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Realistic or Modern Urban Legends & Ghosts (OOC)

gangnam's also an area with all the huge corporation buildings, fancy apartment complexes, bars, clubs, and plastic surgery clinics so idk if it would be an ideal place for a boarding school

how about in one of the suburbs on the outskirts of seoul? so the stories of the dying students don't get around too quickly and they maybe have the countryside in one direction and the big city in the other
That's true. I guess the outskirts of Seoul would work. Tbh I don't even know were a good place to put a boarding school since none are near where I live.

Maybe keeping it in Portland would be best
That's true. I guess the outskirts of Seoul would work. Tbh I don't even know were a good place to put a boarding school since none are near where I live.

Maybe keeping it in Portland would be best
there aren't any where i live either but my friend goes to a boarding school in paris and it's basically on the edge of the busy tourist area so it's conveniently close to most places.

idk like i said it's up to you
great majority of the characters so far are korean but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that's what happens when you get a bunch of kpop fans in an rp lol
there aren't any where i live either but my friend goes to a boarding school in paris and it's basically on the edge of the busy tourist area so it's conveniently close to most places.

idk like i said it's up to you
great majority of the characters so far are korean but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that's what happens when you get a bunch of kpop fans in an rp lol
Let's just say it's Korea and keep the exact location vague or we could say it's in the outskirts of Seoul
the link has expired :(
you can pm it to me (i think it's against the rules to post a link to another site cause it's considered advertising)
Actually a friend aka wheat told me that you can now post discord links for rps. They updated the rules after the site update. She didn't get in trouble when she posted one so it's okoko. I'll pm it to you soon~ Actual I should just update the link
Actually a friend aka wheat told me that you can now post discord links for rps. They updated the rules after the site update. She didn't get in trouble when she posted one so it's okoko. I'll pm it to you soon~ Actual I should just update the link
yay that's good to know

also have you decided the location of the rp for sure? i think i might change my white boy to another asian person LOL depending on the location
yay that's good to know

also have you decided the location of the rp for sure? i think i might change my white boy to another asian person LOL depending on the location
I updated the link and made sure it wouldn't expire. I thought the link I had previously put was set not to expire but I guess I thought wrong

Yes yes
I've decided somewhere in SKorea so I'll just have to go edit the interest check~ I too lazy to choose a specific location so I'll keep it vague
*really should be making second character but is extremely lazy with no motive.*
what can i do to motivate you small one

also i finished bibi but her bio and personality are too long for the code and i'm screaming
first off
for fc: jimin or eojin joo (ulzzang)
eojin's a hottie
but jimin's face is so good ajaskgjlkh

jimin, go with jimin, we need more squishies
i thought so lol

okie okie
should he be the person who is like "idgaf but you're chill with me?" vibe?
or the "fucboi but is actually a really cute sweetheart"
i thought so lol

okie okie
should he be the person who is like "idgaf but you're chill with me?" vibe?
or the "fucboi but is actually a really cute sweetheart"
i kinda like the idea of a fuckboi ohohoho
but at the same time we could use some chill ppl

maybe you could combine the two?? a chill idgaf fuckboi who's soft inside
i kinda like the idea of a fuckboi ohohoho
but at the same time we could use some chill ppl

maybe you could combine the two?? a chill idgaf fuckboi who's soft inside
alright thank you my dear u are so helpful <3
Ok would you guys like to pick out your own roommates or have me just randomize them? like im not going to randomize them now... I guess when people have posted character sheets (that haven't) and when characters are done.
i think it'd be fun if you randomized
idk it really depends on how much relationship discussion has taken place by the time all the characters are submitted and finished

out of curiosity, are there any restrictions with roommates? ex. they have to be in the same grade, the same gender, etc. ?
i think it'd be fun if you randomized
idk it really depends on how much relationship discussion has taken place by the time all the characters are submitted and finished

out of curiosity, are there any restrictions with roommates? ex. they have to be in the same grade, the same gender, etc. ?
I think it would just be same gender. i don't think there's a problem wih with different grades. plus students can always switch dorms if they really want to
also i feel like we should pick the roommates if they have to be the same gender

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