Journal Venting for when shit hits the fan.

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Wish me well in hell
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I was contemplating making this on a burner account so I could distance myself away from my RP partners and not let them see the thoughts that travel through my head as I talk to them but eh. That's too much effort and I'm impatient and currently contemplating my existence as I uncover some memories I really didn't need on this wonderful evening that I decided to uncover anyway because I can't help myself.

If you're my RP partner reading this. Hi.

Unrelated note, I just have this feeling where if I post anything in any rant/vent related channel or place, and it's to no one in particular. I just feel seen. Idk, like people read the thoughts that swirl in my head and were like "....moving on." without saying anything and it just feels...good? It feels better than writing something and no one sees it. Or at least agnologies they seen it. Hahahahaha I don't know anymore. Posts will probably get deleted at random points, depending on what I feel.

Don't post here. This is my little corner of the site where I can complain and rant and vent and not have someone post here. Ruins the vibe.
Don't tell me your DM's are open. I'm sure you're a wonderful person. Just for other people and not me.
Worry eats me alive. Fear controls me. It sucks ass dude. (Is that even a PSA???????)

Let's get started.

I hate me. I hate how I act around people online and in real life. When I was younger, I was a true piece of garbage. I was mean and rude to those I thought were weird. I hate that part of my life, I hate how stupid I was. I hate how isolated I feel. I hate finding enjoyment talking to older people more then I find when I talk to people my age (online) and I hate how it makes me feel because I know most on the other side of the screen don't know their talking to a kid who doesn't have a driver's permit yet. I feel good when I'm told I act older than I am, it makes me feel happy. I hate how I find friends in older people and i'm scared that they think i'm some cringy teenager who doesn't know anything. I want them to like me despite the age gap being present. I'm walking on eggshells whenever I talk to people who know how old I am. I feel better being covered by a screen that just says my pronouns and thats it.

I want to make friends, I make them. And then I don't keep them. They get tired of me and/or I get tired of them or at least stop responding like they're the center of my world. It's my fault, I know it is but oh how I hate feeling left out and isolated because of my own mistakes. I always have that feeling of "it will only happen once. THat good moment will happen and then you will never get it again." It happened with my brother an I when we were younger. We would do some sibling bonding moment, something happens and we have to take a break. I try to re-kindle that moment so it can go back to how it was before and it never happens. How pathetic I am talking about bullcrap like this. Thinking it's worthy of anything I'm writing and pouring my soul out and I know none of this makes sense because I'm typing faster than my mind can articulate what's wrong with what I'm writing but I'm past the point of caring.

I feel useless. Just some kid who sits in a chair, plays videogames. Eats food, does schoolwork and puts minimal effort as well as being over-eager and clingy. My parents think i'm useless (idk, maybe) I feel like they think i'm useless since I'm some hermit who doesn't do sports/be active/get out of the house. I used to do sports then stopped and haven't gone back. My dad's kinda pissed at me whenever he tries to bring up sports and I shoot it down cuz it's just not my thing anymore.

I hate my life a couple months ago. I had friends. I screwed them up. I screwed myself and them (maybe up) and now I can't look at anything that was related to them. It makes me feel more shitty and the whole reason I made this stupid thread was because I looked at one of the things that reminded myself of them and I just started crying because I felt like garbage pushing them away because I was scared and now I can't be there for them and can't feel like I'm worth anything because If I can push people like them away, I can push anyone away and leave myself alone and isolated because that's just something that happens I guess.

I can't communicate.
I'm scared of hurting them.
Scared of hurting myself.
Scared of confrontation.
Scared of hurting them.
I'm always scared of hurting people.
I hate it.
Hate how it makes me feel.
Hate how easy I can do it.
It's so easy.
To hurt someone.
Without meaning to.
And now your just sitting there.
Wondering how your going to build it back up.
Despite not knowing anything yourself.
And knowing that you should know something at this point.
But you don't.
And it sucks.
Because everyone knows.

I want things the way they were.
Our group.
All together.
No problems
No incidents.
Not where someone isolated themself from the rest because they hated themselves and how they acted and how they were before then.
I say I change
I don't.
I stay the same.
Because I can't change.
Or maybe I can.
And i'm just too dense to do so.
I apologize.
I say I won't do it again.

I do it again.

And sometimes.
I feel like the other person is to blame.
For something.
And I know.
It's just me.
But a part of my brain.
Wants to tell me the other person was to blame as well.
But I try to shut that part up.
Because thats just the brain trying to fool you.
Into thinking you did nothing.
When you screwed up everything.

I screw up a lot of things.
It really sucks.

I pushed away people.
Because I was scared of myself.
I'm jealous of people.
Who get to experience happiness through the people who I pushed away.
Because I should be the one getting that happiness.
But that's just narcissistic of me.
Everyone should be happy.

Sometimes I feel like I'm not a good person.
That I shouldn't deserve to live because of the thoughts that roam through my head.
About how someone shouldn't be happy.
And that they were to blame.
And that I hate someone.
And how neutral I am.
People don't like neutral people but like neutral options.

I thought of dying.
I hope I go out without feeling pain.
But that rarely happens.
I think about the afterlife.
I believe that once you die, you die.
And you just cease to exist.

My parents think otherwise.
I don't really care.
People think what they want to think.


I had some depressive episodes.
That lasted only a day.
So they shouldn't even be called depressive episodes.
More so depressive shorts.
But during those times.
I think about how life would be if I just wasn't there.
Was there an afterlife?
Or just nothing.
I hope I won't get flagged for writing this.

How dumb am I.

I really hope my parents don't see this.

That would really suck.

Thats it for now.

Weirdly poetic for some reason.
If you could call it poetic, who am I to know?
Playing honkai impact as I write this.
It's fun.
But it reminds me of the friends.
I really shouldn't have looked at the website.


I think I'm just overreacting.
I shouldn't be complaining.
Everything is just grand.
I'm fine
I'm fine.

The main MC in honkai looks goofy.

I don't even know why I bother with this anymore.

Call it a personal journal now.

I ramble a lot. In my mind, about the world and the thoughts that crawl it's way through my brain in hopes I'll listen to them.
I do listen to them. But if I act on them is a different problem. Problem or not, they all suck.


I need to stop. And get a grip of myself as I watch the world go by without me.

I just talked to someone.
That I haven't talked to in a while.
I have seen them before.

I was an ass to them in middle school.

I still feel bad.

I apologised.

I mean it.

So why can't I apologize and do better to the other person?

I don't like March 7th.

The person likes her.

So I can't like her.

Not without thinking of them..

How crazy it would be if they saw this.

I would die.
I don't really know how this site works.
And I been here for a good year or so.
I guess I don't really use this site for anything else but finding writers to work with.


I'm dishing out posts like it's nothing.

I'm not even saying anything interesting.

I always hate having this habit of just running my mouth, more so writing then I do talking.

I like to write.

I wish I had a better personality.

I'm so sensetive and for what?

A single tear.
A small laugh.
A stupid thought.
That travels up my spine.
Touching every bone,
Making me feel things.
That I shouldn't feel.

I like poems.
They say things stories sometimes can't articulate in so little words.

They are nice to read.

Spaces help add to the writing.

Shows how some people pause when speaking.

or how thoughts delay

and helps convey how the poem would be spoken

i love pauses.

and huge spaces.

but sometimes.
It's better.
To not have pauses.

Life doesn't have pauses.
Never does.
Never will.

So writing shouldn't have any either.

But they do.

Since writing isn't your life.

Or maybe it is.
If so,
I'm not sure what to say.
Or that's terribly unfortunate.
Worry warts and how to get rid of them

So common.
So annoying.
An eye sore.
An eye grabber.
I hate them
I hate them.
Feeling them crawl all over me.
I think I'll rip them out from under my skin.
And watch them ooze all over my hands.
It's remnants so terribly infested like some hidden sin.
To cure myself, is to be unconfined.
So these worry warts,
won't find a way back into my mind.
They bore themselves
deep into me.
Twisting and turning.
Finding a home inside my mind.
Whispering words of sweet delights
and terrifying frights.
Gaining is just like losing.
A price to pay
for a sweet reward.
But sometimes that reward
is not worth the price that must be paid.
Yet the trade will be made.
because you must be restored.

A drop of adrenaline
A shot of dopamine.
It fills you with woe
because you overflow.
WIth useless words
sweet praises
and chemicals
that corrupts your brain.
Which lacks the essentials
That help you live
and survive
only for you to never revive.
because you are deprived.

Gosh this sucks ass.
Damn. Shit hit the fan fr.
Parents and I got in a huge fight.
I feel like crap.
I failed my spanish thing.
So now my grade looks like garbage.
I'm tired.
and unmotivated to do school work.
But I have to.
And I'm close to breaking.
Don't want to go home.
Don't want to stay here.
Just want to sleep and never wake up lmao.
I could go on and on about what they said to me.
But I don't really care.
Just don't want to talk to them.
Cuz their kinda...goofy right now.
I got the silent treatment from my mum.
I don't know how I feel.
Not good. That's for sure.
I hate feeling like this.
It really sucks.
I wish I didn't have to deal with this.
I shouldn't even be here.
I have a project I need to work on.
But I just want to cry.
And lament my feelings as I hope this school day never ends.
I hate school.
But I hate my parents even more right now.
Hates a strong word.
Let's try heavily dislike.
I heavily dislike my parents right now.
I still feel bad.
They tell me they love me.
I think they do.
But they don't love me for who I am.
I'm two people.
Who i want to be.
And who they want me to be.
I want to be loved.
But I have to give up being myself.
To be loved by them.
I really hate decisions.
I'm too neutral.
They don't like neutral people.
Despise them even.
It's kinda weird.
But since I'm a neutral person.
They depise me.
Cuz I can't make choices.
Just nod.
And say ok.
And move on.
I wish I wasn't neutral.
Then it would be one less thing for them to hate on me.
They care about me.
Say they want the best for me.
I'm sure they do.
But their best is diffierent then my best.
They say that people my age think their old.
And behind the times.
They think their preaching the truth.
I think their good for that.
But it's wrong for them to do that to me.
I'm just living in my own little comfort bubble.
Ignoring everyone else.
That changing myself wouldn't do anything.
And I'm just a bit delusional.
That I'm smarter then that.
I guess I'm not.
Not smarter than them.
Not smarter than the person they want their child to be.
I'm me.
but not the me they want me to be.
I don't know who I want to be in the future.
But I know who I am now.
I just can't say it.
Because they will just dilute it to make me think
that I'm the problem.
That they sacrificed a lot of things for the family.
And I'm just throwing it away.
To support my delusion and mental illness.
That I can be different.
I can change.
I'm just lost.
I'm just believing the lies they tell us.
In school.
On the internet.
That the world is in shambles.
That their in pain.
Talking to me about this.
They care about themselves.
And try to make themselves look like the victims.
That their the ones suffering.
Because I'm trying to find myself.
They tell me I should be confident.
I am confident.
Just not in the way they want me to be.
I think they think that I have anger issues.
I get told that.
It sucks.
I don't think I do.
I'm a patient person.
They get anger outbursts.
And when they do.
They turn to me.
Because they need someone else to be miserable with them.
I think I got it from them.
When their mad.
They yell.
I yell when I get mad.
Get pissed off.
Easy to fly off the rails.
Throw things.
Speak with heavy passive agressiveness.
But I'm a patient person.
I listen.
I advise if I can.
I try my best to be there.
So I'm not bad.

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