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Fantasy Vampires, Werewolves, War? Oh my!


Hello,sorry to bother you but I don't know why this didn't get sent through the firs time before the spot was taken,but if they fail to submit an entry or stop replying in the rp could I take the rank as Count?
ManyFaces said:
Hello,sorry to bother you but I don't know why this didn't get sent through the firs time before the spot was taken,but if they fail to submit an entry or stop replying in the rp could I take the rank as Count?
Alright! You can have the position! Post a character and you can join in!
what timeline or age is this rp taken in? as it is like in the present but then werewolf and vampire has taken over but the technology of today is scarce yet still available? or is it midevial like using swords, bows and the type of goverment is monarchy (king and queen etc)? or is it futuristic where basically star wars like weapon are already existent? just basicslly what it the timeline of this rp?
Salex said:
what timeline or age is this rp taken in? as it is like in the present but then werewolf and vampire has taken over but the technology of today is scarce yet still available? or is it midevial like using swords, bows and the type of goverment is monarchy (king and queen etc)? or is it futuristic where basically star wars like weapon are already existent? just basicslly what it the timeline of this rp?
It's more medieval style. The Vampires are run by a Monarchy and the werewolves could be counted as that as well. Weapons are like you said, swords, daggers, bows, anything from that time is fine, but these are the main three.
Shandragontear said:
Do werewolf characters have to be members of the Blood Moon pack or can we make up packs?
If you would like, you can form your own pack.
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