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Fantasy Vampires, Werewolves, War? Oh my!


Servant of the Moon
We fight because we have to, not because we want to. Our lands have been forsaken for thousands of years now, and that isn’t changing anytime soon. Vampires and Werewolves fight in a world that is destroyed. Humans have been pushed to the brink of extinction, though there is one stronghold that still yet remains. Werewolves are spread out through the land of Arendell, while the Vampires are spread out through the land of Marcosa. Werewolves still form packs, and the main one is the Blood Moon Pack. Vampires are ruled by Covens. The main Coven is the Thaladine Coven. Each side fights to gain control of the other, when neither side can truly make a stand. Packs are breaking apart, and the Vampires government is crumbling under the pressure of the tiresome war. One day, the Blood Moon Pack finds a place to settle after being ran out by a rival pack. There new home is deep in the woods in some mountains. They hold out here to try and survive as long as they can. The Thaladine Coven finds out of their new hiding place, and decide it is time to make a move.

Violet paced back and forth along the mountainside. Watching the sun rise above its peak. It was truly an amazing site, that she would never take for granted. Ever since the Pack had relocated here, she had woken up just before sunrise so she could watch. It always filled her with a sense of peace and determination until she remembered that she did have responsibilities to take care of. She looked around, but it seemed that the rest of the Pack was still asleep, as most of them slept in till the early afternoon. She shifted quickly, and ran out to the woods. There was deer that ran all around this area, you could also catch the occasional elk or caribou in this region of the world. Her paws sunk into the mud on the ground, squishing between her pads. She shook out her fur, and then she went hunting.

Stalking through the woods, watching silently for any signs of movement. All of a sudden, there it was. A magnificient deer. It was definitely a buck. It's antlers were huge, and she knew that the buck would definitely be enough to at least get the pack through the morning till the Hunters could go out to catch more. She stalked through the brush of the woods till she was in the perfect position to leap. Adrenaline pumped through her body, and she leapt from the brush. Biting on the the side of the deer, but losing her grip.

The deer was now mortally wounded, and would be terribly easy to track as blood seeped from its wound. The trail was strong, and she jogged through the forest to keep up, but keep a safe distance away. Frightening the deer more, would just cause it to take longer to die, as more adrenaline would pump through it's frail body. The blood finally stopped, and she reached a large pine tree, and under it's bristles was the deer. His eyes were lifeless, and he lay still on the ground. She walked up to it, and grabbed it by the neck to drag back to their territory. It never gave her a good feeling to take the life of another creature, but they needed the meat to live. She had to do whatever it took to keep her Pack alive, and well, and this was one of those things.

No matter how much she hated it, Aster woke every morning as soon as the sun's light hit her eyelids. Not because she wanted to, no, if she had it her way she would sleep until dinnertime, but it was her duty as beta to watch over the pack, even if the Alpha was already there. However, as soon as Aster woke up and shifted into her human form, she noticed that the Alpha wasn't there. She was able to pick up the faint smell of deer blood in the distance, so she figured that Violet had just gone out to hunt. Instead of going to help her out, Aster continued to keep watch over the pack.

With a tired yawn, Aster leaned up against a sturdy tree and watched her pack-mates like a hawk, waiting for Violet to arrive with food.

(Sorry it's so short!)
Fleur wake up in her same old beautiful and fancy bedroom, she was use to sleeping at night when most of the others were asleep because she loved exploring in the daytime, even if the sun kinda bothered her. She quickly got dressed into one of her casual dresses, grabbed a sun hat and ran to her balcony to wake the sunrise. She sighed, wanting to transform into a bat and fly through the real world for once, but as the youngest vampire princess she was strictly prohibited to do so. Fleur pouted before returning to her bed and flopped on annoyed of her 'imprisonment'

Kimberly was walking besides a river leading to a waterfall, she was in her wolf - well more like pup- form and she was playing with the water. She loved exploring, being free to do whatever she wanted, even though she had no pack, family or home, she made the best of it. She loved the feeling she got when she was running free, the wind in her fur and nothing could stop her, she shifted to her 'normal' form which specially for her was her human form with wolf ears and a tail, but it was who she was. Staying in her human form, required a lot of concentration, which Kim didn't have. She hid her ears and her tail by wearing her hood cape thing. She had caught a fish which was probably going to be her only meal for the day unless she could get her hands on something more later on in the day.

Violet dragged the deer back to the territory. It took her awhile seeing that it was quite a big buck, but she managed well enough. Once she had gotten back, she brought the deer back close to the mountainside. She didn't want to leave it in the sun for long depending on how long it would take for the pack to wake up from their slumber. When she got back, she also picked up on the scent of one of the betas, Aster. Aster was probably their most faithful Beta, and she always stayed on top of things. She could always count on her if she needed anything, even if it was just to babysit the rest of the members.

Violet took a bite of the deer, and felt content enough. Then she padded over to Aster. Not wanting to shift yet, she just spoke through to her mind.
I brought back a deer, if you're feeling up to eating this morning. It's over back by the mountain. Violet hesitated, but asked her a question. Was everything peaceful around here while I was gone? Also, thank you for taking over responsibility while I was gone. I know that I can always count on you. She bowed her head slightly to show her true appreciation for the work that Aster did around the territory.

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Nina woke up in her black canopy bed (because she really didn't like coffins all that much) thinking it was night, but got a burning surprise as the sun beamed down on her skin. Nina quickly got her umbrella and got in her clothes. When she got outside she sneered at how bright it was in the day, but she sat down anyway on this rock near a river.
Eden watched Violet as she hunted. He watched her carefully strike and injure the dear beyond it's ability to live. He watched as she finished the job carefully. He then watched and followed her on her way back to the pack, keeping silent as he did. He almost stepped on a twig, giving away his position a couple of times but managed not to. She then stopped, talking to Aster. It was th perfect time for him to strike.

With lightning speed Eden darted out from his hiding spot and tackled Violet, wrestling her to the ground. He then barked and licked her face playfully before jumping off of her and turning into his human form.

"I missed you Violet! Im so happy you are back!" He laughed and then turned to Aster. "I told you I could do it! You didn't believe me did you, haha!"

@MadamMoon @RedLikeRoses
Aster straightened just a bit as Violet approached, preparing to rat her out about hunting when there were perfectly able hunters in the pack. But when Vi thanked her, Aster decided to let the mild annoyance drop. "Yes ma'am. Everything was as peaceful as-" Aster immediately stopped herself mid-sentence when Eden tackled Violet. The beta's eyes widened, had the hunter gone mad? "Eden, what in the world are you doing?!" She exclaimed. Aster resisted the urge to see if her Alpha was okay, because she knew that Violet could always handle herself.

"Wh-what are you talking about? You told me you could do what?" She asked, her confusion quickly becoming anger. "Can't you see the pack is still trying to sleep?" Aster hissed at him. The beta hated snapping at one of her own members, but she worried that somehow the blame as to why Eden just tackled the Alpha would fall on her.

(@MadamMoon @Eden Smithe)

Violet stumbled to the ground. Seeing a flash of a wolf in front of her, she instinctively growled. The scent ran through her nose, and she realized it was only Eden, and let up, only snarling at him slightly. She smiled, if she could smile in her wolf form, at him. He was always a sweetheart, and it was nice to have someone like that in the Pack. Most of the time, everyone around here was serious, and lacked humor, then there was Eden.

Violet stood off the ground using Eden to help her, and shifted back to her human form. "Eden you know you shouldn't do that," she reprimanded. Her eyes stared intently at him. Then looked over at Aster. "It's alright Aster. It's not like he could have done much." She said, glancing back at Eden. "Though, in the future Eden. There will be consequences, and they will not be nice. Especially in times like these. We have to keep our guards up no matter what." Violet stifled a laugh as Aster tried to tell him to be quiet because the others were sleeping. "This is true, but they will wake soon anyways with the smell of fresh meat in the air."

@Eden Smithe @RedLikeRoses
Aster muttered a few in-audible words under her breath about how Eden shouldn't have been such an idiot by tackling the Alpha, before trying to cool her temper. She turned to Violet, "As I was saying, everything was perfectly fine while you were gone." The beta stretched a bit, still trying to fully wake up, before turning towards the scent of the dead deer. It had been tempting her ever since she first caught whiff of it far off in the woods. Her stomach gave a small growl.

"Then I guess I should go eat my fill before the rest of the pack wakes up." She looked at Eden with a small grin, "Although I don't know if there will be any left for you." Aster was only joking, as she would never be so cruel as to eat the whole deer and leave nothing for the rest of the pack members. With her final remark, Aster shifted into her wolf form and raced over towards the mountain.

(@MadamMoon @Eden Smithe)

Violet smiled at Aster. "Good, I'm glad to hear it. I didn't think anything would happen as everyone was still resting." She gave a small laugh hearing the Beta's stomach growl. The Pack was always hungry first thing in the morning. They would always find anything they could to eat, even if it meant eating bark sometimes. It was just something to get their stomachs to quit growling for even a few seconds.

Violet nodded. "Definitely. Everyone will be digging into it shortly most likely. Have fun." Violet watched as she shifted and went over to the deer. She decided she was going to head towards the river for a bit. Maybe freshen up, or just to hear the water running across the rocks. Once she reached it, she could scent someone. Someone that didn't belong to the pack, and shouldn't be in pack territory. She approached slowly, looking around the river to try and find the unfamiliar person. Then she saw the person. It was a young girl. She held a fish and was up by the waterfall. Violet approached slowly, not wanting to frighten the girl. She spoke calmly, "Hello there. How come you're out here all by yourself? It's dangerous to be in the woods alone." The girl had a wolf scent about her, so she seemed to be a werewolf, but then she wouldn't normally be out here alone. She'd be with her parents, or her pack mates.

@CelestialBunny @RedLikeRoses)
Ghaylle sat on a branch at the tallest tree in the forest, granting her a gorgeous view, as the rays of light slowly showered down on the moist trees. Morning has come and the sun had started to rise, unlike other low ranked Vampires she could withstand anything such as the sun, garlic, a cross, etc. that were used to kill them in the old days.

Ghaylle inhaled, her eyes faintly gleamed. "I smell mutts." An evil smile formed her lips. Ghaylle stood up, and teleported at a balcony in a near mansion that she saw, whilst sitting on the branch from earlier. Taking a few steps forward, she noticed the door was opened and uninvitedly came in.

"Sorry for the intrusion." She murmured nonchalantly. Scanning the room, she found a lovely young girl flopped on the bed.

Fleur quickly looked up she heard someone, she screamed "Hey! You can't be here" She was frightened by the stranger. "How did you get in? Who are and what are you doing here?" She asked confused, "No one is suppose to get passed the guards downstairs" she mumbled to herself. "State your name" she said in a serious tone, her eyes flashed Crimson red before turning back into their beautiful and soft blue. @Ai Kamisatsugaisha

Kimberly heard some noise from behind her and turned around, not expecting someone she jumped in surprise. She was frighten but was determined not to let it show, on instinct she growled low and her eyes flashed golden, but she was also clutching her hood to hide her wolf ears since it wasn't normal to other humans or werewolves. "Who are you?!" She said in a slight scared tone, @MadamMoon
Aster finished eating some of the deer, making sure to leave plenty for the pack to eat when they woke up. After shifting into her wolf form, the beta walked back towards her pack. Noticing that Violet had run off again, Aster decided to plant herself against the same tree she leaned on earlier that morning and watch over the sleeping pack. However, when she had a full stomach, it was incredibly easy for her to fall asleep. Aster found herself dozing off quite a bit, but she fought her hatred of the morning and kept herself awake. She was going to keep the pack safe, even if it meant that sleep would have to wait until later.

Violet's eyes flashed a deep red color out of instinct when the young girl growled. She shook her head, and when she opened her eyes, they were back to there hazel color. She lifted her hands into the air to show some that she didn't mean to scare her. "I'm sorry that I startled you, but there is no reason to be alarmed. My name's Violet. I am the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack. Who are you? After all, you are the one trespassing on Pack territory." She spoke calmly, and took a few steps towards the girl. "How come you are here alone? No one would let a young girl into the woods by herself." Violet let her head tilt to show her interest. She also took a knee so she was on the young girl's eye level. She wanted to show the girl that she meant no harm, and had no intentions to hurt her, or do anything to her.

Eden morphed into his wolf form and ate a bit of the deer. He was not too hungry for some reason, in fact maybe a little bit on edge. But he pushed it away and finished eating. He than made his way over to where Aster was sitting. Turning back into a human he sat across from her, his legs crossed. He smiled. "Its a beautiful morning, isn't it?" He lay back and looked up at the clouds.

"If by beautiful you mean boring and sleep-inducing, then yeah." Aster said, trying to make a joke, but her words coming out rather harshly. She wasn't very used to having so much peace during a time like this. "But yeah, I guess it's kind of pretty." She sat up a bit to look at the sky through the trees. "Sorry for yelling at you earlier today.." Aster muttered.

(@Eden Smithe)
Eden chuckled at her joke. He yawned. "Yeah, making me feel a bit tired myself." Eden ran his fingers through the blades of grass around him, plucking a few out of the ground. "It's okay." He responded to her apology. "I suppose I did have that coming, in hind sight." He chuckled. "I guess I see a challenge and I go for it..."

"Clearly it was open." Ghaylles pointed out with an apathetic tone. Her golden eyes gleamed, seeing the girls crimson eyes.

"It seems that this mansion belongs to you." She smirked, mockingly bowing down infront of the little arrogant princess. She felt a hint of arrogance in the little girls tone as she spoke but shrugged it off. Killing her would be best to shut her little mouth off, but then we'll see, she contemplated.

She beamed a smile on the little girl and held out here hand, "Would you like to go on an adventure with me?" Her golden eyes gleamed."To see the world."

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Kimberly's lip quivered, and she rubbed her eyes as they turned back to there turquoise color, "Hello, I'm Kimberly and the reason why I'm here is because I have no place to go. No pack.... or home..." She paused before adding "or family" she started tearing up but she was to scared to show any signs of weakness especially to an alpha. So she stood there not sure of what to do. @MadamMoon

Fleur scoffed, "Don't talk to me in that tone-" she started but was cut off by the stranger's question. Her eyes widened, "Adventure? Like leave the mansion, to go out there?" She wanted to do so very badly but she wasn't allowed to do so. She had to follow her family's rule about her leaving the place, "I'm afraid I can't. I'm not allowed to leave the mansion." She said in an upset tone, she sat on her bed and she was hugging her knees. @Ai Kamisatsugaisha
Aster looked at Eden with a smirk, "I wasn't challenging you. Although I am impressed that you got past both hers and my defenses. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself." She was awfully bored, but she was glad to have the company. "I just wish these guys would wake up already. I'm bored out of my mind just watching them." Aster complained, flicking a bug off of her jacket nonchalantly.

(@Eden Smithe There's a chance I'm going to fall asleep soon, so if I don't reply that's why.)
He sat up. "yeah, it does get pretty boring." He thought for a moment. "but I guess thats a good thing, really." He looked a bit worried. "You know, with the vampires and all..." He shuddered at the thought.


(yeah, its cool, lol pretty sleepy myself.)
"You're family?"Ghaylle lifted an eyebrow, curious. She smiled at the little girl and inhaled the scent from the mansion. Indeed, there were others, well of course there would be a little girl all alone in a huge mansion, now wouldnt that sound sad and lonely. Her golden eyes gleamed yet again but this time it turned as red as the little girls, crimson and bloody. The scent within the mansion was no more than medium leveled Vampires that reeked with a foul stench within Ghaylles noise.

"I'll protect you.." Chuckled, her hand still waiting to be accpeted."It's a once in a life time opportunity, my lady."


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