Upbeatdown Joins The Fray


A Man and a Half
Nice to meet ya! I had heard about this place through a friend that used to come on here a lot. The other RPing website that I frequent has been kinda slow recently and joining this one offered the ever alluring prospect of a fresh start. So, here I am.

If I see an idea for a RP that interests me, I'll message the creator or reply or do whatever you have to do to join a RP on here (if you couldn't tell yet, I'm very new). When I roleplay, I typically prefer to pump out at least two paragraphs, but I won't go any lower than one. Detail is pretty important, and it can't be done properly in just a few sentences.

So, yeah. That's it. You can go back to your business now.
welian said:
Your username.
I like it.
I do as well, thank you.


Dusky said:
I'm sorry, all I can think of right now is GROOSE.
Welcome to RPN, Groose! @^@
My profile picture is a 100% sure-fire no doubt bestest realistic example of my real-life appearance.

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