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One x One Vale Academy


Esoterically Discontented


Welcome to the OOC for Vale Academy. This is a small and simple RP with a few goals in mind; Firstly is comfort, the RP is set in a type of 'sandbox' style with a lot of open details, basically meaning there isn't a specific template or process to follow, you can freely draw the world around you and go about your interactions how you please. Secondly is simplicity, the RP will be structured in such a way that the level of sophistication in the plot will be exactly how you determine it, put simply the 'goals' for your character to progress the story will be extremely basic leaving the rest of the RP open for you to develop or jump into plots how you please. Lastly is low standard, if you want to enjoy this RP but you're worried about grammar, spelling and writing style then don't because I don't give a fuck about that stuff for this RP, write how you want. The only standard I expect is routine, we discuss a specific routine for posts, whether it be once a day, week or decade.


Because simplicity and comfort are the main goals in mind the setting will be simple and over convenient. The setting is as follows;

You're a student attending the world famous Vale Academy, also known as the 'Town of Academia'. The details are simple, Vale Academy is a small town built around a campus that offers free housing for students. Upon your arrival they gives you a key to your dorm or even your own house depending on certain factors or just your preference, and you're also given a student ID that doubles as a type of debit card that allows you to purchase anything in the town based solely on your grades and attendance. You cannot use the card to purchase items from the internet or to pay for items delivered from outside the town, but besides that all fast food chains, stores or services will accept payment from your student ID. Whether you can use the student ID is based on our attendance and grades, if your grades are high and your attendance is near perfect, you can purchase anything in the town. If your grades and attendance are at its lowest, you will be restricted to buying the basic items needed for survival such as toiletries and food.

The only goal expected from you as a player to achieve is to merely progress the time forward. You don't even have to attend classes, as long as you are able to keep up with the flow of the RP you're fine. Which is relatively simple, all you need to do to do this is read the other posts and if they mention a progression of time, make sure that by the end of your post, there is an equal progression. For example, if I make a post about my characters morning, but by the end of my paragraphs, it's noon, then you do the same. Or even take it a step further and end your post by night fall with your character staring at the stars, although that might be a bit too much to keep up with.


Simplicity and convenience is the key to this RP, so don't worry about writing style just worry about writing something fun. Build a character and see where you can take it. Comfort is important, but also try to push yourself, RP is all about experience, earning it through playing as well as living it through your characters. To this end, pushing yourself to read a long post in one sitting, even if you don't absorb all the knowledge, can be a huge help as it really does become a lot easier as you go and even gets to the point where you are eager to read more!


For the sake of keeping a similar narrative, your age has to be either 14, 15 or 16. You can be 18/17 but held back for a year or two, or you can be any number of years younger and pushed forward a single or several years. You'll be in your first year of high school (year 10, according to the Australian system) but besides those details, it's all up to you.
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So I was thinking, although it's the second week of school, Astrid's first day is today as last week was spent finalizing the whole 'moving up a couple of grades' thing.

Also, the meeting with the headmaster will be arranging someone to help her out on her first day - it's up to you if you want to be the person called in or not.
No problem, I'll have Leigh called to the office and introduced to you in the next post.

In my next post I'll just guide us through some basic areas then move to class. I'm thinking lunch break and after class is when we'll be able to start running into some more heavy content as that allows student interaction and club activities.

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