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Fandom University of Walt Disney at Magic Kingdom

Oscar Trammell

Location: Dorm 208 | Class: n/a | Time: 6:00 | With: Eric @ShurikenPhoenix || Scenario: - || Year: 1st ]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/unnamedddd.jpg.0afe88b9f2651aa5f3bbfddade631e38.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111474" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/unnamedddd.jpg.0afe88b9f2651aa5f3bbfddade631e38.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Please mademoiselle, it is okay if Percy comes back into the room. I was just a little bit startled that is all."

"Oh?" Isabella raised a brow, pleasantly surprised what Satine had said. She turned around to look back at her dog who was contently sitting by the doorway. Percy was a well behaved dog, but sometimes he was a little, well...odd. He was certainly no good with directions, and navigating around their home was a bit of a bother as he was constantly bumping into things because of his size. After Percy noticed Isabella was paying attention to him, she beckoned him into the dorm room. "Did you hear that Perc? You can come in." She smiled at the dog as he got up and trotted inside, sniffing both Satine and Junius, getting himself familiar with them both before jumping up onto Bella's bed and making himself comfortable - oh well, dirty dog sheets can easily be fixed.

"No, we're third years and since I've never seen you around before, I'm assuming you're here for the first time. Going to the bonfire tonight?"

"Yes, I have heard it is fun...though I am not the biggest supporter. I prefer a nice wine bar or cocktail party,"

Isabella nodded. "Yes, it's my first year here." And what an experience it had been already. She could only assume that things would get even more astounding. When she compared her home to WDU, it just felt so - bland? "and I do intend to go to the bonfire." She finished with a smile, however there was an unsettling feeling in her stomach; and she couldn't work out whether it was derived from the thought of seeing Adam, or the fact that even when she looked at Satine, she could feel Juni's eyes scrutinizing her. Of course, Bella wanted to smack herself for worrying about both of these. Fretting over such things was rarely something Bella ever did - she was well aware that she did not need the validation of others to feel accepted in the university.

"She won't be there!"

The girl glanced over her shoulder as Juni made his quick escape, obviously aware that his previous comments may have caused Satine some agitation - which Isabella couldn't blame her for.
"I think you should go to the bonfire and avoid Juni if you do." Turning back to Satine, she smiled softly. Judging by the pair's humorous back and fourth, Bella could only assume the pair were quite close. "Juni doesn't seem too bad." She said before moving over to her bed and placing her bag down, retrieving her the library book and she putting it on the table next to her bed. "So- are you coming to the bonfire? I mean, it is up to you of course, but I honestly have no idea how to get there and your help would be appreciated." She paused, "Though, there was something about escorts, wasn't there?"


Kimberly Pierce

[ Location: Her dorm - Hallway || Class: None || Time: 6:30 pm || With: Ethan @NessieAlways || Mentions: || Scenario: - || Year: 3rd ]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/unnamed.jpg.fe0f1753eaf7f94479f309986a6fa2c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111473" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/unnamed.jpg.fe0f1753eaf7f94479f309986a6fa2c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


It had taken Kimberly the entire afternoon to unpack, and with the exception of the Disnette's performance and the presentation at the courtyard, she hadn't left her dorm room once. She had no intention of staying to chat with the other University students; It wasn't necessary. Kim was aware that she had an entire year to talk with all these people - so she'd find a more reasonable time to be sociable, like after all her belongings weren't still packed in boxes. Tired, and a little frustrated that it had taken this long - Kim was focused on emptying the last box of her belongings; this one containing all of her miscellaneous objects. She retrieved a handful of her books from the box and hummed to herself as she passed her speakers to get to the wooden shelf. She had her
up rather loud; it was a technique she'd adopted after trying to drown out the sound of her irritating younger brothers. Tapping her foot, Kim slid the books into the shelf; most of them were puzzle books, such as Sudoku, crosswords and the like - she enjoyed these because they kept her mind awake, but she did have the occasional mystery novel. Returning to the box once more, she took out a framed photo of her friends: Ron, Wade and Monique, and placed them on the table by her bed.
When the last box was unpacked she turned off her music, just in time to hear a multiple 'beeps' come from her laptop. Kim glanced over her shoulder at the open laptop that sat on the desk. There was a series of messages all popping up all at once. She immediately assumed that is was Ron. He was probably asking her to help him with something. Turning away from the shelf, Kim walked over to the laptop and lent over the desk. Her face lit up instantly as she began to read Ron's messages - her best friend was bizarre, but in the most terrific way.

[ Kim ]

[ K.P ]

[ you there? ]




"Oh Ron." She sighed. He was obviously at Bueno Nacho, and in a bit of a panic - like he always was; however rather than replying to his fuss, Kim let her fingers hover over the keyboard and waited for the situation to resolve itself. Though she understood Ron's reliance on her, she didn't quite comprehend how she was expected to help his Naked Mole Rat from so many miles away; but then, as expected, the rest of the messages came through.

[ oH ]

[ wait ]

[ never mind ]

[ found him ]

There it was. Kim smiled to herself before closing the laptop. He was still the same as ever. She'd meet up with him during every holiday, and each time she was with him it was like nothing had changed. However despite wanting to stay and chat with him, she needed to avoided getting caught up in a conversation as she had to get herself to the bonfire: the only real party-esque social event she attended every year. Kim never understood the need for so many parties; they were all the same, people got drunk, there was drama, the drama was resolved, and then the next party was on and it started the cycle all over again. What was actually there to miss out on? Social status? Honestly, Kim believed it wasn't worth it - the only thing that was important this year was her work.

Exiting the dorm room, Kim hadn't quite made it out of the dorm building when her phone began to ring. Slipping it out of her pocket, she put it to her ear after seeing the contact. "Hey dad." There was a chuckle from the end of the line. The girl scowled at the realization her younger brothers were on their dad's mobile, "Tweebs. What do you want?" Tim's voice then sounded though the phone, "We just want to to know that while Jim was taking your car for a drive - he crashed it!" The pair laughed as if it were the most hysterical thing in the world. "Okay that's it! I swear when I get home I'm going to kill you both, got that?" Kim threatened, though doubted her parents would've let them drive her car and this was all just one of their stupidly played pranks. Obviously unfazed by their sister's threat, the pair sniggered, "We hear ya, loud and clear." Kim rolled her eyes and hung up, glaring at the screen on her phone. "Idiots." She muttered as she turned the corner, immediately crashing into someone.

Preparing for her embarrassing, and rather painful collapse to the ground, Kim was shocked by the realization that someone had caught her. After being helped back onto her feet, she found herself staring into a pair of the most gorgeous brown eyes. "I mean I've heard of girls falling for me but this is a whole new level." It felt like one of those scenes that only happened in movies - and it had rendered Kim almost entirely speechless, but a quick moment later that the girl came to her senses. She'd become aware that she was clutching onto his shirt so she immediately let got, smiling sheepishly. "Are you okay?" It was only then that Kim could put a name to the face: Ethan LeFortmal. She knew him, though rarely ever spoke to him. "Yeah," She nodded and ran a hand through her hair, trying to suppress her feelings of humiliation. "I'm- I'm fine." Despite the girl's level headed attitude towards just about everything, she was constantly reminded by Ron how helpless she was when it came to flirting. Ethan on the other had seemed to be very adept in that area. "Well, thank you for uh- that."




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Atlas Charming

Location: Wandering > Olivia's Dorm | Year: 3rd | Class: None at the moment

With: Olivia @Ethereal and Li
@munchkincora | Mentions: Ava @Ethereal , Aurora @NessieAlways ,

@munchkincora | Scenario: Who's ready to party? | Time: 12-5:30PM


For the past hour and a half, he had been searching for his two friends, constantly on the look out. Then again, he had been so distracted from what happened earlier on today, he ended up jogging all the way to the other side of campus. Ruffling his hair, Atlas had really no idea what came over him for him to react like that. He never felt insecure about his own body because well . . he had a nice body, if he had to compliment himself for something, though, he'd take his smile over his frame any day. On another note, dancing does pay off well, and it wasn't a chore to him, at all. At the same time, maybe it's because he never found "the one" he had been looking for and he literally felt like he had been hit by a bus and got sent straight to heaven because of his encounter with Ava. The him that woke up this morning would not have expected for his world to have changed within the morning of the first day of university.
Perhaps, three is his lucky number? Or maybe it wasn't? He did meet someone who was all around kind-hearted, polite, a little bashful, but inviting, not too aggressive, but not too shy. Her wide doe-like eyes shined when he watched her look around the campus as the soft yet excited personality shown when he found himself staring at her when he was performing, intrigued him immensely. Nevertheless, Atlas was glad this unexpected twist of fate occurred, he had something to look forward to, or rather, someone he wanted to see often than others. As he made his way back, he made sure to keep an open eye and ear for Olivia or Li, then again, it won't be too hard to miss them considering they're still in their Disniette costumes from their performance. Soon, a light-bulb appeared in his head as he took out his phone and turned his phone volume all the way up to his all-time favorite upbeat song Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO. As his legs started spazzing into rhythm, he couldn't resist bopping his head, as he quickly stepped into the beat of the song and busted the line dance moves. Letting his body move to the beat of the music, he found himself back on track as he let his confused emotions wash away in the melody. He chuckled loudly, letting his charming smile shine through as he enjoyed himself, dancing to the song as his energy pumped back through his veins. Atlas found himself calming down and feeling more relaxed than ever, being in his own little world. Atlas always found himself dancing to relieve some sort of stress or just to have fun, he hated feeling the restraints of negative emotions since it lowers his energy and vibe, so what better way to fix it then his kryptonite? Dancing!

As he danced, he saw some of the student body and ended up asking or rather signaling or dragging them to join in with him as they danced through the university, as the song permeated through the air. Plus, he figured everyone needed some sort of relaxation after the big commotion with the fire and what better way than a dance party? At the same time, he remembered the bonfire was tonight and what other way to lighten up the mood and show the new faces what their unversity is about then moving around to music and just having fun? So, taking it upon himself he wanted to make another good first impression that the university won't let anything back them down from enjoying themselves and keeping the day alive. Once the song ended, he gave high fives to his classmates and waved them goodbye hoping they'll come to their annual open event: the bonfire. Yep, the bonfire was the end all be all, the make it or break it type of event. It literally sets how your year is going to go and so far his experiences has been quite interesting.... For his first year, he had been quite a klutz, falling and tripping over his feet since he felt pretty new and innocent in his surroundings. So of course, for the remainder of the year he ended up either spilling caffeine or some sort of liquid on himself or he was usually at the end of some sort of prank being pulled. Bad luck was definitely on his side that year. The following year was better, he found his groove, he was apart of different clubs and met many different people. Plus, he figured himself out that he had a way of bringing people in and it just helped him all the better to not just be friends with people but be a better person as a whole. He honestly couldn't have made it this far without the help of his crazy, enthusiastic, and quite entertaining group of classmates and friends. However, before he could lag any longer, he spotted two familiar dark-haired figures. One had a feminine body as she wore red that practically went well with her skin color as her hair was tired nicely in a pony tail, on the other hand, the male's hair seemed to be quite messy yet it looked very natural and alluring in a sense that it just gave him an edge girls and guys would fall on their knees for. Atlas had to admit the two pair were attractive people , or rather; the whole school is literally a walking fiesta of magnets of beauty and brawls.

Grinning as he made his way over, Atlas called out to his friends,
"Olivia! Li! I finally found you two. It was literally like playing a game of 'Where's Waldo?' and boom there y'all are." He chuckled loudly as he shook his hair before eyeing the two. Atlas wanted to make sure they were okay before he finished joking. Judging from their expressions it seemed they were okay yet at the same time it seemed he interrupted some sort of spill between the two since they looked startled or rather jumpy and caught off guard. Nevertheless, he shrugged his shoulders as he continued inspecting them to see if they were hurt or not. To his relief, they didn't have any marks on them. "That was quite a mess. Glad to finally see y'all again. Do you guys have your phones? I tried calling and texting, but no one picked up." He said pouring slightly as he made a puppy dog look between the two. "Don't intentionally avoid me guys! I need your attention and love, my friends!" He ended up saying to add more dramaticness as he paused for emphasis before getting into fits of laughter with them. "Sorry, you guys should've seen your faces. Priceless , I must say! Whew!" He exclaimed before continuing, "come on guys, it's practically what? 4? We need to get ready for the bonfire!" Atlas said enthusiastically as he took Olivia and Li's hand practically dragging him along with him. If his friends knew him enough, which he's 100% sure they do, there's no denying him considering he's the epitome of a kid on a sugar rush, except... the rush never ends. It was always a traditional now to get ready at someone's dorm and Atlas figured it could be Olivia's turn to host the pre-game getting ready event. Turning over to Olivia, he grinned, "So, your place this time Olivia?" He asked, giving her his full attention before speaking again, "Li and I can help move some boxes or anything if you need help with it? How about it? Plus, I can provide the booze for us." He winked at them before heading off with them again towards the dorm room.

As they arrived at the dorms, Atlas was busy laughing and goofing off with Olivia and Li before realizing he had forgotten to check back with the others. Standing there frozen in front of the dorm building he smacked his head,
"Oh crap! I forgot. I left Aurora , Flynn, and Ava. I mean I didn't really leave then since they were going to go see Leah first and then unpack Ava's things." But, after that , he didn't know. Then again, Atlas was known for being a little forgetful since he always needed his sticky pads with him to write down evryrhing he needed to do before it goes over his head and down the drain. Ruffling his hair he shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe they're still at Ava's? Let's give them a call when we set up your things, how about it Liv?" He asked her, using her nickname before turning to Li and then asking him, "how about it? We can help you too? Then we could all meet up later for the bonfire?" Atlas grinned liking that he was able to formulate some sort of plan together. Nodding and feeling proud of himself, Atlas resumed walking with Liv and Li as they made it to Liv's dorm room. Once she opened it, Atlas casually walked in, making himself feel comfortable as he chattered enthusiastically, "Aw come on, Liv! It won't be that bad, plus, isn't Aurora your roomie? She can help you with your outfit. And Li, Flynn's practically everyone's eye candy, sure he can help us out too." He winked at them before he turned around, not realizing he would literally stand there frozen as his mouth gaped opened , widely. Atlas' eyes widened in shock as he looked at the woman in front of him, the bikini she wore showed all of her curves and a lot more skin than he could ever imagine seeing on an angelic frame. Feeling his cheeks reddened as warning bells rang off in his head, Atlas couldn't find any words to say as he stumbled over his feet and words, "Ah. . Um. ." He said, feeling awkward and aloof as he looked at Li, eyeing him for some sort of help or perhaps Olivia or Aurora, only to see one of them either giggling or annoyed. Why Olivia was, he didn't know just as much as he didn't know why he was just standing there not being able to say anything! Shaking his head, he nervously chuckled, "Hey, Aurora." He coughed as he managed to say someone before clearing his throat again, "Um... I-we, should go, yeah, uh, yeah, see you at the bonfire, girls." He said, tipping his invisible hat as he dragged Li out with him. His heart was racing as he slammed the door behind him and walked full speed ahead, not sure why seeing Ava in such a bikini made him nervous as hell. He felt his hands being clammy and his nerves sweating up a storm, it's not like he hadn't seen a girl in a bikini before! Groaning he ruffled his hair, "Geez." He muttered.




Location:|| Room-Dorm Lobby


With:|| Hagane Mentions: Alice-Adeline

@SimplyMusicality @crucialstar @munchkincora

Time: 6:00 -6:30 P.M.

"It's alright I guess." Those four words had never given Dean as much relief as they did that moment. So his roommate wasn't a cat eating psycho. For all he knew Hagane was just a normal college guy doing normal college stuff and here he was being that weird freshman. Smooth Dean. Real smooth. He listened intently as Hagane described his favorite dessert and although a fish pancake with beans wouldn't be his first choice at a pastry shop, it definitely sounded interesting enough to try. "Honestly, that sounds like a loony bin on a plate. Let me know when you're making some! I'd love to try it!" Dean beamed a bright smile towards the boy. He'd always love to try new things especially crazy sounding ones! A fish pancake with beans and chocolate syrup definitely fell in the top of Dean's weird list. "No offense, but you Asians have some pretty whacked out food. It's all so genius! One of the most unique cuisines that's for sure!"

As Dean finished tidying up his place and Hagane continued reading through the Welcome Brochure, something Dean had carelessly missed place within the first five minutes, the two remained rather quiet. There had been the occasional words shared between the two boys, Hagane questioning the brochure and Dean offering his opinion, but other than that the get to know your roommate chat was basically over. After a while the sound of paper crumbling and being tossed caught Dean's attention. "I bet I can make it from a longer distance," he thought but before Dean could challenge Hagane to a paper basket game the boy spoke, "So...That bonfire should've started by now. I'm gonna go investigate. You wanna come with?"

A look of awe crossed Dean's face as he remembered about the bonfire. With all the unpacking and ball play Dean had completely forgotten about tonight's event. He and Dustin were supposed to meet up with Alice and Adeline and the four of the were going to go together. Dustin...his brother had been a dull thought in the back of his mind. Was he okay? He hadn't called, so that must be he was fine, right? Dean made an effort not to sulk in front of Hagane over his brother and put on a relaxed expression. "Sure! Although I was supposed to meet up with my brother and some girls we met earlier today. I don't suppose you'd want to wait for them. We can all head on over after." Dean looked at the time on his phone. The bonfire was close to starting and he had told Alice and Adeline they were supposed to meet a few minutes ago. "I wonder if they're already waiting or if they decided to go on their own? " Before Dean's thoughts could get too negative, a trait he and his brother shared, Dean rummaged through his suitcase and pulled out some shorts and a shirt. "This should do," he mumbled unimpressed before turning to Hagane, "I'll be back. Don't want to be that one loser in jeans at a bonfire." And with that Dean rushed out of the room and towards the bathroom to change.

In about five minutes, Dean was knocking on his own door and poking his head through. "Ready Hag?" The second Dean's nick name for Hagane registered in his head it was too late. The words were already out of his mouth and up in the air. "Oh...Wait...I didn't mean... It was just... " He was just starting to feel comfortable around the guy and he had to screw it up once more. Minus ten points for Dean. "Are you ready? My brother and the girls should be in the lobby. If not, we can wait like five minutes for them to show up or leave if they're a no show. " Dean smiled trying to make up for calling Hagane a hag and then slowly retreated his head from the door. Dean walked down stairs to the lobby and looked around for Dustin, Alice and Adeline. He wasn't entirely sure if the girls were going to show up, but he was sure his brother would. To his surprise however, Dustin was nowhere to be seen. "I'm sure they'll be there any minute. I'll call my brother, see what's taking so long." Dean smiled nervously not wanting to make Hagane wait any longer given the fact that his first impression didn't go so great. Trying to forget his Asian companion, Dean called Dustin, "Come on Dustin...pick up. Pick up."

"Hey this is Dustin!"

"Dustin! Hey it's me De-"

"Leave your message after the tone."



Location:|| Dorm


With:|| Nicolas


Time: 6:00-6:30 P.M.

Dustin's face lit up at the mention of movies. They were the boy's passion. When he graduated, Dustin wanted to become a movie director and screenwriter. He had been inspired by the art of movie making thanks to all the stories his parents would tell him and his brother before bedtime. Dustin knew from that moment on that he wanted to share his stories with the entire world, not only that but bring them to life. He wanted to move people through film and harness their emotions with the simplicity of words and a camera. Movies opened a different world for Dustin and he loved it! Without answering Nico he rapidly went over to the closet and pulled open the right most door. His clothing was already hung up neatly, but that wasn't what Dustin was searching for. With a smile still on his face, Dustin shoved his clothing to the sides revealing a large tadris bookshelf stocked with movies from head to toe. Everything from classic black and white films to the newest theater releases were in there, but Dustin was looking for something specific. "Aha!" he yelled pulling out his own copy of The Life Collection narrated by David Attenborough and showing it to Nico "It's part of my personal collection. Wouldn't be complete without it!"

It was refreshing to know someone who was as into Attenborough's work as he was. Dustin had always made Dean with him and watch them, but he never appreciated the art of a documentary. Come to think about it, aside from comedies and action movies, Dean didn't really appreciate film as much as Dustin did. Sure he'd sit through and watch whatever Dustin put on when it was his turn to pick a movie, but that didn't mean he liked it. Maybe Nico was the person Dustin needed to complete his love for movies. "Took me a while to set it up since I wasn't sure where it wouldn't take up the most space. If you ever want to watch anything feel free to look through it. I have several of Attenborough's old stuff: Zoo Quest, The People of Paradise, The First Eden. I also have more modern movies: Birdman, Whiplash, American Sniper, even Big Hero 6. I'm sure there's something there that will suit your fancy." Dustin said putting away his movies and closing the closet doors. "I'm not much of a party guy. That's more of my brother's thing. Movies and I make our own party, but I might stop by later to see the fireworks! I love fireworks! Drunk people... not so much." Dustin laughed hearing his phone go off on his bed.

"That's odd," he thought out loud, "I don't usually get calls." Dustin looked down at the bright screen on his phone and saw Dean's name written across. For the second time in under an hour, the thought of Dean had managed to wipe a smile off the boy's face. Dustin didn't feel like talking to his brother right now. Where was he when he needed him hours ago? Why didn't he come check up on him when he had his anxiety attack? Why was he calling? Not wanting to sour his and Nico's mood, Dustin ignored the call, "Blocked call." he lied unsure of why he was hiding Dean from Nico. Maybe it was the fact that people tended to like Dean more than Dustin and for once in his life Dustin didn't want to be known as Dean's twin brother. There was a strange feel of guilt starting to harvest inside of Dustin however. What if Dean need him? What if he was going to apologize? What if he was in trouble? The more Dustin thought about it the more he reasoned with himself, "It's Dean if he needs something he knows where to find me. Besides he's the one that said he wanted space." He turned off his phone and tossed it into his back pack so he wouldn't be bothered by it anymore then turned to Nico. "You should get going. I don't want to drag you down. Your friends must be waiting for you since the bonfire is about to start." Dustin smiled towards the boy thankful he had found at least one friend that didn't just like him for being Dean's brother.


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Tora Fa

Location: Tora and Valintina's Place With Hercules, Dodger, Pino @ShurikenPhoenix Mentions: Ethan Leia @NessieAlways Time: 1730

Tora sighed at Ethan's words. "That's the point of the army, Ethan, anyone can remake themselves." She said as he left. She should have expected this, Pino's delight could almost be tasted. He liked seeing rivals for girls taken down notches. Dodger rose, not at the slight towards himself but at the slight to Tora. "Forget it Numb Nuts. You've never been in a real fight. Ethan would turn you inside out." "The Captain-" "Is not offended." Tora said calmly. "Your chivalry is cute, but not needed. I assure you, if I desire you beaten I will let you know. You can spar with the Cadet Captain, he's quite adept at the blade and football if you want that badly to earn bruises." Tora smiled. "I'm on the track team, Melody Illusions, the newly minted Sorcerer's Apprentices, and the Honor Society, with ROTC my time is taken up as it is." "See? Your strength is running. I should have known. Using your mind is your talent, let Pino fight unwinnable battles for silly things like honor." She teased. Dodger coughed and blushed.

She looked at Hercules. "Thank you for you support, Cadet Captain but we always have a choice. We don't always have to like things, we just have to do them. That's the graduation speech I gave at my own graduation. Your support will be useful in dealing with Lt. Organa though. She butts heads with Dodger on a daily basis. One would imagine that I would have to worry if not for the fact that she would beat him to death on the first date." Pino laughed. Loudly. Dodger mumbled. "We don't fight THAT much."

She looked at Dodger. "Can you and Pino go into the kitchen for a moment? I would like to speak with the Cadet Captain in private." Pino bowed out. "More pizza for me." Pino remarked, and Dodger looked quizzically but obeyed. She looked at Hercules and her joking demeanor turned serious. "I'll admit this is unorthodox. Having the one I care for serve with me, and I won't deny there is a part that is selfish. My family will never accept Dodger unless he oozes proper soldier. I need you to use your last year to help me mold him into one, at least in part. I can take over when you lead. Maried will be the Cadet Captain when you leave and unless we gain more recruits he will be forced to act as XO and I doubt he will be ready in a year. Secondly, and please do not tell Dodger you are aware but his semi-legal adventures are because his family is in desperate need of money. The only reason he can attend is due to his academic scholarship. The stipend you all receive for being technical members of the army will lessen the need for it, but I hope to make him go entirely normal student. I see a student that needs help I have to do something. Even if he was nothing to me I would have pressured him to join. I am selfish though, if my family will not accept anyone less than a perfect soldier, they will definitely not accept a smuggler. You are my second in command. I trust the platoon to you and I trust their futures to you. Even Pino has become a better soldier thanks to your leadership. If you can make Pino a worthy officer, you can make anyone respectable." She spoke louder. "Boys you can come back."

Dodger Smith

Location: Tora and Valintina's Place With Hercules, Tora, Pino @ShurikenPhoenix Mentions Mariead, Esme @NessieAlways @crucialstar Time: 1730

Tora was acting odd. Why chase him off? He looked at Herc and Tora, but they were masks of nothing. He just sat back down next to Tora. He pulled out his phone to text Esme,"Hey look for my black impala. Plate number Dogdge7. The booze is in there. There is a spare key in the rear left wheel well. 2.50 a shot 5.00 a 12 oz drink. Save the box labeled student council for me. Gotta grease the palms." He then texted Mariead. "Double time. Awkward as hell. Too much to explain over text. Got the newbloods serving booze at the bonfire. We may need to watch them." he then leaned back. "Affairs in order?" Tora asked suspiciously. "I'm always working. Right now I'm doing a double shift." Dodger smiled. "Remember your duty is to us fist and your gang secondly. Don't skim off the top. I hired you for a reason." "Duly noted." Dodger nodded. He was a little hurt. He would never screw over a customer. 40/60, that was the deal. He got the supplies and the manpower, Tora got the permission. Tora was up to something. What more could she be after. She practically had everything he had to offer, and she didn't seem the type to take over as kingpin. He silently wondered what he got himself into, then again normal girls were boring. Tora, while the devious mastermind, was never boring. He might as well enjoy this for while it lasted. She may be a trickter like him, and she may hide things like him, but when asked a direct question they both never lied. Honor among thieves he supposed. Damn it Mariaed, he needed back up, though he dreaded the ribbing he would get from her. She saw Tora as near and among perfect. If he hurt her in any way, losing a partner was the least of his concerns. She would tolerate no fools, and Dodger deffinately didn't want to be counted among the fools. He hadn't even thought about Leia when he agreed to join. She would make life difficult. He really needed the money though. Expenses didn't cover themselves and he needed to eat and send money home. Maybe he should ghost as leader of the Smuggler's Guild. Keep the off campus contacts and keep up the recruiting so he didn't have to do anything himself. He sighed. The only one he trusted was Mariaed to keep things afloat and she had her own worries. Esme was a blessing. Newcomer to the school and new blood. He just needed two more to really keep people happy. He kept worrying about making Tora happy and making money. Damn it why couldn't he be a normal student with normal ambitions? If he was normal, Leia would have no issue, Tora would have more faith in him and he could just be the model student his parents thought he was. He thought bitterly about when his parents were so happy that he could still go to college because of his scholarship. He had to prove himself. To them and to Tora.
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Major: Music//Year: 2nd//Location: Autumn's Dorm, The River// Class: N/A//Scenario: Bonfire time// Time: 6:45PM// With: Ariel @TheTraveller Joy @Bubbly Brandi Esme and Djali @crucialstar//Mentions: Mairead and Madden @NessieAlways Kat @karmaa and Leia

Autumn was relieved that everything was fine and dandy and nobody had been offended or anything. She couldn't handle it if there was tension between roommates. She wasn't obsessive about harmony but she definitely preferred it to having everyone bite each other's heads off on a daily basis. She shot one last smile at Esme and then a slightly more begrudging smile at her goat before disappearing into the bathroom to change into her newly decided outfit which really just consisted of simple jeans, combat boots, a Ramones tee and a red lumberjack shirt that was a little too big for her. She couldn't care less if she looked good in it, especially since she didn't have Madden to impress and she would be too busy hanging around with Mairead who didn't give a damn what she wore as long as she was having fun.

That was her favourite thing about Mairead. She was spontaneous and took charge of her own life. Madden definitely had the take charge aspect down, but she wasn't one for unexpected surprises, which had the redhead questioning how she and this Kat girl could be friends. Judging by how she had acted today the girl was full of surprises.

Autumn guessed if she spotted Mairead with anyone at the bonfire it would be her friend Leia. Autumn preferred calling her Sarah Connor because as far as she was concerned the woman was a badass; although a little stuffy and a stickler for rules...ah well, it wasn't like Autumn ruled out friendships with people who weren't as deviant as she tended to be, it just so happened that most of her friends were more rebellious. Unfortunately, Leia wasn't really Autumn's biggest fan since she found her a little too crass and liked to make that known. They still got along, however, and no matter what, Autumn would still harbour a slight crush on her.

She stretched as she left the bathroom and stepped back into the dorm room, looking round at everyone.
"I'm heading to the river now. Anyone want to come with?"



Major: Fashion and Costume Design//Year: 3rd//Location: Satine's Dorm// Class: N/A//Scenario: Socialising// Time: 6:30PM// With: Isabella and Percy @mxlly //Mentions:

"Juni doesn't seem too bad," Isabella had said, causing Satine to let out a hollow but still slightly sentimental laugh, "You would not say that if you knew him," she said with a perfectly shaped raised eyebrow. She was glad to hear that her new roommate would be attending the bonfire. The girl seemed quite a bit more serene than her partner in crime and it would be a nice change to talk to someone a little bit less...out there as Juni. Satine loved the boy dearly, but he was a handful to be friends with.

Satine watched as Isabella set a book down on her bedside table. She was curious as to the content of the book. One could tell a lot about a person from the types of books they read. Satine for instance loved to read well written historical romances or occasionally those slightly trashy romance novels that seemed far too far fetched to be plausible. Sometimes she would sit and read something thought-provoking like the works of Orwell and at other times she would happily read a cook book cover to cover. In her opinion, Isabella seemed like the dreamy sort and Satine guessed that she had a preference for fantasy or fairytales.

Satine smiled as Isabella asked her if she was going to the bonfire. She thought for a moment, flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder,
"Yes, I suppose so. My time here is almost over after all. I'd be happy to go with you. Perhaps if our other roommates turn up soon we can all go together," she paused a moment before adding, "May I ask what book you are reading?"




location: school grounds :: year: 1st (Biology major) :: class: none at the moment :: scenario: Tour with: no one :: mention:

no slide
no slide
For bonfire night...

As soon as she stepped outside, her plans all went astray. Instead on going to the river where bonfire is going to be held like she promised herself, the girl ended up touring herself around the school grounds. Well, she doesn't exactly really had a tour with herself, she was just actually walking, making random turns; next thing she knew she was lost! But she is a glass hall full kinda chick and she sees it as touring. So far, as long as she can see buildings, the girl was still on the go. With her bag, map and a handy SLR camera, Aria was all packed for exploring.

From the dormitory, she ended up seeing the Arts building, University Hall and Business building. Aria just took pictures of the whole thing; she actually promised her Nanny and Jimmy that she'll let them see how wonderful her new school is. She adored the view and took pictures from the outside. She tried going in the English building but someone asked her if she was lost, or if she needed anything. Aria being Aria, panicked. She was surprised by the man and she ended up walking away from him with an awkward smile on her face

Her camera was filled with images of the buildings, they were castle like and Aria was awe of the place. The designs were varying from Baroque designs to Gothic looking manor. They looked like miniature castle, just like the ones she saw on the site.
"Of course, they're the same." Aria mumbled to herself, "Why would they advertise it on the page if it wasn't here, Aria?" She continued clicking her camera, capturing the place from different angles.

She was also amazed at the well kept lawn with hedges that was cut with a design by the front of the building. She's pretty sure Grayson, their gardener, would like WDU. Remembering the good natured- but can be surly-when-you-messed-with-his-garden guy, Aria keep off the grass.

Finally tired of walking, Aria sat on the curb and relaxed. Soft wind blew her hair as she stretched her legs on the ground. It was peaceful and quiet. Nature really is a calming sight. By the tree on her right, Aria saw a squirrel. Just like a child she hurriedly stood up and tried to take a photo of it. Being a klutz, she nearly fell on the ground in the process. She also frightened the living lights out of the squirrel as it dashed away back inside the tree. Pouting at her failure, she went back to the curb. She just realized that the place where she was was pretty deserted. She knew that probably most of the students were still unpacking their things inside their dorm.

Aria suddenly thought of Elle and their brief meeting. She badly wanted to ask her if she can tour her on the grounds but she knew she was busy with her own stuff so Aria let the idea go, besides she already showed herself around, she just admitted to herself that she just wanted to spend some time with her. Though she had to take a picture with her, Nanny requested that she wanted to see Elle too, and Aria will be more than happy to obliged. She knew Nanny will be proud of her, seeing her so sophisticated and charming like their mother. Aria wasn't the only one who missed Elle.

Aria smiled at the thought, she was hoping to see her again in the bonfire. "The bonfire!" Aria yelped, standing up. With her exploring, she nearly forgotten why on earth she set foot outside the her dorm room.
"Which way, Arianna?!" She looked both ways, trying to think of where she would go. The school is wide and big, she could probably memorize her way in a week, but this was just her first time and the campus was huge!

She wasn't exactly the best girl in remembering directions but she tried her best to think of how will she go back.
"Shoot!!" She cursed quietly as she walked towards the direction she thought she came from. It took a bloody long while, a lot of rantings and mumblings when she finally found their dormitory.

A sigh of relief escaped from her lips. She stood up and took out her map. She can't believed that she just needed to go straight a head to find the river. She had a look of defeat but Aria didn't regret going the other way. With much resolved this time, Aria went straight ahead.

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Location:|| Her Dorm

Class:|| None

With:|| Elle-Ava-Flynn-Atlas-Olivia-Li

@Ethereal @munchkincora @Nutty Nikki @Bubbly Brandi


Time: 6:00-6:30 P.M.

Did my heart love till now?

Forswear it sight,

For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.

Aurora felt her cheeks redden as the petite girl in front of her stripped to only a bikini. She felt a small rush surge through her body as Ava twirled around body in full view. A sheep smile formed on Aurora's face as Ava asked her if she looked okay in the swimwear. Okay? She looked beyond gorgeous. Her delicate frame glistened under the dorm lights. Her skin, smooth and soft like the petals of a rose. She was perfection and for once in her life Aurora was left speechless for a girl. A swarm of butterflies entered her body unwillingly. This was new to her. The warm feeling that washed over her as Ava looked at her waiting for an answer was unfamiliar, undefined. What was happening?

"You look...breathtaking." She finally managed to say almost as a whisper. Closing the distance between the two Aurora smiled towards Ava and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "My heart has wings, mmmmm", she sung to her softly before Ava asked her next question, "Do you think Atlas will like it?" The question came like a slap in the face or a bucket of cold water waking her up from a sweet dream. Atlas. Why was she asking about the boy? They'd had but one small run in. She couldn't possibly...Aurora's hand dropped from the girl's cheek, but her smile remained intact. "Atlas?...Well I'm sure-" Aurora's words were cut off by Olivia, Li and Atlas coming into the dorm.

"I'm sure you can ask him yourself! Atty? What do you think? Doesn't Ava look hot?" Aurora asked enthusiastically at the arrival of the boy. She was back to her normal self. All traces of awe and amazement she had just displayed were gone. She'd never experienced anything like she had before. It was strange, unusual. For a split second she was in pure bliss. It was just her and Ava and no one else. She could have stood there for hours and just sung to her about how beautiful she was, but then she brought up Atlas and her perfect world with Ava shattered. It was strange, unusual, but at the same time all to familiar. The shock, hollowness. For a moment they all came rushing back with images of Philip imprinted in her mind. No matter how happy she had felt before, Aurora wasn't sure if she wanted to feel later part again.

The arrival of her friends was a splash back into reality. Atlas walking in, making himself comfortable as always and apparently bickering with Olivia about going to the bonfire later tonight took an unexpected turn once his eyes landed on Ava and Aurora popped the question Ava had asked Aurora only a few seconds before. Atlas stood frozen staring at Ava. Ah. . Um. . Hey, Aurora. Um... I-we, should go, yeah, uh, yeah, see you at the bonfire, girls. Atlas was out of the room in a blink of an eye. Aurora grinned from ear to ear "I think he likes it." There was a small sense of victory in having Atlas leaving the room. That meant she had Ava all to herself again. "Now you..." Aurora's attention turned to Olivia who she hadn't seen since the fire. "What's this I hear about you not wanting to go to the bonfire? Get your pretty self to the closet and pick out an outfit!" However, as Aurora took in Olivia's reaction, she knew something was up.

"Are you serious?"
The brunette's words surprised Aurora. "Geez Olivia...What got into you?" "You promised me that you'd let me wear that bathing suit. That you thought I looked the cutest in it. Forget it, obviously you changed your mind." Aurora was baffled. Did she really get so worked up over a silly bathing suit. Aurora had a whole drawer filled with them. Surely there would be another one she'd look better in. "Oh come on Oli-" but she was out the door as quickly as she came in.


"Are you guys ready?" This time it was Elle who called the attention to the room. Aurora had helped Ava get ready for the night and was just applying the finishing touches to the girl. She'd been a bit distracted over the scene with Olivia a couple of moments later, but stress and a negative attitude led to wrinkles. Instead Aurora preoccupied herself with Ava. Should she have chased after Olivia? Probably, but the girl didn't do drama. It was pathetic and honestly nothing good came out of it ever. She preferred just letting Olivia settle down and then talking about it later tonight instead of risking either of them saying something stupid out of anger and putting a dent on their friendship.

"Just...one...more...There! We're ready!" Aurora looked at Elle loving the outfit she had chosen.

"You have to let me borrow that top one day! It's too cute! Are we walking or..."

You guys want a ride there?"

"Sure! Let's go!"

Aurora clapped excited for the bonfire and grabbed Elle's hand. "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" She squealed skipping out of her dorm with Elle in hand. The girls made their way to Elle's car. Aurora called shot gun and tuned the radio to the university radio station. "I love this song!..I hopped off the plane at L.A.X. with a dream and my cardigan. Welcome to the land of fame, excess, whoa! am I gonna fit in?...

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Location:|| Dorm Room

Class:|| None

With:|| Leia-Ophelia Mentions:||Rodger-Tora-Herc-Ethan

@ShurikenPhoenix @Inritz

Time: 6:00-6:30 P.M.

"Aye! See ye later, lad!" Mairead called out as K.T. squirmed through a very impatient Leia. "Relax lass. Ah'm sure Rodger will still be there by th' time we get there." Mairead replied jokingly teasing her friend about her relationship with the boy. What Leia and Rodger had Mairead could only describe it at repressed love. She could smell the pheromones that oozed out of the girl every time she argued with Rodger, or at least that's what she liked to think. Leia obviously denied any attraction to the delinquent, but that didn't stop Mairead from forming a romantic comedy between the two that ended in doors slamming and hair pulling. Mairead chuckled at her own joke imagining the contorted face Leia must have been making at the mention of Rodger. "Besides... Captain really can't expect us tae be on time tae an impromptu meetin' announced by an unofficial member."

Mairead had finally changed into her ROTC uniform cursing under her breath at how pale her legs looked and how tight the coat fit on her. She looked at herself in the community bathroom mirrors before plucking a strand of her curls out of the slick back pony tail and letting it bounce on her forehead. A small smile formed on her lips as she regained even the slightest bit of herself in the uniform that blended her with the rest of the ROTC. She walked back to her dorm to find her phone buzzing on the side table next to her bed. It was Rodger informing her of the events of the night. The bonfire suddenly came to Mairead's mind as both Rodger's text and Ophelia's wardrobe scavenger hunt hinted it. "That was today?!...Ugh it's already close tae seven. We'll ne'er make it in time if we stop by Tora's place. Ye know how chatty the lass can get. "

Though Mairead usual scene was far from college frat party, there was something about the start of school bonfire that made Mairead anxious inside. Perhaps it was because that's where she met her bro's Herc and Ethan, or maybe it was seeing everyone together that warmed Mairead's heart. Whatever it was, the bonfire had found a special place in her heart and she wouldn't miss it for the world. "I dunno about ye, Leia, but Ah'm getting ready for th' bonfire. Ah'm sure whatever she wanted tae say can wait till we see 'er at th' bonfire. " Mairead quoted matter of factly looking over to Ophelia who was checking herself out in the mirror. "Leave something for th' lads tae fancy, Fern. Ye'll wear yerself out by staring. " Mairead joked unbuttoning her navy ROTC coat and tossing it over to a corner where it would probably stay until the next time she had to wear it. She walked over to her still unpacked suitcases already unbuttoning the rest of her uniform. She dug around for a bit until a pair of shorts and a sports bra were in her hand.

"No peeking!" Mairead yelled as she walked towards the closet and locked herself in to change. A few minutes later she emerged in a teal colored athletic getup. "If ye wait for me, Ah'll go with ye. Ah just need to find ma shoes. " She replied overhearing Ophelia ask if anyone wanted to go to the bonfire with her. Once again, Mairead made her way to her suitcases and began to rummage for a pair of sneakers. A lot of the students went to the bonfire and found themselves splashing around in the river, but not Mairead. Mairead could be found running around the grass playing football soccer or american football with her pals. Sneakers and shorts were the most appropriate wear or so she found out after ruining her favorite pair of blue jeans her first year. She rather have scraped up knees than holes in her jeans. "Ready! Let's go, Fern!"

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  • 6xGxAvD.png

    ❝ If I believe you, would that make it stop? ❞





    t h e m e



    location: wdu infirmary

    time: 5:30

    with: Lilith Darling @ShurikenPhoenix, Isabella French @mxlly
    A breath of relief escaped the man before her as a girl made her way towards them. He smiled as she came into clearer focus, a toothy grin that lightened his whole demeanor. Lottie marveled at the man’s ability to smile in the midst of a crisis.

    The girl’s eyes were coffee browns, the center a bright mocha, lively and enrapturing. After that it was all latte, just until the rim of dark-roast. The colors seemed to swirl together as she spoke, revealing an undertone of green -- sprouts of thyme peeking out of rich soil, hidden emeralds in an underground cave. These hints of green accordingly hid themselves as she spoke of the ‘incident’ that had occurred in the President’s absence, submitting themselves to domination by suddenly dark and moody browns. The girl was clearly hit very hard by whatever misfortune had befallen the injured student, and she looked down to her feet in misery, digging one sparkled espadrille into the courtyard dirt.

    Lottie wished she would look back up. She wanted to hug her, to tell her it would be all right, to do something, but after her previous faux pas, she refused to trust herself in the ways of American customs . . . yet. Note to self: it is apparently weird to straighten a stranger’s tie.

    The girl -- Lilith, as President Mouse referred to her -- lifted her head once more at the man’s reassuring pat on the shoulder. Every ounce of her seemed to lighten at the mention of a bonfire, down to the last freckle, and she exhaled, releasing whatever tension she had bottled up inside her. “Now there’s someone I’d like you to meet,” President Mouse revealed, and gestured to Lottie.

    “Oh, I'm so sorry! How rude of me! Hello, I'm Lilith Darling, Student Council president,” Lilith exclaimed, and held out her hand, smiling once more. Lottie stared at her hand, at its soft manicure and delicate texture, before taking Lilith’s fingers in her own. They were slippery, as though the girl had been sweating profusely and had hastily wiped her hands on her shorts. Lottie didn’t blame her; after all, who wouldn’t be a little nervous when they were student council president and things went awry?

    “Lilith, this is Lottie O’Malley,” President Mouse began. The name didn’t register in Lottie’s mind -- she was Charlotte Bonfamille, 14 rue de La Liberte, Bonfamille Manoir. Lottie O’Malley was a stranger. Lottie O’Malley was not her.

    For a terrifying moment, Charlotte forgot.

    It took her a few seconds to regain her bearings, and once she did, she convinced herself for the hundreth time of her new identity, of her fabricated background, of her charlatan life. She couldn’t afford to cling onto her past life; one mistake would mean the destruction of her entire cover. Lottie forced herself to listen to what Lilith and President Mouse were saying.

    She cocked her head to the side as Lilith suggested joining a club, and her interest piqued once more at the president’s mention of a yearbook club. Their exchanged had Lottie confused -- she would never understand Americans’ need to beat around the bush -- and even after President Mouse had made it clear he wanted her to take the club over, she was still a little foggy. I’m one of the best photographers my age?

    “Monsieur, I hardly think I deser--” Lottie had begun to say, humbled by his compliment, but before the words had left her mouth, Lilith’s phone rang. Lottie recognized the tune -- her ringtone was a song from Peter Pan, a movie Lottie had watched in her home theater when she was a child; the french version, of course, but nonetheless the same story.

    No sooner did Lilith pick up the phone than she had hung up, turning once more to face Lottie. A million emotions played on her smooth features, most predominately worry and regret. “I have something I need to take care off, but let's get you to your dorm first,” Lilith said quickly, smiling abnormally wide, “You can get settled in and meet your roommates.”

    Lottie nodded, jumping into step with Lilith before remembering her bags. “The taxi driver dropped my boxes off near the courtyard entrance -- I’ll be just a moment, mademoiselle.”


    The combined effort of Lottie O’Malley and Lilith Darling had Lottie’s unhealthy amount of luggage in front of her dorm in record time. Now fully informed about the role she would play as the potential president of Picture Perfect, Lottie was psyched. Half an hour in and we’re already president of a club! It’s all going up O’Malley!

    Lilith suggested that they trade numbers, a simple act that sent a chill up Lottie’s spine.

    She’d dated back in France -- frivolous, 2-week relationships, like the sort you’d see in middle school. They exchanged their je t’aimes, hooked up more than occasionally, and posed for instagram pictures -- on the outside, each relationship was the epitome of love, each filter and like a reminder of just how lucky Lottie was to have so many pining after her. Gender-wise, she was not picky; and, looking back, Lottie realized that she never really looked at personality either. Each of her relationships were as transparent as her friendships. It was sickening.

    Lilith was something special, though; you could tell that she was the type of person who believed in love-at-first-sight and true-love’s-kiss. The type of person to fall in love with the Mr. Right. Either way, Lottie’s gay-dar wasn’t making any hits around the beautiful girl, much to her chagrin.

    “Will do, mademoiselle. Than you so much for your help!” Lottie called after Lilith as the girl sprinted down the hall, presumably because of her previous angst-ridden phone call. Lottie promised herself to get to know the girl better; lesbian or not, she seemed like a great person. The two might be running clubs side by side soon enough.

    Boxes stacked in her arms and suitcases looped into the crooks of her elbows, Lottie shifted the weight of the boxes onto one arm for a fraction of a second to open the door. Inside, she heard animated chatter, and spurts of anxiety and excitement rose within her. This was it.

    She wasn’t in France anymore.

    As the door swung open, she redistributed the weight of the three boxes evenly amongst her two arms, and blindly stepped into the room. The faces of her new roommates were covered by a layer of cardboard -- her box of shoes, she believed -- and she timidly squeaked, “Anyone got a free hand?”[/font]




Location: Dorms // Class: N/A //Scenario: Time to party! I think... // Time: 6:00PM// With: Annabelle - @ShurikenPhoenix Jasmine -
@crucialstar // Mentions: N/A // Outfit: Bonfire outfit

"You look maqnifique!" Sabine cheered at the blonde's outfit. It suited her very well. Once Annabelle finally chose an outfit Sabine grabbed her pink suitcases. "You girls are so kind to me!" Sabine praised with a bright smile and followed the girls out of their dorm. "You know that outfit you're wearing is super pretty, you should wear it to the bonfire." Annabelle complimented. Sabine giggled, what she was wearing now was atrocious for a party such as a bonfire. "A bonfire hmm? This outfit is just a simple plane outfit but thank you!" Sabine smiled. With her mind ticking away she already planned her next outfit. With the help of the girls Sabine found her new room for her university life. "Just wait a seconde!" Sabine cooed and went inside her room. Sabine chucked her suitcase onto the last bed and flicked the latches open. Sabine scavenged for a top and black skirt along with some heeled sandals. Sabine raced to grab her portable mirror and placed fake daisies in her blonde locks. Sabine applied her make-up and came out of her dorm in quick timing. "All done!" Sabine smiled, her breathe still smelling minty fresh. "Shall we go to the

fête?" Sabine smiled at her new friends. "I brought some swimwear as well in case there is a river." Sabine motioned to her tiny clutch. "My grandmother made it. It is bigger than it looks!" Sabine winked awkwardly. "Now, which way do we go?" She asked, a playful yet confused look on her face.

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

@Ethereal @Inritz @ShurikenPhoenix @TheTraveller @Xeyran

Start of School Bonfire!

Get ready to dance, swim and have the best time ever!

All teachers on duty until 10:00 P.M.!


~Mig (Bashful) and Jeffrey (Dopey) David (Doc) will be escorting new students from the dorms to the River

(Those who don't know the way or may be going alone)

~ If students know their way there they can either walk (about 15-20 min walk) or carpool (about 5 min drive)

~Food and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided by Gusteau's

Ethan will bring the booze once teachers leave

~Students are allowed to swim in the river

~There will be live performance by Powerline @8:00 P.M.

~Firework sponsored by Mushu's Light Extravangaza @10:00 P.M.

~School dress code must be followed

While teachers are present.

~Feel free to interact with any NPCs


~NPC Edgar Balthazar and Cogsworth will be signing in teachers and assigning them jobs.

Ask me for the job

~All teachers will be on duty from 7:00-10:00 P.M. and must arrive at least 15 min prior.

They can stay after 10:00 P.M. if they'd like

~Teachers must enforce school appropriate behavior and safety of students during duty

What happens after duty in the bonfire stays at the bonfire ;)

~Food and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided by Gusteau's

~Teachers are allowed to swim in the river

~There will be live performance by Powerline@8:00 P.M.

~Firework sponsored by Mushu's Light Extravangaza@10:00 P.M.

~School dress code must be followed

~Feel free to interact with any NPCs

Schedule 7:00 A.M. Move in

8:30 A.M. Medley Illusions ~@Courtyard

9:00 A.M. Disniettes ~@Courtyard

10:00 A.M. Presentation ~@Courtyard

12:00 P.M. Lunch Provided by Left Overs

2:00 P.M. Club Fair Postponed!

6:00 P.M. End of Move In

7:00 P.M. Bonfire ~@River

The soft crackling sound of water seeping smoothly through rocks and the occasional fallen branch filled the air as the fresh-water river flowed over the pebbled riverbed. The gentle waters snaked through the dirt filled path adorning the clear blue canvas with subtle brush-like strokes of pinks, purples and oranges reflected from the sunset. Twigs twirled on its rippling surface prancing around the melodious humming tune the water created. It was magical.

The booming voice of Michael Minner resonated through the clearing as it bounced off the castle of trees that surrounded them. His blue-green eyes moved through an unending cycle:Watch, river, stage, entrance, watch, river, stage, entrance. There was a sense of urgency with the boy as he raced against time in order to have everything set up just the way Lilith wanted it. Lilith. Lord bless that girl's soul. She made having to put up with events like this on a daily basis look like a walk in the park, but now that Michael was on the other end of the clipboard he felt the stress of a thousand pile up on his shoulders. He was walking around with two elephants having a tea party, his head being the table.

His eyes were on his watch furiously tapping the chipped glass that had survived far too many falls and beatings. It was ten minutes 'til, yet Michael could have sworn that he had a full hour left five minutes ago. His eyes were on the river. The beauty of the water flow comforted his heart for a mere second before he spotted the paleness of bare flesh barreling through the clearing and belly flopping into the river. He'd recognize his foster brother's tush anywhere. "Jeffrey you big dope! Stop fooling around!" but despite his warnings, Jeffrey's rear poked out of the river like two floaties doing their job. His mind raced with the question "What would Lilith do?", but the sight of the rest of his brothers mastering the art of skinny dipping was clouding his judgement.

Michael quickly finished his routine check up. Stage: Dj booth ready, instruments set, lights set, music playing. Entrance: Path cleared, parking lot set, people coming in. Watch: Second hand hits the twelve in three, two, one. River... A bright satisfied smile grew on Michael's face. He'd done it. He'd done what no one else in student council could have pulled off. He became Lilith for a day. Michael threw Lilith's clipboard up in the air, papers flying off like confetti. He ran over to the bonfire set up in the middle of the clearing and plugging in the lights and special effects to the power cord that ran from his truck to the end of the fake fire. He let out a loud "Woo" as students began to gather around the twinkling red and orange lights that resembled a roaring fire. The music went from loud to blasting and Michael bid adieu to his clothes and joined his butt naked brothers cannon balling in the river.​
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Ophelia Lilliana Robin

Location: Bonfire

With: Mairead @ShurikenPhoenix, Ava @Ethereal , Elle @lostviolence @karmaa , Aurora @NessieAlways

The redhead's brows furrowed as she studied her reflection in the mirror. Swimsuit? Check. Cute outfit? Check. Hair in some semblance of order? She frowned at a few loose strands, but decided it wasn't a huge deal. Mostly check. "Leave something for th' lads tae fancy, Fern. Ye'll wear yerself out by staring. " Ophelia turned the color of a tomato at her roommates comment. She quickly walked away from the mirror and sat on the edge of her bunk, tugging at her kimono jacket anxiously. Her roommate was certainly... Loud? Audacious? Undaunted? Well... She was a character. And unapologetically herself. It was something that Ophelia could learn from, but also just a bit intimidating.

Ophelia watched as the other redhead disappeared into the closet to change, then once more as she scoured the room for her shoes. "Ready! Let's go, Fern!" Ophelia nodded, and followed her roommate over the the bonfire. Mairead offered small talk along the way. The standard "Where are you from?" and "What's your major?". Ophelia responded politely and asked her the same. She may as well get to know her roommate, even if they didn't have that much in common on the surface.

The bonfire site looked incredible. Lights and music blared all around. There was a large food and drinks table set up to her right, and a river flowed through the site to her left. Students danced and chatted, and in the center of it all was a large bonfire. Not a real fire- Ophelia had overheard about some incident earlier in the day- but the craft job was excellent. Ophelia was inclined to simply take a moment to absorb it all, but Mairead grabbed her arm and dragged her over to the drinks table- clearly seeing someone she recognized. Ophelia grabbed a can of Sprite off of the table and sipped at it while the two chatted. The boy had introduced himself as Hagane and Ophelia politely introduced herself in turn. The boy carried himself with a unique air... Kind of cocky. Like someone who pretended they didn't care much about grades or anything, but generally did well anyway.

She tried to follow the conversation the best that she could, but the conversation quickly turned towards soccer and the team and she found herself unable to keep up. With a sigh, she scanned over the crowd at the bonfire. There were plenty of faces that she had not seen earlier. A pretty blonde in a black bikini was one, with her squad behind her walking from what appeared to be the parking lot. Ophelia bit her lip, the blonde was cute, and the bikini was doing her plenty of favors. Another blonde in a super adorable green cover-up skirt was chatting excitedly with some people by the bonfire. Just as she was thinking about how she hadn't seen the cute boy from earlier- Kody- yet, she noticed him and two others to his side. She was slightly disappointed when one of them was an incredibly adorable blonde girl. Both of his companions were looking at the tattoos on his forearms- and they appeared flabbergasted. Ophelia sighed, sipping at the Sprite in her hand and trying once more to follow Mairead and Hagane's conversation.


Heracles nodded dutifully at the captain as she thanked him for his support, feeling rather proud of himself for being so openminded about the whole situation. He couldn't help but grin impishly as she mentioned him having to keep Rodger and Leia from butting heads. Leia wasn't one to suffer who she found to be fools lightly and for some reason, Rodger really got on her nerves. Personally he found their constant bickering funny, but he knew it could cause bigger problems.
"Don't argue that much? Rodger you and Leia are always at each other's throats about something. She will probably have a hernia when she realises you've joined us," he teased, patting him on the shoulder before finishing off the final slice of pizza.

Almost as soon as the light-hearted banter had begun, it was over, as Tora requested to speak alone with Herc. Her features were back to 'business' mode and he knew he was going to be given some kind of responsibility. Heracles didn't mind responsibility. In fact, in cases where the ROTC or sports were involved, he thrived on it. It gave him a strong sense of purpose, and being born and raised in such a pampered setting had made it so he very rarely had to take responsibility. The only thing that was strictly enforced was that he had to keep tabs on his reputation... Then again, he knew plenty of other people in his position who completely ruined their reputation and still managed to stay a success. He often wondered how they did it. Phil always said it was excellent PR planned well in advance...

"I'll admit this is unorthodox. Having the one I care for serve with me, and I won't deny there is a part that is selfish. My family will never accept Dodger unless he oozes proper soldier. I need you to use your last year to help me mold him into one, at least in part." Herc was inwardly taken aback. It was weird hearing the captain speak so personally and he shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. As much as he didn't like negative emotions, Herc couldn't help but be a little annoyed at Captain Tora's confession. She only wanted Rodger in the group because her parents wouldn't accept a non-soldier? Was that really enough of a reason. Sure he probably had a few uses, but as far as Heracles was aware, Rodger had had absolutely no interest in joining at all. It seemed wrong to ask Herc to mould him into a soldier just because his captain wanted to date him.

Everything made a lot more sense when she began to divulge a bit of Rodger's personal history. Helping him have a legal outlet would be a good idea and was a kindhearted thing to do. So straightening up and taking up a stoic expression, Herc nodded dutifully. "Of course Captain, I'll do my best to mould Rodger into a great soldier." His gaze then shifted to the clock on the wall and his eyes widened slightly. It was almost seven, he had to get to the bonfire, one of his favourite events of the year. "Say Captain, it's almost bonfire time, so I think I best head out. You two coming?" he asked Rodger and Pino with a smile.

He didn't really wait for an answer as he saluted the captain and went on his way to the river, grinning widely when he got there and saw bodies filling the area. His attention was mostly on the bikini-clad females, a lot of them younger than him by the looks of it. He waved to a few people he knew before heading straight to the food, not even noticing that the bonfire did not consist of real flames. He began starting up a conversation with a cute brunette who recognised him from a Dior commercial he had done once, though he could tell she was more interested by his celebrity than him. [/font]




Location: Dorm > Bonfire// Year: 1st (sort of) // Class: N/A // Scenario: Girl Power with a ghost! // With: Her own ghostly self | Mentions: Madden - @Ethereal | Olivia - @Ethereal | // Mentions: None// Outfit: Bonfire with Bikini[/font]

Elle smiled when Aurora finished with Olive. "She's looks great Aurora!" Elle complimented with a soft smiled. Elle fiddled with her keys until Aurora grabbed her hand with a squeal. "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Elle laughed as Aurora lead her Elle's car. Elle unlocked the car and hopped into the driver's seat, a bright smile on her face. To be honest Elle hasn't had this much fun in ages. With her dealing with her parent's company whilst dealing with her studies Elle just didn't have time for fun. Aurora switched the radio on as Elle started the car, slowly reversed the out of the parking lot. Soon Elle found herself singing along. "Jumped in the cab, here I am for the first time. Look to my right and I see the Hollywood sign, this is all so crazy! Everybody seems so famous!" Elle smiled as she sang with Aurora. Elle slowly pushed the pedal harder as the car sped up. Elle found a car park and parked the car neared the bonfire. "Let's go!" Elle exclaimed and jumped out of her car, leading the group the bonfire. She saw everyone was already there, her scanned the area until she saw Powerline setting up. Elle softly squealed. Elle was their number one fan at WDU, she loved his music and dreams of becoming famous like him. "Oh my god!" Elle whispered then hid behind Aurora. "He just smiled a me!" She whispered, her heart fluttered with excitement. "Holy crap!" Elle repeated over and over. "Imagine singing with him! That would amazing!" Elle dreamed but sighed, that couldn't happen. She was a student and he was a mega pop star. Oh well, Elle shrugged her dream off and went to hang out with Aurora. She was going to stay close in case Aurora gets a little.. Too drunk.
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Tora Fa

Location: Tora's Place/River With: (Formerly) Hercules, Pino @ShurikenPhoenix (Currently) Dodger, Leia Scene: This Must Be What Hell Feels Like Time:1900

Tora smiled at Hercules. He was a good soldier. She looked at her watch. "Boys, go. I'll catch up." "You'll never make it in time if you walk, Captain, I'll drive you." Dodger offered. "Very well." she said. Pino made kissing noises as he followed Herc out the door. "Well that was a disaster." Dodger moaned when they were alone. "It went very well actually." Tora said primly. "Now on to stage two." "I hate it when your plans have stages. I always get shafted." Tora picked up a few things and grabbed her keys. "Let's go. We still have the LTs. to inform." Dodger sighed. "We aren't even going to talk?" "About what?" "About what?! What happened!" "Ah. I own you now. Was that not clear? You're now my little puppy. Now for your first order, come." "Your sense of humor is warped Tora." Dodger said. "Who said I was joking?" She said mysteriously.

The car ride was quick, and Dodger kept trying to engage Tora in conversation, she kept telling him to be patient. They would discuss it when the bonfire was over. Urg. Three whole hours of torture. Dodger left the booze in the car, for now, he had duties to attend to first. He had to find Esme and Mariead. They saw Leia almost immediately, "Ah crap." Dodger said. "Ah Lt. Organa. Sorry for springing the impromptu meeting on you. I'll fill you in now. Short story. Dodger is our new supply clerk to bolster out numbers and give us bargaining powers with the school again. Also he is mine. There are kiss marks on him to prove it." "Couldn't you phrase that in a way to not give people heart attacks?" Dodger sighed. "I'd rather mark my territory now. Would you rather I make you wear a badge that says property of Tora Fa?" "Please no." Dodger whispered.

"So I'm going to see what the school needs me to do. Please don't break my new toy, Lt." Tora said as she walked away. Dodger laughed nervously. Tora went to speak with the teacher assignment people. They would give her directions.

Dodger Smith

Location: River With: Leia @ShurikenPhoenix Scene: No, THIS is what Hell must be like Time: 1900

Dodger was left alone with his nemesis and the stick in her ass. "Uh yeah, that about sums it up." Leia looked pissed. About a great many things. "Look on the bright side, you're now my boss so, uh you can make me do things? Except get a cut of the profits. Not that you'd want any. What do you say we start anew? Maybe this is the chance to turn over a new leaf! I'm already selling the booze here legally. Not one drop will be sold without the schools permission. Better than Christmas Ball last year right. When Pino stripped and sang Let it Go at the top of his lungs because I got him drunk on Wild Irish Rose. I'm not helping my case am I?" Dodger said with a panicky laugh. Leia was still silent. Damn it it was like talking to a wall. "Tora's little announcement didn't break you did it? It's not like she's going to show me any favoritism. If anything she's going to be harder on me. Not like she was ever easy on me." Dodger sighed. He looked a little wild as he waited for Leia to speak.

Jim Bearton

Location: River With: Students @Anyone Scene: The Watcher on the Wall Time:1900

"Hey! No running so close to the river! You're adults act like it!" Barked Jim at two students who sheepishly stopped running. Jim sighed. There were enough accidents today. This would go off without a hitch. Lifeguards were posted at the river, a tech was posted at the fire, there were firemen in case something went wrong with the electrics, and at the head of it all was Jim. He was as tightly wound as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, as his grandmother would say. The other staff would help, but this was his baby. Dodger was a smart kid, he must have worked overtime to wheel and deal to get this equipment. That Jimmy kid, the one on the student council though, this idea made him smile. A fireless bonfire. He might insist they do this every year to save on costs. One of his guards was banding the students, red bands, no booze, green ones were old enough. He just hoped Dodger was ethical enough to keep to the rules. Then again, Dodger rarely kept to the rules. At least with him being here he would rat out the other sellers. Jim took a headache pill and hoped that it would work. This was going to be a long night.

Pino Faust

Location: River With: First and Second Year Girls Scene: Haaaaaaaave You Met Pino? Time: 1900

"Yeah, this is my last year of freedom. Then it's off to fight for the country." Pino said non-nonchalantly to a group of girls. "I'm ready to die for my country though. I mean who wouldn't be when it's filled with such beautiful young women?" They blushed an giggled. Pino was trying to single the hottest one out for a little alone time. "I'll be joining infantry, nothing but the best and brightest for the future head of the Army. I mean who can argue with these?" He flexed his impressive biceps and in the distance, Jimmy saw this and shook his head. "So, what are you girls studying? Ever consider joining the Army? We could always use more pretty faces in ROTC, the girls we have are total dogs. Scratch that, dogs are at least cute." He went on in this manner impressing the girls with how many push ups he could do and slowly working his way to his goal. This day sucked ass, but it could end nicely if he played his cards right.

Jimmy Crick

Location: River With: None Mentions Lilith @NessieAlways Scene: I'm The School's Conscience Time 8pm

Jimmy walked away from Pino's little display. He was always such a showoff. He texted Lilith. "Everything is going well. Will update as time goes by. Give Leah my best." He noticed Jim giving stern warnings and checked the DJ again. The generator was going fine, but he ordered more fuel just in case. Food was arriving, and he was directing where it should go. Where was Jasmine? He shook his head. She was doing her job just like he should be doing his and not worrying about others. He looked at afar and saw Dodger talking with Miss Organa. He almost went over, then remembered the caustic nature of the two and thought better of it. He had to admit, Dodger really pulled through for him. He was right to trust him again. When his shift was over, a small drink wouldn't kill anyone. He looked and sighed happily at the work of the student council. He was right to hand the reigns over to Lilith.

Theodore Baar

Location: River With: None Scene: SSDD Time 8:00pm

Theo walked to the river and the students gave him a wide berth. Especially the 4th years. He sighed. It was going to be another one of those years again. He had done this song and dance for many years any only his first year were the students any degree of friendliness. He wasn't that hard to please, he just wanted to get the students ready for what would be there and the world tolerated no fools. That apparently made him a hardass and the students were scared of him. Dodger said that this was the year people would see him in a new light. He hoped the boy was right. He certainly had the gift of gab, he gave him that. Maybe the new club would soften his image, only time would tell. For now though, his duties awaited.

  • img-thing

    Was it right to be already pissed off in the middle of the day, right before a party? Well, if it wasn't, then Olivia James had a lot of cheering up to do. After getting found by
    Atlas, the teen nearly lost it. It was great that she had Li to company her the whole time. He was sweet, someone she adored. And, Atlas. He was basically one of her best friends. She loved him. But that was the problem. She didn't want Atlas to be the one to have looked for her. She wanted Aurora to be the one. I mean, for god's sake, they were best friends. No, scratch that, they were sisters. And the fact that Aurora didn't even tag along with Atlas to come and look for her during the whole time that she was lost in the crowds of those sweaty young adults--well, let's just say that it was a bit unpleasing. Especially with all of the commotion. Olivia felt a rage of fury while walking back to the dorm rooms. Though, she didn't show an inch of it on the outside. And of course, there was one, and one person only to blame, and she knew just who. Ava. Ava Kosa. Aurora had been cozying up to her all day. I mean, yeah, that's typically how Aurora is. She takes in the new kid under her wing, but this was entirely different. Aurora touched Ava and looped arms with her in practically the first ten minutes. Even Atlas had all of his googly eyes on her. Little Miss. Ava here, had taken all of the attention, and honestly, Olivia was already sick and tired of Ava's sweet and innocent act, as if she didn't MEAN to STEAL Olivia's friends from her.

    ***15MinsLater After Atlas Finding Her & Li***

    If she was being totally honest with herself, Olivia wasn't listening to a single word that either Li or Atlas was saying. She heard voices in the background talking to her, and knew what they were saying, but was too busy thinking about how'd she confront Aurora about her anger, to process any real human words other than her own. Every time either of them spoke, she simply just laughed, and nodded her head, which worked like a charm and didn't cause nor Li or Atlas to know that she was out of it. Though, she zoned back in once she saw her dorm room come into view. As they got closer, it was obvious that Aurora was in the room since her energetic voice carried widely throughout any room. As Olivia and the boys entered the room, Olivia grew a bright red shade that was mixed with disappointment and rage. Ava was standing right near her bed, while Aurora stayed and drooled over her. She was wearing--her-her BIKINI. Well, Aurora's bikini. Olivia flashed her head to Atlas who was gawking as if there were a dozen naked women in front of him. "Are you serious?" Olivia blurted unexpectedly. A shot a few scoffs at both Atlas and Ava. Then flipped her head over to Aurora. A melancholy expression soon drifted across her face, causing the evidence of anger to leave. "You promised me that you'd let me wear that bathing suit. That you thought I looked the cutest in it. Forget it, obviously you changed your mind." And with that, Olivia crossed over the room towards her bag which was filled with her clothes, and then stormed right out of the room before anyone could say anything.

    Olivia had never been this angry in her life. It was only the first day and already she felt like crap. Not once, not ever, had she gotten in a fight with Aurora. About anything. They were like gum on shoes. Inseparable. Who knew that the petite Ava would be able to ruin all of that within 2-3 hours of her arrival? She thought that walking out of the door would bring a sense of power and a tad bit of enjoyment to her mood, but it had only made her feel worse. It was less than an hour till the party and she basically had nothing to wear, let alone no one to go with. Olivia began strolling around the dorm halls thinking about a million vengeful ways to get back at both Ava and Aurora. Especially Aurora, and after ten minutes of sauntering around, and solemn nail biting, Olivia thought of the perfect plan. And the plan's name was Flynn. Eagerly, the brunette smiled at herself, dropping her clothing bag on the floor, and yanking out her phone.

    Hey Flynn! Where r u? Cancel all the plans that you had to go to the bonfire with anyone tonight, and meet me at your dorm room in 5-10mins! <3 xoxo
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"Ah Lt. Organa. Sorry for springing the impromptu meeting on you. I'll fill you in now. Short story. Dodger is our new supply clerk to bolster out numbers and give us bargaining powers with the school again. Also he is mine. There are kiss marks on him to prove it." Leia had barely just got to the DJ booth when Captain Tora approached her with Rodger by her side and announced this almost heinous news. She had to try very hard not to broadcast her thought on the matter. Dodger is our new supply clerk, she thought over and over in her head though it never sounded any less ridiculous. Dodger is our new supply clerk...then the second part of her announcement began to sink in: Also he is mine. There are kiss marks on him to prove it...Leia simply could not get her head around that part not even if she tried. Why on earth should the captain be divulging such an irrelevant piece of information to her as if she actually cared. Besides, it was more than slightly unprofessional and a little degrading to be having a relationship with a student in Leia's humble opinion. She liked older guys in general, but she would never pursue a professor.

Once Tora had left, Leia and Rodger were left alone together. She didn't quite understand why he was even still hovering around her trying to justify things.

"Look on the bright side, you're now my boss so, uh you can make me do things? Except get a cut of the profits. Not that you'd want any. What do you say we start anew? Maybe this is the chance to turn over a new leaf! I'm already selling the booze here legally. Not one drop will be sold without the schools permission." Leia was barely taking in anything he was saying. She simply stared at the guy incredulously.

"Better than Christmas Ball last year right. When Pino stripped and sang Let it Go at the top of his lungs because I got him drunk on Wild Irish Rose. I'm not helping my case am I?" What an idiot. Why is he even still talking?

"Tora's little announcement didn't break you did it? It's not like she's going to show me any favoritism. If anything she's going to be harder on me. Not like she was ever easy on me." Leia began tapping her feet discreetly under the DJ booth as she politely waited for him to stop talking. Once he did, she stayed silent for a little longer just to make it painful for him.

"Smith, you talk too much. If you're going to be working with us," she said this with slightly clenched teeth, "Then we need less talking and more action. Take Thermopolis for example. He doesn't talk much, so when he does it has meaning...well, sometimes anyway." Her gaze swept over Rodger once more appraisingly before adding, "By the way, that monologue was wholly unnecessary. What, did you think I was going to use a blaster on your or something?" she actually smiled slightly before waving him away. Really it wasn't him she disliked so much as his illegal doings and his annoying habit of talking too much. They say women talk a mile a minute..."Go have your fun. I won't be going easy on you once ROTC starts. You're going to need a few nice memories to keep you sane" she said, completely deadpan before ignoring him entirely and focusing on the DJ booth.







Major: Law//Year: 1st//Location: Many places before reaching 'The River'// Class: N/A//Scenario: Let's fiesta until siesta!// Time: Party time!// With://Mentions:

Miguel was finding it hard not to practice finger placement for ukulele chords on an invisible ukulele as his parents spoke solemnly to him about doing well at this university he didn't even want to go to. His father looked like he was announcing a death in the family with how seriously he was taking all of this, and his mother's gaze was constantly checking that Miguel was not drifting away from the conversation. Of course he was long gone. To the point that he was singing in his own head whilst leaning nonchalantly against the banister of the staircase.

When I'm myself again I want just the life I had, he sang to himself, swaying to the internal
"Pedro Miguel Navine are you listening to a word we are saying?" his mother snapped, waving a hand over his face to gain his attention.

"Si mama of course I am listening! School equals boring but earns me my money and parties. There is nothing hard to understand. I bet law is an easy subject!" He waved a hand dismissively, grinning at his butler as he packed the last of his cases into the car. "Maybe I can get that guy to do the work for me!"

His parents looked outraged at this, but considering they had let him get away with so much throughout his life, there wasn't much they could say to him. They had already cut him off from the thing he valued most.
"Pedro, you do not get to bring Jeeves with you," his father said with a stern expression, but Miguel had already begun with his goodbyes, wrapping an arm round both of his parents with an enthusiastic smile.

"Of course, of course! Now I have to fly. Books to read, classes to sleep through...keep that money safe for me. Love you!"

**A car ride and several upbeat jazz tunes later**

Miguel was wide eyed as he observed the sheer majesty of the university buildings. Living in Europe meant he had seen such buildings many times, but beauty was something that still took his breath away. He exclaimed loudly as he stepped out of the car with ukulele in hand. He had been playing his ukulele almost the entire journey to Jeeves' dismay.
"Ashidanza, isn't it beautiful?" he asked the rotund man as he struggled with Miguel's many bags, "Let's hope the women are just as beautiful eh man!" he added with a wink as he began making his way to wherever he needed to go, forgetting entirely about the butler following behind.

Sure enough there were many beautiful girls at WDU. This would surely help his time there to be more pleasant. He winked at a few of them as he passed, they blushed and giggled and coyly waggled their fingers at him in greeting.

**Sometime after more flirting, uke playing and ignoring butlers...**

Time had passed very quickly until the bonfire that someone had told Miguel about while he had been exploring his new home. The boy was always up for a party, and so there was no question he would be attending. Slinging his most prized possession (the ukulele) onto his back, he then made his way to the river with several other new students, feeling as though he was in heaven at the sight of all the bikini clad girls. Though he did not like to admit it, even the sight of some shirtless guys was admirable. Looking around at all the people, he wondered who would be the most easy group of people to approach, but with so many people present, for once he was a little overwhelmed. To counter this, he simply made a beeline for the food. He hadn't eaten all day and he was quite hungry.



Jesse Bradley


Location= Outside dorms, the River -:- Class= N/A -:- Time= 6:00PM -:- Scenario= Finally, some booze -:- Mood= (>_>) -:- Mentions= Justin and the weird ukulele dude @ShurikenPhoenix

Jesse was leaning against the wall outside of the dorms with his arms crossed and chin resting on his chest, dozing lightly as he waited for his younger brother to finish getting himself situated. Jesse wasn't about to go mother Justin only to have him stick to him like a barnacle since the guy usually couldn't handle being away from home. Luckily, Jesse had heard about the bonfire earlier and it had brightened Justin's spirits (because of potential eye candy) and had made the transition from pouting like a puppy in the car to hauling everything up to his dorm like a man on steroids after dropping off his dog at Pocket Pawls.

Distant chattering and time passed over him as the sun began really setting, causing dusk to let loose its colors and signifying the beginning of the bonfire. It made him begin to wonder passively if Justin had gotten caught up with either his wardrobe for the evening or talking with his roommates. Jesse didn't like talking much with his own roommates. There was always this tension between Ethan and Adam that underlies all their 'interactions' that Jesse can't/doesn't want to place because drama was not what he was looking for in college but that contradicts how he acts around Tobias. He doesn't know why, but the younger guy also set Jesse off for some reason. Thus some subtle pranks masterminded by yours truly on Tobias. But otherwise, Jesse had been a recluse. Not many friends. No girlfriends. Off the grid socially. He had the bad feeling that would change with his brother newly arrived and ready to drag him through society.

Eventually, Justin came out of the lobby, fastening a bandanna around his head with the goofiest smile. Jesse looked up when Justin kicked his foot. "Yo, scrub!"

"Glad you're gay." Jesse said purposefully as a few girls walked by, making them look away from Justin after the comment. His brother glowered, or tried to. He was too excited to be going to a 'legit' party for the first time.

"You're the queer one." Justin retorted, catching onto Jesse's use of the older definitions of the words, not what society had adopted them as.

"Look at that, the pup's learning." Jesse grinned and pulled Justin in for a playful headlock, ruffling his hair and making his bandanna fall off. Justin chuckled and squeezed out of the grip, grabbing the bandanna from the ground and putting it back on before they started walking to the river, catching up as they went along. At some point, some other people had joined them, including a guy with a ukulele. Jesse eyed it and snorted. There would be entertainment tonight for sure.

If Jesse wasn't such an introvert, he'd have jumped into the river alongside Justin who did so immediately to make his grand entrance. Deciding to start that awkward group that hung at the edge of the party but didn't talk to each other, Jesse found himself a tree and sat down, placing the hat over his face, planning to sleep until word got out about the teacher's were gone and Ethan had the 'stuff' as his brother paddled around in the water.


Karen Wallaby


Location= The river -:- Class= N/A -:- Time=7:00PM -:- Scenario=It's like a spa day but with boys -:- Mood=(o'v'o) -:- Mentions=

Her parents had given her a blessing by agreeing to babysit Rodney for the night so she could settle in. By coincidence, there had to be a social gathering and that was Karen's thing. Or supposedly should have been her thing after she got clean. But a little drink never anyone...entirely. The day had been exciting enough just by arriving at the University. For once, the world was on her side and Karen could call in sick for her two jobs and let her hair down, even if it was just for one night in a whole semester.

A guy, Mig she learned later on their walk, had accompanied her to the river where the bonfire was to take place, dropping her off so he could escort some more new students without acquaintances. Her eyes brightened over the crowd that was around her age, the same age group she had partied with since she was sixteen. But now she was on even ground with everyone...an most of them were legal. Karen stopped thinking along that track before old habits resurfaced and walked over to where the smell of food was coming from, deciding to dish herself some food since she hadn't much time to eat with moving into her dorm and walking the campus to make sure she had her schedule mapped out. She was a mom now, Karen reminded herself smoothly. She'd another person to look after other than herself. Make friends, don't drink anything after 10, get back to the dorm. Simple.

After getting food on her plate, she stood in between groups like an awkward individual, scarfing down her food so she'd have time to swim and socialize later.


Alan Weseley


Location= The River -:- Class= N/A -:- Time=6:35PM -:- Scenario= Watch out, we got a bada** ova here -:- Mood=(>A>) -:- Mentions=

He'd brought a life guard chair with him, one that stood high up, and placed it next to the river, a little bit from the swinging tree. No one was going to drown on Alan's watch and his watch lasted the entire time the teacher's were required to babysit the soon-to-be drunk toddlers that were beginning to stream in. He climbed up into the life guard chair and sat down, sighing heavily as he slouched looking over the river and the rascals already playing in it.


Dodger Smith

Location: River With: (Formerly) Leia (In Passing) Quaz Mentions: Esme @crucialstar Time: 1900

Dodger laughed weakly at Leia's comments. "See you then." He said to empty space. He dialed Esme. "I'm at the River. I've had...a really odd day and just want to make some money. I'm off to grease the palms of the Student Council. If you need anything call me. We have another merry band in our misfit parade, her name's Mariead and she's a little rough around the edges, but she's got a good heart. Keep away from her though unless someone gives you trouble, she's earnest but hell on wheels. See ya."

Dodger felt guilty not mentioning Tora or anything else that happened during the day. Did he still have feelings for Esme? A little. Tora dominated his mind, but he wasn't one to sell his heart so easily, nor let go either. He walked by Quaz, the IT guy, and gave a friendly wave. "I'm not buying Dodger. I'm making sure the computers don't blow up or melt down." "Easy Quaz, just saying hi. I'll save a beer for you so you can relax after the party." "You kids think everything's a party. I have three servers to rebuild and the email for the professors is acting odd. Save your beer for someone who isn't busy." Quaz said grumpily. "Okay, chill man. Make your monkey help." Dodger said holding up his hands. "He's got enough overtime as it is. If it wasn't for the fact that all staff had to be here I'd be doing important things." Quaz said, rubbing his eyes. "Uh, good luck with that." Dodger said backing away slowly. The guy never was one to be cheerful, but he could usually be persuaded to cut loose every now and then. Things must be crappy with the computer situation. Good thing Dodger chose Linguistics as his major.

Ferka "Quaz" Romani

Location: River With: None Scene: Who is the Monster Who is the Man? Time: 0800pm

Ferka, known to almost everyone as "Quaz" was working on one of the computers for the DJ. He was working on a Macbook Pro, though the thing was 5 years old and needed updates out the ass. These idiots he had to work with. He switched the music over to a newer device and the thing worked perfectly. He packed up the old laptop and put in in a van labeled "To be worked on" which was sadly much more filled than the "Finished" bin. He sighed and went to his next case, the program used to randomize the lights for the bonfire. Sure the idea of a fireless bonfire HAD to put more work on him. He sighed and pulled more cable. It would have helped if they had actually told him before that they would be doing this. Then they got scared cause someone set the kitchens on fire. Nobody died did they? So why did shit have to roll down to him. He sighed and walked back to the "Fire".
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Major: Creative Writing//Year: 3rd//Location: The River// Class: N/A//Scenario: The Bonfire// Time: 7:15PM// With: N/A//Mentions: Aurora @NessieAlways and Satine

Once Junius had safely escaped the wrath of Satine, he had immediately headed off in the direction of his new dorm. As he turned the lock and opened the door he found he was the only person left to pick a bed and apparently he got a top bunk and none of his new roommates had any flair for interior design. He hadn't expected them to of course, but it certainly would have been nice to have a man with good taste around. Sighing loudly, he strode into the empty room and set to work meticulously ordering his possessions.

Juni might have made fun of Satine for her neat freak tendencies, but he honestly wasn't much better. He had his earphones in as he unpacked so even if someone walked in, he would be completely absorbed in his own little bubble. He didn't just do it for pleasures sake, he did it to block out the world. Last year he had roomed with a guy who hated him just because he happened to like guys. He simply had to keep his guard up. He'd had enough discrimination from ignorant bastards back in high school thank you very much.

Once Juni had grown bored of the routine of unpacking and ordering and set his framed photos of Audrey Hepburn and Marlon Brando (in his iconic role as Stanley Kowalski from Street Car. This was a very important point) on the shelf next to his top bunk bed , he decided it would be a good idea to pick an outfit for the bonfire. He knew most people would be dressed either in swimming gear or ghastly hoodies and sneakers of some description. He wrinkled his nose at the thought. After a lot of contemplation and scanning Pinterest for inspiration, he found the perfect combination of apparel. Most would say he was overdressed for a simple uncivilised glorified frat party, but bow ties, braces and button up shirts were pretty much his signature.

Being done dressing almost an hour after rifling through outfits did not mean he was done with his look. His hair was important too, and had to look absolutely immaculate with not a strand out of place. He agonised over it for another fifteen minutes before he was finally satisfied to make his way to the bonfire which he had now missed only fifteen minutes of to his surprise.

The atmosphere was the same as always when he arrived. It was obvious all the students were just waiting for the professors to leave so they could do whatever they wanted. Juni already knew that once it hit ten, Ethan LeFortmal would be there with the booze like the place was a freakin' speakeasy in the prohibition era. Of course, Juni wouldn't drink a drop because he liked to be sober and watch everyone do stupid stuff, and Satine wouldn't drink because she only liked wine and cocktail bars, even if she could hardly ever afford to go to them. Juni looked around to see if he could spot her, but she hadn't arrived yet. He was also on the watch for another blonde: Aurora. He was apparently her 'Gay Best Friend'. He didn't mind at all because the girl was so much fun to be around; bubbly, fun and flirtatious. He knew hardly anyone who didn't like her. When he didn't spot either of them, he decided to sit at the edge of the party for a little while and observe. Since he always took his notebook everywhere with him, he thought now was as good a time as any to write down observations for his novella. The best writers not only read and wrote everyday, but they observed the world around them and human behaviour.





Major: Music//Year: 1st//Location: The River// Class: N/A//Scenario: Here goes nothing...// Time: 7:00PM// With: N/A//Mentions: Satine, indirectly

Not surprisingly, it had taken a lot of self-convincing for Adam to drag himself along with the horde of first years to the bonfire. He left Henri to snooze in his room, making a note not to stay out for too long and neglect the sleeping puppy. Although Adam was raised to be a socialite, it had never worked out for him. He was much too reserved and mellow to be intrigued by the idea of talking to a bunch of people he would most likely never see again until another party. Needless to say, the sight of so many people from all years in one place should have been daunting to him. On the contrary, Adam was pleased there were so many people around to disguise his presence. He could be a part of it all, without really being a part of it all. Hiding in the crowd was perfect for him and so he placed himself right in the throng.

Adam couldn't help but wish he had some of his few friends attending the university with him. Though his parents did not approve, most of his closest companions consisted of the house domestics and servants. Christophe the pot wash was by far his closest friend, and he also remembered there being a young maid who worked for them once, though her name escaped him. If they had been there with him, he would have been far more comfortable. At present he simply hovered near the buffet table inspecting the food on offer. He had not realised quite how famished he was until he had been presented with all the food.




Major: Fashion and Costume Design//Year: 3rd//Location: Satine's Dorm// Class: N/A//Scenario: Do my eyes deceive me?// Time: Time seems to have stood still// With: Isabella @mxlly and Lottie @Rida//Mentions:

Before Isabella could answer Satine's question about the book she had been reading, a key could be heard in the door of the dorm and another girl stumbled in. Her face was covered by a tower of boxes which she could barely hold and instinctively, Satine walked over to help her, taking a box from the top of the pile making sure none of the other boxes fell. She was not paying too much attention to what the girl looked like for now, and in any case, her face was still covered by a few boxes.
"My goodness, how have you managed to carry these boxes here by yourself?" Satine asked in rhetoric, not really expecting an answer.

Although she could not see the girl's face for now, something about her voice sent tingles down her spine. Something in the tone and timbre reminded her of someone she had once known, someone she had had to leave behind in her pursuit of a better life. As Satine placed the first box down, she glanced down at her left wrist where a silver bracelet shone. She stared at the bracelet for a long moment before blinking rapidly in an attempt to pull herself back to reality. This girl could not possibly be who she thought she was...

She turned back to help with more boxes a little less enthusiastic as she had been the first time, her mind now far away and lost in memories, but when she turned this time, her heart very nearly went into cardiac arrest. Satine stood frozen in mid-action, her arms outstretched as she stared at the person before her. The same blonde hair that she had always admired, the same pale features that oozed an air of nobility, same eyes the same demeanour that had not changed one bit since they had parted. This was Charlotte Bonfamille. Satine's oldest and dearest friend, standing before her with what she assumed was a similar expression to her own.
"Merde!" she blurted out, the words spilling out in a tumble of surprise and elation, a strange combination. Satine was not usually one to use profanity, but this was an entirely unique situation. She had completely forgotten Isabella's presence in the room. Nothing mattered except the fact that Lottie was here at WDU. The girl she had thought of as a little sister, and always would.



Location: Her Dorm > River | Time: Bonfire | Year: 1st Year | Class: None

With: Marian @ShurikenPhoenix , Joy @Bubbly Brandi Ariel @TheTraveller , Phineas @SimplyMusicality

Mentions: Adam @ShurikenPhoenix, Eva @Inritz , Mairead @NessieAlways

Scenario: "Wait what? Goat stew? I'm feeling a sense of deja vu."



Jumping slightly, Esme wasn't exactly used to being hugged nor comforted all in one day, so this took her for a little spin, or rather, her mind was spinning way too much that if she didn't sit soon, she would probably fall down very , very unladylike-like. Djali, on the other hand, was too distracted by the puppy sniffing his toes as he sniffed the small dog in front of him. He looked like Henri, but it wasn't him or his scent. Djali bleated softly, missing his hyper friend, but was thoroughly distracted by the one before him at the moment. Esme continued fidgeting slightly until she returned the hug from the blonde, pixie-cut, joyful girl (Joy) only to hear from the wild, red-oranged haired girl's (Ariel) quite serious and stone-hardened voice. Looking over towards her, Esme stared as she bit her lip under the gaze she was given. If looks could kill, that would be one of them. However, her face distorted into one of horror as Djali bleated loudly at hearing he would be good goat stew. Quckly kneeling next to Dajli, Esme attempted to calm down the bleating goat as she hugged him. She looked between her roommates from the blonde-haired to the orange-red haired girl. "N-no! Djali's really not a delicious goat, I mean . . he's beautiful, but has way too much attitude and sarcasm. I . I heard eating animals that are like that can hurt your . . your digestive system." Esme said frantically, making something up that will cause them to not eat Djali. Esme wanted to change her mind quickly. "You. . you may have heard wrong! Beef stew is much better as goat is. . too. . gamey?" It was just too much! Sure, Djali had ate one of her roomie's shirt, but was it really enough to want to make him into goat stew? Djali hid behind Esme's frame as she looked towards the red-head (Marian), looking sincerely apologetic and worried as ever. The red-orange haired girl (Ariel) looked completely determined and spoke with a tone that didn't make it seem as if she was joking as the blonde-haired girl (Joy) stood there, looking slightly worried but never said anything. For the few silent moments that came, Esme felt her heart nearly stopping as she found it hard to breathe. It was literally her first day in the "real" world, being able to social with people her age and she's already caused more trouble than she can count at the top of her head. She'd never let Djali get harmed, even if he was responsible for the damage, he was her family, no matter what the case may be. Nevertheless, she wanted to make a good impression on her roommates and this just had to happen! If only she hadn't left him alone, fully knowing how much trouble the goat could get into by himself, she wouldn't have and could have prevented the events. But, still, she trusted her animal companion.

Esme attempted to try to figure out the emotions of the victim (Marian), but her facial expression was hard to tell what she was feeling. Hearing that Djali had literally ate her shirt to pieces reminded her of her encounter with. . . Isabelle or also known as Eva. It had been a while since she thought of her. . but every now and then, she'd think of the memories they made together, smiling fondly at them. Eva, her first and foremost childhood friend, the only friend she had and made, actually. She remembered it as clear as day, when she stumbled into the bookstore of one of the provincial town in France. Djali ended up causing a mess again, but because of him, she met her. Remembering Eva made her heart ache even more, she missed her friend. . dearly. Especially, since. . she was like her own sister, an unforgettable friend.
Where is she now? Is she well? Happy? Perhaps she found a new favorite book, Djali managed to take pages out of Eva's old favorite book and now he managed to snip another girl's favorite shirt. Perhaps she should call Djali, Djali the Favorite book and shirt eater. But even then, the name was too long and it wouldn't stick well enough. However, soon enough, a cackling laughter filled the room as Esme was brought out of her thoughts as she looked over in confusion at the laughing girl. She seemed so care-free and different, especially from the first moment Esme saw her. Her dead panned expression compared to the one she had one now was definitely more relieving and cheery. Esme made a mental note to never get on her bad side. Breathing a sigh of relief and placing a hand over her head, Esme ended up cracking a smile and bursted into giggling fits as well. "You should definitely become an actress, Ariel, you'll definitely land a role in no time!" She said sincerely, relieved she was only kidding as Djali walked from behind Esme, going over to sniff her. Esme looked at Joy, "Your name suits you Joy, you're radiating with happiness!" She finished, never wanting to dampen her mood or make her sad. Smiling towards her, before her eyes landed on Autumn, Esme flailed slightly, "Nice to officially meet you guys! Thank you for the warm welcome!" She said, laughing, before pausing at the words Ariel said. Moping? Was it becuase of her favorite shirt or something else? Finally, Autumn had replied back, actually winking towards her, sincerely reassuring it was okay and she hadn't needed to fix anything. Esme blinked in surprise, but never questioned it, she nodded her head vigoirously, upon hearing Autumn teasing Ariel, "You know. . I can always get us out of trouble. . if you managed to high jack the car. ." She winked at them, glad she hadn't ruined her relationship with her roomies. However, Esme didn't miss the underlying tone Autumn gave way, before smiling slightly, "Thank you, Autumn. You're too kind." Soon, the conversation began as if nothing happened, as Autumn directed the attention elsewhere and Esme took it gratefully.

Tilting her head, Esme gasped softly, hearing Autumn was a music major,
"Music? What kind of music do you listen to? Perhaps bands? Like. . Paramore?" She asked curiously, looking around at the clothes laying around, seeing it was mostly band tees. But at hearing Ariel's singing, Esme assumed she guessed right about bands, bopping her head to the music, giggling. Ariel had a great voice. As Esme stood up, she stopped in her tracks, "Wait, bonfire? There's a bonfire?" She blinked repeatedly, "as in real fire? And dancing?" Esme asked, excited to dance, but being reminded of fire, made her slightly nervous, only to shrug it off quickly. However, her ears zeroed in on Ariel's panic and frustration as she tilted her head, looking over at what was going on. "What's wrong?" She asked her, only for Ariel to respond seconds as she explained her mom took out all the clothes she loved to wear and replaced it with dresses full of flowers and frills. Esme looked at her amused , shaking her head, full of laughter as Djali bleated, happily taking the offer as he managed to bite one of the dresses. "Oh Djali, you big oaf! But, Ariel, it's not too bad. . I'm not a designer or anything. . since I'm a psychology major myself! But. . the dresses are cute, maybe I can borrow it one day?" She winked at her before going over to her luggage and rummaging through it but as Ariel mentioned fattening Djali up for strew she rolled her eyes playfully, knowing the girl was joking and being dramatic. "Yep, I definitely think you have a knack for the dramatics." Esme teased her before turning towards Joy, nodding at her. "Thank you for inviting me, I don't have any plans with anyone. . But I have met some people here, maybe I'll see them and you'll know them too?" She said sincerely before asking her, smiling excitedly, "Bonfire, huh? I haven't been to one in awhile!" Soon, she turned towards Autumn, "You definitely have to come! The more the merrier as they always say, right? Plus.. it'll be fun to be with friends, or roomies, than here while everyone's out there having fun right? So we should join the party too, I think." Esme said, hoping thatll cheer Aurumn up, even if it was just slightly. Judging from the others, and their reassurance it wasn't the shirt that made her upset but something else. However, Esme wouldn't push it wouldn't ask anything to make Autumn feel uncomfortable. Soon, Esme had left Joy to go and pick out her clothing as she spoke to Ariel on an outfit. She took this chance to look in her luggage to find a suitable one for tonight.

Hearing her phone ringing just as Joy was picking up hers, Esme saw the caller ID and couldn't help but smile before picking it up,
"Hello?" She said, before listening to Dodger as he went on about Mairead and the job. However she felt as if he was one edge, seeing that he was talking way too fast but thankfully she was able to keep up. Nodding through the conversation, Esme was grateful for his kindness and care, "Oh? Okay, Dodger. Don't forget to have too. Hmm? Sure, I'll look out for her. Yes, if I need anything I'll definitely go to her. She sounds interesting, can't wait! Bye, see you around!" She said cheerfully before hanging up, deciding not to ask Rodger until maybe after the bonfire. As soon as she hung up the phone, Esme jumped slightly, seeing a male in their dorm room, only for him to come in and use their restroom swiftly before going out and staying with Joy. Tilting her head, Esme looked over at Ariel and Autumn, "Joy's friend? Are boys allowed in our dorms?" She asked them curiously only for her to blush quickly, "I mean. . I'm so new at this so I don't know the rules. . I'm not going to sneak anyone in or anything. . !" She said frantically as she waved a hand motion shaking her head, hoping they didn't have any wrong ideas. But if her roommates invited anyone over or decided to do something they weren't suppose to, Esme, surprisingly, didn't mind, she was all for it. Then again, she did have Officer Van by her side, though she would feel terrible for bringing him in, then again. . he did say if she needed help, all she had to do was ask right? Shaking her head, Esme smiled, always be careful with your words, just like what mother had taught me. Djali nudged Esme , shaking his head, only for her to pout, "But it'll be fun! And you know we went through all sorts of trouble together." She said to him, feeling her adrenaline rushing, as she waited for the others to finish changing. Once Autumn came out, she quickly maneuvered her way into the restroom to change into her bonfire outfit as well, only to come out as she rounded everyone.

Smiling brightly, Esme nodded
, "I'll tag along with you." Before looking towards Ariel as she followed Autumn out of the dorm before looking at Joy and her male friend, "Hi, Joy, and um. . Joy's friend? I'm Esme." She smiled politely before turning towards Joy, "We're heading to the river now, would you like to come with us? Or are you waiting for someone else?" She asked her before looking between the two, "if you are, that's totally okay, Joy, I'll go with Ariel and Marian, so don't be a stranger if we all end up separating or so, okay?" Esme said reassuring Joy before heading out of the dorm hallways and towards the River. She was grateful she had the others with her, if not, she would have probably have gotten lost by now. Esme had kept Djali in the dorm rooms, making sure any valuables had been out of reach so Djali wouldn't get into it. Nevertheless, upon arrival, Esme marveled at the sight, feelinf excitement course through her as she realized the fire wasn't real and it was theatrical. Bouncing on her toes, Esme grinned, "This seems like it'll be a lot of fun! Is there any ground rules we should know about? Besides the rules stated in the handbook? I only read a few before I was ushered out and headed to the University this morning." She said to them before looking at the other student body. Her mind wandered towards the male she had bumped into this morning. Esme didn't know why but she hoped to see him at the bonfire, especially since she saw him as a friend. Would he be here? He did seem like he would rather stay indoors than outdoors. Automatically, Esme's eyes scanned the area, looking for that all too familiar broad shoulder and back, searching for him. She tried to not make it noticeable that she was but she was curious if he would come or not. Esme looked towards her roommates, "Shall we head over? Would you girls like to dance? Eat? Or head to the river to sit and relax?" She asked them, wanting to know what they wanted to do before heading into the crowd. She was afraid if she went ahead without them, she could very may well be lost in the mass of bodies that laid ahead of them. However, at the corner of her eyes, her eyes spotted that familiar silhouette. Squinting slightly as she tried to adjust her eyes according to the dim lights and the dark, Esme whispered softly, "Adam." She knew he couldn't hear her but nevertheless it made her heart race just saying his name and seeing him. Esme didn't know why but it wasn't an unpleasant or unsettling feeling. She wanted to walk over there towards him but decided if the others wanted to join her, turning towards them, Esme spoke up, not wanting her voice to be lost in the noise, "I'm heading over to the food table, I believe I see someone I know. Plus; there's food, are you guys hungry? You're welcome to come with me or we can rendez-vous over by the river and we can sit there later?" She offered, asking them enthusiastically and patiently before walking over towards the buffet table where Adam was. Just as she was approaching him, Esme took a deep breathe and tapped lightly on his shoulder, waiting for him to turn around, "So, I guess it's true? The only thing guys think about is food, isn't it?" Esme giggled before waving at him. "Hi." She said softly.
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Jasmine Al-Hamed

Location: Dorm > Bonfire | Year: 2nd | Class: Not at the moment | Time: Bonfire

With: Annabelle @ShurikenPhoenix Sabine @Inritz, Marlowe @Bubbly Brandi | Scenario: "Let loose and relax"




Jasmine smiled softly at Sabine. She felt as if she even poked the girl, she would break in half or fall over. Despite how she looked, Sabine was the complete opposite of Aurora, the two had similar figures and beauty, but if anything, they were drastically different in personality. For some reason, that was relieving to Jasmine, handling Aurora and Kyla was already enough, now if there was more of her? Her mind would definitely go crazy, so she welcomed the changed of pace. Even if Aurora wasn't her roommate, she knew she could be quite an energetic person, changing and turning the girls into butterflies after being in a cacoon for so long. Jasmine had nothing against Aurora, in fact, she admired her from afar, but she would never admit such a thing. Shaking her head, Jasmine decided to stand on the sidelines as Annabelle took Sabine under her wings. To be fair, Jasmine loved helping around new students and showing them around the school, but if it they were looking for good company, Annabelle always filled in that void since most people considered her too "strict" and a stickler for the rules, not that she minded, really. She just wished the others would understand where she was coming from, plus, she knows how to have fun. At least that's what she thinks. However, hearing the soft-spoken girl speak to her, Jasmine nodded, "Bonjour, Sabine. I hope you'll come to the bonfire and enjoy it with us. It's tradition to have a bonfire right before the semester begins, sort of like good luck and a way for newer students to get used to their environment and meet new people before school begins. Since well, transitioning from one school to another where you may not know others can be quite nerve wrecking." Jasmine finished before turning towards Annabelle as she enthusiastically invited Sabine over to take a look at some clothes for the bonfire. Shaking her head, Jasmine looked at them, content, seeing that her best friend was able to help lower Sabine's nervousness and anxiety as Annie was rummaging through the clothes. "Of course I can put my input in, however, I have a feeling Sabine's a much better dresser than I ever would be. I mean look at her clothes! Truly magnifique! As they would say in France, is it?" She asked, looking over to Sabine, hoping she had said it correctly. However, hearing Annie mention that she, herself, and Lils should see a shrink made her stifle a laugh, "Don't listen to her, Sabine. We're quite sane. I mean, who wouldn't like their room organized and clean-free? It's the perfect condition, plus, it makes your place more presentable and liveable, in a sense, yes?" Jasmine said, trying to buy her case towards Sabine into understanding why they had such a need have a spotless area.

Soon, hearing that Sabine was also thinking of joining Disniettes since she knew much of dance, Jasmine squeal slightly, "Now I have more people to root for! And did you hear? Annabelle got into the Starlight Agencies Ltd.! She's been dreaming of being a broadway star for ages!" Before she knew it, Jasmine took Sabine's hand and Annie's and took them for a small swirl around the room. Soon, she stopped before she made them dizzy for abit as she sniffled slightly, "I feel like a proud mama, by baby's growing up!" Jasmine exclaimed, sniffling and wiping her tears, "Whew, okay, sorry sorry, go on, go and pick your outfits." Grinning widely, Jasmine stood on the side, looking over to see the outfits had laid out before them. Seeing all the green, Jasmine grinned, "Green is mine and Annie's favorite color in a sense, well, mine is teal, but it's close enough. Same for Lilith. Ah! You should meet her, she'd love you." She chattered towards Sabine as Annie looked at the outfits, choosing, until she found the one she wanted. Winking, Jasmine gave Annie a thumbs up, "Hot Hot ! Ow! Love it! Now let's get going!" During the time Annie and Sabine had ended up talking with each other, Jasmine already managed to slip into the restroom to change as the girls bonded with each other. Jasmine was just happy Sabine didn't look as nervous, perhaps Annie found a protege in Sabine as she found one in Annie. She felt like she just watched a matchmaking session, but in a platonic yet dancing-style type of way, of course.

Next stop: Sabine's dorm. "It's not a problem, Sabby, if that's alright if I can call you that. Hmm. . " Jasmine said, pondering as they went down the hallways, "Sabine. . .or. . Bibi? I thought of Bini too, what do you think?" She asked her curiously before realizing she may have confused the girl, "Oh! I'm sorry, I tend to get too excited and start giving out nicknames to people I grow fond of. I guess you're one of them! Plus, a friend of Annie is a friend of mine, no?" She grinned before they stopped at Sabine's dorm. Nodding, Jasmine gave her a thumbs up, "Although your outfit looks fine now, if you want to change, go ahead, We'll wait here." She said sincerely as Sabine walked into her room. Hearing Annie speaking to her, Jasmine nodded in response, "She really is adorable. Makes me want to protect her from Ethan and Rodger. For many different reasons." She said protectively before glancing at Annie to see if she'd react to Ethan's name. However,it seemed her friend was lost in thought as she spoke about Leah, but before she could answer, Sabine reappared. Taking her attention away from Annie, but not before squeezing her hand, nodding in her direction, Jasmine looked at Sabine winking, "Gorgeous! And Annie's right, it's good you brought a swimming suit, there is a river there that you can swim in." Jasmine stated before walking with the two girls signaling outside of the dorms and to the bonfire. "Miladies, the bonfire awaits us! 'Tis that a way!" Jasmine said playfully, pointing straight ahead as she giggled care freely, taking both of the girls hand, running with them in tow with her. However, as soon as they were out of breathe, Jasmine made sure to slow down as they made it to the rest of the clearing. Looking around, Jasmine was satisfied, there was already a crowd, but nothing major for her to be concerned about. Turning around towards Annie and looking at Sabine , specifically, hoping she'd enjoy the bonfire. "Welcome to our annual bonfire! Filled with food, drinks, laughters, swimming, dancing, and good company." She said chipper as she stepped back for them to see the scenery once more. Jasmine's eyes scanned her surroundings, wondering if there was anyone she'd see. She hoped Leah and Lils made an appearance, not only did she want to see her friends being okay, but she hoped that the mishap this morning wouldn't deter their strength and let it get the best of them. No one was at fault, especially since she had heard it was because the oven was too old so it busted into flamed. Shaking her head,she squeezed Annie's hand and soon enough Sabine's hand. Not wanting to dwell on the past, Jasmine would have to keep an eye out for them and then most importantly, her eyes were looking for. . Mr. Marlowe. . or rather. . McDreamy. '"I think," she began, before grinning, "we should get something to drink? I'm a little parched, how about you girls? Or. . ." Jasmine said, grinning slyly, "How about a dance over there by the bonfire? Hm?" She winked at the two girls.
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Dodger Smith

Location: River With: Jasmine @ShurikenPhoenix Sabine @karmaa Scene: Let's Make Some Magic! Time: Payday!

Dodger spotted Jasmine and her friends and put down the box and slapped his cheeks. Time to put on the charm. He smiled wide and slid up. "Ladies." He said, Jasmine's thoughts summoning him. "I got the sodas Jazz and let me tell you, these were a difficult thing to procure. Do you know the trade limitations Agrabah has with The Magic Kingdom? Only one store in the city gets these and I had to stop by on my way from home. I knew someone would drink them. Aren't I sweet." "Yes. You are. Dear." Tora's voice said behind him. "I can't be hearing that voice because that voice has work to do." Dodger said sweetly, almost begging it not to be true. "I can work and keep an eye on you at the same time, and I'm glad I did. Kissing up to girls are we?" "I'm working Tora." Dodger said in a melodic voice. "You're kissing ass." Tora snorted. "Pressing the flesh is part of my job." he said with a sigh. He handed over three sodas to Jasmine. "Here you go Jazz. Tribute for not killing me." he said with a weak smile. "Aren't you going to introduce me?" Tora said looking intently at him. "This is Captain Tora, my ROTC leader." "And?" She said pressing him in a sweet voice. "And my g-girlfriend." He said with a full blush." "I've tamed the idiot. Next is teaching him to speak." "I speak just fine Tora." Dodger said, his sweet voice cracking slightly. "The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. Besides, you choked on girlfriend. Would you prefer lover?" She smiled sweetly. "Figured you would quote a bad movie. I'm traditional let's stick with girlfriend for now." Dodger said playfully. "Go work." She said walking away. "You first!" He shouted after her. "I need to buy her a scabbard with a bell." he muttered. "Well as you can see, I'm harmless and spoken for. I have rare sodas and adult beverages if you're old enough." he said with a business smile. "Just look for me and I'll make sure you get what you want, just don't get silly ok? I'm trying to be respectable now." He said the last with his best beaming smile.
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Location: Dorms // Class: N/A //Scenario: "So many people..." // Time: 6:00PM// With: Annabelle - @ShurikenPhoenix Jasmine -@Inritz // Mentions: N/A // Outfit: Bonfire outfit

"It's not a problem, Sabby, if that's alright if I can call you that. Hmm. . Sabine. . .or. . Bibi? I thought of Bini too, what do you think? " Jasmine asked. Sabine giggled, the university is quite different than her home she concluded. Sabine missed her friends back home, especially her best friend Alex. Sabine and Alex were childhood friends and neighbors and unknowing to Alex he was Sabine's first true crush. A month before Sabine's trip to WDU Alex confessed to her that he was leaving to join the military. Sabine was heartbroken. Sabine snapped back to reality when Jasmine explained about her quirk of giving nicknames. Sabine plastered a smile once more at Jasmine. "What about Beanie? That's what my la famille called me." Sabine shrugged. Jasmine soon grabbed Sabine's hand and lead her to the bonfire. Sabine laughed the entire way. The girls finally got the to party. Sabine's doe eyes widened with excitement and fear, she had no idea that the school that enormous. Her anxiety started to go up again. Sabine squeaked and stood next to Jasmine and Annie. Sabine pouted, she didn't mind small get together with the max of 5 people but this was twenty times more.

"Welcome to our annual bonfire! Filled with food, drinks, laughter, swimming, dancing, and good company." Jasmine cheered. Sabine sighed with an uneasy smile. Sabine didn't want to loose anyone that could help her find her way back to her dorm. "We should get something to drink? I'm a little parched, how about you girls? Or. . ." Jasmine suggested until a man came up to them. "Ladies." He greeted with a smile. Sabine smiled uneasily, staying behind Jasmine. Sabine watched Jasmine and the man talking to each other. Sabine looked around the area, the fire was massive and she saw people already swimming in the river. Sabine turned to Annabelle. "Who is this?" Sabine mouthed with a puzzled expression. Sabine felt a small squeeze from Jasmine's hand. Sabine looked down and blushed, Sabine was bicurious and Jasmine was a pretty girl she had to admit. Sabine felt her cheeks getting hot. Sabine took a deep breathe and calmed herself down. This was her first day in a new country, a new school and with new friends that could change their opinion on her in a quick second. "Well as you can see, I'm harmless and spoken for. I have rare sodas and adult beverages if you're old enough. Just look for me and I'll make sure you get what you want, just don't get silly ok? I'm trying to be respectable now." Dodger gleamed. Sabine smiled back. "Shall we go for a swim chèris?" Sabine asked softly.

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Priscilla Lane

Location: Dorm Room > Bonfire | Time: "Who's keeping track?"| Class: N/A

With: Meghan @Bubbly Brandi | Mentions:Katrina @karmaa

Scenario: "And they say dogs needed leashes. Bite me."




Tilting her head slightly, Priscilla looked at her roomie, seeing if there was any underlying motives behind her words. Checking the girl from top to bottom once more, Priscilla nodded, "Never Meggy, huh? Never Cilla, reminds me too much of 'cilia'. I'd rather not be reminded of scientific organelles." She said, shrugging her shoulders before she eyed Spot as Meg picked him up, cooing at him. Priscilla looked at them thoughtfully, surprised Spot would actually let someone hold him, perhaps she had good karma or Spot wanted to be liked, especially after being terrorized by those god-awful girls. However, Priscilla's mouth formed a slight scorn as she rolled her eyes, "Cats? Really, Meg? I prefer dogs, well, that's a given. Why cats? They can be quite. . well . . temperamental. I'm pretty sure I'm already enough to handle, imagine two of me." She scoffed lightly before shaking her head as Meg asked Spot if he can handle a puppy. Wagging his little tail, Spot yapped happily, ready to take on the challenges of the world. He was quite the optimistic little guy, the complete opposite of his own human friend. Where he got such bright and cheeriness, she would never know, but then again, Priscilla loved Spot for it. However, soon enough, the two girls were interrupted as Spot quickly jumped down from Meg's lap and went into hiding under by the beds, staying far away from the commotion. He shivered slightly in fear as Priscilla looked over, kneeling down slightly as she cooed softly at Spot, gently brushing his fur with her finger tips. "Spot, spot, little one, you'll be fine. It's alright." She whispered before turning over and turning a stone-hard glare at the girl who, if she must say, rudely entered the room with all of her dramatic antics. "Who let the drag queen come in?" Priscilla snidely remarked before the girl literally growled as she stomped over, took Spot in her hand and tossed him out the door.

Clenching her fist, bititng back her tongue, Priscilla attempted to calm down herself by inhaling and exhaling slowly in and out. However, the more the girl was fuming and throwing a tantrum in the room the more her patience was growing very thin. Meg stood up, throughly angered by the girl Kat as she stormed off, grabbing her bags. For now, Priscilla would have to have Meg cheer up Spot, she wasn't ready to leave this despicable girl yet, not when she ruined the very essence of the room.
"Your room?" Priscilla scoffed, before folding her arms, "Aw? What's that? Someone stepped on little miss kitty widdy cat's feelings or tongue? I'm so sorry, princess. . should we leave her highness to her misery?" She said, her tone laced with every bit of venom, sarcasm, and snide, no ounce of sympathy for her roommate, "Sorry, little kitty, but this room of yours? Doesn't belong to you, diva. Deal with it." Priscilla said, her face remaining stoic as she chuckled darkly, "And who are you to tell us what to do and when to do it? Got a problem, missy? Take it up with the student council or the dorm manager. Oh? And by the way, there's a restroom around the corner, use it. So get your off your high horse and retract the claws, girl." Before Priscilla walked out of her own accord, she took one last glance at the hysteric girl, raising a brow at her, before dangling the keys in front of the girl, "I have keys too you know, it'll take a lot more than that to kick me out of my OWN room. If you want to live by yourself? Get your own damn apartment! Also, if you throw Spot out one more time, don't be surprise to see a little surprise on your pillow at night. Yes, you can now eat your own shit, Kat." She spat as she slammed the door behind her only to look over at Meg, cheering Spot up. Frowning upon seeing Spot in such a state, her anger boiled even more as she looked towards Meg. "Thanks, Meg. For watching him." She said, sincerely meaning it, though her teeth clenched dramatically before keeping her expression hardened as she kneeled next to Spot. Priscilla never thanked anyone, or had any reason to, but seeing that Meg had been behind her all the way, protecting Spot, made her respect her, a tiny itsy bitsy bit. "You're not too shabby." She said, not looking at the girl as she heard tapping on the phone. Grabbing Spot in her arms. Priscilla looked at Meg, as she leaned against the wall, sighing loudly, "And now you know why I don't deal with cats. We don't get along very much. Everything they touch, they think they own it and it's theirs." Soon, Priscilla's brows rose once more as she saw Meg's expression at her phone, before rolling her eyes, "Tell me he's just your man toy." She ended up saying, shrugging her shoulders before turning around, heading towards the outdoors, not wanting to be in the dorms any longer. "I'm getting fresh air. Or perhaps, crashing a party. Come if you wish." Priscilla said, waving behind her as she didn't wait for Meg to follow her or not.

Looking down at Spot, Priscilla whispered in his ears,
"The mean ol' kitty didn't hurt you did she? That's why we don't mess with them, then again, your own mommy will put them into place, yes she will." She said in a baby-like voice, snuggling up towards him, knowing no one heard her clearly enough to hear what she was saying or doing. As soon as she found her car, Priscilla decided to place him into the passenger side as she looked over, seeing if Meg had decided to tag along. "You comin' or what? I don't have all night just standing around here." She said, tapping her foot on the sidewalk, impatient at it is. Once Meg made up her ind, Priscilla got into the car, closing it tightly as she turned on the radio at full max, letting her windows roll down. Driving down the roads, Priscilla drove abode the speed limit, letting the wind sweep through her hair as the hood of her convertible swooped down, only for her to find a safe area between the university and the parking area near the River where no one could come around, giving her some privacy. "I'm changing. I would rather have changed elsewhere, but I'd rather not let the dampened aura ruin my parade." Not caring if Meg was in the car or not, Priscilla began changing in the back seat of her car, but not before having the hood of the car back to where it belonged, safely covering from other eyes as she rolled the window back up. The clothes she decided to wear to this. . bonfire she apparently missed out on last year wasn't anything different to what she wore before. Finally finished and waiting for Meg to finish changing or whatever she wished to do, Priscilla made her way back to the driver seat and headed towards the bonfire, getting a parking that was much more closer upon inspection. Getting out of the car, Priscilla grabbed spot, placing him in her arms, wishing she could have kept him somewhere safe without all of these people. However, his tail wagged excitedly as he panted. He barked softly, showing Priscilla that he didn't mind being at the bonfire. Looking over towards Meg, Priscilla let a small smirk form, seeing the girl's outfit. "Not bad, Meg."
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