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Realistic or Modern unORTHOdox


faerie sightings

reality is an illusion



basically, a set of twins finds themselves living in a weird town full of weird creatures and all of the locals ignore it. then, upon investigating with their new friends, they discover the town is actually cursed and have to figure out a way to break that curse.

heavily inspired by gravity falls, but entirely different and way more of a horror story than a cutesy story!! twins will be portrayed by myself and the ever so lovely @Doubt


-my co-gms are @Doubt and @Lutalica if you disrespect them, i will find you -- i have a certain set of skills.

-don't join if you're not serious about the rp.

-don't leave us hanging pls?

-this is gonna be sort of detailed, but not like "i want a novel per post" detailed, you feel?

-just be nice omg pls don't start drama i'm so tired. i don't wanna be a mean gm but i will.

-have fun!!


the universe is a hologram



pines lake, oregon.

population: 3k

the town of pines lake is a small community that is very much based around the people there. there are small diners, local shops, and just general small town vibes. the town is named for the large lake surrounded by pine trees.

the locals ignore the things that go bump in the night, but beware, all of the legends are true.


life is a bit strange, isn't it? one day you and your twin are just living your life and the next your life is in shambles and you've been packed up and shipped off to a new town to live with your grandparents.

and as if that wasn't bad enough, now your mosquito bites spell out beware. no wait, that says bewarb. same thing, right?

the longer you're here, the weirder things get. and that's when you decide it's time to do something about it. stumbling upon creature after creature. there's definitely more to fear than giant, man-eating spiders.

the only thing worse than the already weirdness of the town? finding out there's a curse and you're the only ones that can stop it.
i'm honestly too lazy to tag btw so feel free to tag anyone you loves think would be interested <3
this actually looks so good, i am interested af!
seeing ortho all capitalized makes me feel like im going to the dentist

im not sure if ill join or not, i gotta wait to see how some things go irl

but i am kinda interested
here's the hp in case any tags didn't work! will probably have a week or so as the initial deadline, and then characters will still be able to come in later !!

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