• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern University of Hollywood | Rich & Poor

sunshine and whiskey

ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ʙʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ sᴜɴsʜɪɴᴇ
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Status: CLOSED.

Please make sure that you have read the rules before making a character. If you are known for making a character then disappearing then I'd advise you not to make a character at all. If you receive a like from me then know that your character is accepted. There will be a relations sheet in the Notes section of the thread open to accepting characters to form friendships, relationships, enemies or whatever else. Keep the Gender Ratio even, at least. I, myself, will be taking on a Female{Rich} and a Male{Poor}. If you see a multitude of females or riches, then please create a male or poor character. Please. Decorate your character sheet, you're 100x more likely to be accepted. I am not saying that you have to be a coding expert but at least add one color, pictures and detail. The character sheet is a bit lengthy and I apologize if that turns you away.

Insert a realistic GIF or PIC here

"Insert a small character quote here."

-Author of quote.

Add two theme songs here: One for your character's life and one for their romantic life.


First. Middle. Last.


Not optional. Be creative or at least try.

Birth Date:


Think college age. 18-25.

Zodiac Sign:


Male or Female.


Hetero, Homo, Bi, Pan.

Rich or Poor:

Trust Fund or Scholarship:



In Depth Appearance:

At least a paragraph detailing your character's appearance.

Clothing Style:

At least a paragraph detailing your character's clothing options.


At least 5.


At least 5.


At least 3.


At least 3.


At least 3.


What financial class are they in?

Spending Habits:

Avid spender? Budget spender? What?


What does your character drive? URL Links only.


What does their house look like? URL Links only.


At least a paragraph.

Place of Origin:

Where is your character from?


At least a paragraph.


Did you read the rules?
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr-mme-uwkbw-qa-jro-cara-delevingne-tumblr-1929504256.jpg.67990a815bcceb4421711ea00d24d463.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr-mme-uwkbw-qa-jro-cara-delevingne-tumblr-1929504256.jpg.67990a815bcceb4421711ea00d24d463.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"And you haven't seen my bad side yet"

-Author unknown

Life song; Lily Allen ~ Air balloon

Romance song ~ Rixton ~ Me and my broken heart


Chanel Ebony Matthews


Chanel No.5 (the famous perfume)

Birth Date:

14th February



Zodiac Sign:






Rich or Poor:


Trust Fund or Scholarship: Scholarship

Major: Modeling

Minor: Dancing

In Depth Appearance:

Chanel has dirty blonde hair which falls nicely to her hips and sways when she walks around. Her makeup consist of black mascara, nude colored eye shadow, her favorite dark nude lipstick and of course skin colored foundation. Chanel does beautiful hair styles with her hair like a side fishtail braid or make a bow in her hair and leave the rest flowing cause she is creative like that. She doesn't wear too much makeup as she doesn't want pimples and zits from the makeup she wears so for foundation and things like that she only uses natural products.

Clothing Style:

Chanel's styling is usually a grey denim like jacket which underneath is a white tee shirt and black skinny jeans decorated with two gold zippers about 2 and a half inches long that shine on both sides of her and black converse hi tops with golden squares and to finish the look she wear a gold Rolex watch and a necklace with a golden arrow pointing to the left.


~ Beauty

~ Make up

~ Dancing

~ Modelling

~ Friends


~ Mean people

~ Acting

~ Shy people

~ Death

~ Love


~ Can be OCD at times

~ Sometimes over confident

~ Can be mean and snappy at moments


~ Dancing

~ Modelling

~ Baking


~ Failing

~ Death

~ Snakes


No finance problems as she was born rich

Spending Habits:

Chanel is a avid spender because her dad owns a multi billion company






Chanel is a sweet caring person to her friends and only her friends. She dislikes poor people as she thinks they are useless to this world. She acts sweet and innocent to the teachers and gets amazing marks most of the time and if she doesn't she will keep trying harder

Place of Origin:

Originally from Spain but moved to America


Chanel Ebony Matthews was a happy child, she had friends, a nice life, loving parents until she started her first state school. All of them abused her and harassed her to their heart's content and she never told a single teacher. She was so kind back then but her parents took her out of the state school and home schooled her unitil she was in grade 9, since then, she became more confident, more happier and more amazing then her childhood she vowed never to be that child ever again


Did you read the rules? Yes



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Georgia Wells



"Gold stars are a metaphor for me being a star." Rachel Berry

Life Song



Romance Song




Georgie Porgie (not by choice)



9th October



Zodiac Sign:






Rich or Poor:

Lower Middle Class, fairly affluent

Trust Fund or Scholarship: Scholarship





In Depth Appearance:

At 5'8 Georgia is above average height with bra-length, iron straight brown hair and a clear pale complexion. Her eyes are a striking shade of electric blue that can be spotted easily in a crowd. Georgia is not one to wear much makeup, preferring little to none at all. On the occasions she does wear it it is usually eye makeup to accentuate her favourite features.

Clothing Style:

Georgia is quite the fan of dressing casually but stylishly. She loves her dark denim jeans and layered t-shirts.


Books both fiction and non-fiction (adores John Steinbeck, most fantasy authors and the plays of Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde and Tennessee Williams)

MERYL STREEP (she is her idol)

Animated movies, especially Disney

Musical Theatre


Nail art


Boys who can hold a conversation

Music (especially Nirvana and Soundgarden,
Foo Fighters, John Legend and ABBA even though she would never admit this)




Unnecessary drama

People who boast about their wealth

Peanut butter


Her hair

The Star Wars Trilogy Episodes 1-3


Not getting the lead role when she thinks it's deserved (which is pretty much all the time)


Bites her nails when anxious

Licks off lipgloss if she ever wears it

A little bit OCD about even numbers


Amateur dramatics


Playing guitar






Being forever alone

The inability to sing or play instruments any longer

Finances and Spending Habits:

Although it isn't obvious because she tends to spend wisely, Georgia is struggling financially. She will only splurge when she knows she has the money.



Yellow Beetle car



Campus accommodation



Georgia is an ambitious and driven person, who is endlessly loyal to those she calls friends, though a little naive due to her relatively sheltered life. Georgia can seem overbearing at times because of her drive and competitiveness, but she simply knows she has to work harder than most to achieve her goals. Though sociable, Georgia will usually be found with only a small group of core friends who understand and support her. She is usually friendly and warm but will almost always keep people within arms length.

When it comes to guys, Georgia seems to have a knack for picking that which is precisely bad for her, which surprises a lot of her friends. She is a little insecure about herself and so tends to pick guys who don't treat her the best for the thrill. She has never been in love because she has never given herself the chance to find someone decent...or maybe it's because she is so focused on achieving her dreams...or possibly both.

Place of Origin/Background

Georgia was born in Boson to simple means. He mother a teacher, and her father a bus driver and the family lived a simple but comfortable life. From an early age she had displayed talent in nearly all of the arts and throughout school had participated in every school production possible, hoping one day she would get a scholarship to the university. She was bullied a lot for being a drama geek, and at times the bullying got to her in a bad way, but she was strong enough to realise those people were projecting their own insecurities into her and so ignored them for the most part.

Fortunately her hard work, persistence (and occasional neglect of friends and ex-boyfriends) paid off and she was on her way to California with not much in the way of money, but a big dream.

Extra: favourite colour blue

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"You can never go forward in your life if you continue to hold onto the past."


The Basics


Hayden Danielle Young.


Hayden doesn't really having nicknames thrown her way. She always tell people that when people give you a nickname, they forget your real name and she wants to be remember as Hayden Young.

Birth Date:

November 1st.



Zodiac Sign:






Relationship Status:


Sexuality Active:


Rich or Poor:


Trust Fund or Scholarship:

Trust Fund.




The Appearance

In Depth Appearance:

She is definitely the personification of a Rich, Trust Fund baby. She has the long locks of blonde hair that cascade down to the middle of her back. She has the olive oil skin complexion that one would die for. She has the perfect smile that is accented by either lip gloss or red lipstick upon her lips. She has chestnut brown eyes that gleam to a maple brown in very bright lighting. She stands about five foot seven with a weigh of one-hundred and twelve pounds. Hayden is very attractive and usually have rich and poor people falling for her as soon as they meet her.

Clothing Style:

Hayden's clothing style usually consists of her wearing the latest fashion. She is usually dressed in a skirt with a blouse and heels or either flats upon her feet. She has all of her clothes color coordinated and everything must match or else she will toss the outfit out. She only dresses elegant if she is going out to a movie premiere, concert, award show or whatever else she can dress much more elegant at.

Digging Deeper


| Being Wealthy | Men | Kissing & Cuddling | Her Parents | Singing | Acting |


| Poor people | Thing that smell | Being lied to | People who judge her quickly |


| Bites her lip when nervous | Twirls the end strands of her hair when she is being flirty | OCD with her money, likes to keep the big bills with the big bills and small bills with the small bills |


| Shopping | Photography | Scrap Booking |


| Becoming Poor | Dying Young |

Getting To Know Me


Upper Middle Class.

Spending Habits:

She is an avid spender, whatever she sees or wants she will buy it whether she goes over her parents budget or not.


A Pink Porsche


Hayden's Home


When you first look at Hayden, you may think that she is this sweet and innocent little girl but then again, never judge a book by it's cover. Since the beginning of time, Hayden has always been a bit of a bitch towards almost everyone except for her friends, The Royals basically. Being a bitch get you places, she has been almost everywhere with her parents such as charity events and movie premieres. She can nice towards people though chooses not to because she is use to being Queen Bee and if someone is threatening to take her crown, she'll make them look very bad and embarrass them via Media. Try her. Overall, she will only befriend rich people and just glare at the poor people if they come up to her and talk.


Theme Songs:

"I tip on alligators and little rattle snakers

But I'm another flavor

Something like a terminator

Ain't no equivocating

I fight for what I believe"

"There were days when the sun was so cruel

that all the tears turned to dust

and I just knew that eyes were drying up forever"

My favorite color is any shade of Blue or Pink.
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George Sebastian Willpowers


"Awesome ends with me." -Anonymous


  • Life:





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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3f388279_chloemoretz.jpg.3c60bac4f9105a38a1eb9b9432fa2678.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68565" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3f388279_chloemoretz.jpg.3c60bac4f9105a38a1eb9b9432fa2678.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I'm not up for violence, just for fun".

-Chloe Grace Moretz

theme songs:

- Cherry Wine by Hozier

- Pauvre Coeur by Jillette Johnson


Elise Amelia Rivers

Nickname: Ellie

Birth Date: May 14

Age: 19

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Rich or Poor: poor

Trust Fund or Scholarship: scholarship

Major: Law

Minor: Criminal Justice

In Depth Appearance: Elise has straight blond hair that lies just past her shoulders. She is slim and athletically built, she is 5"10", on the taller side. She weighs 127. Elise does an addiction (OCD) to working out, which explains her thin athletic build. Her eyes are a light green/blue with gold flecks that catch the light. She has a few scars on her legs from when she would run away or get drunk with friends. She also has a few small tattoos which she prefers to keep covered.

Clothing Style: Elise will dress in almost any style as long as she thinks the silhouette suits her frame. She likes loose breathable clothing, but also loves a classic pair of skinnies, when it comes to dresses and skirts she prefers them to be on the shorter side. The two styles she dresses in the most are indie/hippy and 90s/early 00s grunge.






-loyal friends


-uncalled for attitude

-people who are power hungry

-being alone




-working out

-bouncing her leg rapidly

-biting the inside of her lip




-water polo


-being alone

-financial instability

-being screwed over by someone


Middle/lower class

Spending Habits:

Budget spender, but will splurge on friends






Elise is very shy and introverted, while keeping to herself she paints and tends to her small garden. She is very intelligent, tends to be towards the top of her class, but hates talking about it. Even though she keeps to herself she adores acting and singing, she loves to get up on stage and share what she loves with the world. She is extremely caring and would give her all even to a stranger. She is family and friend oriented and would kill for those she loves.

Place of Origin:

a small town in the mountains of PA


Elise grew up an only child, when she was younger she would cause a lot of trouble hoping to get attention from her parents, she was arrested twice for partying and was then sent to care for her ill aunt. While living with her aunt Elise had no friends and turned to painting and writing as a release. She has always been an introverted girl and only opens up to people once she feels they've earned her trust. When ever she became lonely she would turn to boys, she's not very promiscuous but is a huge flirt. Her motto is: A friend who stays true and does not stray is the only true friend.


Did you read the rules? Yes, light blue



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Alexander Matas Paget


"I may be alright, but my skills are great."

Life Song:

Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson

Romantic Song:

Love Bug by the Jonas brothers


Alex, Paige (when he's dressed like a girl ... for reasons he does not want to mention)


March 7



Zodiac Sign:






Rich or Poor:


Trust Fund or Scholarship:



Film Making



In Depth Appearance:

It may not appear like it at first, but when looking at Alex up close, it's clear that he had been in the sun for a while. His skin is slightly tanned from the heat. His dirty blonde hair is always slightly long since he never bothers to cut it, along with his beard and mustache, so he pulls his hair up. He also has light brown eyes that perfectly fit with his face. From all the hard work he had done, he had build muscles in his arms, legs, and abdomen. But he had one or two scars in his back from lifting some things, and bleeding a bit in the process.

Clothing Style:

Alex doesn't have much clothes to pick, but he does have a good amount of clothes in his clothes, including multi-colored v-necked t-shirts and some jackets to go with his jeans. Lately, since he had the opportunity to go to University of Hollywood, his parents had bought him a few suits and fancy button-ups.



Editing and designing


His family




Being called Paige





Running his fingers through his hair when stressed

Twitching his lower lip when sad

Holding up a fist when happy

Fidgeting with his hands

Messing around when seeing technology





Playing with the guitar



Tight spaces






He is a poor person with not much money thanks to being in the lower class

Spending habits:

Alex tends to be careful when spending his money, making sure he isn't wasting it.






His parents had always taught him to be kind, so this kind of developed into being a nice and selfless person. He's always there to help people whenever they need him, and when he should be angry and mad, he's calm and he doesn't say anything without thinking about it first. But he can hold grudges. Since he keeps his emotions bottled up at all times, he doesn't show his anger, and as a result, he begins despising people secretly. On top of that, he doesn't care about his health much. If he starts to bleed, he shrugs it off as something that's not a big deal. It doesn't really matter to him if he's alright or not. He just considers people as his priority.

Place of Origin:

Oregon, Vermont


Even though Alex grew up in a poor family, his loving family made up for it. They were a source of happiness for him. But he had to work hard with his father. Their condition didn't allow them to be comfortable. But once his father gets some money, he asks Alex what he wants, and since Alex went to a public school and saw people holding technological devices, he let his father get a camera which he worked on day and night. He was always intrigued by technology. He also got himself a guitar with his own money and started to practice singing and playing it. He was offered a scholarship to University of Hollywood when he was recognized for his work in designing sets for school plays and video taping some of them. His parents were so proud that they spent some of the money for the university.


Favorite color is green.​
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3f4284f1_JordanSilas2.jpg.b3a519a2144f1347e64ab53d8d3e03bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68586" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3f4284f1_JordanSilas2.jpg.b3a519a2144f1347e64ab53d8d3e03bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3f42c632_JordanSilas.jpg.4a62b6d9b6e71e634c2eb683fd3449a4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68587" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3f42c632_JordanSilas.jpg.4a62b6d9b6e71e634c2eb683fd3449a4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever."

-Walt Disney

Life Theme-

Rejects- 5 Seconds Of Summer

Love Theme-

I Miss The Misery- Halestorm


Jordan Alexander Silas



Birth Date:

November 7th



Zodiac Sign:






Rich or Poor:


Trust Fund or Scholarship:





Criminal Justice

In Depth Appearance:

Jordan is known to be quite the tree, standing at 6'3& 173 pounds. Jordan has a toned appearance with abdominal muscles and very toned biceps. Jordan also has a very sharp jawline and large hands. Jordan has spent most of his time in the yard, earning him a dark tan. Jordan has dark chocolate hair and piercing green eyes with flecks of blue. Jordan had braces as a child, resulting in pearly white, perfect teeth. Jordan sounds quite the perfect model, but Jordan is very self conscious over his height and his scars on his wrist.

Clothing Style:

Jordan didn't have very much money growing up, being known as,"trailer trash,"according the the upper class. So when Jordan gets a paycheck, he spends it on his self,naturally. Jordan shops downtown where the expensive stores are. Jordan is known to wear long sleeve baseball t-shirts, plaid, or dress shirts. Jordan loves skinny jeans, but occasionally he wears blue jeans with a brown belt. Jordan loves leather jackets and cannot go out without one. Jordan likes shades and sometimes snapbacks, but they tend to mess up his hair so its a no-go. Jordan loves the style of Converse and Vans, but also wears Nike and combat boots.



Working Out.








His iPhone.




Rich Snotty People.

Smart People.


Fruit Loops.




Biting His Lip.

Raking His Hands Through His Hair.

Being A Sarcastic Asshole.






Hitting On Girls.


His Dad.





When he was a kid, he was lower-class but has, since he began working at 16, he is now middle-class.

Spending Habits:

Avid Spender.




Jordan is a funny guy, he always liked the quote, "Those who are the saddest, smile the brightest," which would remind him of himself. Jordan likes to be actively doing something all the time. Whether it's having fun or being in school. Jordan tends to sometimes get way to over excited over something. Jordan is friendly, yet stubborn. Jordan likes to be right, though he knows he can't always be. Jordan made good enough grades to be accepted into U of Hollywood. Jordan can't help but a sarcastic, narcissistic, arrogant asshole sometimes.Jordan is very protective and loyal to his friends and family, and doesn't like trouble. Jordan likes to have fun, and have a good time.

Place of Origin:



Jordan was abused as a kid by his biological father, and when he was arrested, they moved him to a foster home when he was 11. When Jordan started going through puberty around 15, he started having his good looking features enhance. By 16, he had a job working as gardener. When Jordan graduated, at 18, he received a letter from the University of Hollywood to come join them in 4 years time, when their school would be finished. In the meantime, Jordan started dating around until he found his true love at 21.She was the perfect girl for him, got him a part-time job, modeling for Abercrombie and Fitch. He almost proposed but before he could he found her sleeping with 3 guys in their bed. Jordan saw it all. Jordan dumped her then and there and told her to be gone my the week is up. Jordan got fired from his job, when she told Jordan's boss, (her connection,) that Jordan was the one cheating on her. Jordan had no proof whatsoever. Jordan got a job at Starbuck's as being a barista for the rest of the year.


Favorite Color is Green :D


Phew I did it :D



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"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."

Maya Angelo

Elijah Adam Taylor

Basic Information

Full Name:

Elijah. Adam. Taylor.


Taylor, E.T (Hates this nickname), E.J, TayTay

Life Theme Song:

Childish Gambino - Palisades

Romantic Theme Song:

Frank Ocean - Pink Matter/ Pyramids



Birth Date:

August, 20th

Zodiac Sign:






Rich or Poor:


Trust Fund or Scholarship:


Major: Writting

Minor: Art

More Information

In Depth Appearance:

Elijah is a tall, average build young man. Standing at a whopping 6'1", and 165lbs Elijah isn't one to mess around with. His skin is a dark brown complexion, having a light hazel color in the sunlight. Elijah's jet black hair is always well kept, keeping a brush on him at all times. He stays well groomed, occasionally shaving his beard down so that the hairs don't get bushy. As for his physique, it's quite good. He tries to stay in shape by running in the morning, especially with his unhealthy habits. If you look hard enough, you can see that Elijah has dark brown eyes.

Clothing Style:

Elijah has an interesting sense of style. You'll mostly see him in khaki pants, and shorts. Along with his khakis, he will also wear pull over hoodies, preferring them over zip up. Elijah is also a fan of button up shirts, flannels and the etc. Putting these all together, along with his favorite pair of TOMS, Elijah looks like he has a sense of style, or is at least trying to start one. Some would consider it a mix between hipster, and urban.


-Girls (Loves them)

- Traveling

- Junk Food

- Comic Books

- Movies (Star Wars, Evil Dead, Superbad)

-Music (Slow Jams, Childish Gambino, Frank Ocean)

- Relaxing

- Hookah

- Parties

- Writing

- Weed

- The Hype


- Bad Times

- Stress

- Obnoxious People

- Country

- Mopping

- Drama

- Ignorance

- Deadlines

- Being Broke


- Elijah has a tendency to bite his nails when he's nervous.

- When a song he enjoys is playing, he'll tap his fingers to the beat.

- No matter how tired he is, Elijah can sleep almost anywhere like a rock.


- Birds, especially owls. He finds them all sorts of creepy, the large eyes and twitchy mannerisms bother him.

- Disappointing his parents, seeing as they bust their humps for him to have a better life.

- Horror Movies in general always get him, minus Evil Dead which he thinks is a comedy.

- Feeling left out, as if no one cares for him, or wants him around.


Low to Middle Class

Spending Habits:

VERY VERY VERY Tight. He doesn't spend his money stupidly, he'll calculate his exspenses first. Unless someone is paying for him, it's hard to convince him to spend his money.






Elijah is a very relaxed person, enjoying his time in the quiet or with some slow jams is preferred. He's down for anything when it comes to his friends. When it comes to the ladies though, Elijah tries to become a charmer. It only takes one look and he becomes hooked, and he's kind of picky when it comes to girls. Although he's a charmer, he's not a liar. He doesn't try any tricks to get with a female, to him it's poor taste and just isn't worth it. Elijah is the type of person who will try and get to know you, and then you can have a very deep conversation with him. Being a relaxed type of guy, Elijah enjoys talking about life, or something major happening in the world. He's a good friend as well, being there for any issues that involve his friends, and family. Although he's not one for drama, he tries his hardest to help.

Some would consider Elijah a scatterhead, that he usually drifts off into his own little world. He's a day dreamer, always thinking of the big picture with things. Even though he's a relaxed person, Elijah isn't afraid to fight. Watching mma, and boxing matches, he tries to replicate what he sees on TV. When his friends are in a predicament, he will become the hype man. Doing whatever he can to get his friends amped and ready, this sometimes can be a curse. With all this, Elijah is still a loving son, and a somewhat hard worker no matter how much he hates it.

Place Of Origin:

Born in Mandeville, Jamaica


Elijah was born in Mandeville, Jamaica. He grew up with both parents, David Taylor, and Mary Anne Taylor in a small neighborhood. It wasn't until you reached the city that life became erratic. Elijah's parents started up a restaurant when he was two years old, it was his father's dream. The restaurant was called Pot Pourri, it was a small establishment that had a lot of meat on the menu. Growing up in Jamaica, Elijah's family didn't have much money to their name. Especially in Mandeville, where majority of the people were low on their luck. Elijah's father decided that a change of scenery would do them some good. So they decided to move to America, where they hear all sorts of stories of good fortune. It wasn't until Elijah was 6, that his family moved to America where they established their new restaurant. This time it was called Jamaican Queen.

Growing up in a new environment was intimidating for Elijah, especially coming from a whole different culture. In school he was picked on a lot for his accent, and a bit of his skin tone. So Elijah decided to practice his speech, to sound more "American". That's when Elijah turned 9 years old that he was able to turn on, and off his accent. Speaking naturally to his parents, while also switching his accent for his friends. It was sort of like living a different life for him. People who meet him, never guess that he's from Jamaica.

When Elijah turned 16yrs old, his father was diagnosed with a severe illness. Not one that would take him suddenly, but one that would slowly hurt him. With Elijah knowing this, he helps out as much as he can around the restaurant, with sweeping and mopping, he even takes orders. Around this time Elijah also began to smoke marijuana, losing focus of what was important. His mother and father emphasized that school should be his biggest concern, wanting him to have a successful life. Here and there, Elijah would break hearts of some unlucky ladies, unsure if he wants a relationship with someone. Watching his father suffer with his illness gave Elijah a different outlook on life.

At first Elijah was undelcared with what kind of major he wanted to proceed with. So he decided to stick with writting, trying to receive his masters. At the same time, he is also minoring in art. He hopes to one day become a succesful writer for fillms, and television.


Yes I have read the rules. My favorite color is Purple!

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{Here you go. I might make a boy too. Don't know yet.}

Aleksandrina Fay Kaven


"Some people are allergic to nuts. Some people are allergic to milk. Me? I'm allergic to bullshit."

- Anonymous


:Life Song:

Truth or Dare - Emily Osment

:Romance Song:

The Potential Breakup Song - Aly & AJ



Alek or Aleks

:Birth Date:

August 17th, 1996



:Zodiac Sign:






:Rich or Poor:


:Trust Fund or Scholarship:

Trust Fund. Kind of. Most of her term is being paid for by her aunt. The rest she is paying herself.


Studio Art (Painting, Drawing)


Media Communication (Editor)


:In Depth Appearance:

Alek is of average height, standing at 5'8. She weighs 147 pounds. Alek's skin is a fair colour and she has a lean build. Her cheekbones are high and she has freckles splattered across her nose and cheeks. Her eyes are a baby blue with specks of dark blue throughout. Her hair is a light brown and waist length. Alek has her belly button pierced, along with both her ears. 3 piercings on her left ear and 2 on her right. She also has a tattoo on the left side of her hip. It is of a compass and is very detailed.

:Clothing Style:

Alek wears a lot of leather/denim jackets and tank tops. She often wears her hair up in a bun and wears her piercings in. Alek wears beanies quite often as well.



All types of books




Gummy worms





Her Aunt, Felicia



People that wear too much makeup

Girl drama





Her parents


When Alek sleeps, she snores quietly.

The taps on objects when she's nervous.

She isolates herself at random moments.




Making art



Being embarrassed in public


Having no money


High, and has the average amount of money for an American. Even with this, she is not rich, as her parents don't support her.

:Spending Habits:

She's a budget spender, though once a year of so she spoils herself.








Alek has a very bold personality along with a 'I-don't-give-a-fuck' attitude. She is very passionate about topics she believes in. She is extremely stubborn and hardly gives in to anyone. She is compassionate in dire situations and really does care about her friends. Alek is very intelligent and is often told by her parents that she is making a massive mistake in majoring in art, as they believe she could do something much better. Honestly, Aleksandrina doesn't really care what they think. She often daydreams about new projects and is very creative. She herself was actually the one who designed her compass tattoo. She also has no filter, always says what's on her mind, and doesn't give a shit about what others think of her.

:Place of Origin:

Chicago, Illinois


Aleksandrina Fay Kavan was born on August 17th of 1996 to Julia Marie Kavan and Drake Lenny Kavan. The Kavan's are a rich family. Alek had a normal and happy life up until her 18th birthday, when she did 2 things. 1, announced to her parents she would be majoring in art and 2, came out as bisexual. Julia and Drake opposed both of these things and kicked her out of their mansion, her only possessions were the small amount of money she had from birthdays and a bag of clothes. Alek managed to ride buses and hitchhike her way to California, where she had always had wished to attend the University of Hollywood. For a year she worked multiple jobs and recieved a large sum of money from her only supportive family, Felicia, her aunt, eventually earning enough for one term of college. She sent in her application to the college and was accepted.



Did you read the rules? Yes, Yellow.

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no slide
no slide
T H E M E S O N G (L I F E):

T H E M E S O N G (R O M A N T I C L I F E):



Black is my favorite color


"If there's one thing I've learned, it's that it's never over, it's only just beginning."

-Madisun Fangio

(Life themesong)

(Love life themesong)

Name: Madisun Isabella Fangio


Madi /// Sunshine /// Isa /// Bella

Birth Date:

June 21st


Nineteen y/o

Zodiac Sign:






Rich or Poor:


Trust Fund or Scholarship:

Trust Fund




Creative Writing


In Depth Appearance:

Madisun stands at 5 feet 6 inches and weighs about 100 pounds. She has long chocolate brown hair down to her butt and green eyes. Madisun has a nice body, shes tan, has a nice bust, and a very nice butt.


Clothing Style:

Madisun loves to shop at Free the people and Urban. She basically buys everything from there.



? Snuggles

? Sex

? Crystals

? Kittens

? Indie Music


? Fish

? Bad Vibes

? Country music

? Huge things

? Slimy Things


? Fiddles with nails when bored

? Crosses arms when uncomfortable

? Rolls eyes around people she dislikes


? Having sex

? Volunteering at animal shelter

? Dancing


? Being Alone

? Becoming ugly

? Scary things



Upper Class

Spending Habits:

Madisun will buy whatever she wants, whenever she wants.







(Madisuns bedroom)




? Loyalty

? Dependable

? Caring

? Adaptable

? Responsive

? Moody

? Clingy

? Self-pitying

? Oversensitive

? Self-absorbed

Madisun is a warm, feisty, and caring young woman. Much like her aunt Wendy, she is quite liberated and doesn't really let anything stop her from helping the people she cares about. She is more than ready to use her gifts and talents to help out whenever she can. She is not as conservative as her mother neither is she as mild-mannered and shy as her older sister, is. As a contrast to them, she is much more emotional and is unafraid to make her feelings known. She doesn't like lying, feeling extremely guilty when she lies. However, she is not above going to such lengths if she knows it's for the best. She is a very loving person and she tries her best to make her relationships work. But, she does have a breaking point and she isn't afraid to let someone go if she knows its whats best.

Place of Origin:

Venice Beach California


Madisun was born in Venice Beach to two wealthy parents. Classic cliche, parents worked alot, but she could buy whatever she wanted. So from a the age of 12 she started dating guys and went to them for love and attention. This half way worked but when things got boring she would bail. She was in a few good relationships, but they would always end. Once she was in highschool, she was discovered as a model. She did various modeling during high school , and did not really focus on the school work. So she decided that she would go to college since she didn't really pay attention in high school.


yup. Coral <3


Quote: "Hope is the first step to disappointment."

Theme Song: Predictable- Good Charlotte

Romantic Theme Song: Better Than Me- Hinder

Name:Ezekiel Tobi Crying-Coyote


Cowboy or Zeek

Birth Date:

May 26th



Zodiac Sign: Gemini






Trust Fund

Major: Drama

Minor: Japanese

In Depth Appearance:

Average height, (5'10) with a lean frame thanks to a personal trainer he sees four times a week. His dark brown eyes remind people of a friendly dog and his medium length hair is trimmed at least once a week. He wears the most expensive glasses money can buy when at school, but switches to colored contacts when with his friends. He has a thin scar on his back from a childhood mishap and a scar on his hand from a play fight with his first girlfriend he left back in Montana. He slouches when he's relaxed and looks for all the world like he couldn't care about a damn thing. He absolutely reeks of new money.

Clothing Style:

He wears cheap clothing, wranglers and western shirts. He says it's because they are comfortable, but close friends know he does it to piss off his parents. The only item of clothing worth anything he wears is his Silverbelly Stetson hat. The hat is all he seems to care about but he hasn't told anyone why the hat means so much to him. It would take a lot of trust built up to bring Zeek's (As he prefers to be called) outer shell down.


A well made medium rare cheeseburger

Metal music



His Aunt's frybread



Slow Movies

Authority Figures

His Mom's Frybread

Little Dogs


Clicks his tongue when he's thinking

Combs his hair constantly when nervous

Drinks when he gets sad and that's the only time you'll find a beer in his hand.



Cooking, though he could afford to hire someone to cook for him.

Keeping up with Japanese culture, music, anime, manga, pretty much all Japanese pop culture.


Big Dogs


Turning into his father


Wealthy, but not obscenely so. He was given ownership of a few restaurants that bored his dad so he's never hurting for money.

Spending Habits:

He will make a few big purchaches but mostly he doesn;t see the need to flaunt his money. He dresses normally, he acts normally he just seems like an average guy, who goes to the most exclusive restaurants once a month.


Ducati Diavel Carbon


He chooses to live in Redondo Beach and commute to Hollywood. It's a bit of a drive, but he loves it on his bike. He lives on the Strand, the area closest to the beach.


He's generally a happy person, unless talk of family comes up. He rarely mentions his parents and just says that he talks to his aunt in Montana and that's all the contact with family he has. He has money, but he's not a snob about it. He carries loose change and small bills for the beggars he sees around his home. On Sundays he even drives a truck to a warehouse store to buy food for a food bank. He knows full well what it's like to be poor. He never talks about it though. He thinks that people will just see another stupid rich kid flaunting around and all he wants to do is help. He doesn't have many friends since he moved from Montana, but that;s a bit of his fault. He never bothered fitting in and just stuck out. At first the other kids picked on him in high school, but a few punches later and everyone avoided him. He's hoping that he can become an action star and show up his Dad who wanted him to go to Business School. So he just acts happy and keeps his emotions locked up.

Place of Origin:

Lame Deer, Montana


Zeek is probably the luckiest guy he knows. When he was 14 his parents won 150 million in the Powerball. His dad was careful with the money and soon that money was tripled, but at the cost of the family. His mom and dad wanted nothing to do with the tribe now that they were rich. Oh sure they gave donations to charities for Natives, but Zeek had to wait till he was 18 to see his Aunt again, He still keeps in touch with his family which has caused his parents to all but disown him, For his part, Zeek hates his parents for abandoning the family when they could have helped. The girl he grew up with needed a back surgery or the doctors thought she'd never walk again. It was only 150 thousand. Chump change to his family, his father forbade him to help. So he donated to a charity his aunt set up for his friend and his father could suck it. What's odd is that Zeek used to admire his father, he worked hard every day to make sure everyone was taken care of and he'd never turn anyone away. How did that wonderful man turn into this? That's why he hates his money and simply used it as a means to help others before it takes his soul. .



Did you read the rules? I surely did and Green
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Hey! I'm still pretty new to these forums so I'll try my best to decorate the character format. I hope it'll be pretty enough, and I'd be happy to learn how to make it look better!


"Find what you love, and let it kill you."

-Charles Bukowski

Lowlife, by Theory of a Deadman. And...Sure Feels Right, by Sixx AM.

Name: Michael J Knowles

Nickname: Mike!

Birth Date: January 2nd

Age: 21

Zodiac Sign: Whichever one is under January

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Rich or Poor: Middle child of the middle class.

Trust Fund or Scholarship: Scholarship

Major: Creative Writing

Minor: Literature

In Depth Appearance: You could say that Michael is the physical embodiment of the phrase "Starving

Artist", meaning that he's nice to look at, but he's nothing special. Michael stands at 5'10 and weighs 155 pounds. So he's skinny, but not indecently so. His tan complexion came from his father's side, while his baby blue eyes are from his mother. Michael has brown hair that he usually keeps long and unkempt, but it's a style that works for him. His face is angular, and surprisingly free of anything hideous besides a nose that hints at being broken once or twice. The only other noticeable feature is that you'll always see a smearing of graphite on his the side of his left hand, owing to the fact that he loves to draw and is left-handed.

Clothing Style: Michael avoids the typical Hollywood fashion trends, and opts for more comfortable clothes. They also usually suit him better, anyways. Michael can usually be found in a pair of vans and jeans, not the skinny type. And T-shirts so faded the logos are usually unrecognizable. If it's warmer out, Michael might be seen in cheap flip flops and dungaree-style shorts. He likes to wear sleeveless shirts with this style, but his muscle is barely adequate. Nothing to brag about nor to frown upon. And lastly in a colder climate, Michael dons a classic black bomber-style leather jacket over a T-shirt, with jeans and black boots.

Likes: Writing, reading, people-watching, girls, and drawing.

Dislikes: Writer's block, ignorance, boredom, being left-handed, and being condescended.

Habits: Doodling or writing notes in his journal, the tendency to stare at someone and star daydreaming in the midst of conversation, and the ugliest habit of all, cigarettes.

Hobbies: Michael loves to write, read, and draw.

Fears: To take the term "starving artist" to a literal meaning. Suffocation/Drowning, and women.

Finances: Michael is middle class. There is no doubt he couldn't have paid for tuition at the university, and is lucky to have the scholarship. But he wasn't in any bad shape to begin with.

Spending Habits: Michael typically doesn't spend much money. The usual things he buys is food, booze, or tobacco. For him to go out and buy clothes is a rare thing. Although he does love to go to the movies.

Transportation: http://www.midwestcustomtrucks.com/7-23-08/2002_jeep_wrangler.jpg

House: http://tinyurl.com/npnrccn

Personality: Michael has an overactive brain that usually gets him into trouble. Sarcasm is his biggest weapon. And that weapon is a shotgun that likes to fire off on it's own, blasting holes in all of Michael's relationships. Usually his wit is not viewed as funny by people like his teachers, parents, or angry guys in bars with a whole lot more muscle than him. Michael is usually able to keep his sarcasm contained to his writing, but sometimes it can leak out. However, sarcasm isn't all that he's about. He's a hopeless romantic, which he blames on his occupation as a writer. And although most people will disagree, Michael tries to consider himself a good person. Again a characteristic because of his writing, but Michael has always wanted to be the "knight in shining armor" deep down. Very, deep down.

Place of Origin: Michael was actually a New York native, a big city boy. Now his scholarship is paying for a small townhome in Santa Monica.

Background: Michael grew up the middle child of a middle class family. In other words, his life was as average and boring as any life could possibly be. But that's why Michael pursued writing so much, it was the only thing that could set him apart. He didn't have the good looks for acting, he didn't have the smarts for business or medical. But he did have words, and Michael was actually pretty good with them. And so his whole life was average and boring, until he became published at 20 years old. A novel he wrote called The Rotten Apple, which detailed the adventures of an aspiring novelist in the Big Apple. Michael's novel wasn't a huge bestseller or anything, but it was good. Just good enough to grab the attention of Hollywood University, because of the young age at which he'd written it. And now, not even a year later, he's found himself studying at the most prestigious university in the City of Angels.

Extra: Green!
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" Adventure is worthwhile in itself" - Amelia Earheart.

Add two theme songs here:

Life: Reflection

Romance: The Days

Name: Jessica Darwin Casey.

Nickname: Jess or Jessie.

Birth Date: 7th November.

Age: 20

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Gender: Female.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Rich or Poor: Poor.

Trust fund or scholarship: Scholarship

Major: Singing

Minor: Acting

In Depth Appearance: Jess has an ombré brown hair that falls lightly around her shoulders, Golden brown eyes that twinkle at night like stars, a thin nose that sticks up a bit at the end and thick lips that are a soft pink.

Clothing Style: Jess wears faded jeans that are ripped at the knees and have mud stains at the ankles, a long sleeved, shoulderless, grey sweater with a cherry blossom branch at the left side of the stomach to just below the right shoulder and knee length boots with a brid around the ankles.


- Cotton candy

- Hats

- jelly beans

- singing

- karate


- Bugs

- Rats

- liquorice

- The colour pink

- Dancing


- Bites her nails

- Looks down all the time

- closes her eyes when she sings.


- Karate

- Horse riding

- Gymnastics


- Rats

- Bugs

- death

Finances: In the 500-1500 dollars.

Spending habits: Avid buyer when she can.

Transportation: Bike

House: A small riverside cottage, small rooms and a home made diving board for the river.

Personality: Jess is sarcastic, shy, but kind when you get to know her and she really likes attention.

Place of origin: Darwin, NT, Australia.

Background: She moved to Hollywood when she was 5 years old. She has an amazing voice and an amazing brain.

Extra: Her favourite colour is gold.

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