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Fandom University of Walt Disney at Magic Kingdom

Jimmy Crick

Location: River Time: Bonfire With: Lilith, Karen and Leah @Rida @NessieAlways @Celemyvel Mentions: Rodger, Ferka, Pino

Jimmy was looking ragged by the time Lilith came, his suit was already askew and his tie was unraveled. He looked at Lilith with a look of hope and exasperation. “Man am I glad to see you. These people just won’t listen to me, everything is chaotic and they would only listen to the student council president, but you were occupied. I had to fake many calls to get them to do even this much and even then they didn’t do it right.” He sat down in a chair and rubbed his temples.

“I’m glad to see you, Leah. Don’t think for a second I blame this on you. I blame lazy workers for this much chaos. At least the students don’t even notice. The stuff Rodger got is old, but works. How he conned the local theatre group out of it is beyond me, but it works. The randomize program for the flame sequencer is a bit off but a staff member is looking at it. He’s that grumpy guy that we met last year when we had the blackout, remember? When the net went out in the dorms? Rodger was selling cell phones with 4G hookups for people to complete homework. I swear he’s as useful as he is troublesome.” He got up and straightened his tie. “Enough about that troublemaker though. This is a party and we’re going to have fun. Are you guys hungry? I think the wolves have descended on the table of food, but there should still be good stuff left.”

He looked at the jumbled mess and sighed. “Sorry this is all chaotic. Normally I would have cracked the whip, but with so many last moment changes I’ve been unable to keep up with everything. Security is taking measures and the students are having fun, but keeping it mostly within the boundaries of reason.” At that moment Pino ran by without his shirt with two girls, one threatening to burst out of her thinly clad bikini. The three of them were clearly drunk. “Party till you’re naked!” Pino yelled and ran towards the river with the girls. Jimmy sighed. “Notice I said mostly. Obviously there are exceptions.” Jimmy said with a slight hint of annoyance. He looked at the person he did not recognize. "Hello, I don't think we've met. I'm Jimmy Crick, Lilith's pit bull." He smiled at Karen.





Major: Music//Year: 1st//Location: The River// Class: N/A//Scenario: More people// Time: maybe 8:00PM// With: Stanley @Xeyran//Mentions:

Even though it was obvious Adam was easy to spot when walking aimlessly alone, he refused to acknowledge this. He wanted to be invisible. He thought it would be easy since nobody knew him or had any interest him whatsoever...unless of course he counted Isabella, Rodger or Esme. He sighed at the thought of the last name, a long solemn sigh. He probably should not have snubbed her like that. He was always doing stupid things; pushing people away and making it hard for people to befriend him. After all, it was only his mindless assumption that she might like him more than was appropriate. If he was honest it was just wishful thinking...

"Hey, first year right? You exploring the place too?" At this, Adam finally realised he had been letting his feet carry him in whatever direction they pleased and noticed a younger looking guy walking in step beside him looking as though he was forcing himself to converse openly with anyone he came across. On any normal day he might've attempted to get rid of the boy, but right now, Adam supposed it was a welcome distraction so he replied, trying not to sound as dejected as he felt.

"Yeah, I suppose you could say that. I'm not much of a socialiser, so I'm planning on sitting back and watching everyone. Besides...I need to get back to my dog." He shrugged then turned his full attention to the other guy. "I'm Adam by the way. Music major," he put his hand out to shake at this.

Dodger Smith

Time: Bonfire With: Annabelle @ShurikenPhoenix (Briefly), Various other students Mentions: Aurora, Theo @NessieAlways Scene: A Moment's Respite

Rodger was glad to see Annabelle, a friendly face among the chaos. "Thanks, I mean it. At least someone is happy at the news. I never knew so many people had it in for me till now. Or maybe now they have it in for me BECAUSE I am now dating Little Tiger. She is rather popular and sorta gives off the Ice Queen impression. Between you and me though she's a bit...crazy. Good thing I like crazy women." He said with his natural rouge's smile. He waved to her as she went off with a bit of a smile in his heart. At least not everyone was out to get him or make fun of him due to his dating Tora. A few more customers and he would have to refuel at the Impala. People around him seemed to be having fun. He sighed, wishing he could be one of them. The mortgage was due at the end of the month though, and his parents were running a month behind on the water bill. If he could just make enough tonight he could solve that problem. He already had enough to pay last month's and this month's water bill. Now he just needed 1100 to make the house payment. He should get that from the book sales and the various other bootleg stuff he would sell, and the stipend would come soon from ROTC. His parents thought he worked for the school. A lie that was almost believable to even him because he didn't want them to know that their son was a smuggler. Sure he could pretty up the words, and say the rules were unjust and the school should just let him do his thing, but in his heart he knew what he was. He was grateful to Tora. The stipend for ROTC recruits was decent. Nothing what he made selling bootleg copies of in theater DVDs, but it would help. Then to be an officer? He really hadn't thought that far ahead, but he knew the pay was good and by then Dad should have finished his fight with Social Security Disability and be able to work on things there. He knew his family counted on the money he sent them. If it broke a few rules it was worth it, but man did it take its toll on his mind. He wanted nothing more to be the normal student his parents thought he was. Then again, if he was a normal student he probably never would have crossed paths with Tora. Sometimes clouds have silver linings.

He had Tora to think about now too. He could damage her reputation. Hell he probably already did. He had to be perfect. Act perfect. Not be so bitchy towards Leia now that they were in ROTC and she was above him. He had to act like a soldier. Problem was, he didn't know what a soldier acted like. He guessed he could act like Tora or Leia, but they both seemed a little hardcore. Herc though....he was Cadet Captain for a reason. Tora trusted him. If he could act like Herc, then maybe he could get a little respectability. Would that damage his relationship with Tora though? Tora fell in love with him, not Herc. So maybe he should stay the same and do it his way? Damn it, he didn't know what to do. Either option had problems. He needed a friend to mull this over with, but all his friends were too close to the situation, or he knew only for a day. He guessed Theo could help, but that would just send him to a rant. He never approved of student-teacher relationships. Plus he was always afraid of someone using his kind nature against him, so he would rant about how all women are evil. Man, Theo's divorce must have been bad.

No matter how hard he thought he couldn't come up with a better idea that. "Uragg...I dunno." He hated relying on others, but he needed an opinion. He briefly thought of Aurora. That could prove.....problematic. "Hey I know I just got over you crushing my soul, but I'm dating someone. Could you tell me how to not have her dump me?" Yeah, that would be fun. He held no grudge, he was too carefree for that, plus whiskey helped, but seeking the help of an ex seemed bad. Who else did he know? The Melody Illusions gang might help, but that might get back to Tora. He needed someone neither of them knew. Well that was a tall order. "Hey I'm Dodger, care to help me with my love life?" The thought frustrated him and he rubbed his head and screamed. A few people stopped and stared. "I'm, um, out of olives. For martinis." he said quickly and hustled away. He looked at the happy people. This will be me next year. For now though, I'll just enjoy the after party with Tora.

Kyle Ren

Time: Bonfire With: Leia @ShurikenPhoenix Scene: A Brother From A Younger Mother

Kyle was sauntering around the bonfire, something he never did as a student, and was helping sick students. Mostly acute alchol poisoning. A good vomit and some sleep and they would be okay. There was a fracture when someone stepped onto someone else's arm as a group trounced into the river, but nothing serious. He was one of the first responders, wearing a bright orange jacket with a medical cross on it so people could spot him in an instant. He spotted Leia at the DJ booth and snuck up to surprise her. He heard the Cantina Band Theme play several times and saw a smile turn to annoyance. "You know you should see a Doctor for that." He said tapping her on the shoulder. "Stress is a killer. Leads to all manner of horrible conditions." He said in a serious monotone. "I recommend seeing an old friend. Perhaps that would ease your stress. Lt. Organa, as I think you're called nowadays?" He said, breaking a smile at last. "I remember you crying when you were a kid, demanding that we go to the same school, despite my graduation at 16. Sorry for granting your wish late, and only for a year. It's good to see you Leia." Kyle said with a warm smile

Ophelia Lilliana Robin

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Opheliagif2.gif.2b9c129412e2aa7168b99211bc88b4d1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Opheliagif2.gif.2b9c129412e2aa7168b99211bc88b4d1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Snack table/River

With: Mairead @ShurikenPhoenix

'Thank you! I love your hair. It's such a pretty colour. Not like mine, Want to head to the river? I'm sure you don't want to be stuck talking about soccer,"

"Oh... T-t-thanks." Ophelia blushed, twirling a strand of it with her finger. "The river?" Ophelia asked, glancing over at the people swimming and throwing around inflatable beach balls. "Umm..." Ophelia turned her attention back to Hagane and Mairead. The two were chatting animatedly about the team, and she highly doubted her presence would be missed. It would be kind of rude just to leave, but technically she wasn't "just leaving." She was being pulled away. Ophelia wondered exactly why Annabelle had approached them. Clearly, she wasn't into soccer. And it didn't appear that she was particularly close to Mairead or to Hagane... Had she come for Ophelia?

Was this a rescue mission?

Well, If it was, it would be rude to dismiss her efforts. "
Sure." Ophelia followed the incredibly cheery girl away from Mairead and Hagane and closer to the river. Ophelia took a seat by the edge. "I'm not much of a swimmer, but I'll watch." Ophelia crossed her legs, looking around and taking in the scene of the bonfire. "U-umm, thanks for the rescue, b-by the way." Ophelia blushed and rubbed the back of her neck nervously. There were a lot of people around.




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Dodger Smith

Location: River Time: Bonfire With: Assorted Students, Jim

Dodger was looking around, hawking his wares when he spied a pair of legs poking out of a table. Someone must have passed out. He thought and since he was going back to resupply anyway he decided to help. He pulled on the legs, to reveal someone who barely looked 18. He swore. "Wake up. Come on wake up!" He said, poking the girl. She popped her eyes open. "Ahm shtill ready to partty." She slurred. "How old are you?" he asked. "I'm uh...21!" She said happily. "Not buying it. Where's your ID?" he asked. "Lost it! Gave it to a guy named Pino." She woozed. "Okay I'm the one selling the booze. I'm the one who's ass is on the line. How. Old. Are. You?" He said while gritting his teeth. "Ahm eighteen, but Pino said it was ok, everyone was doing it." She sniffed. "Remind me to tell you about cliffs when you're sober." Dodger sighed. "Come on, let's get you back to your room." She stood up and fell down. She then started to cry. Whispers were going around and Dodger panicked. He picked her up and ran to his car. "You smell nice." She said rubbing her face in his neck. "My girlfriend thinks so too." He said grimly. "But she's not here." the girl said playfully. Now in full annoyance, Dodger said "I am going to kill you Pino. Then I am going to wear your skin as a trophy and run around the school." he said in a deadpan voice. "Hey! Any of that stuff take it elsewhere...Dodger?!" Jim said stalking close to the car. "She's drunk Jim. Not my idea. I'm just trying to make sure nothing bad happens to her." Jim looked at the girl and sighed. "When did you give her the booze?" "Me?!" Dodger said, outraged. "This was pure Pino! I should have known he was buying it to butter up the younger girls. Now the king eats and the hand takes the shit." He grumbled. "I'm going to have to report a drunk minor." Jim said regretfully. "I know." Dodger said, rubbing his eyes. "I'll make it as much Pino's fault as I can but he was probably drunk too and well you DID sell the alcohol." "I know." Dodger said, still rubbing his head. "Good news is now we can catch Pino before he does it again. I'll keep an eye on him after I get this girl to her bed." "I'd rather go to his." She said, still snuggling up to Dodger. "Very uninterested, and Jim?" "Yeah?" "I know you gotta report this but could you not tell Tora the girl was all over me? Please?" "I'll use the utmost discretion little britches." Jim said with a smile. Dodger sighed. That was the end of booze tonight. He still had three kegs worth in the back of the Impala and now it would go to waste. What was he supposed to do? Drink it himself? He sighed and leaned back in his seat. He'd catch hell for this, he just knew it. Still, he managed to make quite a bit. Enough to warrant a chance at doing homecomming, provided he tightened security. Damnit he really could have used the girls. He took a flask of whiskey sour and sipped on it. Looked like he was a normal student sooner than he expected. He was already out of the sodas, all he had left was beer and a few extra stuff for personal use. He sighed again. Damn Pino.
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@Inritz//Mentions: Han @TheTraveller [/size][/color]

Leia was quite engrossed in her Djing once more when she felt the presence of someone considerably taller than her looming behind her. The brunette turned rather abruptly expecting to see Han, all the while expertly handling the DJ deck. "Han you idi-"

She promptly interrupted herself when she saw who she was actually speaking to.

The woman's jaw very nearly dropped. "God Kyle it's you!" she exclaimed, breaking into a smile just as she did. All who knew Leia knew that she did not let on how she felt very often, but she had not seen Kyle since she was young as he had so embarrassingly reminded her. "What are you doing here? Did Han put you up to this?"[/font]



Kyle Ren

Location: River With: Leia @ShurikenPhoenix Time: Bonfire Scene: It moves us, surrounds us

Kyle laughed. "As much as I would like to place my skulduggery on that rascal this was purely my idea. Coming back to my alma matter to serve my internship. I had thought about joining the military like my friend Huxtable, and you, but I don't think I'd make a very good soldier." Besides there's no money in it. He thought silently. "I would have told you sooner, but I adore surprises. Are you surprised?" he said with a twinkle in his eye.
Dodger Smith

Location: River Time: Bonfire With: Herc @ShurikenPhoenix Mentions: Leia, Tora, Pino Scene: Not Always So Smart

Dodger left his Impala and wandered around. His mind was a mix. He spied Hercules in the distance and hesitated. He then pushed himself. He walked up to him and saluted as best he was able, it was a bit of a mess, but at least he tried. "Cadet Captain, might I have a word?" He said while the girls were obviously trying to each get a piece of the star. He whispered in his ear. "Listen, I know I'm not really soldier material. Even Pino, as he is, has a better grasp of the military than me. You're the only one I can turn to. Lt. Organa would eat me alive. I think she doesn't like me too much. Perhaps I'm not respectable enough. That's what I want. To be a little more respectable. I can't do it on my own. My own schemes seem to be biting me in the ass lately and I don't want that to happen anymore. Sure I am a bit of a scoundrel but I can put my talents to use and help the team and you can make me worthy of the title of 'Officer'." Dodger shifted uncomfortably. "I don't know if you know this, but last year I asked Aurora to marry me. She turned me down. I was too quick and now I'm worried. I was a little naive, and I've learned a great deal since then. I don't want to crash and burn again. The only way I see anyone taking Tora and I seriously is if I'm as good a soldier as I am at academics. I'm not an honor student for nothing, but that only shields me from most things. I don't want the Captain to suffer because of me. I'm done with people taking the fall because I didn't try." He looked earnestly at Herc and waited for his reply.

@Inritz//Mentions: Aurora (awkward!) @NessieAlways [/color][/size]

It was times like these as he hung out by the river surrounded by beautiful college girls, that being Heracles Thermopolis both was awesome and not so awesome simultaneously. Sure the aesthetic was cool and sometimes the girls were actually kind of interesting, but the forced interest he had to keep up and the permanent smile were starting to make his jaw ache. This was why he was glad of the distraction when Rodger's voice called to him asking if he had a moment to spare. Nodding politely to the girls he excused himself. "I'm sorry lovely ladies, but it appears I'm wanted elsewhere. You take care of yourselves now okay? And drink responsibly." He said this with a playful wink, but the genuine concern shone through in his words.

Herc took a deep breath as he stepped away from the girls and turned his attention to Rodger who did look unusually troubled. He folded his arms across his chest as he began to explain his predicament. Herc listened intently through most of it, though his eyebrows raised to Olympus at the mention of Aurora. At the mention of a marriage proposal he simply had to interject.[/font]

"Wait, you dated Aurora...and proposed to her? Are you out of your-" he cut himself off at that and restarted his sentence. "Look, uh, never mind that...it's just we kind of have a history....a-anyway man, the only way to get respect is first, don't care so much what people think of you. It'll make it easier to just do things that will gain respect...like..." he struggled to come up with an example. Usually Herc was not the guy one went to for advice on stuff beyond which fast-food joint to eat at. "I wasn't always a superstar athlete. I had to work hard, lose time with friends, change my diet and be a general outcast. But through my hard work, I earned the respect. You get it bro?" He looked unconvinced that he had made any sense, "Oh and quit thinking Leia hates you. She's cranky with all of us." With that he gave a small nod of encouragement, clapped him on the shoulder and turned to leave.





[ Location: Bonfire || Time: 7:45pm || Class: None ]

[ With: Ariel & Autumn @ShurikenPhoenix || Mentions: - || Scenario: -]

[ Outfit ]

Oscar had his attention solely on Autumn. The student had instinctively reached down, offering her his hand if she needed some help to get back up after the incident. He may be infamous for his predominantly careless nature, however the term 'careless' certainly didn't apply to everything he was involved in; maybe he couldn't care less about his classes, his reputation and whether or not his adoptive family still thinks about him - he still had manners. His 'family' had burnt that into his brain - raised him to be at least somewhat of a gentleman and treat those who deserved it with respect. Aside from that, however, was the matter of basic human decency; which many people he knew lacked, unfortunately.

Watching as Autumn picked herself off the ground, Oscar retracted his hand. She either hadn't noticed or didn't feel the need to take it; either way he was unfazed and relieved that he hadn't caused her a major injury.
"That was a genius move,"; The other student's voice had taken him by somewhat of a surprise. He looked away from Autumn and glanced to where the voice had come from; “Play a ball in a crowded place. A very perfect venue, love. Spot on, big boy." Oscar sighed and folded his arms, arching an eyebrow as a playful smirk formed on the girl's face. Her voice was laced with blatant sarcasm and upon recognizing her, he couldn't have expected her to say anything different. Ariel Scott. She was also a third year at the University, but they didn't share any classes. Though, despite not knowing her on a personal level, he could make assumptions if he wanted to. He had heard enough about her to create his own first impression of the girl, and the words and way in which she had spoken supported the image he had formed in his mind.

He smirked, amused by her sarcastic comments,
"True. Maybe it wasn't the best decision but it sure beats standin' around drinking." He shrugged before turning away to look for the culprit who actually kicked the ball, “Oi Bruce!” However upon locating his friend, he noticed that the boy had his back on him, whistling like it wasn’t his problem. Oscar just sighed, returning his attention to Ariel and of course, Autumn; who had spoken up for the first time since she'd fallen, “It’s no big deal, don’t sweat it.” Considerably surprised by her reaction, Oscar smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. He hadn’t been expecting such a casual response. Autumn had the reputation to get a little fiery, so he was quite taken aback by her calm reply. Smiling, he went to say something, however Ariel beat him to it; "Try hitting someone in the head, if you manage to hit a professor, then plus points for you, and of course... a bragging rights."

Oscar raised a brow, a playful smile on his lips.
“Tempting. Not gonna lie.” He admitted before once again turning away in the slightest. He took a casual sweep of his surroundings, surveying all the professors who were present at the bonfire. Despite Ariel's challenge being very enticing, he wasn't feeling particularly inclined to participate - plus, he was already content with all the 'bragging rights' he had previously received over the years. He shrugged, “But, it's the first day and I'm not feeling too keen on the idea of getting myself killed quite yet. But – if either of you ladies want to, then be my guest.” He smirked, gesturing to the soccer ball that had been left in the dirt.

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Lilo was finally finished unpacking, it took her so long that the sun had fallen below the horizon. The problem was she spent too much time looking at everything, everything had a memory and she gazed at each object with a smile on the face. She missed Nani so much, but she loved the university and was glad to be back. Lilo fixed her red dress and slipped on some sandals before heading outside. They held a bonfire on the first night last year, so she figured they would be having a bonfire this year in the same spot.

She gazed out at all the beautiful surroundings, it was the most magical place on earth. She didn't now many people here, most of them didn't want to be friends with the quirky hawaiian girl who fights and a first instinct. She saw the flames of a fire and started heading towards it, maybe she will talk to someone this time. Everyone was grouped into little huddles and she started feeling really self conscious about herself. She thought about introducing herself but decided against it, she would let people come up and talk to her. She grabbed a smores and stood around the fire, it reminded her of the campfires her and Nani had. She felt a bit of homesickness swell in her stomach and she sighed.
I miss my Ohana. @/anyone?

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Ferka Romani

Location: River Time: Bonfire With: Lilo @Elizabeth Schuyler Scene: Quaz and the Little One

Ferka's swearing could be heard coming from under the fire. He drug all three foot six of his frame out of the box beneath it to see a girl holding a marshmallow near the flame. "Uhhhh....you do realize that fire's fake right?" He said with a confused look. He sighed and pulled out a butane lighter and handed it to the girl. "You'll find that better for roasting them." He said gruffly. He took out a laptop connected to wires under the fire and started typing away. "Damn things near an antique." he muttered. He typed some more and the fire grew brighter and finally looked right. "Ha!" He said proudly. "So I assume you did not hear that the fire is electronic right?" he asked the girl. "More work for me." he sighed. When she was done with the lighter, he lit a cigarette, making sure to keep far away from the girl to ensure politeness. "I've seen you around here. Third year? Second? Can't be fourth, you don't look old enough. I'm sure I've fixed something of yours but all the students blend together after almost two decades of working here." He said, inhaling the smoke and checking his smartphone with the other hand.
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"Second year." She replied after eating a marsh-mellow. She had been so caught up in the memories of life on the beach, and Nani, and Stitch that she hadn't even realized the fire's flames was fake. "Thanks for the lighter, I'm Lily but you can call me Lilo." She was a little hesitant around people and around him, staying quiet as he light his cigarette. His voice was gruff as he rambled on about the fire and fixing things. She smiled to be polite, but something didn't feel right. She was missing something, or someone. @Inritz

Ferka Romani

Location: River Time: Bonfire With: Lilo @ShurikenPhoenix Scene: I Can Train You

Kyle coughed at the sports remark. "You're the noble type. I'll be here at home though, ready to patch you up. Also, I'll have you know I've only broken three tvs, a chair, and one stuffed animal in the last four years of med school." He said with a brash smile. "I do have someone in my life. She's beautiful. She has the most perfect blue eyes....and four legs and a tail. My cat, Hux." He said with a smile. "Don't tell me you've harbored a crush on me for so long and now you're fishing?" He said with a dismissive smile. "You're usually more direct than that. As for the medical part, yes I'm afraid I caved into family pressure and became a doctor. My parents are of course thrilled. I'm suited for it. I've always dreamed of becoming a doctor, even when I last saw you. I wanted you to admire me like you did my uncle." He admitted. "I've heard stupider reasons for becoming something. This is the start of my fifth year at this place and the first time I ever went to the bonfire. I was always so consumed with studying. I'll admit that without learning on my back I'm at a loss. Not that I know everything. I may have the degree, but I'm not a real doctor yet."
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Lilo smiled, he was right. No matter how hardly her heart yearned to be home surfing the waves on her trust board, she was here amd she was going to have to make the most of it. She understood Ferka's grief over his parents, as hers too died but hers died when she was much younger and she didn't know them. She pulled the photo out of her dress pocket and traced over her parents faces. "Ohana." She said softly to herself, thinking that maybe somewhere up high in the sky her parent could hear it. She placed the photo back in her pocket and took a look around, deciding to head towards a friendly looking group.

"Hi," she introduced herself. "I'm Lily but my friends call me Lilo." She said @/anyone?


Location: Bonfire | Time: Bonfire Time! | With: Jasmine @ShurikenPhoenix | Outfit: x


Sabine was in awe and nervous at the same time. The place looked amazing yet Sabine has never seen so many people at once. She looked down when she saw Jasmine squeezing her hand for comfort, a kind yet uneasy smile came upon Sabine's lips and continued to hold Jasmine's hand. "
You okay, Beanie? Annie and I got you." Sabine nodded and continued to admire the scene in front of her. France never did this kind of thing at their universities, it was always bland and boring just like high-school. She slowly felt her nerves slowly come back down, she couldn't have a panic attack here, not now, not ever. "Professor Tora, I almost didn't recognize you. You probably don't know me, my name is Jasmine Al-Hamed." Sabine blinked a few times before seeing a woman standing in front of her and Jasmine. "Bonjour," Sabine said weakly, at least she wasn't crying. That would be embarrassing.

After listening to Jasmine's conversation with the Captain, Beanie listened in when a man continued to stand there. He didn't look like the men in France, but then again most men were pale and had French accents. "Shall we head over?" Sabine looked past Jasmine's shoulder and saw a table filled with food. She could start to hear her stomach rumbling, she forgot to buy food at the airport. "Yes! Let's go." Sabine said cheerfully, dragging the two to the table. Sabine has never felt so excited about food in her life, the food on the table looked beautiful. There was even a chocolate fountain as well. Sabine grabbed a plastic plate with a small pile of strawberries and began to drown the strawberries in chocolate, then placing them back on the plate for her to her later. "This is incroyable!" (unbelievable.) Sabine cheered as she ate the strawberries quickly. She used her only clean finger and pushed her glasses up again. She could have worn contacts but she hates wearing them and the pain of taking them out was always annoying. Glasses were the easier option.

Location: Bonfire | Time: Time to find Madden | Mentions: Madden @NessieAlways | Outfit: x

Katrina's blue orbs scanned the area for any targets or at least someone to talk to since now Madden is mad at her for some stupid reason. "It was carrot heads fault," she muttered to herself, a few new students noticed her acting crazy. Kat just smiled at the students, she might prank them later. As she went over to the food table she saw a lovely jug filled with tea. A small smirk crept onto her lips as she poured herself some tea in a red solo cup. Tea was one of the things that could really calm her nerves down and her favorite food as well. Now what to do? Kat thought to herself. Maybe at the river? Nope, she hated water just as much as dogs. What about the twins? That could have been an option if she knew where they were.

Katrina slowly moved around the area, there wasn't much going on that she found fun. Most of the students have already moved into their friendship groups already. Maybe I should apologize? Kat thought, that's all she could really do at the moment. Kat rummaged through her rucksack and found a small piece paper and a purple marker. She began to write a letter, making sure there were correct grammar and spelling and the word sorry appear at least ten times. Kat chucked the pen back into her rucksack and went to find Madden, she had to hand her the note before the end of the night or at least... before getting drunk.





location: Oscar and Marian sitting in the tree... K-I-S-S-I... ugh, why bother. :: year: 3rd (Psychology major) :: class: none at the moment :: scenario: 50 points for the headshot with: Marian @ShurikenPhoenix.


A smile grew wider against her lips when she heard the man retorted.
"Yeah, playing ball beats drinking, especially if you're just drinking cheap beer." She chug a mouthful, then swallowed. The beer wasn't that bad but it wasn't was she was expecting. She was about to deliver another awesome sarcastic blow when she heard Marian spoke. It was like ice breaking for it was the least that Ariel thought that she would do.

“It’s no big deal, don’t sweat it.”

She's not judging Marian per se, but upon the time that they were together, albeit short, she could somehow sum up the fellow ginger to be a tough-ass chick, who won't back down in a battle of wits and awesomeness. She honestly thought that Marian would go berserk on the dude, maybe not totally angry, but she thought she'll deliver one acerbic comment that will either make the guy smile because he knows Marian or make the guy cry because he's a total noob and a whiner.

Ariel didn't need the help of the entire CSI crew to decipher what was going on, from Marian's out of this world behaviour, she couldn't say for what's with the guy, but Ariel suddenly get the gist. Her smile turned to a smirk as she glance at the somehow helpless, damsel in distress. It was malicious and meaningful as if she was saying,
"Gotcha', Ice Queen." she actually wanted to sing some childish song about kissing and trees but even she thought that it was dumb, wanting to downplay her torments as of that moment, she looked at him and took the ball from his hand. "Name it...err more like point them out? I don't bloody know most of the people here." she shrug casually as if they were just meeting someone up. She finished her cup and looked around, aiming for some targets.




location: Lake :: year: 3rd (Engineering major) :: class: none at the moment :: scenario: Almost a family reunion?! :: Mention: Leia @ShurikenPhoenix @Inritz

"DJing?!" Han asked himself out loud when his phone beeped for the like a millionth time. He knew he was supposed to be annoyed by her but even as uptight as she is, she can still be childish. Childish enough to make look cute. Smiling, he started typing again.

Oh, no more one word txts? Shame I was enjoying those -.- Yeah I'm at the bonfire. I'm DJing so you better not distract me, Solo..
You DJing?!? are they truly desperate to throw a party? Gods poor kids. Why did they pick the girl who had a poster of Rick Astley on her ceiling up til she was 16?!
Who did you pay?
Make sure there's food tho, i'm really starving.

Once he pressed sent, he started walking on the path towards the lake. Half way while walking, he wanted to ran to move faster but his knees were already aching from the distance he already made. It was uncomfortable but he pushed through. Oh, how loud he could hear his conscience, or was it her mother and the doctor? telling him to stop. He was told never to strain his knee but the idea of seeing and probably annoying Leia was enough to keep him going, along with his hunger.

Slightly damped with sweat and with aching knee, Han finally made it. The crowd was loud and the number of students were vast. Beers were being passed down from student to student, and the food! He passed through the tables, and winked at some passing girls, he grab an apple. His eyes lingered from the crowd, searching for people he know, classmates and friends that he missed for a year, he's seen a couple or so but it wasn't the face he actually wanted to see. His eyes suddenly passed through the booth and there she was. With a smile, he pushed through the crowd, even went passed through a dancing couple who was snaking at each other in the dance floor. Quietly sneaking at Leia's back,
"And here I was worried that I might hear you favorite Rick Astley song." Han muttered against her ear, his voice was actually sad but it was soon changed by a wide grin upon seeing Leia's face. "So where's the body?" His eyes suddenly caught another figure Leia was talking to, he didn't notice them from afar but he wasn't surprised to see Kyle is back in the academy. After all his dad was the one who told him that he's going to do the internship. It was less hassle for Han, at least his check up and therapy won't be weird for Kyle was like a family, a friend way back. "Hey man, thanks to you and especially your dad. I'm not going to be here if it weren't for you, guys." Han smiled and extended a hand to Kyle.
Kyle Ren

Location: River Time: Bonfire With: Leia, Han @ShurikenPhoenix @TheTraveller Scene: I Sense A Disturbance

Kyle turned to hear a friendly voice. He smiled. "Heya kid! You look strong enough to pull the ears off a tiger!" He said, patting his shoulder lightly. "I take it you're the one blowing up Leia's phone?" He smiled mischievously. He leaned into Leia's ear. "Isn't he just adorable? I never knew you liked the scoundrel type, or is this another one of Leia Organa's surprises?" He whispered. He chuckled softly. "I'm glad to see you recovered, Han. It's not all my father's doing, it takes a strong will to survive what you went through. Don't think just cause we're buddies I'll go easy on you in physical therapy. I want you back at tip top shape before the end of the year." He said with a serious tone, but a twinkle in his eye. "We really have to do something on a weekend when I'm not working and you two aren't killing yourselves with studying. I know there's an excellent restaurant in town that serves Italian food. My treat of course. I know what it's like to be a starving student. Consider it a welcome home gift to the two of you. After all this place was my home too for four years." Kyle smiled. For the first time in a long time he had more than one genuine friend around him. That really made him happy. Of course it helped that his team won today...

@Inritz and Han @TheTraveller//Mentions:[/size][/color]

Leia was rather stumped when Kyle announced that his adorable cat Hux was still the only love in his his life. Apart from his occasional temper when it came to sporting events, he was probably one of the most tolerable people she had met. She respected his chosen profession anyway. As he had said, she was quite noble, and in her opinion medicine was an admirable career choice. "Ben," she began. She still didn't know why that was her nickname for him, "You really need to get out more. I thought I was anti-social, but you're on a whole other level." There was her usual blunt self again. She couldn't be sentimental for too long, and she knew that he would take it for the good advice it was.

Before she could say anything more, she felt a warm presence behind her and then someone's breath on her ear which inadvertently sent tingles down her spine. It was Han of course. No one else would be idiot enough to do that....

"And here I was worried I would hear your favourite Rick Astley song." Leia was glad she had her back to him at that moment. She kept herself composed of course (or at least she thought so), but she felt her cheeks burn in both indignation and embarrassment. She turned to him with a stern expression. He was practically beaming at seeing her face though. "So where's the body?"

"You leave Rick Astley out of this Solo..." she said quietly, before giving him one of those smiles that she reserved for very few. "Feeling better?" she added in reference to his recent injury. She then stepped a little away from him because they were too close for her liking. Kyle proceeded to whisper teasingly to her,

"Isn't he just adorable? I never knew you liked the scoundrel type, or is this another one of Leia Organa's surprises?" Leia shot him a quick glare, before letting the pair bond after a long time of not seeing each other.[/font]






Major: Music//Year: 2nd//Location: The River// Class: N/A//Scenario: Woah get a grip girl!// Time: 7:45PM// With: Ariel @TheTraveller and Oscar @mxlly//Mentions:

As soon as Autumn saw that annoying grin plastered across Ariel's face, she became aware of exactly how wimpy she was acting. It was obvious Ariel was teasing her about Oscar needing no words at all. Autumn would know that look anywhere since if she happened to be around when the blonde pixie girl Annabelle was gushing over Ethan LeFortmal she would often tease her in the exact way. Honestly she couldn't get what the girl saw in him. Sure he was masculine and sometimes fun to talk to, but he obviously wasn't gonna be putting all his eggs in one basket like she hoped he would.

Autumn felt even worse at the sheepish smile Oscar shot her. Great there goes her awesome reputation. She needed to do something to restore it and fast!

"Try hitting someone in the head, if you manage to hit a professor, then plus points for you, and of course... a bragging rights." That was her cue. Even if Ariel had no idea she had helped her out, she shot her a grateful look. No way was Marian Autumn going down in WDU history as the girl who couldn't talk to one guy.

"Wait a second hot shot," she said, taking the ball from Ariel with her usual playful grin, "I have a better idea. If Madden was here I'd probably let you take a shot at her, but as she's not. How about we see who can kick it furthest? Whoever loses...drinks are on them!" She winked. She was almost certain she would beat any of them at this, considering she loved soccer. She turned to Oscar and handed him the ball, trying to calm those annoying butterflies in her stomach. She hid her nerves behind that mischievous mask she so often used. "Wanna give it a try Trammel? Mairead's not here to beat you."





Major: Fashion and Costume Design//Year: 3rd//Location: The River// Class: N/A//Scenario: Sans Commentaires...// Time: 7:45PM// With: An unknown brunette (Priscilla) @crucialstar //Mentions: Lottie @Rida and Junius

Satine simply stood in stunned and irate silence as Charlotte retorted once more, calling her the penultimate insult. If there was one thing Satine was not, it was what Americans called a gold-digger. She bit her tongue to stop the vitriol forming in her head from tumbling from her lips. She would not allow herself to stoop to the level Lottie had. She let out a heavy breath as the blonde left the room and she was left alone. Along with the exhale she allowed the tears she had been holding back to flood her eyes until her vision became blurry and her perfect eye makeup was ruined. The young woman leaned against the door as she cried. Why would Lottie, her oldest and dearest friend call her a gold-digger? She had done nothing of the sort and never would. She had far more dignity than that, something that she had thought Charlotte had known about her.

The anger and hurt on Lottie's face at seeing her was alarming and completely unfathomable. She had clearly lost her friend and now a part of Satine had died. She was 'pas ensemble'...incomplete.

The young woman had cried for quite some time when she had decided that the best thing for her to do was not to hide in her dormitory. She would face the world, go to the bonfire and make her only other true friend Junius happy by keeping him company despite how she was feeling and the unsophisticated atmosphere. Reapplying her makeup in a painstakingly meticulous fashion, the woman picked her bonfire outfit and was off to the river looking as stunning as always even if she didn't feel that way.

As expected, the bonfire was chaotic and there was not a cocktail in sight. She tried her best not to turn up her nose and scanned the area for Juni. She could not spot him and so decided she would wander in search of him. However she was quite distracted by recent events and did not really pay attention to her surroundings until she bumped into a brunette she had never met.
"Oh je suis dèsolè chèrie! I am so sorry," she apologised, hoping she had not upset her. That was the last thing she needed.




[ Location: Bonfire || Time: 7:45pm || Class: None ]

[ With: Ariel & Autumn || Mentions: Valentina & Doron || Scenario: -]

[ @ShurikenPhoenix @ShurikenPhoenix @TheTraveller ]

This was a disaster.

Valentina fought her intense urge to scream; and that was an incredibly hard thing for her to do. At this moment, she wouldn't hesitate to slap anyone who stood within a meter of her - and she knew that it was stupid. The woman absolutely loathed herself and her
'Over dramatic diva personality' - or whatever they called it. It was a spilled drink. A spilled drink that would wash off - it wouldn't even leave a stain! But no. It irritated her enough to the point where she would be violent without regret to anyone who merely touched her - childish, she was aware. However all these seemingly insignificant, minor incidents would result in an overly dramatic outburst due to her uncontrollable temper. If she didn't have the right shade of lipstick, she lost at a board game, perhaps she didn't particularly like the sound of someones voice - they all agitated her to the core. According to her ex, this was supposedly why their marriage failed, and the fact that he'd been cheating on her had absolutely nothing to do with it - Val knew that was a complete and utter lie. Obviously.

Furiously attempting to reduce the visibility of the spillage on her skirt, she tried to soak it up with the tea towel. Engaged in her current actions, Valentina was caught off guard when someone began to speak to her:
"Having a good time?" Whoever it was certainly didn't try to hide the amusement in their tone, and they clearly did not have the actual, kind-hearted intention of finding out if she was truly having a good time - since her answer was already very apparent. Taking in deep breath, Val made an effort to calm herself so she wouldn't outwardly shout at the man. Convinced that she had herself under control, she turned to face him. Immediately, she sighed. "Of course," Val muttered under her breath at the sight of the psychology professor, Doron Eirik. It should've been obvious. She had seen enough of the man that she could've made the assumption. He had a certain air to him: he was suave, collected, and even somewhat mysterious; However despite these charming qualities, he could certainly be smug - which Val could appreciate when it was not directed it her.

Subsequent to her initial glare at the Doron, Valentina raised a brow,
"Does it look, like I'm having a good time?" She questioned rhetorically, blatantly unimpressed by his lack of sympathy. Val placed a hand on her hip and let her eyes drift over those who felt the need to continue staring at her after her minor spat with the student before - though instead of yelling at them, she simply rolled her eyes. It was the first day back, the least she could do was keep herself together and try and avoid making a scene. She then returned her attention to Doron, who was still appearing to be quite amused by her situation. Val narrowed her eyes, "If you're going to stand there with that ridiculous look on your face - get out of my sight." She scowled, slamming the tea towel down on the table with perhaps too much force, "And-" She began again, though was caught mid sentence when she received quite a fright as a soccer ball bounced into view, narrowly missing her and Doron.

The professor turned to look over her shoulder, instantly laying her eyes on Oscar Trammell - a rather irritating boy in her art class. The student was standing in the distance beside with two red heads who she wasn't entirely familiar with, but would assume were Marian Autumn and Cassandra Scott - or was it Ariel? Either way, remembering their names wasn't the problem at the given moment; it was the fact that she could've been hit with the soccer ball which was agitating her. Looking back at the Soccer ball in the dirt, Valentina picked it up. The woman was almost entirely convinced that it would be amusing just to throw it over her shoulder, or towards the river - anything to communicate the fact that she would not put up with such stupidity. Playing soccer in such a crowded place? Genius!

Valentina quirked a brow as she spun the ball around in her hands. It was tempting, truly. However, once again, it was the first day back - perhaps she should just be bitter about it later -
or, maybe not. Ignoring the possibility of exercising her self control, Valentina casually threw the soccer ball over her shoulder, far enough for it to roll down the hill and into the river. The professor smirked to herself before retrieving another drink - which would hopefully stay in the cup this time.

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location: Lake :: year: 3rd (Engineering major) :: class: none at the moment :: scenario: Leia is pretty.... scary. :: With: Leia @ShurikenPhoenix @Inritz

"Mom can argue with that," Han admitted sheepishly at Kyle's welcome comment. If he let her mom decide what is going to be for him this year, his mom will definitely have him lock inside the house, maybe never to let him see daylight and smell fresh air not just in the racetrack but even just outside their home. "Hey, i'll endure the training as long as I can get back on the track." Han grinned at him. Of course he never told his mom this idea for she'll have his head by just saying it, Han told his dad that he'll never quit racing for he wanted to be in the formula one and represent his country, all his Dad's reply was a chuckle and a nod.

But before the Formula one, he must endure the gruesome rehab again. The first time was horrible and ghastly, it was just after all his bruises and wounds healed up. They needed to remove the cast on his leg, after cutting it open, the nasty business begun. It was like he was in a torture chamber. He was allowed to scream but he tried to held it to himself when they started folding his knees. Han could feel like he was nearly fainting, and how he wish that they should put the cast back on, trap his leg and the pain away. With racing in mind, he endured it by screaming. He should have kept his mouth shut if he could, because him in pain was an additional card to his mother's list as to why he's not allowed to race anymore.
"Do you know how it is painful for me to hear you scream? It's like I've been dying every time you go to rehab, Hansel."

Han knew he was being an idiot, but he doesn't want anyone to worry about him. His parents, his friends, Han wanted to show them that he can handle this. That's why a scowl formed on his lips when he heard Leia asked if he was doing fine. He felt like a weakling, and knew that he was being stupid.
"I'm fine Leia, don't sweat it." He hid his slight annoyance with smirk, but he knew that she was just concerned. "I know you like wearing white but I'm not sure if you like them in your hair, don't sweat it L. I'm perfectly fine." It took a part of him not to flinch for he started to feel a slight throb on his knee. Han doesn't want their topic to be of him, not his accident. Not wanting to talk anymore, he bit his apple and looked the other way.

"Yes! we should totally hang out." Han said excitedly at Kyle's offer. "We could do it next week, you know before the term truly starts. Leia is quite scarier than a Nexu if someone tries to talk to her during school days. She's all study this one..." He added, changing the topic from himself for he'd rather hear Rick Astley on repeat than hear people sorry for him.





location: Was that a goal?! :: year: 3rd (Psychology major) :: class: none at the moment :: scenario: 50 points for the headshot with: Marian @ShurikenPhoenix.


There it was, she then again heard the name "Madden" and Marian said it with a slight annoyance in her voice. She must be really annoyed at the girl, she thought to herself. Ariel pouted when the ball was taken from her, like an actual genuine pout that usually gets her anything she wanted from Marlowe, her big brother. She wasn't exactly into hurting anyone, but just imagining kicking the ball as hard as she could at that Madden was enough to give her a slight satisfaction knowing that she's the one who made Marian doubted herself.
"Fine, alright. I'm in." Ariel shrug at them. She watch Oscar took the ball and started scanning the entire area, with no particular target, he kicked the ball hard enough and made Ariel whistled. Though horror suddenly ensued when the ball landed on the feisty looking professor. She thought that the professor was going to go crazy and berserk at them but instead, she just picked the ball up with grace and threw it back in the river. Ariel stifled a laugh, "Damn it, fine. You have the bragging rights good sir." She kept her face as innocent as she can for the teacher glanced at their side.

"I'll get it - unless you wanted to have a swim, that is." The boy offered, and Ariel thought that it wasn't exactly a bad idea. " Yes! Let's go for a swim then," She gave Marian a head to toe look and grin at her afterwards. "You said that you were force on that pricey dress, yes? I'm certain that that person will be happy seeing you using it for a swimwear, don't you think?"

Kyle Ren

Location: River Time: Bonfire With Leia, Han @ShurikenPhoenix @TheTraveller Scene: Ben...Now That's a Name I've Not Heard in a Long Time

Kyle shrugged at Leia. "Perils of being the boy genius. I was here at sixteen. I graduated and was in medical school before I was old enough to drink. All the girls there liked older men. Or at least men their own age. So the only real friend I made in school was another outcast, Huxtable. We both enjoyed the same things so we just hung out together, away from the girls. He then went to the military and I to medical school. We still talk. You have no excuse. I at least was an outcast due to my age." He sighed. "Besides, there is a time and a place for everything. What starts as young love might not end so amicably. I'd rather be alone and have friends then be in a relationship solely for the sake of being in a relationship, much to the dismay of my parents. They want an heir to the family legacy, and I am an only child. If the Ren name dies with me, so be it." He then smiled at Leia. "I am however glad that some things never change. Ben, eh? Ah how I missed that name, even though you are the only one whom I ever shall allow to utilize it."

He then turned to Han. "I'll do my best to get you back on the track, after all it's a doctor's duty to attend to the wishes of their patients. I can't promise that I won't push you hard, you'll bend, but I won't do anything to you I know you won't be able to do. After all I have a vested interest in getting you back on the track. I intend to be rooting you from the stands when you get first place in your comeback race." He smiled wide. He looked at Han and sighed. "Take this." He said, handing him two pills from a medical bag he was carrying. "Don't overdo it just yet. I expect to see you after clubs for evening PT, and I'll know if you skip to play with girls. They will work in about thirty minutes and yes, you can drink with them. However, let's not get TOO drunk again. Remember the incident last year? You held a wheelchair race through the ward of the hospital, which you won admittedly, but you needed restitched in three places. My father had my ass in a sling because I took the night off to watch the Seahawks game. They friggin lost too, the bastards." Kyle grunted sourly at the memory.





Major: Music//Year: 2nd//Location: The River...like literally In the River// Class: N/A//Scenario: Taking one for the team// Time: 8:00PM// With: Oscar @mxlly and Ariel @TheTraveller //Mentions: Doron @Celemyvel and Valentina @mxlly and Madden again...go figure @NessieAlways

Autumn was pleasantly surprised when Oscar took her up on her challenge. She had honestly thought he would flake. He clearly underestimated her sporting prowess, otherwise he would've caved in seconds flat. She folded her arms across her chest as she watched him take a running start up to the ball. His kick was impressive, though unfortunately the ball had landed in the least desirable place possible.

The ball had curved and landed on a table next to Professor Corazon and that one guy who's name she never could recall. If there were two people nobody wanted to annoy it was them. To her surprise though, all Corazon did was toss it over her shoulder into the river.

Autumn frowned slightly as it landed in the water. Oscar had volunteered to retrieve it, but Ariel had promptly volunteered Autumn by way of insinuating she could back at Madden by ruining the dress she had made. As much as the girl disliked Madden right about now, she would never go as far as deliberately ruining one of her hand made dresses. She didn't think she'd look great as a decomposing corpse, and besides...that was just a little too below the belt.

She looked back and forth between the river and the two beside her. Her desire to look cool was overriding her better judgement and without much thought other than
'Well if it impresses Trammel...' she headed into the freezing river. Unlucky for her, she was short and the river water came up to her navel as she fished the ball from it and threw it back over to them. She was shivering now, and stuck in a half wet dress with no real fire to warm herself by. Shoot.


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