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Fantasy Vampires, Werewolves, War? Oh my!


Rolan Nelious




Wolf Form



Twenty-Six (Two-hundred and forty seven.)







Role in Pack/Coven

Alpha Male


Extremely fast, even for a werewolf. Is able to fade in and out of existence only for three seconds at most and has a cool down of ten seconds. Can speak to up to five people at a time through mind speak. In wolf form, Rolan is able to shift further, standing on his hind legs and growing substantially and size, sacrificing his speed for pure stopping power.

Short Background

Rolan, for most of his life, was a wanderer. Moving from place to place and having a good time was all he cared about. The occasional fight with a supernatural was quickly handled with a snap of the neck. He never cared much for packs and left his own as soon as he turned of age. Then, he met Vi. Before her, women were a past time for him. Violet was going to be like the rest. But something in her changed something in him.


Rolan is very carefree and even a bit childish at times. He is a compassionate leader and will do anything for his pack and even more for Vi.
AzureSkye said:
Rolan Nelious




Wolf Form



Twenty-Six (Two-hundred and forty seven.)







Role in Pack/Coven

Alpha Male


Extremely fast, even for a werewolf. Is able to fade in and out of existence only for three seconds at most and has a cool down of ten seconds. Can speak to up to five people at a time through mind speak. In wolf form, Rolan is able to shift further, standing on his hind legs and growing substantially and size, sacrificing his speed for pure stopping power.

Short Background

Rolan, for most of his life, was a wanderer. Moving from place to place and having a good time was all he cared about. The occasional fight with a supernatural was quickly handled with a snap of the neck. He never cared much for packs and left his own as soon as he turned of age. Then, he met Vi. Before her, women were a past time for him. Violet was going to be like the rest. But something in her changed something in him.


Rolan is very carefree and even a bit childish at times. He is a compassionate leader and will do anything for his pack and even more for Vi.
Awesome! Love the character! Post whenever you'd like.


Lucian Ivers












Role in Pack/Coven



Superior strength and toughness

Can read strong emotions as a faint aura around people

Short Background

The war has been raging for as long as his father's father can remember and long before that, so its no surprise that Lucian learned how to handle himself in a brawl early on. While this filled his widowed father with pride it only drove the disciplined man to push ever more difficult tasks upon him, slowly alienating his son. While the tenuous relation lasted for many years, it became ever clearer to that the ever increasing clashes between them would one day end in bloodshed. With few regrets Lucian chose to leave, to seek a new pack to forge his future; it was not too long before he found his place among the Blood Moon pack. More of a family than he had ever known and one he vowed to protect.


Steadfast and honest Lucian's words are his bond and few things have ever caused him to break a promise, even if that means facing foolhardy odds or danger. Despite this he usually displays a calm demeanor when not watching or proving himself in physical challenges, which bring out his more playful side. His greatest vice would easily be the pride he puts in his own strength as guardian as well as the pack as a whole.

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Fenris said:


Lucian Ivers












Role in Pack/Coven



Superior strength and toughness

Can read strong emotions as a faint aura around people

Short Background

The war has been raging for as long as his father's father can remember and long before that, so its no surprise that Lucian learned how to handle himself in a brawl early on. While this filled his widowed father with pride it only drove the disciplined man to push ever more difficult tasks upon him, slowly alienating his son. While the tenuous relation lasted for many years, it became ever clearer to that the ever increasing clashes between them would one day end in bloodshed. With few regrets Lucian chose to leave, to seek a new pack to forge his future; it was not too long before he found his place among the Blood Moon pack. More of a family than he had ever known and one he vowed to protect.


Steadfast and honest Lucian's words are his bond and few things have ever caused him to break a promise, even if that means facing foolhardy odds or danger. Despite this he usually displays a calm demeanor when not watching or proving himself in physical challenges, which bring out his more playful side. His greatest vice would easily be the pride he puts in his own strength as guardian as well as the pack as a whole.

Great character! Fell free to post. Thanks for joining!
AzureSkye said:
Could you recommend a way for me to come in?
I have a post in the workings and wouldn't mind waking your OC in the process. If you don't mind him having slept through some of the early morning activities as well...

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AzureSkye said:
Could you recommend a way for me to come in?
Yeah, you could let @Fenris wake you up, or maybe smell the deer. You could also wake up and hear Aster and Eden talking and sneak up on them.
MadamMoon said:
Yeah, you could let @Fenris wake you up, or maybe smell the deer. You could also wake up and hear Aster and Eden talking and sneak up on them.
Haha, I've got a better idea. I will post shortly.


Delano von Brone


one eye is silver the other bright red,he also has other forms including swarm of bats,black cat or hound,werebat,fog,and normal bat,along with 2 neverseen.​



Approximately 6,789 however he looks in his early 30s or late 20s







Role in Pack/Coven

Count of the Coven


The ability of telepathy from 3 meter range,hypnosis if direct eye contact is over 5 seconds,he can regrow all his teeth the fangs returning instantly the others within 24 hours or less,he can control blood as long as it isn't dried and is exposed,he can control the temperature causing it to flare up or dive down,he has control of both fire and ice which he can summon and the power is complimented by wind control,He has the strength to lift 6x his own body weight and the speed rivalling a cheetah,minor control of darkness but major control of illusions,he can see in the dark extremely well and has heat vision,he can break his fangs off inside of a victim not giving them vampirism but causing them to hallucinate and see things they fear in the scene making friends enemies,skilled shapeshifter,quick regeneration,he also has the ability to walk in the sunlight and go near churches ect things a vampire could normally do and though garlic is no longer a problem it still makes him feel sick.

He weilds a crossbow which fires random elemental arrows or ones covered in various poisons,he also has 2 sabers granted unholy magic that allows them to meld together into a giant dual handed sword,Macey the axe is his prize due to her being able to drain life out of anything and transfer some of it to him but the axe holds out on him like it's alive

Short Background

Delano existed long before the war started as a prince,he didn't bother the wolves and they didn't seem to want to bother him or his parents.However there were more packs back then and a very large and brave pack decided to attack his home,though the pack was destroyed and vampires took down numerous small packs after his father died fighting the alpha male to the death,Delano only saw the two mangled corpses intertwined as the alpha female prepared to flee he killed her himself his heart full of new found hate,he found his mother dying from a stake to the heart the humans had to have been in on this or the wolves got smart,before she died she made him the king or count as he is dubbed but he had no say,he knew he needed to lead his people.


Delano is independant and also holds a sort of calm manner that can disperse when he is annoyed or frustrated,he holds a polite attitude with him which is complimented by him being suave often,he is reasonable but stubborn and holds a sense of pride with him he is unable to allow someone to insult his pride and will defend it,He can be cruel when he snaps but it would take some time for that to happen,he isn't incredibly honorable and will cheat and lie to protect himself or someone he deems important,he also seems to hold this sixth sense where he can tell if you're planning anything and doesn't let his guard down unless he is with someone he trusts to back him up,he is lonely deep down inside but would never say that to anyone unless it had some kind of advantage to him,he often can be called greedy or materialistic due to taking on more than he needs or trying to fight off more than needed he's somewhat an overachiever.

(If you want to know how his voice would sound listen to the song > The death of a bachelor)​
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ManyFaces said:


Delano von Brone


one eye is silver the other bright red,he also has other forms including swarm of bats,black cat or hound,werebat,fog,and normal bat,along with 2 neverseen.​

(Bear with me hehehe...okay bear with me I found these images realistic enough to pass and if it is a problem I could try and find suitable pictures,this will be deleted after a response but on the subject I thought these were suitable and realistic enough since realistic was the caption and not real,I hope this is understandable as I find it suitable for the needs of which given)


Approximately 6,789 however he looks in his early 30s or late 20s







Role in Pack/Coven

Count of the Coven


The ability of telepathy from 3 meter range,hypnosis if direct eye contact is over 5 seconds,he can regrow all his teeth the fangs returning instantly the others within 24 hours or less,he can control blood as long as it isn't dried and is exposed,he can control the temperature causing it to flare up or dive down,he has control of both fire and ice which he can summon and the power is complimented by wind control,He has the strength to lift 6x his own body weight and the speed rivalling a cheetah,minor control of darkness but major control of illusions,he can see in the dark extremely well and has heat vision,he can break his fangs off inside of a victim not giving them vampirism but causing them to hallucinate and see things they fear in the scene making friends enemies,skilled shapeshifter,quick regeneration,he also has the ability to walk in the sunlight and go near churches ect things a vampire could normally do and though garlic is no longer a problem it still makes him feel sick.

He weilds a crossbow which fires random elemental arrows or ones covered in various poisons,he also has 2 sabers granted unholy magic that allows them to meld together into a giant dual handed sword,Macey the axe is his prize due to her being able to drain life out of anything and transfer some of it to him but the axe holds out on him like it's alive

Short Background

Delano existed long before the war started as a prince,he didn't bother the wolves and they didn't seem to want to bother him or his parents.However there were more packs back then and a very large and brave pack decided to attack his home,though the pack was destroyed and vampires took down numerous small packs after his father died fighting the alpha male to the death,Delano only saw the two mangled corpses intertwined as the alpha female prepared to flee he killed her himself his heart full of new found hate,he found his mother dying from a stake to the heart the humans had to have been in on this or the wolves got smart,before she died she made him the king or count as he is dubbed but he had no say,he knew he needed to lead his people.


Delano is independant and also holds a sort of calm manner that can disperse when he is annoyed or frustrated,he holds a polite attitude with him which is complimented by him being suave often,he is reasonable but stubborn and holds a sense of pride with him he is unable to allow someone to insult his pride and will defend it,He can be cruel when he snaps but it would take some time for that to happen,he isn't incredibly honorable and will cheat and lie to protect himself or someone he deems important,he also seems to hold this sixth sense where he can tell if you're planning anything and doesn't let his guard down unless he is with someone he trusts to back him up,he is lonely deep down inside but would never say that to anyone unless it had some kind of advantage to him,he often can be called greedy or materialistic due to taking on more than he needs or trying to fight off more than needed he's somewhat an overachiever.

(If you want to know how his voice would sound listen to the song > The death of a bachelor)​
Awesome! Love the character! Also, Death of a Bachelor is my favorite song, so love the voice.


Fern Green











Role in Pack/Coven



Kara is intelligent, and is very good at strategising

Short Background

Kara was the child of the former leader, Flint, and therefore took over his role when he died. She has lead for around a year.


Kara only wants what is best for her people, and she will do anything to get it. She is not a pessimist, so much as a realist, and this allows her to make better decisions at short notice. She is overwhelmingly aware of the struggles her people go through, and spends much of her time trying to rectify them. She struggles to hold herself to a high standard, and is, in some ways, a perfectionist. She never holds failures against people, though if she doesn't think you are suitable for a role, she will kindly ask you to do something else. It takes a lot for her to lose her temper, but once she has it is not easy to calm, and she will hold grudges for years.


Name: Harry Mitchels










Werewolf (Natural

Role in Pack/Coven: Beta Male


He can communicate with fellow werewolves using his minds, and pick up on any thoughts directed to him.

Normal werewolf powers (Speed, eyesight etc.)

Short Background

Harry was born into the pack, to the previous betas. He took over his father's role when they died, and works faithfully, and others would sometimes say blindly.


Harry is incredibly loyal to authority (In this case the Alpha), and will never question their decisions, except if he knows for sure that they will involve mass death. He is very emotionally and physically strong, because he has a strong sense of duty, and has learnt to suppress his emotions when necessary, so he can carry them out. He values honesty above all save honour. He can come across as serious at first, but is always willing to join in with games and fun, and loves helping everyone with any work they may need assistance to complete.

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