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Vale Academy {Naguru x Jukuto}


Esoterically Discontented
The winds of change are blowing and with the new school year comes a slue of new amazing experiences just waiting for the right student to charge at it head on. Will you be one of those students? I wonder.

Vale Academy is abuzz with several new events trying to establish themselves as permanent features this year and who knows? You just might be what they need to go down in the annals of Vale Academy history.

Several paths lie before you, young student and all lead to mysterious and interesting places, you need only to walk their form. Word on the wind is that the sectioned off 'C Section' of the Academy's ten to 12s district is haunted, there is also tell of a new up and comer in the Boxing club boasting to be undefeated in all his years of activity! Not to mention the new 'unusual' class projects said to be coming to every classroom this year!

How will you set yourself apart from the rest at Vale Academy?
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The morning sun creped in through fractured curtains sending waves of light across Leigh's face that grew with heat as he slept. Feeling uncomfortable the young man awoke with a little protest, first sitting up in his small single mattress bed, then moving to shift his form out of the bed. His gaze met with the old digital clock placed on his bed side table just next to his sleek and slim black mobile phone. The small device glowed '6:04AM' in fluro green digits. Breathing a slight sigh Leigh grasped for his mobile and killed the alarm he had set for seven before walking out into the kitchen area of his generously sized apartment. It was certainly different to the estate he grew up in, yet living alone made the apartment feel more empty than that giant estate ever seemed and sometimes that was a bit of a relief.

Flicking on the jug and getting a coffee mug ready, Leigh broke into his usual morning routine. Some stretches while the water boils, a quick coffee then a few more stretches then into techniques, Leigh would practice quickly bringing his arms up and spacing his legs into various stances, he'd do this a few times then move to throwing some quick and accurate strikes and kicks, first making sure he wasn't near any furniture of course before repeating the whole process a few more times. It was nearly seven by the time he decided to finish up and head for a shower.

While showering several thoughts drifted through his head. 'First day of the second week of classes this year, hopefully we'll start tackling some proper subjects now.' Leigh thought to himself as he scrubbed shampoo through his long gun metal grey hair. 'That's right, today I've got science first up, I wonder what that'll be like, we'll be headed to the labs for the first time if I remember right.' Leigh mused as he finished up in the shower. By the time he was dressed it was only 7:10 and classes didn't start until 8:30. "Might as well go for a walk and see what the ten to 12 campus has to offer." Leigh muttered to himself after he was dressed. Grabbing his keys and backpack, Leigh headed off ensuring to lock the door encrusted with the numbers '112' behind him.
On her large canopy bed Astrid sits with her legs crossed heavily focused on the book sitting on her lap, after a while she throws her head back and stretches her arms up in the air whilst letting out a small sigh of relief, she glimpses over at the clock to the side of the bed '6:32' pleased with herself for getting ready for school when she first woke up, and how much of her book she read through in the last two and a half hours Astrid grabs her book 'Comparative Anatomy' and heads downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast.

After finishing her breakfast and peppermint tea Astrid looks over at the clock hanging in the kitchen '7:04' "Gah! I need to get going or I'm going to be late on my first day!" Astrid gasps as she jumps up and grabs her book from off the table and shoving it in her bag next to the front door then sitting on the wooden chair next to the door to place her shoes on "I was really hoping to have a look around campus before meeting with the headmaster" Astrid sighs as she picks her bag up and walks outside, pulling the large wooden arch door behind her making sure to lock it as she starts off on her hour walk to the campus.
Leigh had been wondering around the campus for some time before he started heading towards his class, it was one of the rooms on the first floor of a four story structure made from dark red bricks. It's walls were smooth and it always looked new, as Leigh drifted towards the building he noticed several other students going about their business, most looked just like normal students but there were a few key figures whose presence and style seemed to separate them from the other students. One of those students was Marcus, blotches of colourful paint stained the skin on his hands as well as his shoes yet his hair and clothes were perfectly spotless, he always took a standing stance in the pose of someone preparing to craft a master piece onto a canvas. Which was just as well considering at only 16 he was already a very promising artist.

Marcus had offered a wave in Leigh's direction and it helped him snap back to reality as he offered a kind wave back, Leigh had lost himself in his thoughts. It wasn't too uncommon for Leigh, after all this new setting offered interesting views and kinds of people Leigh hadn't realized existed in this world. Leigh bought his hands up to his cheeks and slapped them, he had club activities today and riding a train of thought like that certainly wasn't going to win him any favours during practice.

Continuing his way towards class, Leigh noticed the halls outside the classrooms were empty save for one tall figure standing outside of his classroom door. As he got closer she turned her stern gaze to Leigh, peering at him through a pair of professional looking wire frame glasses. She was dressed in a professional manner and something about her looked oddly familiar to Leigh. "Are you apart of class 10-C?" She asked clearly.

"Yeah, I guess." Leigh responded feeling unsure.

"You guess? Do you just go to what ever classroom you please?"

Leigh straightened up at the realisation that she must be someone who commanded a degree of respect around this campus. "No, I mean Yes. I belong to class 10-C." Leigh responded even more uneasy.

"In that case I have use of you, come with me to the Headmasters office." She stated sternly as she turned and began to march off. Following her Leigh offered no protest as he pushed himself to keep up with her unusually fast walking pace. Moments later Leigh found himself inside of the teacher's facility, Leigh was guided past large cubicles and desks some of which housed some of his teachers who were arranging notes, text books and papers for the days classes. They came to a large crimson door with a golden plaque reading 'Headmaster, T. D. Parker', the women with the stern gaze knocked on the door and at the Headmasters response, walked right into a large and lavish office with Leigh following closely behind.

At this point Leigh was nervous, he wasn't sure if he was in trouble, although the women hadn't even asked his name. "I've bought a student from class 10-C to you." The women stated clearly. With an affirmative nod from the headmaster, an old but happy looking man, she made her way out of the office and closed the door behind herself.

"Good Morning lad, what might your name be?" The Headmaster asked in a friendly tone.

"I'm Leigh, ahh Leigh Vile. Am I in trouble or something?" Leigh asked back feeling slightly anxious.

"Oh no, not at all Leigh. We just needed to aid of a student from class 10-C.." The Headmaster stated clearly. "Your class will be receiving a new student today. She is a bit of an up-and-comer who's been pushed forward a bit. So we wanted to ensure she got to know the place a bit better. For that reason I'd like to ask you to show her around and help her get to her classes."

"Sure, no problem." Leigh stated, relieved his fears had bore no fruit.

"Excellent, take a seat young man and I'm sure she'll be here any moment." Headmaster Parker stated with a smile as he motioned towards one of the two seats in front of his large desk.
Approaching the entrance to the campus Astrid pulled out a pocket watch from the pocket on the lower left of her hoodie '8:11'

"No no no! I'm late!" Astrid let out slightly louder then expected, then again she wasn't intending on saying it at all, not having a chance to take in the campus and the students walking around Astrid started running towards the headmaster's office which she knows the way to rather well due to spending so much time there in the past week getting everything sorted.

After what seemed like far longer then it actually was, Astrid reached the secretary's desk just outside the headmasters office.

"Ms. Elingston! I'm so sorry I'm late." She said in a stressed tone as she approaches the secretary sitting behind the desk as the secretary glimpses over at the clock to the wall next to her.

"Fifteen minutes late, why we bothered moving someone with such tardiness forward is beyond me, waste of our resources if you ask me! The headmaster is waiting for you, go in before you waste anymore time!" Ms. Elingston said in a very stern and frustrated tone 'I wonder if she even has a nice side, she's been like this since the day we met' Astrid thinks to herself.

"Yes M'am, I'm very sorry" Astrid responded as she walked towards the headmasters door.

Astrid walks through the door brushing her fringe to the side as she shuts the door behind her.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Sir." Astrid says in an apologetic tone, she notices a boy with unique grey hair sitting in one of the chairs in front of the headmasters desk, unsure about the boy, she decides to stand near the door for now.

"Ah not a problem at all Astrid! I was just telling Leigh here about you, he's going to be helping you out for your first day or so." responds the headmaster in a cheerful tone "Now now, don't be shy, have a seat and we'll get you two antiquated and off to class." he continues with a smile 'Maybe he's sucked all the happiness from Ms. Elingston and she's taken all his anger.' Astrid thinks to herself as she's sits down, accidentally letting out a girly little chuckle at the thought.
Leigh turned to Astrid with a warm smile on his face, he put his hand out offering a handshake. "I'm Leigh Vile, I'll be one of your classmates for this year I guess." Leigh said softly. Thinking about his new role as 'Class 10-C's Guide', Leigh wondered about the more important areas of the campus.

Leigh checked the time on his mobile as he took the lead heading outside, there was only ten minutes until class started. "Sadly there isn't too much I can show you just yet. I'll point some things out on the way to class but after that we'll have to meet up when Lunch starts if you want me to show you around some more." Leigh spoke as he took slow strides in the direction of their class. As he lead the way further, Leigh pointed out various structures near the classroom building, there was a library, canteen, gym and campus office all nearby the classrooms.

Leigh stopped outside their classroom door several students filled the halls now and most kept to themselves. "Here we are, 10-C. Our Homeroom teacher is Mr. Tyr, he's a pretty nice guy but sometimes a bit of a klutz." Leigh stated as he motioned to a tall black haired man down the hall holding a large box in his arms. "Here he comes now, you should probably go introduce yourself and he'll get you set up with a desk. I'll talk to you again at lunch!" Leigh stated with a smile as he shifted into the classroom to find his desk to the far left side of the room next to a window.
Astrid looks over at Leigh, and smiles back as she softly grasps his hand. "I'm Astrid, pleasure to meet you." Astrid responds softly. It was then Astrid noticed Leighs unique eyes, she often got teased about her eye colour and never expected to meet someone with more unique eyes then hers 'maybe they're just contacts' she thinks to herself.

Astrid snapped out of her trail of thought as she noticed Leigh stand up, she quickly stood up and followed him outside as they headed to class, on their way Leigh pointed out various locations, one of which being the library "hopefully I get the chance to spend a lot of time here" Astrid said very quietly to herself.

Eventually they reach the classroom, after listening to Leigh speak she headed over to talk to Mr. Tyr. "Mr. Tyr? I'm Astrid Asura, I'll be in your homeroom class from now on." Astrid said with a confidant tone.

"Yes, Astrid! I hear you're quite the promising young student." My. Tyr responds in a warm tone, Shifting the box to one side to shake Astrids hand, he successfully drops it, infront of him with it just missing Astrid's toes. "Oh my, I'm very sorry." He says as he goes to pick up the box, as he does, and much to Astrids surprise Mr. Tyr successfully falls over it.

"And I thought Leigh was joking." Astrid mumbles to herself.

"What was that sorry Astrid, I didn't catch that." He said in an embarrassed tone as he successfully picks the Box up.

"Oh nothing Sir, just talking to myself sorry." Astrid responds with a smile

"Alright then, Well let's get class started, I see you've met Leigh, there's a seat free just in front of him." My Tyr says leading the way into the classroom, Astrid follows him and takes her seat as class begins.

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