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vampire knight YukixOC (yuki needed semi advance)


Four Thousand Club
Ok this is a thread about yuki adn my oc getting into a relationship cannon charicters are in this so don't be afraid to rp them now this will need a lot fo development so i want you to please be active as much as you can i you are not i will get a little ajitated and messige you it starts with them meeting when yuki's young around 7 or 8 and thay develop there relationship from there i will make a form of my character in the charicter creation as it says in the tital please be advance 4 lines minimume thank you :) just reply to this and we can start thank you and hope someone replys :)
ok we'l start my charicter is in the charicter sign up :)

Magnus was cold and alone he had no idea of who he was or wehre he was he was cold and somewhat thursty he then looked at his suroundings he ssaw that something white dropped into his hand "white snow a voice in his head said "what is white what is snow" he said he then contineud to shiver in the blizzerd he was getting colder and coler by the second he then began to cry his crystal like tears fell down "what is this who am i" he said to himself he then saw a light and a shadow of a little girl his blood red eyes looked at the girl from a distance
Yuki's eyes met with the boy's, her head filled with curiosity. Who is that? She wondered. I've never seen him before. She began to approach him, the snow sticking to the bottom of her dress. "Hello?" She called, having difficulty walking in the snow. What did Kaname say this was? Snow? Her hair whipped around in the windy blizzard, her nose becoming red from the cold.
magnus looked at the girl he didn't know who she was so he just stayed there his glowing red looked at her as his fangs can be seen gleamin in the sunlight fresh pray fresh blood to be taken he looekd at her with his eyes looking deeply into hers "thursty..." he said the boy contineud to look at her makeing sure he dosn't lose sight of her he wasn't being scary or anything he was just looking at her
"You must be cold, come on, you can come stay with me and Daddy." She finally stood in front of the boy, and reached out her hand to take his. Blood red eyes. Like Kaname's. She gently took his hand in her mittened one, turning to lead him back to her home. "Daddy always loves company. I'll even make you some soup."
magnus just let him make him walk tawards the house he then smelt he could smell something nice int he air like fresh roses blooming in a gardan he then held yukis hand he didn't say anything he just kept stareing into her eyes "so.....thursty....." he said looking at her he began to pant his breath's were dry his eyes still blood red "need....something...." he said looking at her he was sort of begging
"Hm? Do you need something to drink? I'll make tea." She said, leading him inside and to a small round table in the corner of the kitchen. Then she went over to the stove, dragging a chair with her so she could see the top and boil water. "Oh! I forgot to ask if you even like tea! I'm sorry." She left the chair by the stove and took off her coat and mittens, dropping them by the door. "Do you want me to take your coat too?"
magnus just said nothing he just said the same thing again "thur.....sty" he said looking at the ground he then looked at her neck again he gritted his teeth he felt something trying to take over but he resisted he clenched his fist and closed his eyes after a while he calmed down he then looked at the girl in front of him he sighed shackaly and continued to do so he was thursty and needed to drink something really really badly but he didn't know
"Hey...are you okay? You look really pale." She pressed her hand to his cheek like her Dad had done so many times to her when she felt sick, and his skin was ice cold. "Maybe you should warm up. Come on, I'll take you to my room, it's nice and warm there, and I'll make that tea." She took his hand again, all but dragging him down the hall to her room. She opened it wooden door, and stepped aside to allow him in.
magnus done what was told and stood in the room he was still perched and nedded something to drink "thur...sty!!!" he said while gritting his teeht he was ont he vurge on bracking down he needed something to drink and he needed it now his fangs begun to show he then quickly closed the door so she dosn't come in he then curled up on the ground he didn't know what to do it was druving him insain
Yuki came back moments later with a cup of tea in her hand, offering it to him. "Here you go! Are you hungry too? I'm not very good at cooking but I can try to make you some toast or something." She said. She now had no shoes on either, leaving them discarded by the door. The tips of her hair were becoming wet from the melting snow, the water droplets jumping off onto the floor.
magnus continued to stay on the ground he then took the cup and drank it down he couched once he finished he was still parched he needed something somethink red.....he then looked at her his fangs beareing and his eyes still pure blood red "thur.....sty" he said looking at her he needed something ro drink something....red
She took his mug, it was still warm from the tea. "Still thirsty huh? I'll go get you more." Then she tripped. The mug shattered against the floor, several shards going into her hand. She let out a cry of shock a pain, sitting on the floor. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes, and blood dripped off her hand. "Ouchies..." She whimpered.
magnus saw the blood drop slowly he walked tawords it he then looked at her "your....hurt.....let...me help" he said he then gently took her hand and begun to lick her hand cleand fromt he blood he then took the shards out and continued to lick the blood off her hand he enjoyed the taste of the liquid comeing off her hand he then looked at her as her hand begun to rapidly heal thanks to him licking it
"I...thank you. I'm Yuki, what's your name?" She asked while he healed her. There's something different about him. She sat still while he licked her hand, sometimes giggling when his rough tongue tickled her. With her other hand, she playfully patted his head. The strong wind and snow knocked against the window pane in her room, singing an unhallowed song of cold and fear.
magnus's eyes begun to turn back to normal he was thurst has been quenched for now it was like haveing a small glass of water your still a little thusty but you can live with it he then looked at her in the eyes his purple amathyst eyes met her ruby orbs "i....don't know....." he said looking at her he then continued to look at her he then realized what he just did he blushed like he was a cherry and turned away and crouched
"You don't know? I've never heard of that before. I guess I'll call you...Red! For your eyes. Is that okay?" She said, standing up to get something to pick up the broken glass. "And then when Kaname comes to see me again we can ask him. He know's everything." She smiled fondly when she thought of Kaname, especially when she thought about him coming to see her. But who really is Red? I wonder if he's like Kamame, a...what was it? I think Vampire.
did you just lick her hand what are you some sort of romantic or something the voice said to her he then looked at her and he liked that name "red" he then smiled out of pure ecitement he then hugged her tightly as to show that he liked that name he then continued to look at her smileing at her "thank you yuki......" he said he was happy that she found a name for him he then his blush still showing he then looked at ehr "oh what am i doing........" he said his blush was showing more now
"I believe it's called hugging." She said giggling and hugging him back. "Kaname says it's a sign of affection, whatever that means. Come on, it's getting late. You can sleep in my bed with me tonight." She said, grabbing pajamas out of her small dresser. "Stay here, I'm going to change." She then left the room, turning towards the bathroom a few feet away to put on her pink flowery nighty.
magnus begun to blush a bit what dose she mean by sleep with her he then went in the bed it was comfy he then went on the left side of the bed he waited for her he was starting to worry and went to the room she went in he knocked ont he door "yukiii" he said knocking on the door he then waied for her to answer he put his hands behind his back
Yuki came out of the bathroom in her nighty, which hung loosely around her tiny body. "Sorry, I was drying my hair. It got wet." She explained, shifting her feet. It was now a little dryer, to a point where water didn't drip from it. "Come on, let's go to bed." She started towards her room again, and climbed up into her bed. She moved over so Red could get in too, patting the bed beside her. "It's time to sleep, come on!"
magnus began to walk tawords he bedrooma gain he blushed as he got into the bed he was close to her and he sort of liked it.....he was glad he was this close to her he felt he was safe around her he then sort of snuggled up close to her and begun to sleep he smiled lightly the first time he has ever smiled he then began to get comfterble
"Good Night, Red." Yuki mumbled, drifting off into dream land. Her hair was splayed across the pillows, like a fan surrounding her head. I wonder what we'll do tomorrow? Her last thoughts before falling asleep were of all the things she was planning for them to do.
Red woke up he looked at yuki he was accidently spooning her he blushed a bit he then continued to do it he felt so comfterble on how close she was and contineud to sleep until she woke up he then felt her move "yuki....are you awake" he said to her smileing he tehn looked at her redish brown eyes he smiled lightly

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