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Fantasy Vanguards CS




"Hmm? Sorry, what didtcha' say?"

no slide


Hair Colour: Dark brown
Eye Colour: Steel grey
Skin Colour: Medium tanned
Height: 183.3 cm
Weight: 91.2 kg (big-boned and muscled)
Daily Attire: Vreis very much prefers dressing casually, and most of his wardrobe consists of form-fitting shirts and denim pants.
Battle Attire: Ballistic reactive plate over ballistic fibre.


Traits: 1) Enhanced Endurance
2) Enhanced Strength

Weapon(s): Proudly named “Labrys” after the weapon wielded by his favourite fictional hero, this Warhammer was earned after managing to match his teacher in the coming-of-age spar. Although it is pretty plain in that it doesn’t have any hidden functions like his brother’s lightning-riddled sword, the material it was forged from allows for heavier melee power, a devastating tool in the hands of someone with enough strength to put it to good use.
View attachment 326668

Before “Labrys” was “Perun”, a 14inch (approx. 33cm) hatchet-axe hybrid given to him by his father when he decided he would like to join the War.
View attachment 326669

Strengths: 1) Has excellent strength
2) Has excellent stamina
3) Great team member (either as a leader or a follower)
4) Willing to help in any way as long as he is able to

Weaknesses: 1) Slow on his feet due to his bulk
2) Sucks at anything having to do with creation (e.g: cooking, constructing, repairing)
3) Pretty gullible in terms of knowledge in fields he is ignorant in
4) Due to both his sensitivity and bottling up of emotions, when he explodes, he often resorts to violence


Personality: Since his early childhood, Vreis was very independent and self-confident, often running away to do things on his own, at his own pace. Despite that, he is very perceptive and intuitive, which allowed him to garner the personalities of others through thorough observations. Hence, he knew how far he could push people close to him and how much they can take before they snapped, though he never did it with malicious intent. After his father's death, Vreis, as the next eldest male of the family, became more restrained in his urge to do things his own way. Instead, he had to learn how to consider all options, and be able to take the best possible path even if it might be not to his liking.

From adolescence to adulthood, Vreis has settled to typically portraying a relaxed and almost bored attitude, not prone to getting too worked up about anything or by anyone. However, in truth, he is a sensitive person that tries not to let his true feelings show. Most of the time he succeeds in reigning in his temper, but sometimes when it explodes, people are usually left wondering what disastrous thing occurred that was bad enough to anger Vreis. For those that has spent a sufficient amount of time around Vreis to witness both his temper and lax attitude, they firmly believe he suffers from severe mood swings.

However, being brought up in a tight-knit family of vampires (and a few humans) has ingrained in him the value of familial bonds. This extends to those he deems close friends, and helped in building his appreciation for teamwork and team effort. While he understands some people prefer doing things alone (he was like that during his early years), he has come to believe goals can be accomplished more effectively together, asking for help when he needs it, providing help when it is requested of him, and praising allies when they deserve it. An abuse of one's teammates is something Vreis cannot tolerate, and will make him to attack the offender without mercy or his usual sense of sportsmanship.

Although he is competitive, he is not a sore-loser and likes to play fair. Vreis has a genuine respect for people who are good at their crafts, no matter if it lies in the field of physical strength or mind, for his own family possess a variety of experts in miscellaneous fields. In contrast, he dislikes lazy people or those who do things half-heartedly.

Likes: 1) His family
2) Fair-play competitions
3) People who are devoted to their crafts
4) Eating
5) Training and sparring (to burn off extra calories)

Dislikes: 1) Those who harm their friends/family/team member/etc
2) Being the butt of a joke
3) Tight, dark spaces
4) Reading long texts (very much prefers hands-on lessons)
5) Unsportsmanlike people

Goal(s): 1) Currently doesn’t have any goals other than being able to take care of his family.

Fear(s): 1) Claustrophobia: Due to an accident in his childhood, Vreis can’t stand being in tight spaces. He will hyperventilate.
2) His family dying


Text here.


Body build: Just so you have a clearer idea of his body structure.

Morgrim Morgrim Backstory's still not done, but here he is to take a look at
As cool as he seems. Dat age tho



Character Sheet

General Info

General Info
Nickname - "Binder"
Age - 20
Gender - Female
Marital Status - Single

Appearance Description
Hair Color - White
Eye Color - gray
Skin Color - Pale White
Height - 5' 9"
Weight - 140lbs
Daily Attire


Magic Abilities - Unknown
Technological Equipment: Standard provided armor
Precise - Calculating to the very end
Quick Learner - Able to pick up new concepts/teachings quickly
Prodigy - Unmatched natural talent in magic
Passionate - Extremely driven to make goals come true
Physically Fit/Healthy - A strict diet and physical routine to keep her mind body and magic balanced; no alcohol or mind altering substances

Cold - Disconnected, little feeling for others
Stubborn - Will not make exceptions to her goals

Eager - Can get too caught up in learning causing tunnel vision
Singular - [REDACTED] magic is her solve all, as such it can be a crutch at times

Inexperience - New to [REDACTED] magic she hasn't experienced the full consequences of meddling in other dimensional energy

Personal Information
Personality - She's that know it all girl in class that's to be expected walking around with a click of snotty girls. But she's really not. She's cold and distanced to others because she understands the gravity of losing someone and what it can do to the human psyche. She also studies the way she does because she understands her potential and the weight of the world that lays upon her's and all of the other earth beings shoulders. She's a no bullshit straight forward individual.
Likes - Intelligent conversations, learning new tthings that changes the very basis of her pre-conceptions, and people who are kind.

Dislikes - over confidence, narcissism, hero's, attachment, arguments that lead nowhere, the state of the world.
Goal(s) - To End the rot, to reach her full potential and to be stronger than any sole individual.
Fear(s) - A horrorfying experience in the moment of death; a psychological phenomena where the moment of death causes a chemical reaction that results in a nightmarish visualization. All other fears are irrelevant and are to be overcome promptly.
Born and raised in a small town. Her hometown was the pinnacle for magic in the state she was in. Regardless of the needs a child should receive at a young age she was met with hard criticism and academic procedures throughout her entire life. Due to the sudden relevance of Rot in the past 20 years her parents wanted her to go to the Byrgenwerth academy. They pushed her to understand not just magic itself but also the psychological nature of humans. Because of this she began realizing that a lot of the other kids that were around her were merely parroting their parents behavior and started to become disinterested in basic social interactions. At the proper age she started to attend a private school. Unfortunately for her she was a very skilled individual within the respective fields, academically and practically.

Because of this her mother and father who also happened to be esteemed professors at the private school started to train her in magic. During this time they introduced her to the more intricate magic books. In her studies and practice with family she of course overtook and excelled through all of the subject matter. Practicing in almost every tree of magic there was nothing that seemed too difficult for her. As her parents discovered this they decided to allow her into their own private collection of books, these books contained secrets and encrypted text. Magic that had kept her parents awake night after night attempting to make sense of... their efforts squandered. After a fortnight the prodigal child began making progress on the texts. Cut forward a few years and she began mixing scientific principles with the magic she had learned. Upon bringing the principles together she was able to open a portal to dimensions never seen before in the field of magic. It was shortly after this that her parents believed she was ready and that her talents could be taught and honed at the largest, and most credible school for magic. Byrgenwerth. Coming in at the age of 20 with understanding of multiple subjects involving magic in borderline professor magnitude she has found herself on the academy's steps. Her future is in the hands of the professors who teach there.




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View attachment 329690 General Info
Name: Alister Tepish
Nickname: Ali
Age: 2342
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Vampire Type: pure blood

Appearance Description
Hair Color:white
Eye Color:red
Skin Color:white as the driven snow.
Height :5"11
Weight: 170 pounds
Daily Attire(in above photo)

1: Strength
2: speed
Weapon: A Zanbato, which in translation means horse slaying sword, it is basically an oversized katana.
Strengths: his only real strength is his adaptation to survival and ability to learn quickly.
Weaknesses: he gets tired easily so he doesn't have a lot of stamina.

Personal Information
Personality: calm, quiet, levelheaded, creepily happy.
Likes: pain, death, the screams of those dying and rainy days.
Dislikes the sun, those who have given up on living and cats.
Goal: to be a use to someone or leave a mark in history.

Fear: he's terrified of cats and being touched by wemon.
: Alister grew up with his uncle Due to his mother and father having been killed during the wars between the vampires and humans. His uncle had taught him many things about his heritage and the history between the vampires and humans. For a period of time Alister hated humans and loved the stories of how his uncle used to impale them on large wooden spikes as a warnings. During that time he and his uncle shared many meals together, each drop of blood and scream in his mind. Though those days had become fleeting memories after this new war had begun. Fearing his nephews safety and inability to use his abilities properly or for more than ten minutes without becoming insatiably hungry like his uncle had been for several years he sent him to be a recruit. But not without words of advice, reminding Alister that humans weren't the enemy now, the rot was threatening them all, so my boy focus your rage anger and lust for blood there. His uncle still stays secluded as he always has, hidden. Alister just having arrived in hopes of learning something or of being some use to someone, before his own weakness gets him killed.
Ok.... so multiple issues. Lets try to knock em all out.

First off, age. The oldest vampire in this rp is 200 and thats for a reason. Vampires live very long dont get me wrong and are....technically biologically immortal but that is as long as they continue to feed regularly. A vampire THAT old was raised with the mindset of all humans are cattle and has lived with that concept in mind up until the past two centuries or so. Humanity is now on equal footing with vampires due to numbers and advancements in tech. Your vamp would have been targetted and taken out long ago.

Red eyes is a specific trait to only two vampire bloodlines in the entire rp for lore purposes.

On strength/weaknesses, you're telling me, he's only got one strength and one weakness? Thats it? One or two? For someone you wanted to be 2000+ years thats very impressive.

I could comment on his likes and dislikes but thats on you more than me.

Naturally, due to some of the things I said before, his history is pretty much null and void.

There is also the problem of the sheer lack of detail this CS has. I would suggest you take a long look at the other CSs and judge from there on how yours compares mate. If you need help, you got people around. Just ask
IMG_0342.JPG General Info
Name: Kitsune Frost
Nickname: Kit
Age: 19
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Vampire Type: pure blood

Appearance Description
Hair Color: silver, his hair shines the moon reflecting off a crystal clear lake
Eye Color: pink, a darker hue but they seem to turn a brighter color when he's nervous.
Skin Color: white as the driven snow
Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 170 pounds
Daily Attire: is located in the picture above.

Traits: Iron flesh, a highly defensive ability which uses the blood in his body which is secreted through his skin to form a layer of iron covering his body like armor. The downside is it weighs him down and slows him down.

Weapon(s): Kitsune wields a large sword. The metal it is made from is quite rare, only one metal on the planet is stronger. The blade itself is eight feet long and three inches thick. The actual blade is sedated like a sharks teeth and is a dual edged sword. The hilt isn't ornate or special it is made from the same metal and is forged into the sword. It's total weight is 110 pounds.

Strengths: While kit is obviously strong despite his slender frame he is skilled in close range combat and his brutal attack style makes home perfect for pulling attention or holding a foe at bay.

Weaknesses: Due to how he fights he leaves himself full of openings and has a tendency to attack like a mad beast which in turn he ends up getting severely hurt.

The iron flesh acts a layer of protectant against blows but if shattered can leave it as if Kitsune had no armor in the first place.

Personal Information
Personality: Kit is usually happy but that's only a phesod. He is rash and aggressive, cold even. Inside though he is hurt and broken, if anyone were to get to know him they would see what kind of person he really was.

Likes: Kit likes sleeping and his time alone. But oddly enough he really enjoys reading and learning new things. He likes it when someone runs their hands through his hair or holds him.

Dislikes: People who bully those weaker than them just because they can and being woken up early for no reason. He can be sort of a bear in the early mornings.

Goal(s): Kit aims to avenge his clan and help end the threat of the rot no matter what it may cost him.

Fear(s): Death isn't something he fears, above all he fears letting his clans memory and sacrifice go to waste by not helping to end the new war.

: Kitsune's village was in the southern region of their current continent, they established themselves there with only thirteen original members of clean. Each member having their own style as well as forming their own family, which made up the clans future members down the line. 100's of years ago well before Kitsune was born, his clan acted as hired assassins for the nobles of the vampires to kill their own kind who got out of line or any humans who they felt were going to be a problem. The clans techniques were brutal and they had a tendency to leave more than just the corpses of their targets, well what was left of them. Their brutality was what you could say was their calling card.

After the war with the humans had come to an end and the era of peace had started the clan had become a distant memory and faded away, the whole clan trying to ice normal lives. until a new enemy had risen their clan secretly protecting those who could afford their price, which hadn't changed over the years, the blood of a virgin. One late night the rot had attacked the village during a celebration, none of the members of the clan were prepared for an attack considering the natural and built defenses. Kitsune during this time had just turned 19 years old. It was one hell of a bad birthday for him, his older sister and mother both died protecting him. After that night Kitsune was the last of his clan, vowing revenge on the rot for what happened he became a recruite.

But before all of this he had spent his entire life training, each day or time he failed at something a new scar was added to his body. He was taught through this one pain can lessen another and the training to learn his clans fighting style was just as brutal as the results of this style. If his bones were to be properly inspected almost all of them had been broken and healed.

Kitsune used to be a loving boy, kindhearted and happy until until that faithful night, the tragedy and horror he had been through more than scarred his body, it left a hole in his heart and deep down a fear of losing anyone else. Yet despite this he still will help anyone in need, even at the cost of limb, body, or life because it's the type of person his mother really wanted him to be. Which is why he wears her cross shaped ear ring, for him it's very precious and it's like a good luck charm. It is even something given in his village instead of a ring for marriage, each house in their clan had their own crest to show who was that persons lover. Although Kitsune isn't sure if he will ever find love, although he isn't really looking at the moment, he's more focused on getting revenge.

Not long after the village was hit by the rot and Kitsune was left knocked out under his mother and sisters corpses a hooded figure arrived. Taking Kitsune to a cottage and cleaning him up then treating his wounds. Kitsune soon found himself face to face with his face. After a lengthy talk with his father Kitsune had found out that his father had been banished from the clan for killing a noble in order to keep the rest of the clan safe and to keep their honor intact. As a final act of love for his son and to prepare him for the new war he sent his son to be trained and become a warrior to fight along side the humans. His father had sent Kitsune there with all the money that he had made to pay for his schooling. His father stayed behind to bury the dead and perform funeral rights based on the clans traditions.
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View attachment 329758 General Info
Name: Kitsune Frost
Nickname: Kit
Age: 19
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Vampire Type: pure blood

Appearance Description
Hair Color: silver, his hair shines the moon reflecting off a crystal clear lake
Eye Color: pink, a darker hue but they seem to turn a brighter color when he's nervous.
Skin Color: white as the driven snow
Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 170 pounds
Daily Attire: is located in the picture above.

Traits: Iron flesh, a highly defensive ability which uses the blood in his body which is secreted through his skin to form a layer of iron covering his body like armor.
Weapon(s): Kitsune wields a large sword. The metal it is made from is quite rare, only one metal on the planet is stronger. The blade itself is eight feet long and three inches thick. The actual blade is sedated like a sharks teeth and is a dual edged sword. The hilt isn't ornate or special it is made from the same metal and is forged into the sword. It's total weight is 110 pounds.

Strengths: While kit is obviously strong despite his slender frame he is skilled in close range combat and his brutal attack style makes home perfect for pulling attention or holding a foe at bay.

Weaknesses: Due to how he fights he leaves himself full of openings and has a tendency to attack like a mad beast which in turn he ends up getting severely hurt.

Personal Information
Personality: Kit is usually happy but that's only a phesod. He is rash and aggressive, cold even. Inside though he is hurt and broken, if anyone were to get to know him they would see what kind of person he really was.

Likes: Kit likes sleeping and his time alone. But oddly enough he really enjoys reading and learning new things. He likes it when someone runs their hands through his hair or holds him.

Dislikes: People who bully those weaker than them just because they can and being woken up early for no reason. He can be sort of a bear in the early mornings.

Goal(s): Kit aims to avenge his clan and help end the threat of the rot no matter what it may cost him.

Fear(s): Death isn't something he fears, above all he fears letting his clans memory and sacrifice go to waste by not helping to end the new war.

: Kitsune's village was in the southern region of their current continent, they established themselves there with only thirteen original members of clean. Each member having their own style as well as forming their own family, which made up the clans future members down the line. 100's of years ago well before Kitsune was born, his clan acted as hired assassins for the nobles of the vampires to kill their own kind who got out of line or any humans who they felt were going to be a problem. The clans techniques were brutal and they had a tendency to leave more than just the corpses of their targets, well what was left of them. Their brutality was what you could say was their calling card.

After the war with the humans had come to an end and the era of peace had started the clan had become a distant memory and faded away, the whole clan trying to ice normal lives. until a new enemy had risen their clan secretly protecting those who could afford their price, which hadn't changed over the years, the blood of a virgin. One late night the rot had attacked the village during a celebration, none of the members of the clan were prepared for an attack considering the natural and built defenses. Kitsune during this time had just turned 19 years old. It was one hell of a bad birthday for him, his older sister and mother both died protecting him. After that night Kitsune was the last of his clan, vowing revenge on the rot for what happened he became a recruite.

But before all of this he had spent his entire life training, each day or time he failed at something a new scar was added to his body. He was taught through this one pain can lessen another and the training to learn his clans fighting style was just as brutal as the results of this style. If his bones were to be properly inspected almost all of them had been broken and healed.

Kitsune used to be a loving boy, kindhearted and happy until until that faithful night, the tragedy and horror he had been through more than scarred his body, it left a hole in his heart and deep down a fear of losing anyone else. Yet despite this he still will help anyone in need, even at the cost of limb, body, or life because it's the type of person his mother really wanted him to be. Which is why he wears her cross shaped ear ring, for him it's very precious and it's like a good luck charm. It is even something given in his village instead of a ring for marriage, each house in their clan had their own crest to show who was that persons lover. Although Kitsune isn't sure if he will ever find love, although he isn't really looking at the moment, he's more focused on getting revenge.

Not long after the village was hit by the rot and Kitsune was left knocked out under his mother and sisters corpses a hooded figure arrived. Taking Kitsune to a cottage and cleaning him up then treating his wounds. Kitsune soon found himself face to face with his face. After a lengthy talk with his father Kitsune had found out that his father had been banished from the clan for killing a noble in order to keep the rest of the clan safe and to keep their honor intact. As a final act of love for his son and to prepare him for the new war he sent his son to be trained and become a warrior to fight along side the humans. His father had sent Kitsune there with all the money that he had made to pay for his schooling. His father stayed behind to bury the dead and perform funeral rights based on the clans traditions.
Ok much better.

The only thing I will say is with your character's "trait". Its basically a version of durability. So you make your skin like Iron ans thats good and all. The drawback is your character becomes much heavier during combat, slower as a result.

The other weakness is that it is only a LAYER of armor. If something or someone is strong enough to pierce it, he might as well have had no armor at all.

View attachment 320772

General Info





Marital Status:

Vampire Type:
Thin Blood

Appearance Description

Hair Colour:

Eye Colour:

Skin Colour:



Daily Attire:
idk yet.


Traits (max. 3)



Weaknesses (same # as strengths)

Personal Information






Get this done please or I will delete it. I believe I have been patient enough

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