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Realistic or Modern Villier Hospital for the Incurable

vivi wannabe

trying to get Laurent Stocker's attention


✙ Dr. Murberry ( head of the facility ) [ vivi ]

✙ Miss Georgiana Montgomery ( secretary ) [ vivi ]

✙ Charles Paxton ( staff / student ) [ slowinfect ]

✙ George ( security ) [ fayr kraudis ]

✙ Harold Meinert ( patient ) [ vivi ]

✙ Vivian Lorance ( patient ) [ moss on tress ]

✙ Abigail Sanders ( patient ) [ dctr cat ]

✙ Reggie Franco ( patient ) [ errqr ]

✙ Britney Moreau ( patient ) [ jesika ]

✙ Miller Marks ( patient ) [ deathchart ]

✙ Betty Cox ( janitor ) [ vinipote ]

✙ Kaneda Davila ( patient ) [ mikaluvkitties ]

✙ Lavender MiddleCoff ( patient ) [ randomfoodgirl ]

Character Info


Age: (you don’t have to be precise) 


Appearance and/or picture: 


 (patient, staff, etc)

Brief Bio: 

Anything else:


Name: Dr. Murberry

Age: 53


Appearance and/or picture:

placid & furtive

 doctor / head of the hospital

Brief Bio: Dr. Murberry is relatively well known for his contribution to medical journals, particularly in his effort to rehabilitate patients.

Anything else: Dr. Murberry is rather petite, standing at about 5'3".


Name: Miss Georgiana Montgomery

Age: 23


Appearance and/or picture: 


tends to be cold and indifferent, yet she's surprisingly warm towards the doctor.

 personal secretary to Dr. Murberry (a recent hire)

Brief Bio: 
Georgiana was an aspiring model, yet she couldn't seem to find her big break. Working as a secretary part-time to make ends meet, she happened across an article by Dr. Murberry. Miss Montgomery decided then and there that she had to make his acquaintance.

Anything else: Georgiana is rather tall, standing at 6'1" without heels. She's about 15 pounds underweight.


Name: Harold Meinert

Age: roughly 54


Appearance and/or picture:


jovially sardonic & sadistic

 oldest remaining patient

Brief Bio: Meinert has been institutionalized since his youth, when he was head of a notoriously cruel gang. He was moved to Villier Hospital after Dr. Murberry took over.

Anything else: stands about 5'8". He likes to torment Georgiana by calling her "fat."

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Name: Charles Paxton

Age: 31

Sex: Male

Appearance and/or picture:


Idealistic but Morbidly Curious

Occupation: Staff/Student

Brief Bio: Graduate student of Cambridge University who has requested residency at the mental hospital to finish his dissertation on Asylum Medicine.

Anything else: He has a nervous tick of playing with his sleeves and a tendency to stare inappropriately.

Character Info

Name: George

Age: 42 


Appearance and/or picture: A
 slightly fat man with thick moustache and grumpy face. (don't have picture)

Tends to look down on every doctors, but rather nice to patient. Moody. Easily moved to tears, but sometimes can be really cynical.

 Staff/Security Officer

Brief Bio: Goerge was a medical student once. But on his third year in college, he was dropped out because of violance to his fellow students. He works as security officer for 14 years already. Never forgetting his dream, he always works on medical facilities.

Anything else: know a little medical treatment.
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Vivian Dorian Lorance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-10_20-46-48.png.0a9d09cd6aa520bf0835fb2895de47df.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-10_20-46-48.png.0a9d09cd6aa520bf0835fb2895de47df.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 22

Sex: Female ?

Personality: Impulsive / Independent / Sarcastic / Introverted yet Social / Mouth Like A Sailor / Vigorous Reader / Endlessly Interesting ?


Brief Bio: Rosemarie's parent's were , to put shortly, artists. This doesn't mean they were open minded-free spirted hippies though, quite the opposite actually. Her parents gave hippies purpose. Money crazed filmmakers would be the words to describe them, fucking posers would be another. Rosemarie had lived in California with a nanny till she 4, then moved to France with her parents until she was 14. When she was 14 she moved to New York and lived in an apartment alone at her parents request- a friendly emancipation. Her parents set her up with a funded bank account and a very nice apartment because what else could a young girl need, right? What about a little fucking guidance? The following year she dropped out of school as a Sophomore and picked up a few new hobbies, reading, alcoholism and pot-smoking. This might seem random and surprising but Rosemarie had always been a loose cannon and kind of a mess, this being her parent's reasoning. They said she was a distraction. She began using her parent's name to get her into parties despite her age but the parties were forgotten and seen as boring after a while. Her behavior led to a few problems, constant anxiety, Bulimia, suicidal thoughts, and extreme hypochondria. Which is partially what landed her in the

Villier Hospital for the Incurable, top of the line. The other part is her 19th Birthday Extravaganza. She honestly wants to get better. ?

Anything else: ***



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Abigail Sanders was admitted to the hospital at the age of 21, she has recently turned 23 and is still treated within the hospital as a patient. She is somewhat withdrawn from others, and when happy to speak to others can go from pleasant to violent in a few moments. She was admitted after becoming frightened during a regular doctor's visit, when she reported that she often saw things smaller or larger than they are in reality. She experiences nightmares on some nights, while others are spent trying to sleep, with no luck.

Abigail is a bright looking girl, with curly hair and large eyes. Her appearance does not seem to have suffered during her stay, though may take a toll in the future. She is not currently on any medication, but it is likely she will be given something to assist with her sleep issues, before they begin to cause lasting health problems. Abigail's noticable tick is constantly watching clocks, and feeling as if she is late for, or has forgotten about something very important.She has a small, silver pocket watch which was given to her as a gift by her younger sister Eliza. The watch is always on Abigail's person, and will often try to fight those she believes have tried to take it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c80173fd9_danstevensgif2.gif.6f5a4138983af692f31b4479a908c7a2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107650" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c80173fd9_danstevensgif2.gif.6f5a4138983af692f31b4479a908c7a2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

??????? ????: ????????????


  • Name: Reggie Franco

    Age: 28

    Sex: ?Male

    Occupation:? Patient

    Height: 183 cm (6'0")

    Weight: 97 kg - rounded (215 lbs.)

    Build: Muscular, lean

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_nhwb1tjNJq1qfisvuo2_500.gif.50d1b13abe0e9139e67e965322183080.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107651" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_nhwb1tjNJq1qfisvuo2_500.gif.50d1b13abe0e9139e67e965322183080.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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_-Patient Form-_


Name: Britney Moreau

Sex: Female

Age: 24

Addmitted to Villier Hospital: Today (I don't know the date when we start)

Diagnosis: Dissociative disorder

Treatment Plan: Psychotherapy

Patient Information

Britney Moreau suffered a server traumatic event at a young age. Her mind blocks out what happened and she doesn't remember a thing. The patient has been in and out of hospitals since the age of 15. First started out as mood swings, then memory loss, and then different personalities. The family doctor set Britney to see a therapist. At times the girl would seem cured and months would go by with no problems. Her symptoms would always come back. Since her treatments haven't been working they tried to put her on antidepressants which she overdosed and tried to kill herself with. Britney had been going to weekly group talk therapy sessions but only lasted 4 weeks. On the fourth session she attacked one of the other patients for reasons unknown. Her behaviour kept getting worse. No change in her mood and attitude led Britney to be admitted to Villier Hospital in hopes her diagnosis can be treated. The patient can be harmful to herself and others.
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Basic Info

Name: Miller Marks

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Occupation: Patient





Miller is the classic sociopath while also being a malignant narcissist. He thinks very highly of himself and doesn't care about others. His cold and brutal personality drives most people away and people usually find him mean. He has a strange obsession with the number 7. He has a habit of cracking and popping his neck, arms, fingers, and anywhere else he can. Most will never see him nervous due to the fact that he thinks he is in control of every situation he's put into.

Miller grew up wanting to know everything. Eventually becoming a child prodigy and getting a degree in theoretical physics at the age of 13. He was an outcast growing up and his disorders didn't help in the slightest. He was vey manipulative and managed to get a job as a professor when he turned 18. That job was when people noticed something was wrong with him. He had gotten into an argument with a psychology professor during his free time. This caused the university to force him to get checked out. After finding out about his disorders the school decided to let him go. This resulted in Miller throwing things and demanding his job back. He also pushed a teacher out a window causing him to fall and die. The police were called and Miller was admitted to Viller Hospital. Now he spends his days waiting. Enjoying his time there. Waiting for something, anything, to happen.

My mind is far superior to yours. I think one thousand different words before you say hello. I know where you work, your marital status, and how much money is in your wallet before you even start talking to me. I am superior in every way. You're just pathetic. ~ Miller in court for the murder of a college professor.

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Brown hair, brown eyes, 5'6'', 124lbs

Name: Betty Cox

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Personality: ?Dopey, oblivious, sporadic instances of startling clarity, unambitious, insecure. Sick of people making jokes about her last name. Very opinionated about music. Sometimes partakes in mildly illicit drugs.

Occupation:? Sanitation Engineer (Janitor)

Brief Bio: ?She dropped out of medical school because she couldn't hack it, while her older sister is a doctor. This fact is often pointed out during family gatherings. Her parents are divorced. Her father's new girlfriend is allergic to cats, thus Betty is stuck with a cat, with whom she shares a mutual distrust.


"Man, how in the hell do they get it up on the ceiling?"

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Name: Kaneda Davila

Age: Early 20s

Sex: ?Male

Appearance and/or picture: ?


Personality: ?
Quiet, manipulative and reticent

Occupation:? Older patient

Brief Bio: ?He arrived in his mid-teens after spending most of his life in a harmful home environment.

Anything else: He's been diagnosed with insomnia, paranoid personality disorder, general anxiety disorder, and ptsd. Currently he's on sleep medication and anti-anxiety medication, and a current goal is to get him to a point where he's willing to try psychotherapy. He's 5'7" and underweight.

Lavender Jess MiddleCoff

Around 16 or 17


Black eyes (contacts) or Lavender eyes (natural) black hair, moderately short, usually in large sweaters with her hair in her face, painted black fingernails, naturally fangged teeth, red lips. She could pass a vampire.

Lavender, or Lavey, is delicate, she is a very kind, gentle person, but she won't put up with bullshit. Lavey gets pissed off whenever some stupid little emo kid comes along and tries to make everything about themselves, she wants to punch those kids. Lavey isn't afraid to speak her mind, but when her Schizophrenia starts acting up, she immediately freezes in fear. She hallucinates a woman dressed into only white, her eyes as black as her contacts, when her visions start, people beware, she can become violent and attack those in her way.

Patient, suffering from Schizophrenia and benign Lung Cancer

Lavey was adopted into an American family, she was born in Paris, France. Her parents passed away in the house fire that she survived.

People found her, crying in her cradle, untouched. She was then auctioned off in the local orphanage to American locals, they then took her back to their home town.

It wasn't until Lavender was about thirteen when she was diagnosed with lung cancer, it then turned up benign. She was fifteen when the visions started. She would start screaming and attacking her parents, they out her in many I slums until they found Villier Hospital, they thought their prayers were answered.

Lavender is fluent in French and English.

She rarely sees her adopted parents

She plays instruments including violin, piano, and guitar.

She sings

She paints and draws, her room is filled with her creations.

She loves Nirvana, her room is Nirvana inspired.

(PM me for relationship/crush status)


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