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Fantasy Unlikely Alliance [Fantasy/Arranged Marriage]


Fear the Fluff
Three hundred years ago, humanity had come across dragons for the first time. During their first contact with their first dragon, the humans, thinking that they were simple beasts, killed the dragon. This resulted in a long and bloody war between humans and dragons. Both sides took heavy losses, and each retreated to their own lands in an attempt to preserve their races. However, a peaceful agreement had never been reached- rather, it was a mutual understanding not to enter the other's lands. Usually anyone that crossed the border- regardless of human or dragon- was never heard from again.

Nearly twenty years ago, a clan was traveling near the border when a child was discovered missing from the clan. At the same time, a dragon had been seen flying in the area. As they were searching frantically, a dragon had landed in the nearby forest and discovered a crying child. It was the same lost child from the clan, and the dragon, taking pity on the child, perhaps, decided to return the child to the clan. When the dragon first approached the clan, they thought that it was to attack. However, someone saw the child on the dragon's back, and it soon became apparent what the dragon's intention had been. The child safely climbed down from the dragon's back, and the dragon, seeing that all was well, flew away.

Since then, there have been rumors of peace talks with the dragons, although the rulers have neither confirmed nor denied this. However, the dragons need something permanent to seal peace, for they have said that they have no faith in a simple paper. So, the king of Vesperia proposed an idea- marry some of the most promising subjects to some of the most promising dragons. The dragons had agreed to this. Some believe that peace is the only way that the humans and dragons will be able to survive. Others believe that the dragons are nothing short of barbarians and will have nothing to do with the other race. Some dragons see humans as inferior. So what will happen now? Will there be peace, or another war?
Arrival The time has come for each person in the arranged marriage treaty to meet. All members are to come to the princess Solona's castle and meet their fiancee. As they enter the castle, a servant is there to take them to their room, or they can explore on their own if they wish to.

Unlikely Alliance is now open for posting! Feel free to post whenever you like!

Tags @Joker880
Tags @animegirl20 @xXDeathXLifeXAngelXx

@NyxNightmare @Jayden Kisubo @Jess Buck

@jole875 @Icerex

((I will post for Duck soon.))

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    Mya had to convince her parents to let her leave. It was tricky, but she managed to do it. Mya had left most of her stuff with her little sister, taking with her only the necessities she needed which were all stuffed into a small blue backpack she carried with her.

    Mya stood in front of the castle where they were to meet their fiancees Mya's expression showed determination but her blood was cold as she walked in through the tall doors. She admired the beauty and largeness of the castle. Upon walking in through the door she was met by a young, broad lady. The woman's face was nothing more then baby fat. She gave a small smile to Mya and welcomed her to the castle. "Hello miss, might I ask your name?" The woman asked Mya. Mya looked at the chubby maid like female and smiled softly,"Of course, I am Mya Quartz." The maid nodded her head. "Would you like for me to lead you to your room?" The woman asked. Mya looked around for another second before giving a small nod.

    The chubby lady began leading Mya down the halls of the castle quicker then her looks implied and Mya found herself jogging after her. Though, when the woman stopped Mya almost ran into her, but luckily did not.

    The woman creaked open the door to the room, allowing Mya to enter. Mya went in quietly, giving a small nod of gratitude to the maid before the chubby girl left. Mya looked around the room finding her mouth gape in slight astonishment. She wasn't expecting the room to look so neat, even if she was in a castle. Mya smiled widely and walked to the middle of the room, stretching her arms out and spinning herself gently.

    When she had had her fill of spinning dizzily in the middle of the room Mya took one more quick glance around before leaving it. She looked around the halls outside the room and decided to go back to where she had been greeted before. Mya walked through the halls, her footsteps lightly emitting a tip-tap sound. When she made it back to the front of the castle again she leaned against a wall and watched the door, she didn't want to explore in fear she'd be intruding, but she didn't want to stay alone in that room anymore so instead she sat and waited for more people to arrive.

Alessia had arrived early, much to her parent's joy and to her distaste. They were trying to get back into her good graces, so have spent every minute since she arrived talking with her about how lucky she was and so on. She didn't particularly care for them, or her engagement. So, she announced that she was going to make sure that her horse was properly being taken care of, and left. She knew that they'd be leaving before the end of the day to return home- of course they couldn't stay long- and Alessia was honestly happy to see them go. They were the ones that decided that she no longer belonged in the family until she got engaged to a dragon, after all. So, yes, she was angry. And why wouldn't I be? She thought, shaking her head. They're idiots. She decided, walking to her horse's stall. Her horse was a pretty chestnut mare named Danya, who was her loyal companion through... well, everything. She began to brush the mare. Despite the fact that she knew she was supposed to meet her soon-to-be husband, she was stalling. It was not something she looked forward to, after all. What do I even say to my dragon fiancee, anyway? 'Hello, I'm Alessia, don't eat me?'


Solona walked through the castle, checking the final preparations for the expected arrivals. everything was going well so far, but there was something that she hadn't done yet. Where is he, already? She had summoned her personal servant, but she wasn't sure how he would take the news she had to give him. It's not like he'd say no. Too loyal. But... She frowned. He probably won't like this...

@Jayden Kisubo


Kadami walked towards the castle, staring at the people that were staring at her. She had never seen so many humans- well, maybe once she had. But there were also elves and dwarves, which she had never seen before. And children! They were so small! Well, not as small as hatchlings, but still. It surprised her for some reason. When she entered the castle, she stared at the portraits on the walls for a few minutes, ignorant of the fact that Solona was in the room, until she noticed another girl. "Oh, hello."

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    Mya as humming to herself softly, the tune being her favorite song. She hummed it perfectly having had lots of practice on her way to the castle. The soft melody of the sweet tune made Mya feel calm, almost as if she was floating. But alas, it was only a mere feeling. She would never be able to float. Mya sighed, stopping her hum mid-song. She was thinking about the dragons, what kind of dragon person would she get? Would they be handsome, or loyal, or brave, or any of the things she wanted from a guy? Would he be kind and care for her just as Mya was hoping? Or would he go against all of her desires and be mean, hateful and uncaring. The thought of being stuck with a guy like that made Mya shudder, but what if that was what her fiancee was really like? What would she do, what could she do? She was stuck in this just as much as anyone else was and she found she didn't like that thought.

    Mya's thoughts were disrupted by a young girl approaching her. The girl was taller then Mya herself and was quite social as she spoke to Mya. Mya smiled sweetly, "Hi there." She chirped. Her smile gave the feel that she wasn't worried at all even though inside she was worrying so much. She felt like pacing around in circles for hours without end but she couldn't do that. It was unladylike and did not give away a good first impression.

Akira & Kori

Staring up at the large castle Akira had to push up the rising nervousness. She was to meet her fiancee soon so it was already to late to be nervous. To late to back down. Attempting to distract her thoughts from the doubts she shifted her attention to her brother who stood beside her, staring at the castle coldly. His cold expression made her flinch internally though she didn't show it on the outside. It always startled her how her brother acted when they weren't alone or in private. Clearing her throat to get his attention she attempted to soften his gaze. "The place is very big. I hope we don't get lost. "

"Hmm." Humming, Kori spared his sister a simple glance before heading into the castle leaving her to catch up. He appreciated her poorly hid attempts to lighten the mood but he didn't think anything could do so currently. Not when their futures where so uncertain.

Huffing in irritation as she was left behind Akira shifted her staff on her back and ran to catch up to her brother taking her suitcase from him once she caught up. Much to his hidden amusement. Once inside they found themselves approached by two maids. One a skinny woman with a face that was all baby fat and one that was all skin in bones.

Bowing in unison it was the chubby faced one that began to speak. "Hello and welcome. We shall be the ones that show you to your rooms. "

Blushing, Akira silently nodded as she followed the woman to their rooms. She glanced sternly at Kori when she realized he had diverted his attention to the portraits lining the walls. Her warning was clear ' be good'. Rolling his eyes Kori nodded in agreement to ' be good' and without another word, or in this case gesture, the siblings parted as their guides led them to separate halls quietly informing them who to follow.

Akira's guide, the baby faced maid, led her to a wooden door where she silently took her leave. Staring at the door Akira took a moment to gather her courage before entering the room. She found it very neat and nice, not surprising for a castle, if a bit bigger then she was used to. Setting her suitcase by the wardrobe she settled down on the window seat. Gazing out toward where her home was she couldn't help the longing she felt to be back there. Even if the others weren't so nice it was her home and she was only a little surprised she missed it. Setting her head on her knees that was pulled up to her chest she wrapped her arms around them and sighed. "I hope this alliance works. "

Stepping into his own room Kori didn't bother paying attention to the maid as she departed instead looking around the room he shall be staying in. At least it's neat and they seem to have a decent bookshelf. He noticed. Closing the door he set his suitcase down and walked toward the bookcase. He was glad, though surprised, to find they had a nice selection of books to choose one. A bit of his inner bookworm showing through he chose one blindly and settled down at the head of the bed. Taking his shoes and sword off he set them nearby before leaning back and immersing himself in the book. At least there is one silver lining here.
Arumi woke up that morning feeling pretty good. She had a nice dream though she couldn't exactly remember what happen though it must been some what romantic cause she found herself blushing. She sat up and stretched out her arms and then looked out the window. She then heard a yawn coming from Luna. She turned her head to see Luna getting up and stretching. "Well good morning Luna." "Meow" Luna replied back. Arumi then looked back out the window. "Beautiful day huh?" She then go up and started going through some clothes she uh..."Picked up" She found this nice blue outfit and some pretty jewels. She then got dressed and then came back out and posed and front of Luna. "Well what do you think? Some market guy had them though I'm pretty sure he had stole these before I did. " She looked in the old mirror she had. "Haha hey this look suites me pretty well." Luna replyed with a meow agreeing with her. "Yeah you think so to? That's good. Well time to go out. I think I might actually true to be a good girl today." She climbed out the window and headed to the town square. She walked around with Luna beside her. Suddenly she found her self standing in front of two guards. "Hold up now you can't arrest me I haven't done anything yet." The first guard sighed, "Trust me I wish that's why we were but it's not you have been summon to the castle." Arumi looked at them like they were crazy. "I'm sorry did you say summoned to the castle?.....For what?!" The second guard gave Arumi a sealed envelope. She opened it and read the letter inside. ".....?!!!!!! Marriage??!!" She looked up at them and they nodded. "Oh no your not getting me to go do that for get it." She turned around and crossed her arms. The first guard walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "Well you see I don't think you really have a choice." Arumi made a devious smile. "Wanna bet." Just then Arumi took the guards arm and flipped him over and ran for it." The guard struggle to get up then yelled out, "Hey you get back here!" The two guards chased her for a good 15 mins but what she didn't expect was to see ten guards appear right in front of her. "What the?" She found herself surrounded. "Sorry girl but this time I'm not losing you." Two guards came from behind her and each one grabbed a arm and started dragging her along to the castle. "Hey! Let me go you can't do this! I have right you know!" Luna sighed and followed them as Arumi made a fuss.

They finally made it to the castle. When they went inside her mouth dropped. "Whoa....."This place was huge and beautiful. The guards then dragged her to the room she would be staying in. She saw some others that were being led by servants. "Hey how come I'm the only one being dragged by guards huh?" One of the guards answered. "Cause you will run away and try to escape." Arumi was quite for a moment.".....well can't disagree with you there." When she made it to her room she couldn't believe her eyes. She had never seen such a fancy room. "Whoa I'm staying here!? This is so cool!" The guards let her go and she looked around the room. She then noticed her chest with all her stuff in it. "How did that....seriously you guys just went into my place and took it?" Before the guard turned to leave the room he said, "Your lucky we didn't confiscate it since half of that stuff is stolen." Arumi thought for a moment "Good point." They then left the room. She smiled and looked back at the room. She then ran to the bed and jumped on it. She laid on her stomach. "This bed is so soft! I've never felt so relaxed." She then got a thought. "I wonder" She stood up on the bed and started jumping on it. "Haha! It's bouncy to! Haha maybe this won't be so bad." The fact that she was about to marry someone she didn't even know completely left her mind as she was jumping on the bed completely enjoying herself.
Marius stood atop one of the many towers of the castle they were apparently going to be staying in. He looked down on the activities of the humans and sighed. 'they don't even notice that something is up here....' He flexed his wings (He was in his halfway form) and lashed his tail before realizing that he thought it was too quiet. Looking around, he noticed that a small storm was off over the eastern horizon and smirked. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the energy he felt from that way, slowly feeding the storm some of his own power to make it grow bigger and move this way a bit faster. He stopped when it would make a big enough impact and jumped down from the tower to land on top of a wooden building that held horses. 'its a barn' he mentally told himself as he jumped off the roof to the ground. He figured it would be an hour before the storm hit the area, since he wanted it to look natural as it came this way. He looked around and realized that many of the humans were looking at him with fear. Crossing his arms he glared at them until they moved along.


Yamato flew through the air in his Halfling form, exuberant after all the time he had spent grounded. He breathed in deeply and let it out just as fast. "This is the best!" He smiled happily and made his way to the human capital, having been there more than once, years ago. He looked down over the city as he finally reached it and saw all the people bustling around. Finally he got to the castle and landed in the back garden. "Ooohh. Pretty...."

The afternoon sun glared down from an empty blue sky, beads of sweat prickling Matt's skin as the rays washed over him. Matt was thankful that he had ditched his metal helmet, along with most of his armor, in favor of more comfortable attire. Especially his black, wide brimmed hat, now set on his head in what he thought was a rakish angle.
Nothing better then a sharp-dressed man to impress the ladies, he thought to himself, then immediately scowled, remembering the reason for this trip in the first place. "Bloody dragons," he muttered darkly, flicking the reins of his horse. The beast, a dun-colored stallion, broad in chest and flank, promising both speed and endurance, sped to a quick trot, quickly bringing them in sight of the castle walls.

Dust rose from Matt's boots as he dismounted, handing the reins of his stallion to a waiting stable-hand. Matt eyed the man darkly,
at least he looks human, he thought to himself. One could never be too careful around dragons Matt had always stated, especially since most of them could pass for humans at times. He made his way up a set of broad, dark stone steps, hand unconsciously resting on the pommel of his sword-hilt. He was shown into a wide arching hall, banners and tapestries dotting the walls, and expensive-looking rugs scattered about on the floor. He waved away a heavy-set man who tried to show him to his rooms, stating that he would rather go to his doom on his own time, thank you very much. He started wondering the magnificent, if sometimes alien, halls, hand ever present on pommel.
Doren yawned as he leaned to down to pull a piece of venison from his horse's saddle bag. The horse itself didn't have a name, Doren could tell that he didn't want a human name. He only called it by it's breed, a very large Friesian stallion, and instead of eating the piece of venison he reached up to his right shoulder and a large gyrfalcon snapped it out of his hand. Unlike the Friesian the large bird had a name, Taloon, Doren hadn't picked the name either. Taloon's mind wasn't like a man's mind let alone a dragon's but he was smart enough to be independent and make his own decisions. He had met the bird while hunting, Taloon had broken his wing while fighting an eagle and using magic he was able to heal the falcon although it did take some time. It wasn't the first time he had a bird as a companion, quite often birds of very different sizes would follow him or stay by his side and leave when they saw fit. One thing he had noticed about birds that had joined him is that they would grow larger than others of the same species.

Doren had been riding for a solid three days and he had gotten bored of reading the story about elven elk riders and how they conquered other kingdoms. Off in the distance he could see what seemed to be the large city he had heard so much of. He had never enjoyed large cities but the boredom was truly beginning to kill him. With a deep sigh he edged the Friesian into a gallop towards the gates, to his relief they were already opened. The steady clack of the Friesian's feet against the cobblestone became louder and louder as he made his way from the poorer and more crowded parts of the city towards the richer more quiet parts. From all parts of the city he collected whispers and stares, it must have been more than a few decades since the Landcaster sigil was seen. As the main castle came into view Doren slowed to a walk and whispered something to his right shoulder and with a light push from his body Taloon flew away and towards the castle. As he halted himself in front of the gates he watched as a plump little lady came out with her hands clasped, two guards stood on either side of the gate. "You must be the Doren Landcaster I've read so much about, we are very happy that you decided to come," She said and with a snap of her fingers the gate slowly opened. "If you would follow me I will take you to the stables for your horse, we will take very good care of him," the lady said with a very wide and bright smile, and as she insisted he followed her. When he got close to the stable he hopped off the Friesian and unbuckled the saddle bag and threw it over his shoulder. Like a bird into a birdhouse the horse walked into the stable, the plump lady looked back and forth then said,"Well it seems the two of you have it settled, i'll lead you on to your room now." It didn't take long for Doren to get to his room it was very high in the castle and had a good view of the city. When he walked into the room he set his saddle bags down and began to organize all of his things. A small noise came from the window's shutters, a steady tapping. Doren walked over to them and opened the right one and Taloon flew into the room and perched himself on a rack. Doren smiled and walked to the rack Taloon stood on and began to strip off his pieces of armor and put them on the rack. After hanging his circlet he turned and walked for the bed, after peeling back the blankets he jumped in and grabbed a book he had set on the bedside drawer and flipped a few pages and began reading.
Jessica had gotten up extra early to make sure that she looked immaculate for when she met her fiance. Granted her fiance was a dragon but that was beside the point. She was just excited to get out of house. Jessica, being the oldest daughter, was burdened with most of the hard house chores. She was excited for someone to wait of her for a change. Not only that, but she was going to meet a bunch of dragons. Real dragons! She couldn't wait to ask them questions and learn everything she could. Although Jessica was worried. Her father, and pretty much everyone didn't know that she was gay. So when she learned that she had been betrothed to one of the dragon nobles she was worried. She had a sinking feeling that she would have to marry some guy and be doomed to a life without love forever. She didn't want anyone to know that she was gay, but she also didn't want to be married to someone whom she didn't love. But, she had to trust her King and Queen that this was the best way for there to be peace between the two races.

Jessica took one last look at herself in the mirror before heading down stairs. Her family were all sitting waiting for her. She smiled at her older brother and her younger sisters and hugged them before looking back at her father. Her father smiled sadly at Jessica and brought her into a tight hug.

"I am so proud of you mijah." He said. "You are going to make a beautiful bride."

"Gracias Papá..." (Thank you papa) Jessica said, fighting back tears. She let go of her father and smiled at her family one last time before grabbing her luggage and heading out the door. Her home wasn't very far from the castle so she had no trouble walking the cobblestone roads to her temporary home. She smiled and said hello to people as she made her way to the castle. Once there, she stared in awe at the interior. "I mean I know its a castle but Jesus......this place looks amazing." She thought to herself.

After wondering around for a few minutes, Jessica found an open room where a few people where standing and waiting. She smiled and walked inside.

"Hi..." She said. "Am I in the right place?" She asked.
When her greeting was returned, Kadami smiled happily. "My name is Kadami Chlaw." She introduced herself in a friendly manner. "This is my second time being on human lands. It's a bit exciting, don't you think?" She then gave a small awkward laugh. "Maybe not to you, though, since you live in human lands?" She shook her head at herself. "Have you met your betrothed already?" She asked, not knowing that she might be asking nosy questions. When another girl walked in, she smiled at her. "Are you here for the treaty, then? If so, that's here."

@xXDeathXLifeXAngelXx @Jess Buck


Solona turned towards Sinnal when he appeared. "Yes, I called you." She signaled for him to follow her, and went into a side room so that they wouldn't be seen. "The preparations are all going well, but there's a problem. One of the intended can't make it due to an accident. He was thrown by a horse, I believe." She paused. "My brother has requested that I ask you to take his place."

@Jayden Kisubo


Alessia looked up as she heard a thump from the roof of the stable. Frowning slightly, she put the brush away and left her horse's stall. When she got outside, she saw what was obviously a dragon, although he was in his human form- or mostly, anyway. He still had a tail and wings, but otherwise he looked like a person. She saw him glare at people, who all quickly scurried away, and frowned again. "It's rude to glare, you know. Someone might get the wrong idea." She paused, sensing something in the wind. There shouldn't be a storm here... she looked at the dragon again, returning her attention to him.


Fisethal flew all the way from her mountainous home, rushing the entire time. She had a delayed departure, due to the fact that she had to help a less-than-healthy young woman most of the time. She had someone that could take over for her, but it took a while to find one. As she neared the town where they were all supposed to meet, she landed and transformed back into her human form, changing out of her long, serpent-like body for a more practical one. Hopefully I'm not supposed to be there at a certain time. She thought, heading towards the castle.

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    Mya smiled towards the sound of the second girls name. Kadami sounded like such a pretty name. "I'm Mya Quartz." Mya introduced herself, giving a slight bow as a polite gesture as well.

    "Hm, it seems exciting!" Mya's energetic self kicked in, making her clap her hands together. "I've only seen so much, to be honest. Exploring the world would sound like such fun though!" Mya gave a wide smile at the thought, she did want to travel to different places. She wanted to see just how beautiful this world really was underneath the horrors the people created. She wondered if she'd get a chance to do that anymore.

    "Nope. I want to meet whoever it is soon though! I'm really curious as to what they will be like!" Mya gave a little jump and stood on her toes for a moment. She had used the words 'whoever it is' and 'they' instead of him or he, unsure of whether or not she would be wedded to a male or female, however she hoped for it to be a male. She had nothing against females, she just never felt for them the same way she did males. Though, Mya had dated a few girls when she was younger as even now she never rejected the idea, but she still just preferred men.

    As another walked in, female again, Mya looked up holding her wide smile. She was happy to not be alone in this castle. The next female was shorter then Mya was and Mya was relieved. She was always shorter then most girls but this one was shorter then she. "Hello there~" Mya cooed, hair falling into her face.

    @AlannaTrebond @Jess Buck


Tensing as the sound of someone approaching the room met his enhanced ears Kori stared blankly at the pages forcing himself to relax as the door opened. He didn't want to give up the advantage of surprise if it was a threat. However he soon found his fears were for not as the door opened and in stepped a human. Hearing his words and apology he sighed. It was just his fiancee. Closing his book he set it down and stood. He finally turned his gaze to the other male as he approached him stopping a foot or so away. Deciding to be polite, if only to spare himself his sister's wrath, he held his hand out. "So I noticed. Hello, my name is Kori Ringe. You are?"

@Jayden Kisubo
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"I'm supposed to WHAT?!"
Loki roared with displeasure in his voice. That was the start of his terrible day. He avoided going to the castle as long as he could. In fact, he even refused to leave his gave in the mountains, he had to be drugged with an anesthetic and chained. There is absolutely no way I got chosen for this. I'm a little reckless. But please. A marriage? With a HUMAN? Just who do they think they are playing with?

It wasn't long until he found himself in front of the place he dreaded the most. There is no God, he wouldn't do something so cruel...

He couldn't help but think back to Mayu. He had heard she too had been chosen for the marriage arrangement. She's probably happy about it though. As Loki set foot through the doors, the chains were removed from him by the castle guards, and they threatened destruction to his clan if he didn't comply.

"Oh what could you possibly do? Just wait I'll-" He stopped himself as he realized they were ignoring his words. Burn in hell...all of you.

He scanned the room quickly, immediately just walking towards and into the room he was assigned to. He didn't even want to bother associating with anybody. Once inside the room he cursed under his breath and clawed at his skin. It's disgusting...I'm disgusting like this...this...stupid...worthless, evil human flesh... Loki gave up and rolled his sleeves back down to cover the bleeding mess. He didn't want to see who would walk into that room with him.

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    Dakota walked slowly, hesitant to even be going to the castle at all. He had received news that he was to be wed to a dragon, the thought scared Duck. He wanted to be back at home, doing the things he did.

    Dakota fought against himself, telling himself he should only bring a few pairs of clothes and that was exactly what he had. Wrapped around Dakota's neck was a pale blue scarf, his shoulder held a large blue bag of other clothes that he had. He was wearing a sweatshirt, the sleeves folded up to his elbows, and some pale peach pants. It wasn't fancy but it wasn't messy. His hair, however, was everywhere. He had brushed it, but his attempts at looking somewhat nice failed miserably. His hair didn't get worse, but it didn't get better. The dark blue-black strands constantly got into his face and he had to push his hair away every few minutes.

    Reaching the castle had taken less time then Dakota thought, and he stared at it with wide eyes. "Wow..." He breathed, looking to the door. The dreaded door. Who knew what lie waiting for him passed this point? Dakota put on an optimistic smile and slowly went into the building. When in he looked around. A few people were there, conversing. Duck found himself take a small breathe before he sighed. everything was different from what he expected. First of all, when Dakota imagined a castle he imagined a run down place but that was not so the case here. Pictures lined the walls and the building was well lighten, well attended to. Dakota wondered how many people it took to keep such a large place in its well looks. Shifting, Dakota looked down at the floor, waiting for something to happen.

Jessica smiled and sighed with relief.

"Good I found the right place." She giggled and set down her luggage. She held out her hand. "My name is Jessica Torres. But you can call me Jess." She gave both of the girls friendly smiles. They were both quite cute. The one had big brown eyes, soft features, and long brown hair. While the other also had soft features, but her eyes were blue and her hair a fiery red. They were both tall, much to Jessica's dismay. She should've been used to it by now but it still irritated her to see people who were so much taller than her. "Does anyone know what's going on or when we're going to get a move on with things? I'm quite impatient."

@xXDeathXLifeXAngelXx @AlannaTrebond
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Mayu walked into the massive castle. Her eye sparkled at the décor. So this is the castle...beautiful. If it weren't for the whole marriage contract I wouldn't mind staying here forever. Making her way past the paintings and into the lobby area she met other girls who were talking amongst themselves. She was going to go over and introduce herself, but a familiar scent caught her attention. Her magenta eyes widened. Loki..? Her heart sank. Great...I'm surprised he didn't get himself into confinement yet. This day must be awful for him. So caught up in her worry for Loki she almost forgot about herself. Though she tried not to dwell too much on who she would be paired with. As the voice of a woman sounded she turned to look at her, hiding a bit behind her hood she spoke, "I'm sure it isn't too much longer..." She seems so impatient...or eager...I wonder if she's actually looking forward to something such as this.

@Jess Buck

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    Mya smiled. The new person who had come over to converse with them was quite cute. Mya found herself looking down at her feet. "Hello Jess, I'm Mya Quartz." Mya said, lifting her head up and standing on her toes with a wide smile. She was so happy and bouncy today, her eyes wide. "Nope, I've got no idea." Mya said, a little embarrassed by it as well. She felt she should probably know more about this whole marriage thing but she only knew one thing for certain: she was apart of it. Mya would have to get used to her new surroundings. To the castle, to the beautiful decor, to the surrounding territory, to having a husband. Mya had always gotten guys asking her for her hand in marriage, but Mya always put them down. She struggled doing it too. It was always so sad to let a guy down, but she didn't want to be stuck with someone whom she didn't really like. Look where she was now, being married to some dragon guy who she had never met. Mya sighed. She was only still smiling on hopes, hopes that this guy who she was betrothed to would be the perfect one. Though, a voice inside her told her he wouldn't be.

    Mya looked up to the sound of another voice, seeing another dragon female standing in the lobby. Though Mya couldn't get a good read on the third girl's face because of her hood something about the girl made Mya smile softly. "Oh man, I wonder who I have. I really want to know~" Mya stretched her arms out, yawning. It seemed she would have suddenly lost her energetic self to her tiredness, but Mya wouldn't let that happen. Her face became a smile once more as she jumped on her toes. She had a habit of doing that, jumping onto her toes. When she was younger, standing on her toes would be how she released her crazy energy.

    @AlannaTrebond @Jess Buck @NyxNightmare

Kadami smiled at the human girls. They seemed nice enough, and she was happy that a random act of kindness on her part had this kind of effect, although she wouldn't say so out loud- that would sound arrogant. "I'm not really sure what's going on." She admitted with a half shrug. "I think we're supposed to wait for your... ah... what was the word?" Kadami tilted her head to the side, frowning in thought. "Your leader." She said instead. At least she knew what that word was, at least. "I think your leader is supposed to tell us who we're engaged with, or we're supposed to meet them on our own." She looked around the room, noticing a servant trying to catch her attention. "Although I think I'm going to see my living space now. I'm rather curious." She admitted. She gave both of the girls a warm smile. "I'll see you both soon. I'll be back shortly." She told them, walking over to the servant, and letting her lead her to her room.
Mayu listened to the girl's words and for a split second she almost found this whole situation exciting. After all, she was supposed to spend forever with this human, and regardless of love, she would be meeting a human! A real one, in the flesh. A servant walked over to her as well, whispering instructions to which room she was assigned. She nodded and smiled to the rest. "I hope your fiancé's end up wonderful." Her voice was hopeful, although as she made her way to her own room the hope began to shed off of her.

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    Mya waved goodbye to Kadami and Myuu, smiling as she did so. She looked over at Jess, the only one left who was standing with her. "Well, I might just go drop my stuff off at the room, I'll see you around, bye Jess." Mya said. Her good-byes were a bit long, she always made excuses for herself when she left and said things like 'I'll see you around, talk to you later' things like that.

    Mya skipped away cheerfully, her hair flowing behind her neatly. She had to try and remember where the room was located now, her memory being a bit bad in situations like this. She took a turn here, made a left there. Wait, was it a right instead? Mya had no idea and shifted as she looked at the floor. She'd just wander around if she couldn't find the room.

    Mya kept walking, her eyes examining everything around her, some things looked familiar while other looked super confusing. Why did she have to have such a bad memory? Mya hadn't noticed when she walked right past the door until she paused and looked around, squeaking awkwardly and backing up, to the door. She stared at it, examining every detail. Oh how she hoped this room would be the right one. Resting her hand on the handle, Mya got several shivers running down her spine at once. She felt like she should just turn back now, but she forced herself to turn the handle and creak the door open, looking in to see a tall man standing in the room. The shivers were back as Mya stepped in. Oh God, please tell me this is the right room. She thought, crossing her fingers behind her back. "Errr... hi." Mya said with a soft, polite smile. Her eyebrows had raised. She felt the air stiffen in the room. The male in front of her was much taller, making Mya look up at him. But once she got a glance at his facial features, she looked down at the ground, shifting and folding her hands behind her awkwardly.




As the door creaked open, Loki's eyes shot to the figure of a girl. Her hair was neat and flowing, like a river. So that's who I'm wed to? A grin crept upon his face as she dared to step closer. I can snap her in half. The blood from slashing himself earlier dripped down onto the wooden floor. The fact she was so soft annoyed him a bit. She's just like Mayu, maybe worse. He smirked, giving her an amused look. Swiftly he pressed her back against the wall, taking her wrists and pinning them over her head. He didn't hold back on his strength as he gripped her. The rest of his body was close enough to keep her from moving. His dark scarlet eyes stared into her own. "Didn't your parents ever teach you to knock human?" The blood seeped down the girl's arms. Loki drew his face close to hers, close enough to take in her breath. "Don't bother speaking to me if you don't want to be killed." Of course he wasn't serious when he said those words, something so drastic would break the peace between the two species. There would be a moment to challenge the contract, but now wasn't it. He would just have to be patient for now. Releasing her he walked over to the nearby sink to wash the blood off his arms.

"I hope you weren't expecting some sort of fairy tale. Most you humans do." He turned to her after drying his skin. "Not that you'll be using it, but I'm Loki." He had to admit she smelled nice though. However that just might be because of his urge to eat her. Not to know for sure. He leaned against the sink, watching her for her reaction, her presence already annoying him. @xXDeathXLifeXAngelXx
Sinnal froze at Solona's words and stared at her for a moment before sighing. "If that is what the king wishes, then it would be an honor, Princess...." He replied his affirmative slowly, knowing that he couldn't very well disobey the king. It made him slightly happy to note that the king had asked, and not Solona herself. He thought about it and figured that if nothing else, they would let him continue his duties for now. Speaking of which.... "Princess, if I may, I would like my betrothed to be moved to my rooms. It would be more convenient than me taking the time to move all of my things. I already have the set up for two people since you insisted that I may get married one day...." He glared lightly at her as he said the last words, it had been an argument between them for the longest time.

Marius was still glaring at the passing humans when he heard a voice below him comment on his glaring. He glanced down and raised an eyebrow that the human female. "Tch. It is rude to stare as well. I am sure that they are aware that my kind will be here for however long, it should have prepared them for seeing us." He replied to her words flatly and jumped off the roof to land in a crouch in front of her before standing straight again.


After walking through the gardens, Yamato was found by a maid as soon as he walked into the castle. "Do you guys have pictures of us or what." He grinned, showing it was a joke and followed the maid to his room. He nodded to her as he stepped into the room. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed a girl bouncing on the bed in the room. She almost looks like.... Nah, that would be too much of a coincidence.... He decide to let her know that he was in the room at least. "I can only hope that you're supposed to be doing that..." He grinned her way as he began to put his things in the furniture on the right side of the room.


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    Mya's mind went blank for a moment. It seemed as if she wasn't in her own body anymore. But she came back to the sound of dripping onto the ground. Mya glanced up to look at the floor, where a bit of blood splattered. Her eyes widened as she looked up again to the grinning blonde. A snap of a second later she was pinned against a wall, wrists brought above her head and uncomfortably close to the man now, her breathing seemed to stop. She held her breathe and stared again at his face, this time taking notice of his red eyes. She didn't dare breathe. Breathing now felt like the worst hing to do. She fell into a silent, non-existent mode as if she was dead. Her only response to everything he said was a small nod.

    The feel of something wet slowly drawing down Mya's arm snapped her back to reality and she looked over to the male's arm, covered in blood which crept onto her own arm. Her eyes widened again as she looked back to the assumed dragon. She was going to open her mouth to say something, having not heard his warning from before, but she was stopped by him releasing her and him talking. She stared at him blankly, the energetic version of her had left. His voice showed displeasure and it made Mya twitch. She looked at the ground and brought her arm up to her shoulder and stood there, her expression was dark. She decided against telling him her name, she'd leave it at 'human' unless if he requested to know it. His threatening red gaze made Mya flinch and she only walked over to a wall and leaned against it, sliding down slowly until she was on the floor, playing with her fingers.



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