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Fandom Unnamed Star Wars RP


Author and seamstress.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)



  • The First Order is unstoppable, sprawling across the galaxy with no signs of stopping. The rebellion is suffering. All attempts to quell the destruction of the galaxy seem to be futile. Everyone has effectively reached the point of accepting that all is lost.

    However, distantly, a group of young people from all over the galaxy, have ended up on a ship together. They are the survivors, the only ones capable of stopping the Order's path of destruction. Together, they must protect the child aboard their ship destined to bring an end to this madness. Together, they will grow as a group and as individuals, aboard a falling apart and several times stolen ship they have dubbed "The Crapmobile" in lieu of knowing it's actual name. Over the next four years, the group will be torn in many directions, forced to make decisions they never thought they would have.

    Some call it madness.

    We call it saving the galaxy.

. . .​
  • The year is 33 ABY, which means this RP takes place right before The Force Awakens.
  • The New Republic is still in charge, they are the current government. The First Order, however, entered the scene a lot earlier for this AU and have become a major powerhouse. The New Republic is really struggling.

    • I'm not going to put a huge amount of effort into the rules, just don't be a nimrod.

      This role play will span roughly four years of these characters' lifetimes. I will post events happening to the characters and updates on the progression of time as we go.

      This is a semi-literate to literate roleplay. Please write about a paragraph or more, but don't worry about quantity. This role play will be about the quality of ideas presented. Please, if you are thinking of joining be dedicated. I really want to get this off the ground and going. That's about it. Let me know if there is an interest in this roleplay.

      Now for the possible characters:







    • royal-serif.regular.png

      ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛᴏʀ --
      Feldaris:: ??? :: female :: twi'lek

      It all started when she betrayed the First Order. Fel was a loyal servant in the mission to take over the galaxy, indoctrinated from a young age to wield her powerful grasp of the force against the resistance. Something in her past changed all that, known to few of the other travelers, leaving only one option: board the ship and run for her life, hoping like hell that her new found friends don't mind having a previous disciple of the order on board.

      Feldaris is my character, a young Twi'lek who took charge of the crew through an unspoken agreement among the members despite any trust issues. She hardly knows anything about herself because of her memories being locked away through use of the force as a means of control during her time with the First Order. Even though Feldaris instinctively leans towards the dark side of the Force, she's loyal to the group she chose to travel with. Feldaris struggles to get along with the rebel. They are both aware she was part of the battle that oblitered the scouting group. Maybe they can eventually patch this relationship?


      ʀᴇʙᴇʟ ᴘɪʟᴏᴛ --
      Adros Baez :: 24 :: male :: human

      Adros' moral conscience led this fiery tech type to take the ship out of the hands of the bounty hunter, making him the new pilot. His family were key players in the resistance, meaning he grew up believing completely in the movement against the First Order. Adros was sent on a routine mission scouting the galaxy when his X Wing was interrcepted by the First Order fleet. Everyone on the mission was obliterated except for the pilot. He couldn't face going back after that, but choosing to help the crew of The Crapmobile with their mission may well force him to.

      With unquestionable morals and a faith in everything good, this character definitely struggles to accept some of the decisions of the less morally upright members of the crew. This characters dislike and distrust of Feldaris is easy to see but they stay because of the feelings of responsibility they feel for the rest of the crew. Someone has to be there to make sure the bounty hunter doesn't snap and try to sell them all, right?


      ʙᴏᴜɴᴛʏ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀ --
      Maran Nix :: 36 :: male :: kiffar

      The copilot. Maran was finishing up a contract when he was first arrested by the First Order for being a 'rebel sympathizer.' He found himself locked away in some backwater prison until freedom came in the form of a renegade sith. Maran joined up with Feldaris and traveled, slowly collecting even more misfits.

      This character has a decent relationship with Feldaris after their time on the run together. Neither would be willing to give their lives for the other but they will certainly fight back to back confidently. This character will sometimes have questionable morals, being a former bounty hunter, and more likely to support illegally accomplishing the necessary tasks of the group, like getting money, than doing so in a legal manner.


      ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀʙʏ --
      Nicholas "Nick" Lambacher :: 14 :: male :: human

      The youngest member of the crew. Nick might look innocent to the untrained eye, but he is the chosen one. He has power in the force incomprehensible to most beings, and is destined to stop the dark side once and for all, to bring peace and balance to the galaxy. Problem is, this young one is barely old enough to live alone, let alone save the galaxy. Nick will need a teacher if he is to fulfill his destiny and not heed the call of the dark side. The First Order are close on his trail, and he must be protected at all costs.

      This character must be at least 10 but no older than 16. They are the chosen one but have the ability to travel down either the light or dark path. Either way, this character has a natural talent with the force but finds it hard to control.


      sᴄᴀᴠᴇɴɢᴇʀ --
      Adom Extinct :: 19 :: male :: human

      Adom had never even left his home planet before, and the stars still make him dizzy. Sure, he can't really fly to save his own skin, but he is a brilliant mechanic, and more than makes up for his cluelessness when it comes to the galaxy by having saved The Crapmobile's big old metal skin more times than the crew can count.
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If you are interested, please send me the basic information for your character in a private message. This means name, age, species, gender, and an image if possible.

**Sending the info does not guarantee your acceptance.**

Feel free to suggest ideas!
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Yes. It will be pictures of the characters people create.
Alright. I haven't gotten much of a response yet but that's alright. I want to try and get a group together.

I'll bite and take the Bounty Hunter.

Sounds good. Please send me some very basic info on your character in a private message. Nothing too detailed, I don't need a character sheet. I just need to know the name, age, gender, and species. An image as well if that is possible.
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Alright. I haven't gotten much of a response yet but that's alright. I want to try and get a group together.

Sounds good. Please send me some very basic info on your character in a private message. Nothing too detailed, I don't need a character sheet. I just need to know the name, age, gender, and species. An image as well if that is possible.

If we can get send basic info, can I take the "The Baby"? Thanks.
I'm a little busy right now, but I'd love to join this when I'm not as swamped, which hopefully shouldn't be longer than a week, if that, but we'll see. I had a character in mind for the Bounty Hunter, but since that's already 'taken' I might just go for the Scavenger. Or I could send you both and you could pick your favourite.

When I get a response to this, I'll try and find the time to put together something on whatever.

Seems like the only role left is Pilot, I'll be looking to secure that spot thank you very much.
I'm a little busy right now, but I'd love to join this when I'm not as swamped, which hopefully shouldn't be longer than a week, if that, but we'll see. I had a character in mind for the Bounty Hunter, but since that's already 'taken' I might just go for the Scavenger. Or I could send you both and you could pick your favourite.

When I get a response to this, I'll try and find the time to put together something on whatever.

I have received no response from the user interested in the bounty hunter so that position is still open. I would be fine with you applying to either one or both.
There are two spots left to fill, the bounty hunter and the scavenger. Anyone may still apply for them, even if someone else already has, unless the information has been filled in. This means the character is no longer available.
What year does this take place in? I need to know so I can rule out some ideas.

Around 33 ABY which is before TFA. I'll add this and some other helpful info to the first post.
The bounty hunter role has been filled. All that is left is the scavenger.

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