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Fantasy Vamps and Hums [Closed]


Gentlemenly Gentlemen
So here is the thread I've made CS for this ekoutrakos ekoutrakos

Name: Davorin Sliske

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire



Arrogance: Davorin believes he know best and believes he is above most if not all creatures. He has faith in his own plans and that things can't go wrong. He also thinks that he pirates and colonist will at some point turn against the native creatures of the island. He also believes that the mythical creatures are weak for not using their power to fight off the invaders. Most people can find this annoying or frustrating, but some do see this arrogance as confidence.

Charismatic: Davorin is quite the charismatic man able to convince someone that iron is gold given enough time. Some of this down to him being a vampire but even for a vampire, he is a great talker. It isn't what he says, but how you says it. He isn't just a great talker but also a great listener always knowing what the person means. The genuine smile helps as well. Most people like this, but some think this is trait means he is up to something.

Courage: Some might see this as more of his arrogance but Davorin does believe in what he is doing. He believes he is doing the best for the island. He will what he thinks is right in those tough situations and will remain loyal to his friends and loved ones. He won't show it to anyone, but if trouble is there he isn't a bad guy to have at your back.

Normal Skills: Is a good sword-fighter able to take on about three men with too much trouble.It's really the only training he does. He is a good talker able to convince and calm people down without too many issues.

Magical Skills: Like most vampires, his strength and agility are above a normal human. However he doesn't train these skills much, consider them beanth him, still, they are present. Bat transformation is something else he can do. Again hasn't trained in it much. The skill he has trained the most is hypnosis. Convince some to move out of a chair is easy. Convince them to give him something is a bit more difficult. Making someone be your humble slave, hard but no impossible. It just takes time. Oh, and of course he can drink blood. Less a skill more thing to keep him alive.
Elaine was just barely, 21 her family was semi wealthy her father owned most of the small floral shops that were on the small island, her brother worked in the ship yard bringing the flowers back and forth from the main land. And well Elaine, she loved books, the old dusty kinda that could be only found on ship coming from the main land or if she was lucky at the local book store she worked at every other day and the weekend. As much as her parents and her brother insisted she didn't work, just use her wifely skills to find a husband Elaine planned on find one on her own, yet she hoped it would maybe happen eventually.
Today was warm, warmer than most she wore her long brown curls in a bun on the top of her head. Her long dress touched the cobble stobles and now swept against the dirty floor at the bookstore. Sighing her, hair fell out of the tie and into her eyes. Her blue eyes ran her fingers against the spines of the old books as she listened to the door chime lightly, and the sound of her boss an older woman named Mrs. Lucy, telling everyone hello and then goodbye.
Davorin awakes in his home, a veritable castle within a cave on the island. It is decorated with dark red carpets and gold-plated jewels lining the walls. The bed in which the vampire awakes is large and imposing like that of a king or lord. Going over to his pantry, Davorin chooses from a smorgasbord of food, decide on a pastry of sort, pouring a glass of blood red liquid which keeps him alive. The blood slides down his throat slowly, the euphoria he experiences removing him from the world around him. Snapping back to reality, Davorin quickly grabs the falling glass. Going over to his wardrobe the vampire grabs a dark black suit with darkened glasses and matching umbrella. Going to the doorway and peaking outsides he soon realises he will need the umbrella.

Walking around in the sun even with the protection of his umbrella and the already ingested blood, causes icicles to grow around spines. Most people on the island just view as a strange but harmless man who seems to have a distaste for the sun. He says his distaste comes from a skin condition, the excuse he uses should someone find him not having blood for a while. Deciding that he could use some new reading material, see what interest the humans these days, Davorin heads inside the local bookstore. Sparing no mind or glance at the staff, the vampire simply puts down his umbrella as he enters and brushes his long pale-blonde hair out of his eyes as he looks over the books.

Turning to see the owner of the store, Mrs Lucy, Davorin can almost smell the age on her, with the years of running a bookstore not exactly doing wonders for her waist line. As he is distracted with his observations, he doesn't notice a worker at the store. Knocking the young woman over, he almost instantly turns around saying "Oh sorry" in a rather flat cold manner.
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Falling over, she fell into the dark carpet that laid across the cold hard bookstore floor. "Maybe next time watch in front of you." She could feel her tongue lash and the words tumble out before she could think. A lady her age, her stature shouldn't talk in such a manner. Yet having a book fall into her chest and then a corner of a very heavy book fall into your eye wasn't how she wanted to start the day, anyone would seem a little agitated. Standing back up, she fixed her dress, knowing her mother would scold her for getting so dirty just from falling into the floor because of this strange tall man.
She had seen him growing up, only briefly walking around the small town. Never coming out after sun down, or walking close to the water, where her brother seem to usually be during their days. Her mother had told her at a young age, to never ask or even gawk at the strange man. Yet sometimes like today she couldn't help it, he had run into her..well at least he apologized right?
Turning over to the woman from looking over the books, he raises a smile at actually being called out for his arrogance. "Maybe I should look where I go in the future especially if they look like you do, I am sorry if you were hurt my dear and I am sorry about your lovely dress am I forgiven," Davorin says in a flirty tone trying to use his humour as an apology. Looking for the woman he wonders why he didn't see her sooner, here blues eyes that you could get lost in and the hair that seemed to reach down to her just over her eyes. "Allow me to make it up to you, I am looking for a book something popular you wouldn't happen to have any good suggestions do you I admit I am fairly out of the loop so I leave myself to your no doubt excellent taste," he says silk like voice flowing like that of a song.
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Raising an eyebrow she did her best not to laugh at him, smirking she batted her eyes softly. "Well sir, I'm sure Mrs. Lucy would love to be in your presence. Oh Mrs. Lucy!!! Would you mind helping this young man!?" Waving at him softly, she heard the older ladies screeching voice as she waddled her way over, backing away she went back to her own work. As she listened to the lady instruct the man who thought he could swoon her so easily with his smooth words. Yet, Elaine knew she should call him , give him the chance her mother would say. Yet it would take more than a few fancy words to swoon her in some sort of direction.
Davorin raising both his eyebrows in shock as he realises what the young woman's little game. Rather than anger, he raises a smile of recognition of intelligence, seeing how his normal tricks won't work here. As the old woman comes over, Davorin prepares to make his excuses. Saying he has found the book he is looking for he goes over a dark wooden bookcase to match the floor. Searching quickly he pulls out 'Romeo and Julliet'. Looking over it he says, "I do have fondness for Shakespeare, though I must confess I always thought this one of his lesser books, two young fools dying over something as wistful and fleeting as love, well they might as well died over a pocket full of change for all the good would of done them should they have lived" in a rather arrogant tone, trying to capture Elaine's interest.
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She was only half paying attention, crinkling her nose as she tried to find the places for the books that had just came in, her brother once told her on the main land this was called "taking inventory" here it was just "making a mess" looking up she saw him once again standing near her. "Ah well, I feel like everyone finds love. In a person or in an animal. So why not die for it?" Pushing her hair back again as the small thick pieces kept falling, and trying to concentrate on these books seemed harder said than done. Once actually concentrated it wouldn't take her long, yet the voice of Mrs. Lucy and the sound of the chime meant more people coming in on such a warm day.
He could tell he had no caught all of her attention. She seemed a little preoccupied with her books placing at the moment. "Well that's a very optimistic viewpoint, many... people often find themselves alone and wasting away, plus if it's an animal well maybe its just me but goldfish are really something I ever planned on dying over" he joked as he watch her pull her hair back, his eyes almost entranced beneath his darkened glasses. Buying the book from the older women he goes over to her saying "Try and convince me of it later say after work, I'm sure you have better things to do then humor and random stranger but if you kind find some kindness in that black heart of yours I would be most grateful" he says with a sly smile as he goes to the door. Putting up his umbrella he goes to a local trader to buy some drink. Sitting along the coastline under his umbrella he enjoys the smooth drink under the ever deadly sun.
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It didn't take long for Elaine to finish her own work day, soon after she was met by seeing her friend Emily a girl strange as her own with long red hair that once born was said to be the child of the devil. Two young ladies ran errands for their mothers that afternoon, Elaine carrying home a large basket talking about the strange man who would just not leave her alone today. "He said I have a black heart! Is that true?" Biting into her lip she wondered if that's she wasn't married off, or even considered for such. "Well no, of course not don't be ridiculous!" Her friend said walking backwards now once against talking about her fiancé, an older man a count actually who lived a few towns over, soon he'd be taking the one person on this smile island other than her brother; who understood Elaine away. "Well he sounds lovely, em.."
Davorin had seen the woman leave the shop but before he had a chance to say a word, the woman was off with a friend. Sighing, the vampire wondering something "Why have I just sighed, disappointment?" he pondered it as if the idea of it the mere concept never crossed over to him even once. Wandering along the umbrella now protecting him from the afternoon soon. Seeing them once again he found himself unable to go near them "Now what do I find myself intimidated no shy over this women... me shy" he muttered again in astonishment, the words and even the idea completely foreign to him. Deciding to go home and perhaps eat on the matter, the vampire took a small walk through the town, the same bewildered looks from the townsfolk. Unbeknownst to Davorin behind him was the young women from the shop, talking with her backwards walking friend.
Emily wasn't paying any attention to where she was going, her red haired blowing in the wind as she talked with her hands. Walking right into this strange man "Jesus Emily." Elaine scolded as she saw Emily turn back around to see who she had ran into. "Oh my sir my apologies!" Elaine sighed walking closer to her friend, not realizing it was the strange man from the book store until she stood right beside Emily. "Okay Em, let's go. You apologized.." she heard her voice trailing off, she didn't want to talk to this man again. Yet here she stood Emily and her big feet running into him once more.
Feeling the bump into his back, Davorin turns around to sees the woman from earlier and someone, most likely a friend. "It's fine," he says waiting for her friend to realise its him again. "Am I really that awful a person you won't even share a few words with me, have I offended you in some way or is your black heart great then I thought?" he says looking to Emily making its know that the black heart thing is a joke with a wink. "So you are a friend of Elaine," he asks in a very polite measured tone
Emily smirked softly liking the attention such a strange man would even bother giving her. "Well of course I am, I may be just her only one!" "Emily!" Elaine huffed, pushing her hair back once more, that stupid tie did nothing compared to the heat of today. "Well sir we must be going, but Elaine does live on Grover street, the blue house with the green mailbox." Elaine gasped wanting to push Emily right off the pier into the water. "Have a good day sir." Emily smiled happily laughing as Elaine pushed her down the street.
"I swear to god! If shows up at my house!"
"What?! Elaine you need someone once I'm gone.. you know spencer won't let me come back.." she could hear the dread in her friends voice as her own stomach tumbled around. "Well I'll just come see yo. Emily scoffed slightly. "Sure el."
Davorin grew a small smirk as he talked to the woman know as Emily. "Well I'm not sure what to say to that," he says in a bewildered tone. Adjusting his black tinted glasses for a second, he says "Well since she despises me so I think I'll stay far away fear for my life and all that" he says back in a sarcastic tone meant to try and get Elaine annoyed as much as amusing Emily. Turning back he continues to walk to his house. As he adjust's his glasses a brief hint of sun hits his eyes, causing the vampire to try and mask but still let out a yell as he rest on a wall for a while trying to regain his balance.
Niether young lady payed much attention bickering back and forth as Emily would first go home and the Elaine. Her family lived in a large older Victorian home, one of the first her father said that had been left after the Great War. Her grandfather sieged at the opportunity for such a large home to run his family then owned business shop out of.
Elaine lived with her parents, her younger brother and both of her grandparents. The large home each gave them a decent amount of room to move yet they still had time to harp on Elaine for being almost 25 with no husband or any prospects. Once Elaine was done with helping her mother, each night after dinner she'd slip into a pair of shorts she was technically forbidden to wear in front of then men in her family and climb out onto the roof, on colder nights she stare out the large windows. Tonight was like no other, her pale legs up to her chest as she breathed the warm air into her lungs.
Finally making his way back to his home despite his eye burning throughout his journey. Going over to a mirror he sees the making of a scar down his eye, a shame but nothing can really be done. Sitting back in his chair, a glass of crimson red liquid in a wine glass, his mind wanders to that of the women know as Elaine. His mind raced at her comments, she seemed to enjoy his company at the store yet once outside she couldn't seem to wait to be rid of him. Muttering a few words to himself, the vampire changes into some bedclothes as he sets himself into for the night. He couldn't shake his thoughts of her, thoughts so obsessive they sent shivers down his arms and icicles grew on his back. Sitting back he wonders what this woman has which has him captivated so. Her refusal to his charms, her quick wit what?
Seeing that the night didn't seem to change much, at least not tonight the young lady crawled back into her large bedroom. A knock came to her door, her father stood in the doorway, his eyebrow raised as he stared at his daughter. "You know, you don't talk to random men in the square. You know, that's not a how a lady is supposed to behave!"
"Oh don't you daddy me! We let you work, the men talk about that El what will they talk about this, you frolicking in town with a stranger when there's plenty of good men right under your nose!"
Her father was upset more than upset furious. Doing her best she stood still, watching him his face get redder and redder as his temper flared looking more like a tomato.
Looking over at his pocket watch, the vampire found himself unable to sleep. Looking over to the book he bought today he caught an idea in his insidious mind. Walking outside of his rather elaborate home, the vampire enjoys the night time air. No need for glasses or umbrella, the moonlight kept him safe from the burning hell of the sunlight. The mark across his eye had no worsened. Going to were Emily said her house is, he uses his bat form to get closer to the window. Swopping up and land on the frame, he listens in. Hearing about how she is not allowed to see him, the bat decides to wait until the father leaves to make his presence know he, he simply hangs upside by the window.
Doing her best Elaine didn't make a noise, pulling her curls down, she sat softly on edge of her small bed. Turning on the lantern on her wooden floor she watched the light flicker against the wall and her toes. Closing her eyes she sang to herself, trying to drown out the sound of her father yelling downstairs. Her blue eyes gazed over the window sill. "Hadn't I closed that!? Oh lord who heard him yell?" The idea slightly enticed her yet knowing once again she could be scolded.
Watching her in distress brought a tear to the vampire bats eye, a tear he quickly got rid off. Watching the flame flicker he brought contemplated what he was dong "she is human and I'm a vampire what in God's name has gotten into me. He was quickly brought back as he heard her singing, which while an attempt at blocking her farther's yelling didn't exactly work. Deciding he might talk in his bat form rather then show what he truly is he says "Me and I am sorry to have brought this on to you".
Jumping almost out of her skin, hearing the strange voice come from outside in the darkness she knocked the lantern over. "Crap! Crap!" Grabbing the handle before anything could actually fall onto the floor she did burn her hand, whimpering softly in pain, she knew she couldn't go downstairs to heal it so bed, bed would have to do. Cradling her hand and fingers between her good hand and her stomach she laid down, her own mind whirling around. Oh what a day it had been already.
Looking through the window while in his bat form, he couldn't help feel responsible for hurting the young woman due to his interference. Turning into his true form of a creature of the night, he almost glides across the room with making a noise. Going to her hand, he uses a rudimentary spell to heal up her hand. Not wanting to disturb the young woman for her peaceful sleep, the vampire changes once again to his vampire form he exits the building, is mind racing with thoughts of why he is doing all this. Oh what a night it had been.
Once the morning came, the young lady was sent on her way. A day first at the docks and then off to pick flowers for her parents flower shop to take the local seeds from. Elaine sat alone in the long tall gree grass. The sun bright against her skin as she wondered trying to remember where her burn had gone from the night before. "Strange. Odd even"
The vampire awoke with a start. His mind had been plagued by thoughts of the young woman. Why did he care about here so about one human, a life span like that of a butterfly compared to him, and just as breakable. Looking in the mirror after his morning wash and breakfast, the vampire sees the burn mark had left quite a nasty looking mark. Sighing as he grabs his umbrella and darkened glasses, Davorin heads out into the ever present hurtful sun. Wandered around the more grass sections of the island he sees Elaine. Going over he asks "How is your hand healed I trust?".

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