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Various Fun Roleplay Ideas (1x1s, mostly yaoi)


Lord Legendary
Before reading, take note that I don't do torture or incest RPs, and they're not an option. If that's what you're looking for, this is not the thread for you. Sorry.

A-1: "Kissing Common"

Type: Yaoi/MxM.

Open Or Closed: Open.

Rating: PG-13.

Plot: Your character has been king of the nation ever since his father died, and has ruthlessly followed his father's footsteps: torching villages, killing "monsters", breaking and making treaties, starting wars, and heightening taxes. However, after taxing one border town too highly, the only thing they have left to offer him are their lives. He decides to take a human pet...unfortunately, said human (my character) hates him.

A-2: "Glasses"

Type: Yaoi, Het, or Yuri. I don't care. Tell me which you prefer.


Open or Closed: Open.

Rating: It could get up to PG-13 I guess, but it's pretty fluffy, so probably more like G.

Plot: After the first character (FC) breaks the second character's (SC) glasses, they decide to become SC's "seeing eye dog" at school for the next two weeks, until her glasses can be fixed.

Additional Note: I don't care which character I get, so it's up to you.

A-3: "Lost"

Type: Yaoi preferably

Open or Closed: Open

Rating: PG-13

Plot: After learning about homeless youth in social studies, a young teen male decides to find a homeless youth and invite him to live with him for a few weeks as a school project. Due to their conflicting lifestyles (gay indie homeless teen and "straight" mainstream rich teen) nothing goes as originally planned.

A-4: "Roomates"

Type: Yaoi

Open or Closed: Very Open

Rating: PG-13

Plot: Our characters have been roommates since the day they met in their average, boring college. What your very straight, homophobic character doesn't know is that my character is head over heels for him. Your character's evil girlfriend knows, though. And she will use it as leverage in every way possible.

Additional Note: If we wanted to tweak a few things, we could make an RP like this but Yuri/FxF.

If interested, please comment. Thanks, loves! 
No one?
Hi there...if you're still looking, I love the "glasses" idea ( as yaoi preferably)
UPDATES: Glasses is closed currently. (Sorry, Highlander.) Roommates and Lost are pending.
Sorry it took so long to respond again. Is anything still open?

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