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Fantasy Universe University [CLOSED]

The room was pretty dang noisy. Growing up how she did, Isabelle was used to it. The folks living in her community were capable of going for hours while making as much noise as possible. It made her feel a bit more at home. 'Hopefully, not too much at home.' She shuddered at the thought of ever returning to her parents' home. She shook off the thought and looked around the room.

Her seat was at the front of the class and was close to the teacher's desk. She could see all her new friends looking for seats. Isabelle waved her hand at them, hoping that they would sit next to her.

OOC: Short one for now. Waiting till I have more to work with.
September Hoores
Hoo boy, was it an interesting line up. Though, Sep really should have foreseen that. He was attending a place called Universe University, after all:

There was Nev, of course, with all her gentle colour pallet and soft tones. There were the two girls they had had brief interactions with earlier: one with red hair and the one who had stumbled. Also, the two boys. They had been interrupted before they could speak more than a few words, but he recognised them nevertheless. It was hard not to, when one of them had freaking wings. That bitch who laughed at him was there too. Great.

There were some new characters, as well. A girl, mich taller than himself with a dour expression and weird ass purple hair. Speaking of weird ass features, there was also a boy with pitch white hair and antenna on his head. Also, blue skin. Which...ok. There was another one, shorter with white hair. Sep almost didn’t notice him, tucked away in the corner. It was only because of his training that he did.

The robot (another one?? No wonder employment was plummeting) left them, and some began spreading out, socialising. Like, willingly. Man...adjusting to normal society was gonna be hard if he had to do things like that.

(((Ugh, I’m mid-way through an intensive dance workshop so that’s all I’ll be writing today. Sorry I did nothing to move the plot along, I’m just so.....tired.............)))
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Nevaeh Nev was startled by the intercom, jumping softly. She grumbled under her breath, but she guessed she was glad they could finally go to their homeroom. She smiled at the green-haired android. She was cute and well-made, and Nevaeh admired such craftsmanship.

She followed the lead of everyone else, her eyes cast to the floor. She still wasn't quite sure how she would fit in here. She was so gentle, and the lot of kids she had experienced would crush her in a moment. She brought her head back up and eyed the back of Sep's head. He was a kind enough to interact with her, even if he seemed bored with the world. He must have seen something in her, right? She thought on that for a moment before smiling to herself. He was at least a little glimmer of hope, despite the pressure this school put on her already.

Catching up with her companion as they entered their homeroom, she was, again, struck by just how many students there were.

"Just enough seats? Geez... I wonder how many other First Year homerooms there are.."

Nev had always had a tendency to space out, scolding herself as she caught herself doing it once more. It was such an annoying habit. She looked around, spotting several of the people she had interacted with prior. She linked arms with Sep, without even thinking again. Also a bad habit. She tended to cling to what she was close to, even if that were to be the boy that hated physical contact. She apologized, bowing, but brought him to two seats that were open nearby.

She smiled to the boy next to her. He was... unusual to say the least. He had.. gills? She could only stare for a moment, seeing how rude that was, she extended her hand over the desk to him, smiling. "You seem fun, what's your name? My name is Nevaeh."


Guinevere Guinn could only shudder at the thought of even more interaction. She would have to pound it into her mind that granted, she was in a public place, a school nonetheless. She would have to get used to it. She sighed and shook her head and followed the group, hands still in her pockets.

Entering the room, she almost gagged. It was atrocious the amount of noise emitted. She shuddered again, but entered and found a seat. She eyed one of the boys she met earlier.

"What was his name... Hayden? Hell if I can remember.."

She walked closer, spotting another girl and instantly spun herself around and covered her face. What in the ever living.... why?? Was she?? Here??? She sped off to the back of the class and sat quickly, hiding herself for the most part, her heart still not calming down.


DatBoi DatBoi
Shame Shame
Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin

//OOC: Sorry for the random absence, class is kicking my ass already n we're like four days in qq
September Hoores
Sep jumped a small way when Nev linked arms with him, and couldn’t help but smile softly when she quickly apologised. It was sweet of her to care about his preferences. It was...weird. He wasn’t used to it.

He was suddenly struck by the fact he had made a friend. A real one. In the first...what, half hour of being at the school? He blinked, surprise numbing him as he silently followed Nev to a pair of nearby, empty seats. A pair. Purposefully next to each other.

Huh. Maybe this year wouldn’t suck so much after all.

They sat next to the weird ass blue guy with antenna (and, apparently, gills). Sep was slightly put off when he realised he couldn’t think of anything self-or-world depreciating to say about it. Not even a pun. It was just legitimately cool.


Careful to keep himself composed, he raised a single hand in greeting. “September.” He introduced himself. Then, after a moment, he added. “It’s ok to meet you, I guess.”

V e r t i g o V e r t i g o pricketteer pricketteer


There was nothing quite like settling into a new environment.

They didn't seem to have lost anyone - that was great - and her smile broadened when she spotted Isa taking a seat, scooting over a few spots to place herself next to her oldest acquaintance, if only by a few minutes. It faltered, however, when her eyes caught on some of the more unusual other members of what was supposed to be her homeroom for the year.

not that she was bothered particularly, of course, but there was something different between hearing and actually seeing them. her eyes lingered on the blue-skinned boy for a few seconds more before realizing that her actions could be rather rude. as a new member of a university specifically built to accommodate interesting people, she supposed that she would have to get use to people that didn't really appear in the glorified village that was her home city.

People such as that guy she was introduced to earlier with wings. That would actually be a pretty cool thing to have, if he was as aerodynamic as a bird.

She recognized other people besides her friend from earlier, too, plus a few shiny new students who had made their way to class before the announcements. She was tempted to go introduce herself to them – maybe drag along Isa if she could? – but it wasn’t a high priority right now. She assumed that they would be in a lot of the same classes together.

Then again, if they weren’t in the same classes, she would be missing out on a valuable opportunity right now, wouldn’t she? It was tempting to just stay here and talk to the one person she knew, of course, but was it a necessarily wise thing to do? She shifted slightly in her seats, deciding in an moment.

"Hey." She nudged Isa slightly, a conspiratorial grin on her face. "Great to see that we're in the same class." Familiar faces made things a lot more tolerable, even if they hadn't known each other for long.

"I mean, I guess I know other students, too, but there's more I haven't met. This is all kinda overwhelming, isn't it?"
ooc // Ya Boi Ya Boi
Kyros Jaraxus

Kyros was sitting in the class alone for quite a bit of time. It had appeared he was amongst the few people who was not actively engaged in socialising with other students. The seat he had chosen which was at the side, a bit away from everyone else, served its purpose of him not being bothered by anyone for useless introductions. He was worried that he might have to talk to someone regardless due to the class filling up.

Looking at the rest of the class, an interesting cast of people could be spotted. The one that stood out the most was the blue skinned, white haired, antennae wielding person that sat there with a peculiar choice of clothing.
Kyros wondered whether this thing was human or not. Perhaps some sort of weird mutation. He was curious to find out more about him and research his genetic code further. What evolutionary path on this planet would lead you to become this way? The thought of this thing not even being from this planet in the first place crossed his mind.

Another girl that caught his eye was one with lavender hair who had come to class without any material. However, that was not the thing that was the most attention grabbing thing about her. She seemed somewhat familiar to
Kyros. He guessed that he either saw her somewhere and just forgot who she was. But the more likely option was that she looked like somebody that he knew or read about at the very least. It appeared that he was not the only one to know of her beforehand. Another girl with black hair had gone into a state of seemingly total panic upon seeing her, rushing and sitting at the back of the class. Leaning back in his chair, Kyros crossed his arms and made a mental note to keep an eye on them along with the rest of the class in terms of their powers and capabilities. He knew that there was a chance that he could butt heads with one or more of the people he was classmates with. Therefore, he had to make contingency plans in order to neutralise or at the very least incapacitate them.

Kyros' throat was parched. It was a good thing that he had remembered to pack in some tea with himself on a thermos. He pulled it out of his backpack and took a drink out of it, only to recoil due to the fact that the tea had cooled down. He concentrated on the thermos really hard, leading to it being covered in a very faint, white energy. He extracted the heat from the molecules in the air and around the thermos and transferred it all into the tea inside the thermos. After finishing, he was greeted with a somewhat lukewarm temperature upon taking another sip. He would have wanted for it to be warmer but his grasp on his powers were not there yet, despite the simplicity of the task. Kyros accepted defeat, and drank his somewhat warm tea.

Mastery of The Omega Effect: Stage I

Shame Shame pricketteer pricketteer V e r t i g o V e r t i g o

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No words can express the level of surprise when two of his fellow classmates decided to sit next to him. Cetus then concluded that he was after all overreacting. He looked at the two. One was a girl with long grey hair and purple eyes and the other was a a glasses wearing boy with curly hair and dark eyes. They seemed nice, even introducing themselves. Though Cetus does have the habit of jumping to the conclusion that basically anyone is nice.

Nether the less, Cetus gave the two a genuine smile. "I am Cetus, Cetus Thalassia." He extended his own hand and shook Neevah's. That's what his parents do when meeting allies, right? He was never one to truly pay attention to the duties of his parents. Cetus seemed to be quite amused with Sept's introduction. He never heard anyone say "It's ok to meet you" rather than "It's nice to meet you".

"It's ok to meet you too." Cetus wasn't too sure if that was a good response but he seemed to have said it whole heartedly and that is what really matters. Or at least to Cetus.

DatBoi DatBoi V e r t i g o V e r t i g o
Everyone didn't seem to notice her. They all just picked seats that were close to some of the newly arrived people in the room. That sucks, she reflected. Isabelle was looking forward to chatting with Sep, Nevaeh, and even the three people whose names she never learned. Perhaps they simply didn't notice her.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Evelyn nudged her. She didn't even notice that she'd moved closer to her. Most people couldn't sneak up on her. Maybe that's cause her Senses were turned off. Ezekiel would tear her a new one if he found out about that. 'Always keep your Senses on,' he'd lecture her.

"Hey." Evvy said with a grin on her face. "Great to see that we're in the same class."

"I know right? It would've been a nightmare if I didn't know anyone on class. " Isa had never been good with meeting new people. Having a few familiar faces would certainly make the transition easier for her.

"I mean, I guess I know other students, too, but there's more I haven't met. This is all kinda overwhelming, isn't it?"
Evvy said.

Overwhelming was putting it lightly. Everything and everyone here was so new and different than anything Isabelle had ever been exposed too. Even the time that she'd spent going on missions with her brother were nothing like the time that she'd spent in Universe University so far.

"Definitely. I mean, we got all sorts of people in here. From guys with blue skin to guys with wings. Just the sheer amount of energy here is enough to give me a headache." Isabelle certainly was not eager to get dizzy from reading everyone's Aura again. Thankfully, she wasn't going to get seriously hurt by it. Once she'd adjusted accordingly, she wouldn't be bothered by the number of strong Auras around her.

Vesuvius Vesuvius
Jaden Taylor
The girl jumped a bit, maybe not expecting anyone to introduce themselves so suddenly, before she recovered. She introduced herself as Emma, although it was a bit hard to make out. "Oh well, it'll be just like talking to Mark. I wonder what he's up to right now?" Jaden thought as he took a look at Emma. She was taller than him by quite a bit even if she hunched a bit. She had lavender hair that hung over the back of the seat and really pale skin. Like skin that would get burnt without an umbrella. Their eyes locked for a moment before she dropped them. In a way it was kind of cute, especially with the way her hair hung down in front of her. "I look forward to working with you." Jaden smiled as he held his hand out for Emma to shake "I'll look forward to working with you too."

His head turned to look at the desk that sat in the middle of the room along with the urn that sat on it. "So who do you think the teacher's going to be? I hope they're nice, it'd suck if they were a jerk. And I wonder what that urn is doing on the table." Jaden asked Emma as he continued to look around the room.

Shame Shame
Emma Fields
Death Incarnate

He was still here. He was still talking to her. That was a good sign. Maybe he didn't know who she was. Wasn't afraid of her. She wanted to keep it that way.
"I look forward to working with you too."
He was holding his hand out for her to shake, and to her it felt like he was accepting her.
Emma tugged nervously at her gloves, swallowing hard as if this was some sort of big test.

She reached out to shake his outstretched hand, but a girl behind them caught her eye. For a second, her violet eyes met the other girl's red gaze. Then, the girl darted a way, hiding herself away, as though she didn't want Emma to see her.
Her hand wavered and dropped to her side. Maybe he didn't know who she was, but that other girl certainly did.
Maybe it wasn't smart trying to befriend her classmates. They'd only find out who, what, she was in the end and want nothing to do with her.
But, her Jaden was, continuing to talk to her even though she brushed off his handshake. He was sweet, she could tell.
She blinked as she realized he had asked her a question and was waiting on an answer.
"I don't know," She mumbled her reply, hoping this answer would be okay for whatever he had asked. She didn't want to conversation to end, though. She wanted him to keep talking. She liked his company and she liked his voice.
"You're very sweet," she blurted out. Again, she regretted her words. They were embarrassing. A warm red spread across her face so she ducked her head down to hide it in her hair.
"We - what I, um, mean is, that I think you are very kind and I hope to be friends with you," She said in a rush, the words stringing together. She wondered if this was worse and her blush grew even larger.
Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin
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Nevaeh Nev smiled genuinely at Cetus. It was obvious he didn't know much about social interaction, but then again, neither did she. Upon Sep's introduction, she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. She'd really have to teach him proper etiquette. She enjoyed Sep, even going as far as to say she felt safe with him. She giggled softly at Cetus's reply to September. It was cute.

"What he means is that it's a pleasure to meet you.Sep isn't much for introductions." She smiled wryly at her... friend? What an odd word, but she at least assumed that is what he was to her, or at least hoped. She would stick closer to him from now on.

Smiling over at Cetus again, she was quite curious as to where he was from. He wasn't like anything she'd ever seen before, and being human, it was fascinating that there was actually other planets out there.

"So, Cetus, where are you from? I'm intrigued."


Guinevere Sighing once out of view, Guinn pushed her back against her chair and closed her eyes. She needed something to calm her rushing nerves.

Reaching her hand down to the wall next to her, she looked around, shadows dancing along her fingertips, instantly making her smile. The feeling gave her a rush she couldn't quite describe. It made her feel powerful, despite her actual lack of power, ironically.

The shadow from her chair crept up her arm, creating magnificently dark patterns along her skin. She felt the bittersweet coolness consume a side of her face, her eyes opening slowly, red wisps, almost like a flame, apparent even through her own eyesight. She shivered and released the darkness back to its place.


DatBoi DatBoi pricketteer pricketteer
Jaden Taylor
Jaden let his hand hang for a few seconds before putting his arm on the table. It really wasn't that big of a deal anyway. "I don't know," Emma seemed a bit distracted as she answered and he looked around the room to see if it was anything in it that caused it. His eyes settled on a girl with black hair that sat alone. He could have sworn that he saw her and Emma look at each other, maybe they knew each other before school? "Maybe we could all hang out when homeroom is over." He turned to face Emma and said "Yeah I guess it can be a bit overwhelming. I just hope I can make a lot of friends while I'm here."

"You're very sweet," Jaden was caught off guard at her words as his face lightly reddened. He wasn't used to being complimented by people other than his friends and parents and it felt kind of weird coming from her. But it was a good weird, like trying a new flavor of ice cream and really liking it. "We - what I, um, mean is, that I think you are very kind and I hope to be friends with you," Her head was ducked low enough that he couldn't see what her expression was through he hair, but maybe that was a good thing so she couldn't see how red his face was getting. "W-well my mom did always say that I was a sweet kid, and that I'd make a nice boyfriend some day. N-not that that second part means anything, I'm not even sure why I brought it up," Jaden's voice was a lot higher than it usually was as he nervously laughed. "Friends. Friends would be nice." He tried to look at Emma but his head wouldn't budge from his hands on the table as he fidgeted in his chair. "Oh man I must have sounded so awkward, I hope she didn't take it the wrong way."

Shame Shame
Kyros Jaraxus

Kyros knew that although his powers were weak at the time, later on when he had the opportunity to master them and get more powerful, they would be mostly offensive in their use. He lacked defence. Finding someone who could manipulate auras, energies and what-not to protect him meant that he could forget about the defence and focus on his strong-suit, leading to them complimenting each other. He needed someone who wouldn't be too difficult to deal with personality wise as he generally did not like people who were "nice", "clingy" or needy. Not really knowing much affection meant that he did not understand why people acted like that and preferred to surround him with pragmatic, intelligent people. Well, that was what he tried to do. Tried being the key word as he just turned out to be more lonely than anybody else. But that was no problem for him now was it.

Kyros watched the girl with black hair that had retreated to the back of the classroom. She sighed, closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair, presumably a sign of her feeling relief for not being spotted or something. Kyros was not too sure. What really caught his attention was what she did while she was in this state of "relief". She lowered her hand and Does she have mastery of her powers already? Was the first question that popped up into his mind. The second being how powerful she was in terms of what she could do with this ability. The shadows moved around her skin, creating some patterns on it. Did this make her feel better? He kept his eyes on her as he was fascinated by this power of hers and definitely looked forward to finding out more about her.

Mastery of The Omega Effect: Stage I

V e r t i g o V e r t i g o

Huh. So apparently his response wasn't normal kind. He couldn't help but go a deeper shade of blue because of this and Nevaeh's giggle didn't help him stop looking like a blueberry. Cetus silently cursed the younger him for not listening to his manners and language tutor.

He gave a slightly embarrassed laugh as he nodded in understanding. "Well I've never really needed to introduce myself before I came here but I can see why he's not so fond of them." Cetus never needed to introduce himself back at Kepler for obvious reasons but based upon this, introductions seemed to be very awkward. Especially when you're an alien.

The blue alien boy had expected to be asked about his home planet but his smile still drops a bit. He had missed his home. It was the usual homesick feeling, he knew he'd get over it eventually. Or at least he hopes he will.

He snaps out of his thoughts and looks back at Nev, slightly forcing his smile to return to its original state until it was a natural smile again. "I come from the planet Kepler, it's quite like Earth only a bit bigger." He remembers seeing Kepler from the large distance of his smuggled ship and seeing the Earth for the first time. "I guess you can say I had quite the journey to get here."

DatBoi DatBoi V e r t i g o V e r t i g o
September Hoores
Sep frowned and blinked at Nev, slightly confused because no. That’s...not what he meant. At all. But...he guessed if she said that there would be a reason? So, he rolled with it.

Cetus began speaking of his home planet, and Sep wasn’t the best at reading people but the longing in his voice was embarrassingly obvious. Nevertheless, he had questions. And he had a lot of them.

He put his elbows on the desk in front of him and leaned over it, twisting until he could see Cetus clearly despite Nev sitting between them. He took a deep breath.

“Why don’t you have to introduce yourself on you planet? Where is your planet? It’s not in our solar system...right? How long exactly was the journey? What other evolutionary abilities do you have, cause just being blue can’t get you here, that’s stupid.” He said, quickly and bluntly.

V e r t i g o V e r t i g o pricketteer pricketteer
Nevaeh Nevaeh also frowned. glaring at September. She couldn't help but huff at his rather rude and blunt attitude, but hey, that was just him. She leaned her back against the side of Sep's desk and held her hand up to halt his questions.

"One question at a time, sweetheart, he's obviously nervous."

She smiled kindly at Cetus again. She couldn't help but be just as interested as Sep was as to just where this kid was from. He was dressed rather posh.

"Could he possibly be royalty?" She pondered, trailing of into thought before shaking her head. She really needed to stop doing that...

Brushing a strand of her silky hair behind her ear, she relaxed again.

"Let's just start with where your planet is?" She smiled as usual.


Guinevere Guinn narrowed her eyes, feeling as if someone were looking at her. Scanning the room, she found the culprit.

He looked about her age, but then again, didn't everybody? He was kind of short, also with red eyes. She smirked at him, her ego kicking in.

She opened her palm, a few shadows clinging to her fingertips. She lifted her hand, blowing them at him.


She mouthed the word to him. It was merely a parlor trick, but to anyone that didn't know what she was, it was certainly a frightening sight.

She stood and took a seat next to Kyros, leaning back slyly, throwing her feet up on her newly found desk, rotating her head to meet his gaze again.

"You seem interested in me, to say the least, so what's on your mind, kid?" She smirked again at him, placing her arms behind her head.

DatBoi DatBoi pricketteer pricketteer The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect
Kyros Jaraxus

It wasn't long before she caught his gaze. She then proceeded to do a trick with her shadow manipulation powers. Can those shadows be touched or are they merely illusions. Kyros was not adept enough at his molecular powers to detect photons with which he would be able to distinguish illusion from reality. Whatever the case was, he was certainly interested. He took her for being a more introverted person that she actually turned out to be. Her waltzing over to him and sitting next to him while putting her feet up certainly sent the message that she was overconfident. Perhaps bordering on arrogant. Kyros would have to ask and find out it seemed.

"I do not think that "kid" would be appropriate considering we are in the same age group..." He really could not help himself. It was something that he felt compelled to point out. He then shook his head and decided to answer her question. "Your powers caught my eye really. I am very interested in how they work...with the science behind them and all...sorry...I am admittedly not very good at holding conversations."

Mastery of The Omega Effect: Stage I

V e r t i g o V e r t i g o

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Isa didn’t seem to notice her presence right away, seeming to be considering something else. Bored, then? Well, at least Evvy was here to distract her, for however long it would take for their new teacher to get here. Which reminded her, what was that urn doing on the table?

She turned her head to face the table, frowning as she examined the pot that was rather close to them by virtue of her being on the front row. She was still listening intently to Isa, though. No one said she couldn’t do two things at once, and multitasking was one of her finest abilities besides picking up after her siblings.

"Oh, yeah, you can sense auras." She winced out of sympathy. "That's got to be confusing."

She still had no idea how auras worked, but she hoped the girl was capable of turning it off somehow. Being constantly aware of everything couldn’t be fun. It was essentially a whole source of information to comprehend. She was kind of glad she received a simple power.

Although she was sympathetic about the girl’s troubles, she perked up a little when she mentioned the variety of people in the room. New people were interesting, even if they looked different from the people she knew. Especially if they looked different, although gawking was kind of rude. If she was gawking, she’d make sure no one noticed.

“It’s a lot easier that I know you, definitely.” She agreed, bouncing up and down in her chair slightly. “But alone can be good.”

As Isa had said, people could be overwhelming, even if you didn’t have a supernatural sixth sense. They could be hard to discreetly get rid of, for one.

She frowned slightly, suddenly. Did what she just said seem rude?

“I’m not referring to you.” She added hastily. “Just in general, you know?” She waved her hands around a little, careful not to hit anyone. “Everyone needs a lil’ peace and quiet, that sort of stuff.”

ooc // Ya Boi Ya Boi
Cetus seemed to jump a bit at the sudden questions from September he shifted in his seat a bit uncomfortably. "Well.." He didn't know where to start. But thankfully Nevaeh spoke up, letting Cetus answer one question at a time. Though it was true what she had said, he was quite overwhelmed.

"Kepler is not located in your solar system, it's located in a constellation you might know as Cygnus." Or so he had read in a book from his father's study. "Humans have actually discovered my planet's existance years ago." Though the Mora had found out about Earth and the species living there much earlier. "Humans were even the one's who named Kepler, well, Kepler. My species, Mora had a name for our planet but soon decided Kepler sounded much better." He couldn't help but giggle at his planet's history. "The only one's who still call Kepler by it's original name are our grand council, scroll writers, and-" He stopped all of a sudden, realizing where his words were going before continuing, pretending his halt in words never happened. "And the king and queen."

DatBoi DatBoi V e r t i g o V e r t i g o
"I wouldn't be too concerned if I were you," she assured her friend. "Experienced Aura-users don't even notice the side effects of Sensing."

Or at least that's what she was taught. Even though she's had months of training, Isabelle still wasn't familiar with all the little details of her powers. That would be embarrassing to mention. But that's why she's here, though. To learn and get a good grip on her powers just like everyone else.

Isabelle smiled as Evvy got a little excited when she mentioned their classmates and their abilities. That was probably the most upbeat Isa had seen her be. Admittedly, they've only known each other for less than a day, but still...

"I guess so. It would be hard to keep being a hero if you never got the chance to take things slow." The life that her brother and many other heroes live was a tough one. It didn't exactly offer a lot in terms of taking it easy and socializing with friends.

Vesuvius Vesuvius
Emma Fields
Death Incarnate
"W-well my mom did always say that I was a sweet kid, and that I'd make a nice boyfriend some day. N-not that that second part means anything, I'm not even sure why I brought it up."
Emma's lips twitched upward into a smile. Though really it was only the left side of her face that lifted up so her smile looked more like a smirk than anything else.
He really was sweet. A little awkward and unsure, but so was she. She decided then and there that she was going to try to stick by him. He kind of reminded her of a puppy and she felt like she wanted to take care of him, in some way at least.
Em lifted her head, her blush lingering on her pale cheeks.
"I think your mom was right. I think you'd make a great boyfriend," She told him softly, crossing her arms loosely across her chest. His head was down, his eyes staring intently at his hands. It reminded her a lot of her.
Slowly, hesitantly, she uncrossed her arms and reached out to him. She gently placed her gloved hand on top of his. She briefly wondered what his hands felt like.She hadn't touched another person in five years. It was a little lonely.With this thought, she withdrew her hand to her lap, tugging absently at her gloves again.
Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin
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Jaden Taylor
"I think your mom was right. I think you'd make a great boyfriend." Jaden's mind went blank as he tried to process what Emma had just said. "Oh god did she say what I think she just said? No no she probably didn't mean it like that." His mind tried to reason that she just meant it as a friend, not as anyone actually interested in him. "Yeah yeah, I'm probably just overthinking it. This kind of stuff only happens in tv and movies. No way she meant it like that" Only when a gloved hand was placed on top of his did he snap out of it. He turned his head and couldn't help stare into Emma's violet eyes before quickly darting them back to the desk.

He felt his face heat up even more as he looked back into her eyes and said "Well that work's out well. I think that you'd make a great girlfriend." He gave her a small smile as he looked up at her. While he looked calm on the outside, a little nervous but that was understandable, the inside was a bit....less calm.

*Inside Jaden's head*​
"Why the hell would you say that!?" A miniature version of Jaden screamed as he slammed another Jaden into a control board. "I don't know I panicked!" The Jaden responded before he was thrown to the ground. "Panicked doesn't make up for that! We barely know her and now we just said that she'd be a good girlfriend!" The second Jaden brushed himself off before saying "Look maybe she won't take it seriously and think it was a joke. We could always play it off like one." The first Jaden sighed as he leaned over the board "You better hope your ass she does, or you are dead meat."

Shame Shame

(OOC: Man that felt weird to write.)
September Hoores
September was rather taken aback by Nev’s sudden glare. He honestly though she wouldn’t have it in her. He was...well he didn’t want to say he was proud because they’d known each other for less than a day, and he would never admit to feeling anything remotely wholesome, but...y’know. It was a nice surprise. And he supposed, if he did consider it from the newcomer’s perspective, he could have been being a bit brash. But if the new kid couldn’t handle it then he wasn’t someone Sep wanted to hang around with anyway.

He listened almost intently to Cetus’ explanation, nodding slightly at its end. It made sense...though his knowledge of space shit was very limited. He had more to ask; so much more he wanted to know, but before he did he remember Nev’s gentle berating and he...didn’t say what he wanted to. Huh. Actually paying attention to someone...that was new. He didn’t like it.

V e r t i g o V e r t i g o
pricketteer pricketteer
Nevaeh Nev smiled softly when Sep complied, though she could tell he didn't like it much. It made her giggle again, placing the back of her head gently against his shoulder, beings small enough to also cross her legs in her desk. She tilted her head back a little more until her bright pupils were visible to his and she winked. She was comfortable with him, at least. She didn't feel alone anymore.

Redirecting her attention to Cetus, she scanned him; large purple hues taking in his attire. She still had her head propped up on September, but scratched her chin. He seemed to skip something before saying his last line. Was she correct about him being royalty? She smiled at the thought. That was really cool.

"You mean Mama and Papa?" She raised an eyebrow curiously, but still kindly.


Guinevere Guinn stared at the boy for a second. She sat up and straightened herself out a bit. He seemed alright, why not at least try to have a bit of a conversation. At least he was interested.

She nodded at him. "I don't believe there's much of a science behind it," she made a small thin shape in her hand after a moment. "You can touch them, but they break easily." She held her hand in front of him, testing to see if he wanted to try. "You can probably hold this one since it's small."

She looked him up and down, her eyes grazing every detail.

"What about you? What's your deal?"

DatBoi DatBoi pricketteer pricketteer The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect
Kyros Jaraxus

She seemed to be a bit more laid back person. That did not really mean much considering how every single person in the entire room, possibly the entire building could be "laid back" when compared to Kyros himself. She was just a type of person to go with instincts and intuition rather than planning beforehand. That was one way their personalities contrasted anyways. Upon hearing how she dismissed his comment about wanting to understand the scientific principles behind her ability, he chuckled and responded. "There is science behind everything."

She then created a small shadow in her palm, telling him that he would be able to hold it if he was delicate enough. That was no problem for him. Being delicate and cautious were one of the many things that you learn after working with science and experimenting in the lab. He took the shadow figure but held it gently so as to not break it. After holding it for a while, he activated his powers. The entire shadow object was surrounded by a white, translucent 3d cube as
Kyros closed his eyes to analyse the particles in the figure. It was weird. He could understand light manipulation which was manipulation of photons. But shadow manipulation? The manipulation of darkness? Was the darkness made of anti-photons? That makes no sense as photons are their own anti-particle, meaning that if that were the case the figure would be made of light. Perhaps it is the creation of energy constructs that uses photons as energy. It makes some sense due to the lack of photons in the area that the object is currently occupying.

Before being allowed to think up more theories,
Kyros was asked a question about "what his deal was". "My deal? Well "my deal" is the ability to analyse and manipulate atomic and sub-atomic particles. I can increase and decrease the temperature of atoms, change one atom to another and...well a lot more but I simply am not quite experienced with my powers yet...unfortunately."

Mastery of The Omega Effect: Stage I

V e r t i g o V e r t i g o


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