or anyone out of place, though whether he actually points them out or even reacts is another thing entirely.

    •Excellent memory... sort of?
    For an amnesiac, Mori seems to have an impressive and photographic memory... but only sometimes. He'll remember the color of someone's shoe years later, but forget their name just as easily. Go figure.

    Dancing around a battlefield is something Mori does very well indeed, and the way his long hair swishes around makes it look even cooler. There's in inhuman sort of grace about him, almost as though everything except himself moves in slow motion when he wants it to. Much like a cat, he always lands on his feet. Excellent reflexes, seriously. If you want to see someone do that cliche thing of dodging a bullet or stopping one with a blade, then Mori is your boy.

    Because he's more than a little unnerving, Mori obviously has to be good at creeping around in the shadows and popping up unexpectedly. Walking without making a sound comes naturally to him, even in the woods. It's almost as though he drifts around like an actual ghost. Also great at snatching things off someone without them even noticing... though he'll usually give them back.

    Mori's heart is an empty void, and he doesn't even care. No feels to be had here. No, he definitely doesn't have any hidden platonic yandere potential...

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51601546a174deb6f5eec11373042c7f.jpgName: Morga

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Faction/Occupation: Unaffiliated for now

Personality: Having raised in the wilderness, Morga is a woman of instinct than brain. She is like a wild animal and her daily routine is nothing but sleep, hunt, eat, repeat. She lacks socials skills, mannerisms, modesty, and intelligence. She can turn wild when agitated and docile when left alone. However, despite these negative qualities, she is a gentle, kind, caring, and friendly soul to those whom she thinks are good at heart.

She is accompanied by her animal companions; the overprotective and short-tempered wolf Garo and the wise and tolerable crow Beck.

  • Equipment:

    [Hunting Spear] - A regular primitive spear crafted by Morga herself.

    [Bone Knife] - Self-explanatory, a sharp knife made from an animal's rib bone.

    [Stone Axe] - Also self-explanatory, a regular primitive axe made from hard stone.

    [Pelt Skirt] - Her only article of clothing.

    [Golden Protection Circles] - Accessories given to her by a mage she had saved his life. Wearing them would mean she is given divine protection from harm.


    [Healing] - Taught to her by the rescued mage, but she is limited to healing only wounds and nothing grave such as severed limbs and diseases.

    [Lunar Enhancement Mode] - Blessed by the rescued mage, this spell enhances her physical prowess to a superhuman degree thanks to empowering herself with lunar energy. This is indicated with her eyes and body markings glowing. In this state, she can run much faster and hit thrice as hard enough to break steel. However, this mode can only stay active for twenty minutes and can only be recharge by staying under the moon's light (preferably the full moon).

    [Combat Prowess] - Though lacking skill, she can still be a formidable opponent to face, armed or not. Her main instinct is charging in and bring out everything she has.

    [Howl] - Whenever she lets out a vicious roar, two things happen; it sends fear to her enemies and a boost of morale to her allies.

    [Enhanced Senses] - Thanks to her times of hunting, Morga developed her heightened senses of smell, hearing, and sight.

    [Iron Body] - She has developed a beast of a body that allows her to take a lot of punishment and still fight.

    [Super Agility] - She is very fast and reflexive. She can also jump as high as ten feet.

    [Temperament Detection] - She can tell whether a person is good or evil just by the smell of their hair.

    [Animal Communication] - She can understand and speak animals like her companions.

f66f90181d09a61cb8d854516a64.jpgName: Enma

Age: 200

Gender: none, but referred as female due to her appearance.

Race: golem

Faction/Occupation: Wyngard Imperial Army

Personality: stoic, analytical, curious, distanced and trying to be more human.

  • Equipment:

    Morrah the combat golem - A three meters metal golem with mechanical tentacles as limbs, programmed to obeys Enma. It dons a maid attire and acts like one, though it can't talk. Hides plenty of blades thoughout its body.
    Golem anatomy - Enma is a companion golem, designed to looks and behaves as human as possible. While she looks like a normal girl on the outside, she's still made with metal inside. Her body is very durable although being a magical construct means she can't be healed by normal healing spell.
    Living artifact - Enma herself is considered as living artifact.


    Mind of Runes - Enma can't cast any spell, but she can identify spells by getting into contact with it. Additionally, Enma is very good with memorization.
    Circuit intercept - if provided enough time, Enma can taps into the magical circuit of an object and alter it manually. Changing the outcome of a magical artifact in limited fashion.
    Pebble shoot - Enma can shoot projectile out of her palms instead of throwing it like a normal person.
    Last Order - Execute self-destruct sequence to cause massive explosion.
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Character Sheet for Void of Worlds
(this is only a template, you can make your own as long as you have all the necessary information)​

Name: Belagar ironhide

Age: 110

Gender: Male

Race: Dwarf

Faction/Occupation: None

Personality: Belagar is a rather blunt type of guy, always telling what's in his mind. He's an honest man, with many unsure whether he can even make the smallest of lies. Despite this however, Belagar loves a good story whether it be real or not, he's always happy to entertain whoever is listening with tall tales of his life. Or of those who came before him. However, it must be warned that he'll hold a grudge until it is paid by blood or gold.

  • Equipment:

    [Dwarfen hand axe] a simple axe with a better quality of metal
    [GrudgeBreaker] A double barreled flintlock with various runes.
    [Crossbow] just a normal crossbow when Belagar needs to take a more silent approach.
    [Chain mail] basic chain maul
    [Leather] leather armor
    [The Book Of Grudges]
    This book is the list of wrongdoings of person against Belagar. If a name of a person or group is written down, Belagar will have a supernatural increase, where his strength,speed,reaction time,stamina are tripled. The name is only removed when the grudge has been paid in blood or gold.


    None, dwarfs are incapable of using the normal types of magic.
    [Trick] it allows Belagar to activate the runes known as Trick in his gun, which there are three of.
    [Piercing shot] it increases the penetration of the shot.
    [Forceful shot] increases the force of the shoot, pushing things back.
    [Violent shot] increases the damage of the shot,while its penetration is weakened.

    [Lightning Reload] increases the time of Reload into mere seconds.
    [Quick draw] Belagar pulls out his gun in the blink of an eye.
    [Weaponsmith] can repair Weapons with ease.

[FONT=Book Antiqua][imageFloat=left] [/imageFloat]






[tabs][tab=Skills & Gear][/tab][/tabs][/FONT][tabs][tab=Equipment & Abilities][FONT=Book Antiqua]Equipment:[/FONT]


[FONT=Book Antiqua]Abilities:[/FONT]

[FONT=Book Antiqua][/tab][tab=World & Legend][FONT=Book Antiqua]World:

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(fadeIn 400 tabsContent4) [/script] [div class=bkgd] [div class=texture][/div] [div class=line style="width: 100%;top: 18%;"][/div] [div class=line style="width: 100%;top: 22%;"][/div] [div class=line style="width: 2px; height: 100%; left: 72px; color: var(--text-color);"][/div] [div class=line style="width: 2px; height: 100%; left: 87px; color: var(--text-color);"][/div] [div class="circlepic linecircle linecircle1 tab"][div class="linehover linehover1 hidden"]basics[/div][/div] [div class="circlepic linecircle linecircle2 tab"][div class="linehover linehover2 hidden"]persona[/div][/div] [div class="circlepic linecircle linecircle3 tab"][div class="linehover linehover3 hidden"]background[/div][/div] [div class="circlepic linecircle linecircle4 tab"][div class="linehover linehover4 hidden"]misc.[/div][/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent1"]basics.[/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent2 hidden"]persona.[/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent3 hidden"]background.[/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent4 hidden"]misc.[/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent1"][div class=text][div class=tag]name:[/div]Dahlia Of The Sun Children [div class=tag]nickname:[/div] Dahlia Death, Brightest Sun, Wildest Child, Visitor of the night [div class=tag]age:[/div]26 [div class=tag]gender:[/div]Female [div class=tag]sexuality:[/div]Pansexual [div class=tag]role:[/div]The Hero: "I'm just an orphan with nothing to live for but my own impulses." [div class=tag]race:[/div]Demi-Human? Preturnatural Creature? Human but not strictly? [div class=tag]hair color:[/div]Auburn [div class=tag]eye color:[/div]Glowing emerald green [div class=tag]height/weight:[/div]5' 7 143lbs" [div class=tag]distinguishing features:[/div] Meaningful tattoos all over body [div class=tag]body mods:[/div] Has piercings in ears, nose, lips and brows, sometimes they're filled sometimes not [div class=tag]ailments:[/div] Magic, [/div][/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent2 hidden"][div class=text][div class=tag]vices:[/div] Cruel, recklessness, stubbornness, Stealing [div class=tag]virtues:[/div] Ethical, Honor, courage, Truth [div class=tag]strengths and Abilities:[/div] Enhanced speed, hearing and sight, Swordsmanship, magic, decisiveness [div class=tag]weaknesses:[/div] Slightly thrill seeking, Temper, Reckless, Impulsive [div class=tag]likes:[/div] Excitement, Alcohol, Challenges, The Unknown, Sweets, Humor [div class=tag]dislikes:[/div] Bitter, Cold, Liars, she can lapse into a cynic at unexpected moments [div class=tag]fears:[/div] Living a dead life, Dying for nothing, Being a monster [/div][/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent3 hidden"][div class=text][div class=tag]family:[/div] "Do you still have a family if everyone is dead?" [div class=tag]World & Legend:[/div] Dahlia's world is one shrouded in darkness despite there being only one moon and three suns, Not many can survive in the small portion of land where the sun constantly shines and those who can are called Sun children. Typically a person of one cannot survive in the others habitat for long before they die no matter what. Therefore even though the night denizens and sun children have trade and the like neither of them actively go into the others territory much if there is no absolute Necessity. Dahlia is different, Born as a Child of Sun she inherited the Sun Kissed skin and the cheerfulness most associate with Sun children her eyes distinguished her from others at birth. Elders from both the Sun Children and the Night Denizens came to see what was wrong with this child but none could understand what was going on. It is said when tumultuous times are upon us people to combat them will be born to rise to the occasion. When the horde of mutated Night denizens began slowly taking over the continent it was she, her magic, her beast and a few long trusted companions that stopped them from turning their world into a mutation of death unholy and filthy. [div class=tag]education:[/div] Street Knowledge, Swordsmanship, Self Taught and experiment of magic [div class=tag]history:[/div] She had her first magic flare up at 6 and killed her own family in the blast, from there on most of both regions ostracized and feared her. [/div][/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent4 hidden"][div class=text][div class=tag]theme song:[/div]Heroine by Sunmi [div class=tag]mbti type:[/div]INFJ-A [div class=tag]enneagram type:[/div]8 [div class=tag]other:[/div] [div class=tag]relationships:[/div]
[/div][/div] [div class=slidebkgd] [div class=texture][/div] [div class=line style="width: 94%;top: 58%;left: 3%;"][/div] [div class="name button"]it's
your choice.
[/div] [div class=role]the hero.[/div] [div class="circlepic homecircle"][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=credit]code by [COLOR=#dedede]sox[/COLOR][/div]


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Well, uh, I'm not sure if I'm
Allowed to join this at the moment
So I'll just put the sheet here, and uh
See where that puts me.

Name: Ozwald Rubellion (AKA Ozzy)

Age: 27 appearance-wise, otherwise unknown

Gender: Male

Race: Some sort of demon-humanoid... Thing. I haven't thought of a name for it yet.

Faction/Occupation: Generally has no faction, as he hates most people.

Appearance: He's around 235 cm tall, and his limbs are much thinner than a normal human's. He has green hair and glass eyes in front of his real ones. His real eyes are black scelera with red irises. His teeth are filed to points, and always bloodstained. Also, his face has two seams, one vertically through the middle of his mouth, from under his chin to the back of his head. The other seam goes through the corners of his mouth, stopping just short other seam at the back of his head. He's able to open his face for scare tactics.
[No drawing available, as I'm both poor and bad at drawing]

Personality: Ozwald has three main ways of acting.

1: If he doesn't know you, he doesn't like you, and so he will be extremely untrusting of you. He has been known to attack strangers out of paranoia.

2: If he does know you, and likes you, he will still be a bit of a jerk, and is still a bit unlikely to trust you. But, he will almost never threaten you with attack, and even when he does, he won't follow up on it.

3: If he knows and hates you, he will attack randomly without warning. He may even take stupid risks in an attempt to kill you.

Also, as long as your character is an OC, they are guaranteed to fall into the #1 category.

  • Equipment:

    Main: An Emerald sword, sharpened to perfection, and heavily infused with magic. Though it's fragile, it can regenerate.
    Sidearm: Occasionally, he will pull out a gauntlet with a gigantic clawed hand on it. He uses this only when his sword breaks, and generally has a harder time using magic with it.

    [Armor] Next to none. He is always wearing a tuxedo and dress pants. The closest thing to armor he has is a metal top hat with a sharpened rim. That's closer to a weapon, though. Luckily, this lack of armor hasn't stopped him from destroying any alternate versions of the people he hates. More on that in a second.

    [Artifact] He generally carries a large bag of gemstones, which he can consume to give himself boosts in power. This supply is limited, and only he can use them, as his magic connection to them only applies to him. However, if he finds more gemstones, he can give them these magic properties.


    [Magic] He has a good bundle of generic stuff, such as fireballs, a magic shield, and a healing spell or two. He also has:

    Sword Slash: He will slash his sword in the direction of the target, where glowing green slashes will appear. They will stay there for a few seconds before rapidly flying in the target's direction. They are about as damaging as the sword itself.

    Cloak: He can cloak himself at any time, whether it be to sneak past a group or to make it more difficult to hit him. This, however, makes him tired fast.

    Deafening roar: He will roar extremely loudly when near death. This not only potentially debilitates anyone within melee range, but also causes him to forcefully grow to twice his size. However, though this makes it easier for him to get away, as he is made much thinner by the skin being stretched over the bones, this also makes him easier to kill upon a successful hit. He tends to grab the one who caused the roar before throwing them at the nearest person, regardless of affiliation, before fleeing. After around an hour of rest, he will return to normal.

    Music: He will always cause music to play over his fights. Even he doesn't know how. This can serve as a bit of an alert to him or his target(s), as even if the first attack misses in a way he or they wouldn't normally detect, the music will still play.


    Emerald Skeleton: Less a skill, more a convenient biological mishap.

    Molten spray: He can occasionally spit molten emerald from his face, but this hurts him and takes a long time to be usable again.

    Silent Sprint: As long as he is already consciously trying to sneak past someone, he is able to run with minimal noise, about as much as he would make walking. Otherwise, he's ridiculously clumsy.


Name: James, the Burning Man

Age: 20~

Gender: Male

Race: Claims to be a “Fallen Angel”.

Faction/Occupation: Seven Arrows, Mercenary and Flamethrower for Hire

Personality: Insane, but ultimately not evil. He likes burning, and killing. James has some morals- he won’t kill children without good cause, and he’ll always be polite to his enemies. He will gladly insult his friends though.

James is a gleeful madman- eagerly setting foes aflame from afar, before closing in to take a trophy. This is typically a piece of jewelry, an article of clothing, or a weapon. He is, in his own words, the “sexiest man alive,” and hits on anything that catches his eye. Including inanimate objects. Fortunately, he doesn’t do much more than that.

Despite this, James is somewhat melancholy. He is eager to return to his “home”, and will do anything to get back. He also considers himself a “monster”, for “my sins”.

  • Equipment:


    James wields a black sword he calls Sear. It is a single, carven piece of void-black metal, and catches fire on his command. It can slice through virtually any material, and is nigh-indestructible.


    He wears inky black, unbreakable armor. It can ignite at his will, shrouding him in white-hot flames. He never takes it off.


    A golden ring on his left hand. Runes on it say “To my beloved, may we be united once more”. He doesn’t explain it to anyone.



    James has the ability to conjure stone-meltingly hot flames and direct them. He uses this to blast foes from afar, keeping his distance.

    James is quite skillful with his powers, and charismatic to boot.


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