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Fantasy Vampire Academy


White Neko
Vampire Academy is pretty self-explanatory, it's an Academy for Vampires... well done if you guessed it!.

Although, this academy has a little twist to it, Vampire Academy consists of two academies, one for Vampires and the other for Humans.

I'm pretty sure most people can see where I'm going with this, the vampires are seen as Nobles whereas the humans are well, humans.

It may sound boring just from this, but I plan to add scenes in which you must do/go through, for example if you decided to take up a role as a human: 3

bloodlust Vampires intend to do what they want with a human girl, will you tell the teachers or attempt to save her in some way?. And such except with better concepts etc.
[Principal] "Welcome to Vampire Academy, an academy in which homes both Vampires and humans alike, naturally humans will have their own separate Academy on site, so I hope you will all achieve what you can and make it through these next three years with smiles on your faces." She Says. Just for a note to anyone that wishes to join, It's a pretty easy Character Sign-up, but please note that I am English, therefore some events may happen before you notice, either way I hope you will join me to make this Academy become a thing with many exciting stories to tell, Thanks.
"Well This is It" ashley Muttered To Herself "My New School" She Said Going For Her Locker "Number 9 I Think" She Said Putting The Combo Nation In "Ok My New Locker" Not Noticing Shes Been Talking Out Load, She Snuck In The Shadows And Went To She The Rest Of The School.
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Hak walks into school like usual seeing new members walk in, He has already been in school for a year due to being a Junior.

He looks at the academy, "I wonder how this school year will go.." He mumbles.

Rodwen made her way into the school grounds yawning as she did so ,the sun had always made her drowsy , the sooner she got inside the better. She smilled at some of the first years as she passed them on her way to her locker.
Noria shrugged her bag higher onto her shoulder and looked over the new meat as she walked. She caught the nervous looks on their faces, despite how they tried to hide it. A chuckle left her mouth and she remembered her own first year at the academy. She then wondered how it would have been different, had she been born a vampire.

Her locker was there waiting for her as she entered the building.
This Was Ashley's New School And She Wanted To Know It Better. She Walked To Room To Room And Looked In, She Looked In Her First Classroom, No One Ashley Thought As She Walked In To She What The Class Looked Like
After Rodwen had gathered all her books from her locker she began to make her way towards the 2nd academy roll call room passing by Noria ,who was in the same year as her , waving as she passed by.
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As Noria reached towards her locker to unlock it she saw a hand waving towards her out of her peripheral vision. She turned her head and found that the hand belonged to Rodwen, a vampire who she knew was also a senior. Noria lifted a hand in reply. Usually she didn't care much for excitable people like that, but it was the first day back, so she gave Rodwen the benefit of the doubt. She liked to be friendly with the vampires, anyway.

She looked back at her locker once the girl left and twisted in the code.
Jacob walks up to the gates of the school but just as he go's in he sees the lockers he walks up to his which is number 666 and puts in the code of 2334.
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(As there is no teachers currently due to me needing to make a teacher sheet, I will play Principal also for the minute)

The Principal puts her mouth to the mic and proceeds to say "Everyone head to your assigned rooms, Vampires head to the gym to get a schedule, and humans head towards the sports hall for your schedule (different rooms btw), That is all."
Hak already knew his job, being that he is a part of the disciplinary committee, he has to watch over the two species. He headed towards the gym to get his schedule and then waited for the bell for first lesson.
Eden sighed a bit and headed towards the sports room ' I know we're two entirely different species and one needs blood to survive but why do we have to be separated all the time ? ' It was like this every year. Two different buildings, separate classes....it's getting boring.
Ashley Heard The Announcement And Started To Head To The Gym, But Where Is The Gym "Where is the gym" Ashley Mumbled
"Um Yeah Im New Here So I Don't Know Where The Gym is" Ashley Said Looking Around
"omg Are You Ok" Ashley Said Helping Her up "No Were locked out"
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Lucia walked quickly to her locker, her short heels clicking on the linoleum as she pants quietly. She was running late, having slept in and was cursing herself and her friend for not calling her. This was the first day of her senior year and she didn't want it to go bad. When she finally got to her locker she put in her code of 1031, all while putting a hair band in her mouth and scrambling to get her things out. As she grabbed her bag she syarted to put half her hair in the hair tie and ended up dropping her bag.

"Oh for the love of...-"

She sighed and crouched down, her long black skirt gently brushing against her ankles and the floor. Her books and papers had scattered on the floor and around her as she tried to pick them up quickly so she could get going.
"um Let Me Think" She Saw A Door To The Right, It Was The Supplies Closet, She Opened It And Saw Another Door And Opened It, She Saw The Gym and All The People "Over Here"
Hak lent against the wall whilst closing his eyes waiting, he kept his distance from the others and then looked up once at two students appearing for the supplies closet, he gave no reaction but to close his eyes again in wait.
Rodwen stood in the corner of the gym watching all the students enter. It was always the same speech every year and it always boring yet as part of the student council Rodwen had to set an example.
Braull yawned, wandering around the school. It was his first day here, yet the tall male didn't look too excited for it. He just moved to this town with his mom yesterday, and she insisted that he goes to the school on the next day. He wanted to stay home... Braull sighs, yet the guy still had a slight smile on his face. Mom knows what's best, right?

He heard the announcement to find the sports hall, but did it mention something about a gym, too? Which one? He wasn't really listening... Braull decides to go look for someone who can help. He spots a person with white-ish, silver looking hair and approaches them, taking longer strides to catch up. He has a dumb grin on his face while he spoke, "Hey, uh, do we go to the gym or sports hall?" He scratches the back of his head while he asked, it was a habit of his.


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