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Fandom University of Walt Disney at Magic Kingdom



Location:|| Tora's Apartment

Class:|| None

With:||Heracles- Rodger-Tora-Pino Mentions: Valentina

@ShurikenPhoenix @Inritz @mxlly

Time: 5:00P.M. -6:00P.M.

Ethan inhaled as the familiar smell of potpourri filled his now as he and Herc made their way through the Apartment Lobby and up to Tora's room. They were lucky it was move in day and Edgar, the lobby man, was busy organizing things for the bonfire. If the man had spotted students wandering into the Professor's Apartments they'd be kicked out in no time. However, Lumiere's friendly smile greeted both Herc and Ethan as they entered. Ethan had spent a fair amount of time sneaking around the apartments. They were much better kept that the dorms and, honestly, he couldn't stay away from the mini bar. He'd crash at Jack's and Tony's place from time to time after the three of them came back drunk out of their minds and then there were those few times Ethan would sneak in to see Elizabeth in the mornings. Of course, the woman never gave him the time of day, but Ethan wasn't one to give up so easily. Through all of his rule breaking expeditions Lumiere had always been his ally when it came to escapes. From distracting Edgar to opening up doors and gates, Lumiere had done more for Ethan than he could ever repay.

As both men approached Tora's place, there was an awkward second shared between the two boys. None of them had been in Tora's apartment before. Heracles had always kept it professional between him and the lady and as far as Ethan goes, well, his relationship with Tora starts and ends in school grounds. Ethan had grown to see Tora as a respectful adult and probably even a professional partner, so coming over to her place for "good news" was a bit more out of Ethan's comfort zone than he'd like to admit. However, putting aside the fact that he was willingly going to a female's room with no intention of have sex, Ethan followed Heracles as he led the way. When the two reached the door Ethan was surprised to see Valentina, the school's hot art professor, walking out with a displeased face. As usual both Heracles and Ethan flashed the lady a smile. Ethan moved out of her way politely, but not before letting her walk away without a compliment. "Ms. Corazon. Looking as captivating as ever I see. I'll be looking forward to seeing you again at the bonfire. Ethan winked in her direction however unsure if she saw his gesture. With a sly smile forming across his face, Ethan continued following Valentina with his gaze taking in all those sexy female attributes God gifted her with. The lady was quite a piece of eye candy and Ethan was just a little boy at a candy shop.

Once Valentina was out of view, Ethan turned back to look at Heracles who was, in return, looking at him as if he'd walked into his parents procreating. His face read bewilderment and his body language read embarrassment. Ethan matched the confusion in Herc's eyes for a moment, not understanding what came over his friend until Pino came up from behind both of them. "good job Captain! You snared an idiot. Ethan shifted his stare from Herc's puzzled face to Tora and Rodger looking rather cozy. The second both parties realized their secret was out, Rodger blushed red and Tora, as usual, played it off as if the kiss between a student and professor was nothing. For a second Ethan didn't know what to think exactly. His mind went bounced back and forth from "Really? You picked that over this" to "Congrats man! Now you're playing the big leagues!"

After the initial shock of Tora's and Rodger's smooch, it was a bit hard for Ethan to ignore what had just happened. Despite being a bit angry at losing Tora to some player wannabe, Ethan felt the tension created by Tora being so casual about the situation while Rodger was clearly not brushing it off as easily. He'd already gotten himself a slice of pizza but aside from picking off two pepperonis, Ethan wasn't eating which was very unusual of him. Sure, there had been many signs of Tora's affection for Rodger, he'd always pictured her falling for a more independent man, not one that does illegal trades as a business. While Ethan, in no possible way, saw himself as a suitor for the Captain, he had hoped she'd strive for someone...better than a college student. Perhaps it was the fact that he saw her as a power house and felt she deserved someone just as great. What bothered him most, was how everyone seemed to be okay with this while Ethan was certainly not okay. "So..." Ethan said clearing his throat and putting on a charming smile. "What was the surprise you had for us Captain?" Though Ethan could already tell where this was all leading too, he needed a change in discussion. Preferably one not involving Tora kissing Rodger.

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Location: Small pet yard || With: Jem @mxlly || Mentions: No one really || Scenario: Dogs though right? || Time: Around 5:30



First day back at WDU has certainly been... Well just as exciting as anyone would expect from their school. Kyrie, being who she was, had shown up about as early as the school would let her so she could start moving in, so she could go back later in the day to go and get Venus from her dad. She knew that a lot of her peers were just bringing in their pets the next day, but she wanted to get Venus settled in too, that way she wasn't just throwing Venus into the thick of it all. She had been planning on going to get her right after the performances, or during the club fair. Of course life, or the school, or whatever powers that be decided that she wasn't going to get Venus when she had wanted to. Instead there was going to be a fire. Leaving everyone in a right tizzy and panicking and making sure that because everyone was freaking out that no one knew what was actually going on.

As soon as she could Kyrie retreated away to her dorm to settle down, and hopefully all the other students would chill out too. She had graciously taken the top bunk, because since the ladder was angled and not simply vertical, Venus could climb up it. She would have to learn how climb anyway, given that Kyrie loved hiking. Finally after a bit of cool down time, which consisted of almost an hour nap that the woman had no idea happened until she woke up. Stretching out she grabbed her phone and called her dad just to let him know that she was on her way to get Venus.

It didn't take Kyrie long to get back to her house, twenty minutes or so, she could probably live at her house and not on campus but she liked living at the University. It made it feel less like school and more like home. She had barely even pulled up outside of her house in her car when her dad opened the door, letting Venus run out who was excited enough to just climb the car door and jump in through the window. Laughing as the puppy crawled over her lap into the passenger's seat her dad came over to the car and she hugged him through the window. He kissed her forehead and sent her on her way again. She loved her dad to bits, so she always tried to visit him when she could throughout the school year, though she still felt as though she didn't spend enough time with him.

Getting back to the school she parked the car and then slipped Venus' harness on her before hopping out of the car. Humming gently as she walked over to the Pet Palace. She'd seen it earlier this morning, seeing as it had been renovated over the summer and it had gotten her excited to bring Venus to school with her, cause now she knew she would have somewhere to play. They had started towards the small pet yard, seeing as Venus wasn't quite big enough for the other yard yet and she was a bit surprised to see someone else there. A guy and his boxer puppy. She was sure that she had seen him around before but they had never really talked before. Unclipping Venus' leash she looked at the pup, "Now you be nice alright Venus?" She kissed her nose and then let her off, Venus immediately took off and sniffed the boxer briefly before tackling the other puppy. Kyrie chuckled softly and looked at the guy, "I'm Kyrie, that dork is Venus. Not quite living up to her name of being 'graceful'."

Alice London

"All the best people are completely mad."

Location: Garden > Dorm | Class: None | Year: 1st Year | Time: 11-5:30PM

Mentions: Dean and Dustin @ShurikenPhoenix [/color] | Scenario: " Is that tea? Gasp, a tea party!"


Alice looked over at Adeline checking her out up and down, side by side, to see if there were any indications or signs of bruisings or injuries of some sort. She was looking to see or rather curious to see evidence or some type of proof that Dean had managed to implicate a marking on the petite girl next to her as she so kindly had said that Dean tackled her like how they do in America with their football. But, needless to say, she saw none, the girl was beyond spotless, her skin clear as day, and smooth as a baby's bottom. Scratching the back of her neck, Alice was glad Adeline was okay as she sent a crooked smile towards her. "Nice to hear you're fine from such a rough tackle," she teased back, "do you work out? Getting hit like that causes a lot of bruises and sometimes even scratches, but I see none on you." Alice hummed quite endearingly as she was quite confused, maybe she fell on grass or something to soften the landing? Nevertheless, Alice took that moment to herself and eyed her own body, looking at her own smooth pale-skin, though, if it was a few week prior, her skin would have given a sickly and pale overtone to her nicely pure pale tone she managed to acquire from staying inside most of the time (sadly, it killed her to be inside so much). But, nevertheless, she could still see some scars on her arms and some on her legs when she scraped it from running or falling. But, the nail scratches on her arms were definitely from her panic attacks when she managed to plunge her nails into her skin hard enough to make it bleed, however, if anyone ever asked, she could say that it was the neighbor's cat (even though she so desperately wanted one). However, hearing Dustin starting to answer her question, her eyes lit up with such curiosity, hoping they do switch places, considering, if she was in their shoes, she would. But, soon enough, the group conversation took a turn for the worst when everyone's question started overlapping each others. Dean had been quiet as she asked questions to Dustin and once Adeline came along, she managed to talk to not only Dean, but also Dustin directly. Questions and unfilled conversations filled the atmosphere. Being with them made her not think a lot, so she actually enjoyed being with a small group that consisted of the five of them, but no more than five, at least. However, her eyes scanned Dustin's face as she began to notice symptoms of something that she knew quite well. . or rather way too too well. She observed his short pants, clammy fingers, draining of colors on his face besides the oink flush forming on his cheeks, and sweat beading down his face. Alice was about to step up to him and call out to him, worried, until Dustin interrupted and quickly ran off.

"Dustin!" She called out softly towards him, worry creasing on her forehead as she looked towards Dean when he intervened about Dustin's behavior. Her mouth formed a thin line, knowing the male was lying straight at her when she knew it wasn't the truth. She hated that he lied to her, but much more so, she wasn't able to do anything to help the anxiety attack Dustin was facing. Perhaps it was too much of a large crowd? Many things can trigger a panic attack such as that, but she wouldn't bring it up anymore. Instead, she begrudingly stayed silent as many forms of expression surfaced her face ranging to one of hurt, worry, and disappointment. Alice knew the pain and the struggle of what had just occured and the only thing she didn't want Dustin to feel was that he was alone in this. She wanted him to know he had a friend in her, that could come to understand what he's facing and they'll make through it together. Alice's eyes looked between Dean and the now empty spot where Dustin used to be and she wondered how strong their bonds were. Twins, if she wasn't mistakened, had a stronger bond than most, so did Dean have the same troubles or was he the one that managed to help calm Dustin down? Whatever the case may be, she just hoped the two weren't ever apart, knowing she would probably fall apart if it wasn't for the fact that she was on meds. She would take a living, breathing human over drugs any day. However, soon, Alice just cracked a small smile, dropping the occurrence immediately, "I see, I hope he's alright then." She managed to say as Dean changed the subject back onto Adeline and Dean's tackle. Looking between the two, Alice couldn't help but feel like she'd intrude on something between the them if she stayed any longer. Perhaps, it's what they called "a fateful encounter" and that's what happened between Dean and Adeline? Or perhaps, in her gut feeling, she felt more comfortable with Dustin around than being with the flirtatious Dean and the kind Adeline. The two were definitely on a good footing and start and knowing she must have made Dean feel dejected, she felt apologetic towards him and hoped there wouldn't be any bad blood between them. She just felt iffy with people touching her, especially when they just met, perhaps. . . if they were friends and still spoke, and she got used to him, then she wouldn't mind letting Dean, the gentlemen that he is, lead her in the direction she wanted to go in.

But, her worries were soon forgotten when Dean asked if the both of them were going to the bonfire, and if they were, he'd leave at 6:30PM and they could meet up. Nodding vigrously, Alice would do anything to get out than just stay in her dorm room all. Not only that, it's been a while since she had ever gone to a bonfire, or been a part of one. It sounded warm and an interesting night!
"Of course! Let's meet up!" Alice said excitedly, looking between Dean and Adeline with full enthusiasm. She was glad she had been invited to join with them even more, that just means there's a chance she'd get to know the three people she met today. Score! As Dean started heading out, Alice waved, "See you later, at the bonfire!" She said repeating his words just to make sure she heard correctly and then looked at Adeline, giggling happily, "I'm so excited! You're coming too right? Let's hang out?" Alice asked, hoping she'd say yes, but afraid of her answer, Alice spoke once more, "I'll start heading back to my dorm to unpack and get ready for the bonfire. So I hope we can meet and chat again!" She said jittery as she took her luggage and started heading int he direction of her dorm, but not before sending Adeline a genuine smile and a wave.

On her way back to her dorms, Alice hummed once more and skipped along the pathways of the gardens, taking in the optimism of the day.
"Let's seize the day, Alice!" She exclaimed to herself, her mood at its highest peak at the moment. Through much constant occurrences of her being thoroughly distracted by what was to offer on the huge campus she'll be living on for the years to come, she finally made it to her dorm room. Taking out the keys and balancing the luggage in her hand, she used the keys and opened the door gently, bringing in her luggage with her. The first thing that caught her attention was the bright color of the sun: yellow on the woman that seemed to be posting something on the wall. Gently knocking on the walls, Alice excused herself, "Hello?" She asked unsure if the girl heard her yet at the same time she didn't want to scare her. She looked vageuly familiar, not sure where she had seen her from. Tapping her chin lightly, Alice thought as best as she could. . . until a lightbulb hit her head. "Gangnam style!" She asked excitedly as she remembered the girl from her outfit. Alice believed she was the one that was taking the lead of the dance steps during the speeches and performances in the courtyard. "Oh, forgive me, where are my manners. I'm Alice. Alice London. I'm your roommate!" She said kindly and quite determined to be friends with the girl, especially when she eyed the tea pot on the table. Gasping softly, Alice walked over towards the table, smelling the aroma of English Yorkshire Tea as a grin formed on her face. "Smells so gooood! Do you like tea as well? I'm from London and Mother loves brewing tea. What about you?" She asked, quite enamoured by the smell and the elephant kettle her roomie seemed to have. Taking it gently and lifting it up to look at the kettle more, Alice gasped in awe, "This is too adorable! Can we have a tea party? Pleaseeeee?" She giggled, placing the teapot down carefully as she turned to her dormmate. Alice had a good feeling about the girl in front of her, knowing they'll be good dormmates and get along fairly quickly. I mean. . . they both loved tea and whoever likes tea is a check mark on her list! However, Alice's mind and curiosity peaked even more when she looked at the poster, tilting her head, Alice tried to figure out what it was, "S-Star. . . W-wars. . ? Is that a game?" She wondered out loud, not sure if she was correct or not. In fact, it had been a while since she was updated on the pop culture nowadays.


Location: Dorms // Class: N/A //Scenario: You're so sweet chèri! // Time: 5:00PM// With: Annabelle - @ShurikenPhoenix Jasmine -
@crucialstar // Mentions: N/A // Outfit: Outfit

"Sure! Come on I'll help you. I'm Annabelle," The blonde girl smiled. A wave of relief came over Sabine as a small smile formed onto her pink lips. Sabine shuffled into the dorm with her pink suitcase in front of her legs. Sabine rolled onto the tip of her toes then onto the back of her heels repeatedly. "Hey Jas, I'm helping a new girl, Sabine find her dorm. Want to come with us?" Annabelle yelled to her roommate. A puzzled looked came upon her face. "Who is Jas?" Sabine questioned. "Jasmine is a friend of mine. She's really nice so don't worry." Annabelle reassured her. Sabine nodded with a smile. Sabine began to roll on her feet again the she remember Annabelle pirouetting. "I saw you pirouette earlier. It was very good!" Sabine complimented, placing her suitcase down. "Are you a dancer?" Sabine asked, her accent flooding her words yet her tone was genuinely curious. "I'm a dancer too!" Sabine gleamed. "Je vous remercie!" Sabine thanked Annabelle again, the anxious feeling began to fade away as she began to enjoy the company of Annabelle. Soon, another girl came out of nowhere. Sabine jumped slightly, her anxiety levels began to rise, Sabine was a lost lamb, scared and confused. The girl introduced herself as Jasmine, her aniexty began to lower as Annabelle seemed to be friends with Jasmine. "Bonjour Jasmine! It's very nice to meet you!" Sabine smiled sweetly. "Hey you don't mind if I pick out a bonfire outfit before we go do you? Oh my god you're a dancer too! We can hang out after classes then. You should definitely think about joining the Disniettes dance club!" Annabelle cheered. "Oui! I heard about the dance club. I plan to go see it!" Sabine nodded and sat down on her suitcase. "Ooh, judging by your outfit, you have good fashion sense. Could you help me pick a bonfire outfit? With Jas's input too of course!" Annabelle smiled and began rummaging through her outfits.

"Of course chèri!" Sabine smiled and helped her as well. Sabine smiled and saw four perfect outfits. Sabine grabbed them and laid them on the bed. Sabine went to Annabelle's shoes and picked three different flats. Sabine shuffled around the clothes then showed Annabelle. "You like?" She asked. "Of course you can pick something else chèri!" Sabine nodded.


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Location:|| Dorm


With:|| Nicolas


Time: 5:00-6:00 P.M.

Though he probably should have realized from the boy's initial comment about socks, Dustin was very relieved his roommate was actually sociable and not a satanic worshiping demon like Dean had joked many times about.

"We're going to walk in and he's going to have a Ouji board in the middle of the room with a pentagram drawn on the floor and upside down crosses everywhere!"

"Dean, shut up. You're lying. We're going to have cool roommates who like pie and cats."

"Oh he'll like pie. Human heart pie stuffed with cat eyeballs!"

"There's something seriously wrong with you..."

"I know. I have you as a brother."

"Ha! Look at how much I'm NOT laughing."

Yes, Dustin was very relieved to see that Nico's boxes were full of normal college stuff and not desiccated animals or human parts. Aside from that, the boy was actually making an effort to strike up a conversation. Dustin wasn't much of an expert on small talk. His phrases usually ended up being a couple of words long and didn't pose the ability to carry the conversation, but something about Nico's friendliness made it easy for Dustin to continue the chit chat. "Well, you know what they say. When in doubt, put a bow on it." Dustin gave a small chuckle before returning to organizing his bows while Nico packed away his socks.

"Hey so umm..." Dustin turned to Nico in hopes of getting a second year's perspective on college life. Dustin had heard so much about finally being on your own and seen many shows on television about going away for college, but what better way to learn about life in college than asking a person who's on their second year, right? However as Dustin saw Nico, he noticed his hand twitching as he carried the box. He didn't want to stare, but it was hard not to. Surely a box of socks wasn't that heavy, was it? Dustin's question dropped as he began to wonder if there was something wrong with Nico. He faintly heard the boy mumble what sounded like a curse and just then, Dustin knew he should probably mind his own business.

Just as Nico turned to look at Dustin, Dustin quickly looked away not wanting to be caught staring. He wasn't entirely sure if he pulled off the "I wasn't just looking at you" lie, but he'd convinced himself enough to not be so nervous about getting caught. "So, are you planning on going to the bonfire?" Dustin turned back to Nico, acting as if he wasn't staring at him just a few seconds ago, and searched his face for any hint or clue as to why he was shaking, but the smile on Nico's face showed no sign of the vulnerable moment Dustin had witnessed. "I thought I was, but now I'm not so sure anymore..." Dustin replied remembering that he left Dean with Alice and Adeline after having an anxiety attack. His original excitement of meeting his new roommate had faded as he once again thought of Dean not rooming with him. "I'll probably just stay here and watch some movies or something. I'm not really in the mood for a party. Are you going?"

Location:|| Dorm


With:|| Hagane


Time: 5:00-6:00 P.M.

Dean looked around the room not realizing what a mess he'd done with a simple rubber band ball. He smirked guiltily as his roommate, who later introduced himself as Hagane, mentioned him not being a clean freak. "Uh... yeah. Sorry about that. I promise it'll be a lot worse with the days to come." Dean replied jokingly trying to ease up the tension, but ended up with a half-assed smile and a nervous laugh. He walked quickly to retrieve the ball from the guy's hand careful not to make eye contact. Dean hadn't imagined his first encounter with his roommate to be so...chaotic. Already he had left a bad impression, and while Dean never really cared about what other people thought of him, the fact that Dustin wasn't around was making more uneasy than it should be. If Dustin had been around, he'd never let Dean waste the whole day trashing his room and throwing around a ball. Had he been here, the two would have already finished packing and gone off to find something fun to do. As much as his pride didn't allow him to admit it, Dean was missing his brother.

What Dean thought was a good imitation of a chill dude enjoying his first day in the dorms was obviously not transferring to Hagane. "Seriously man, don't stress out about it. You look like a scared puppy." His comment only made Dean more nervous. "Right. I'll just...clean this up now." What was wrong with him?! Dean had been so calm and collected the entire day and now, when he needed to be all those things and more, he was acting like a psycho. He needed to clear his head and start over. He needed to forget about Dustin not being around anymore and stop being so dependent of the sense of security his brother gave him. "I'm not usually this erotic-erratic! I meant to say Erratic!" Dean mentally slapped himself. "Great now he must think I'm a messy pervert." He shook his head and tried once again.

"Must be first day jitters, plus thanks to the fire, I haven't..." Dean's voice trailed off as he spotted a calico cat, Mochi Hagane had called him, strutted out of his cage and onto a bed. The color drowned from Dean's face as he recalled the many jokes he'd made about rooming with people that ate cats in pies. "No..." He mumbled. He looked over to Hagane as if he'd seen a ghost just as he asked about the bonfire. "Uh...I mean Yeah. Yes. I'm going." Dean kept looking back and forth between the cat and Hagane wondering if everything he'd joked about with Dustin was becoming true. "Uh... Hagane...I don't suppose you like pies do you?" He asked rather suspiciously regretting his past decision of being in a different room than Dustin. Had he just agreed to room with him this year he wouldn't have to be with Hagana, the possible satanic, cat eating roommate.







Major: Art and Design//Year: 1st//Location: Jane's Dorm// Class: N/A//Scenario: A tea party?// Time: I seem to have lost track// With: Alice @crucialstar//Mentions: Elena @mxlly

Jane had sat in conversation with Elena for maybe an hour or more, drinking tea and sharing stories of adventures. She had thoroughly enjoyed her time with the girl and so was a tad disappointed to see her leave in a hurry. It seemed to Jane that she had been a little upset when she had left. She had made sure to invite her to talk at the bonfire if she liked, and once she had left she had turned her attention to unpacking the many boxes she had brought with her. She hadn't been sure of the things she would need during her time at university and she was quite the hoarder. In the words of her father Archibald, she had brought everything but the kitchen sink! Time passed slowly once there was no one to converse with, so she decided whilst she was alone she might as well indulge in some loud out of tune singing as she unboxed and put away.

After some time she reached the last remaining content of the final box and chuckled to herself. At the bottom was a rolled up Star Wars poster, lightsabers and all.
"Well I had forgotten I'd packed this..." she said, looking around her slightly crowded space in the room and smoothing out the poster whilst thinking of a space she could place it in. Perhaps between the elephant poster and the stack of books? Hmm...

"Gangnam style!" an excited voice could be heard from nearby and Jane jumped in alarm, whirling round to face the person who had spoken, her hair almost whacking the blonde in the face.

"Oh!" she exclaimed looking puzzled, "Are you Korean?" Jane did not quite understand why anyone would randomly exclaim such a thing. Then it dawned on the woman what she had meant and she giggled, placing a hand over her mouth, "Oh you mean the dance? Did you see that? Oh goodness, how embarrassing. I bet I looked all kinds of daft!" The girl seemed completely unfazed and very friendly, with wide curious eyes a bit like a cat or the moon.

"Oh, forgive me, where are my manners? I'm Alice. Alice London. I'm your roommate!" she introduced, before her attention turned to the table where Jane had inadvertently left her tea set. Alice then began to babble about being from London and loving tea in a rather endearing manner. Jane smiled and let her babble on, since it reminded her an awful lot of herself.

"Why yes, I'd love a tea party Alice. It's lovely to meet you, I'm Jane Porter from...well nearly everywhere I suppose," she chuckled, putting her hand out to shake. She beamed enthusiastically when Alice expressed her confusion about Star Wars. "Oh no...well it is a game now, but it's really just a wonderful story set in space with aliens and knights and princesses..."
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Location:|| Dorms


With:|| Elena-Ophelia-K.T.-Leia


Time: 5:00-6:00 P.M.

Mairead cackled as the pig darted out of the room with Ophelia calling out after it. For some odd reason she was reminded of her mother calling out to her little brothers, Harris Hamish and Hubert. They where a bundle of joy, but also a hassle to take care off. The energetic trio always seemed to have a scheme planned in order to get noticed on television. Whether it was dumping food on their father's rival politician or mooning the cameraman, the triplets always had their mother on edge much like Ophelia was right now. "Harris, stop picking yer nose! Hamish, get doon from there. No Hubert! Don't tug on th' lass's wig! Harris, I said--Hubert! Come back-- Hamish be care--FERGUS CONTROL YER KIDS!" Ah yes. The girl and her pig was like seeing her mother and the boy all over again.

Mairead just hung back. She'd been surprised to see the pig at first. Who wouldn't be shocked to see a pink animal squirming out of their bed, but once the initial shock was gone seeing a pig as the red head's pet oddly made sense. "Maybe Wilbur should have spent a wee bit more time in etiquette class aye Fern?" Mairead joked as the pig squealed out of the room amused at the pig's shaking curly tail and shinny pink butt. During her first two years at Walt Disney University, Mairead had encountered many different types of pets from the typical cats and dogs to others more exotic as snakes and tigers. To be honest a pig with a cute butt was probably last in the list of weird animals in this college, yet the idea of rooming with a pig was still unusual."Tis alright lass, this school has a reputation for wild leef. No need tae get worked up 'bout it."

And just as Mairead made her comment the pig came squealing back with a lion close behind. Her mouth dropped in awe as the baby lion cub chased the pig into the room and soon after a pale boy with dark black hair came rushing in. "Mah... We might just be haein' a petting zoo 'ere wont we?" She exclaimed more to herself than to the boy or Ophelia or Elena. By the nervous reaction of both girls to the lion it was obvious the girls were first years. Elena's attempt to escape the lion by jumping on the bed made Mairead laugh even harder imagining her reaction to meeting Radjah, Jasmine's pet. If she thought a Lion was bad try adding a tiger into the mix. That was one thing she loved about the Uni. It was a place with little restriction when it came to self discovery. People could run around doing what they wanted and being whoever they wanted, within reason of course. It was the only place Mairead had felt so at control of her own self and she loved it.

"Looks like yer cat's a fan of bacon aye? Hope he knows its not nice tae play with yer food." She continued joking as everyone in the room introduced themselves however there was something very peculiar in Ophelia's eyes that stood out to Mairead. By the looks of it, Elena had caught on to it too. She wasn't entirely sure if Ophelia was always easily flustered or it was the presence of K.T. that worked her up so much. Confused Mairead looked over at the boy and eyed him from head to toe trying to find that spark that made Ophelia such a babble mouth. "Sorry lad. Ah just don't see it." She said out of context before her phone went off again. It was Rodger. "Ah Crap..."

With so much commotion going on over the animals, Mairead had forgotten she was supposed to meet up with the rest of the ROTC in Tora's apartments. She looked over at her watch. She was already running late. Mairead stepped away from the three people excusing herself and grabbing the garment bag she had brought in with the rest of her stuff. The ROTC uniform. Mairead rolled her eyes at such ugly and constricting outfit. When Tora had asked her if she wanted to join an organization that would not only help other but also change her fate she hadn't imagined doing it in such unflattering clothes. Of course Mairead wasn't exactly what most people would call a fashion diva, but anything that was too tight and had a skirt was on her "What not to wear" list. Nevertheless, if she enjoyed the organization too much to give it up over a skirt suit.

"If ye would excuse me. A'm needi' tae go before Your Highness returns" From the moment Mairead walked in she had seen Leia's stuff already set up in her side of the dorm. It was like her to arrival extra early as timing for her was of the utmost importance. Mairead, however, was more lenient with time. As long as she arrived in time for the food Mairead was happy. Leia and Mairead had become great friends over the course of time. The two were very much alike which brought the girls together and, at the same time, caused small quarrels between the two. If Leia were to find Mairead in the dorm chatting about and not ready to head over to Tora's place, she'd never hear the end of it. She would almost gotten away with her tardiness if Your Highness hadn't suddenly shown up at the dorms as if she was summoned when Mairead spoke her name. "Och speaking o' Jabba the Hutt"

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Major: Military Studies (ROTC)//Year: 4th//Location: Her Apartment, her dorm...eventually// Class: N/A//Scenario: Jabba the Hut?// Time: Around 5:30PM// With: KT @Bubbly Brandi Ophelia @SimplyMusicality Elena @mxlly and Mairead @NessieAlways//Mentions:

"Are you sure you packed everything Mistress Leia?" This was probably the third time in the past two days that Cadmus had asked this very question and it was beginning to grate on the woman. Turning to the elderly man with a slightly forced smile on her face, she replied, gesturing to the stack of boxes surrounding her in the open plan living room of her sea front apartment.

"I can assure you, Cadmus. I haven't forgotten a thing. Do you see this check list?" She brought a roll of paper that fell to the floor as she unravelled it, raising an eyebrow. Cadmus made a small bow and shot her a brief apologetic look.

"My apologies Mistress Leia. I suppose I might be a little bit flustered because it will be your final year attending the Walt Disney University-" At that moment, Cadmus was interrupted by another voice near the living room door.

"Hey sis, you forgot your laptop..." Luke nodded to the Macbook in his hand as he leaned against the door frame looking a little amused. Leia rolled her eyes at him, knowing he was getting a kick out of seeing her forget something on her checklist. Striding over, she took it from him, her hard look softening a touch before she kissed his cheek. "Thanks Luke, thanks a lot." The early morning passed quickly after that, as she, Cadmus and her newly discovered twin brother set about packing the car with the boxes and she set off toward the university.

She was always prompt wherever she went (her politician parents had drummed that into her), but she knew she had to be there extra early for the first day because Lilith, head of the student council wanted her to set up the music for the bonfire. When she arrived she had not expected the chaos that had ensued with regards to a fire. Luckily it didn't spiral too out of control. If it had she would've surely stopped to help out. It had taken maybe three hours for her to unpack everything into her dorm space and once she was done, she headed down to set up the mixing desk. In that time she had received a text from Rodger stating that Captain Tora wanted to see the ROTC group about something. Finishing up her work as quickly as she could, she headed back down to her new dorm.

The scene that greeted her would probably have ben alarming if she were a first year, but being at the uni three years already; surprises were rare. Huddled in the room were four people: a dark haired boy, a small and timid looking red head, a puzzled looking blonde and her good friend Mairead....along with a lion cub and a pig. Standard fare really. She entered the room with a certain briskness to her step but still an air of grace. Looking around at the strangers she spoke,
"I'm guessing I'm late to the party. I'm Leia, Leia Organa."

Then she turned her attention to the one person she knew and gave her a reproachful look. Though Mairead and Leia were natural friends due to their almost identical world outlook, Leia could not abide tardiness and that often caused minor arguments between the pair. The young politician's daughter was certainly spirited, but she had a hard time being spontaneous.
"Who are you calling Jabba the Hut?" she questioned, her lips quirked into a small smile. "And did someone not get the message about the Captain's little gathering? Get your ass ready Drummond."

Oscar Trammell

Location: Dorm 208 | Class: n/a | Time: 5:00 - 6:00 | With: Eric @Inritz Scenario: - || Year: 3rd


"You miss me, don't ya Tony?"

"You wish, Butch."

Oscar was leaning back in an office chair, his feet placed up on the desk before him. His phone was lying by his feet on a pile of workbooks and his call with Tony on speaker.
"Ha. yeah right, you're probably holding back your tears right now." He sported a mischievous grin as he heard Tony scoff. "What? It's not like you can deny it." Oscar waited, and after not hearing an instant reply from the man at the other end of the line, he shoveled a fork, twisted in Spaghetti into his mouth. As the two had been conversing, Oscar had taken it upon himself to grab some cold pasta. Of course it wasn't as good as the Spaghetti back at Tony's place, but it would suffice. However whilst enjoying his bowl of Spaghetti, the voice of the Italian man once again filled the room, "You're eating again, aren't you?" A startled Oscar paused mid-chew, staring at the phone on the desk for a long moment before he resumed eating, finishing the mouthful, "Are you psychic or somethin'?" Tony chuckled, "No, you're just very predictable...actually, nah, you're just a really loud eater." Oscar rolled his eyes. He wasn't being that bad. Was he? "But- I bet you it's Spaghetti." Immediately, Oscar pushed the away from the desk, rolling backwards in his chair as he pointed an accusing finger at the phone, "Okay, now that's just freaky man."

Oscar muttered a string of curse words as Tony's hearty laughter sounded through the dorm room.
"...Very funny." He grumbled, pulling his chair back towards the desk. "Just Hilarious." The boy went unfazed by most things, but he was genuinely irked by magic and unearthly coincidences. He was aware that it was silly, that it should 'amaze' him, but he just couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. "Anyway," Tony's laughter began to die down, "-have you seen Mairead today?" Oscar shook his head, twisting his fork in the Spaghetti bowl, "Nope. Haven't seen her yet." He heard Tony gasp, and he instantly knew what the other man was about to say, "But why? I thought you had a crush on the girl?" Oscar sighed. It was a question he had heard over and over again. "I said she had nice hair once." He then went on to mouth the next couple of words that came out of Tony's mouth, "You're lying to yourself, Butch." Rolling his eyes and looking up at the ceiling, he repeated his usual response, "Is she pretty? Yes. Is she just my friend? Yes. Now get over it." He then heard Tony dramatically exhale at the other end of the line, "You're missing your chance...but, I can do nothin' about it, can I now?" Oscar smirked, and with a nod of the head, he replied, "Exactly." "Just say hi to her for me, will ya? Ask if she's forgotten me." Poking the last remaining bits of Spaghetti with his fork, Oscar nodded, "Yeah, will do." "Alright, see ya Butch, gotta go speak to the Missus- she needs somethin like always." And with a beep the line was disconnected.

Continuing to snack on the rest of his disappointing Spaghetti, Oscar briefly glanced over at Pino as he left the dorm. The pair hadn't really spoken much since they had gone to grab something to eat from the Agrabahian food truck. Though despite the silence they shared, he felt like he was getting to know his roommate. A roommate which he knew absolutely
nothing about however, was Eric. Shortly after Pino had exited the other boy had arrived. They weren't familiar with one another, but as far as Oscar had heard, Eric wasn't bad. "Oh, hey." He greeted as the other boy waved, spinning around in his office chair to face the door. "Have y-" The door suddenly swung open a second time, interrupting Oscar mid sentence, "Hi, I'm Stanley, first year newbie." Less than bothered by the interruption, he just smiled, "Hey newbie, I'm Oscar." He was just going to leave it at that, but soon caught his eye on something the other boy had tucked under his arm. Oscar raised an eyebrow, staring at the creature, "You have a pet Turtle?"

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Tora Fa

Location: Apartments With: Pino, Hercules, Ethan, Dodger. Mentions: Leia and Mareiad @ShurikenPhoenix Scene: Why oh why didn't I lock the door? Time: 1730

"Our surprise, Ethan? Please, oh please tell me you decided to join. You could go straight to OCS after a year of ROTC here. I'll make a man out of you yet." Tora smiled like a cat about to catch her prey. "No the surprise is that ROTC is now big enough to demand certain things from the school. You're too young to remember but when my father was ROTC chief there were 15 students a year graduating. He was a powerhouse. Well it's less cool to join the army nowadays so we are down to Herc, Leia, Pino, Mareiad, and the 5th member, the one that gives us bargaining powers, Rodger. He's the supply clerk. He'll make sure everyone is outfitted for everything to do. It's a thankless job, but he has experience doing it and won't complain doing scutt work. He's the perfect gofer and now we can ask for better conditions in the school. That broom closet they shunted us into won't fit us all now. The first stage of our plan is to convince more younger people to join. It'll be down to Mariead and Rodger at the end of this year so I'm counting on all of you to talk to the lower class men. I also know some of you are having difficulty in classes. I might not look like it, but I was where you are not all that long ago. My best subjects are math and science. Dodger is young, but he's also on an academic scholarship. Pino is dumb as a box of rocks. He needs all the help he can get this year." Pino shrugged. "I'm going into infantry. No one expects us to be braniacs." "That's enlisted." Tora chided. "Everyone looks to the LT to tell them what to do. Do you want to get people killed?" Pino sighed. "You're right Captain. I'll do my best this year." "Hmmm. Leia and Mariead are a bit tardy. Usual for one, uncommon for the other. You DID send out the message, right Dodger?" At the mention of his name, Dodger finally got his wits back. "Of course. I sent it to every ROTC member just like you asked. I'm not some brain dead high school kid. I'm a braid dead college kid give me some credit." "And you're alive again. Welcome back Rodger." "Do I get another kiss?" He asked roguishly. "How about a punch?" She smiled at him. "No, no I'm good." He still had wild eyes, but he seemed to be getting used to his situation. Tora might be able to thieve him tonight. The thought of it made her want to twirl.

Dodger Smith

Location: Apartments With: Pino, Hercules, Ethan, Tora. Mentions: Leia and Mareiad @ShurikenPhoenix Scene: Why oh why didn't I lock the door? Time: 1730

"YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE MORON!" Well that was uncalled for. Getting kind of close Tora. Oh God she's kissing me! What the hell?! Why the hell!? Does she like me? Sure we flirt but that was just a game wasn't it? Oh sweet merciful Walt her tongue! Mind going blank now. Dodger off in 3,2,1,_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reboot. There are people around. Oh man they saw! Did they know Tora liked me? Tora's talking. Is it to me? Let's try saying Tora let's talk about this now. Nope, nothing coming out odd. She says she wants to talk about it later. Why do they always want to talk about it later? Pino comes in. Pino friend. Pino help. Wait. Pino no help. BAD PINO!! Why is everybody staring at him? Okay think this through. Tora likes you. Well Esme. You do like Tora. She helped you a lot. What if it's a trick? No Tora's not like that. Well Esme. Esme Adam. Adam. They were getting along. Maybe Tora is protecting him from heartbreak again? No she could do that without kissing. She really likes you. Why not? Esme is pretty and you like her. Why pretty? Is that all you look for? No comparing. That is bad. Damn it what do I do. I always saw Tora as a slightly younger version of my older sister. Now she likes me? I'm not even sure she likes me. You don't kiss people you don't like Dodge. I have lots of times Other Dodger. Fine. TORA doesn't kiss people she doesn't like. Does she strike you as a player? She would have gone after Ethan then. Much better at this than me. But she chose you. That's right Other Dodger. Just don't mess it up like last time. Don't propose so friggin quickly. Why am I already talking like I'm going to propose? AHHHHHHHHHHH! REBOOT in 3,2---No wait I'm not done Other Dodger! Don't forget to, 1_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reboot. Snark Levels at 75% "Do I get another kiss?" Dodger said roguishly. He had a nagging feeling he was forgetting something. Something important about Tora's family. Oh well it would sort itself out in the end. He felt he needed to give Tora a chance. Maybe she was serious. If she was he....well he cared about her. He knew she was a woman that got what she wanted so why fight it? Though why she was so roundabout was beyond him. He would have dated her after the debacle with Aurora. She knew about that why didn't she jump in then? Maybe she was right. He would never understand women.

Kyle Ren

Location: Campus Infirmary Break Room With: None Scene: Meditation it flows through us Time 5:30

There was only one person in the house tonight and Head Doc was with them so Kyle sat in the break room listening to the game and reading medical books. "And Tompson runs and passed the 30 for a first down." "Yes!" Kyle said happily. His team was winning and he was pleased. The patient suffered from a broken rib and smoke inhalation, nothing serious, she'd be up and at em in no time. The head doc took everything seriously though. It would be good to work under him. He'd known him for about a week now and they had little work to do. Some staff that stayed during breaks but mostly it was making sure the supplies were stocked. at 24, Kyle was a young doctor but still a talented intern. He was happy to be back here, the bonfire was tonight. He never went because he was 16 when he first came here. President Mickey was happy to see him again. Sometimes it felt like that man was the only friend he had at the school. Theodore Baar was still here too, the tyrant. Still he was able in his history work so Professor Baar left him alone. He had made little friends but school was still liberating. He was out of his Uncle's shadow when he was here. His parents wanted him to be a doctor because his uncle was a doctor. He wanted to show that bastard up. His Uncle saw medicine as a way to help people. Kyle saw only dollar signs. He would be rich and rub it in that holier than thou bastard's face.

His shift lasted till way after the bonfire so he drank some coffee and sat back down. The doc would come get him if he was needed. Pumping stomachs no doubt.

Phineas "Finn" Downard

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Phineas3.gif.cc13a7a99e690482d7d5d1ef35da4771.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110187" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Phineas3.gif.cc13a7a99e690482d7d5d1ef35da4771.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Dorm Hallway

Mentions: KT @Bubbly Brandi , Joy @Bubbly Brandi , Hagane


"Of course, it was a left at Frontierland Way, not a right at Tomorrowland Speedway..." Phineas muttered to himself as he finally pulled into the student parking lot at WDU. You'd think after three years in attendance, he'd stop making these ridiculous directional errors, but, no luck. His friends used to joke that Phineas would even forget his own name if it wasn't sewn into his underwear. The sad part was that they were probably right. But, Finn was getting better about remembering things. It was certainly a long-term project. Finn reached and removed the keys from the ignition of his blue mini cooper, taking a minute to look over the clownfish keychain. He smiled at it fondly. His mother had gotten it for him when he joined the swim team at school his freshman year of high school. There was something about it... He could look at it and remember things he had previously forgotten.

Finn had not forgotten how exciting today was going to be. Last year, Joy had started attending WDU. This year, KT was set to start as well. Finn had met both Joy and KT his sophomore year of high school. He was an awkward transfer student, and Joy made it her personal mission to ensure that he felt welcome. KT was... less enthusiastic at first, but soon enough the trio had become inseparable. Phineas was looking forward to seeing them both, but he was especially looking forward to see KT. The brooding boy was supposed to join at the same time Joy did, but instead spent time with his grandmother in Africa. Finn hadn't seen him in person since his going away party.

With a big grin, Finn grabbed his backpack from the backseat. He had some other belongings, a few packed boxes, but he was too eager to see his friends to worry too much about them. He could always come back and grab them after the bonfire. And maybe he could rope KT into carrying a few of them... Finn looked down at his watch and almost jumped. There was only a minute left in check in?! He had left his house with plenty of time! Even allowed for him to get there early! Then again, he had made that wrong turn... And that other wrong turn... Mentally cursing himself, Finn made his way to the check in desk.

Phineas wasn't the last one there. He stood behind Hagane, who he recognized from last year. They weren't friends per say, but, he knew his face and offered a wave as he walked away. Finally checking in, Phineas opened up his packet. Room 214. He had been hoping to room with KT, but Finn (predictably) forgot to turn in his roommate request on time. Of course, it didn't matter that much. They would still be able to hang out. At the thought of the boy, Phineas pulled out his phone and dialed KT's number. Sure enough, he didn't pick up. His phone was likely dead. Finn rolled his eyes and dialed Joy instead. She'd probably pick up. "Hey Joy! Where are you? KT isn't picking up his phone... I miss you guys!"



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Hagane Hamada

Location: Dorm

With: Dean @NessieAlways

His roommate was weird. There was no two ways about it. Hagane, however, was able to take it all in stride. He'd had his fair share of weird friends. "Pie?" Hagane asked. "It's alright I guess." Hagane pondered the question for a moment. "Though if I had to pick a favorite dessert, I'd probably pick taiyaki." The boy grinned at the memory. "My brother made the best taiyaki. He had our mother's recipe and would make it all of the time. It's like this fish shaped pancake with a sweet red bean paste inside... And Hisato used to top it with ice cream and chocolate syrup- our own kind of twist." Hagane could almost smell it. The fresh baked sweet smell, wafting from the kitchen, up the stairs, and into his nostrils. It always made Hagane feel better, so Hisato made it whenever Hagane was a little down. He could remember running down the stairs and instantly being ready to talk about what was bothering him, even if his mouth had been adamantly shut an hour before.

The memory was bittersweet.

With a sigh, Hagane continued flipping through the welcome brochure as he scratched Mochi under the chin. There was a map, a schedule, but mostly a lot of ads. Goofy's Candy Co., Chip n' Dales Nuts, the list goes on. There were even discounts for Absalom's Hookah Bar, something Hagane never really understood. The boy eventually gave up and tossed the brochure- landing it in the trash bin beside the desk. Looking around the room once more, he let out a sigh. "So..." He began, addressing his roommate. "That bonfire should've started by now. I'm gonna go investigate. You wanna come with?"

Isabella Sauveterre-French

[ Location: In her dorm || Class: None || Time: 5:30-ish pm || With: Percy, Satine and Junius @ShurikenPhoenix || Mentions : Esme @crucialstar and Ethan @NessieAlways || Scenario: - || Year: 1st ]


"She's a little OCD."

"Yes, that is the word. I am Satine, and this is my friend Junius. I hope we have not made too much of a bad impression."

Isabella just smiled, shaking her head,
"No, please don't worry. You didn't make a bad impression at all." If anything, Bella believed it was her making the bad first impression, it was her muddy dog after all. Glancing down at Percy, she petted the dog's head, "I'll just make sure he isn't so muddy next time," She then looked back up at the fashionable pairing, "And I'm Isabella, and this here is Percy. It's a pleasure to meet you both." She greeted before wandering back over to the dorm, but she quickly turned around to Percy before he could follow her in, "Stay." She commanded, yet kept her tone friendly with him, unlike some dog owners, she had no means of intimidation. Bella grinned as he sat down, "Good boy." she gave him another quick pat before she entered the room. Now, there's that bonfire matter.

Before Bella's mind could ponder on the subject however, she immediately noticed exceptional cleanliness of the dorm room. The girl stood in the center, a little taken aback by the organisation. Her home, back in France, was constantly in some sort of a mess. Her father's obsession with his genius inventions made sure of that! Everywhere she looked, either things were randomly out of place, or had disappeared completely! like the time Bella had entered the kitchen and was about to clean the dishes, but to her surprise- the tap was missing. From what she could recall, It was being used as part of his contraption to make it easier to supply the goats in the pen with water. Despite the fact Bella didn't mind doing her daily chores, she let her father continue his work. When he had left to teach at WDU however, things became a little tidier- but rather boring. She didn't have many friends, and the one who she held closet to her heart had left years before her father had...she missed Esme.

Isabella ran a hand through her hair, sighing as she turned to look over at her draw. What were you expected to wear to the bonfire? bathers? Changing meant accepting the fact that she would go, but although the idea of seeing Adam again was unsettling, she had already made up her mind to explain everything to him. Besides, she no longer had feelings for him...
right? She had made sure of that when she began to date Ethan. Oh god, Ethan. Bella didn't like thinking about that boy, he was one of the most egotistical humans she had ever come across- though, somehow, he had managed to have her wrapped around around his finger. She didn't know whether it was because she was still heartbroken over Adam, or she genuinely loved him...either way, she was devastated when he broke it off. "...so" Isabella turned around to face Satine and Junius, ridding herself of the thought of Ethan- he was long gone anyway, there was no point to linger on the subject, "Are you either of you new here?" She raised a brow. Despite Bella highly doubting that they were, there was no harm in asking.

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Major: Music//Year: 1st//Location: Adam's Dorm// Class: N/A//Scenario: One Man and his Dog// Time: 5:45PM// With: Henri//Mentions: Isabella and Percy @mxlly Ethan @NessieAlways and Esme @crucialstar

Adam had retreated to his dorm as soon as his surprise encounter with Isabella was over. He had been distracted as he unboxed his things and put them away as neatly as he could. The sound of her voice and the image of her face permeated his senses. Henri had sensed his companion's absence and nudged him back to reality on several occasions. Adam had been glad that the room was unoccupied apart from himself because he didn't want anyone seeing how conflicted he was right now. Just Henri. He was a puppy and blissfully unaware of the torture it was to be human...
"Hey little guy..." he muttered scratching him behind the ears slightly, "Did you like seeing Percy again?" Henri yipped a little, though his eyes were sad like he understood Adam's thought process.

The puppy then began helping his companion unboxing things. Adam couldn't help wondering whether Isabella would be at the bonfire. Perhaps she might talk to him and explain why she had left him for that bastard Ethan who held absolutely none of her values and was a complete neanderthal. After a while of seething to himself, another image floated into his mind: the girl he had met today, Esme. If he went to the bonfire he would see her again. She was sweet and truly fascinating.
No, you are not going just because there's a girl there, his inner voice scolded him, but something compelled the young man to want to see her again. There was something about her that put him at ease, just the way Isabella always had. Esme seemed eerily familiar to him too, like he had seen her before a long time ago.



Major: Fashion and Costume Design//Year: 3rd//Location: Satine's Dorm// Class: N/A//Scenario: Meltdown// Time: 6:00PM// With: Isabella and Percy @mxlly and Junius//Mentions:

"No please don't worry, you didn't make a bad impression at all," the brunette had assured to Satine's relief. She wanted to scold herself for getting so worked up about it all. Juni was clearly amused by the situation, but having such an overreaction to a simple situation was embarrassing to the young woman. Satine frowned slightly when her new roommate told her admittedly beautiful dog to stay outside the dormitory. It did not seem very fair that she was the cause of all this. "Please mademoiselle, it is okay if Percy comes back into the room. I was just a little bit startled that is all." Satine made sure to offer a smile to the dog as a peace offering as she glided back into the room followed closely by Junius.

It seemed to Satine that this young woman had never been in a room so orderly before, because she looked around the space with more interest than was really necessary. Satine had not done much to her space, leaving it as more functional than stylish, though she had insisted on accenting it with splashes of hot pink wherever she could. Junius had sat himself down on her bed and was watching the new girl with a hawk-like gaze. She had known the boy long enough to know that he was analysing everything about her, from her hair, to her eyebrows to her outfit of choice. Satine shot him a reproachful look before returning to her organising.

It was only a feeling, but she had the distinct impression that this girl Isabella was conflicted about something. It was all in her demeanour and the small sigh she exhaled. Though her curiosity was aroused, Satine knew it was not her place to comment. In France especially it would have been bad etiquette. She was relieved when the girl finally spoke again.

"So, are either of you new here?"

"No, we're third years and since I've never seen you around before, I'm assuming you're here for the first time. Going to the bonfire tonight?" Juni had spoken before Satine could.

"Yes, I have heard it is fun...though I am not the biggest supporter. I prefer a nice wine bar or cocktail party," she added. This was true, though she had been contemplating attending this year because Lumiere had encouraged her beforehand and Juni had threatened to burn the Ugly Betty DVDs he had bought her last year.

Juni snorted slightly and rolled his eyes dramatically,
"Yeah, Ms 'Thang' over there is kind of a snob. Don't worry though, if you go..." he lowered his voice to a mock whisper, "She won't be there!" With that, he made his exit before Satine could throw another pillow at him or the likes. With a sigh, she turned her attention back to Isabella and smiled,

"I think you should go to the bonfire and avoid Juni if you do."

Location: Dorm 208 | Class: n/a | Time: 5:00 - 6:00 | With: Eric Abrams @Bubbly Brandi, Oscar Trammell @mxlly Scenario: - || Year: 1st

Oscar, as the senior had introduced himself, had taken notice of Scooter and was now eyeing him with a raised brow as he stated the obvious. "He's called Scooter. None of you mind right? Having a turtle in the room. He's a shy thing anyways, hides in his shell half the time." He strode in and set his things down, making himself comfortable as he spoke. "I heard there's a bonfire later tonight. Anything I should know about that and the rest of the school? Like which teachers to watch out for and such?" Stanley emptied the contents of his bag and sorted through the packets of water balloons, coffee and an array of other odd items he had stuffed in there for his entertainment. Just because he was trying to be a better behaved kid didn't mean he couldn't indulge sometimes and play a prank or two...

Having organised his things somewhat, Stanley stood up straight and dusted off his pants. He looked down at his outfit, a worn black t-shirt and faded grey jeans then back and think Oscar. "There's no dress code right?"

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    Location ~ Dorm 208 | Class ~ N/A | Time ~ Around 5:30PM | With ~ Oscar @Inritz Belinda @ShurikenPhoenix

  • AKA too lazy to make one before the bonfire​


    Eric chuckled softly at Pino's words, 'you should have joined', ah yeah...He remembered how big ROTC had been on trying to recruit last year. He had nothing against Professor Tora, or anyone in ROTC it just wasn't really his thing. Considering that he wanted to be on Broadway there wasn't really anything that the club activities would really do for him anyways, "Beer definitely." He agreed before watching the other walk off, he'd been just about to walk into the dorm when who he assumed was their final roommate walked in. With a turtle. Well. It wouldn't be the weirdest pet he'd seen at WDU.

    Stanley said he was a first year, and then immediately Eric made it his mission to try and help the guy out as much as he possibly could. He knew what it was like to be a first year and have no idea what to do or where to go. Going into the room in time for Scooter the turtle's introduction he shrugged,
    "I've got a dog named Max. He's coming in tomorrow though so little Scooter here will have time to settle in." Eric beamed, settling down on his top bunk as he watched Stanley unpack his things. Wondering idly what kinds of guy he was to have these kinds of thing with him. "There's teachers there for awhile the only ones you really have to watch yourself around though are Belinda Gothel, the German professor. She's okay, just really strict, and doesn't really tolerate any kind of flirting so she hates Flynn. And Ethan. And Ali. And Aurora. Anyone who flirts a lot really." He shrugged a bit, thinking that over, "But she's alright if you're good around her."

    The dark-haired male looked as Stanley started brushing himself off,
    "Oh man Stanley. According to Annie, in my case there should be." He said, looking down at his clothes, honestly not seeing what was wrong with them. He liked each piece of his clothing individually. Of course according to Annabelle that was exactly the problem. He wore too many things all at once that either didn't match at all, or matched too much and she just got so frustrated trying to explain it to him sometimes. Her nose would get all crinkled and she would rub her hands over her bright blue-green eyes. She would fold her arms and her hips would tilt to one side and she'd just--Wait. No, stop. It was the first day back, he had to check himself at the door.

professor belinda gothel, PhD

the n a z i


c h a · o s (ˈkāˌäs) :

(n) complete disorder and confusion

location: university building > professor apartments | time: 9:30-9:50 | with: Elizabeth Swann @munchkincora, Jack Sparrow @crucialstar

Belinda would have made an excellent accountant.

She was an analyst at heart, always falling back to the cold facts when things went awry. If a student neglected to study for an exam and bombed it the next day, the facts would remain the same: they had failed. No amount of emotion would turn that 45% into a 90%. It wouldn’t matter whether their dog had died that day, or their cousins had come over and turned their notes into paper airplanes, or a cow had fallen out of the sky and pinned them to the ground for hours.

No -- in the end, they had failed the test, they had failed her class, and would no doubt fail to bring that grade back up to something respectable, something their parents wouldn’t faint at the sight of.

Accountants spent their days counting, re-counting, and counting some more. They immersed themselves in the world of arithmetic, of finance, of your-tax-returns-are-due and the-stock-market’s-doing-great,-Jerry.

Numbers did not lie. Numbers did not abandon loving mothers to secretly elope with no-good boyfriends. Numbers did not get piss drunk on god-knows-what and stumble into random apartments. Numbers did not send an entire school into a panic by setting kitchens on fire.

People did, however, and Belinda refused to associate herself with these people anymore.

Today was supposed to be somewhat relaxing for teachers; before they were tossed into the vicious cycle of the school year, they were allotted one day to get to know the students, to reunite with colleagues, to simply enjoy their last day of freedom.

But of course, for perhaps the third year in a row, Walt Disney University could not afford Professor Gothel even that. She was forced to spend her morning herding students out of the buildings, forcing them into some sort of order, listening to their constant whining, crying and general discord. It was enough to strip even a monk of his sanity.

She didn’t remember when exactly she had landed in front of Principal Mouse’s office, let alone entered the University Building, but when she emerged from her haze of enraged mental rantings, there she was. She found her hand wrapped in a constricting grip around the knob, knuckles white, and immediately let go. Resigning was not an option, she reminded herself. She wasn’t being rational. She had let her emotions cloud her better judgement, and nearly made a fool of herself. What would Michael think if she barged into his office and capitulated at the smallest sign of trouble?

She would handle this like a level-headed lady -- yes, that’s what she would do. Belinda swiveled around with a new air of determination . . . and was welcomed by a wave of exhaustion. The stress of the fire coupled with her many sleepless nights had finally begun to weigh her down. Belinda’s stiff shoulders slumped, trapped tension releasing itself like the air in a flat tire. She needed a nap.

As she made her way down the hall, her roommate’s voice -- one she found particularly annoying -- wafted her way, echoing off the corridor’s massive walls. “...he thinks he can have just about any woman he decides that he wants…” Elizabeth said, and Belinda’s interest piqued slightly. She quickened her pace, stopping just before the entrance to room 200 and pressing herself against the wall. It was childish to be eavesdropping -- she was fully aware -- but it’s not as though there was much gossip floating around the teacher’s lounge every day. A girl had to take what she could get.

“But I'm in love with him. I have no idea when it happened, or even why it happened. But it did. I can't just tell him either, not until...I know he has it in him to be a good person.”

Belinda’s face contorted into a display of disgust as the last words left Swann’s mouth. Love? Ha!

The notion that anyone could find love in that uneducated drunkard was absurd. The boy would break her poor heart before they even went on a second date; then she’d see just how ludicrous “love” is.

The professor briskly pushed into the suite, eyes rolling at Elizabeth’s cute attempt to threaten Sparrow’s manager. Her words seemed to have some sort of effect on the man, however, for he slowly began to back out of the apartment. Pathetic.

“Darling, don’t make me gag -- I’ve been under enough stress as it is,” Belinda remarked as she neared Elizabeth’s room. Before her, Elizabeth sat on the edge of her mattress, stroking the hair of her unconscious “lover”. “I assume you’ll be cleaning up the mess he made in the living room, yes?” she inquired, shaking her head at the sight, “It’s a shame we’ll have to burn those sheets, though.” Sighing, she reached down, pulled off her heels, and retreated into the apartment’s master bedroom. Every stressful moment of the day, of the week, of the year, of a lifetime pulled her down into the bed’s silken sheets with a satisfied flop.

She should have gone into accounting.



Location: Stolen Car > Dorm// Year: 1st (sort of) // Class: N/A // Scenario: Stupid dog.. I miss you Madden // With: Priscilla - @crucialstar | Meghan - @Bubbly Brandi / | Mentions: Madden - @NessieAlways // Outfit: Cheshire Cat > Pajamas

After a good cry and listening to the angelic voice of Painc! At the Disco's singer Bredon Urie, Kat got out of the car and headed straight to her room, giving evil glares to everyone her eyes saw. Kat fumbled with her key until she shoved it into the key hole and opened the door. Her eyes felt like they were going to die when she saw Meghan and some girl, it got worse when she saw a spotty furry beast of a dog. "What. Is. That?" Kat growled, her focus staying on the dog. "Get it out of my room. Now!" She roared, she had enough bullshit from today, she didn't need anymore. Noticing no one was doing anything about the dog Kat sighed with her eyes rolling as well, she stomped to the dog and grabbed it under the stomach. "I don't want dog shit everywhere!" Kat yelled, dropping the dog outside and slamming the door on the dog, not caring if it ran away or not, the beast can go find somewhere else to pee.

"Everyone out." She pointed, she was claiming the room for the night, she didn't feel like going to the bonfire anymore. She had already went last year and she assumed it was the same every year. Ethan bring booze and they all get drunk, one girl most likely get pregnant while drunk and most likely have the time of her life. Kat grabbed her pajamas and tucked it under one arm. She cocked an angry brow at the two girls. "I'm getting change, get out." Katrina growled and pointed at the door with her free hand. Once the two left the room, she closed the door and locked it with her key. Kat got changed and grabbed her MacBook, logging onto Netflix on her top bunk with stuffed animals surrounding her. Katrina gloomily looked around for a movie that she hadn't watched yet. Kat tried not to cry again over Madden with all her might which was a difficulty, she needed something to drink. Kat jumped dowon from her bunk and went over to one of her boxes, she scavenged around until she found a half empty bottle of Vodka that she stole, pulling the cap out Kat took massive swigs of the drink, trying to forget the pain that Madden caused. The scene at the mall replayed in Kat's mind as she drank more.

"Learn to play nice. Material things can get you so far."
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James Hawthorne

Location: Small Pet Park || Class: n/a || Time: 5:00 - 6:00 || Kyrie & Venus @ShurikenPhoenix & Mairead @NessieAlways || Scenario: - || Year:1st ]



"Looks like yer cat's a fan of bacon aye? Hope he knows its not nice tae play with yer food."

The blonde attempted to stifle a laugh, however it was a blatant failure. Mairead had certainly already made an impression - she seemed to have natural wit and she definitely had a good sense of humor, which was something Elena found to be critical when it came to establishing any kind of positive relationship with a person. Smiling like an idiot, her laughed ceased when Kody began to speak;
"Oh...Hey I'm sorry Elena. You were just so tiny, sitting there on the bed I just...didn't see you. Sorry about that. Joy keeps telling me I need to be more observant." She shrugged, a grin still plastered on her face, "Oh, it's fine." However, when the dark haired boy turned his back to return his attention to Ophelia, she finally registered his comment. Just so tiny? She narrowed her eyes at him; if she were superman she would've burnt holes in the back of his head. The girl dismissed many things - but tiny? He wasn't making fun of her, right?

Elena swung herself back around, placing her feet down on the ground once the initial shock of the lion cub had disappeared. If she had known the University allowed these kinds of pets, she would have been way more prepared...what was next? an elephant? It would honestly not surprise her.

The girl had assumed, judging by the amount of people who were already gathered in the dorm room, that no one else was going to arrive anytime soon - but she was wrong. A fifth person entered; it was a woman, dressed in almost all white.
"I'm guessing I'm late to the party. I'm Leia, Leia Organa." Immediately, the girl assumed that she was the last roommate she had to meet, "I'm Elena- Wynndale." She had paused between her name, wondering whether it was expected that she introduced herself in such a formal manner. Leia just seemed so- proper? She couldn't place her finger on the right word.


Ophelia Lilliana Robin

Location: Dorm

With: KT @ShurikenPhoenix​

"Are you going to the bonfire later? It'd be nice to actually talk more there when Kovu isn't trying to accidentally turn, Piglet did you say? Trying to turn Piglet into bacon like Mairead, did I pronounce that right? Like Mairead said."

"U-umm... I... Um..." Truthfully, Ophelia hadn't been sure if she was going to go to the bonfire or not. Sure, it sounded like something that might be fun, but it also sounded scary. It was a welcome event for the entire university. That was a lot of people. These four people (well, at least one of them) in her dorm room were making her anxious. Thinking about the whole university in one place was enough to make her shake. Not to mention, she had just bought Lady Midnight on her Nook. Assuming all of her roommates were going to the bonfire, the dorm room would be completely empty, and Ophelia would have prime reading time. The decision should have been easy, but now here was this boy, this really cute boy, who was complicating things. Did this count as an invitation? Was he inviting her to the bonfire so they could talk more? Was this actually happening?

"O-of course." Ophelia nodded, her cheeks turning the color of a tomato. "Of course I'll be there." The redhead shoved her hands in her pockets and looked around her dorm. Most everything was still packed away in boxes that were tucked away into the corner. "I-I should... Probably work to unpack some things before the bonfire... But I guess I'll see you there." Ophelia smiled, biting the corner of her lip as KT turned away and left the dorm room. He was really cute. And he had invited to her the bonfire. ... Well, kind of. Maybe not. Maybe he was just really into being involved in school and wanted to make sure Ophelia was getting the full college experience. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly and her lips turned into a frown.

Ophelia turned to start unpacking her clothes, and find something to wear to the bonfire when she noticed for the first time that there was someone new in the dorm. "Oh! Hi! Sorry, I uh, didn't notice you there..." She tucked her hair behind her ear awkwardly and offered the brunette a shy smile. "I'm Ophelia, by the way." This girl, Leia, gave off a... Different vibe. Very prim and proper. It made Ophelia feel more awkward than she usually felt. "Well... I'm gonna... umm... Look through my clothes and find something to wear to the bonfire." She glanced between Mairead and Leia. The pair's friendship was... odd. Mairead gave off a vibe of freedom and rebellion, Leia's was nearly the opposite.

Carefully, Ophelia located the box labelled clothing. What was appropriate to wear to a bonfire? She shifted through the clothes she brought with her, and eventually settled on something she thought might work. With her make up bag in hand, she disappeared into the bathroom. Emerging in a new ensemble she did a little twirl and looked over at her roommate who was still sat on her bed. "Hey Elena, what do you think? Does this work for the bonfire?" She tugged on the sides of her kimono jacket, admiring herself in the mirror once more. "Anyone wanna head over with me?"
Pino Faust

Location: Tora's Place With: Ethan, Herc, Dodger, Tora @ShurikenPhoenix
@NessieAlways Time: 1731

Pino chewed on his pizza. The Lieutenants were late. Bonus points for him. At least he knew how to set an alarm. He noticed that Dodger was back to his usual snarky self. That was a good sign. A dead fish was no fun for a cat to play with. He leaned back into the chair, Herc seemed charmingly naive. Ethan was trying his best not to seem jealous. That was pretty funny. Still, he felt for the guy. He knew LeFormal hated to get sidelined, all the way back from their first year, they weren't buddies, but he hung around the Cadet Captain, and the Cadet Captain led Pino, so they were bound to have at least passing familiarity with each other. He was attractive, but Pino like the Captain liked boys and girls he could hunt. That was more satisfied than being hunted after all. "So, do we get more gear? My rucksack has seen action in the 60s." Pino said with a grin. "We will be given more funds, how our supply corporal uses them will be up to him. He's shown resourcefulness before. However if he misappropriates the funds, feel free to beat him about the head and shoulders." "Captain!" Dodger said outraged. "I am a man of my word and would never do such a thing. That eliminates customers and I need that to survive!" "Sensitive boy, aincha Dodgie?" Pino laughed. "That's a Captain joke. You'll need to tell the difference between that and her serious tone if you're going to be dating her. Just look into her eyes. If you're doing push ups in two seconds, then it was real." Tora sighed. "Push ups never worked on you Faust. Perhaps you lack the intellect to know you're being bad?" "I'm always being bad Captain. You set me on the right path though. If you hadn't tricked me into joining I'd be worse off than I am now, with no future. You saved me." Pino said the last part with a bow and a genuine smile. "I didn't trick you. I played that hand fair and square." "Yeah how was I supposed to know you had 4 of a kind? You suckered me in. At least I'm not in as deep as Lover Boy over there." "You're an ass Pino." Dodger said flatly. "That's you're an ass, Sargent. Gotta respect the rank Numb Nuts." Pino said happily. Dodger gave a sigh that spoke volumes. Tora checked her watch.
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Location:|| Tora's Apartment


With:|| Tora-Rodger-Herc-Pino-Kimberly Mentions: Mairead-Leia-Meghan

@Inritz @ShurikenPhoenix @mxlly @Bubbly Brandi

Time: 6:00-6:30

It was hard for Ethan not to roll his eyes at the inadequate situation. It would have been one thing if Rodger was just a student, but the announcement of having him join the ROTC made Ethan look at the organization as some type of joke now. A captain in love with a new recruit? Where did the professionalism go? "Begging are we now Captain? I didn't know you wanted me in so badly. Still I have to reject. They let anyone in these days." Ethan replied bluntly with a bittersweet smile splashed across his face and finally taking a bite to his cold pizza. Was he pissed? Yes. Yes he was. Did he have a right to be pissed? Yes. Yes he did. He'd been trying to woo this lady for over three years now and she went off with another man. Ethan felt publicly humiliated. His thoughts kept tossing and turning with an anger he was working so hard to conceal, and, aside from his comment, only someone who truly knew him would have sensed he was disturbed. To everyone else, Ethan was just being his cocky self.

Tora continued speaking finally announcing the big surprise that wasn't an actual surprise. Rodger joined the ROTC. Big whoop. Not only was seeing the boy in uniform a give away, but also the fact that it had been Rodger who texted them to gather at Tora's place instead of the Captain. To be honest it was probably just a matter of time before he joined seeing at how much Tora had persisted with him. Ethan still remembered her pestering Mairead her second year in trying to get the boy to join. "He'll be beneficial!" she claimed. "He'll bring in the resources we need." She promised. "If you don't get his ass to say yes, I'm going to take matters into my own hands." She finally threatened, but the boy was stubborn. Now that he recalled those moments, it was pretty obvious that there was more than just professionalism between Rodger and the Captain. Ethan had just buried all those slight glances she'd give his way and random giggles from the lady into the "doesn't mean anything" pile. Yet, as much as Ethan wanted to convince himself that this were just a casual occurrences, he couldn't shake his head off of the fact that he was in the woman's apartment sitting in her couch and Tora was flirting with Rodger not him. It disgusted him and annoyed him beyond measures. He had lost to that helpless little dog.

It didn't take long for Ethan's temper to set off especially since the conversation had turned to Mairead's tardiness. The girl was like a sister to him and hearing Tora complain on how she was late was prickling his skin even more. "Well maybe if you stopped banging your students she'd take this more seriously" he thought allowing the idea to sour his face. Sure Mairead had a loose bolt on her head, but she was always a respectable lady. She got her work in on time. She followed the rules, mostly, and she didn't sleep with professors to get ahead. Tora saying it was usual of Mairead to be late felt like an insult to Ethan. He bit his cheek instead of shouting and clenched his hands together instead of punching someone's face, as usual. Ethan would remain as calm as he could. He couldn't act like the jealous bastard and lose his cool all on the same day, and just before he couldn't take the passiveness any longer, he stood up and excused himself. "I'm going to check on Leia and Mairead. It's not like either of them to be late. "

He stood up, threw his plate in the trash can and left Tora's apartment. No questions asked. No "Goodbye"s or "I'll be back"s. With phone in hand ready to call Mairead and ask where she and Leia were, Ethan unlocked the screen but was immediately distracted by an unread text message from Meghan. As inopportune as timing was, seeing Meghan's message actually made the giant smile as he made his way towards the dorms. It was the slim light at the end of the dark tunnel that made up his afternoon. Someway or another Meghan always seemed to put a smile on his face even if she wasn't trying. He replied quickly reading over their past conversations enjoying them a little more than he should. With his undivided attention on Meghan's text, Ethan wasn't seeing where he was going. One step led to another and before he knew it Ethan crashed into someone soft and delicate, a girl. His hands were off of his phone and out reaching for the girl in a split second. His arm wrapped around the girl's waist before she hit the floor and he yanked her up pulling her towards him. "I've heard of girls falling for me but this is a whole new level." Ethan joked with a slight grin on his face letting go of the girl before she slapped him. "Are you okay?"

My Little Fury
It's been awhile hot stuff ;)
Am I gonna see you at the bonfire tonight?
Well, I was going to a Pixar Uni Party.
But for you, I'll make an exception ;)
Oh please. You and I both know that the Pixar guys don't have anything on our parties.
The guys might not, but the ladies...
They're a whole different world ;D

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    Feeling just a tad guilty at her use of 'the Paramore card' as Autumn called it, but not enough to apologize, just enough for a sheepish little smile. And then the redhead shrugged off the goat eating her clothes and Joy knew that everything was completely fine and alright again and that was fantastic. Fantastic Finn was what she usually said with that word, and speaking of the boy where was he? He had most likely gotten lost again on his way to the University. Bless his heart but he was just so forgetful. Honestly she wouldn't be surprised if he had forgotten there was the bonfire tonight. Bonfire! Oh she needed to get ready that's right. She had almost forgotten about it. Moving over to her section of the closet she quickly grabbed her swim suit because well duh she was going swimming in the river. Mossy river rocks be darned.

    Hesitating for a moment before she shut the closet door without any word as to what she was doing, so she probably looked just a little bit crazy. At least until she stepped out in her swim suit and flipflops.
    "We're all going to the Bonfire, that means you Autumn. So you had better start getting ready." She abandoned her search for a dress and turned to face Esme again, "you can come down with us if you like, unless you already made plans with other people. I can help you find them." She beamed at the brunette before looking at Ariel as she noticed her distress. Quickly gathering a handle on the situation she skipped over to the flowery dresses, and snagged a blue one, "Oh it's perfect!" She spoke, easily slipping it on over her head. "You don't mind right, Ariel? I can borrow your dresses and I'm sure that I have leggings in my dresser if you want them." She offered brightly as she began french braiding her bangs, to keep them out of the way

    The blonde had opened her mouth to say something when her phone on her bed went off. Immediately recognizing the tune she clambered up onto her top bunk and answered,
    "Finn! Where are you? How are you? Are you lost? There's a bonfire tonight you remember that right?" She babbled quickly as she answered the phone. She quickly put her fingers to her lips, forcing herself to settle down a bit. Climbing back down the ladder, her phone pined between her shoulder and her ear she went back to her closet, getting into her hat box, "I think KT's phone is dead. But it's always dead because he never charges it." She sighed gently tossing the white sun hat onto her head and smiling at her roommates before stepping out into the hallway so she wasn't bugging them too much, "I'm in Room 201."

Phineas "Finn" Downard

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Phineas3.gif.679f225313f39c493209bbaa78c29d9d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111389" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Phineas3.gif.679f225313f39c493209bbaa78c29d9d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Dorm Hallway

With: Joy @ShurikenPhoenix , Esme @crucialstar

"Heh yeah... I may have made a few wrong turns." Finn rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, looking down the hallway. "I'm in the hallway the dorms are in. Room 201 you said?" Finn took a few steps down the hall, noticing as a familiar blonde stepped out of one of the rooms. "Hey Joy!" Finn called to his friend, hanging up his phone. He pulled the much smaller girl into a hug. "How have you been?" Usually Finn went to stay with his father in the same town Joy lived over the summer. But, his mother had asked him to visit her in Australia, and he couldn't convince himself to say no.

Their relationship was still strained at best, and the summer was awkward. Finn hadn't forgiven her for cheating on his dad with some dentist, and the more she forced him to have a relationship with this other man, the less he wanted one. He was grateful to be back with his friends. Pulling away from Joy he looked down the hallway. "I really wish KT would charge his phone more..." A frown settled on his face, discouraged he didn't see his other friend. He had been looking forward to the trio's reunion all summer.

"Oh yeah! Bonfire!" Finn laughed. "I almost forgot." He took off his backpack, setting it on the floor as he began to rifle through it. "Ah ha! I did pack an outfit!" Phineas pulled out a pair of swim trunks and an obnoxiously colored t-shirt. They probably didn't match, and the colors would make KT groan. But, they were comfortable. And Finn didn't mind. "I'm gonna duck into your bathroom real quick and change." With his clothes in hand, he ducked into the dorm room. "Pardon me ladies, I'll just be a second I swear." He offered a wave at the three girls before disappearing into their bathroom to change.

Emerging in his bonfire ensemble, Finn rejoined Joy in the hallway. "What do you think?" Finn mocked a twirl for his friend, stopping midway when he noticed his friend ducking out of another dorm room across the hallway. "Hey! KT!" Finn called, grinning, waving excitedly at his friend down the hallway. "Over here!"



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@Inritz//Mentions: Ethan, Mairead @NessieAlways and Leia[/color][/size]

There was legit tension in the room when the Captain and Rodger finally stopped playing tonsil tennis or whatever. Heracles was mostly completely unfazed by the new development in their relationship, even though Rodger was kind of an odd choice for the strong, independent and admittedly beautiful Captain Tora to aim her affections at. Who was he to judge? Pino had arrived by then and was making some snide comments that mostly went right over Herc's head, but it was Ethan that caught his attention most. The guy wasn't eating his pizza. Something was up. Ethan was obviously trying to play it cool, but when the time came that he didn't eat free food, Herc knew all was not well. He watched his friend for a moment before turning his attention to the wasted pizza and taking a slice. If he wasn't gonna eat it, Herc was not about to let it go to waste.

Tora then began explaining that Rodger was going to be their newest recruit and Herc couldn't help the puzzled expression that crossed his face. Okay he probably should have seen it coming what with the outfit he was wearing and the fact that he had been the one to send the text, but really? Even he had to admit the decision seemed like one made purely based on emotion rather than logic. Rodger was a great guy and all, but he didn't exactly fit the group.

"They let anyone in these days," Ethan had said. Yep, that was definitely directed at Rodger. Herc wasn't entirely sure why he was so pissed about all this considering he had nothing to do with ROTC, but he guessed it had something to do with jealousy. Whatever, what was most important was that everyone saw eye to eye on this subject. He sighed deeply as Ethan eventually left the room to find Leia and Mairead. Tora's comment about Mairead's lateness had irritated both Ethan and Heracles. The girl was awesome and a lot of professors tended to overlook that just because she was a little rebellious sometimes....

Now left with Pino, Rodger and the Captain, he spoke. "Well...I guess I'm in favour of Rodger joining us. I trust your judgement, captain and besides, I don't think we had much of a choice." He shrugged and ate another slice of pizza with a small smile.[/font]



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