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Fantasy Vampires, Werewolves, War? Oh my!


Servant of the Moon
We fight because we have to, not because we want to. Our lands have been forsaken for thousands of years now, and that isn’t changing anytime soon. Vampires and Werewolves fight in a world that is destroyed. Humans have been pushed to the brink of extinction, though there is one stronghold that still yet remains. They hold out in the land of Visone, breeding Hunters as they see fit. They have the will to continue to fight, and won't give up until they have been completely wiped out. Werewolves are spread out through the land of Arendell, while the Vampires are spread out through the land of Marcosa. The land between the two kingdoms is known as No Man's Land. Most anyone who resides in this area is a savage, losing what humanity they had. Another outcome of being in this land, could be the loss of your life. Both Vampires and Werewolves send scouts through this area to see if anyone is trying to make an attack on the other. It is the man area in which most battles between the two have happened. Werewolves still form packs, and the main one is the Blood Moon Pack. Vampires are ruled by Covens. The main Coven is the Thaladine Coven. Each side fights to gain control of the other, when neither side can truly make a stand. Packs are breaking apart, and the Vampires government is crumbling under the pressure of the tiresome war. One day, the Blood Moon Pack finds a place to settle after being ran out by a rival pack. There new home is deep in the woods in some mountains. They hold out here to try and survive as long as they can. The Thaladine Coven finds out of their new hiding place, and decide it is time to make a move.
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