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Unknown Fate [Ethereal x Sagewood]


New Member
It was an unusually windy day in the small city of Treyport, thick gray clouds rolling quickly above the horizon. Astrid had decided to take a relaxing after work that day, never really noticing the uncommon weather until she was almost knocked down by a very strong gust of wind.

Her pale blue eyes looked to see a sight she had never seen before. White lights flew in the cloudy sky like bees searching for flowers to pollinate. There was no way those lights could have been comets, falling stars or airplanes. Impossible. She watched the lights and her eyes followed one that lowered and was floating only a few feet away from her.

Suddenly a bright light engulfed her, forcing Astrid to close her eyes. A comfortable warmth wrapped itself around her before she fainted into whiteness.

6 Years Later

She could hear murmurs of people and a beeping of a machine, herself feeling heavy and tired. She tried to open her eyes, but the light was too bright and she was forced to close them again, feeling pain in her eyes as a few tears formed in the process. After blinking a few times, Astrid was able to completely open her eyes, but she was seeing double.

Unfamiliar people surrounded her, making confusion seep into her mind. She wondered where she was, but was too tired to think of anything. Looking around the room, she finally recognized where she was: Astrid was in a hospital. People were silent, all of their eyes on her, waiting for her to say something.

"Why am I here?" She rasped out, her heart quickening in nervousness.
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