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Nation Building Universe in flames.

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One Thousand Club








Rank under faction:


Species Sheet:



Lifespan(Eternal is allowed):


Are they a part of the HAA: (If not then just ignore)


Faction Sheet:



Type of Government:

Government Capitol:

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.):





Kiria Maveriks

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Female

Species: Centrion


View attachment 118834

Weapons: One assault rifle, one handgun, one baynet, one combat knife, several grenades.

Items: Phone, tablet, headphones.

Rank under faction: 2nd lieutenant. Daughter of the current president of the UGF

Personality: She is a very intelligent person and graduated 2 years earlier than most university students. She is very calm and very reasonable. She is very patient and a good listener. She was raised with one rule by her family. Treat others how you want to be treated. She is very social and could at times be a bit annoying because of her wanting to make new friends or get to know others. She has a very curious mind and because of this whenever she goes or meets someone new, she immediately wants to know about their religion, culture, customs and anything of that sort. She, like every other centrion, dislikes discrimination of all forms.

Bio: Kiria volunteered to join the military after graduating from her university in Seraine. She wanted to follow her ancestor who fought in the great centrion/Bivaria war. She was born on Serine in the Capital city, Serlana. From there, she attended Vixon University, and when she turned 21, which was also the year she graduated, she immediately signed up for the U.G.F marine corps as an officer.

Name: T.J. Vlsona

Age: 24

Gender: male

Species: genetically grown centrion




Long sword(Made from metal used to build ocean navy ships.)

dual energy swords

magnum (uses magnetic acceleration energy just like every other military gun.)

Wrist blades. (A rectangular device with buttons, a screen and other switches attached to the arm. The swiss army knife of the elite corps)

throwing knives.

dual heavy handguns

Magnetic armour (Special type of armour only designed to be worn by elite corps members.)

Rank under faction: Elite corps commander. And a master general

Bio: T.J was essentially grown in a massive laboratory. His creation took several decades since the UGF wanted to make the ultimate soldier for their army. Like all Elites, he has superhuman strength, agility, speed, reflexes. Super smart, has a low pain tolerance and are combat masters that helps them adapt and change their fighting tactics so that they can become a very efficient and deadly killing machine. While he was being created, the scientists created his DNA strands so that he would be more enhanced and have several "abilities" as well. When it was time for him to come out to the world, he was given the rank of Elite commander. The overall commander of the elite corps. Pretty soon, the UGF would take in orphans an enhance and change there genes and DNA to make them just like T.J. Also creating some more in the process through the same method that they used to create T.J.


Marco Narul

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Species: Centrion




Items: Various explosives, utility tools, melee weapons.

He also decided to put his tank in a preserver.

U.N.S Main Battle Tank.

Rank under faction: U.N.S Black knight elite forces member

Bio: Marco had seen much action during the final years of the war for centia galaxy nearly 2.5 million years ago. He served as a tank commander of the Elite Eagle division. He was later selected to become a part of the U.N.S's new Black knight elite forces. He served under this new elite unit as they began espionage and assassinations of different empire's leaders and military. He became one of the most respectable members of the force. Later on, with the U.N.S decided that the Black Knights were too important and the entire force of 300 Black Knight troops were locked away and sealed into stasis.

Other main characters that will be introduced as the RP progresses


Lloyd Vexna

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: genetically grown Centrion




Two long swords (Made from metal used to build ocean navy vessels)


one carbon blade(sword)

dual energy sword

wrist blades

throwing knives

combat knives

magnetic armour

Rank under faction: Fourth in command of the Elite corps. Master general

Bio: One of the original Elites to be created by the UGF government. He has been created to be the ultimate soldier just like TJ.


Lizabeth meria

Age: 23

Gender: female

Species: genetically grown centrion




Combat sword

Energy sword

Wrist blades

dual heavy handguns

throwing knives

combat knives

magnetic armour

Rank under faction: Sub-commander of the Elite corps. Master general

Bio: She was the second centrion to be grown after T.J.


Myra Elvarno

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




long sword

one heavy handgun

throwing knives

combat knives

wrist blades

dual SMG

Rank under faction: member of the Elite corps

Bio: Just like T.J, she is a genetically grown centrion intended solely for the military as an ultimate soldier.


Stanner Real

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Genetically grown centrion




dual heavy machine pistols

saw machinegun

heavy machinegun

wrist blades

throwing knives

combat knives

magnetic armour

energy sword

Rank under faction: Member of the Elite corps

Bio: Like T.J he was grown for the military.


Rei mavers

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: genetically grown centrion




Magnetic armour

energy sword

wrist blades



dual heavy pistols

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J he was grown for the military.



Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: genetically grown centrion




throwing knives

wrist blades

magnetic armour

dual handguns

ballistic knives

combat knives

throwing knives

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J he was grown for the military.


Boomer Ferinal

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: genetically grown centrion




Heavy shotgun

dual heavy handguns

wrist blades

magnetic armour

long sword

throwing knives

combat knives

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J he was grown for the military.


Beacher garel

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: genetically grown centrion




Heavy sniper rifle

magnetic armour

wrist blades

one heavy magnum

combat knives

throwing knives

energy sword

Rank under faction: Third in command of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J he was grown for the military.


Asuka Korvez

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




Heavy carbine

dual handguns

wrist blades

magnetic armour

throwing knives

combat knives

long sword

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J she was grown for the military.

Name: Suya Resn

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




wrist blades

magnetic armour

throwing knives

combat knives

semi-auto heavy carbine

long sword

one high end magnum

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J she was grown for the military.

Name: Mana weras

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




Assault rifle

dual handguns

wrist blades

magnetic armour

throwing knives

combat knives

energy sword

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J she was grown for the military.

Name: Luna Korvez

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




Heavy carbine

dual handguns

wrist blades

magnetic armour

throwing knives

combat knives

long sword

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J she was grown for the military.

Name: Ellie krava

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




Magnetic armour

dual magnums

wrist blades

throwing knives

combat knives

long sword

heavy battle rifle

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J she was grown for the military.

Name: Stellar lousiar

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




precision assault rifle

one heavy magnum

wrist blades

magnetic armour

throwing knives

combat knives

dual energy swords

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J she was grown for the military.

Name: Lexie Yeri

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




Heavy machine gun

one heavy magnum

wrist blades

magnetic armour

throwing knives

combat knives

dual energy swords

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J she was grown for the military.

Elite Corps:


The Elites are super soldiers, enhanced and brutality trained to become killing machines. There is currently a total of 189 "Regulars" and 14 "Originals". They're the best of the best, they act as commanders,and Major Generals. They are inserted into the worst battles and takes care of the dirty work, nasty work for the military and the government. They have built up a reputation as being deadly soldiers who are ruthless and will kill indiscriminately. The Elites are equipped with much more advanced weapons ten their military counterparts and are super soldiers or living weapons. All elites have the best of the best physical-level, intelligence, and skill. They are super adaptive, have super human strength, physicality, speed, are highly intelligent, and are combat masters with low pain tolerance and have super human reflexes. Every Elite has his or her own different ability and each has a ton of genetic enhancements as well. They are given above top secret information.

Elites are known to be ruthless and vicious and are known to never follow conventional warfare tactics. They are well known for their skills, power, and are nicknamed the harbingers of death for wherever they are deployed, everyone in that specific area dies. They are the result of extraordinary science research. They are mostly picked when they are young and are put through the most rigorous training to have ever existed in the galaxy. Others are simply grown in a lab where they are built and enhanced as they grow. They are quite possibly the deadliest super soldiers in the universe and can outmatch any other elite warrior

Grimm reapers corps:
The Grimm reaper corps was made by the sovereign Colonies as phase X of their build up arms program. The Grimm members are all made up of kids who were abducted at a young age and has been enhanced and trained to become the universe's deadliest killing machines. But, several centuries before the collapse of the Sovereign Colonies, they were all put into indefinite cryo stasis as they were locked away, only known by the top elites of the military and were all labeled MIA. Since then, they were continuously upgraded and enhanced even more as the millennial s went by. They have been modified and enhanced to be able to use psonic, telekinetic abilities. As well as natural kinesis abilities. They are able to control the element of fire as and electricity.

They are the deadliest super soldiers in the universe and show mo mercy to anyone.

And with the super human strength, reflexes, intelligence, flexibility, agility, masters of combat, being able to use psonic energy, kinesis, telekinesis, Stasis, and controlling several elements, they are the masterpiece and the pride of the Sovereign Colonies, and now the pride of the UGF.

They are physic and allows them to attain some super natural abilities as well. Such as greater reflexes and speed of unimaginable proportions. Manipulation of elements such as fire, able to use telepathy to use consoles and switches from far away.

The Ability to use and manipulate things such as water, ice, fire, earth and air. If they wish, they can choke their enemies by denying them oxygen through telepathic means by using invisible forces to levitate and choke others. As well as being able to process information and adapt the minute they face a foreign enemy. Being able to use nanobots to attack and eat away enemies, incinerate enemies, electrocute them to death, being able to drown them, or freeze them, make them fall into a pit of spikes, crush them. And many other supernatural abilities to attack and kill.

The Reapers are nicknamed as death itself for where ever they are deployed, death in the mass will be inevitable. One Reaper is strong as fourty-fifty-five full divisions including armored divisions.

Compared to Elites who are only as strong as twenty-twenty-five division(s). The reapers are the pride of the S.C.

They are able to manipulate others into illusions, and put them in a state of fear, confusion, or anything. They are able to bring back terrible memories for their enemies as well as as temporarily immobilize them using stasis. They are incredible supernatural super soldiers. The ultimate killing machines of the universe.

They have things called vortex abilities in which they are able to use magnetic abilities to stop projectiles from fire arms, clump them together and fire them back at the enemies. They can manipulate them projectiles and cause them to mold together. For much more powerful projectiles, like bigger shells, they require much more energy and drains the reapers temporarily which his why they only use them for small projectiles.

You must earn their respect. Which the S.C did by creating them. But never piss them off right off the bat. For anyone that they do not like, they will do everything to kill them and make it seem as an accident or a tragedy.

They are the ultimate super soldier with decades of enhancements, gene modifications, and super natural abilities, with many explosives and weapons, and incredible reflexes, very agile, they are a true force to be reckoned with.

Since they are revered as the best super soldiers ever created in the universe's history, they are sealed away in a very secret location. Instructions left by the S.C states that the Reapers should NEVER be activated as front-line troops.

Instead, they are only allowed to be activated when all of the Centrion's weapons and suerweapons have been exhausted and there is nothing left for the species to defend itself with.The Reapers were only to be used as the final trump card when everything else has been destroyed, or exhausted.

Compared to the UGF's Elite corps: The UGF has done several simulation battles and the results of the battles indicated that the Grimms would win 18/20 times. They are far more superior than the Elites as has a far wide arrange of abilities and hidden specialties as well.

When they wake up: When they wake up, they will most likely not like the Elite corps which are also currently the universe's deadliest super soldiers. They will not allow the Elites to beat them and rivalries will start.
Black Knight corps:

The black knights were highly trained assasins/elite soldiers who were genetically augmented to be faster, more agile, stronger, and smarter than their enemies. They were masters of stealth and reconnaissance. They were widely known for their very fast hand to hand and close quarters combat, able to take on several squads by themselves. They were modified to the point they became mutants and possessed slight super human abilities.

Although not as strong as and Elite, and much weaker than a reaper, they still pose a great threat as assassins and spec ops forces. They can pack a powerful punch and are very cruel people.

They were the U.N.S's versions of reapers since the sovereign colonies supposedly erased all records preventing any from replicating a reaper. But the U.N.S still got a hold of genetic modification knowledge and used it to create their own elite group.

When they wake up: They are very arrogant since they believe they are the best. They will rub off very badly towards all, and will especially anger the Grimm Reapers.
Species Sheet:

Name: Centrions

Appearance: They look almost identical to human beings but, the major difference is that centrions are naturally born with diverse hair and eye colours. The centrion race is also very ethnically diverse. They are a highly intelligent race who are very curious. They are more physically fit than human beings. Their planet is similar to Earth's ecosystem only, during evolution, the early centrions had to adapt to the harmful gases and toxins that made up most of the air causing the centrion's immune systems to be stronger and much more efficient. They also have a faster reflex than other species.

Lifespan(Eternal is Allowed): 360 years.

History: The centrion race is a very old race that stretches for millions of years. The early history was very much like the history of the human race. The early centrions saw centrions of different hair, eye colours and skin colours as aliens. And for the longest time, the centiron race had fought many wars against itself. The centrions are a very kind and generous people. Although it may be surprising, they are very well respected with whoever they meet even though their history is full of blood shed. The centrion race really did not unite until the third great continental war. The war caued massive change in the centrion society as well as new organizations and world orders. After the horrific attempts by several axis powers to exterminate a very ancient religion which is known as akraine. Similar to the human religion of Buddhism.

For the next several thousand years, the centrion race would still be divided as countries would try and claim parts of the galaxy for themselves. When the centrion race ventured out of their galaxy and to a new galaxy close to their home galaxy, they ran into a very hostile race known as Bivaria. It was at this time, that the centrion race, after loosing many battles finally threw aside hundreds of thousands of years of differences, hatred, and bias to unite. It was during the great Centrion/Bivarian war that the centiron race finally united as one race. The centrion race does have a very beautiful culture. The centrions have often be mistaken as humans since both centrions and humans look exactly alike. Except for the hair and eye colours.

Homeworld: Seraine. The planet is almost identical in terms of ecosystem with earth. Although the animals are different, there are vast natural wonders, vast desserts, and vast oceans with many lakes, rivers, mountains, and volcanos. There ar emassive cities that have buildings that reach thousands of stories. The planet if compared to earth, is larger.


The borders of former countries are used as province names and they all retain their original names. Seraine is located in the northern hemisphere and is both the capital of the UGF and the province of UDS.

Faction Sheet:

Name: United Galactic Federation (UGF)

Leader: Norian Maveriks

Type of Government: Deomcratic

Government Capitol: Serlana, the capital city of the former nation of UDS (United Democratic States)


Serlana at dawn


Serlana during the day

Other cities on Seraine:


Tryus (capital of Miladia)


Havlo bay




Sandeen(capital of Lorasi)


Zural (Capital of Kayrin)


Nora(capital of Zodian)


Sya(Capital of Carala)


UGF space navy patrolling the western north hemisphere of Seraine
Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.): 57 galaxies including their home galaxy. And another 5-6 under "territorial" rule. And many more under proxy state rule that act as buffer zones.

Location: The Location of the galaxies are 716 quadrillion light years from the milky way.

The 57 galaxies are for the most part in a cluster.

The outer galaxies's outer fringes are heavily fortified. Every planet has solar defense systems which are basically a series of defensive ring encircling entire solar systems with a range of 2.3 light years with the ability to cover the entier solar system. There are defenseive rings nad orbital defensive stations and mile fields on all galaxies and deep space between the galaxies.

The UGF navy does regular 24/7 patrols. There is not a single part of the outer borders in which thee are no UGF military presence. The core galaxies are also heavily fortified to make sure that nothing can get past the outer defenses.

Surveillence: The UGF has a firm grasp on surveillence. Only using it to catch corruption and crime.

But, surveillence is used to track drugs as drugs are outlawed in the UGF as drugs are non existent for punishment would be either death or life sentence without parole and no fair trial.

If a drug or drug like weapon is detected, the UGF has a very tight security. So the minute in which this drug or drug weapon is released, the UGF sensors will detect it almost immediately. And get rid of it before any harm is done.

How does the UGF control the Federation for nearly 15 million years: The reason why the UGF has mannaged to still continue to have a firm grip on all of it's galactic colonies are because of the policies set forth by the Sovereign Colonies immediately after the end of the Centrion/Bivarian war. After the merging of all galaxies, the Sovereign Colonies knew that it will become a painstaking task to control all of the galaxies. So they set up a political system and policy that will tackle this issue.

Each Planet were to act as a little village. The planetary government would act as a planet "Mayor". A city government. Then, a solar system government was put in place for systems with more than one habitable planet. Each galaxy would then have a capital system in which the capital of each galaxy would be located. From there, the galactic governments would take care of issues taking place withing that specific galaxy. The galaxies were then put into several gourps of 4 -5 and a joint government was formed to take care o issues and represent the four to five galaxies. All ofthese branches would then answer to the single governing government on Seraine located in Galaxy Mari. It is here where the federal government resides and makes the decisions for the whole of the federation.

The Sovereign Colonies also saw the risk of attempted insurgencies and coups. As well as galaxies attempting to claim independance. To prevent this, the Sovereign Colonies made sure that every political government was PRO-Sovereign Colonies as well as making sure that there was a large military presence on every galaxy to suppress any signs of insurgent activities.

To tackle corruption, the Sovereign Colonies implemented a very strict civil military police force and granted them immunity allowing them to do break-ins and arrests of any suspected of being corrupt or a traitor. This system of strict political rule has kept the Sovereign Colonies government in power for well over a million years without much trouble.

Rank: Universal Superpower.

Morality: Neutral good

History: The U.G.F's history was much like human history. Before the U.G.F, over a trillion years ago, there were 215 independent countries on the planet of Seraine. There were many wars fought. For territory, honor, and greed. There was a point in the Centrion's history call the great change. This was the sudden change of power from the strongest nation at that time, Emria, to their former colony, United Democratic States. The UDS would be the growing superpower for centuries and will eventually become one of the four superpowers of Seraine. Most of Centrion's history was painted by war and revolutions. Both industrial and revolutions that toppled governments. There were 3 great continental wars fought by almost all the countries of Seraine which would bring new world orders, power shifts, and big cultural changes. Eventually, Seraine was becoming over populated. To prevent extinction, the governments of Seraine all set out to begin terra-forming it's next door planet Malina, and began the colonization of their moon. thousnds of years later, long after the discovery of faster than light speed, the centrion race who was still colonizing their galaxy ran into a very hostile alien race from another galaxy who were much more advanced than the centrions. This new adversary believed that the entire centrion race must be eradicated to please their gods. War between the two civilizations started. At first, it was different countries fighting, and not coordinating their attacks. And during the first months of the war, the centrions suffered extreme losses. Eventually, all the nations leaders realized that their race could be completely wiped out, and so every government and nation of the centrion race began to set aside hundreds of thousands of years of differences and hatred and finally united into one government forming the SC(Sovereign Colonies). And along with it, the SCDF( Sovereign Colonial Defense Force). The centrions eventually won the war, but at the cost of too many centrion lives. Ever since the war ended, the SC would rule for 3,000,000 years until it was dissolved into the U.N.S(United Nations Society) and replaced the SCDF with the UCDF(United Command Defense Force). The U.N.S would rule for 600,000 years, 2,400,000 years shorter than the original S.C. until the a massive intergalactic war which caught the attention of several of the universe between the UNS and the UGF factions erupted. Although the UNS was better equipped, the UGF ultimately won and the UNS was forced to scuttle most of it's navy both ocean and space navies. The civil war lasted for 5 years claiming the lives of 5 million centrions. After the civil war, the U.G.F rose to power and immediatly won over the people's populatiry and opinion. They were were more democratic and more free than the UNS was and offered more opportunities. This led to the start of the second golden age which the UGF technology and weapons industry advanced rapidly once more. Since the formation of U.G.F 410,000 years ago and exactly 200,000 years since the end of the UNS/UGF intergalactic civil war, and it's military branches the UGA (United Galactic Army), UGMC(United Galactic Marine Corps), UGSC(United Galactic Space Command) UGAF(United Galactic Air Force), and the UGOC(United Galactic Ocean Command), the U.G.F has been very neutral. They have enjoyed over 2 million years of peace and neutrality from the conflicts outside their borders. The UGF began establishing trades and relations with other civilizations, and helping with peace keeping in other civilizations. Since the Centrion/Bivarian war, the Soverign Colonies High command made a commitment to ensure the survival of the Centrion race, to fund it's military and research facilities to build a stronger, more powerful military. And ever since then, the UGF has made superior leaps in technology, and has proven to be far more superior than the other races. The UGF has built up a very formidable military force that is recognized as one of the most advanced, and most powerful and arguably the most powerful in the universe. UGF has made it's mark on the universal stage as a Universal Superpower. Far superior than the other races. But the only problem is that the UGF are isolationists meaning that although the other empires recognize that the UGF is militarily and economically superior and powerful, the UGF does not do anything. They might say a statement or two. But majority of the empires just brush it off since they do not take the UGF seriously. This is because the UGF does not enforce the laws, and instead, decides to take care of domestic issues and it's allies. But also, some empires knows that it's been slightly over 200,000 years since the UGF military last went to war. But they also know not to mess with the UGF or provoke the massive empire into aggression.

Military uniforms:


UGF regular military combat uniform


Heavy Elite marine combat uniform


Jungle uniform


UGF paratroopers


UGF rangers


UGF black ops


UGF police


UGF spec ops


UGF armour type. 2

View attachment 119005

UGF marine

View attachment 119006

UGF marine desert type

View attachment 119007

UGF colonial ranger

View attachment 119008

UGF colonial trooper

View attachment 119012


View attachment 119015

UGF armour type. 1 Usually worn by tank crews

View attachment 119016

Starfighter pilots


Pilot uniform of non-space faring fighters


First officer


Captain uniform (For any vessel higher than a destroyer)


Admiral uniform
Space navy vessels:


Langley class stealth frigate esscort


Sheridan class light frigate


Cervan class heavy frigate


Valmden class destroyer


Melvorn class deavy destroyer


bertolt class cruiser


mamoth class super battle cruiser


Deara class dreadnought


Mava class slight carrier


sword class heavy battle fortress


Xio class capital chip


Val class battle cruiser


Superior class continent class


Anatomy class heavy cruiser


Mari class corvette


Poreaon class super dreadnought


Mammon class heavy battle cruiser


Havlo class light cruiser


Olympus class lunar class


Mavers class planet class


Velma class heavy carrier


Mary class heavy capital ship


Garu class patrol vessel


Batriss class frigate


Crawler class repair ship


Maria class heavy dreadnought


Genysis super weapon vessel


Breydon class Destroyer escort


Vicious class Cruiser escort


Kavir class heavy battle fortress


Emira class heavy continent class


Maritius class planet class


Karin-class heavy air/space defense destroyer


super mass accelerator cannon orbital platform


MAC defense platform


Clarisse class heavy lunar class

Special navy vessels/reserve:


Dre class frigate


Goro class super carrier


Velsus class capital ship


Nixon class battle cruiser


Lightning class destroyer


Mavi class battle cruiser

Fighters and gunships:

View attachment 119169

Stealth heavy starfighter

View attachment 119170

Stealth heavy fighter/bomber


stealth supersonic fighter


VTOL heavy stealth fighter


Stealth fighter and bomber


ZAB fighter


stealth space fighter


Air/Space stealth multi-role fighter


Heavy attack helicopter


Heavy attack helicopter


Stratoshpereic stealth heavy bomber (Flying fortress)


Supersonic air-superiority stealth fighter


Stratospheric stealth fighter


Air carrier


Heavy gunship




Recon/light attach helicopter


Stealth helicopter


Heavy VTOL fighter


Heavy gunship
These ships, aircraft and vehicles are the most modern and up to date equipment in the UGF's arsenals. They were made to replace the aging equipment of the UGF armed forces during the closing stages of the Bloody New Years war. The oldest being nearly 2 years old.

UGF Military:

The UGF military was based on the foundations of the Sovereign Colonies.

"Now that we know that we are not alone. We must take ever step necessary to ensure that our people and the future of this Galactic Federation may never experience the hell that we endured for for 26 years." -President Rondeson(First president of the Sovereign Colonies).

The Sovereign colonies had made a comittment. The UGF produces the best of the best armour, dead accurate weapons, and some of the most powerful and deadliest military vehicles, ships, and defense systems ever to exist in the universe are built by the UGF. Being millions of years old, the UGF has made light compact armour for it's troops which can withstand tank rounds for their troops. The terrestrial navies are formed into massive fleets consisting of heavily armed ships. And the air force and space force are merged as fighters are able to fight in both in-atmosphere and in orbit. The UGF values quality in the quantity.

They are masters at hit and run, tricking the enemy into playing on their own turf, reverse physiology. And this is why their armour, their dead accurate weapons, incredible range, deadly weapons, are a force to be reckoned with.

The UGF is known universally as having the best of the best war machines and weapons. The UGF has the best armour in the universe as it is almost impenetrable. The UGF is known for their vessels which are armed to the teeth and are very maneuverable even for their size. The UGF also has incredible ranged weapon systems as well as weapons that are capable of taking out a ship with one hit.

The UGF military weapons have incredible range along with incredible capabilities. They have the best elite soldiers in the universe as well as having the best military weapons and armour along with vehicles and super weapons.

Over the past 13 million years, the UGF had made incredible gaing year by year causing them to become the universal Superpower. Surpassing all other races in the military and economic capabilities.

And with the unstoppable UGF military industry which mass produces thousands of vehicles and soldiers per day, the UGF is able to render all threats towards the homeland and abroad.

The UGF is also known very well for their super weapons which they have an enormous stockpile of.

In conclusion, the UGF after tens of millions years of being a space farring race and defeating at that time, one of the most powerful empires at that time, managed to accelerate their military technology to the point that no other race currently would be able to catch up.

The UGF is the universally recognized Super power of the Universe and has the best of the best weapons and war machines and defenses in order to maintain their mark and place as well as defending their vast Federation.

And has built up a vast and expansive military force and has a massive arsenal of super weapons


  • Early Sovereign Colonies ERA - The Sovereign Colonies has a very vast history. It was the first Federation which ruled for over one million years. It is estimated to have been created somewhere between 17,000, 000 to 20,000,000 years before 1 GST. The Sovereign Colonies was the result of a coalition of every existing Nation of Seraine during the Centrion/Bivarian war. The Sovereign Colonies was created exactly two years into the war when the Centrions had lost an estimated 6-8 billion lives. The Nations of the Centrion race knew that the only way to stand a chance against the far better equipped Holy Bivarian Empire. Since the creation, the Centrion race had managed to defeat the Bivarians after 24 more years of heavy conflict. By the end of the war, the Sovereign Colonies's population had greatly reduced. More than half of the Centrion race was killed off. And the military strength was at 15%. The Sovereign Colonies, successful in their success militarily, had merged the 45 galaxies under Bivarian control under Sovereign Colonies control. Thankfully, most worlds on each galaxy had been industrialized, but the long and costly process of both repairing the Centrion home-galaxy and completely re-building every world to suit Centrion life had begun. This usured in the start of the first golden age which lasted over 1,00,000 years. This golden age saw the Sovereign Colonies technological industry to sky rocket as well as their military industry.
  • Late/Post Sovereign Colonies ERA - By the Late era of the Sovereign Colonies rule, the Government, especially the president at that time, President Roonaik Malar was concerned about attempted insurgencies, and galaxies trying to claim independence. This convinced the government to re-structure it's political system so that it can run efficiently and smoothly. By now, the Golden age had stopped and people wee enjoying the post-prosperous times. Several years before the End of the Sovereign Colonies, the people had begun to feel the shock wave of political unrest. And finally, three years later, the Sovereign Colonies, who had ruled for nearly 8.5 million years, announced to the public of it's disbandment. And a new government was put in place. This new government the UNS successful re-instated the Federation and successfully ended all Sovereign Colonies rule across every galaxy.

  • Early/Mid UNS ERA- Not much could be said about the UNS. For they became were controlling. As they began to restrict rights, and started setting up military police forces. The people suffered greatly as their income decreased drastically. No matte rwhat, any signs of anti-government were brutally crushed and eliminated by the Military forces. The only good that the UNS had done was colonize 2 more galaxies and take control of numerous galaxies as "territories" under UNS protection. As well as investing tons of money into the military to ensure that the army is in top-notch and can not be easily defeated.
  • Post UNS ERA/UNS-UGF Intergalactic civil war - Five years before the UNS rule had ended, the people of the UNS had rallied together to fight against the UNS government. This was done thorugh careful planning for decades. The man who was the achitect of this rebellion was a man by the name of Scotty Faris, soon to be the first president of the UGF. He had rallied the people behind his rebel organization the United Galactic Federation. UGF. And soon had the people's support. By the time thamost of the population was willing to support a coup against the UNS, the UGF struck first. They first attacked a military base on Planet Exis. This quickly caught the people's attention as the people began to take up arms and began to fight their military government. The UNS for the first year and a half had won most battles since they were far better equipped. But, the UGF soon raided multiple military factories, and bases allowing them to gain access to tons of vehicles, fighters, and equipment. The civil war lasted for five years and claimed the lives of over 5 million Centrions.
  • Current UGF ERA - The current ruling body is the UGF. It has been over 400,000 years since the UGF had taken power from the Civil war. When the UGF first came into power, the UGF immediately, gave freedom again to the people and created tons of jobs. This brought the second golden age, which is still continuing to this day. The UGF's military industry and technology levels skyrocketed once again. This as well as medical and other industrial sectors skyrocketed. The UGF has brought tons of prosperity for it's people as the government has unanimous support of the people. The UGF had become a respectable superpower through all the advancements by the Sovereign Colonies, UNS, and by the current UGF government. They are an emprie that is far more superior than the other races both militarily and economically. But, the UGF has a very strict neutral policy which prevents them from intervening and upholding the laws of the universe. But, the UGF people are enjoying of time in which their empire's military strength is superior to the other races as well as a time of prosperity. But, there are also people within the government who wants the UGF to chae from a neutral state to an empire that will enforce the laws and it's will against other empires with military force and might. They are rich in resources and are willing to give and share the abundant natural resources with it's allies.
  • Bloody New Years war: The bloody new years war was the result of a misfired nuclear missile during a live HAA military drill as a show of force towards the UGF during a time of heightened tensions between the two factions. The nuclear missile hit a colony killing hundreds of thousands which utterly shattered any remaining peace and kindness left in the centrion race as they immediately declared war. And at 3:00 A.M UST, the UGF launched a three phase plan. The first was an all out nuclear assault on all outer sects of HAA and human territories, and then, the use of new revolutionary jamming spires which neutralized and prevented the HAA from striking back or ever building nuclear weapons and super weapons. The final stage was that the invasion forces were to launch a coordinated assault on all outer worlds within the UGF's reach. The war lasted for 15 years before the HAA had agreed to surrender unconditionally as the peace talks began between the two sides. Victorious, the UGF began to withdraw with several contingents of forces staying behind until all peace talks have been finished. But also, during the war, the UGF began to upgrade it's military as it replaced every military hardware near the end of the war causing even more pain and suffering for the HAA military.

Phase X-0: The phase was undertaken since the sovereign colonies. It was a plan to mass produce 22 feet tall machines that combine the aspects of ground, air, space, and sea and forge them into one single weapon that can be mass produced. Able to outperform any supersonic fighter or starfighter, with a wide variety of weapons. The UGF had finally begun construction of the first of these mech suits, they will be the most advanced and most deadliest weapons the universe has seen since the introduction of the MAC system. They are to be fielded and supplement the already existing arsenal of equipment.



Heia Mavi

Age: 50,500,000

Gender: female

Species: Last known living Bivarian




Items: Old Bivarian Navigation hand gear, old Bivarian military mask, old Bivarian utility equipment

Rank under faction: EX-Leader of the Holy Bivarian Empire. (No longer exists.)

Bio: She was born to the Bivarian Royal family which was also known as the religious leader of the empire. Ever since her youth, she had gone under military training to gain respect from the populace since she was the eldest and was next in line for throne. Her father, the former king died of a rare illness in the Bivarian society and was immediately promoted to his position as ruler of the entire empire. She saw the Centrions as heathens but was not the one who declared war. During the war, she over saw several military operations but mostly over saw the mass killing of Centrions. During the final weeks of the Centrion/Bivarian war, the Bivarians were suffering loss after loss. In fear that the SCDF would reach their capital and glass their planet, they placed Heia, their leader inside a beacon and exiled her so that the SCDF does not kill her. She has technically been in exile ever since the the Centrion/Bivarian war ended. She does not know that the SCDF has won the war and that her entire species was whipped out by SCDF's hatred for them.

Species Sheet:

Name: Bivarian

Appearance: They are tall slender beings. Taller than centrions. They are more muscular, more fit and more physical than centrions are. They all have different eye colours but all have the same black hair. They also have bone like structures for ears.

Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): Eternal but can still be killed from disease and by weapons.

History: Much of their history was purged to prevent the SCDF from getting their hands on it. But, the only thing that was not deleted was that they have been observing the Centrions for many years and had seen them as animals that needed to be kept as pets and slaves. Their religion taught them to kill whoever was below them to keep their god happy. Since they saw the Centrions as heathens, they immediately began to prepare for a full scale invasion. When the war finally started, they had the upper hand since they were hundreds of years more advanced then the Centrions and cut through less advanced Centrion war equipment. Their first major defeat was the battle of port hope. A strategically important city for the Centrion race since it was used as a shortcut to every planet under their control. Over 800 SCDF soldiers stood their ground for two weeks against over 1 million Bivarian soldiers. This battle severely damaged the Bivarian army's morale and boosted the SCDF's. They would soon win multiple battles until, during the battle of Navine which was the worst defeat the they suffered which crippled their fighting strength and changed the course of the war. They were soon forced by their people to end the war seeing as how ruthless the SCDF had become over the past 20 years. They did surrender unconditionally and were forced to sign a truce. By now, the Bivarian military was no longer capable of launching an attack or capable of defending. The SCDF had also lost most of it's military but gathered all of it's remaining military strength to completely wipe out the entire Bivarian race. In the SCDF's point of view, it was justice for their people and a punishment for the Bivarians who committed numerous war crimes. To the Bivarians however, it was seen as slaughter and a universal war crime. All Bivarians were killed off and any that survived were later hunted down and killed. Their capital planet was later terra formed as all of their territory was taken over by the Sovereign Colonies who also took advantage of their highly advanced technology.

Homeworld: Manixenne. Once a planet with massive cities was later re-designed and is now known as New Helays deep within UGF controlled territory.

Manixenne prior to the invasion:


Manixenne during and after the invasion:

Bivarian soldier looking at the ruined city of X'orvi the largest city on Manixenne

The capital city of Kov'reshiva after 5 days of orbital bombardment. And just one day after the SCDF forces landed.

Faction Sheet:

Former Holy Bivarian Empire

Leader: High-Chancellor/priest Kivan

Type of Government: theocratic/monarch

Government Capitol: Kovia

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.): They are confined to Kovia.

Morality: Varies. But most are neutral/good

History: millions of years ago, when the Sovereign Colonies eradicated 99.7% of the entire Bivarian population, a couple thousand managed to survive and escape their world that was the birth place of their species. The Bivarians who did survive managed to find a new place to settle as the Bivarian population began to slowly re-build. The Bivarians have since seen it's population increase to 7 billion and has for the most part managed to restore their old way of life.

The Bivarian factions had all agreed to never build a military force again and went through a massive cultural and religious change as they reflected on their cruel behavior towards the Sovereign Colonies which ultimately led to their great empire's downfall.

Since then, they had gotten rid of all extreme texts and enforced heavy religious laws against those who practiced and preached the old religion. They do not know that they are right beside the UGF's outer borders. The Bivarians had also evolved since landing on planet Kovia. Their horns had gotten smaller to adapt to the planet's air. The bivarians although agreed to never have a military, secretly built a military force that will defend Kovia from enemy infiltrators. But also used for the good and the better. And not for radicalism

One thing that has kept their hopes going was the message that was saved for millions of years that their true leader Heia has been evacuated and will be returning soon.

Some speculate that she is dead while others still have hope.


Name: Mary Treston

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Species: Centrion(supernatural)







Ritual Items, candles, lighters, ceremonial powders, pain, chalk. Pendulum It is an item that she carries which allows her to show scenes from the past. Her race had practiced this for a long time to reflect on their mistakes and behavior so that they can improve as better beings and to learn from their mistakes.

Rank under faction: Just a shaman

Bio: She is one of the descendants of one of the Centrion race's oldest known races. She keeps true to her roots and customs. She was trained in the secret art of battle and had started the training to become a shaman when she was young so that she can learn everything there is to know and then master it. She usually uses the pendulum to look back at the Centrion/Bivarian wars and see some real battles between the two civilizations. She has connections with Kiria as she befriended Kiria when she was visiting Vexta galaxy during one of her father's political trips. And since then she has close ties with Kiria. She is a combat master.



Alex (Vincent) Sashi

Age: 25 (Has been asleep for over 4 million years in cryo stasis since the Sovereign Colonies era)

Gender: Male

Species: Super centrion(Engineered and enhanced to become the ultimate soldier)



To be:

Energy sword

Enhanced wrist blades

Dual swords

Dual heavy kinetic handguns

One high powered SMG


Heavy assault rifle

throwing knives

combat knives

Stasis (The ability to send a wave of energy at a person or object and temporarily slow them down for several seconds)

And any hand held weapon by the UGF

Items: Navigation, Stasis pack, medical and utility tools, and other Sovereign Colonies issued supplies that he can use

Rank under faction: Brigadier General and the leader of the Grimm reapers corps

Bio: Alex was abducted at the age of 3 by the Sovereign Colonies near the end of their reign as the governing body of the interstellar federation. He was the first ever ultimate soldier to ever be created by the Sovereign Colonies. Far surpassing the elite soldiers of that time. Before the collapse of the S.C, he was put into indefinite cryo stasis to preserve him along with the other 100 Grimm members. Since then, he has not awoken for over 2 million years. The only time that he will be taken out of cryo sleep would be if the Centrion race had a very good reason to bringing him and the other 100 grimm members back. If all of the UGF's asets were to be rendered useless, then they would turn to Ales and his team of 100 Grimm members to be the final line of defense along with the Elite corps.

Personality: He is sadistic, and emotionless. He does not care if you are the president's daughter, if you say or do something that annoys or angers him, he will retaliate back. He is incredibly loyal to the Sovereign Colonies and will do anything that they wish. He does not particularly like people who are caring mainly because that would lead to said person loosing people that they love. But, inside, he is a nice guy and sympathetic and a motivator when he needs to be. He is a co-operative worker as well as being a very affluent person.

This is one reason why when he wakes up, he will not particularly like TJ all that much as he will see Tj as a rival and some wanna be Ultra-soldier.


He has control over the surroundings as he has psonic abilites. He can hold people in mid air without grabbing them and can push away large object but that requires some energy to be used

kenetic abilities. He can push people using kinesis without touching them, as well as holding them up but, he can throw individuals if he wished as well as sending volts of electricity at individuals to either kill or immobilize them. He is also able to choke them without touching them, but can not do this or sending electricity at a far range.

He has the ability to coak himself from the naked eye and is able to blend in with the environment. He is enhance and can control his footstep sound. He is also able to last several minutes underwater and has a very low pain tolerance.

He is protected by a regenerating energy shield which takes several seconds to reset after being fully drained.

He is a combat master and knows all the weak points of a person's body as well as being able to quickly adapt to a situation.

He has super human strength which allows him to lift and do certain tasks that normal centrions and sometimes elites can't do. He has super human agility allowing him to quickly adapt and engage enemies.

He has super human speed and reflexes as can clear out a room before most of the enemies even get a chance to comprehend what took place.

He is able to jump higher as well as being very intelligent. More intelligent than Elites.

-Other main character that will be introduced-



Akira Nayma

Age: 25 (Has been asleep for over 4 million years in cryo stasis since the Sovereign Colonies era)


Species: Super centrion(Engineered and enhanced to become the ultimate soldier)




To be:

Energy sword

Enhanced wrist blades

Dual swords

Dual heavy kinetic handguns

Assault rifle


Heavy assault rifle

throwing knives

combat knives

Stasis (The ability to send a wave of energy at a person or object and temporarily slow them down for several seconds)

And any hand held weapon by the UGF

Navigation, Stasis pack, medical and utility tools, and other Sovereign Colonies issued supplies that he can use

Rank under faction: Brigadier General and second in command of the Grimm reapers corps

Bio: Akira was abducted at the age of 3 by the Sovereign Colonies near the end of their reign as the governing body of the interstellar federation. She was the first ever ultimate soldier to ever be created by the Sovereign Colonies. Far surpassing the elite soldiers of that time. Before the collapse of the S.C, she was put into indefinite cryo stasis to preserve him along with the other 100 Grimm members. Since then, he has not awoken for over 2 million years. The only time that he will be taken out of cryo sleep would be if the Centrion race had a very good reason to bringing him and the other 100 grimm members back. If all of the UGF's asets were to be rendered useless, then they would turn to Ales and his team of 100 Grimm members to be the final line of defense along with the Elite corps. She was aboard the S.C.S Mina when the military vessel was hit by an asteroid field and was crippled. The ship was adrift ever since

Personality: She is calm, kind, and caring. She is very patient but is very sadistic when in battle. She is super loyal to the Sovereign Colonies, and can be emotionless at times. She does not care if you are the president's daughter, if you say or do something that annoys or angers her, she will retaliate back. She ais a person inf integrity and holds herself to a higher standard and is sympathetic to others.


She has control over the surroundings as he has psonic abilities. She can hold people in mid air without grabbing them and can push away large object but that requires some energy to be used

kenetic abilities. She can push people using kinesis without touching them, as well as holding them up but, he can throw individuals if he wished as well as sending volts of electricity at individuals to either kill or immobilize them. Sh is also able to choke them without touching them, but can not do this or sending electricity at a far range.

She has the ability to coak himself from the naked eye and is able to blend in with the environment. He is enhance and can control his footstep sound. She is also able to last several minutes underwater and has a very low pain tolerance.

She is protected by a regenerating energy shield which takes several seconds to reset after being fully drained.

She is a combat master and knows all the weak points of a person's body as well as being able to quickly adapt to a situation.

She has super human strength which allows him to lift and do certain tasks that normal centrions and sometimes elites can't do. He has super human agility allowing her to quickly adapt and engage enemies.

She has super human speed and reflexes as can clear out a room before most of the enemies even get a chance to comprehend what took place.

She is able to jump higher as well as being very intelligent. More intelligent than Elites.



Serah Yaris

Age: 20 (Has been asleep for over 4 million years in cryo stasis since the Sovereign Colonies era)


Species: Super centrion(Engineered and enhanced to become the ultimate soldier)




To be:

Energy sword

Enhanced wrist blades

Dual swords

Dual heavy kinetic handguns



Heavy assault rifle

throwing knives

combat knives

Stasis (The ability to send a wave of energy at a person or object and temporarily slow them down for several seconds)

And any hand held weapon by the UGF

Navigation, Stasis pack, medical and utility tools, and other Sovereign Colonies issued supplies that he can use

Rank under faction: Brigadier General and second in command of the Grimm reapers corps

Bio: Akira was abducted at the age of 3 by the Sovereign Colonies near the end of their reign as the governing body of the interstellar federation. She was the first ever ultimate soldier to ever be created by the Sovereign Colonies. Far surpassing the elite soldiers of that time. Before the collapse of the S.C, she was put into indefinite cryo stasis to preserve him along with the other 100 Grimm members. Since then, he has not awoken for over 2 million years. The only time that he will be taken out of cryo sleep would be if the Centrion race had a very good reason to bringing him and the other 100 grimm members back. If all of the UGF's asets were to be rendered useless, then they would turn to Ales and his team of 100 Grimm members to be the final line of defense along with the Elite corps. She was aboard the S.C.S Mina when the military vessel was hit by an asteroid field and was crippled. The ship was adrift ever since


She has control over the surroundings as he has psonic abilities. She can hold people in mid air without grabbing them and can push away large object but that requires some energy to be used

kenetic abilities. She can push people using kinesis without touching them, as well as holding them up but, he can throw individuals if he wished as well as sending volts of electricity at individuals to either kill or immobilize them. Sh is also able to choke them without touching them, but can not do this or sending electricity at a far range.

She has the ability to coak himself from the naked eye and is able to blend in with the environment. He is enhance and can control his footstep sound. She is also able to last several minutes underwater and has a very low pain tolerance.

She is protected by a regenerating energy shield which takes several seconds to reset after being fully drained.

She is a combat master and knows all the weak points of a person's body as well as being able to quickly adapt to a situation.

She has super human strength which allows him to lift and do certain tasks that normal centrions and sometimes elites can't do. She has super human agility allowing her to quickly adapt and engage enemies.

She has super human speed and reflexes as can clear out a room before most of the enemies even get a chance to comprehend what took place.

She is able to jump higher as well as being very intelligent. More intelligent than Elites.

Grimm reapers corps:

The Grimm reaper corps was made by the sovereign Colonies as phase X of their build up arms program. The Grimm members are all made up of kids who were abducted at a young age and has been enhanced and trained to become the universe's deadliest killing machines. But, several centuries before the collapse of the Sovereign Colonies, they were all put into indefinite cryo stasis as they were locked away, only known by the top elites of the military and were all labeled MIA. Since then, they were continuously upgraded and enhanced even more as the millennial s went by. They have been modified and enhanced to be able to use psonic, telekinetic abilities. As well as natural kinesis abilities. They are able to control the element of fire as and electricity.

Compared to the UGF's Elite corps: The UGF has done several simulation battles and the results of the battles indicated that the Grimms would win 18/20 times. They are far more superior than the Elites as has a far wide arrange of abilities and hidden specialties as well.

When they wake up: When they wake up, they will most likely not like the Elite corps which are also currently the universe's deadliest super soldiers. They will not allow the Elites to beat them and rivalries will start.


Their entire body is a weapon. No other genetically augmented being can come close to what a reaper can do.
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Name: John Abraus

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: Unknown

Weapons: None

Items: None

Rank under faction: Captain of a Hydra Class Carrier

Bio: Unknown

Species Sheet:

Name: Human (Not filling the rest)


Lifespan(Eternal is allowed):


Are they a part of the HAA: (If not then just ignore)

Homeworld: Earth

Faction Sheet:

Name: Dominion

Leader: Unknown

Type of Government: Decromacy

Government Capitol: Tazarius

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.): 24

Morality: Good


(I'll make it better later...)
Name: Twalik Fearichen

Age: 2 480 433

Gender: Male

Species: Hydrax


Weapons: Himself. No Hydrax needs any other weapon.

Items: Communicator, Battle Display HUD, Strategic HUD x2, Combat Sheathe Armour.

Rank under faction: Commander of the First Company of the First Division of the First Grand Legion. Basically he's in charge of the most badass motherfuckers the Hydrax have, and he's chief among them.

Bio: Twalik Fearichen was one of the Hydrax guerillas in the war to take back Hydral Prime. He distinguished himself to the point of being nicknamed 'The Undefeatable', something he wears with pride. Certainly this is true in single combat, but It was to nobody's surprise when he was appointed Commander of the First Company of the First Division of the First Grand Legion (Hydrax are sticklers for the proper naming of these military units.) When he got his first taste of combat, he found himself frustrated with the nuances of command, often getting into the action when he gets half a chance, something that has not endeared him to those of a more strategic nature. He is disappointed with situations where he can't participate in the battle, and relishes every opportunity that he gets to join the fight. He is beginning to overcome this, but it is taking much time. He's been trying for several centuries.

Name: Hydrax

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-3_19-45-32.jpeg.bfe705859c8ed00ac556165f0a0697ef.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60067" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-3_19-45-32.jpeg.bfe705859c8ed00ac556165f0a0697ef.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): Unknown. Not a single one has died of old-age related causes.

History: Hydrax originated on Hydral Prime as the culmination of a secret genetic experiment by a mysterious alien race with extremely advanced technology for the ultimate fighting race, and then put to work for combat. Eventually, the Hydrax rebelled, and seized Hydral Prime from the small occupational force. Given their original purpose, the Hydrax were remarkably peaceful. By that I mean they won't rip off the face of anyone they see. They certainly have very little skill in intrigue, diplomacy, or subtlety They have sent deep explorers to faraway places, including Earth. One of these explorers was the basis for the mythological hydra. However the myths don't hold a candle to the real thing, except for the cut off head equals two more, stopped by fire. That is humans having an extraordinary imagination. The Hydrax birth rate is extremely low. Across all five of Hydrax planets one Hydrax is born every 370 183 years. This is somewhat a result of the genetic modifications.

Not Immediately Evident Natural Abilities: Stronger than they look (Somehow) and extremely thick natural armour.

Enhancements From Genetic Experiment: Heads able to breathe 'cold', breathe fire, or breathe a highly concentrated acid. Using any of them from any head. Increased strength of natural armour, greatly increased strength, speed, reflexes, and stamina. Slightly increased strategic ability and quick thinking skills. Regeneration of wounds. This allows them to regrow limbs, heads (though not two heads for one cut off). It takes two days to regenerate a head, and half that to regenerate a limb. Greatly enhanced adrenaline, which can almost triple the physical abilities of a Hydrax, depending on how much is released. 1% of possible adrenaline in the system is released every two minutes.

Are they a part of the HAA: (If not then just ignore): Yes

Homeworld: Hydral Prime (Population: 1 000 000

Name: Hydraxian Senate

Leader: Genbol Lockfargo

Type of Government: Republic

Government Capitol: Hydral Prime

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.): 4: Avack (Population: 400 000) Gurlusk (Population: 750 000) Pelnian (Population: 2500) Andol (Population: 100 000)

Morality: Neutral

History: When the aliens were driven back off their planet, the Hydrax collectively agreed that they needed a government. They elected families to represent the interests of the Hydrax, with a Senate Leader, who has ultimate authority over the Senate. Genbol Lockfargo was this Hydrax, as he is the Hydrax who inspired the rebellion, and has remained a popular figure. Today he is wiser than ever, and he is a god-like figure among the Hydrax. He loathes this reputation, however, as it reminds him all too much of a dictatorship. Because of this, he is eager to give more power to the Senate. He is by far the least aggressive of the Hydrax, and he is a notable diplomatic genius. It is thought this is the result of a mutation in the gene strain. When given a request to join the HAA, the Hydraxian Senate convened and was in doubt until Genbol spoke up and advocated joining. The Hydrax Army is formed up into three Grand Legions, each divided into Divisions, then into Companies. The closer to one all the numbers are, the more elite the Hydrax in that Company. The priority for this is Grand Legion number takes precedence over Division, which takes precedence over Company. The rough numbers are 100 000 to a Grand Legion, 5000 to a Division, and 100 to a Company. This means there are 20 Divisions per Grand Legion, and 50 Companies to a Division. Now, the Hydrax are used as elite shock troops by the HAA, something the Hydrax have taken to with ease. However, for all their ground power, it helps them not when they can't reach a planet's surface. Their navy is weak and low on numbers.

I hope that's acceptable. I thought that keeping the population low would balance the power inherent in a race of fire/acid/cold breathing hydras have. Also to this cause is their inability to be stealthy, use intrigue, or be diplomatic; a result of the genetic modifications. This race takes initial inspiration from the Hydral of The Last Federation, although they branched way off that as I kept writing. Somewhat related to several beasts from Pathfinder as well. Quite happy to tone down stuff, as long as there still gets to be a race based on Hydras, because I think that's just awesome.



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Arty said:
Name: John Abraus
Age: 26

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: Unknown

Weapons: None

Items: None

Rank under faction: Captain of a Hydra Class Carrier

Bio: Unknown

Species Sheet:

Name: Human (Not filling the rest)


Lifespan(Eternal is allowed):


Are they a part of the HAA: (If not then just ignore)

Homeworld: Earth

Faction Sheet:

Name: Dominion

Leader: Unknown

Type of Government: Decromacy

Government Capitol: Tazarius

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.): 24

Morality: Good


(I'll make it better later...)
Accepted. Just make sure to add in everything else.


Fezzes said:
Name: Twalik Fearichen
Age: 2 480 433

Gender: Male

Species: Hydrax


Weapons: Himself. No Hydrax needs any other weapon.

Items: Communicator, Battle Display HUD, Strategic HUD x2, Combat Sheathe Armour.

Rank under faction: Commander of the First Company of the First Division of the First Grand Legion. Basically he's in charge of the most badass motherfuckers the Hydrax have, and he's chief among them.

Bio: Twalik Fearichen was one of the Hydrax guerillas in the war to take back Hydral Prime. He distinguished himself to the point of being nicknamed 'The Undefeatable', something he wears with pride. Certainly this is true in single combat, but It was to nobody's surprise when he was appointed Commander of the First Company of the First Division of the First Grand Legion (Hydrax are sticklers for the proper naming of these military units.) When he got his first taste of combat, he found himself frustrated with the nuances of command, often getting into the action when he gets half a chance, something that has not endeared him to those of a more strategic nature. He is disappointed with situations where he can't participate in the battle, and relishes every opportunity that he gets to join the fight. He is beginning to overcome this, but it is taking much time. He's been trying for several centuries.

Name: Hydrax

Appearance: View attachment 138168

Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): Unknown. Not a single one has died of old-age related causes, and none have died permanently. Seriously.

History: Hydrax originated on Hydral Prime as the culmination of a secret genetic experiment by a component race of the UGF for the ultimate fighting race, and then put to work for combat. Eventually, the Hydrax rebelled, and seized Hydral Prime from the small UGF occupational force. It was nowhere near UGF space, due to being secret, and the Hydrax were able to keep their planet. Given their original purpose, the Hydrax were remarkably peaceful. By that I mean they won't rip off the face of anyone they see. They certainly have no skill in intrigue, diplomacy, or subtlety They have always despised the UGF, and will kill any of its members on sight, especially the ones that made them this way. They have sent deep explorers to faraway places, including Earth. One of these explorers was the basis for the mythological hydra. However the myths don't hold a candle to the real thing, except for the cut off head equals two more, stopped by fire. That is humans having an extraordinary imagination. The Hydrax birth rate is extremely low. Across all five of Hydrax planets one Hydrax is born every 370 183 years. This is somewhat a result of the genetic modifications.

Not Immediately Evident Natural Abilities: Stronger than they look (Somehow) and extremely thick natural armour.

Enhancements From Genetic Experiment: Heads able to breathe 'cold', breathe fire, or breathe a highly concentrated acid. Using any of them from any head. Increased strength of natural armour, greatly increased strength, speed, reflexes, and stamina. Slightly increased strategic ability and quick thinking skills. Regeneration of wounds. This allows them to regrow limbs, heads (though not two heads for one cut off). It takes an hour to regenerate a head, and half that to regenerate a limb. They can come back from death with this, although it takes a decade, and they start at a quarter of their full strength, taking a year to regain full strength. Few outside the Hydrax know about the ability to come back from death. Greatly enhanced adrenaline, which can almost triple the physical abilities of a Hydrax, depending on how much is released. 1% of possible adrenaline in the system is released every twenty minutes.

Are they a part of the HAA: (If not then just ignore): Yes

Homeworld: Hydral Prime (Population: 1 000 000

Name: Hydraxian Senate

Leader: Genbol Lockfargo

Type of Government: Republic

Government Capitol: Hydral Prime

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.): 4: Avack (Population: 400 000) Gurlusk (Population: 750 000) Pelnian (Population: 2500) Andol (Population: 100 000)

Morality: Neutral

History: When the UGF were driven off their planet, the Hydrax collectively agreed that they needed a government. They elected families to represent the interests of the Hydrax, with a Senate Leader, who has ultimate authority over the Senate. Genbol Lockfargo was this Hydrax, as he is the Hydrax who inspired the rebellion, and has remained a popular figure. Today he is wiser than ever, and he is a god-like figure among the Hydrax. He loathes this reputation, however, as it reminds him all too much of a dictatorship. Because of this, he is eager to give more power to the Senate. He is by far the least aggressive of the Hydrax, and he is a notable diplomatic genius. It is thought this is the result of a mutation in the gene strain. When given a request to join the HAA, the Hydraxian Senate convened and was in doubt, until word came through of the conflict between the HAA and the UGF. When that happened, the vote was unanimously for joining. The Hydrax Army is formed up into three Grand Legions, each divided into Divisions, then into Companies. The closer to one all the numbers are, the more elite the Hydrax in that Company. The priority for this is Grand Legion number takes precedence over Division, which takes precedence over Company. The rough numbers are 100 000 to a Grand Legion, 5000 to a Division, and 100 to a Company. This means there are 20 Divisions per Grand Legion, and 50 Companies to a Division. Now, the Hydrax are used as elite shock troops by the HAA, something the Hydrax have taken to with ease.

I hope that's acceptable. I thought that keeping the population low would balance the power inherent in a race of fire/acid/cold breathing hydras have. Also to this cause is their inability to be stealthy, use intrigue, or be diplomatic; a result of the genetic modifications. This race takes initial inspiration from the Hydral of The Last Federation, although they branched way off that as I kept writing. Somewhat related to several beasts from Pathfinder as well. Quite happy to tone down stuff, as long as there still gets to be a race based on Hydras, because I think that's just awesome.
Everything is fine. It's just two thungs.

One, i am fine with regeneration. But it has to be a long time. But the bringing back from death seems op. I'm fine with things like regeneration but at some point i feel like it would become a problem.

Two, i'll have the ugf up soon. So basically the UGF has only one single sentient race. The Centrions. There are no other species that fall under the UGF banner.

Other than that, accepted.
Cool. I'll edit. Maybe the coming back from death only works if the corpse isn't too fucked up. Hmm. *scribble scribble*

Or I could scratch the bringing back from death thing altogether, because I didn't read the post properly.

Fezzes said:
Cool. I'll edit. Maybe the coming back from death only works if the corpse isn't too fucked up. Hmm. *scribble scribble*
Or I could scratch the bringing back from death thing altogether, because I didn't read the post properly.

Just another thing. The UGF already has two different elite units for a long time. And you don't really need to say that they are created from the UGF as your race can be independent.

Plus, starting the RP off guns blazing is not good in the long run.

(I will be working on more stuff over time, be sure to check every once in awhile for new stuff)

Species Sheet:


Synbio (Sin-bi-o)

Plural (Sin-bi-ohs)

Possessive (Sin-bi-aw-tic)



These cybernetic beings grow from a minimum of six feet to a maximum of eight feet tall.

Their bodies are colored to resemble their rank or profession in their community, with

young Synbios being completely white to show a lack of duty. Freelancers often have personalized

designs. Synbios are designed to have randomly generated personalities and mindsets, mimicing organic lifeforms. Such as personalities, identification through gender is also randomly generated, with almost all Synbios being identified as male. They possess random voices, but almost all of them are deep in bass and are robotic-esc. Females possess a minor accent, and have the most pleasant sounding voices, without the robotic tone or after-effect. Names are also randomly generated and given.



History: [All currently known to other species]

The Synbios were once a thriving race, owning a good number of planets, along with perfect

unification. Robotics were the main focus of their technology, and peace seemed everlasting.

However, a greedy and corrupt race of reptilians began destroying everything they owned, and

the Synbios were forced to use their massive military to retaliate. They completely annihilated

this race, without having any choice against it.

Because of this, the Synbios were seen as monsters, and a large faction by the name of the Asaaron

Alliance warred with them. Wrongly accused, the Synbios were confused when the first attacks began,

and many died. However, Synbiotic scientists used their advanced Robotic technology to transfer

each survivors mind into a cyborg of sorts, capable of sexual reproduction and emotion.

All previous culture, including their previous names, were lost. They were awakened after a ten thousand year period of

slumber, running on a constant cycle of reusable energy, within cloaked ships that drifted through space. All the Synbios

remembered were the main details, as uploading the entirety of their culture into a device would have taken too much time.

With mixed emotions, they established a government, began constructing more vessels, and looked to once again

expand within the universe. Now, they look on with great distrust of other races, and often keep to themselves. Foreigners are

allowed unto their "Public" vessels, but they cannot become part of the flotilla. Only a select few are truly trusted by the Synbios.


Red = Military

White Stripes = Rank,

More Stripes = Higher Rank

Maximum = General / Admiral, 30 stripes.

Yellow = Business

Green = Diplomat / Organizer

Purple = Engineer / Technician

Silver/Grey = Scientist

Black = Teacher

Blue = Police / Guard

Orange = Disfunctional / Criminal

White = Unemployed / Youngling

Personal Design = Freelancer

Ranks can be changed through coloring

stations throughout Symbiotic ships.


Not Available,

original homeworld destroyed.

Temporary Homeworld:

The Synbiotic Flotilla, around three billion ships. Half military-related, most extremely large. Fighters and frigates not included in the three billion ship-count. (Included it would make up about nine billion)


Faction Sheet:


The Synbiotic Refugee Union



No leader, only military commanders

and heads of different occupations.

Type of Government:

True Democracy, everyone is equal,

and everyone votes on their entire

race's decision through their connected



On their own. Can be persuaded to join one side.

Otherwise, they're officially neutral.

Government Capitol:

The Synbiotic Flotilla

Number of Colonies:



Determined, Chaotic Neutral


None, all Atheist


None with other species.

Otherwise, their species'

history is their history.

-Flotilla Ships-


A standard Synbio scout ship, these are built solely for speed and to harvest and study different alien objects. Synbio harvesters are large compared to most alien frigates, but actually range in size. The most common are like the Spearhead, drastically large for a utility ship. Smaller versions of the same design resemble Synbiotic transports.


Synbiotic fighters are of a sleek design, yet possess a powerful look to them. In the front, two exhausts exist, which can also let out excess energy into clouds to cloak the fighters in large fogs of toxic gas, jamming any radar signal. Below the cockpit is the main gun, which fires a straight bridge of plasma, or small circular blasts of it. The main gun on top fires a super-charged beam of sound, which can do surprising amounts of damage.

However, this is also the weakest point of the fighters, and can be taken out easily, often destroying the fighters with it. On the fighter's side, however, is the over-all incredible speed and turning power of each ship.


The most advanced kind of Harvester, unlike the scout ships, they completely take away all possessions from a planet or celestial body. If a planet is too difficult to simply break down and compact, Harvesters can instead choose to consume the planet, breaking down its matter into energy, which is consumed by the Harvester ship's core. Harvesters often range in size, from a carrier-size to the size of a small moon, the biggest being planet-sized.

The two largest classes of Harvesters are dubbed Sun Harvesters, who often consume the suns of solar systems. Most impressive about them, however, is how they're able to consume such power without being destroyed themselves. The metal they're made of, Akarium, is a metal that exists only near the cores of galaxies. This metal is extremely resistant to energy in general, and even consumes energy thrown at it to grow stronger. However, it easily crumbles and deteriorates when exposed to water or large amounts of hydrogen.

While they're heavily armored, harvesters have little to no defense, other than security teams assigned onboard. Their main weakness are their cores within them, who're extremely fragile to outside forces. Simply messing with the matrix containing the core will obliterate the harvester and everything around it, unleashing the gathered energy in a volatile form.


Synbiotic frigates are much more armored and brute-ish in design compared to their elegant cousins. They possess impressive weaponry, but are nothing too special. Frigates serve as patrol ships for the Flotilla, used primarily by security.


Open vessels are large space-station like ships resembling a large cylinder-shaped thruster or cannon. Within, multiple shops and diplomats exist for travelers to sell their wares, or for other Empires to meet with Synbiotic ambassadors. They also serve as the docking points for the Flotilla's scout ships, and are where resources are deposited and are to be distributed through probes that often circle the Open vessel in swarms.




Tau ve Mau - The first out of the three Synbiotic motherships, Tau ve Mau is the size of a

large moon, and contains fifty million personnel on it. Unlike the other two motherships,

Tau ve Mau exists outside of the Flotilla, and is strictly made for military purposes. The mothership

orbits the Flotilla like a sort of Guardian, mimicking the Luna and the Earth.

Tau ve Mau contains a super-large amount of weaponry and armor, containing 30% of the

Flotilla's firepower by itself. The center of it contains a black hole, which gathers energy for

the core of the ship. It contains enough fire-power to destroy planets. The only defenses it has

are automated, such as auto-turrets, swarms of drones, and an EMP array.

-Dominion Ships-


Destroyer-class Dominion ships are very large, yet appear to be elegantly designed. They possess

massive firepower and shields, but their armor itself is decent. Destroyer-class engines are very

powerful as well, recovering from a hyperspace-jump in mere seconds. The Dominion Destroyers

are often manned by a minimum of 500,000 crew-members, while it can be fully operated by around

one million. Each Destroyer-class costs about twenty billion credits, depending on what planet

it's constructed from.


Dominion Fighters and Bombers are both efficient and cheap. While hard to turn, they can reach

high speeds, and are capable of carrying a five man crew. The three front panels are where the

main weaponry are held for both types. While bombers have built-in rocket launchers, fighters will

have multiple guns. Because of the bombers vulnerability to enemy fighters, it is often built

with more armor, and is escorted with two Dominion Fighters to form a "squad".

-Dominion Units-


Dominion Marines
are the typical invasive ground-force for the Galactic Dominion. Possessing

their special armor and advanced training, they're a powerful force. The Dominion Marines' armor

is adaptable, and changes color to suit the environment given the command. Naturally, the armor

is a dark red, giving the Dominion Marines the nickname of the "Blood Corps"

Marines are split up into Legions, who are made up of Platoons, who are made up of Squadrons.

Each Legion has five Platoons, each Platoon has four Squadrons, each Squadron contains a

Squad Leader and fourteen other men. This means that 300 men exist in every Legion, a large

amount when you consider that fifty Legions are often deployed during an invasion.


Dominion Knights serve two purposes: Security and Invasion. While a planet is being invaded by

the Galactic Dominion, the fleet will move in first. Next, typical ground forces will advanced. However,

in each Squad will lay a Dominion Knight, a skilled marine who serves as a leader of their own squadron. When a Dominion Knight isn't supporting an invasion, they're guarding King Arquis, or

other highly-valued personnel, such as the Fleet Admiral.

-Characters, Pro-Flotilla-



(Name: Vali ist Sonnar)

(UNIT 1359-2G-35002)





Personified as Male.






Antimatter Rapier, Large



LPEW (Laser Eyes)

AMFG (Laser-firing Gauntlets)

Red Matter Core (Major Self-Destruct)


"The Crown"

Bytanium Armor (First-Class Resistance, Rare)

"The Key"

Rank Under faction:

High Fleet General, Leader of Alien Contact Command (ACC)


Watcher, or UNIT 1359-2G-35002, was constructed two hundred and two

years ago. Randomly personified as a male, he possessed a trait only

he had within his species: The ability to feel hatred.

Possessing such allowed the advanced UNIT to rise in power, and he quickly became the

Fleet's greatest soldier, and one of the High Fleet Generals. When the insectoid sentients,

the Flaair, began attacking the Flotilla, it was Watcher who stopped them by breaching

the ship with his squadron and destroying the Flaair queen. Like-wise, he was also responsible

for completely wiping the once common species from the entirety of the universe. Watcher

also did this with Promethea, tall, human-like and pale-skinned organics, and the Makrah,

a reptilian warrior-race.

Doing whatever it takes to protect his people and their rights, he was recognized as

the leader of the Alien Contract Command at one hundred twenty years of

processing. Since then, he is responsible for destroying five enemy sentients of the Flotilla,

and has pulled them out of two economic disasters through finding riches and

securing trades with other species.


Kelavia Nightingale

"Lady Night"






Half Human

Half Arkonite

(Has Cybernetic Implants)





EAMW (Electromagnetic Arc Melee Weapon) or Arc Rapier

Enhanced Biotic Abilities



Commander's Uniform

"The Compass"

Cybernetic Implants

Rank Under faction:

Fleet Commander


Known as the only organic life-form known to be raised and trusted by the Synbios,

Kel was found by Watcher as a baby after her parents were murdered by slavers. Watcher

took her in, resulting in some tension within the Flotilla. However, most grew attached to

her over time, and Kel was raised as an equal among her Synbiotic brethren.

As a child, she was trained and raised by Watcher, who examined her to find strange

biotic capabilities that rested in her brain. The brain, different from a humans, suggested

she was some kind of half-breed. Her white hair was also unnatural, suggesting she was

a Centurion. However, genetic scans proved otherwise.

Deciding to give her implants, she was discovered to have immense power over biotic

energy, and used the same energy to keep herself alive on the barren planet she was

found on. Likewise, she used it to aid her mental thinking and physical abilities as well.

Because of the speed this unnatural ability gave her, Watcher trained her in his preference

of weapon, the Rapier. She soon became a natural with the weapon, using it in combat

in maximum efficiency.

When she matured, she joined the Flotilla's military and grew in rank to Fleet Commander.

She aids Watcher in most of his operations, and is in-charge of overwatching the Flotilla's


Captain Vanees [Deceased]

Chief Engineer Flaquer [Deceased]

Engineer Sorrai [Deceased]

Military Officer Czec

Sorru Van Ur

Bak Sereen Ai

-Characters, Anti-Flotilla and Neutral-


Arquis Flach










Plasma Greatsword

Toxic Exhausts on Armor

Customized Energy Bow

Electric Whip


Darkonian Knight Armor (Contains Jet Boots)

"The Vision"

Dominium Gauntlets

Rank under faction:

Sworn Enemy of the Flotilla


Once the Prince of the Darkonium, one of the five empires forming the Asaaron Alliance, he led most of the charges against the organic species the Synbios once were. However, during one charge, the homeworld of the ancient Synbios began to collapse on itself, a last-resort defense designed to activate after the refugee ships were launched from the planet.

The Prince was the only survivor, his entire armies decimated as they tried to run from the red-matter explosive. Surviving through sheer bionic power, he increased his mass and density dramatically, gaining control over the black hole that fought against him. Pulling it in and consuming its power, the Prince went mad. As he returned, he slew his father, and declared war on the rest of the Alliance, resulting in the end of the five empires. The only survivor of his race, the Prince rested in cryogenic sleep within the temples of his homeworld, waiting to return when his enemies had disappeared into dust.

Now, he has awakened, and is growing an army to destroy the Flotilla. Taking on the name Arquis, meaning God in his people's language, he is on the hunt for artifacts that may help his quest to once again domineer the universe.


Saren Vau






Mechron Clone




Superhuman Biotics

Cybernetic Implants

Anti-Matter Katana

M-24 Assault Rifle Deluxe

Imperium Gauntlet


Shadowmaster's Armor

Cape of Cthulhu

Robotic Face

Rank under faction:

Grand Master


Saren Vau was cloned in the Reclaimer Experiments, a chain of

operations conducted by the Aconom United Empires' scientific

geniuses. The goal of the Reclaimer Experiments were to find a way

to strengthen the United Empires' military in order to take back

Galactic Alliance lands.

Saren, the first of his ninety nine other clone brethren, was born a year

before any of the others. For a year, he slowly grew insane, isolated

and tested on within the laboratory he was created in.

That is, until the other clones were made. Reasoning with them, he

instigated a rebellion, and they broke free of the facility, killing all of

the faculty members. However, the United Empires struck back.

Being the only survivor, he found himself lost in the Galaxy, only to

be greeted by a strange being. After that, he found his way into the Flux

Cult, and rose in the ranks as the being granted him power. Now, he

is aiming to free his master.












Rail Gun

Anti-matter Knives


Fire Manipulation


B-2 Synbiotic Fighter, Customized.

Rank under faction:

Bounty Hunter

Contract Assassin


Sheila grew as a thug on Vactus Prime, a poor mining

colony set up by the HAA. However, she was soon taken

by the Flux Cult.

Twelve at the time, she awoke strapped in a chair, with

a strange man gazing at her. They forced her to drink something,

and did unspeakable things to her. Although the poison

usually deteriorates the subjects mind, making them easy

to control, Sheila's species had a superior mental fortitude.

The girl found a way to break out, but immediately realized that

she had grown much more powerful, and had aged to adulthood

over-night. With her newfound power, she grew into a fighter,

using her strength to become a hired gun.

Since then, Sheila has been at the large, one of the most

well known assassins and bounty hunters in the universe.

All she cares about is getting one step closer to destroying the

Flux Cult.

-Other Factions-

The Galactic Dominion


Arquis Flach

Type of Government:

Absolute Monarchy

Government Capitol:

The Inquisitoris

Number of Colonies:

4 Galaxies


Lawful Evil


The Galactic Dominion was formed three years before the Signal occured. After

awakening, Arquis visited Melcholite IV, a planet known for its criminal connections.

He quickly overthrew the crime-lords there after a campaign that lasted three months,

establishing Dominion Loyalists in power of the cartels and gangs. Within the first year,

Arquis traveled about the universe, taking control of many powerful criminal organizations.

Next, he began attacking independant colonies and formed relations with certain

multi-galactic companies. That was when the term, the Galactic Dominion, took a

clear place. Arquis quickly began gathering his forces, and went on a campaign going

from the second year to the present. Now, Arquis is still growing.


The Bacta Clan




Type of Government:


Government Capitol:

The Inquisitoris

Number of Colonies:



Neutral Evil


A group of the finest warriors within the Galactic Dominion, the Bacta Clan

are clones of powerful subjects that Arquis captures. Trained heavily, they

easily adapt and have been active for a year. Those who have seen them

only live for the next few seconds before finding themselves another victim.

When they aren't enforcing Arquis' will, the five thousand Bacta Clansmen

are within the Inquisitoris, training and learning further. Most possess biotic

abilities, but they all have unnatural physical capability.

Bacta Clansmen are able to regenerate their wounds in seconds, while

organs or limbs take a minute or so. This doesn't render the Bacta Clansmen

unkillable, however, as a pierce to their brain can kill them.


The Aconom United Empires



President Norm

Type of Government:

Representative Electoral Democracy

Government Capitol:


Number of Colonies:

11 Galaxies


Lawful Neutral


TAU is the remnant of the Galactic Alliance after its massive civil

war. They're hostile to almost every organization not under its flag,

and possess an impressive force of power. They're one of the oldest

universal powers, but have since lost much of their influence.

After the Galactic Alliance Civil War, half of those who remained

became warlords and their own factions separate from TAU. Around

the universe, you can see TAU forces confronting these factions,

which keeps the organization busy and away from the UGF and HAA



The Flux Cult


The High Council

Type of Government:


Government Capitol:

Main Hideout, Poliss Maus Asteroid Belt

Number of Colonies:

5 Hideouts


Chaotic Neutral


The Flux Cult, known to be a safe haven for the insane, bloodthirsty,

and for almost every kind of criminal or murderer, the Flux Cult is

filled with skilled assassins for hire and serial killers alike. The Cult

has been around for five thousand years, and worship the blood god

Khronos and Cthulhu alike.

The Cult is a great hoarder of valuable artifacts regarding their gods,

and are also well known for their sacrificial rituals, strange experiments,

and ties to almost every organization. However, their mostly well known

for their great strings of kidnappings, sometimes taking an entire colony.

No one really knows why, but most assume that they gain new members

that way, through mind control. Others think they sacrifice and experiment

on them, but no one knows for sure.

-Planets, Key Locations-


Vactus Prime -
Although it's a poor mining colony on the far edges of known space, Vactus

Prime has been the searching ground for many scientists, due to strange ruins and creatures

being commonly dug up by miners during their treacherous expeditions. Vactus Prime is

currently endangered, as slavers are targeting the planet's settlements. Any nation who help

are offered the many resources that the companies dig up.


Aeir IV BA - Aeir IV BA, or Baeir IV, is a highly toxic magma planet. The gravity on the planet is

triple that of Earth's, and strange slug-like creatures are commonly found. There are only two

reasons Baeir IV is considered valuable: The planet is strangely large for a rock body, and companies

often buy large patches of rock to establish factories. Secondly, the strange slug-like creatures, dubbed Aeirworms, defecate types of valuable crystals that are often used in fuel or made into jewelry. Because of this, many hunters stalk Baeir IV's lands for the strange swarms of slugs.

-Aliens and Creatures-






Lives up to 130.


The Asar-Corsium are a warrior race who appear to be all females. However, they

reproduce asexually. When an Asar-Corsium reaches thirty five years of age, their

body will enter a filtering cycle, where their near useless womb is cleaned. Then,

their body begins forming a clone of the Asar-Corsium within the womb. The babe is

then released after a year of carrying it, similar to human pregnancy.

Asar-Corsium have been a galactic civilization for around one thousand years. Infighting

pushed their technology three centuries beforehand, due to a massive dystopian aftermath

that followed the nuclear war.

However, when the Asar-Corsium were discovered by slavers, the warrior race killed

the thugs and began rising once again, entering the space age as they built more technology

off of the ships and weaponry they received.

Are they a part of the HAA:

Allied with the HAA








Up to 45


The Volites are an amphibious species, laying their eggs within their water world of Vale.

The eggs grow into tad-pole like organisms after the female Volite lays them, and grow into

adult Volites within three years. When they surface, Volite drones retrieve them to bring them

to the Sky Cities, where the Volites dwell.

Because of the Volites incredible speed, mentally and physically, they never understand the

need to look or record into the past, simply looking forwards with innovation and eagerness.

Although Volites can be hyper, respect and discipline are heavy in Volite culture.

They're some of the nicest sentients in the universe. Vale, their homeworld, is regarded as

one of the most beautiful organic worlds in existence, producing a light glow from all of the

bioluminescence that the many plants and animals of Vale produce.

Are they a part of the HAA:



Last edited by a moderator:
SirFlabberghaspy said:
Species Sheet:


Synbio (Sin-bi-o)

Plural (Sin-bi-ohs)

Possessive (Sin-bi-aw-tic)



These cybernetic beings grow from a minimum of six feet to a maximum of eight feet tall.

Their bodies are colored to resemble their rank or profession in their community, with

young Synbios being completely white to show a lack of duty. Freelancers often have personalized

designs. Synbios are designed to have randomly generated personalities and mindsets, mimicing organic lifeforms. Such as personalities, identification through gender is also randomly generated, with almost all Synbios being identified as male. They possess random voices, but almost all of them are deep in bass and are robotic-esc. Females possess a minor accent, and have the most pleasant sounding voices, without the robotic tone or after-effect. Names are also randomly generated and given.



History: [All currently known to other species]

The Synbios were once a thriving race, owning a good number of planets, along with perfect

unification. Robotics were the main focus of their technology, and peace seemed everlasting.

However, a greedy and corrupt race of reptilians began destroying everything they owned, and

the Synbios were forced to use their massive military to retaliate. They completely annihilated

this race, without having any choice against it.

Because of this, the Synbios were seen as monsters, and a large faction by the name of the Asaaron

Alliance warred with them. Wrongly accused, the Synbios were confused when the first attacks began,

and many died. However, Synbiotic scientists used their advanced Robotic technology to transfer

each survivors mind into a cyborg of sorts, capable of sexual reproduction and emotion.

All previous culture, including their previous names, were lost. They were awakened after a ten thousand year period of

slumber, running on a constant cycle of reusable energy, within cloaked ships that drifted through space. All the Synbios

remembered were the main details, as uploading the entirety of their culture into a device would have taken too much time.

With mixed emotions, they established a government, began constructing more vessels, and looked to once again

expand within the universe. Now, they look on with great distrust of other races, and often keep to themselves. Foreigners are

allowed unto their "Public" vessels, but they cannot become part of the flotilla. Only a select few are truly trusted by the Synbios.


Red = Military

White Stripes = Rank,

More Stripes = Higher Rank

Maximum = General / Admiral, 30 stripes.

Yellow = Business

Green = Diplomat / Organizer

Purple = Engineer / Technician

Silver/Grey = Scientist

Black = Teacher

Blue = Police / Guard

Orange = Disfunctional / Criminal

White = Unemployed / Youngling

Personal Design = Freelancer

Ranks can be changed through coloring

stations throughout Symbiotic ships.


Not Available,

original homeworld destroyed.

Temporary Homeworld:

The Synbiotic Flotilla, around three billion ships. Half military-related, most extremely large. Fighters and frigates not included in the three billion ship-count. (Included it would make up about nine billion)


Faction Sheet:


The Synbiotic Refugee Union



No leader, only military commanders

and heads of different occupations.

Type of Government:

True Democracy, everyone is equal,

and everyone votes on their entire

race's decision through their connected



On their own. Can be persuaded to join one side.

Otherwise, they're officially neutral.

Government Capitol:

The Synbotic Flotilla

Number of Colonies:



Determined, Chaotic Neutral


None, all Atheist


None with other species.

Otherwise, their species'

history is their history.




(Name: Vali ist Sonnar)

(UNIT 1359-2G-35002)





Personified as Male.






Antimatter Rapier, Large



LPEW (Laser Eyes)

AMFG (Laser-firing Gauntlets)

Red Matter Core (Major Self-Destruct)


"The Crown"

Bytanium Armor (First-Class Resistance, Rare)

"The Key"

Rank Under faction:

High Fleet General, Leader of Alien Contact Command (ACC)


Watcher, or UNIT 1359-2G-35002, was constructed two hundred and two

years ago. Randomly personified as a male, he possessed a trait only

he had within his species: The ability to feel hatred.

Possessing such allowed the advanced UNIT to rise in power, and he quickly became the

Fleet's greatest soldier, and one of the High Fleet Generals. When the insectoid sentients,

the Flaair, began attacking the Flotilla, it was Watcher who stopped them by breaching

the ship with his squadron and destroying the Flaair queen. Like-wise, he was also responsible

for completely wiping the once common species from the entirety of the universe. Watcher

also did this with Promethea, tall, human-like and pale-skinned organics, and the Makrah,

a reptilian warrior-race.

Doing whatever it takes to protect his people and their rights, he was recognized as

the leader of the Alien Contract Command at one hundred twenty years of

processing. Since then, he is responsible for destroying five enemy sentients of the Flotilla,

and has pulled them out of two economic disasters through finding riches and

securing trades with other species.


Kelavia Nightingale

"Lady Night"






Half Human

Half Arkonite

(Has Cybernetic Implants)





EAMW (Electromagnetic Arc Melee Weapon) or Arc Rapier

Enhanced Biotic Abilities



Commander's Uniform

"The Compass"

Cybernetic Implants

Rank Under faction:

Fleet Commander


Known as the only organic life-form known to be raised and trusted by the Synbios,

Kel was found by Watcher as a baby after her parents were murdered by slavers. Watcher

took her in, resulting in some tension within the Flotilla. However, most grew attached to

her over time, and Kel was raised as an equal among her Synbiotic brethren.

As a child, she was trained and raised by Watcher, who examined her to find strange

biotic capabilities that rested in her brain. The brain, different from a humans, suggested

she was some kind of half-breed. Her white hair was also unnatural, suggesting she was

a Centurion. However, genetic scans proved otherwise.

Deciding to give her implants, she was discovered to have immense power over biotic

energy, and used the same energy to keep herself alive on the barren planet she was

found on. Likewise, she used it to aid her mental thinking and physical abilities as well.

Because of the speed this unnatural ability gave her, Watcher trained her in his preference

of weapon, the Rapier. She soon became a natural with the weapon, using it in combat

in maximum efficiency.

When she matured, she joined the Flotilla's military and grew in rank to Fleet Commander.

She aids Watcher in most of his operations, and is in-charge of overwatching the Flotilla's


I don't see anything wrong with it. It's fine. Accepted
<b>[/species\]: xenomorph<br /><br />Name: revanents<br />Average Life-span: immortal (do not die by aging.)<br />Appearance:</b> <b>final form/ higher life form</b>:
male and females have pale white skin with glowing red irises. Wings are generally black or red while there is only one known being among their species with black and red mix signifying greater power they also look identical to humans given a past civilization was their host, and was identical to humans. Most high levels stand at 10ft while mid level stand at 7. Low levels stand At 5 ft.<br /><b>Mid life form</b>: branches out determined by pre instructed genome strands.
They all share a resemblence to their lower life form counter parts that being xenomorphice while also appearing human. They will evolve and grow to any situation in time.<br /><b>Lower life form</b>: make up the bulk of the population.
Have insect like wings have mostly mid middle level armour.<br /><b>Attributes: mid to high level life forms have powerful psionic powers/ magice. High life forms have stronger then powers then mid.<br />Personality:</b> low life forms have no will of their own. Mid life forms have general Human like emotions, but generally don't like other races. High level life form tend to be cautious of space fairing races, but will assimilate lesser civilization's.<br /><br /><b>[/Government\]<br /><br />Name:</b> Revanent empire<br /><b>government type</b>: hierarchy<br /><b>Leader(s): </b>(Name of your government's leader(s)): emperor: Tarus<br /><b>Dominant Species: </b>(If your empire is made up of more than one species, which one is more dominant?)higher life forms.<br /><b>Home Planet: </b>(The name and description of your empire's home/capital planet)no home planet yet will be revealed in rp.<br /><b>Religion: </b>(What does the majority of your species believe in?) No religion if anything they worship Tarus<br /><b>Energy Source: </b>(What does your empireuse as energy?) Plasma/ zero point energy ( zero point is only used in large warships or stations. Also capital cities.<br /><b>Galactic Travel: </b>(How does your empire travel through space?) Hyper drive/ advance ships use trans dimensional drives.<br /><b>History: they began as a simple virus till they were altered by a previous advanced race. Mainly re purposed for war they were used against their enemys. On a enemy planet solar radiation along with nuclear radiation altered their chemical makeup causing the first host to mutate into a lower life form. Over the course of a few weeks it began to infect other host as well as the native species into more while also consuming bio mass. After a few more weeks it evolved to a higher life form assuming control over the others. Once the previous race saw the danger they tried to eradicate them, but it was to late they slowly began consuming whole worlds. As a final act they lured the leader of the disease they created into a trap sealing it in a sphere made of their strongest metal as a wwell as a powerful psionic field barrier. After its capture they new they had to stop the spread so they detonated powerful psionicly aided plasma bombs which obliterated several planets. In doing so they also caused two stars to supernova creating what is commonly called amongst the new civilization's their the dread nebula. The leader Tarus was to forever be imprisoned till thousands of years later his prison is hit by a solar flair causing electronics to fail. His ship will crash on a remote planet thus beginning a new era in their history. <br />Goal:</b> (What is the end goal that your empire strives for?) Their goal is simply survival. However some will desire domination others peace.<br /><br /><b>[/Main Character(s)\]<br /><br />Name: </b>(The name of your main character) Tarus<br /><b>Age: </b>(The age of your main character)several thousand years old.<br /><b>Species: </b>(What species is your maincharacter?)xenomorphice<br /><b>Appearance:
Wings are Black flacked with red on the tips of the feathers.</b><br />Equipment: (Anything of importance that your character keeps on them. This includes weapons.) Wears heavy armour along with a short blade.<br /><b>Personality: </b>(How does your character act/think?) He is calm and collected mostly. In dire situations he can become feral succumbing to his baser instincts. Mostly will do what he has to for himself, and his people. Has a sense of honor given memories he retains from his first and final host. History:(What has your character been through?)He survived all of his people's wars. Being from the beginning he saw it all, and will never forget it.
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]<b>[/species\]: xenomorph<br /><br />Name: revanents<br />Average Life-span: immortal (do not die by aging.)<br />Appearance:</b> <b>final form/ higher life form</b>:
male and females have pale white skin with glowing red irises. Wings are generally black or red while there is only one known being among their species with black and red mix signifying greater power they also look identical to humans given a past civilization was their host, and was identical to humans. Most high levels stand at 10ft while mid level stand at 7. Low levels stand At 5 ft.<br /><b>Mid life form</b>: branches out determined by pre instructed genome strands.
They all share a resemblence to their lower life form counter parts that being xenomorphice while also appearing human. They will evolve and grow to any situation in time.<br /><b>Lower life form</b>: make up the bulk of the population.
Have insect like wings have mostly mid middle level armour.<br /><b>Attributes: mid to high level life forms have powerful psionic powers/ magice. High life forms have stronger then powers then mid.<br />Personality:</b> low life forms have no will of their own. Mid life forms have general Human like emotions, but generally don't like other races. High level life form tend to be cautious of space fairing races, but will assimilate lesser civilization's.<br /><br /><b>[/Government\]<br /><br />Name:</b> Revanent empire<br /><b>government type</b>: hierarchy<br /><b>Leader(s): </b>(Name of your government's leader(s)): emperor: Tarus<br /><b>Dominant Species: </b>(If your empire is made up of more than one species, which one is more dominant?)higher life forms.<br /><b>Home Planet: </b>(The name and description of your empire's home/capital planet)no home planet yet will be revealed in rp.<br /><b>Religion: </b>(What does the majority of your species believe in?) No religion if anything they worship Tarus<br /><b>Energy Source: </b>(What does your empireuse as energy?) Plasma/ zero point energy ( zero point is only used in large warships or stations. Also capital cities.<br /><b>Galactic Travel: </b>(How does your empire travel through space?) Hyper drive/ advance ships use trans dimensional drives.<br /><b>History: they began as a simple virus till they were altered by a previous advanced race. Mainly re purposed for war they were used against their enemys. On a enemy planet solar radiation along with nuclear radiation altered their chemical makeup causing the first host to mutate into a lower life form. Over the course of a few weeks it began to infect other host as well as the native species into more while also consuming bio mass. After a few more weeks it evolved to a higher life form assuming control over the others. Once the previous race saw the danger they tried to eradicate them, but it was to late they slowly began consuming whole worlds. As a final act they lured the leader of the disease they created into a trap sealing it in a sphere made of their strongest metal as a wwell as a powerful psionic field barrier. After its capture they new they had to stop the spread so they detonated powerful psionicly aided plasma bombs which obliterated several planets. In doing so they also caused two stars to supernova creating what is commonly called amongst the new civilization's their the dread nebula. The leader Tarus was to forever be imprisoned till thousands of years later his prison is hit by a solar flair causing electronics to fail. His ship will crash on a remote planet thus beginning a new era in their history. <br />Goal:</b> (What is the end goal that your empire strives for?) Their goal is simply survival. However some will desire domination others peace.<br /><br /><b>[/Main Character(s)\]<br /><br />Name: </b>(The name of your main character) Tarus<br /><b>Age: </b>(The age of your main character)several thousand years old.<br /><b>Species: </b>(What species is your maincharacter?)xenomorphice<br /><b>Appearance:
Wings are Black flacked with red on the tips of the feathers.</b><br />Equipment: (Anything of importance that your character keeps on them. This includes weapons.) Wears heavy armour along with a short blade.<br /><b>Personality: </b>(How does your character act/think?) He is calm and collected mostly. In dire situations he can become feral succumbing to his baser instincts. Mostly will do what he has to for himself, and his people. Has a sense of honor given memories he retains from his first and final host. History:(What has your character been through?)He survived all of his people's wars. Being from the beginning he saw it all, and will never forget it.

Of course u r accepted.

thou shall begin posting when ready


Jacob Angelus










Heavy Assault Rifle MR-71 multi purpose

M9 Piercing Laser

M3 Ball Grenade



Life Support Sustainer

Rank under faction:

Grand General


He was once serving the NSA starting with Lieutenant and working under the command of Major Douglas Grant (Who is now the main leader of NSA). He was reccomended to Captain by Major grant and General Warhurst, the commander of NSA accepts Douglas Grant proposal and promote Jacob Angelus as a captain because of outstanding strategy and military prowessness.

His grand debut began when Terran Empire start to opress NSA and ITG as they seek to defend each other while trying to maintain communication with UGF. However Terran Empire allied with Viron which was classified as HAA but the Viron aliens got their own feud as well with each other Virons as Angelus investigates that Virons are separated into clans after he rescues a Vi'cath of another clan, Drahk'Mar.

Angelus decided to help the Viron clan that was opressed by Terran Empire and also killing the Vi'cath (Leader of the clan) who allies with Terran Empire. However he discovered a legendary Battlecruiser called CSS Astrid and General Warhurst make a treachery by deeming Angelus as a traitor however he was killed when trying to flee into Imperial Army.

After Morningstar Prime have been evacuated temporarily the remaining NSA soldiers who remain on Morningstar Prime continue fought ferociously until Imperial Army surrendered to NSA after hearing the Viron that was allied with NSA destroys the capital and the Emperor Augusto is slain as the head was presented to the Hero of Morningstar Prime, Jacob Angelus.

This days, NSA are still remain as a superior Alliances and the technology are kept advancing after the war with the Terran Empire. He was elected as a Grand general while Douglas was elected as a leader of NSA after Warhurst has been slain due to plot to defect into Terran Empire and throwing away every prideinclude abandoning people of Morningstar Prime.

Currently the relationship between Drahk'Mar and Angelus remain good as the intention was to keep the relationship on the bay but they vow to each other that they will help each other when one of the faction is in trouble.

Species Sheet:




It is basically same as human but they are more quick adapt to any fields that having oxygen in less than 30% from common human usages.

Lifespan(Eternal is allowed):

Estimated to 400 years


Legian is basically human that was evolved due to environment that requires them to evolve at certain planets in several centuries ago. They adapt and able to survive through the environment that even has less oxygen but the Legian manages to survived and with supporting technologies they can survive up to 400 years, depends on the planet they are living in.

Are they a part of the HAA:


Nova Legia Galaxy

Faction Sheet:



NSA (Northern Star Alliances)


Douglas Grant

Type of Government:


Government Capitol:

New Darwin, Morningstar Prime Planet

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.):

15 Galaxies especially on the North area 25 trillion years from Milky Way Galaxy


Basically neutral but can allies or enemies as long as NSA and IGT are agreeing but the morale remain very high as they kept the security of each galaxy and each planet well-secured.


NSA was constructed based on the colonies that are willing to support each other until the influence was increased to fifteen galaxies that are willing to join the Alliances. General Warhurst decided to construct a new alliances in order to maintain communication with other planets that lies on their influences, thus NSA was born.

During NSA Alliances Campaign, the Imperial Army known as Terran Empire invade NSA in attempt to expand the territory however Warhurst himself also plan to defect to the Empire but sniffed out by the loyalists of NSA such as Jacob Angelus and Douglas Grant. Jacob was on duty with Viron in order to find Krig fuel that sustain the life of the Virons and Warhurst plot him to defect against NSA but in result Jacob's influence increases because of his willing to protect the Morningstar Prime without any payment.

In result of it, NSA defeats Warhurst before he reaches Imperial Army and the Terran Empire make a full scale withdraw after a Special Operations led by Azulia Rho assassinated the Emperor Augusto on Terran Capital.

List of NSA Arsenal:

NSA Soldier along with their Assault APC T-4


These are the standard unit of NSA Soldiers but with powerful APC that was equipped with flamethrower.

NSA Soldier have a grenade launcher that have a features to lock on to the target for all types of vehicle.

Helidyne VTOL S-22


Very effective against armor and aircraft especially each other VTOL, has a stealth detect abilities and can attach with Vertigo Striker Fighter.

Enable to run stealth mode but unable to fire if enters stealth mode.

Ravaeger Terradyne M-2 Destroyer


The most powerful tank in the universe for the defenses, it has slow mobility but the defense and offenses are extremely high with dual cannon as the main weapon.

When it deployed the tank becomes immobile however the tank becomes invulnerable from any projectile weapon until 90mm tungsten if the enemy attacks the front of the tanks while providing shield to nearby allies as the side of tank opens to enable infatries or vehicle to receive additional cover and defenses but becomes weaker on the rear and back.

TX-7 AO (Anti Orbital) Cannon


The most lethal defense weapon, it has two types of weapon. First as a shield buster to drop any kind of ship shields especially from Frigate class to Mothership Class size ship. The second is a High Velocity cannon which enough to blast the hull of the ship.

SR-17 Artillery Tank


The Artillery can be fired while mobile but it will fire three times faster when immobile. Despite the little slow mobility compared to the fast round artillery but it has capable to breaking and suppressing the enemy battle lines.

TX-6 Pelican Dropship Support

Dropship with the escort of Helidyne


The dropship can be used to drop infantries, tanks, supplies and others but also able to be used as gunship support on the ground combat and can load up one superheavy tank. The dropship also can fight aerial units with ease.

Rocket Terradyne K-3 Defender


While the offenses functions as the anti-air unit, for the defenses it deploy a large range of shields that will prevent any rockets and artillery barrage coming to all units that was inside the range of rocket terradyne defenses.


CSS Cruiser Class


Vertigo Striker Fighter S-1


It can turn stealth mode and can track any stealthed units as long as the Helidyne was attached to the fighter, it has very high mobile and when on planet it can turns to a lethal bomber or aerial fighter.

Firehawk V-22 Combat


Unlike Vertigo fighter, Firehawk has an ability to make a stratoboost that can outrun any fighters in the space and air fight while also having a capability to bombs ground units.

Kodiak Class Frigate


NSA Mothership


And many more arsenals
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Ramero said:

(Major Work In Progress)


Jacob Angelus










Rank under faction:

Grand General


He was once serving the NSA starting with Lieutenant and working under the command of Major Douglas Grant (Who is now the main leader of NSA). He was reccomended to Captain by Major grant and General Warhurst, the commander of NSA accepts Douglas Grant proposal and promote Jacob Angelus as a captain because of outstanding strategy and military prowessness.

His grand debut began when Terran Empire start to opress NSA and ITG as they seek to defend each other while trying to maintain communication with UGF. However Terran Empire allied with Viron which was classified as HAA but the Viron aliens got their own feud as well with each other Virons as Angelus investigates that Virons are separated into clans after he rescues a Vi'cath of another clan, Drahk'Mar.

Angelus decided to help the Viron clan that was opressed by Terran Empire and also killing the Vi'cath (Leader of the clan) who allies with Terran Empire. However he discovered a legendary Battlecruiser called CSS Astrid and General Warhurst make a treachery by deeming Angelus as a traitor however he was killed when trying to flee into Imperial Army.

After Morningstar Prime have been evacuated temporarily the remaining NSA soldiers who remain on Morningstar Prime continue fought ferociously until Imperial Army surrendered to NSA after hearing the Viron that was allied with NSA destroys the capital and the Emperor Augusto is slain as the head was presented to the Hero of Morningstar Prime, Jacob Angelus.

This days, NSA are still remain as a superior Alliances and the technology are kept advancing after the war with the Terran Empire. He was elected as a Grand general while Douglas was elected as a leader of NSA after Warhurst has been slain due to plot to defect into Terran Empire and throwing away every prideinclude abandoning people of Morningstar Prime.

Currently the relationship between Drahk'Mar and Angelus remain good as the intention was to keep the relationship on the bay but they vow to each other that they will help each other when one of the faction is in trouble.

Species Sheet:




Lifespan(Eternal is allowed):

Estimated to 400 years


Are they a part of the HAA:


Nova Legia Galaxy

Faction Sheet:


NSA (Northern Star Alliances)


Douglas Grant

Type of Government:


Government Capitol:

New Darwin, Morningstar Prime Planet

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.):

15 Galaxies especially on the North area of Milky Way Galaxy



Accepted. Just make sure to complete it.

You can start posting whenever you are ready. And just remember that the HAA is mostly a human dominant organization. But there are other factions that have become a part of the alliance with the humans.
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Name: Dante Kulji

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/2015-07-05-13-39-20.jpg.b06b8d7ccd067bdcba89a2eaa29a0582.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60363" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/2015-07-05-13-39-20.jpg.b06b8d7ccd067bdcba89a2eaa29a0582.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapons: Duel wield pistols. Small dagger. Grenade strapped to belt.

Items: Wrist device allowing a temporary invisibility cloak.

Rank under faction: Ex Soldier. Bounty Hunter/ Treasure Hunter

Bio: Dante once served as a soldier in the HAA army. Throughout that time, he started illegal gambling within the army force. He had earned a lot of money hence because of his skills of charisma and charm. If there's one thing he's addicted to, it's testing his luck, especially when gambling. Everything went well until his illegal gambling operation was discovered by a higher up. The higher up made a report and Dante was ultimately dismissed from his duties as a soldier. He now flies around, planet to planet hunting down criminals for their bounty prices. And with spare time, he'd spend it on gambling. He has a pet baby bird that follows him in his pocket, this bird Dante has come to adore and look after.

Species Sheet:

Name: Human

Appearance: Humanoid bodies. Human.

Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): Average of 80 - 90 years.

History: Wikipedia of Human History.

Are they a part of the HAA: (If not then just ignore): Most humans part of HAA

Homeworld: Earth

Faction Sheet:

Name: Dante's Gambling House

Leader: Dante Kulji

Type of Government: Not really governmental

Government Capitol: A space casino at Earth's orbit.

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.): No colonies

Morality: Neutral

History: Dante started a gambling place which turned into a casino, though not popular, he makes some profit.



  • 2015-07-05-13-39-20.jpg
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HelloSushimi said:
Name: Dante Kulji

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: View attachment 138785

Weapons: Duel wield pistols. Small dagger. Grenade strapped to belt.

Items: Wrist device allowing a temporary invisibility cloak.

Rank under faction: Ex Soldier. Bounty Hunter/ Treasure Hunter

Bio: Dante once served as a soldier in the HAA army. Throughout that time, he started illegal gambling within the army force. He had earned a lot of money hence because of his skills of charisma and charm. If there's one thing he's addicted to, it's testing his luck, especially when gambling. Everything went well until his illegal gambling operation was discovered by a higher up. The higher up made a report and Dante was ultimately dismissed from his duties as a soldier. He now flies around, planet to planet hunting down criminals for their bounty prices. And with spare time, he'd spend it on gambling. He has a pet baby bird that follows him in his pocket, this bird Dante has come to adore and look after.

Species Sheet:

Name: Human

Appearance: Humanoid bodies. Human.

Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): Average of 80 - 90 years.

History: Wikipedia of Human History.

Are they a part of the HAA: (If not then just ignore): Most humans part of HAA

Homeworld: Earth

Faction Sheet:

Name: Dante's Gambling House

Leader: Dante Kulji

Type of Government: Not really governmental

Government Capitol: A space casino at Earth's orbit.

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.): No colonies

Morality: Neutral

History: Dante started a gambling place which turned into a casino, though not popular, he makes some profit.
accepted you can start posting when you are ready

RP has begun. You can all start Posting! :)

  • CS:

    Name: Emr'dinact Sy'chek

    Age: 475

    Gender: Male

    Species: Hubrazian


    Appearance: Your standard Hubrazian, stands around 7'4". Only discernable feature is a large scar running from just above his left eyebrow and down till the left corner of his mouth. Other than this, he looks identical to every other Hubrazian.

    Weapons: Standard issue High-Energy Plasma Battlerifle, Heavy Combat Sidearm, Plasma omni-blade, various explosives.




    Items: Standard Issue ARES-V Armor , various health objects, ammunition for weapons, and various trinkets and personal effects.

    Rank under faction: Thryces-Resq [Field Marshall]

    Bio: Emr'dinact was born in the year 4770, on one of many planets in what was then the outer rim of Hubrazian space. His history is, as far as Hubrazians go, pretty standard. He entered the military academy at a young age, graduated with high marks in the top five of his class, was conscripted into the military immediately after graduating, saw many fields of combat, and swiftly promoted up the ranks. He is currently a Field Marshall, leading a large fleet of Expeditionary/Invasionary [two-sides of the same coin for the Hubrazians] ships and men.

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Dys said:

  • CS:

    Name: Emr'dinact Sy'chek

    Age: 475

    Gender: Male

    Species: Hubrazian

    Appearance: Your standard Hubrazian, stands around 7'4". Only discernable feature is a large scar running from just above his left eyebrow and down till the left corner of his mouth. Other than this, he looks identical to every other Hubrazian.

    Weapons: Standard issue High-Energy Plasma Battlerifle, Heavy Combat Sidearm, Combat knife, various explosives.

    Items: Standard Issue TITAN-V Armor [Hubrazian Armed Forces Regular], various health objects, ammunition for weapons, and various trinkets and personal effects.

    Rank under faction: Thryces [Field Marshall]

    Bio: Emr'dinact was born in the year 4770, on one of many planets in what was then the outer rim of Hubrazian space. His history is, as far as Hubrazians go, pretty standard. He entered the military academy at a young age, graduated with high marks in the top five of his class, was conscripted into the military immediately after graduating, saw many fields of combat, and swiftly promoted up the ranks. He is currently a Field Marshall, leading a large fleet of Expeditionary/Invasionary [two-sides of the same coin for the Hubrazians] ships and men.

Accepted. The boss fight already began but you can still participate in it
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_mvz5qwgLHy1qcu3vno1_500.gif.1d2a63a0ab60f406bbfd0f80a9cf376f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_mvz5qwgLHy1qcu3vno1_500.gif.1d2a63a0ab60f406bbfd0f80a9cf376f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tania Crowe

"The Nova"









Tania's trusty and only weapon is her customized rifle "Aurora".



Phone, Aurora, N16 armor, Heat sensing glasses and last but not least her customized Boots of Travel.


N16 armor: Bullet proof, the N16 alows Tania to gain elusiveness in battle or chases. The unique ability about this armor is that it melds with the enviroment around to render Tania invisible.

Aurora: A unique self-customized Rifle, that contain many tricks under its sleeve. Frow a round of explosive bullets to a net. Equipped with a highly accurate laser, Tania would never miss using Aurora.

Boots of Travel: These boots slightly lower the gravity under Tania's feet, making her lighter and more agile. It is able to levitate but not more than 2 feet high.


Rank under faction:

The Leader of Terra


Tania grew as an orphan, the death of her parents and the cruelty of the orphanage were all combined to make an almost invincible young woman. At an old age, Tania had a passion for the fire range. She would always listen about a unique one of a kind Rifle and armor, her desire to wield them was more than actually staying alive. On a tour in the facility that created these two supplies, she met the son of the founder of this place. Taking advantage of him she was atlast able to get intouch with her dream. N16 and Aurora were now hers, leading a minor rebellion with her leadership skills and her femininity at the same time, a new faction rose "Terra".


Species Sheet:


Humans and Elves


Humans: Normal.

Elves: (Females):




(Humans):Up to a hundred years.

(Elves): Up to four hundred years.

History: N/A

Are they a part of the HAA:

Not a part of the HAA.


The Petra


Faction Sheet:




The Nova.

Type of Government:


Government Capitol:

The Fluttering Amethyst.

Number of Colonies:

The One and only Terra.




a minor rebellion lead by Tania Crowe about Elves amd Humans living together was twisted to created an actual faction known as Terra where Elves and Humans lived together successfully. No need for conquering Tania has kept her HomeWorld safe for years, and she will as long as air enters her lungs. Terra's millitary is based on combat-mages, where warriors use weapons with a side of either psionic powers or the use of elements. Their armies are feared, but truly fragile.



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steevenajj said:

View attachment 142026

Tania Crowe

"The Nova"









Tania's trusty and only weapon is her customized rifle "Aurora".



Phone, Aurora, N16 armor, Heat sensing glasses and last but not least her customized Boots of Travel.


N16 armor: Bullet proof, the N16 alows Tania to gain elusiveness in battle or chases. The unique ability about this armor is that it melds with the enviroment around to render Tania invisible.

Aurora: A unique self-customized Rifle, that contain many tricks under its sleeve. Frow a round of explosive bullets to a net. Equipped with a highly accurate laser, Tania would never miss using Aurora.

Boots of Travel: These boots slightly lower the gravity under Tania's feet, making her lighter and more agile. It is able to levitate but not more than 2 feet high.


Rank under faction:

The Leader of Terra


Tania grew as an orphan, the death of her parents and the cruelty of the orphanage were all combined to make an almost invincible young woman. At an old age, Tania had a passion for the fire range. She would always listen about a unique one of a kind Rifle and armor, her desire to wield them was more than actually staying alive. On a tour in the facility that created these two supplies, she met the son of the founder of this place. Taking advantage of him she was atlast able to get intouch with her dream. N16 and Aurora were now hers, leading a minor rebellion with her leadership skills and her femininity at the same time, a new faction rose "Terra".


Species Sheet:


Humans and Elves


Humans: Normal.

Elves: (Females):



(Humans):Up to a hundred years.

(Elves): Up to four hundred years.

History: N/A

Are they a part of the HAA:

Not a part of the HAA.


The Petra


Faction Sheet:




The Nova.

Type of Government:


Government Capitol:

The Fluttering Amethyst.

Number of Colonies:

The One and only Terra.




a minor rebellion lead by Tania Crowe about Elves amd Humans living together was twisted to created an actual faction known as Terra where Elves and Humans lived together successfully. No need for conquering Tania has kept her HomeWorld safe for years, and she will as long as air enters her lungs. Terra's millitary is based on combat-mages, where warriors use weapons with a side of either psionic powers or the use of elements. Their armies are feared, but truly fragile.



Name: Cato Andromache Belisarias

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Livoniianoi


In terms of facial features, as shown above.

Cato generally dresses in functional, yet ornate (as is custom) dress as befitting his station as a squad leader. Despite his royal status and high importance to the nation, he shows little signs that he is of royal blood in his appearance or mannerisms.

Physically, Cato is similar to other Livoniianoi in that he is of slight build, with striking bright eyes, almost albino skin tone, and pale colored hair.


- Mononuclear vibroblade: A masterfully crafted weapon, this wicked blade cuts through, well, just about anything, except the very hardest of substances.

- Duelist's Pistol: A matching pistol for the blade, this is a parrying dagger with a beam pistol built in, allowing for parries while able to fire at the same time.



- ELX-004s "Klibanophoros Kataphraktoi", Strategos Model: As befitting the Livonian penchant towards light, agile methods of combat, the KKSM stands at about 16 feet tall, and is optimized for operations within land and space-based environments. Its primary armaments consist of javelin-like anti-ship missiles that may be fired at large targets to destroy them, much in the same way as a bomber, and a solidly-built lance with a built-in beam rifle inside of it. In addition, this specific model was designed for use by the squad leader, and is equipped with higher grade performance parts, making an already fast machine even faster.

Cato owns a wide variety of outfits, and presumably shuttles to get him where he needs to go at a moment's notice, and probably has enough money to cover most major costs that might crop up.

Rank under faction:

- Political: Heir to the throne of Livonia

- Military: Strategos (Squad Comander)


Cato's birth was always one of strange happenstance. Born to a mistress of Theophilus IX Belisarias, current Emperor of Livonia, the mistress was taken after the death of his wife after birthing the eldest son of the Emperor, Nikaephoros Belisarias. Due to being a bastard child born out of wedlock, it was doubted that he would amount to anything, and he was sent to multiple tutors to become a future advisor or asset to the throne. As time wore on, however, it became clear that Nikaephoros was shaping up to be a thoroughly unsuitable candidate for the throne, being deeply arrogant, selfish, and greedy. As if by contrast, Cato was shaping up to be a quiet, yet determined young man, going through each task given to him by his tutors without complaint, no matter how hard or strenuous it might've been. On the eve of his 17th birthday, and after a particularly disastrous party held by Nikaephoros, Cato was declared the official heir to the throne, breaking a tradition of the eldest born being the heir that had stretched back to the time of Belisarion himself.

Dangers abound for this young man, for many want him dead.

Species Sheet:

Name: Livoniianoi (Commonly referred to as Livonian)




(All art owned by respective people, I make no claim of having made it myself, nor will I.)

Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): Slightly longer than usual human lifespan due to higher quality of life, oldest recorded has been 134 years old.

Characteristics: Livoniianoi are largely similar to humanity, and some say that their genetic code is a "perfected" form of it. Smaller and slighter of build than regular humans, the Livoniianoi are generally considered frailer in physical contests, although this is not entirely true, as they can be as strong as a regular human if they work towards it. Their skin is an unearthly pale milky white, their eyes are without fail bright, vibrant colors such as blue, yellow, green, or purple, and their hair is similarly almost always a shade near white.


The history of Livonia is long indeed, stretching back over thousands of years to the present. Although many within the universe lay claim that the UGF is the oldest empire, stretching back who knows how long, one could claim that the Livonians have a solid claim upon that title as well. At first starting as a culture amongst many on their planet, they rose to prominence by effectively dominating every other culture on the face of the globe through a combined use of arms, religion, and trade. Reaching their grasp into the stars was obviously the next step, as they established colonies throughout the solar system, and started stretching beyond.

During this time, they encountered the UGF, and at first had a cordial relationship as trading partners, but things began to sour as clashes for territory at their borders and disputes over resources drove the two nations into a bloody and lengthy war that ended in a costly peace treaty, reducing Livonia to a rump state, which it has remained as for the last few hundred years, the heavily fortified fortress system of the Livonian homeland ensuring that if any foes did come to take their land, they would certainly come up with a massive fight.

Due to many Livonian territories having been integrated during these wars by the UGF, there is a sizable population living in those areas, who may clamor for reunion with their home state.

It is rumored that Livonians are an off-shoot of Humanity, taken from Earth at an indeterminate time far in the past. The only link to this is the fact that humans may breed with Livoniianoi, although the offspring will not inherit any of the human part of the pair's traits that determine ethnicity, and instead will be Livoniianoi.

Are they a part of the HAA: No.

Homeworld: Livonia

Faction Sheet:


Name: Ieras Basileou Ton Livoniion (The Holy Livonian Empire

Leader: Basileus Theophilus IX Belisarias, 93 years old.

Type of Government: Absolute Theocratic Monarchy - The state rules with a divine mandate handed down from a supreme god. This supreme god grants temporal power to the Emperor, and grants spiritual power to the Patriarch, the leader of the Pharistite church. Thus, the Patriarch can overrule bad rulings by the king by simply telling the populace that it is immoral and wrong. A large system of bureaucracy governs many parts of the government, since it is functionally impossible for one man, no matter how smart, to rule every aspect of a planet-spanning empire by themselves.

The government is preparing for a civil war once the elderly and sickly current emperor dies. The vast majority of the bureaucracy, favoring tradition, supports Nikaephoros for the throne, while the military and the church have yet to take any sides on the matter.

Government Capitol: Theoleptopoulis. One third holy city, one third fortress city, and one third capital city. Theoleptopoulis is massive, in every definition of the word, spanning not only wide, but also tall as well.

Number of Colonies: 4. Livonia is much reduced in stature from its glory days.



Pharistism is a greater name for the monotheistic religion that the Holy Livonian Empire follows, with its own internal divisions and so on and so forth. Pharistism and the Empire came about at about the same time: The unity and peace promised by Pharistos, the main prophet, allowed the shifting of the original Livonian city states and villages into one solid governmental unity.

This unity would last for an incredible amount of years, almost 800, before divisions and cracks, caused by arguments of doctrine and scripture, began eating away at the togetherness of the church.

As it stands, pure Pharistism is rarely, if ever, practiced anymore, due to the division of the church into two separate parts, Monopharistism and Duopharistism. What started as an argument about the divine nature of Pharistos ended up splitting Pharistism greatly between two separate lines.

At its heart, both Pharistite sects worship the same general deity, Theos, an all-powerful and notably female being who appeared and spoke to Pharistos atop a mountain near his home of Protheoka, later to become Theoleptopoulis. Theos is notable amongst early deities in that shee espoused peace, trade, and serenity, and forgiveness over war-like tendencies and hatred of the infidel. It is also notable for having no creation myth associated with it.

Similarly odd is the tradition amongst both sects of Science complimenting Religion. Both the Monopharistite and the Duopharistite church greatly support knowledge and learning of all kinds, and central to the belief structure is that to understand the world around them, and everything in it, is to understand Theos. Unsurprisingly, this results in some of the most fervent believers in Pharistism being scientists.


Monopharistism is the dominant religious orientation of Livonia, and the one most commonly practiced ever since the divisive Ecclesiastical Wars of the 1300's. The central belief of Monopharistism, separating it from Duopharistism, holds that Pharistos was born as one with Theos, and spoke with his same voice, therefore, Theos and Pharistos are one and the same. This meant that the words of Pharistos are to be held over all other prophets or other such speakers, resulting in a solid base of doctrine to fall back upon in questions of faith.

Later, the differences between Duopharistism and Monopharistism became more and more pronounced, as Monopharistism began to adopt far more of the ideas of peace and prosperity that the original scriptures taught. Adopting an extremely firm rule on no Holy War (a decision that some think may have cost the Empire a great deal of land in the long run), Monopharistism remained a monastic, mystic, and deeply spiritual faith, with more connection to the divine than to earthly matters. It remains as such to this day.


Duopharistism formed approximately in 1550 BCE, as a response to increasing aggressiveness to tribes near the Livonian people. Starting off mostly as a difference of issues stemming from one particular heretic, named Arius, Duopharistism held that Pharistos was but a man that had heard Theos' message, yes, but he was not one and the same with him. Starting from this difference, Duopharistism adopted a more militant stance than Monopharistism.

As a result, Duopharistism gained great acceptance amongst soldiers of the Empire, until in the 14th century, the Ecclesiastical Wars were fought, finally favoring Monopharistism. Duopharistism favors aggressive expansion of the faith by the sword, and favors holy wars in matters of defense, such as if an invading heathen army attempts to invade Livonia. Duopharistism is very much in the minority nowadays, however, due to a lack of threats to the Empire as of late, and some say it has been completely eradicated over time.


~5200 BLE: The indigenous groups who are to become the Livonii settle in the L8 and L6 regions of the map, learning agriculture amongst the relatively fertile river valleys of that region. They master the arts of working metals such as copper, and develop into small, proto-citystates.

~ 5000 BLE: The Livoniianoi fall under influence of larger trade cities outside of their valley. These trade cities end up under the Empire.

4249 BLE (According to Scripture): Pharistos is born in the village of Protheoka. At this point, the Livoniianoi are merely shamanistic nature worshippers. Belisarion, the son of the Tyrant of Protheoka, inherits leadership at the age of 15 after a strange hunting accident that his father was involved in.

4221 BLE (According to Scripture): Pharistos has his first vision of Theos, and delivers the news to the village. The village is skeptical at first, but a rock explodes when Pharistos touches it with his staff, claiming it is a miracle. The village is whipped into a religious frenzy, and it takes several days to cool tempers. At the end of the days, Belisarion is declared as the Defender of the Faith, and is tasked with bringing the other Livoniianoi under the watchful arms of Theos by Pharistos.

~ 4200 BLE: The Livoniianoi are united under one banner, the Pharistite Cross, crowning Belisarion I as the Basileus, or Emperor, of the Livoniianoi. Technically the beginning of the Holy Livonian Empire, but the state itself remained insular and isolated, accomplishing little and instead working on the daily toil of their lives.

~ 3000 BLE: Beginning of the Classical Age of Livonia. A great bumper crop allows the Livonian population to expand greatly around this time period. Basileus Theoleptos VI Lascaris, known as The Builder, constructs Theoleptopoulis ontop of the site of Protheoka with various innovative building methods and eager, zealous citizens, also creating the Ekklesia Sacri Karidi, or, the Church of the Sacred Heart. An extremely advanced structure for its time, it is to be revised at least 5 more times until its current shape. The remains of Belisarion I are taken from the first church built, and are transported to the Ekklesia Sacri Karidi, where they are placed in repose along with 12 empty coffins, for worthy emperors of the Livonians to be buried in. The Apraneechy culture begins making contact across what the Livonians call Marou e Centraleia, and are at first awed by the Livonian technological advancements. Their awe will transfer into Cerberus unwittingly following similar paths in their own society.

~2500 BLE: The Great Expansion, and the beginning of Duopharistism. Livonians, running out of room to live, begin expanding to the south and to the west, quickly overrunning just about every tribe or nation in their path, slaughtering many and pushing their religion and culture on those left behind. The first beginnings of a true Empire. By the end of 2000 BCE, Livonia controls the northern coast of Libera, and is expanding rapidly to the south.

~ 1500 BLE: Livonia controls the entirety of their continent, subjugating numerous tribes under their grasp, and holding it all together through a brilliant combination of faith, good leadership, technology, and military excellence. Nikaephoros XI Lascaris, the last of the Lascari Dynasty, known as "The Just", pushes forth a fully written down legal code adopted from the former orally known code and greatly simplified. This Livonian Code becomes the basis for numerous countries' legal systems hence, on the planet where they lived.

~ 1000 BLE: Livonia comes into contact with the Rheindall Empire and engages in various trade treaties. This lays the groundwork for one of the greatest friendships of the Classical Era, between the two nations. The Agapimenou Dynasty comes into power at approximately this time, after a long series of military-supported governments. Tension between the Monopharistite and Duopharistite schisms increases.

~ 500 BLE: Time of Troubles. A variety of poor emperors and failing bureaucratic systems results in a reduction of borders due to rebellion. Duopharistism becomes more of a problem during this point in time, and many rebellions are due to persecution of the heretical belief. Storm clouds on Livonia's horizons almost certainly mean storms will be hitting other lands as well, however.....

102 LE: "Fall" of Rheindall. Livonia is shrunk greatly by tribal and heretical revolts as well, back to their core areas surrounding the northern coast of Libera. Barbarians begin to invade from the south as well, but they are mostly diverted to the plains with bribes and diplomacy in order to ensure the survival of the Empire. It works, but at the cost of defaming the Empire to the remaining cities on the plains as well.

542 LE: Konstantin XII Agapimenous, also known as the Builder, begins work on a grand project. He constructs a massive amount of walls surrounding Theoleptopoulis in order to ensure the city remains safe. The light of civilization, crushed underneath the boots of barbarians and invaders, still shines brightly in Livonia, although the glories of the Empire are not quite as great. The Dark Ages (To the Livonii, at least) begin.

784 LE: Neptos II Agapimenous, known as The Pious, in a fit of zealousness, begins a crusade against holy images and works of art within the Church, believing that the focus of Pharistism should be upon Theos, and not upon images of saints, Pharistos, or attempts to create images of Theos. This heresy goes on for approximately the next 450 years, and results in much Classical Era artwork being irrevocably destroyed. However insensitive the Iconoclastic Emperors of the Agapimenou Dynasty may have been, they were effective generals, and reclaimed much territory in Libera.

1224 LE: The last Agapimenou Emperor dies, leaving the throne to a family line tracing direct descendance from Belisarion, the Belisarias Family. Iconoclasm similarly ends.

1300 LE: The Ecclesiastical War. Duopharistite rebels, finally tired of subjugation and second class citizenry, rise up en masse under the charismatic leadership of Andronikos Doukas, a rabble-rousing priest that turned out to be an exceedingly effective general. For the next 50 years, civil war rips the Empire nearly apart. Refugees go to Baldassare and beyond, sparking off the Renaissance in those places.

1457 LE: The second wave of nomads from Xia. These barbarians run rampant through the Empire.. The Empire attempts its bribery strategies again, inspiring great hatred to the south and west. This would come back to bite them at a later point.

1505 LE: And bite them it did, oh, bite them it did. Seizing the Empire's weakness, and weak emperor, various nations take it upon themselves to cripple the remnants of the Empire, attempting to extinguish it. It barely manages to hold on due to a brilliant general named Justinoi, but it almost, just almost, fails.

1625 LE: From this point on, in the Modern Era, the Holy Livonian Empire attempted to stay away from conflicts as much as possible, remaining isolated and steadfast in their own ways except with technology. The borders shrank down to a level that was more easily manageable by the Basileus.

1934 LE: The Holy Livonian Empire refuses to take sides in the Great War, and so emerges unscathed, and in quite a good position, having profited greatly in the war by selling technologies. During this time, Livonia discovers the secrets of splitting the atom, and how to construct atomic weapons.

1947 LE: The Holy Livonian Empire discovers how to utilize atomic energies as a fuel source. Nuclear energy becomes the favored method of powering the Empire.

1985 LE: The Holy Livonian Empire finally strikes upon a method of cold fusion, replacing the costly and polluting nuclear reactor with efficient cold fusion.

2034 LE: The Holy Livonian Empire begins spanning outwards from its valley, reclaiming the entire continent it was on through a combination of bullying, minor wars, and careful diplomacy.

2096 LE: The Holy Livonian Empire develops the very first of their mekanikastratiotos, tall battlesuits that enable a single soldier to be a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. They begin to conquer the world. Resistance comes in form of the Unaff Confederacy, who after fighting a valiant but vain struggle for power, end up falling under the heel of the Empire.

2234 LE: The Empire expands into space, meeting with new cultures and new races never thought possible. The first of the Pharistite Missionaries starts to be sent out to the galaxy as a whole. Due to their relatively peaceful nature, most nations likely accept the missionaries.

2259 LE: The Empire meets with the UGF. At first good trading partners and efficient allies, as both empires expand, they begin to clash with one another.

2597 LE: The UGF, finally tired of the border skirmishes and disputes, declares war on the HLE. The war is disastrous in equal measure for both sides, causing many causalties. In the end, the Empire loses most of its territory and is left with their home system.

3385 LE: Current day in the Livonian Calendar.

Military Doctrine/Equipment:

Although many empires across the vastness of space utilize fighters for space/air combat and tanks for ground combat, the Livonian Empire has fused these two concepts into an overall all-terrian dominance weapon, the
mekanikastratiotos, a bipedal mechanized suit that allows a soldier to gain the firepower of a tank and the mobility of a jet fighter. This favors the tactical doctrine of the Livonians well, due to the fact that the vast majority of tactical thought revolves around attacking fast, and attacking hard. Due to this doctrine, and the zealotry of their populace, the Empire punches well above its weight in battles, due to a combination of tactics and lightning-fast attacks.

At the moment, the main model of Mekanikastratiotos are the ELX-004f "Klibanophoros Kataphraktoi", a design that is quite old, but at the same time, one of the most reliable designs in the Empire, and generally very hard to match up against in a fight for most nations due to versatility.

Many of the ship designs of the Livonians specialize in formation tactics, with an emphasis on broadside firepower and mobility enough to bring those broadsides to bear. As a result, many of their ships are rather lightly designed, and vulnerable to weapons fire when presenting broadsides, but the fronts and backs of the ships are heavily designed, with shields guarding the front and engines.
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Basscannon1 said:

Name: Cato Andromache Belisarias

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Livoniianoi


In terms of facial features, as shown above.

Cato generally dresses in functional, yet ornate (as is custom) dress as befitting his station as a squad leader. Despite his royal status and high importance to the nation, he shows little signs that he is of royal blood in his appearance or mannerisms.

Physically, Cato is similar to other Livoniianoi in that he is of slight build, with striking bright eyes, almost albino skin tone, and pale colored hair.


- Mononuclear vibroblade: e cuts through, well, just about anything, except the very hardest of substances.

- Duelist's Pistol: A matching pistol for the blade, this is a parrying dagger with a beam pistol built in, allowing for parries while able to fire at the same time.



- ELX-004s "Klibanophoros Kataphraktoi", Strategos Model: As befitting the Livonian penchant towards light, agile methods of combat, the KKSM stands at about 16 feet tall, and is optimized for operations within land and space-based environments. Its primary armaments consist of javelin-like anti-ship missiles that may be fired at large targets to destroy them, much in the same way as a bomber, and a solidly-built lance with a built-in beam rifle inside of it. In addition, this specific model was designed for use by the squad leader, and is equipped with higher grade performance parts, making an already fast machine even faster.

Cato owns a wide variety of outfits, and presumably shuttles to get him where he needs to go at a moment's notice, and probably has enough money to cover most major costs that might crop up.

Rank under faction:

- Political: Heir to the throne of Livonia

- Military: Strategos (Squad Comander)


Cato's birth was always one of strange happenstance. Born to a mistress of Theophilus IX Belisarias, current Emperor of Livonia, the mistress was taken after the death of his wife after birthing the eldest son of the Emperor, Nikaephoros Belisarias. Due to being a bastard child born out of wedlock, it was doubted that he would amount to anything, and he was sent to multiple tutors to become a future advisor or asset to the throne. As time wore on, however, it became clear that Nikaephoros was shaping up to be a thoroughly unsuitable candidate for the throne, being deeply arrogant, selfish, and greedy. As if by contrast, Cato was shaping up to be a quiet, yet determined young man, going through each task given to him by his tutors without complaint, no matter how hard or strenuous it might've been. On the eve of his 17th birthday, and after a particularly disastrous party held by Nikaephoros, Cato was declared the official heir to the throne, breaking a tradition of the eldest born being the heir that had stretched back to the time of Belisarion himself.

Dangers abound for this young man, for many want him dead.

Species Sheet:

Name: Livoniianoi (Commonly referred to as Livonian)




(All art owned by respective people, I make no claim of having made it myself, nor will I.)

Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): Slightly longer than usual human lifespan due to higher quality of life, oldest recorded has been 134 years old.

Characteristics: Livoniianoi are largely similar to humanity, and some say that their genetic code is a "perfected" form of it. Smaller and slighter of build than regular humans, the Livoniianoi are generally considered frailer in physical contests, although this is not entirely true, as they can be as strong as a regular human if they work towards it. Their skin is an unearthly pale milky white, their eyes are without fail bright, vibrant colors such as blue, yellow, green, or purple, and their hair is similarly almost always a shade near white.


The history of Livonia is long indeed, stretching back over thousands of years to the present. Although many within the universe lay claim that the UGF is the oldest empire, stretching back who knows how long, one could claim that the Livonians have a solid claim upon that title as well. At first starting as a culture amongst many on their planet, they rose to prominence by effectively dominating every other culture on the face of the globe through a combined use of arms, religion, and trade. Reaching their grasp into the stars was obviously the next step, as they established colonies throughout the solar system, and started stretching beyond.

During this time, they encountered the UGF, and at first had a cordial relationship as trading partners, but things began to sour as clashes for territory at their borders and disputes over resources drove the two nations into a bloody and lengthy war that ended in a costly peace treaty, reducing Livonia to a rump state, which it has remained as for the last few hundred years, the heavily fortified fortress system of the Livonian homeland ensuring that if any foes did come to take their land, they would certainly come up with a massive fight.

Due to many Livonian territories having been integrated during these wars by the UGF, there is a sizable population living in those areas, who may clamor for reunion with their home state.

It is rumored that Livonians are an off-shoot of Humanity, taken from Earth at an indeterminate time far in the past. The only link to this is the fact that humans may breed with Livoniianoi, although the offspring will not inherit any of the human part of the pair's traits that determine ethnicity, and instead will be Livoniianoi.

Are they a part of the HAA: No.

Homeworld: Livonia

Faction Sheet:


Name: Ieras Basileou Ton Livoniion (The Holy Livonian Empire

Leader: Basileus Theophilus IX Belisarias, 93 years old.

Type of Government: Absolute Theocratic Monarchy - The state rules with a divine mandate handed down from a supreme god. This supreme god grants temporal power to the Emperor, and grants spiritual power to the Patriarch, the leader of the Pharistite church. Thus, the Patriarch can overrule bad rulings by the king by simply telling the populace that it is immoral and wrong. A large system of bureaucracy governs many parts of the government, since it is functionally impossible for one man, no matter how smart, to rule every aspect of a planet-spanning empire by themselves.

The government is preparing for a civil war once the elderly and sickly current emperor dies. The vast majority of the bureaucracy, favoring tradition, supports Nikaephoros for the throne, while the military and the church have yet to take any sides on the matter.

Government Capitol: Theoleptopoulis. One third holy city, one third fortress city, and one third capital city. Theoleptopoulis is massive, in every definition of the word, spanning not only wide, but also tall as well.

Number of Colonies: 4. Livonia is much reduced in stature from its glory days.



Pharistism is a greater name for the monotheistic religion that the Holy Livonian Empire follows, with its own internal divisions and so on and so forth. Pharistism and the Empire came about at about the same time: The unity and peace promised by Pharistos, the main prophet, allowed the shifting of the original Livonian city states and villages into one solid governmental unity.

This unity would last for an incredible amount of years, almost 800, before divisions and cracks, caused by arguments of doctrine and scripture, began eating away at the togetherness of the church.

As it stands, pure Pharistism is rarely, if ever, practiced anymore, due to the division of the church into two separate parts, Monopharistism and Duopharistism. What started as an argument about the divine nature of Pharistos ended up splitting Pharistism greatly between two separate lines.

At its heart, both Pharistite sects worship the same general deity, Theos, an all-powerful and notably female being who appeared and spoke to Pharistos atop a mountain near his home of Protheoka, later to become Theoleptopoulis. Theos is notable amongst early deities in that shee espoused peace, trade, and serenity, and forgiveness over war-like tendencies and hatred of the infidel. It is also notable for having no creation myth associated with it.

Similarly odd is the tradition amongst both sects of Science complimenting Religion. Both the Monopharistite and the Duopharistite church greatly support knowledge and learning of all kinds, and central to the belief structure is that to understand the world around them, and everything in it, is to understand Theos. Unsurprisingly, this results in some of the most fervent believers in Pharistism being scientists.


Monopharistism is the dominant religious orientation of Livonia, and the one most commonly practiced ever since the divisive Ecclesiastical Wars of the 1300's. The central belief of Monopharistism, separating it from Duopharistism, holds that Pharistos was born as one with Theos, and spoke with his same voice, therefore, Theos and Pharistos are one and the same. This meant that the words of Pharistos are to be held over all other prophets or other such speakers, resulting in a solid base of doctrine to fall back upon in questions of faith.

Later, the differences between Duopharistism and Monopharistism became more and more pronounced, as Monopharistism began to adopt far more of the ideas of peace and prosperity that the original scriptures taught. Adopting an extremely firm rule on no Holy War (a decision that some think may have cost the Empire a great deal of land in the long run), Monopharistism remained a monastic, mystic, and deeply spiritual faith, with more connection to the divine than to earthly matters. It remains as such to this day.


Duopharistism formed approximately in 1550 BCE, as a response to increasing aggressiveness to tribes near the Livonian people. Starting off mostly as a difference of issues stemming from one particular heretic, named Arius, Duopharistism held that Pharistos was but a man that had heard Theos' message, yes, but he was not one and the same with him. Starting from this difference, Duopharistism adopted a more militant stance than Monopharistism.

As a result, Duopharistism gained great acceptance amongst soldiers of the Empire, until in the 14th century, the Ecclesiastical Wars were fought, finally favoring Monopharistism. Duopharistism favors aggressive expansion of the faith by the sword, and favors holy wars in matters of defense, such as if an invading heathen army attempts to invade Livonia. Duopharistism is very much in the minority nowadays, however, due to a lack of threats to the Empire as of late, and some say it has been completely eradicated over time.


~5200 BLE: The indigenous groups who are to become the Livonii settle in the L8 and L6 regions of the map, learning agriculture amongst the relatively fertile river valleys of that region. They master the arts of working metals such as copper, and develop into small, proto-citystates.

~ 5000 BLE: The Livoniianoi fall under influence of larger trade cities outside of their valley. These trade cities end up under the Empire.

4249 BLE (According to Scripture): Pharistos is born in the village of Protheoka. At this point, the Livoniianoi are merely shamanistic nature worshippers. Belisarion, the son of the Tyrant of Protheoka, inherits leadership at the age of 15 after a strange hunting accident that his father was involved in.

4221 BLE (According to Scripture): Pharistos has his first vision of Theos, and delivers the news to the village. The village is skeptical at first, but a rock explodes when Pharistos touches it with his staff, claiming it is a miracle. The village is whipped into a religious frenzy, and it takes several days to cool tempers. At the end of the days, Belisarion is declared as the Defender of the Faith, and is tasked with bringing the other Livoniianoi under the watchful arms of Theos by Pharistos.

~ 4200 BLE: The Livoniianoi are united under one banner, the Pharistite Cross, crowning Belisarion I as the Basileus, or Emperor, of the Livoniianoi. Technically the beginning of the Holy Livonian Empire, but the state itself remained insular and isolated, accomplishing little and instead working on the daily toil of their lives.

~ 3000 BLE: Beginning of the Classical Age of Livonia. A great bumper crop allows the Livonian population to expand greatly around this time period. Basileus Theoleptos VI Lascaris, known as The Builder, constructs Theoleptopoulis ontop of the site of Protheoka with various innovative building methods and eager, zealous citizens, also creating the Ekklesia Sacri Karidi, or, the Church of the Sacred Heart. An extremely advanced structure for its time, it is to be revised at least 5 more times until its current shape. The remains of Belisarion I are taken from the first church built, and are transported to the Ekklesia Sacri Karidi, where they are placed in repose along with 12 empty coffins, for worthy emperors of the Livonians to be buried in. The Apraneechy culture begins making contact across what the Livonians call Marou e Centraleia, and are at first awed by the Livonian technological advancements. Their awe will transfer into Cerberus unwittingly following similar paths in their own society.

~2500 BLE: The Great Expansion, and the beginning of Duopharistism. Livonians, running out of room to live, begin expanding to the south and to the west, quickly overrunning just about every tribe or nation in their path, slaughtering many and pushing their religion and culture on those left behind. The first beginnings of a true Empire. By the end of 2000 BCE, Livonia controls the northern coast of Libera, and is expanding rapidly to the south.

~ 1500 BLE: Livonia controls the entirety of their continent, subjugating numerous tribes under their grasp, and holding it all together through a brilliant combination of faith, good leadership, technology, and military excellence. Nikaephoros XI Lascaris, the last of the Lascari Dynasty, known as "The Just", pushes forth a fully written down legal code adopted from the former orally known code and greatly simplified. This Livonian Code becomes the basis for numerous countries' legal systems hence, on the planet where they lived.

~ 1000 BLE: Livonia comes into contact with the Rheindall Empire and engages in various trade treaties. This lays the groundwork for one of the greatest friendships of the Classical Era, between the two nations. The Agapimenou Dynasty comes into power at approximately this time, after a long series of military-supported governments. Tension between the Monopharistite and Duopharistite schisms increases.

~ 500 BLE: Time of Troubles. A variety of poor emperors and failing bureaucratic systems results in a reduction of borders due to rebellion. Duopharistism becomes more of a problem during this point in time, and many rebellions are due to persecution of the heretical belief. Storm clouds on Livonia's horizons almost certainly mean storms will be hitting other lands as well, however.....

102 LE: "Fall" of Rheindall. Livonia is shrunk greatly by tribal and heretical revolts as well, back to their core areas surrounding the northern coast of Libera. Barbarians begin to invade from the south as well, but they are mostly diverted to the plains with bribes and diplomacy in order to ensure the survival of the Empire. It works, but at the cost of defaming the Empire to the remaining cities on the plains as well.

542 LE: Konstantin XII Agapimenous, also known as the Builder, begins work on a grand project. He constructs a massive amount of walls surrounding Theoleptopoulis in order to ensure the city remains safe. The light of civilization, crushed underneath the boots of barbarians and invaders, still shines brightly in Livonia, although the glories of the Empire are not quite as great. The Dark Ages (To the Livonii, at least) begin.

784 LE: Neptos II Agapimenous, known as The Pious, in a fit of zealousness, begins a crusade against holy images and works of art within the Church, believing that the focus of Pharistism should be upon Theos, and not upon images of saints, Pharistos, or attempts to create images of Theos. This heresy goes on for approximately the next 450 years, and results in much Classical Era artwork being irrevocably destroyed. However insensitive the Iconoclastic Emperors of the Agapimenou Dynasty may have been, they were effective generals, and reclaimed much territory in Libera.

1224 LE: The last Agapimenou Emperor dies, leaving the throne to a family line tracing direct descendance from Belisarion, the Belisarias Family. Iconoclasm similarly ends.

1300 LE: The Ecclesiastical War. Duopharistite rebels, finally tired of subjugation and second class citizenry, rise up en masse under the charismatic leadership of Andronikos Doukas, a rabble-rousing priest that turned out to be an exceedingly effective general. For the next 50 years, civil war rips the Empire nearly apart. Refugees go to Baldassare and beyond, sparking off the Renaissance in those places.

1457 LE: The second wave of nomads from Xia. These barbarians run rampant through the Empire.. The Empire attempts its bribery strategies again, inspiring great hatred to the south and west. This would come back to bite them at a later point.

1505 LE: And bite them it did, oh, bite them it did. Seizing the Empire's weakness, and weak emperor, various nations take it upon themselves to cripple the remnants of the Empire, attempting to extinguish it. It barely manages to hold on due to a brilliant general named Justinoi, but it almost, just almost, fails.

1625 LE: From this point on, in the Modern Era, the Holy Livonian Empire attempted to stay away from conflicts as much as possible, remaining isolated and steadfast in their own ways except with technology. The borders shrank down to a level that was more easily manageable by the Basileus.

1934 LE: The Holy Livonian Empire refuses to take sides in the Great War, and so emerges unscathed, and in quite a good position, having profited greatly in the war by selling technologies. During this time, Livonia discovers the secrets of splitting the atom, and how to construct atomic weapons.

1947 LE: The Holy Livonian Empire discovers how to utilize atomic energies as a fuel source. Nuclear energy becomes the favored method of powering the Empire.

1985 LE: The Holy Livonian Empire finally strikes upon a method of cold fusion, replacing the costly and polluting nuclear reactor with efficient cold fusion.

2034 LE: The Holy Livonian Empire begins spanning outwards from its valley, reclaiming the entire continent it was on through a combination of bullying, minor wars, and careful diplomacy.

2096 LE: The Holy Livonian Empire develops the very first of their mekanikastratiotos, tall battlesuits that enable a single soldier to be a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. They begin to conquer the world. Resistance comes in form of the Unaff Confederacy, who after fighting a valiant but vain struggle for power, end up falling under the heel of the Empire.

2234 LE: The Empire expands into space, meeting with new cultures and new races never thought possible. The first of the Pharistite Missionaries starts to be sent out to the galaxy as a whole. Due to their relatively peaceful nature, most nations likely accept the missionaries.

2259 LE: The Empire meets with the UGF. At first good trading partners and efficient allies, as both empires expand, they begin to clash with one another.

2597 LE: The UGF, finally tired of the border skirmishes and disputes, declares war on the HLE. The war is disastrous in equal measure for both sides, causing many causalties. In the end, the Empire loses most of its territory and is left with their home system.

3385 LE: Current day in the Livonian Calendar.

Military Doctrine/Equipment:

Although many empires across the vastness of space utilize fighters for space/air combat and tanks for ground combat, the Livonian Empire has fused these two concepts into an overall all-terrian dominance weapon, the
mekanikastratiotos, a bipedal mechanized suit that allows a soldier to gain the firepower of a tank and the mobility of a jet fighter. This favors the tactical doctrine of the Livonians well, due to the fact that the vast majority of tactical thought revolves around attacking fast, and attacking hard. Due to this doctrine, and the zealotry of their populace, the Empire punches well above its weight in battles, due to a combination of tactics and lightning-fast attacks.

At the moment, the main model of Mekanikastratiotos are the ELX-004f "Klibanophoros Kataphraktoi", a design that is quite old, but at the same time, one of the most reliable designs in the Empire, and generally very hard to match up against in a fight for most nations due to versatility.

Many of the ship designs of the Livonians specialize in formation tactics, with an emphasis on broadside firepower and mobility enough to bring those broadsides to bear. As a result, many of their ships are rather lightly designed, and vulnerable to weapons fire when presenting broadsides, but the fronts and backs of the ships are heavily designed, with shields guarding the front and engines.


Just a few things, the UGF is basically made up of one sentient race. The Centrions. They don't really like having other species since it makes things a lot more tough. It's a lot more easier to control a federation when there is only one race in their eyes. So they'll just deport other species or send them back to their own civilizations again.

But also, UGF is very neutral and non aggressive, they won't attack unless they are attacked first, or the threat is too serious that it could cause the extinction of their race. And are known to be very peaceful and kind. Unlike the Sovereign Colonies or the UNS who were incredibly militaristic and at a certain point evil. They don't take land anymore to colonize. They simply take galaxies as "Proxy states" to act as buffer zones to protect the galaxies truly under UGF control. No centrions live in the proxy galaxies, the UGF military is only present.

The UGF also does not integrate invaded territories. They'll invade, occupy until the war is over, and return the territory unless they see that the empire is not deserving of that and will just use them as a buffer zone.


You can start posting whenever you're ready.

Just make sure to fix the things I mentioned. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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