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Fantasy Vampires and Werewolves


Uzumaki Clan Reborn
A world that is plague with war and destruction by the top two in the food chain, its up to a band of humans to come together to fight this threat off.
I come to under neath the street lamp. "I may not be human, But I want to help you fight, I want to help save the human. I'm not like the others. I don't drink human blood. " I get down on one knee and bow my head.
(my i join? i put up a charater sheet) 
nivek found himself roaming the forest yet again. he couldnt tell why he roams the forest. it could be because the moonlit night. it may be because the peace in and quiet who knows. all he knew was that he was drawn to the forest each night. he didnt care why he just loved the fact he could.

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