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Fandom University of Walt Disney at Magic Kingdom

Jasmine Al-Hamed

Location: Dorm > Bonfire | Year: 2nd | Class: Not at the moment | Time: Bonfire

With: Annabelle @ShurikenPhoenix , Sabine @Inritz | Scenario: "Speak of the devil."




Taking a deep breathe, Jasmine was prepared and ready to go and grab some food and then dance with Annie and Beanie, only for her to be interrupted by none other than Rodger. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes when he came along. "Rodger" Jasmine said steely before glancing behind, seeing that Sabine's nerves had skyrocketed once more seeing another new face. She wondered if being at the bonfire was a good idea for her, especially with all of these people. If being in the room with just one person made her nervous, especially with people she didn't know, Jasmine just hoped that nothing would spark her to have a panic attack. Because of this, Jasmine squeezed Sabine's hand even tighter, making sure her grip was loose enough for her blood circulation to flow yet at the same time, made sure Sabine didn't drift from her or Annie. Before giving Rodger her attention and speaking to him, Jasmine looked over, "You okay, Beanie? Annie and I got you." She said sincerely before looking at Rodger once more as he spoke again. As Rodger mentioned Agrabah, Jasmine's eyes lit up: her hometown. He was really able to get the sodas from there? She had been craving it for the longest time, but it wasn't like she didn't go home over the summer, it was just. . the market that sold the drinks would be long gone by the time she had the chance to go and get some for herself. Even Luca had trouble grabbing some of the sodas. However, Jasmine would never use her status to get what she wanted in and out of the university. But, before she could answer Rodger, a voice permeated through the night. Glancing over at the voice, Jasmine blinked, greeting the professor, "Professor Tora, I almost didn't recognize you. You probably don't know me, my name is Jasmine Al-Hamed." She said politely. Before she knew it, the professor and Rodger were going back and forth like a married couple. Raising a slight brow, Jasmine blinked, could they be. . together? Wait. . when did this happen? Professor Tora? The honorable lady with. . with him?! Jasmine stood there, frozen in slight shock for a second as she looked towards Annie and Beanie. Soon enough, Rodger introduced Professor Tora officially as his ROTC leader as Jasmine spoke automatically, "Ah, yes, we know who she is Rodger, we are part of the student council, it's our job to know who the professors are and to maintain a good relationship with them. It's nice to officially meet you, Prof- no, excuse me, Captain." Jasmine continued her politeness, hiding her shock. Soon the Captain left and Rodger spoke of having drinks for adults, if one's old enough, but warned them to not get drunk, since he was trying to be respectable. "Are you saying we aren't respectable enough that you have to warn us to be careful?" Frowning slightly, Jasmine didn't know how to wrap her mind around what she just saw. "Thanks for your concern but we can take care of ourselves and we're more than responsible enough to handle our own. And should I have to remind you that if there's any suspicious activities where I find any of the students being harmed, haggled, or more, I'm not afraid to shut down this business of yours." Jasmine knew she was being harsh and didn't understand why she was being so hard of the guy, but something about him spiked up her nerves, rubbing her off the wrong way. Even seeing him being lovey dovey with Professor Tora made her slightly eh. Usually she'd swoon over romance, as her hopeless romantic side would see it as quite cute and adorable, yet she wished or hoped. . . her professor would notice her in some type of way. But, sadly, it was only just a dream. Nodding at Rodger, Jasmine raised a brow and gave strain smile, "Are you expecting something? You can go off and enjoy your night now." She felt the need to get one of the sodas from Agrabah right about now, feeling a little out of it from seeing Rodger and Tora so happy together. She had to remind herself to pay off for the sodas later, but for now, that would have to wait for later. It wasn't illegal and it could happen, but despite her anger towards Rodger and her having little to no patience with him, she just hope they were careful enough in case it caused problems for other students or faculties. Turning towards Annie and Beanie, Jasmine gave them a small but tired smile as she signaled them towards the food table, "Shall we head over? Let's stick together so we don't lose each other okay?" She asked them before looking at Rodger, "Thank you, again, you helped a lot." Jasmine said sincerely, but nevertheless, was still feeling a little annoyed with Rodger. Soon she headed towards the buffet table.
Dodger Smith

Location:River Mentions Jasmine Esme @crucialstar Time:Bonfire

Dodger sighed as Tora ruined another meeting with girls. It's like she had some sort of radar. When he was near a cute girl he felt her eyes. This was going to be an issue. His charm was the key point in dealing with people. He was hoping to get Jasmine on his side. She was such a stick in the mud. He smiled and nodded slightly. "I never expect anything but satisfied customers. The sodas are free, coincider them a gift for not feeding me to your tiger when I called you cute." He said with a wave over his shoulder. That's two girls who wanted him dead or at least beaten. Let's try for three. He waited by the trunk of his car for Esme. This time he would tell the news of his own choice. Esme deserves that, he thought.
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no slide​

Location: Bonfire | With: Aurora, Elle | Mentions: Olivia, Atkas, & Flynn | Mood: Pitiful, Nervous, Shy, Excited | Tags:
@crucialstar @munchkincora, @NessieAlways, @karmaa


Ava sat in the car, in between both Aurora and Elle, trying to figure out what the hell had just happened. With Atlas barging in to find her in the room half naked. Olivia's outburst. The fragile boned teen was confused as to what happened and why. Olivia seemed totally fine earlier that whole day. She didn't say anything wrong to offend her. Well, at least she didn't think she did. Ava went over everything that she remembered saying that whole day and couldn't seem to figure out why Olivia seemed to be annoyed by her so much. At first it wasn't clear, but after her freaking out over her wearing the bathing suit that Aurora had already promised Olivia to give her to wear, it seemed pretty clear. It wasn't her fault. Aurora didn't say anything about not touching the light blue one, just not to touch the black one. If she had known, Ava wouldn't have. Clearly, it was all a misunderstanding.

While Elle and Aurora were both singing to the upbeat tune on the radio, Ava was also still boggling over the Atlas incident. He'd seen her half naked. Holy cow. A tiny part of her wanted to squeal with joy, and the other part, drowned in insecurity. Was he disgusted? Unlike Aurora and Olivia, Ava didn't have such a nice body. She was slim, pale, and had boney arms, and lanky legs. Surely, Atlas was just being polite. Maybe that's why he had scurried out of the room so quickly.


As they arrived at the bonfire, even in the parking lot, Ava could hear the excitement and music blasting. From that point on, it was obvious that this party wasn't anything like the ones she had at home. The ones she had at home were loud, but not
this loud. If her puppy was with her, he'd probably run away from the noise. Although it was a bit intimidating for her, Ava was at awe. Never in her life had she seen so many people in one place. Not to mention, they were all having fun. Some were dancing. Some were swimming. Some were drinking and eating, as well as making jokes with one another. Ava found herself looping arms with Aurora as they walked more towards the crowd. She turned to her fellow blonde friend, and smiled. "Dance with me. C'mon!" Ava briskly pulled Aurora into a twirl, and playfully dipped her as if they were salsa dancers. Laughs escaped her lips and Ava continued to twirl. Now this, was something that she could get used too.

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@Ethereal//Mentions: Jesse @Celemyvel [/size][/color]

Miguel had been almost oblivious to the presence of other people around him as he scanned the food table whilst idly strumming chords on his ukulele, although he thought he had heard someone scoff at him as he passed. The guy was probably just jealous that he wasn't a super attractive, ukulele-playing badass. Eventually a bowl of orange curly snacks caught his attention and he slung his uke onto his back, took a handful and stuffed them into his mouth in a particularly uncouth manner. The bowl of cheese curls placed on the food table were the best cheese flavoured snack ever made. It had been decided. Miguel had almost forgotten that there were other people in the line behind him until a female voice interrupted his foodgasm,

"Hey there man, save some for the rest of us!" the girl said as he turned around to face her. He rose an eyebrow as he soaked up her appearance. Lucky for him she was attractive: blonde with pretty green eyes. A smile automatically spread across his face as she introduced herself and put out her hand for him to shake. "Enchanté Miss Rachel," he said as he took her hand, winked and briefly brushed his lips against the back of her hand. It was not really customary in Maldonia to shake hands with others, and besides, Miguel always took the opportunity to charm a pretty girl. He gently let go of her hand as he introduced himself. "I am Miguel, and I must say it is nice to meet someone as pretty as yourself. I suppose you want some of those cheese curls?" he stepped aside slightly, presenting the bowl of cheese curls to her, "they are so good I completely forgot other people needed to eat too!"





Valentina Corazón

[ Location: Apartments - River (Bonfire) || Class: none || Time: 7:00 pm || With: @Whoever wants to deal with her || mentions: Heracles & Ethan @ShurikenPhoenix @NessieAlways || Scenario: - || Outfit ]


Exiting her shared apartment, Valentina was immediately greeted by Heracles Thermopolis and Ethan LeFortmal: both fourth year students. Heracles was in her Art class, and despite rarely seeing Ethan, she knew an great deal about him due to the considerable amount of gossip he caused - and, of course, this was all because of his shameless flirtation. Exhibit A: "Ms. Corazon. Looking as captivating as ever I see. I'll be looking forward to seeing you again at the bonfire." Though she absolutely loathed to admit it, Valentina had a severe weakness for charm and flattery. Complements never failed to make her blush; she loved being adored, despite neither showing that she did, and in most cases, never returning such adoration. As the three passed each other, Val gave them both short glances, "Ethan, Heracles," and then proceeded to leave them to deal with whatever Tora was getting up to in the apartment. Walking away, the teacher had to mentally scold herself after becoming so flustered due to Ethan's little wink. She was absolutely appalled by herself and by Ethan for doing such a thing; however it unfortunately appeared as though students flirting with teachers is no longer something to cause surprise - much to Valentina's distaste.

The seemingly everlasting process of chaperoning all the lost students to the Bonfire was monotonous; they were all beginning to act intoxicated even before they'd had a sip of alcohol. It honestly wasn't very secretive what happened after the teachers left, as soon as they were out of sight, out comes the booze!
ugh. Valentina would be genuinely surprised if not all the teachers speculated about it. The behavior was downright horrendous, but she would be lying to herself if she denied the fact that she was doing the exact same thing a few years ago - but now she wasn't someone who enjoyed getting drunk; Val viewed it as unnecessary, off putting, bad for your health, and can cause you to make the most stupid mistakes.

Upon arriving at the river, Valentina had situated herself by the beverage tables; which were beginning to appear as though they were the most popular spot at the bonfire - well, currently, at least until Powerline made an appearance and attracted all the attention. The woman served herself a cup of cola and proceeded to observe the 'fire' from afar. She knew she was supposed to be on duty, but wasn't quite in the mood to babysit and 'ensure the safety'of the students at this particular moment; besides, they're all young adults, it's their fault if they make a stupid mistake. Sighing, Val lent a hip against the table. She was
basically on duty though; it was impossible to ignore the massive swarms of students all laughing and dancing. Taking a sip of her drink, she arched a brow as one of the students flung themselves off the rope swing and into the river, arms and legs flailing wildly before they landed with a painful looking belly flop. Valentina couldn't help but smile in amusement; it wasn't as though she absolutely despised students and enjoyed seeing them suffer (well, sometimes, depends on the situation), however, she does find most of them at least mildly irritating. "Idiot." She muttered as the student got out of the river, obviously embarrassed by their failure. Val went to raise her cup to her lips a second time, but was interrupted as a different student running past bumped her shoulder, causing her to spill her drink all over her skirt. "Excuse you?!" Valentina instantly exclaimed in horror, causing the boy to cease running and turn around. "Have you no idea what you've just done?! This is my favorite skirt!" The student looked mortified by Valentina's sudden freak out. Of course she was aware that the skirt could be easily washed, however the fact that the boy had bumped into her was enough to make her feel disrespected. Looking up from the spillage and towards the culprit, she held a stone cold glare. "Come." She demanded, however as soon as he got close Valentina clicked her fingers and pointed to another table. It had a folded up tea towel resting by the end of it. "See that? Fetch it." It was lucky that the boy did so without complaint, if she were any madder, she'd chop off his head.


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Tora Fa

Location: River Time: Bonfire With: Students Mentions: Adam and Esme @ShurikenPhoenix In Passing: Jim

Tora looked around, giving stern warnings to students. Some were already drinking, no doubt Dodger's doing. They had small cups though and they did not appear to be underage, at least they wore green badges, so she thought she was having some sort of effect on Dodger. She spied Esme and Adam at the food table. They looked cute together. She decided to be inconspicuous and spy on them. She wasn't even 5 feet so the inconspicuous part was easy. She heard their back and forth. Jeez, did she and Dodger sound like that? No, Dodger was more sarcastic than Adam for sure. They both loved to argue to hide their real feelings. Oozing lovey dovey wasn't them. It was these two though apparently. She would let them have their time then she would sneak in and defeat another rival. Not that she was worried. The girl didn't give half the looks to Dodger that she gave to Adam. She kinda felt bad, shooting down all these girls, but she didn't want them getting any ideas and she wanted word to travel fast to all the girls that Dodger was hers now and she wasn't going to share. "C'pn Tora. Did you know they call you Little Tiger?" A drunk student asked her as he got in her way. "Those that expect to live don't." She growled, more at the blocking of her target than the absurd nickname that she got when she started. "I heard Dodger's your boyfriend." The drunk said, oblivious to her warning. "Does he make you purr?" Tora resisted the urge to punch him. "All right buddy that's enough." A voice came over by Tora and the boy. ".09 yeah you're toasted. Let's get you into bed before Professor Fa kicks your ass." "Thanks Jim." Tora said, still shaking with rage. "Don't mention it. So what he said was true huh? Dodger's a good kid. Be nice to him." "I'm always nice!" She shouted after him. "Not in poker!" Jim shouted back.

Isabella Sauveterre-French

[ Location: In her dorm || Class: None || Time: 7:00pm || With: Satine & Lottie @ShurikenPhoenix @Rida || Mentions : - || Scenario: - || Year: 1st || Outfit ]


"You would not say that if you knew him,"

The corners of Isabella's lips curled into a smile, charmed by Satine's remark regarding Junius.
"Surely not," The girl replied, laughing softly and shaking her head; though there was something about the tone in her roommate's voice which told Bella she actually being quite genuine and almost reminiscent of his supposed ‘antics’- it was mildly worrying, though nothing major in the least. Bella recalled her home, a place where she was scolded by the neighbors for being so welcoming to those who even showed the slightest bit of quirkiness or the kind of personality that may lead to trouble – and she wasn’t over exaggerating in the least! Half the townsfolk back in France had a very narrow mind, which had caused her to become rather agitated by their prejudiced negative views. Despite this, she knew that it was important to at least try and see the good in others and base her judgement on what they do, not who they are or who they were; that is how she was allowed to adopt Percy after all. Following a rather unfortunate incident when both her Papa and Bella were required to babysit her Auntie’s dog – Maurice wasn’t too eager on taking in Percy. This was caused by the fact that her Auntie’s dog, Sid, had managed to destroy almost all the objects in their home: sentimental items, furniture, and her Papa’s inventions. However, after a very long while of begging and trying to convince him that Percy was not at all like that little terrier Sid, he finally agreed – Bella knew he would now regret it if he had said otherwise, judging by the reliance he puts on Percy to fetch his food and tools while at work.

"Yes, I suppose so. My time here is almost over after all. I'd be happy to go with you. Perhaps if our other roommates turn up soon we can all go together." Bella blinked, now paying her full attention to Satine after her momentary daydream. Considering the other’s use of wording, she had not made such a bad impression on her roommate. “Sounds delightful,” Bella agreed, pleased by the lovely suggestion; though it wasn’t until Satine spoke again that her eyes lit up with excitement. "May I ask what book you are reading?" Despite her asking a simple question, at the mention of books, Bella could barely contain her enthusiasm; though in the midst of her sudden rush of excitement, she tried her best to remain rather cool headed about the topic. The girl could discuss her favorite authors and literary pieces for hours; however she didn’t want Satine to have to suffer through that at this moment – this was assuming that she wasn’t as obsessive. "Of course,” She smiled and picked the book back off the table. The book was marvelous in both its exquisite appearance and wondrous content, and Bella had been surprised that the library supplied its French make. It contained Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont's version of La Belle et la Bête, more commonly known as Beauty and the Beast; it had been published in 1756 (though, of course not this particular copy) and it also had some lesser known stories within it – otherwise it would only be several pages long.

However before Bella could say another word, she was interrupted by the door swinging open. A girl, swamped with boxes was struggling to keep them all balanced and could more or less actually see what was in front of her.
“Anyone got a free hand?” Immediately, Bella placed her book down once more. "Yes, I’ll be right there!" She assured and gave Percy a quick signal to warn him not to get up; she didn’t want him accidentally tripping the new arrival. “Here, I'll take this one." As Bella reached the others, she retrieved one of the boxes from the wobbling stack after Satine had taken the top one. Glancing down momentarily, she adjusted her grip slightly, not wanting to drop the box in case there was anything inside that might be ruined; however following Satine’s sudden shout she came close to doing so. "Merde!" Bella was quite shocked by her choice of language, and even more so confused as to what may have caused it. "Oh my..." She muttered, glancing between the two blondes. It was evident that the pair knew one another, though she was unsure whether they were on positive terms with one another or the opposite. After a brief moment of silence, Bella felt the need to break it; she raised a brow, "There isn't a problem - is there?" She inquired, puzzled by the immense awkward sensation within the room, and was wondering if it was just her who felt it. Bella certainly hoped that this particular mix of roommates wasn't going to be an inconvenience.

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a thin layer of expensive french perfume

dripping down your collarbone

due to the high temperatures you caused

when you



the room

· · ·





t h e m e

location: dorm building

time: 7:00 pm

with: Satine LaRouge @ShurikenPhoenix, Isabella French
“My goodness, how have you managed to carry these boxes here by yourself?” a smooth voice inquired of Lottie, and she laughed in response. The strain in her arms lessened as one of the four boxes in her arms was lifted, and she thanked the girl from behind the mountain of cardboard in her hands.

It was then that her nose twitched.

Lottie’s sense of smell was, to say the least, less than satisfactory -- her nostrils simply refused to pick up even the strongest of scents. On one occasion, her cat, Beriloz, had been napping on her bed, and Lottie only recognized the pungent smell of urine coming from her mattress long after the cat had gone and done her business on it.

And so, when Lottie smelled something, it surprised her, just as this had. An intoxicating aroma filled the room -- it smelled of spring, of blue skies and dew drops on sweetgrass, of bright-faced children and loving couples, and most especially of cherry blossoms -- the kind that flourished when the cold season was over, showering tiny pink petals all over the cobblestone of beautiful Parisian parks. The smell was familiar in a way that was almost...eerie.

· · ·

Charlotte dissolved into a fit of giggles as Satine burst out of the walk-in closet, dressed in her most outgoing outfit yet. The girl had dug out clothes from the Bonfamille's enormous closet that Lottie hadn't even known she had owned; a pair of dangerously tall yellow pumps -- ones Satine had no trouble navigating in, surprisingly enough -- a pale sundress, dotted with leafy strawberries, a furry, bright red boa, and a beige, floppy sun hat. It was not the outfit itself that made Lottie laugh -- though it certainly did play a part -- but the confidence with which Satine wore the amusing outfit. It was clear that the girl was proud of her creation.

Before Satine had even made it halfway down their makeshift "runway", Lottie was red with laughter, much to Satine's chagrin, who stopped mid-strut to chastise the little girl. "If this is how you're going to act when I'm modeling for Fashion Week," she huffed, both hands on her slim hips, "then I can't have you sit front row, can I?"

This, unfortunately, made Charlotte laugh even harder. A sigh escaped Satine's plump lips, followed by her own laughter as she watched the heap of giggles before her. Satine finished her turn on the catwalk once she had recollected her bearings, and retreated back into the closet. Shortly afterwards, she emerged, clad once more in the modest shorts and t-shirt she had arrived in. "Ew!" Charlotte exclaimed at the sight, recoiling. "BonBon, didn't you just wear those?"

"Yeah..." Satine replied cautiously, eyebrows raised. She looked down at her shirt, quickly checking for any prominent stains and coming up empty handed. Her best friend's face of disgust remained, however. "So what?"

"So it's dirty. You have to wash it. I’ll get Marie to wash it. Marie! Can you--”

"Lottie, it's fine. I'll just spritz some perfume on it," Satine assured, walking over to Charlotte's dresser. On the pink armoire’s vast surface, alongside an extensive collection of makeup, lay a lineup of the world's most sought-after fragrances. Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Thierry Mugler, Versace - you name it, and 8-year-old Charlotte Bonfamille probably had it.

Satine grabbed a bottle at random -- Anaïs Anaïs by Cacharel, the label read -- and began to mask whatever invisible odors her ridiculous friend had picked up on. The contents reminded her of a field of flowers, and, pleased with the scent, she brought the bottle forward to dab a little more on her shirt -- but it was not there. "These need to be washed, Satine!" Lottie exclaimed, Anaïs Anaïs clutched in her right hand as though it were dangerous contraband. "It's unhygienic! Haven't you ever laundered your clothes?"

Satine turned slowly to face Lottie, staring into her sea-blue eyes for a millisecond before looking down to room’s pristine white carpeting. "Some people can't afford the luxury of clean clothes every day, Charlotte. Many people in France do not swim in as much money as the Bonfamille family does."

Lottie stared at her friend with interest, trying to deduce her thoughts. Oblivious as always, she couldn't seem to understand how or why she had upset Satine -- in her mind, all she had done was save her from the thousands of bacteria and dirt that had probably collected on her shirt.

Some people cannot afford the luxury of clean clothes every day…


Regret flooded Lottie's mind as realization dawned on her, but before she could apologize or beg for forgiveness, the soft voice of Satine's mother carried down the hallway and into her room. "Satine? Are you upstairs? It's time to go home!" she called, the sound of her footsteps growing louder as she neared the last of the steps.

"Au revoir, Charlotte," Satine said curtly, making her way towards the door. She did not look up again.

Charlotte's mind raced as she stared at the back of her friend's head, at the bob of her beautiful blonde hair, at the worn-out look of her clothes. How had she never realized it before? Perhaps housekeepers did not make as much as Lottie had originally assumed...

"Wait!" Lottie exclaimed, her voice cracking as the word left her mouth. Satine turned around in surprise, just in time to catch the eau de toilette flying at her face. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion at the proffer, looking up to Lottie's face of shame. "I...I don't like Cacharel. Keep it," Lottie stuttered, biting her lip. Watching. Waiting.

She smiled.

A small smile, nearly imperceptible, had creeped onto Satine's face, and a sense of relief overcame Lottie. The two blondes stared at each other with mirth, their previous tense moment nearly forgotten. Charlotte opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the appearance of Mademoiselle LaRouge. "Oh, there you are! Viens, chérie," she cooed, giving Charlotte a gentle wave with one hand as she held out the other for Satine.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Chou Chou," Satine said as she skipped out the door, pocketing Lottie’s favorite perfume. The sweet smell of cherry blossoms lingered.

· · ·

“Here, I’ll take this one,” another voice said to her right, this one softer, less outgoing than the first. As the third box was lifted from her arms, Lottie’s view was finally cleared, but she didn’t bother analyzing her surroundings -- all that mattered was the blonde in front of her, whose back was turned as she made room for Lottie’s box amongst the dorm’s clutter of suitcases. A silver bracelet on her wrist glinted in the sunlight, illuminating a single phrase: Bon Bon.

Satine turned around to face Lottie, arms outstretched to reach for another box...and she froze. The two friends -- no, sisters -- stared at each other, studied each other, drank each other in. Lottie filled in the blanks from the years that the two had been apart; Satine had grown several inches, and her hair had darkened a little bit, but it still possessed the same bouncy waves that Lottie had known all her childhood. The same piercing, hazel eyes. The same smooth complexion. The same fiery presence.

It was her.

Lottie watched Satine’s mouth move, watched her jaw jump open in surprise, but she did not hear what she said. She couldn’t hear anything, not over the deafening roar of her thoughts. The anger she had felt when Satine had abandoned her -- had packed up her bags for America the moment Lottie’s money ran dry -- rushed into her system from long-forgotten memories of days spent crying over the loss of her one true friend.

How could someone she’d regarded as a sister be so cruel to her, so greedy?

Her hand moved before her mind could keep up, and Lottie was left to stare at what she had done; there, on Satine’s right cheek, lay a red, hand-shaped mark, where Lottie’s palm made bruising contact with Satine’s skin.

She did not regret it.


Location: River | Time: Bonfire | Year: 1st Year | Class: None

With: Adam @ShurikenPhoenix | Scenario: "Food? Puppy?"




Taking this moment to take in Adam's appearance as it seemed he was a little stunned by her comment, Esme's smile widened as she giggled silently. Maybe Mother was right, the phrase that she had taught her that 'a way to a man's heart is to their stomach' is true, perhaps she 'gypsified' Adam as what most people would say. Laughing silently at her own joke, Esme would never think that Adam would fall for someone of her. . status. . plus. . she literally just met the guy, much less, still needs to know much more about him. But, she had to admit, she liked being near him . . but maybe it's because he was the first person she saw, much like when a chick first opens their eyes, the first person they see will be considered their 'mother'. However, Adam , of course, wasn't her. . well, mother. . but more like her very first friend she made in school, or rather, college. Nevertheless, instead of thinking too much about it, Esme decided to take in his company for as long as she could, until they were interrupted by another company or perhaps a drunken person.

However, hearing Adam's response, Esme's eyes lit up, as Adam bantered back with her, since she was nervous she may have sounded a bit too . . what was the word? Out there? Slutty? Easy? Shaking her head of those thoughts, Esme decided to stop thinking and go with it. Laughing softly, Esme grinned
, "Give you guys food and you'll be as obedient as a puppy?" She reiterated, teasingly, "Sounds very tempting, I must say, perhaps, I'll keep that in the back burner whenever I need something." Esme joked before seeing that Adam moved so that she could see the food table. She had to admit, Adam was well . . huge, not in a bad sense, but in a sense that he was really tall in stature, has broad shoulders, and seemed that he could literally lift her off the ground without batting an eye lash. She wondered if that's how Henry felt: safe and protected when Adam held him. Realizing she got lost in her own thoughts again, Esme smiled sheeplishly, "I actually . . just got here. Djali somehow caused a little trouble again by eating one of my roomie's favorite t-shirt. If I remembered correctly, it was a band t-shirt. I really want to make it up to her, but I'm not sure how, even if she said it was fine. It was her favorite shirt afterall." Esme mused, tapping her chin lightly before looking up towards Adam, "How about you? Have you been here long? Is Henri in the room? I think Djali misses him." She said softly before turning her attention back on the food figuring out if she was hungry or not. Not realizing she said her thoughts out-loud, she spoke, "Don't you just hate it when you don't know if you're hungry or not? And now, you're just staring at a table of delectable goods and you just don't know what you want?"
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Alice London

"I can't go back to yesterday, I was a different person then."

Location: Dorm > River | Class: None | Year: 1st Year | Time: Tea Time!

With: Jane @ShurikenPhoenix | Scenario: " Have you gone on adventures?"


Alice jumped slightly when Jane's hair almost whacked her in the face. It reminded her of Bizzle, her shetland pony she had back at home. Surprisingly, the pony wasn't hers, but actually her neighbors, but for some odd reason, the pony grew an attachment to her. While she was away . . for that certain amount of time, she had really missed Bizzle, especially since her tail always managed to whip her in the face, much like Jane's hair had done. Then again, her mother hadn't allowed her to get a cat since she wasn't a "fit" parent or "fit" to raise someone if she couldn't take care of herself. Pouting slightly, Alice sent an apologetic look, "I'm sorry Jane, it's more like I'm as you called it, the 'daft' one, instead." Shaking her head at the remembrance of the crowded field of people that seemed as if they were going to trample over her. Alice shook slightly, only to even her breathing slowly in and out as she spoke softly, "It came more as a shock than anything, I hadn't seen a mob dance in all my years I've been on this planet! So, it was definitely an interesting thing to see on my first day." She enthused, reassuring Jane she shouldn't be embarrassed, "Plus, you were the main star on that field, Jane. I practically have two left feet when it comes to dancing, honestly. I'm more unbalanced than I look." Alice teased slightly. At hearing Jane ask her if she was Korean, Alice tilted her head,"Sadly, I'm not. I only know one language and well . . that's English, of course. What about you? Do you know any other languages?" Wondering what she meant by the fact that Jane was nearly from anywhere, Alice's curiosity peaked, "Do you go on adventures a lot?" Alice asked, her interest of hearing about her travels peaked even more as she felt herself bouncing on her toes. "Does that mean you travel?" She gasped even louder, "please, please, tell me of the magnificent places you've gone!" Alice pleaded with Jane as she hopped around everywhere, feeling adrenaline rushing through her veins. "Oh, I love stories, especially adventures!"

Alice felt like a kid in a candy store at hearing that Jane was practically from . . anywhere. Soon, at hearing Jane's beaming expression about the poster she asked about, Alice took another glance at the Star Wars poster. Furrowing her brows in confusion slightly as she moved her hair over her ears,
"Aliens. . ? Knights. . ? and Princesses.?" She had reiterated, casually letting her voice raise higher and higher in confusion. "A wonderful story . . I haven't heard of this story before," Alice mused before staring at the poster once more before looking at Jane, "Will you tell me the story of Star Wars?" Alice asked before her mind switched from one topic to the next once more. "Oh! Right! Tea! Let's talk about it over tea! It's definitely tea time, somewhere, right, Jane?" Alice's smiled widened as she hobbled over towards Jane's tea set, eyeing it carefully. "Can I start boiling the water in the kettle?" She asked Jane, wanting to help her as Alice took it upon herself to start up the tea. Placing the kettle gently under the water as she poured water inside the kettle until it reached the middle, Alice gently placed it on the stove to heat up the water. Turning around to walk back towards Jane, Alice looked around at the room, very impressed, "Your decorations are interesting, especially the wood-styled furniture, Jane. I wonder how I should do my room . . ?" She mused, wondering how she would picture her side of the dorms. Speaking of her side, Alice whipped her head over towards Jane, "Jane, who are our other room-mates?" Alice asked, tilting her head, wondering if it was okay for her to be in such a crowded space with three other girls. Surely she wouldn't have a panic attack . . right? She was fine with being with Dean, Dustin, and Adeline, however, speaking of them, she wondered how Dustin was doing. A small frown appeared on Alice's mouth for a bit until she heard the kettle whistling. Alarmed, Alice froze in shock, as her heart pounded in her ears from the blaring noise. Shaking slightly, Alice willed herself to calm down as she had to remind herself it was only a kettle, nothing else. Just a kettle. It's not going to hurt her. No, it won't. What can a mere kettle do besides burn? It's not like she hadn't been burned before right? Right? Breathing slowly once more, Alice gave Jane a strained smile, shaking her head, "S-sorry, the sound gave me a slight fright there, nothing to worry about." Alice said, waving off any concern Jane may have as she walked over to the stove to turn it off as she let the kettle cool down.

Turning over towards Jane, Alice tilted her head,
"What were we talking about again?" She asked, a little distracted before a light bulb hit her head, "Oh! Right! Decorations, hm . . . should we go with a theme. . ? Is yours fantasy?" Alice questioned, as she thought of any ideas,"Maybe something magical . . ? Kinda of like. . . " She paused for a second before her eyes lit up and her smile turned into a cheshire grin, "Wonderland." She said in awe, ignoring the pounding headache in her head,"That's it!" Alice finished, snapping her fingers as she carefully took the kettle and placed it on the table as she sat down on the chair, across from Jane. "Will you help me decorate?" Alice asked, her doe-like eyes pleading and boring into Jane's as she attempted a puppy-dog look, "please please?" Soon enough, Alice gasped, realizing the water might get warm, "Oh no! We have to pour the tea quickly!" She said frantically as she poured the water into the tea cup and looked around for the Black English tea packets as she added it into the water, letting it sit in there for a while. Sniffing the aroma of the tea, Alice sighed in bliss as her mouth formed a sly grin. Looking at Jane and seeing her vibrant wardrobe and her quirkiness, Alice took her teacup and lightly clinked it with Jane, "To roomies and adventures!" She said, sipping her tea slowly before settling it down on the table. "Oh, Jane! Your stories! And adventures, will you tell it to me now? It's a perfect time for it, especially with tea in our hands and at our disposal!" Alice enthused as she waited patiently for Jane to begin as her eyes widened in excitement. She tried sitting still, not wanting to miss any piece of information.

With wide eyes, Alice tried not to bounce in her seat, knowing she was all into the stories Jane was sharing with her. She listened so intently she hadn't realized how much time had gone by, what was day before was now as dark as night. However, her ears perked at hearing distant music in the far background. Tilting her head, Alice blinked,
"What was that?" She wondered out-loud as Jane finished up another one of her stories. Getting up from the table to stretch slightly, Alice attempted to look out he window, as she tilted her head in curiosity, "What's going on, Jane?"
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Tora Fa

Location: River Time: Bonfire With: Esme, Adam, and (Eventually) Dodger @ShurikenPhoenix Scene: No Bag, All Cat

Tora saw her chance to pounce and walked up to Adam and Esme. "My dears. I hope you are enjoying yourselves!" She had a mysterious smile on her face. "I hope I'm not interrupting, but I saw the two of you, looking cute as could be and just had to say hi." She was coming off as more girly than the stone faced teacher they saw before. She hugged Esme. "Thanks to you my dear, Dodger joined ROTC as a full member. The supply clerk. We now have the ability to get more funds from the school and he has a bright future ahead of him. All thanks to you." She let that sink in. She looked at Adam. "Try the udon. It's a new treat that I specially asked for this year. It should be wonderful." She said with a sly smirk. "Oh and one more thing. You'll never guess. Dodger finally asked me..."

Dodger Smith

Location: River Time: Bonfire With: Esme, Adam, and Tora Mentions: Mariead, Jasmine and Leia @NessieAlways Scene: Little Tiger, Little Sneak

Dodger was running around ragged. "Dammit you two." He grumbled, thinking of the Undefeated Redhead and Esme, there was work to do, this wasn't a party. Ok, it WAS a party but still, work first, play last. He was handing out drinks to people and had gained a respectable sum when he spied Esme and Adam, he sighed. So that was the reason she wasn't responding. Perhaps Tora was right to say it was best that he gave up on her. He then saw Tora walk towards them. "Not today." He grumbled. "Dodger finally asked me..." "To date her. It also wasn't so much an ask as it was at sword point. Tiger's got claws." Dodger finished leaning on Tora. Tora looked guiltily at Dodger. "I.." "Wasn't expecting me? Bad tactics Darling, you may need to put a bell on me. Or I shouldn't give you ideas." Tora looked like someone took her toy and Dodger's attention went to Adam. "For helping my partner and being a generally awesome guy the first one's on me. The rest is 2.50 a shot and 5 for a 12 oz drink, thanks buddy." Dodger said, passing the man a beer. "For the lady playing hooky I got a soda, a pretty rare one from the Black Pearl. It's Apple. Got a bunch for Theo, who you'll meet in a few days I'll wager." Dodger said with his charming smile. He was back in power, where he was comfortable. "Now you two kids have fun, Tora and I are going to have a little chat about cats and bags. By the way, you look good together. Peace!" He took Tora by the hand and threw up a peace sign behind him as he walked away.

"Okay Tor. Spill. First Leia, then Jazz, now Esme. What the hell are you thinking? Are you trying to get every girl in this damn place to hate me even more?" "No, but." "No buts, explain." Tora sighed. "I'm scared they will take you from me." She said in a small voice. Dodger rubbed his head and let out something between a sigh and a cry. "Are you insane? First, none of them like me. Leia can't even stand me. Jazz was starting to tolerate me, but now thinks I tricked you into dating you, probably. Esme has Adam. So no, none of them are going to swoop in and steal me. Second, I don't want to be stolen. You may have forced my hand but I have genuine feelings for you. I like you, hell I probably love you, but this shit has got to stop. I remember the night Aurora dumped me." Tora looked up. "But you were hammered!" "Yeah, I wish I could forget the entire night, but I can't. You comforted me. And so you won't kill me I won't bring up what you told me, but I remember saying I wish I had fallen for a girl like you. Well now I have. So we can just be us. No games, no bullshit. No hiding and blocking me from girls just because I use charm to sell shit. I'm not going to sleep with them. I have you." "My you're bold. Just dating and you're asking for sex." Dodger blushed. "No getting out of it this time Tor. I love you. Sexy time later. Now we work on us. Together." "I guess I have been a little forceful." Tora admitted. "I'm just so used to being pushed so I push first." "Push with me, Tor, not against. We can move anything that way. Now go do your job. I'm going to do mine." He kissed her gently. "That was the first kiss you gave me without me pushing." She remarked. "It won't be the last. Work time. Go." He said as he stalked off to find more saps to pay for overpriced beer.
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@Inritz [/size][/color][/font]

"Give you guys food and you'll be as obedient as a puppy? Sounds very tempting, I must say, perhaps, I'll keep that in the back burner whenever I need something." Esme teased good-naturedly, immediately putting Adam at ease. He liked that she was so easy to talk to and didn't take his occasional sarcasm seriously.

"Should I be scared? I think I should be," he quipped with a soft smile as he let her passed him to get some food. A pleasant scent filled his senses as she passed him. He couldn't quite place it, though he knew for sure it was her. He listened intently as she told him about Djali eating her roommate's favourite shirt. "Perhaps when you figure her out a little better, it will be easier to find a way to make it up to her. Who knows, perhaps she already forgave you," he assured. "I just got here too, and right now Henri is sleeping in his basket. I didn't want to leave him for long," he smiled some more, more than he had for quite a while, "you know, Henri misses that pesky little goat too, at least I think he does. He's been too busy sleeping to tell me for himself," he chuckled, a twinkle in his eye as he spoke.

"Don't you just hate it when you don't know if you're hungry or not? And now, you're just staring at a table of delectable goods and you just don't know what you want?" Before he could answer to Esme's musing, two familiar people approached them. One was Rodger, the other Captain Tora, both to whom he had only briefly spoken.

"My dears. I hope you are enjoying yourselves!" The Captain said as she approached, looking very pleased about something, "I hope I'm not interrupting, but I saw the two of you, looking cute as could be and just had to say hi." Adam nodded respectfully as he greeted her but shifted a little uncomfortably when she noted how 'cute' he and Esme apparently looked together. He glanced at Esme from the corner of his eye to gage her reaction and chuckled nervously, hoping the subject would be changed which thankfully it was. When the Captain spoke to him again he was a little caught off guard as he was lost in his own thoughts, "O-Oh of course...the udon, yes," he said stiffly with a slightly strained smile.

"Oh and one more thing. You'll never guess. Dodger asked me..."

"To date her. It also wasn't so much an ask as it was at sword point. Tiger's got claws." Rodger finished, leaning on the professor causally. Adam blinked. He didn't even know either of them, nor why they had decided to tell them this. He was a little confused. Mostly because of how territorially Rodger had acted toward Esme only a few hours ago, and partly because from what he could gather, Rodger was a student. An odd choice for a professor...

Adam didn't quite know what to say to this news so he let Esme to the talking.

"For helping my partner and being a generally awesome guy the first one's on me. The rest is 2.50 a shot and 5 for a 12 oz drink, thanks buddy." Adam was taken aback when Rodger handed him a beer and told him he was an awesome guy. Adam had assumed he disliked him. "Oh, uh...thanks man," he said quietly as the pair walked away from them. Now that he was left alone with Esme, he felt distinctly less comfortable and relaxed. The atmosphere was different. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea about their new friendship. He didn't want himself to get the wrong idea. He needed to keep his distance from the girl. "I'm gonna explore the place a little. You should head back to your friends and have fun...maybe I'll see you later or something..." he said, avoiding her gaze and offering a slightly forced smile before walking away in no particular direction.






Major: Art and Design//Year: 1st//Location: Jane's Dorm// Class: N/A//Scenario: A tea party!// Time: Haven't the foggiest!// With: Alice @crucialstar//Mentions:

No sooner had Jane finished speaking, then Alice began a soliloquy of her own, whirling around the room with barely contained excitement and pleading with Jane to recount tales of her numerous 'adventures'. Jane laughed fondly at the childlike mannerisms of the little blonde and once she had calmed down a little bit, began to relate.
" Well..." she began as Alice took it upon herself to boil the kettle, "If you'd like to know more about Star Wars, I suggest we watch it together sometime. As for my adventures...hmm...I must say, they're hardly what you would call glamorous," she stood thoughtfully with a cup in hand, running her fingers along the handle as she tried to recall one of her travels. "There was the time daddy and I travelled to Borneo whilst filming one of daddy's wildlife documentaries...We helped save an endangered Sumatran rhinoceros from poachers hunting him for his horn. Oh it was lovely to help save an innocent creature from cruelty. Then there was the time we almost sunk into a swamp in Malaysia whilst looking for some sort of primate-can't remember which, but it was incredibly scary, but still exhilarating you know? Do feel free to stop me if I go on too much love..." It did not seem as though Alice wanted her to stop talking anytime soon so she continued regaling her with stories until she asked another question about their other roommates. "Do you know I'm not quite sure who our other roommates are but I'm sure they are all lovely...at least, I hope they are. They'd have to be pretty patient to put up with my loopyness for long!" she chuckled as the kettle whistled. It seemed to give poor Alice a bit of a fright, but before Jane could show concern, the girl had waved it off and settled down to drink tea.

They talked about ways to decorate Alice's side of the room and made a toast to roommates and adventure, and sat companionably together in a very 'English' sort of fashion. Jane explained how she was English by birth but had travelled around with her parents all her life to film nature documentaries. When Alice mentioned Wonderland, Jane raised an amused eyebrow. She certainly was quite the dreamer! Eventually, Alice's attention was caught by music from outside.

"What was that, what's going on Jane?" she asked and Jane pondered for a moment as she took the last sip of her tea and listened to the distant music.

"I believe there's a party of some sort tonight. Perhaps it's already started! We should go and maybe we can meet out roommates," she encouraged, standing up.




Major: Fashion and Costume Design//Year: 3rd//Location: Satine's Dorm// Class: N/A//Scenario: A warm reception...// Time: No idea// With: Isabella @mxlly and Lottie @Rida//Mentions:

The force of Lottie's response to seeing Satine for the first time in three years was enough to almost knock her off her feet, literally. Satine barely had time to process what had just happened once Lottie's hand had withdrew from her now smarting cheek. Her hazel eyes widened in alarm as her own hand slowly moved to touch her blood-flushed cheek. She stumbled away from the blonde trying to blink away the tears that were beginning to form from the pain of her strike. Why had she reacted in such a way? Resentment was written all over her face. Satine did not speak, but held Lottie's gaze questioningly. After a moment, she finally regained the courage to speak.

"L-Lottie what..." she stopped mid sentence, confusion and hurt etched onto her beautiful features. The confusion was quickly replaced with anger and she stood up straight, glaring at the girl as if daring her to say anything else. "What is wrong with you?" she snapped, "Is this how you greet an old friend that you haven't seen in three years?"

It was rare that Satine ever lost her temper. She did have a tendency to lose her patience, but she was very slow to anger. However, now her anger was slowly bubbling to the surface, hot and fiery because standing before her was Lottie Bonfamille, her oldest friend who had treated her as an equal, as a sister, even though she had just been a poor maid's daughter. It seemed they were no longer in good favour with each other, and for the life of her Satine could not understand why. What had she done to deserve such treatment? Before she could stop herself, more words tumbled from her lips.
"Would you like to strike the other cheek too? Will that make you come to your senses?" With that she said nothing more, her lips pursed in a thin line and her arms folded across her chest. She was fighting extremely hard to hold back the tears that were welling up in her eyes. She caught a flash of brown hair from the corner of her eye and turned her attention to Isabella whom she had forgotten was also in the room. Her gaze softened a little though her tone of voice was still stony "I am so sorry cherie..." she apologised.



- - -
- - -

[ Location: Her dorm > The River (Bonfire) || Time: 7:00pm || Class: None || With: Previously: Satine and Lottie, Now: Esme || Mentions: Adam || Scenario: -]

[ Outfit || Tags: @ShurikenPhoenix
@Rida @crucialstar ]

A gasp escaped Isabella's lips as Satine received a harsh slap across her cheek. Startled, Bella had flinched back, her hand flying up to cover her mouth only to have it drop a moment later. She stared at girl who had struck Satine across the face, alarmed, appalled, and bewildered by her behavior all at once. Lottie had undoubtedly made an impression on Bella, though far from a positive one.
"L-Lottie what..." Upon hearing the evident confusion in Satine's voice, she instantly felt pity for her. The slap she had sustained was undeserved, surely. Satine must have committed something atrocious for Bella to be convinced that the violence was justified. However, despite being filled with indignation, she fought back her words. She was aware how idiotic it would be to involve herself in a conflict whilst being ignorant towards how it began. "I am so sorry cherie..." Isabella shook her head as Satine apologized after having verbally retaliated to Lottie's actions, "Don't apologize, there is no reason for it." She knew that she would've reacted in a similar manner. "However," Isabella then began, placing Lottie's box on the bed and picking up her handbag, "I should be leaving for the Bonfire." She stated, clicking her fingers so that Percy, who had been drooling on the bed sheets, jumped off the bed and padded over towards the three of them. "It just seems to me that there is something unresolved between the two of you, and I have no intention of interfering...and although the idea of going as a group did sound delightful, perhaps it would be better if we did not." Bella confessed, trying to remain as polite yet as honest as she could. The girl smiled apologetically before walking out the door in the hopes that the pair could resolve their conflict alone.

Isabella quietly strolled along the path to the Bonfire, Percy plodding along by her side. Despite being a first year, it was clear to her which way the river must've been. She could hear the music and the chatter from a mile away and as the sky began to darken, the light from the fire shone more brightly than it had before. Bella felt a mix of both anxiousness and excitement as she approached the crowd. A bonfire party was something Bella had never been to before. Of course back at home there were the annual celebrations, but for the most part the parties were rather dull, and even so they were more suited for the rich that could afford grand balls, dazzling dresses and expensive food. But aside from the anticipation she felt to experience something such as this, there was the lingering thought of seeing Adam again; terrifying, yet compelling all the same. "Hey, Percy-" she began, glancing down to where the dog should've been; however at the sight of him missing Bella's stomach dropped and the thought of Adam slipped her mind. A wave of panic washed over the girl as she glanced around to realize that her dog was no longer able to be seen anywhere. Isabella felt her heart rate rise as she tried to work out where he must've run off to in such a short amount of time. "Oh god..." she muttered, distressed. However the Bonfire soon caught her attention. He had have gone there, right?

Bella arrived at the bonfire in a hurry, her eyes frantically searching for any sign of the Great Dane. It was uncommon for Percy to run off like that, so the unfamiliar feeling of having lost him felt as though it it was eating her alive.
"Percy?!" She called, her voice wavering. Not receiving any kind of response, Bella took a deep breath in an attempt to calm her nerves before once again commencing her search. She then began weaving in between the groups of strangers, avoiding the elbows and feet of the people dancing, and ducking as a can of soda was thrown through the air for reasons that remained unknown. Slowly, it occurred to Bella that her anxiety had become apparent to others at the Bonfire. Multiple people had come up to her asking if she were feeling alright, or if she was ill. Though Bella did not have time to respond to them, she was entirely focused on locating her dog; though after only minutes (which had seemed like hours) there was a sudden bark from the food tables and Bella's worry was instantly washed away. Of course he would've found the food. "Dammit dog." She muttered, rolling her eyes at her own stupidity for not having checked there first. Walking towards the tables Bella found the dog was indeed by the food, however he wasn't jumping up on the table in an attempt to steal some snacks as she had expected. Instead, the dog was sitting by a dark-haired girl (Esme). His tail was wagging wildly as he pawed at her leg. "Oh, I am so sorry." Bella quickly apologized, "He isn't usually like this, I promise." She sighed and went over to retrieve the dog.

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Location:Leah's Dorm-Her Dorm- Bonfire!||



@Rida @Celemyvel

Time: 7:30 P.M.

"Girls slow down!"

Was the last thing Lilith heard before disappearing out of the hospital with a laughing Leah in a wheelchair. At first, Lilith had been extra careful at steering Leah through the halls of the place. She slowed down on every turn and kept asking Leah if she was okay every five minutes. "Are you sure you want to do this Leah? We can go back. Have another marathon. I'll even fluff your pillows!" Of course Leah wouldn't have it. She'd come this far for Lilith and she wasn't going back. So they continued down the halls at a snail pace until they reached the elevator.

See the university hospital was a place for future medical students to practice and follow around real doctors, so that meant it was open to public as well as students. Of course admittance was free to students, well part of their tuition fees. The hospital wasn't the biggest in the area, but it held 50 patients rooms, one of which had just gone vacant! As Lilith made her way to the elevators with Leah in a wheelchair, they were joined by an old lady with a black cat on her lap and a canary on her shoulder, part of the public, who was also in a wheelchair. At first the lady looked over towards Leah and smiled happily, but when she saw only one wheelchair could fit in the elevator, a frown crossed across the lady's face and yelled at her granddaughter to, "Step on it Petunia! Those brats aren't taking my elevator!" That was enough fuel for the race to start. Lilith looked astonished at the old lady's brashness and didn't back down when the challenge came. With a devious smile on her face she picked up the pace as well until her and Petunia were running down the hall towards the elevator with the old lady and Leah in the wheelchairs.

There was much laughter. The old lady got to the elevator first, but that didn't stop Lilith and Leah. Quick on their toes, Leah shouted for Lilith to turn the corner and make a run for the next elevator, which Lilith was already doing. The turn was fast and abrupt sending Leah rocking side to side in her chair. If there was any pain it was masked with laughter. The girls made it to the second elevator in record speed rushing the elevator to go faster. When the elevator reached the ground floor, the doors didn't even get a chance to fully open before Lilith started her engine and ran out of the elevator trying to catch the old lady before she left the hospital. There she was! Signing out in the registration table. Leah pointed frantically at the old lady calling her out and making her turn. The lady's eyes grew wide in shock, "Petunia HURRY!" The poor girl began scribbling down her grandmother's information faster, filling out the dismissal paperwork, but she wasn't fast enough. Lilith got there just in time, and thanks to her long time spent doing drills in English class, she was able to finish the paperwork a slim second before Petunia. She slammed the papers in the receptionist's desk, wrapped her hands around Leah's wheelchair, and with a jolt dashed away from the table and out the hospital.


Lilith's mouth dropped wide open at the sight of Leah in her bathing suit for the bonfire. A smile crept up in her face as she admired the strong beautiful woman Leah was. Even with her body still tightly wrapped in bandages, the bathing suit she wore favored her body very well. The cut was very flattering to her hips and the bold wine red color made her look classy, yet seductive. Her eyes were of course the finishing touch to this enchantress. Despite the events of the day, Leah's courage and strength radiated with a single stare. She didn't let a silly accident keep her down, and that's what Lilith loved about the girl. She was a fighter and despite everything, she always came out on top. "Leah...You look beautiful." She walked up to the girl and hugged her tightly. "I love you so much. Now let's go have a good time and forget all about today!"


The color drowned out of Lilith's face the second she walked into the bonfire with Leah. Everything was wrong! The snack table wasn't supposed to be next to the stage. The stage was supposed to be on the right. The bonfire wasn't centered, and- Lilith's gaze shifted to the floor at the sound of a page wrinkling underneath her foot. She gasped already imagining the worst. Bending down to grab the piece of paper, a loud yell clawed out of her throat as she recognized her own handwriting written in bright blue ink across the top. "MICHAEL!!!!" Of course with the blasting music and everyone running around having a great time, Lilith wouldn't be surprised if even Leah hadn't heard her. Closing her eyes and trying to calm down, Lilith put on her student council president hat back on, she excused herself with Leah, and marched off to find her clipboard which was now being used as a Frisbee by several students. "Stop! Hey! Give that back!" Just as she suspected all her work was gone leaving behind just an empty piece of wood.

Lilith sighed, she didn't have the energy to fight right now. Besides, she had at least three copies of every pager in her clipboard in her room. There was nothing to worry about. She couldn't let such a small thing work her up like that. Taking a good look around, She noticed several people gathering around the food table, Leia rocking out in the Dj booth, several others splashing around in the river, but what stood out the most was the smile in everyone's face. The students didn't care if the deafening music was blasting in their ears while they ate or that the people in the river couldn't hear the music as clearly because the stage was in the wrong place, and everyone seemed shocked at the fact that Jimmy's fake fire looked marvelous and not that it was at least an inch off of the center. Everyone was enjoying themselves besides these little details that were driving Lilith insane and that's what mattered, right?

A smile twisted into Lilith's frowning face as she dropped her clipboard to the ground, giving up on maintaining the order that was supposed to be broken tonight. She stopped a familiar face among the crowd gathering by the food table. She seemed to be placed awkwardly among two groups of people conversing. Lilith couldn't help but chuckle at the girl who'd placed herself in an uncomfortable scenario. As Lilith approached her she waved towards Karen with a friendly smile. "Enjoying the food I see?" Lilith joked at seeing Karen scarfing down her food, "There'll be more throughout the night. Scout's honor." She rose three fingers mimicking a scouts pledge sign and laughed going in to hug Karen. "I haven't seen you in forever! How have you been? How was your summer? How's Rodney? Is he coming tonight? I'm sure he'd enjoy the fireworks!"




[ Location: Bonfire || Time: 7:30pm || Class: None || With: Previously: Nico & Bruce, Now: Marian || Mentions: || Scenario: ]

[ @ShurikenPhoenix ]

"Hey Goggles." Oscar grinned, ruffling Nico's hair as the two of them walked towards the River. Due to the prolonged silence, he had assumed he wasn't going to receive a response from the other boy. Nico appeared to be highly concentrated on fiddling with a small, waterproof camera. However, his assumption was quickly proven wrong. "I did not want that nickname to stick." Smiling mischievously, Oscar immediately felt the urge to tease him, "Oh come on, it's cute." And as expected, he did not go unscathed. He was instantly met with Nico's hand pushing away his face in an attempt to get him out of his sight. "Just shut up." But despite his friend sounding blatantly serious, Oscar couldn't stop grinning, a trait which irritated those he was closest to; though it was something he couldn't help, Nico's unimpressed expression just amused him. "What? It's not my fault you wore those diving goggles on your head to almost every bio class last year." This time Oscar was surprised he wasn't met with a punch, but rather a mere groan and a roll of the eyes. The other boy was obviously too involved in his current project to respond any further.

As the pair continued their walk, Oscar noticed how slow they were moving due to Nico fiddling with the camera. Annoyed that they were barely going anywhere and desperately wanting to strike up a conversation due to finding complete silence rather eerie, he finally reached the point where he had to break Nico's concentration.
"Why don't you just sit and do that instead?" Nico twisted his mouth before responding, "Well, I can multitask." he said matter-of-factly, and this time he at least responded with the usual smile on his face. "Okay, okay. Just wondering." Oscar shrugged. Though having lost his patience, he walked ahead of Nico before spinning around to look at him, "but if you keep walkin' that slow you'll have graduated by the time you get to the river." He teased a moment before turning back around.

Upon his arrival at the bonfire, Oscar proceeded to head straight towards the food tables. He liked his food; blame it on Tony. Collecting a handful of baked potato chips, he was a second away from placing one in his mouth before everything was knocked out of his grasp instantaneously. By the flash of black and white, Oscar assumed a soccer ball was what had come flying at him.
"Damn." He muttered, displeased that his snack had been stolen from him and was now lying in the dirt at his feet. Glancing around the area in search for the culprit, his eyes landed on a particular friend of his, "Bruce Lightyear, I should've known." Oscar's lips curled into a smirk as he slowly approached the soccer ball that had landed by a tree, preparing to kick it right back at him. Despite being mildly annoyed that he had lost the chips, he was amused by the goofy, shameless grin on the other boy's face.

Before he knew it, Oscar had been swept up in a rule-less
(and therefore quite violent) game of soccer. Kicking the ball between two stacks of plastic cups which had been shoved in the dirt in an attempt to create something mildly resembling a goal, he grinned triumphantly, "And Oscar scores, again! Pick up your game, hotshot." He laughed, playfully taunting Bruce. However, being caught up in his brief moment of celebration, he ducked to the side only a split second away from almost being hit in the face by the soccer ball upon its return. "Close, but you'll have to try better to hit me." He smirked, though quickly became aware of the stunned look on Bruce's face as he stared at something just over Oscar's shoulder. Turning around, he was just in time to see the ball fly into the back of who he assumed was Marian Autumn. "Ouch," he winced as he heard the ball make a 'thud' sound. Quickly running over, he kicked the ball back to Bruce before turning his attention to Autumn, "Hey sorry about that, Red."

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Doron Eirik


Location= N/A - Bonfire -:- Class= N/A -:- Time= 4 PM - Little past 7 -:- Scenario= -:- Mood=(>u>) -:- With= Valentina @mxlly

A small flash and a following rumble of broken concrete signatured the contained explosion. "Alright boys, I've a place to be so let's finish this quickly." One of the darkly clothed men said, strangely identical to a specific Professor Eirik before he pulled a mask over his face and flicked the safety off of his gun. Leading the other three men, the leader walked in through the still unsettled concrete dust into a drug lord's main stash and sporadic gun fire. Not an every day action of a mob boss, mind you, but Doron wasn't one to leave others to do his work.


He slipped into the crowd and walked around seemingly as if he'd been there as he should have been almost a half hour ago. Cleaning himself up had taken up a bit more time than he had calculated beforehand. Of course, he still cleaned up nicely and changed from his dark clothes to something lighter and more casually acceptable in a respectable society. He was a new professor that year at the University but they were already trusting him to watch over the screaming toddlers running around and swimming. His life was boorish this way.

Doron was able to dodge trouble with his superiors by appealing to their good morals saying something or other about helping an old woman cross a street or something to the likeness. He wandered among the masses, promptly eyeing someone trying to sneak some pot until they hid it, the student giving him a strange look as he continued on, not taking the substance from them. Idiots needed to be more discreet. Failure on the customer side of business made his side of business fall. He did, however, stop a too excited guy from getting too touchy on a not so willing girl. "That's not how you treat a lady." Was his only warning comment, eyes only portraying the fate of the prick as he stared him down til he retreated. One could say Mr. Eirik was a dark horse with a dark shadow walking behind him. Good morals; bad habits; wrong crowd (despite the fact that said crowd fit him more than the pretentious one). The psych professor moved on after the girl gathered herself and found her friends. Safety in numbers indeed.

Later, he was there to witness poor Ms. Corazon's little mishap with her skirt near one of the drinks table. He'd been present in the University long enough to know some of the staff and students by name. Doron walked over slowly, watching the situation with more interest than the surrounding crowd. He stood next to her near the beverages, grabbing a water bottle and opening it to take a drink before he spoke to the art professor. "Having a good time?" He asked innocently, looking at Valentina with some not so well hidden mirth.


[ Location: River || Time: 7:30pm || Class: -None || With: Adam @ShurikenPhoenix || Mentions: || Scenario: ]

From what he had seen thus far, the school was fancy, very fancy, especially for a kid who had spent quite a far bit of his life on the streets. Stanley had felt the grin widen on his face on his way to the river and even now it was still slapped on his face giving him a goofy look as he imagined the fun he would have making a mess. He could pull off the same prank in two bedrooms and the one he would get the most fun out of would no doubt be the fancier one simply because it was that, fancy.

There was a whole host of characters before his eyes at the river but until now he had kept to himself and simply watched, telling himself that he was preparing for a memorable greeting later. But deep inside, a part of him was still afraid no matter how hard he tried to ignore it and convince himself. That fear of being rejected for who he was still niggling at his brain despite the fact that before him were many different kinds of people. People of all characters. Here, at a place like this he would definitely be accepted. But over the years he had seen many different kinds of people, at the different homes and schools he had lived in and attended, and all had been accepted, all except him. The outcast, the loner, always.

"Not today Stanley. Not this time." He muttered to himself, trying to muster some positivity and courage, to make some part of him believe that this time would be different despite the disappointment that had greeted him time and time again every time he had moved over the years, this place was would welcome him as he had always dreamed and be the home he never had.

Stanley took a breath and walked off, still feeling some of the nerves and the effect of 17 years of rejection. He'd felt some of it earlier with meeting his new roommates but the crowd here at the river had him on the edge with reminders of his early childhood. Introductions would come later, after he had explored and had some fun first to get in the mood and relax. Covering the ground quickly with his long strides, Stanley headed away from the crowd and noticed another student, a tall, muscular guy he had seen talking with several students and a teacher earlier, walking ahead of him. He quickened his pace slightly to catch up with him and slowed as he neared and pulled up beside him. "Hey, first year right? You exploring the place too?"
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location: river for the bonfire :: year: 3rd (Psychology major) :: class: none at the moment :: scenario: 50 points for the headshot with: Marian @ShurikenPhoenix.

@mxlly :: Mentions: Joy @Bubbly Brandi & Esme @crucialstar feat. Djali

"Oh, dear. We are so going to be good friends." Ariel's ears were flapping with her compliments on her being able to cause drama and should go for theater. She wanted to tell them that a lot of people already told her that she should pursue acting and theater because of her natural talent but Ariel thought it sounded too braggy. Maybe she could join in the school theater and let them decided if she managed to get a part whether she is good or great. And besides, Ariel wanted to pursue psychology. She was always fond of that branch of science eversince. "That's cool, maybe we could get to be classmates at some point." Said the girl with a fiery hair. It was fun to know someone before hand but she could dwell on not knowing other people on first day because she could make and find acquaintances as easy as one, two, three. "Oh, that's brilliant! See, we're like three musketeers already!" Ariel exclaimed upon hearing that her roommates had somethings to offer when it comes to mischief and madness. "Joy, love. I'm not sure if you have a bad bone in your body, honey. But if you want you could be an outlaw in training, our little D'Artagnan!" Ariel said lightly as a joke, still chuckling, she continued, "I'm always looking for a someone who could do some wax on wax off, but you know, it would be wash on wash off because laundry won't wash themselves, mate."

And then the change of wardrobe fiasco happened. She was busy panicking and was happy that Djali almost took her offer. Maybe if the goat really ate her dresses, she could tell her mum about that and finally had a reason to go shop for a new ones.
"Oh, love. This isn't theatrics. I told you, I love dresses but I need to have pants... And shirts... With patches.. And holes..." She was busy with her own dilemma when a guy bust in in the most ridiculous and weird as hell swimming trunks. Ariel was supposed to make some awesome snarky comment that would make Marian definitely laugh out loud, Esme, giggle, and Joy, maybe laughed a little or be angry at her, but she was a little ray of sunshine so Ariel doubted that she would be angry for too long. And the guy, after Ariel's awesome and ever slightly mean comment would question his confidence no matter how shameless he think he is. But Ariel held her golden tongue and let the two talk. She just waved ay them goodbye when they decided to go.

After Marian changed for the bonfire, Ariel followed suit after Esme. She managed to find a perfect clothes for the bonfire and the trio headed out for the river.

Half of the student body was already present in the venue. A huge fire was blazing at the middle of the makeshift dancefloor. A stage was prompt in front. Music was blaring and it was in a catchy upbeat tone. Food were on the side and upon seeing it, Ariel wished for a spike punch.

Ariel just nodded at Esme and waved at her goodbye when she excused herself. Ariel wanted to see who she was going to meet but then the spirit of party is taking her interest.

"Where to now, oh spirit guide?" She asked at her red headed companion. "Where's my scotch? Or just beer. I'll settle for it." Ariel mumbled, still looking around to adjust for the dim surroundings. It was a good thing too, when suddenly a ball came whooshing past her and she made a do or die decision to move away. The ball didn't hit her, but it hit Marian. It was too fast, a guy suddenly came by apologizing to Marian.

"Gods, are you alright?" Ariel went to her side, slightly worried. She then look at the guy who came over, "That's a genius move," Ariel said, her voice was lace with a little sarcasm, "Play a ball in a crowded place. A very perfect venue, love. Spot on, big boy." A playful smirk was drawn across her face. "Try hitting someone in the head, if you manage to hit a professor, then plus points for you, and of course... a bragging rights." Ariel chuckled, her voice was still laced with sarcasm but her eyes were daring the newcomer, and slightly hoping that he would such a thing for just the fun of it.

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Location: Pixar Uni Party||

Class: None||

With: Kimberly (Formerly)||


Time: 7:30 P.M.

Kimberly Pierce. The name quickly came to Ethan as he recalled seeing the lady strolling around campus last year. He'd always meant to go up and introduce himself, but for some reason or another his affection only remained on the sidelines. This, however, was the perfect opportunity to meet the damsel. "My pleasure. Kimberly right? I've seen you around before, but I never thought I'd be blessed enough to actually meet an angel." Ethan met her eyes for a quick second to make his statement sink in. The girl was beautiful, that Ethan was thankful for. She had beautiful almond shaped eyes and the most vibrant shade of red hair. Like a goddess of fire. A smile curled on Ethan's lips, "I'm Ethan LeFortmal. Fourth year law student." He gave a small gallant bow as he introduced himself feeling pompous with his own introduction. "I assume you'll be at the bonfire tonight right? I'll see you then, beautiful." He rose his hand to stroke her cheek briefly, before dropping it and dismissing himself.


As time for the bonfire approached, Ethan heard the familiar stomping across the hall outside his dorm as students rushed over to the river. Chatters could be heard through the walls and excitement began to bubble up inside of Ethan. However, the male had different plans. Reaching over to his phone he spotted the last three texts from Atta asking where he was. Ethan grinned feeling self important at all the texts. The girl clearly wanted to see him already, and he wasn't one to keep a lady waiting. Grabbing his stuff for the bonfire later, Ethan walked out in his regular clothes making his way to hang with his friends from Pixar University, the sister school of Disney University. He'd be back for his own alma matter's party once the professors were gone and the real party got started.






Major: Dance//Year: 2nd//Location: The River// Class: N/A//Scenario: Save the new girl!// Time: 7:00PM// With: Formerly: Jasmine @crucialstar and Sabine @karmaa Currently: Ophelia and Hagane @SimplyMusicality and Mairead @NessieAlways//Mentions:

Annabelle had begun to drift a little from the company of Jasmine and Sabine, being the social butterfly she was, she had a tendency to 'float around' and mingle with everyone in a given area. She hadn't physically drifted from the pair, but her gaze and attention was floating away toward a rather odd looking group. Standing around the food table were Mairead, a boisterous and tomboyish redhead whom she had remembered seeing on a couple of occasions, a boy she had never seen at all, and another redheaded girl who looked extremely timid and unsure of herself. A small frown formed on Annabelle's lips as she watched the little redhead. In a way her mannerisms reminded her of herself back in junior high. She had been super awkward and shy for her entire time there. High school had been her chance to reinvent herself and she had. The more she watched, the more she felt compelled to talk to the girl...

"Hey you guys, go ahead and I'll catch up with you both later," she chirped with a bright smile, briefly hugging Jasmine and blowing both girls a kiss before approaching the trio by the food table, her blonde beach waves bouncing around her face as she bounded over,

"Hi there!" she said, "I don't mean to interrupt, but I just thought I'd come over. I just love talking to people." She smiled at each of them in turn, "Hey Mairead, how are you?...oh and I'm Annabelle by the way, head of the Greek Life sorority blah blah blah. I like to skip the formalities."





Major: Music//Year: 2nd//Location: River// Class: N/A//Scenario: He called me Red!// Time: 7:30PM// With: Oscar @mxlly and Ariel @TheTraveller//Mentions:

Autumn had left the room rather quickly once she had announced her departure. She was not too fussed whether anyone actually followed her out and even if they had followed her she was too busy sending herself positive affirmations about the bonfire to notice. Once she had reached the area a wide grin immediately spread across her freckled face. The energy of spontaneity and cheer was infectious. There were people just going with the flow all around the river and there was a fireless bonfire! How the heck that happened she would never figure. As she turned her attention to her left she noticed a mop of red hair beside her. Her roommate Ariel had obviously decided to hang out with the awesomeness that was Marian Autumn, which was perfectly fine with her. She found the girl to be pretty cool.

"Hey there Mini-me, what's up?" she asked with a smile that was undeniably playful and mischievous.

"Where to now, oh spirit guide?" the girl asked, "Where's my scotch? Or just beer. I'll settle for it." Before Autumn could answer something fairly large and spherical seemed to fly in their direction. Autumn didn't have too much time to process it, but it seemed Ariel had dodged just in time. With a thud, the spherical thing (which turned out to be a soccer ball) made a loud thud as it made impact with the back of Autumn's head. Since she wasn't anticipating it, she fell rather ungracefully to the ground, landing on a patch of grass. She resisted the urge to curse as she landed. Soon she spotted a familiar face hovering above her and Ariel standing at her side. The person standing above her was Oscar Trammel, a mutual friend through Mairead.

"Hey, sorry about that Red," he said, his attention solely on her. Despite herself, Autumn felt her stomach do weird backflips as he spoke to her. He had called her Red...It wasn't like that was a new nickname only he gave her or anything, but it sounded so nice when he said it. Get over yourself! she told herself, realising she was lost in her own thoughts.

"That's a genius move," Ariel chided "Play a ball in a crowded place. A very perfect venue, love. Spot on, big boy." Autumn frowned a little as she pulled herself back to her feet, suddenly feeling extremely self-conscious, though hiding it behind her usual chilled out veneer.

"It's no big deal, don't sweat it," she shrugged with a small smile, staying unusually quiet as Ariel spoke to Oscar, tugging on her auburn locks unconsciously as she always did when uncomfortable or nervous.


Hagane Hamada

Location: Bonfire

@ShurikenPhoenix Mentions: Dean Twain @Inritz​

Hagane had opted not to wait around with Dean. Not because he disliked him (or because of the loser in the bonfire in jeans comment), but because it sounded like Dean was proposing a long list of people to accompany to the bonfire. And if you show up to the bonfire in a group, then you're obligated to stay in the group for at least a little while... And Hagane really didn't want to be the guy who went to the bonfire and hung out with a bunch of freshman. He parked his red mustang in the parking lot a short walk from the bonfire. People who walked there always got a little too drunk to walk back, and he was a nice enough guy to offer them rides. He was also sure to stock his backseat with grocery bags.

He was by no means the first person to the bonfire. Everywhere he looked, people were chatting and dancing. Some had even gotten a head start on the drinking and were skinny dipping in the river. Hagane praised them inwardly for their self confidence. Scanning the crowd for someone he recognized, he made out a mess of red hair over by the snack table. "Hey! Mairead!" He called, trying to get the girl's attention as he approached. "What's up?" He asked, grabbed a coke off of the drinks table. "I heard Tora tried to call some emergency meeting at her place?" Hagane wasn't in ROTC- and had no desire to be- but the drama that Captain produced... "I heard something went down... With a student... But," Hagane threw his free hand in the air. "That's not my business."

"What's the team looking like this year?" Hagane switched the topic back to something he knew. Soccer. Mairead was on the team as well, and they shared a passion for it. "Any freshman you know of that are eager to play?" Mairead and the rest of the team were probably the closest thing he had to a group of friends, and he kind of missed them over the summer. He continued to chat, oblivious to the other redhead who stood beside him until Annabelle approached. He knew her face. It was always in the breezeway with sorority events. Recruitment, bake sales... She was pretty, but very peppy. A little too much so.

"I'm Hagane. Nice to officially meet." His eyes trailed to the side, praying this wasn't going to turn into some boring sorority recruitment schtik. Why would she come over here anyway? It's not like Mairead was going to be interested in.

"I'm Ophelia. Nice to meet you!" Hagane jumped at the small voice beside him, effectively startling the poor girl. "S-s-s-sorry!" The girl, Ophelia jumped in turn. "I-I didn't mean to..."

"Don't worry about it!" Hagane assured her, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "I just didn't see you there. I should be more observant."

Ophelia Lilliana Robin

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Opheliagif2.gif.8f3203ce9c14aab842d8e6d5b31468bd.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117749" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Opheliagif2.gif.8f3203ce9c14aab842d8e6d5b31468bd.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Bonfire

@ShurikenPhoenix Mentions: KT (briefly) @Bubbly Brandi

"I just didn't see you there. I should be more observant."

Ophelia blushed. Now she'd done it. She'd spooked him. And now she's made him uncomfortable. "No... Really... It's m-m-my bad." The small redhead tucked her hands into her pockets. Maybe leaving the dorm was a bad idea. Perhaps she could have just spent the time reading her book, or perhaps making sure all of her belongings were unpacked. But, no. Instead she was here. At this bonfire. Making others uncomfortable. She felt her cheeks burn as she stared a hole into the ground. Ophelia was a menace to society.

She looked up from the ground and into the smiling face of the blonde who had just joined them. Annabelle. She had also mentioned that she was the head of the sorority on campus. Ophelia found herself slightly envious. How much fun would that be? Having so many different friends, no, not friends, having so many
sisters. People with such a special bond to you. Always having someone to talk to, someone to hang out with...

Ophelia realized she was staring and awkwardly grinning.

S-sorry!" She apologized quickly, her cheeks heating up once more. "N-nice to meet you Annabelle... I love your shirt by the way." Ophelia dug her hands deeper into her pockets. She hoped that the compliment wasn't too weird. She really did like Annabelle's shirt. But did people generally just compliment other people like that? Well, that boy earlier had complimented her... Kind of. He'd said that it would be nice to talk to her again later. Of course, he said he'd be at the bonfire, and here he wasn't. She'd probably never see that boy again. But, she had figured as much.

Ophelia noticed she was staring again, and quickly grabbed a drink off of the snack table to break the eye contact.



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Rodger Smith

Location: River With: Students of Various Years (Near the Hagane Group) @ShurikenPhoenix Time: Bonfire

"Rare sodas! Beer! Mixed drinks! Reasonable prices!" Dodger called from the sidelines. One came up, "I'll take a beer." "2.50" Dodger said and took the man's money and put it in his pouch. Two sorority girls came up. "Is it true that you're dating Captain Tora?" One of them said with a giggle. Dodger sighed. "Yes. Now are you going to buy something?" "Uh, do you have Cosmos?" "Yes." Dodger said without adding, "COSMO?! ARE YOU TRYING TO BE STEREOTYPICAL!?" "Two then." The girl asked. "Ten then." She handed him two fives and he poured two drinks. They tittered away and Dodger sighed. He really needed a break, but his two partners abandoned him to play with boys and, uh, whatever asexuals played with. He never bothered to ask Mariead, they never delved into each other's personal lives. They were buddies, but some people had secrets. Dodger didn't want to know and didn't want to share. It was bad enough Tora blasted their dating to the whole damn campus already. If he had his way, no one would know. He was already dreading the lecture from many people. At least his sister would be happy. "Anyone else? Drinks! Get your drinks right here!" he hollered at the top of his lungs.
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location: Pet palace :: year: 3rd (Engineering major) :: class: none at the moment :: scenario: starve :: Mention: Leia @ShurikenPhoenix

"Mom..." Han said for the fifth time but the voice from the other line kept on talking. He was standing in front of their dorm building, just waiting for the keys of his room. Han answered the voice in a series of "Yes, mom.", " I will, mom." And "No, mom" and eventually, "I will do my own laundry and never asked a— oh, alright. never tricked, another freshman on doing it again. I promise, mom." He was about to explain the last part but his mom will never have it.

His mom was a very frantic lady. She was never before. Being a race car driver, she seeks thrill and excitement. Live life with no worries but after Han's accident, she was never the same. She always worry about her baby boy. Han just kept his mouth shut and let his old lady talked orders. His dad was the same but he never showed it the way she did. The accident was big deal for the family and Han should've or could've died in it but he didn't. He and his dad were pretty tight and he told him that he was one call or text away.

He was still on recovery. The good side of it. No more crutches, no more itchy stitches or swollen body parts. He was a-okay again. Though he needed to keep his body on the mend and fit. To keep that way, he runs every morning but he was told to avoid heavy lifting. But Han started doing minimal weights.

"Mom, I promis– oh cra–" Han became alert and on the move. "Mom, will call you soon, Chewy's running away! Love you!" He managed to say before he hang up and inspect what happened to his leash. The metal that connects the collar and the leash got bent and Chewy managed to pull himself away. Now Chewy is a loving dog. But Chewy is a leonberger. He is a giant ass dog. A furry bear like dog but gentle and sweet though nonetheless, he is big and people and animals tends to freak out when he scurries and ran around. "Chewy!" He tried to ran after him, the dog was new to the university but he was used to having people around him. "Chewy!" He managed to capture the dog, it was more like Chewy stopped running and decided to act all cute and cuddly as it played on the heap of grass.

"Oh shoot." Han hissed quietly, the pile of leaves scattered everywhere. Han looked around and pulled the gentle giant by his collar. "Let's go. I don't want to spend my first day raking some goddamned leaves, you stupid dog." The dog answered his master with a lick on his face.

Han brought Chewy to the pet palace. Good thing that he is one big dog or Han will be having a trouble of crouching as he hold on to his leash.The dog got excited upon seeing other animals inside the palace that he almost pull off Han's arms. He managed to held on though.

"Okay, you monster." he whispered at Chewey, "Be a good boy, alright?" he said as he patted the head of the monster pup, and in return he lick, almost wash his face with its tongue... Chewey whined and barked, it was loud enough that it echoed in the room. "Shh. be quiet!! you'll freak them out." Han said, looking around at the other animals. "You do know that I don't like putting you in here, right? But I'm not sure if my roommates wanted a dog in the room." The dog sat up and tilted its head, "Don't worry, i'll try to ask them if you can stay there. I promise." He instructed Chewey to go in further in the kennel as he locked the cage door. "I'll visit you later, i'll bring a friend too. She's a bit bossy but she's cool. And I want you to slobber on her face. She'll hate it. Oh, a paw print on her white dress would be good too, she's wearing white. I'm certain.. Okay bud?" Chewey stood in front of the cage door and whined. "Be a good boy."

Han closed the door behind him and went to the table up front to file and answer some papers for Chewey's stay. It didn't took long before he finished. He arrived late at the university and didn't exactly saw the whole morning program but a student guide told him that he was supposed to be at the bonfire. Not exactly in the mood for a party but wanting to see a familiar face, he pulled out his phone and started texting someone.


Han started chuckling by himself, a couple of freshman girls caught him laughing but instead of stopping, Han winked at them. He knew that Leia doesn't like a nickname, her name was short enough as it is, but as soon as she told him that, Han started making up a new moniker for her and ended up calling her 'L'. Gods, how he missed Leia, his long time childhood friend. Bossy and uptight, but Han find her amazing and cool. Not that he would tell it to her. Growing up together, he actually can't think of them being apart. He promised to himself that he was going to graduate with her but the accident was a bitch. It was the only thing he was regretting in all the bad stuff that happened to them.

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Major: Dance//Year: 2nd//Location: The River// Class: N/A//Scenario: Rescue mission// Time: 7:30PM// With: Ophelia, Hagane @SimplyMusicality Mairead @NessieAlways and Rodger//Mentions:

Annie smiled warmly as Hagane and Ophelia introduced themselves. They both seemed nice, although she wasn't sure Hagane was overly fond of sorority girls. Annabelle didn't particularly mind since she knew her sorority was far from stereotypical. There were girls from all walks of life that most would never assume would join a sorority. Besides, the sorority was not the reason she had walked over.

She was distracted when Rodger came over, hearing a snippet of his conversation with some girls from the sorority. He was dating Captain Tora? Being who she was, Annabelle found it impossible not to congratulate her fellow Medley Illusioner.
"Oh my gosh, Rodger congrats," she said happily. Annabelle simply adored happy endings of any sort. even though a lot of people thought Dodger was a bit of a nuisance, she saw him for the talented individual he was and enjoyed having him around in Medley Illusions.

"N-Nice to meet you Annabelle....I like your shirt by the way," Annabelle turned her attention back to the timid girl who had shoved her hands in her pockets and looked as though she thought she had to repent for even talking or something. Annabelle took a step closer to her in an act of reassurance.

'Thank you! I love your hair. It's such a pretty colour. Not like mine," she said, before adding, "Want to head to the river. I'm sure you don't want to be stuck talking about soccer," she said the last bit in hushed tones so as not to offend Mairead and Hagane. Personally, the only sport Annabelle participated in was volleyball, but she supposed gymnastics was also a form of sport.




Major: Military Studies (ROTC)//Year: 4th//Location: The River// Class: N/A//Scenario: Ugh, Han!// Time: 7:30PM// With://Mentions: Han @TheTraveller

Leia had been incredibly relaxed for the past half hour as she stood at the DJ booth playing songs for everyone to dance to. She had a great view of most of the action. It seemed many students were drinking alcohol even with the staff around. How they managed not to get noticed she had no idea. Perhaps the staff simply didn't care. It didn't matter to her though. Surprisingly the only thing she cared about was that everyone was having a good time in the most civilised way possible. She liked knowing that she was a contributing factor to the pleasant atmosphere and was definitely in the zone when her phone buzzed in her jacket pocket and began playing
by John Williams.
A smile spread across her features as she heard the sound. She had picked that text tone especially for a friend of hers, Han. Her smile quickly turned into a slight scowl when she heard the text tone another seven times. He always texted one word at a time, the moron! Taking the phone from her pocket she read the texts, rolling her eyes as she typed a reply.

Jabba's Spawn <3
Oh, no more one word txts? Shame I was enjoying those -.- Yeah I'm at the bonfire. I'm DJing so you better not distract me, Solo...

Leia found that she was smiling whilst typing out her text with one hand and operating the booth with the other. Honestly, Han was the most annoying person she knew, but she couldn't imagine not arguing with him about something. Besides, she had missed him last year since he had missed third year due to an accident. She was just glad that he was okay. Of course once she was actually in his presence that would be different. He'd frustrate her no end.



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