• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern United We Stand | CS Page |



Old Timer
Character List
Presidential Family
President Oliver Greyson- ReverseTex ReverseTex
Dominic Greyson- Son- Braddington Braddington
Adeline Greyson- Wife - myst.erion myst.erion
Sophia Greyson- Daughter - myst.erion myst.erion

Cabinet Members
Vice President - Joseph Sutherland- ShadowBroker ShadowBroker
Secretary of State Warren Newsom- RayPurchase RayPurchase
Secretary of Homeland Security Jackie Shi- Epyk Epyk
Secretary of Defense- Derek Wane - RIPSaidCone RIPSaidCone
Chief of Staff- Kenneth Marsh- zippy zippy
Press Secretary - Zia Gamboia- Epyk Epyk

Media / Other
Media Personel - Zachary White- TYPE TYPE
Secret Service Officer Emanuel Faust- AI10100 AI10100
Media Personel- Lindsey Wane- GhastlySquash GhastlySquash
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Sheet Rules
Realistic Face-claims only. No art, no anime, exc... (don’t need to fill out all image tabs but at least have 1-2)
I’d prefer everyone to use this code for organization sake. But I won’t actively force you to use it.
History doesn’t have to be in depth, since just enough to get a sense of the character. Same with personality.

Rich (BB code):
Rich (BB code):
name here
[class=tabs] text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px grey; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 6px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; margin-left: -12px; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: none; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} About) (show tabsContentCoded) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentBy) if (eq ${currentTab} History) (show tabsContentCrucial) if (eq ${currentTab} Other) (show tabsContentStar) [/script] [div class=tabs]
[div class=tab style=";"]About

[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
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basic information

Full Name:



Face Claim:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentBy" style="display: none;"]
in depth

Personality: Elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque habitant. Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac. Risus sed vulputate odio ut enim blandit volutpat maecenas volutpat. Faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus. Rhoncus est pellentesque elit ullamcorper dignissim. Eget magna fermentum iaculis eu non diam. Facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor condimentum lacinia. Mattis aliquam faucibus purus in massa tempor. Volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur. Elementum sagittis vitae et leo duis. Lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus. Convallis aenean et tortor at risus. Eros donec ac odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis. Sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc mi ipsum faucibus vitae.

Et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas sed tempus urna. Etiam sit amet nisl purus in mollis nunc sed id. At volutpat diam ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate eu. Tortor dignissim convallis aenean et tortor at risus viverra. Ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam eget. Fames ac turpis egestas sed tempus. Sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl purus in. Amet nulla facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna. Nam aliquam sem et tortor consequat id porta. Nibh nisl condimentum id venenatis a condimentum vitae sapien. In fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci phasellus egestas. Nunc mattis enim ut tellus elementum.

Et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas sed tempus urna. Etiam sit amet nisl purus in mollis nunc sed id. At volutpat diam ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate eu. Tortor dignissim convallis aenean et tortor at risus viverra. Ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam eget. Fames ac turpis egestas sed tempus. Sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl purus in. Amet nulla facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna. Nam aliquam sem et tortor consequat id porta. Nibh nisl condimentum id venenatis a condimentum vitae sapien. In fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci phasellus egestas. Nunc mattis enim ut tellus elementum.




[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentCrucial" style="display: none;"]

Bio: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque convallis. Sapien nec sagittisaliquam malesuada bibendum. Sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque habitant morbi. Neque vitae tempus quam pellentesque nec. Quis enim lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui. Tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Quis commodo odio aenean sed. At tempor commodo ullamcorper a lacus. Tempor orci eu lobortis elementum nibh tellus. Lorem mollis aliquam ut porttitor leo a diam sollicitudin tempor. Sem integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum iaculis eu. Urna nec tincidunt praesent semper. Nisi porta lorem mollis aliquam ut porttitor. In dictum non consectetur a.

Habitant morbi tristique senectus et. Quam viverra orci sagittis eu volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit. Dignissim diam quis enim lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus. Pellentesque elit ullamcorper dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat. Sed tempus urna et pharetra. Vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus sed viverra. Aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt. Lacus suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere. Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id. Non enim praesent elementum facilisis. Neque egestas congue quisque egestas diam in arcu cursus euismod. Risus sed vulputate odio ut enim blandit. Mattis nunc sed blandit libero volutpat sed. Nam libero justo laoreet sit amet cursus.

Aliquet lectus proin nibh nisl condimentum id venenatis. Mi bibendum neque egestas congue quisque egestas diam in arcu. Neque gravida in fermentum et. Eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus. Sit amet justo donec enim diam vulputate ut. Sed adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique. Enim nulla aliquet porttitor lacus luctus accumsan. Cras adipiscing enim eu turpis egestas pretium aenean. Tincidunt arcu non sodales neque. Nulla at volutpat diam ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Convallis aenean et tortor at. Pellentesque elit ullamcorper dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis. Mauris augue neque gravida in fermentum et sollicitudin ac. Interdum velit euismod in pellentesque massa placerat duis ultricies lacus.
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentStar" style="display: none;"]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque convallis. Sapien nec sagittisaliquam malesuada bibendum. Sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque habitant morbi. Neque vitae tempus quam pellentesque nec. Quis enim lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui. Tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Quis commodo odio aenean sed. At tempor commodo ullamcorper a lacus. Tempor orci eu lobortis elementum nibh tellus. Lorem mollis aliquam ut porttitor leo a diam sollicitudin tempor. Sem integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum iaculis eu. Urna nec tincidunt praesent semper. Nisi porta lorem mollis aliquam ut porttitor. In dictum non consectetur a.

Habitant morbi tristique senectus et. Quam viverra orci sagittis eu volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit. Dignissim diam quis enim lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus. Pellentesque elit ullamcorper dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat. Sed tempus urna et pharetra. Vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus sed viverra. Aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt. Lacus suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere. Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id. Non enim praesent elementum facilisis. Neque egestas congue quisque egestas diam in arcu cursus euismod. Risus sed vulputate odio ut enim blandit. Mattis nunc sed blandit libero volutpat sed. Nam libero justo laoreet sit amet cursus.

Aliquet lectus proin nibh nisl condimentum id venenatis. Mi bibendum neque egestas congue quisque egestas diam in arcu. Neque gravida in fermentum et. Eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus. Sit amet justo donec enim diam vulputate ut. Sed adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique. Enim nulla aliquet porttitor lacus luctus accumsan. Cras adipiscing enim eu turpis egestas pretium aenean. Tincidunt arcu non sodales neque. Nulla at volutpat diam ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Convallis aenean et tortor at. Pellentesque elit ullamcorper dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis. Mauris augue neque gravida in fermentum et sollicitudin ac. Interdum velit euismod in pellentesque massa placerat duis ultricies lacus.
codedbycrucialstar |

president Oliver Greyson


[class=tabs] text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px grey; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 6px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; margin-left: -12px; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: none; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} About) (show tabsContentCoded) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentBy) if (eq ${currentTab} History) (show tabsContentCrucial) if (eq ${currentTab} Other) (show tabsContentStar) [/script] [div class=tabs]
[div class=tab style=";"]About

[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
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basic information

Full Name: Oliver Greyson
Alias: Coyote (Secret Service codename), Ollie (by wife)
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Nationality: American


Face Claim: Ryan Reynolds
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown, but graying
Height: 6’2
Weight: 200lbs
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: Wears glasses besides to formal events, nicknamed “Glasses” by former POTUS
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentBy" style="display: none;"]
in depth

Personality: Prior to being a father, and a husband, Oliver was usually a very self-centered man. Cocky from his abilites and achievments in the SEALS, as well as his men backing the behavior up. He'd been broken down for so long in youth, that having something of his own ability made him proud. This behavior was soon put in its by Adeline, his now loyal wife and companion.

Being a father changed everything. Becoming more docile as a result, Oliver lost the "solider gun-ho" attitude quite quickly with the birth of his son. Becoming more empethetic,, and vocal about his feelings as a result. This shift in personality aged him greatly.

Now as President, all has changed again. Running on little sleep and high stress daily, Oliver loses his temper quite easily, as well as restrcited from his family. But he makes a conscious effort daily to try and spend time with them, though realistically that may be impossible at times. A devoted man to his wife, his kids, and his country. Vices: His job, his past, and his family

Virtues: Kind, intelligent, and devoted

Likes: His wife and kids, family game night, serving his country in any capacity, a good bottle of whiskey after a long day

Dislikes: The press, military missions under his command, his father and mother
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Bio: Born and raised in Blackwood, Virginia, Oliver was the only child to Peter and Vanessa Greyson. Peter was a coal miner in the town, his mother a local nurse. Often his father was in the mines during the day, and at the bars in the evening. Whereas his mother was home during the day and working in the evenings. Long nights in solitude frequented the boy, interrupted by his father's drunken arrival. "My father was an honest, hardworking man. You knew what you'd get with him. But, that doesn't make him a good man."

At the age of 18, he fled the small town, hoping to make a career in the Navy. Joining the SEALS, he began his training, showing leadership qualities early on. After 30 months of training, Oliver's squad was first deployed to Iraq in 1996 to assist in the CIA coup activities. His next deployment immediately followed 9/11, being one of the first squads on the ground to begin the Iraq War. Whilst deployed, Oliver met a young teacher on base named Adeline at the age of 24. Her ability to corral his wild side and her looks were his initial attractive features to him, however as their friendship grew so did the list. Accidentally having a son with the girl, he knew it was time. Marrying two years later, the new family began to settle down in Arlington, Virginia.

Returning on one final tour before his retirement, at the age of 30, Oliver's heart was to his family, not his job. Finding work in the Veterans Affairs office in Arlington, he was able to scrape by a paycheck. But with the encouragement of his wife, Oliver decided to run for Congress. Running as an independent, his ability to speak, and move the crowds got him the office. Retaining it for 2 years, he was soon approached by the newly elected President Houston to be his Secretary of Veteran Affairs. Accepting the job apprehensively, his four years in office, however, skyrocketed the VA around the nation. Virtually saving the program and the veterans whispers about a possible presidential run were in the air. With encouragement from friends, colleagues, and family. he decided to seize the opportunity. Running against the man who appointed him. and an opposing democrat, Oliver was able to prove his point. "Political affiliation should not matter in the discussion about our country. We stand by our Constitution, we stand by our people. We stand united."
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Political Leaning: Offically independent. However on social matters he leans more liberal, economic or securitiy he leans more conservative.


codedbycrucialstar |
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Secretary of State Warren Newsom


[class=tabs] text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px grey; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 6px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; margin-left: -12px; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: none; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} About) (show tabsContentCoded) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentBy) if (eq ${currentTab} History) (show tabsContentCrucial) if (eq ${currentTab} Other) (show tabsContentStar) [/script] [div class=tabs]
[div class=tab style=";"]About

[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentCoded"]
basic information

Full Name: Warren Newsom
Alias: Eagle (Secret Service Code Name)
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Nationality: American



Face Claim: Ralph Fiennes
Eye Color: Blue/Grey
Hair Color: Black (Now flecked with Grey and Receding)
Height: 5'11
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: None
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentBy" style="display: none;"]
in depth

Personality: Newsom has worked as an Ambassador, a Congressman, and now Secretary of State. As such if there is one thing that he has learnt, it’s how to hide any trace of his true emotions or feelings, he’s a hell of a poker player now. To the outside world he is a product of modern Virginia, a Southern Gentleman, with his still strong Virginian accent, near impeccable manners and graces. He is highly ambitious however, a drive within him to succeed and constantly move onto bigger and better things, never happy to rest on his laurels. Some commentators have suggested that his whole reason for accepting the position of Secretary of State is in order to boost his own credentials, perhaps eyeing to run in 2024 or 2028, his 2 terms as a Congressman did enable him to make friends on both sides of the aisle. At work Newsom is a consummate professional. If a job is worth doing then it is worth doing well, and Newsom has little room for fools or those who, in his eyes, are hindering the effectiveness of his work. He is loyal to those who serve him well however, remembering good deeds done to him and returning them in kind. Around the White House he is most likely viewed with a combination of respect and fear. To those who work with him and pull their weight, he is nothing but a supportive boss. To those who don't make the cut however, he is the ever looming executioner. Newsom is a New England Patriots fan, brought about by his time studying at Harvard situated just outside of Baltimore. He loves his family, and if anyone would come after them, politically or otherwise, he would have no qualms in wreaking destruction and havoc upon that individual or group.

Vices: Ruthless, Proud

Virtues: Patient, Temperate

Likes: Bourbon (Specifically Bondurant Brothers Distillery), New England Patriots, Country Music

Dislikes: Beer, 'Modern' Music
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Bio: Newsom was born and raised in Richmond Virginia, born to a well to do middle class family with a history in local politics, his mother being a Democrat member of the Virginian House of Delegates. Acing his SATs he attended Harvard University, majoring in Political Science. It was here that he began to garner an interest in US foreign Policy and relations, living in Adams Hall the same as a famous Harvard Allumi who would become something of a hero of his Henry Kissinger. Following his graduation he quite easily obtained a position working in the US Foreign Service, starting off as a Foreign Service Officer in the US Embassy in Italy. Soon earmarked as a rising star in the Foreign Service, by the end of his tenure he was appointed Ambassador to Germany, one of the youngest men to hold this position at the age of 45. He held the position for 4 years, giving him invaluable insight and experience in not only European politics and relations, but also experience dealing with Russia, something he was able to lean on later in his career.

The Ambassadorship was a prestigious position, of that there was no doubt, however he had spent the best part of 20 years out of the US. He had met his wife whilst back in Washington, Jane Sanders, whilst she was working in the Treasury, her working in Washington and him in Berlin put strains on the otherwise happy marriage. The pair moved back to his home of Virginia, and within a month he had already fallen back into the political machinery, contacts through his family enabling him to run for the Virginian 3rd Congressional District, a relatively safe seat given the district being primarily set in the Richmond Urban centre, a safe Democrat area, as such he won by a comfortable margin. He ended up serving 2 terms as Congressman, focusing mostly on foreign affairs, and so after just about a year, he gained a seat on the House Committee for Foreign Affairs, spending his final year as chairman of the committee. With the re-election cycle approaching he was contacted by President Elect Greyson’s team, the offer on the table was Secretary of State, given his now approaching a quarter of a century of experience, he is viewed as something of a centrist given his position of right of centre of the Democrats, and as such is tolerated on both sides of the house as a moderate.

He and his wife Jane, have been married for 20 years now, they have one daughter, Sarah aged 13. It is commonly known that Sarah is not in fact their biological daughter but adopted by the pair. Jane no longer works for the Treasury department, and lives with Sarah in their home in Richmond Virginia. Warren spends 5 days a week in Washington, spending the weekend in Richmond, before commuting back on a Monday, just over an hour and a half drive away.
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Political Leaning: Right of Centre

Languages: Fluent in French, German and Russian. Conversational in Mandarin (Newsom is aiming to bring this up to a near fluent level, and has allocated himself 6 months to achieve this)

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Secretary of Homeland Security
Jackie Shi

[class=tabs] text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px grey; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 6px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; margin-left: -12px; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: none; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} About) (show tabsContentCoded) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentBy) if (eq ${currentTab} History) (show tabsContentCrucial) if (eq ${currentTab} Other) (show tabsContentStar) [/script] [div class=tabs]
[div class=tab style=";"]About

[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentCoded"]
basic information

Full Name: Jackson "Jackie" Shi
Alias: Secretary of Homeland Security
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Nationality: American and South Korean (Dual Citizenship)



Face Claim: Daniel Henney
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'10
Weight: 160 lbs.
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: None
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in depth

Personality: Jackie is far more of a lover, rather than a fighter. He often times gets very emotionally attatched to friends, even if they don't necessarily feel the same way. The last thing he'd want to see are the people closest to him get hurt. Because of this, Jackie can get easily offended and defensive.

However, he is far from a pushover. It requires a lot of trust building with Jackie to have a strong relationship with him. He may come off as a bit cold when it comes to people he doesn't know. While he may be a bit sensitive, it only fuels his passion to fight for what he believes in. He will do whatever it takes to protect the people he loves, but being so emotional does often cloud his judgement. Regardless, will more often than not think with his heart, rather than his head.

Vices: Emotional, Hypocritical, Naive

Virtues: Passionate, Courageous, Responsible

Likes: Helping others, dystopian novels, pugs

Dislikes: Merciless people, cats
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Bio: Jackie was born to an immigrant, South Korean father and an American mother in Boston, Massachusetts. Jackie didn't really have a lot of friends growing up, a lot of it having to do with being mixed race. However, he made up for it with strong academics, graduating high school a year early. He wasn't really sure what to do after high school but ultimately decided to study nursing at Columbia University, seeing that he was passionate about helping others and it was also a practical job that had a pretty open job market.

After graduating from college, Jackie worked in the traditional hospital setting as a nurse. But it was during one of his shifts that the planes struck the twin towers. Chaos ensued in the hospital that day and although stressful and overwhelming, he did his best to aid as many people as he could. Obviously, not all of his patients made it, which took a big toll on his emotional state. However, this only pushed him to do more and he decided to enlist in the U.S. Navy as a nurse for the Iraq War.

Experiencing war firsthand, however, it didn't do him well emotionally. He would consistently see brutal injuries he didn't think were humanly possible. And while he enjoyed seeing the difference he was making, the ones he couldn't help negatively impacted him even more. After serving a few years, Jackie decided to go back to school and pursue a degree in international affairs. The war inspired him to prevent violent conflict around the world rather than evoke it. After getting his degree, Jackie scored an internship in the United Nations, followed by being offered a job in external affairs in the U.S. embassy in Iraq. Jackie was bewildered when he was contacted by President-Elect Greyson to become his new Secretary of Homeland Security, as Jackie was virtually unknown when it came to the American people. While he did help Oliver as a strategist on his campaign and was one of his nurses during the war, he didn't expect to be offered such as huge position. Despite Jackie's doubts, he decided to take up the offer.
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Political Alignment: Right-centre

Sexuality: Closeted homosexual

Theme Song:

codedbycrucialstar |

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Dominic Greyson


[class=tabs] text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px grey; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 6px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; margin-left: -12px; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: none; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} About) (show tabsContentCoded) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentBy) if (eq ${currentTab} History) (show tabsContentCrucial) if (eq ${currentTab} Other) (show tabsContentStar) [/script] [div class=tabs]
[div class=tab style=";"]About

[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentCoded"]
basic information

Full Name: Dominic Greyson
Alias: Songbird (Secret Service), Domino (by his family)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nationality: American


Face Claim: Shawn Mendes
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 6’1
Weight: 167lbs
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: Has a tattoo of a snake wrapped around the Washington monument on his leftarm. 596689
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in depth

Personality: Rebellious, charismatic, passionate and emotional are all things that could describe Dominic. He doesn't like to mince words when it comes to things he truly believes in and now that his father is President? (A fact he does not like in the slightest, worried about what his future will now be and whether or not he will simply be remembered for being the son of a powerful person as opposed to a person in his own right.) It will no doubt only continue to get worse. That's not to say dissatisfaction is his only personality trait. He's kind, generous, caring and quite empathetic. It's hard to argue with him, because arguments just tend to lead into heartfelt discussions.

He also has a bit of a reputation as a soppy romantic sort. Falling in love easily, having his heart broken quickly and falling into melancholy. It's not always bad, but it has led to him being too trustful of others in the past. Maybe even dangerously so.

Vices: His new position, his trustful nature and depression

Virtues: Kind, passionate and gregarious

Likes: His family on a good day, Game Night (obviously), Music and writing

Dislikes: Deceit, bigotry and Washington
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Bio: Dominic was born to Oliver and Adeline Greyson, a soldier and a teacher respectively and was raised by them in Arlington, Virgina. His early life was one of relative seclusion with not much to their name or any kind of national attention that they would later receive. To him it was idyllic. A time of peace, of relaxation, of fun. Even if it was quiet, and as much as he liked noise, it still suited him fine. He made friends, learned lessons and ignored the world around him with childlike ease. His father was firm, but fair, and his mother was attentive and caring. He would get into scraps with people from his school, get given a life lesson from his father and then have his bruises disappear by the hand of his mother. He loved life.

As he got older he grew more rebellious. Passionate, he would say. Falling in with every sort going. Attending parties with substances he was way too underage to get involved with, and others that no age was assigned for. Through this part of his life he started writing music. Putting his thoughts into song and strumming along to them. It was also a profound time for his personal development. Puberty hit like a brick wall. And needless to say he got caught up in it. Flitting from girlfriend to girlfriend, never quite happy with it, confused, before flitting from boyfriend to boyfriend....secretly, of course. He eventually grew out of the more...illegal side of things but he still cherishes them nonetheless. The freedom was exhilarating. As were the many failed relationships, even if his heart was snapped in twain time and time again. Even at times when he struggled with depression, which still affects him, he always had his music to fall back on. Something he hopes to pursue into a career.

In more recent times, with his fathers election to Congress, the irony of his rebellious and youthful nature became obvious. A joke he would have under his sleeve at all times. Harmless then. Then his father became President. The joke quickly became sour. He quickly found his freedom taken away, and his relationships, plans and goals a distant afterthought. It didn't take long for his depression to resurface when he was faced with what was happening and it truly set in. Now he simply struggles day to day, trying to see the good in a bad situation.
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Political Leaning: Dominic is a leftist through and through. Economically and very much socially.

Sexuality: He's in the closet, trying to find a way to break it to his parents but worried what it would mean for his fathers political career.



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Emanuel Faust

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[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
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basic information

Full Name: Emanuel Samuel Faust
Alias: Eman [Friends], Mr. Sunglasses [Sofia]
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Nationality: American



Face Claim: Jake Gyllenhaal
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark brown
Height: 6'0
Weight: 194 lbs
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: As with most agents, he wears sunglasses almost always.
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in depth

Personality: Emanuel is a relatively quiet person. He doesn't typically speak unless spoken to or has questions as to elaborate any order that would be given to him. He's very professional in his job and doesn't easily let his emotions take control of his actions. He's level headed and can make snap decisions during times of crisis. Emanuel will do nearly everything within his capabilities to be able to complete his object and protect his charges. He comes off as cold and distant when he's on work mode - simply standing there, a silent sentinel as he scans the situation before him.

During casual time though, Emanuel is a mellow person. He's still relatively quiet but the air around him isn't tense and frigid anymore. He's rather kind in a sense that he would humor most things that are asked of him when it comes to his friends. Though interacting with him would prove that Emanuel sometimes misses social cues or has things he doesn't understand in casual settings. He takes a lot of things seriously, much too seriously at times. Jokes can sometimes float over his head. Even though such was the case, he's learning most of the time when placed in social settings.

Vices: Self-Sacrificing, Paranoid

Virtues: Loyal, Determined

Likes: Silence, Peace, Reading [be it files or books], Coffee

Dislikes: Disloyalty, Alcoholic beverages, Fire
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Bio: Emanuel wasn't born in the best of families. Eldest of five children with an alcoholic father and a worked-to-the-bone mother, Emanuel had a lot on his plate at a young age. Him and his younger sister by a year, Amy, had to take responsibility over the house. It was the least they could do to help their mother, after all, and their father was completely useless. With their mother working two jobs just to support the family of seven, it was understandable that they didn't lead the privileged life. Emanuel and Amy sacrificed many things for their younger siblings to be happy and to keep their father sated enough to not cause a ruckus. Many times their mother thought of a divorce but found neither time nor money to go through with it.

At 16, Emanuel lost his mother due to a traffic accident. She had fallen asleep on the wheel while she was driving back home - the hours she worked had finally caught up to her - and she swerved right into an incoming truck. They didn't press charges. They weeped. They mourned. They moved on. With the only person holding up the family gone, their father had been forced to make a decision - leave the children or work. Surprisingly, he did not leave and instead began to work. He still was an alcoholic but it had been better. Both Emanuel and Amy began to work part time jobs as well, whatever they could find while making sure to not fall behind their studies. The Faust family was back to becoming stable - somewhat.

At 18, Emanuel and Amy lost everything. Working the night shift for two separate jobs during their vacation, they received calls from concerned neighbors about a raging fire that came from their house. They returned to see the ashes of their home and their remaining family. It had sparked from the kitchen, the investigator told them, likely caused by their father in his drunken haze. It was difficult to bounce back from that but the two siblings held on strong. Emanuel had scholarship for BS Criminology and he worked at the university as a teacher's assistant to be able to get some pocket money. Amy had gone off for a medical course to follow their mother's footsteps. Emanuel graduated with a Magna Cum Laude distinction.

From there on, he worked at the police force - taking whatever was thrown at him with determination. At 24, Amy had moved to another country but the two kept in contact. Last time he had heard of her, she was in Britain and was married. He had flown off to attend the ceremony and stayed for a week before returning to his job. At 26, Emanuel was suggested to apply for the Secret Service. And so he did even with the knowledge that getting in was difficult and the training was hellish. And yet, Emanuel continued on. Months of training went under his belt and soon enough, he was placed in Protection Services. After the mandatory years in Protection Services, Emanuel had decided to stay in it despite having qualifications to go to other branches.

Five years prior, the previous president had given him an order to guard the Secretary of Veteran Affairs - Oliver Greyson. At first, Emanuel kept a strict professional element to his charge like he did with most. But work and personal life tend to blur when you're with someone all day, everyday. Emanuel had come to befriend Oliver and his family and he quite enjoys their company though he doesn't verbally say it. The family reminded him of happier times, really. When Oliver had been sworn to office as their newly elected President, Emanuel was sealed to the Greyson family for life. Though, if he was going to be honest, Emanuel doesn't really mind.
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Amy Daniela McGregor née Faust [Alive] - Sister; Amy currently lives a well-off life in Britain and works as an ophthalmologist. They keep in contact for the most part.

William Evan McGregor [Alive] - Brother-in-law; William works at a bank. He and Emanuel get along well enough but they don't talk to each other very much.

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Zachary White

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basic information

Full Name: Zachary White
Alias: CHL0R1N3 (ONLINE), Zach (FRIENDS)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Nationality: American


Face Claim: William Moseley
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'11
Weight: 175 lbs
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: None
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in depth

Personality: Zachery is a very intense, focused young man with a nearly unhealthy level of obsession when it comes to finding out the truth. His natural levels of charisma and his forward thinking nature allows him to hide this side of his personality quite well, as he tends to put on a face of a "charming, nice guy, jock". This is not to say that he is not those things. He can be a very gentle, caring man, but whenever he feels like persons or groups have too much power, or that they are using it in immoral ways, or if they are manipulating the weak or the uneducated - he can't let it go. His obsession with having justice brought to the wicked and the cruel often consumes his life, prompting him to abandon his more social pursuits.

As it is, he realizes that he can't sustain long term relationships well because people tend to not like being 'ghosted' when he gets on a plane in the middle of the night to fly to another city for a protest, or when he spends days in front of his computer not eating or drinking beyond the threshold of sustaining himself - hacking into some or other database he had cloned a few nights ago.

Another aspect of him is that at his core, he is a bit of a romantic. This in turn has him abandoning the idea of committed relationships almost entirely, as he can't promise loyalty. If someone knows something, and he can't get the info out of them in any social manner, he has no qualms using sexual means. A large part of him hates this side of his obsession, as it makes him feel like a whore. To an extent, he is one - as he is all too willing to sell his own personal ambitions or morals - even his dignity - for the sake of the greater good. And if that means some old cougar wants to use him for the night, so he can get to her private PC... then so be it.

He loves his mother more than anyone else in the world. The fact that he can't stand looking at her anymore breaks his heart. He sends her money he makes on the side, and he sometimes calls her. But when she asks about his life, or when she worries about his studies, and when she complains about the lack of grandchildren he has to pull away. He still finds himself incapable of lying to her, and with the knowledge that she would be in grave danger should she come to know his real pursuits... lets just say there is not much more to talk about.

Vices: Obsessive, Unrelenting

Virtues: Empathetic, Self-Sacrificing

Likes: Cheap Whiskey, Dark Lo-Fi (when coding), Old Books

Dislikes: Noise, "BIG" Phrama, Oil, Energy, Banks
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Bio: Zachery was born into poverty, with an absent father and a mother that worked herself to the bone to put him through school. During his early stages of development he was diagnosed with ADHD and placed in special care, as he never seemed to pay attention to what he was supposed to. Over time he came to seek distraction in other things, exploring sport, IT, history, literature and many other outlets. It became clear, to him at least, that he was quite a bit more developed mentally than most of the other children about him, often leading him into conflict with them, as they refused to reason with him, often choosing to be petty or vile. The fact that he was poor did not help matters, often becoming the target of his bulling.

Choosing to focus on his sport, as he found that to be a good way to climb socially without money, he quickly rose in popularity for playing not only the good game, but the smart game. Before long there were talks of sponsorships and scholarships - all of which only drove him further into his work - the potential for higher education being too good an opportunity to miss. In his final few years of school he came to realize the nature of power and diplomacy. His outsider position often giving him insights into the workings of the already influential and powerful. It sowed in him both disgust and envy - the latter of which was eventually overwhelmed, leaving him with a desire to see the powerful and the greedy brought low. This sent him down dark paths, as he explored networks and sites over the course of high-school, making contacts and allies that were unsavory at best. What they did teach him though - was caution. He began to encrypt all of his interactions. Making sure that he was not the target of watchful eyes. To be sloppy online is to give power to those who would use it again him. And he would never be at the foot of power again.

Less than a year into University he switched to night school, dropped out of the scholarship program, joined a journalism internship, and started organizing rallies and protests. Before the year was done he had wormed his way into places where he could interact with the corrupt and the disgustingly wealthy. He took no small amount of glee in bringing them down a peg, hacking their badly protected phones and publishing their emails and their finances - watching their workers rise up in the same disgust he felt. Very soon it became clear that no-one was clean. Everyone had dirt, and some people were just better at hiding it.

Over time he became a bit of a cult figure. CHL0R1N3 popped onto international watch-lists as companies and politicians found their dirt slowly trickling out of their grasp like oil into water. More than once he has had to jump ship, go dark for a few months, before returning to his work. Whenever something big happened, he would make sure to know of it. Political and news pundits came to follow his unofficial blogs to see if he would be leaking things they could use as stories. Things were looking up. Until he finally found his White Whale. The new President of the United States. As clean as a whistle. Nothing, and yet out of the blue he had power, wealth, control and... nothing. No sides. No nothing. There was no way he could do that alone. There was something there. And he would find out.

Political Leaning: As Left as they Come

Languages: Fluent in Japanese, Mandarin and Russian.

Hacking: Capable and fluent in network decryption and cloning

Sport: Very physically fit, very good endurance runner, good at football


Secretary of
Derick Wane

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basic information

Full Name: Derick Richard Wane
Age: 67
Gender: Male
Nationality: American



Face Claim: John Goodman
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 347 lbs
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: None
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in depth

Personality: To say that Derick Wane is driven would be an understatement. Motivated by his own sheer work ethic and desire to get things done, Derick is simply put a man of action, and a man of great desire also. When he was a younger man, he wanted all of the prettiest girls at school, and he got them, when he was a combat engineer in Vietnam, he wanted all of the praise and attention from his superiors, and he got it. And of course, when he inevitably became a politician, he wanted all of the highest offices and positions, and he got them. Religious by no choice of his own, Derick has no particular belief in any or no God, and is not a very spiritual man at all, instead preferring to spend his valuable time and effort on the physical world and in the present. In a similar vein of practical thinking, he isn't a terribly sentimental man, and again prefers to focus on the present and the future as opposed to the past, although he does concede that there are valuable lessons to be learned from our past.

Despite his rural upbringing and conservative political leanings, at least when it comes to economic and foreign policy. Derick isn't very attached to his traditional upbringing and heritage, although a registered Republican for most of his life and a proud American through and through, there have been numerous times throughout his career that Derick has clashed with his fellow conservatives. Most notably his stance on gay marriage, which has historically and is currently still more positive than his counterparts across much of the rest of the party. In Derick's view, as long as a person is a good and honest hard-working American, he could care less what they do in their spare time. It is this same line of thinking that has led to his flip-flop beliefs on the legalisation of marijuana, as due to the conflicting information on the effects of its consumption long-term, he is still unsure of what position to take. Although he does hold the belief that by legalising it, the economic benefits would certainly be worth considering. Generally, his beliefs and values are far more fluid than many of his comrades, and he is a man who is not afraid to admit when he is wrong, and is capable of changing his stance to better fit the situation.

A loving family man, family and country are the two institutions that Derick holds most sacred above all. As unlike the spiritual side of things, both of those institutions are clear and are able to be seen and held in value. His ability to provide for his family is something that Derick is very proud of, and is something that he equally pridefully admits as he believes that it is every man's duty to be able to provide for his family.

Vices: Greed, manipulative

Virtues: Patriotic, family man

Likes: Hunting, America, football, steak

Dislikes: Inaction, incompetence, journalists, pacifists
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Bio: Derick Richard Wane (born June 30, 1952) is an American politician and businessman who is currently serving a term as the 26th Secretary of Defense of the United States and served as both the 11th Chief of Staff from 1985 to 1987, and the 7th Secretary of Energy from 1993 to 1997. Wane was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa where he was raised for most of his adolescent life. At the age of 18 he was drafted into the United States Army as a combat engineer, where he served two years and a single tour in Vietnam before being sent home with a medical discharge after being shot in the kneecap. Once home, he attended Harvard University, where he earned both a BA and an MA in Political Science, starting his career afterwards as an advisor to an Iowa congressman. Eventually working his way into the White House during Ford administration, where he would later serve as the White House chief of staff under the next president, Ronald Reagan, from 1985 to 1987. In 1981, Wane was elected to the U.S. Senate representing his home state of Iowa. He would serve as a Senator from 1981 to 1984; he was reelected on two occasions. Under the presidency of Bill Clinton, Wane was selected to be the Secretary of Energy, a position that he held from 1993 to 1997, the majority of Clinton's presidency.

Starting in the summer of 1998, Wane would become the Chief Executive Officer of Cascade Defense Intelligence, a military aerospace corporation headquartered in Seattle, Washington. At the same time, he again entered state politics, regaining his old seat as a Senator from his home state, a seat which he would hold from 1999 to 2006. Wane was a major supporter of the Iraq War, a position that would see him as one of the primary figures in the War's intense controversy throughout much of the early 2000s. His opponent in the 2006 Iowa senatorial election which saw Wane lose his seat, ran against him on the basis of opposition to his support of the Iraq War, which by 2006, there was increasingly little support for in his district. Much of the controversy surrounding Wane's support for the Iraq War stemmed from his position on the Armed Forces Committee, and his then former position as head of CDI, which he left in 2002, just prior to his confirmation as a member of the Committee. Although Wane's public position has consistently been to deny any allegations of conflict of interest. From 2006 to 2009, the final years of the Bush presidency, Wane would serve as National Security Advisor to the President, a move that was described by the New York Times in 2008 as 'unconventional at best, corrupt at worst'. Throughout the Whitney presidency, Wane would remain largely outside of the federal government, only involving himself in party politics to support his fellow Republicans, such as Mitt Romney in the 2012 Presidential Election.

Wane's personal life has remained largely seperate from his political career. He is a mainline protestant, though he has stated that he is not devout in the belief. His father was Harold Wane, a popular football player for the Iowa Hawkeyes, and Elizabeth Wane, a teacher at a local middle school. In 1968, Wane was arrested for disorderly conduct and was bailed out of jail by his father, Wane would later go on to state in a 60 Minutes interview in 2005 that it was one of the only moments in his life that his father was ashamed of him, and that it was the shame that set him straight. In 1969, Wane would meet his future wife, Anna Ferrier, and from 1970 to 1972 he would serve as a combat engineer during the Vietnam War, where he would recieve a purple heart for his gunshot wound. By 1974, he and Anna would be married, and by 1976, their first son, Robert Wane would be born. In later years, he and Anna would go on to have several other children, including Sarah Wane (1982) Eric Wane (1986) and Linsday Wane (1989). Throughout his term as Secretary of Energy and until his retaking of his Senatorial seat, Wane would publish numerous books on political theory. Including 'Washington and You' in 1994, 'Columbia Chess' in 1998 and 'The Cabinet' in 2001. During the Whitney presidency, Wane would spend much of his public life giving paid speeches to various campus' across the United States.
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Party: Republican

Political Alignment: Neoconservative

He currently has two homes, one being in Washington D.C. and the other in Iowa, with a third holiday home in Idaho.

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Press Secretary
Zia Gamboa

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basic information

Full Name: Zia Gamboa Alias: Press Secretary
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Nationality: American


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Face Claim: Cathy Kelley
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Brown with blonde highlights
Height: 5'7
Weight: 125 lbs.
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: None
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in depth

Personality: Zia, for a lack of better words, is a shady individual. A lot of it is covered up with an over-the-top bubbly personality, always having a smile on her face. Very observant and detail-oriented, Zia examines each conversation carefully to try to pick up on any word and try to twist and manipulate it. She has no problem telling a complete lie to another person's face. However, Zia always needs to be on the offensive. If her arguments start to crumble or get countered, she'll often falter and won't know how to come back from it. She thrives on being able to control the narrative that other people listen to. Without control, Zia feels weak and useless.

Vices: Shady, control freak, manipulative

Virtues: Observant, ambitious

Likes: Reporting, the beach, iced coffee

Dislikes: Cold weather, rock music
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Bio: Zia was born into a fairly wealthy family in the nation's capital. She never had to worry about where the next meal would come from or water to shower with. However, wealth and privilege did go to her head, causing a significant drop in her grades during her junior year of high school. Her parents, fearing that their own reputation who be tarnished decided to go to extremes. When Zia was applying to some of the top colleges, her parents secretly bribed Northwestern University, one of the top journalism schools in the nation, to accept her.

Zia wasn't dumb, but she was surprised when she got that acceptance letter. She thought she had no chance with her grade drop. Zia excelled in college though, graduating with her bachelor's in journalism. Following university, Zia went back home to D.C. and got a job at the Washington Post as a political analyst. She wrote on many topics from the economy to foreign affairs. While she enjoyed writing behind the scenes, she wanted to do more and eventually ended up in front of the camera as NBC's political analyst, with one of her biggest jobs/accomplishments being a moderator for the 2016 Democratic presidential debate.

When President-Elect Greyson announced his presidential campaign, Zia knew that she wanted to be a part of it. Using her knowledge of reporting and media, Zia took on the role of social media manager for his campaign. Zia knew the power of the younger generation and felt as though many of the votes would come from that demographic. When offered the position of Press Secretary, Zia didn't hesitate as she thought it was the perfect way to catapult her career. However, no one yet knows, not even herself, that her education is a complete fraud.
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Political Alignment: Centre-left

Theme Song:

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Chief of Staff Kenneth Marsh


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basic information

Full Name: Kenneth Wallace Marsh
Alias: Ken
Age: 54
Gender: Male
Nationality: American


Face Claim: Mark Strong
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown, shaved very low or completely bald
Height: 6’3
Weight: 280lbs
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: n/a
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in depth

Personality: Ken is a serious and stoic man, not one to play games or take no for an answer. He can be very short with people, and patience is definitely not one of his strong suits. His strategical tactics focus much more on strong arming and ultimatums as opposed to tricks and subtle manipulation. In the simplest words, he is very direct. He doesn't mind to play the politics game, though he is much better at bending the rules to meet his demands than bending himself to meet the rules. He is not too concerned with bureaucratic red tape, and despises being told what to do more than anything else in the world. Perhaps this has led to him making some questionable moves in the past, but to him it is no concern so long as the outcome was beneficial.

When it comes to his personal relationships, Ken is loving but intense. A strong proponent of "tough love", he demands excellence out of everyone he interacts with, perhaps not taking enough time to slow down and praise those around him for the good they've already done. To him, past success is important, yes. But continued goals for the future are much more relevant to him. For this reason, retirement is something he thinks he'll ever consider. Even if he isn't in Washington in his old age, he is certain that he'll still be making moves to improve the political landscape.

Vices: stubborn | cold | demanding | inflexible | blunt

Virtues: passionate | intelligent | quick on his feet | not easily manipulated | driven by success

Likes: power | politics | winning | yes men

Dislikes: manipulation | mind games | being told what he can and can't do | reminders of where he came from
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Bio: Growing up in a small town in Minnesota meant learning how to do things the hard way. His mother and father were loving but distant, both working near constantly to keep their 7 children from feeling the effects of the poverty they were experiencing. But Ken noticed plenty, being bullied at school for the holes and his shoes and going harsh winters with a coat much too old were things that were easy to feel. He didn't despise his parents for it, he understood that they were doing the best that they could. Although, it would be a lie to say that there weren't times that he wished they'd simply done better.

In school, Ken was always extremely focused. He didn't let trivial matters distract him from the most important idea in his mind. Education was his key. Education was his way to pull himself out of poverty and make something of himself. So starting from the tender age of 11, he threw himself into his studies without care for anything else that may have come up in his life. Girls? Boring. Sports? Not for him. Friends? He had a few, especially throughout high school, but he didn't allow them to be a distraction. He graduated valedictorian from his nobody high school, and took his first step towards becoming someone with real power.

He accepted a hefty scholarship offer to attend Princeton University.

While there he majored in Political Theory, taking a great interest in the subject. In addition to this he joined their very successful debate panel, contributing to 4 years of success and even serving as the president in his final year. After receiving his Bachelor's he attended Harvard Law, receiving a J.D. before moving on to his first actual gigs in Washington.

When he first arrived in DC he wasn't quite sure what to do, but eventually he settled on working as a Legislative Aide for various senators. During his early years, he also went back to school and received his Masters followed by his doctorate in Politics at his homeschool of Princeton. He did this for several years before moving on as a Policy Analyst, Policy Adviser, and many other jobs on Capitol Hill. He preferred it this way, it allowed him to have influence and power without having to be in the spotlight. In fact, Ken has never run for office himself but he hasn't hesitated to work on the campaign staff of many people in congress who he personally supported. Of course, working with Greyson was his most prestigious job yet.

As the chief political adviser for the Greyson campaign, Ken often had to tell the tough truths that candidate did not want to hear. He used his years of expertise to effectively evaluate the field and ultimately help steer the campaign on the path of success. Although Ken was certainly grateful, it'd be a stretch if he were to say he was surprised to be tapped for Chief of Staff.
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Political Leaning: left leaning Libertarian


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First Lady Adeline Greyson

[class=tabs] text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px grey; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 6px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; margin-left: -12px; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color:#4d1212; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} About) (show tabsContentCoded) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentBy) if (eq ${currentTab} History) (show tabsContentCrucial) if (eq ${currentTab} Sofia) (show tabsContentStar) [/script] [div class=tabs]
[div class=tab style=";"]About

[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Sofia[/div]
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basic information

Full Name: Adeline Enno Thunderbird Greyson
Alias: Timberwolf [secret service], "Della" by her husband and very old friends, "Mama" by her children [sometimes anyways]
Age: Thirty-Seven
Gender: Female
Nationality: Native American [Navajo] and Central American [Costa Rica] - [Dual Citizenship]



Face Claim: Stella Maeve
Eye Color: Chocolate//Dark Brown
Hair Color: Mahogany//Deep Brown
Height: 1.54m//5'5"
Weight: 62kg//138lbs
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: Standard piercing in each ear lobe - A second piercing in each ear helix - A tattoo on her sternum
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in depth

Personality: For her entire life, Adeline Greyson has been surrounded by loving, supportive and honest individuals. The relationships she has made and those broken have made her into the greatly resilient and caring woman she is today.

In her younger years, Adeline was a complete firecracker. She was pretty rebellious and always had a quick wit on her [something that has dialed down a lot since]. Most of the moves she made weren't out of thought or consideration, but daring and nerve. She was extremely dauntless. One may have even called her stubborn for a time. However, as time passed, and new experiences good, bad and tragic unfolded, she very quickly found new things to live for. New attitudes and priorities rose that saw her preferring a night in of study to drinks and bowling or joining a rally to simply watching. Following extremely traumatic events which left her broken psychologically and physically, and a recovery period, she found a voice she never knew she had, along with a determination to right wrongs and aid others as far as she let herself. After a time, achieving her goals became second nature. Nothing could truly send her back into the deep end. Not easily. Surely.... While it might leave others mildly unnerved, this determination gets things done, and keeps others safe. Next, she became a mother and everything was good. Responsibility was dialed up to one hundred, as was the realization she had much more to live for now. [dark thoughts really started to receed after Dominics birth]. All that being said, from time to time, in her best moods, her past boisterous self will show up and show out [say for example, on game night]. Her wit is not run out yet [whether she is threatening an official or trying to mislead her daughter in cluedo]

Past experiences have hardened Adeline. Perhaps in the best way. She would never let anything befall her family, and now, the many hundreds and thousands who look up to her. She can't. Adeline remains faithful, honest and true to herself and her loved ones. Ever protective and ever loving. It wouldn't be wise to underestimate this love. In short, Adeline is always kind, inquisitive, and always open-minded to new things, lest her new position become compromised. The day to day is full of supportive smiles and curt nods even when she is second-guessing the situation. As deceptive as it may seem, her position and studies has always depended on her gaining others trust and making them feeling protected, but truly trusting so many other so suddenly has been hard on her, given her past. She is gradually learning to deal with it as time with her husband in office, goes on. Nothing could truly send her back into the deep end. Surely....

Vices: Perfectionist l Headstrong l Anxious l Very Empathetic l Prideful to an extent l Dishonest

Virtues: Generous l Patient l Determined l Thoughtful l Passionate l Open-Minded l Protective l Selfless

Likes: Thunderstorms l Tea l Game-Night l Those sweet, calm moments when she doesn't feel like a First Lady l Lemon Meringue l

Dislikes: Smoking and Drugs l Harm coming to her family l Hypocrites l Coffee l
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Languages: can speak English and Castellano Spanish fluently - she learnt quite a bit from her father, but folllowing his passing, did not retain these memories like she hoped and now seldom remembers words and phrases~ She can also understand the basics of other spanish dialects and a fair amount of Greek, Italian and French
Theme Song/Playlist: will link when found/made

Bio: Adeline was born in San Jose, Costa Rica to Chaska Enno and Nuria Eugenia Gonzalez out of wedlock. The two young loves didn't plan to have a child and lived as nomad's across the America's, constantly moving from place to place together after both running away from their old lives. But with Adeline's arrival, the two were stopped in their tracks. At first, Adeline lived with her parents in San Jose, with Nuria's family. Spanish was her first language and she knew what all three-year-olds did. That dog poop does not taste nearly as good as her cousin says. In the 9 months before Adeline's birth, Chaska found work and training with a local Plumber, while Nuria took a secretary job in a local firm. Nuria left work before Chaska, and when Adeline arrived, both pulled out until it was necessary they return. Young Adeline was brought up by her mother's family as a result, but this did not stop her from having a beautiful bond with her parents.

At the age of five, Nuria found the opportunity to study in the United States. The family of three packed their bags, crossed the border and settled down in Mercer Island, Washington, with the help of both her parent's families. Now Adeline had to attend school. It was relatively easy for her. Her parents had taught a fair amount of English, so despite everyone else she knew only speaking Spanish to her, Adeline managed to get a grip quickly, what with her new environment. Of course, students teased and parents assumed, but she's always been good that way; able to adapt to situations quickly, uncaring of opinions.
Months rolled into years and year and years. By the time Adeline was in her freshmen year at high school, aged 16, her mother had been a working lawyer for many years, and her father had his own successful plumbing business for a couple of years more. They still lived in Mercer Island, which by now had changed with the times, just as they did. Senior year was the height of Adeline's [who preferred to be called "Della"] rebellious tendencies. Of course, her parents never gave her much crap for it. They were worse at her age, surely. It helped that Adeline still performed well in school and was already taking part in volunteer work.
The end of freshmen year was when everything changed.
Adeline and her best friends [two of whom are still her best friends] were invited to a graduation party held by a host with no name and an address scrawled on a ripped piece of paper. Of course, the four of them attended. There were plenty of other places to go, but that was the lucky pick. Not so lucky, it turned out. Among the hustle and bustle of the outrageous fire lit lake party, Adeline drank to her heart's content, and although she was aware and sure of herself her head was not really all there and her body was taking her any way it pleased. That is until someone else took control of her. The details of that godforsaken night are too sickly to give. Quickly: Adeline Enno was physically assaulted. Raped. Up until her attacker was king hit by a fellow partier and her friends desperately aided the young girl. They had heard her screams after almost 5 minutes. Perhaps more.
The PTSD, dark thoughts, panic attacks; they increased tenfold when she found out she was pregnant. One encounter tore through her like a hurricane. She was just glad to have graduated. At least that wasn't compromised.
Adeline got an abortion as soon as was possible. Just the thought of it made her sick to the stomach, but it had to be done. She had barely lived. There was no compromising the life of her unborn child. She could never do that. She didn't know how long they could live.

Given time, Adeline became herself again. To a point. She fought harder, loved stronger. Nothing was going to break her like that again. Nothing. She went into university study for almost two years to distract and rebuild herself, before a new opportunity arose. It would allow her to leave the country, experience something incredibly new and do some god damned good. At 19, immediately following the tragic events of 9/11, Adeline joined a mission to Iraq to aid teachers, and lead classes of her own, while also building homes and revitalizing communities. It was here that she met Oliver. Almost 5 months in. The two clicked immediately- as was the cliche. He was her type, to say the least. Sure of himself, a fighter, someone she could put in their place. Someone she could see herself loving. After everything that had happened, she needed his assurance.
It took some time, and Oliver understood, but Adeline fell pregnant once again. By accident. This child. As selfish as it was, would get his full life. She knew it. So, her mission continued until she was ordered home and two full years later, Oliver and Adeline were married. The family of three settled down all the way over in Arlington, Virginia.
By the time Oliver ran his last tour, their son Dominic was six and spending a lot of time with a sitter. Adeline was teaching classes at Marymount University with her double degree in Counseling with Clinical Mental Health Specialization/Forensic and Legal Psychology from the same University.
Eventually, Adeline became more involved with the law, than with psychology. She looked into different aspects, options, the works. With encouragement from herself and others, Oliver decided to run for Congress. In that time till now, the pair had another unplanned, but very welcomed child. Their daughter Sofia came into this world as a bundle of joy, and has stayed that way since.
Life has only gotten crazier as the years have gone by but Adeline wouldn't have it any other way. She is proud of what she has achieved and even more so of what her family has achieved.
[be][/br] She has no idea what life as the First Lady will be like. Though she has high hopes. What could go wrong?

A lot. A lot can go wrong.
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Sofia Greyson


Full Name: Sofia Greyson
Alias: Hummingbird [secret service], "Chiqui", by her mother, "Cub", by her father and rarely her mother,
Age: Eleven
Gender: Female
Face-Claim: Scarlett Estevez
Persona: To put it simply, Sofia is alot like her mother when she was younger. Full of spirit and ever mischeivous, the little hummingbird of a girl can bring a smile to any face. She is an enigma,



Lindsay Wane

[class=tabs] text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px grey; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 6px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; margin-left: -12px; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: none; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} About) (show tabsContentCoded) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentBy) if (eq ${currentTab} History) (show tabsContentCrucial) if (eq ${currentTab} Other) (show tabsContentStar) [/script] [div class=tabs]
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basic information

Full Name: Lindsay Wane
Alias: Linny Waves, Damsel of Defense
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Nationality: American


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Face Claim: Cristin Milioti
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'7
Weight: 130 Lbs
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in depth

Personality: An energetic and playful soul, Lindsay is the kind of person who brings coffee to her co-workers, but also ensures she has two cups for herself. She's never one to bring attention to herself, but she also enjoys sharing her experiences. Being the youngest of four children, Lindsay sought attention more than anything else in her life. Some say it was because of her father, but for the most part Lindsay is one of the few reporters in DC that will give people their privacy, perhaps because of her own political reputation.

She's loyal to a fault, and sometimes easily led on by others. However, her shining skill as a reporter is digging into another aspect of the story. For Lindsay, there's always a better solution to a problem and her determination to find it is something that surprises many people. Often times, she wears her smiles on her face, hiding any stress or obsession under a calm and energetic demeanor. Raised as a conservative, Lindsay is a major advocate for the 2nd Amendment rights and boosts a surprisingly vast collection herself. Despite her own status, she's always one to put in the work to get the attention. In her eyes, earning her place is a far better reputation. Despite her attempts at independence, her identity and core seem to be a patchwork of other ideals, some from her father or from her siblings.

Deep down, however, Lindsay Wane shows signs of psychopathy. The disingenuous nature of her personality is only further segmented by the lack of empathy she feels towards others. She can be sadistic, and finds herself often excited by the idea of danger or violence. Although she isn't trying to run around as a serial killer, she's extremely machiavellian, a trait somewhat developed further from reading her father's books on political theory. For Lindsay, every decision is a strategic move and the end goals always differ depending on the person. However, if not for her protestant upbringing and fear of religious fury, Lindsay often feels she would have gone down a darker path than she is now.

Vices: Sadistic, apathetic, machiavellian

Virtues: Charismatic, innovative, observant

Likes: Eating out, playing games, hunting, and guns.

Dislikes: Mental institutes, people that call attention to themselves, and friends that constantly call for her attention as well.
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Bio: Born in 1989 to Secretary of Defense, Derick Wane and Anna Ferris, Lindsay was nicknamed "doe eyes" for her innocent, almost priceless gaze that reminded her family of a young fawn. Her sister Sarah would often dress her up while her brothers Eric and Robert would call her "doe-boy" and play pranks on her and Sarah. By the time she'd reach the age of ten, Lindsay was exploring more and more of the land around their house. She'd play in the creek or search for rabbits and squirrels. Eventually, she began laying traps to catch them. And soon after, began trying to catch them alive. In school, she was polite but somewhat reserved, never really sharing much with the other kids. A person that didn't stick out. By high school, she was an all-honors athlete and mathlete, competing for her relay and robotics team. And yet, underneath the perfect academic record, was a person who was confused about the ideas of status and appearances. All that she knew for sure was that doing and acting this way kept her way of life the same and kept her family happy. It was also in high school that she found herself drinking and going to parties at her friend's cabin. It was on Halloween, during one of these parties, that Lindsay was drunkenly led out by a fellow boy and pinned to a tree. It didn't initially register to her what was happening, and under the influence of alcohol her own concept of behavior was reduced to a more instinctual reaction. Either way, what Lindsay did remember was that she kicked him. And as he fell over on the ground, she kicked him again and again. And she found that she enjoyed it far more than any animal she'd caught in the past. When her father angrily confronted her about the issue, Lindsay accidentally blurted out her true feelings on the matter. She recalled her father's face as he stared at her in disbelief. Even more so when she began to reveal to him her other "experiments" in their backyard. Eventually, the incident itself was covered up as a mugging to save the boy's reputation while Lindsay was privately sent off to therapy. Each therapist had a different idea on her. Some thought it was anti-social disorder or perhaps a personality disorder. One counselor called her a psychopath. Lindsay wasn't sure what definitions or concepts could back the theory, but she knew her attitude towards situations was abnormal. And at the end of the day, it was her father who finally sat her down and explained his "deal" for her. The truth and always the truth with him, and any secret she confessed was kept between them. It was somewhat relieving to tell someone about her thoughts and opinions without fear of reproach. For so long, she'd attempted to keep many of her hobbies hidden but her father, although sometimes disgusted or ashamed, always kept it for her.

Her siblings never knew, and neither did her mother. Sure she'd had some issues growing up, but it was easy to excuse it on age. And after all, Lindsay had matured. Even so, her father continues to push her to get her life together. Both her brothers had served, and for Lindsay, she too desired a chance to become a hero like her father and brothers. She joined the United States Naval Air Force, mainly for the status and apparent safety. Becoming a commissioned officer, she went through her ROTC training at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama before passing into the Naval Aviation Schools Command in Florida. Her aircraft and personal choice was the F-22 Raptor. Not only remarkable in its stealth capabilities, but its maneuverability was considered by some to be the top of its class. It was the kind of job that secluded her in the air and fueled her own desires for power and attention. She participated in Operation Inherent Resolve, spending her days in sorties against Russian and Syrian aircraft while providing support for ground units below. For most pilot, it was easy to kill the enemy since they never saw the enemy. For Lindsay, however, she wanted to see the enemy not for the sake of honor but rather curiosity. What did they look like when they realized she was above them? How effective was her presence in reducing enemy morale? From the sky, the world seemed so small. But on the ground, through the rubble and influx of refugees, that she realized how pitiful and altogether pointless her efforts were. During the war, she met a group of journalists. Never considering the idea herself, Lindsay was intrigued by the status and attention that came with reporting in dangerous hot zones. In her fighter jet, all she did was press a button and she was just another anonymous dot in the sky. But in the media, she could turn and direct thousands with her words.

Returning home, Lindsay found herself nowhere closer in status in front of her family. Her brothers were on the front lines while Lindsay was sitting in some tiny glass tube flying at the speed of sound. In the end, she already knew where the support would go. And so she took on a digital media major at Iowa State University before getting her first gig as a documentary technician for a reality tv show that was searching for Bigfoot in Ontario, Canada. In 2017, her father approached her about a job opening for the Washington Post. By 2019, she was already a reporter, thanks mainly to her father's status and her own sense of competence and surprising tenacity to find stories.
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598513 Her lack of empathy is something well-covered to the point that only her father still knows and has meetings with her to discuss her true feelings. As far as Lindsay knows, her father would never betray her trust and she can confide her own sadistic or often sociopathic experiences with.

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Vice president Joseph Sutherland

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[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]joseph[/div]
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basic information

Full Name: Joseph Sutherland
Alias: The 'Owl'[Secret Service], Mr. Surtheland or closest friends called him Joe.
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Nationality: American - Maryland


598197 598214

Face Claim: Kiefer Sutherland
Eye Color: Bright Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 1.74m
Weight: 72kg
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: Just some glasses.
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in depth

Personality: A man of few words and strong diligence. A childhood stolen from him by books and stone-like family. He knows nothing but his duty to the nation, making him a man whose promises can be count on, no matter the cost - and also a man whom should not be toyed with.


Vices: Addicted to his work, lack of a social-life.

Virtues: Diligent l Content l Reserved l Selfless

Likes: Read a good book l To defeat his opponents in 'The game' l To serve the nation over people's interest l

Dislikes: People too ambitious for their own good and that of the nation l Mediocrites l Hypocrites l
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Languages: Can speak a numerous amount of languages though some fluent while others he does struggle to keep up.

Bio: Joseph was born in the state of Maryland by a wealthy couple with its dark background of intrigue and arts of stewardship. A bastard son of a family which surname never inherited but adopted skills and personality to the toe. His mother-in-law hated him as an echo of her husband's mistreats that he kept close by to teach even if she never accepted it. He lived with his parents within their resident alongside his many siblings whom where influenced by the mother to hate him. He had no childhood of his own related to his equals finding himself always by his father's side, learning what he told him, manners, and knowledge he was not yet ready to achieve.

When reaching the right age, his father contracted a tutor to teach his bastard son everything he had to know instead of sending him off to school. Not because his father thought to cut relationship with the little lad, but because there were things he could not spare time to teach him anymore. A nun whom owed him a favor arrived as his warden called Margareth whom pressed humility, consciousness and discipline upon the boy, as his father intended. But she also taught him about being resilient and fight for a cause bigger than himself, not that of god all-mighty as someone would expect but a vision of a greater good for everyone. Through her, he began to understand what was meant for him, even if that fed his pride and self-recognition. Meanwhile his siblings grew envious of the treats and the lad self-steam...
Alas his bright, shinning, childhood of teachings came to an end with the sudden reality hitting upon the door as Margareth dies of old age. His father took Joseph before the funeral at the age of 15 only so he could learn one last lesson, death. The end of all things and that of himself sooner or later. As he looked upon her pale body; he took this last teaching, and only this,as a moment to rebel against his father's ideology - He meant to teach him that one is meant to do anything and everything to achieve one's goals while he remembered Margareth's words about fighting for something more than one self. He expected death to be an impulse, but the plan backfired.
Alas once he found himself before an university, he stopped not. He became curious to all there was, all the knowledge he could muster. Technology was at its peak and he could access it all. He learnt languages as quickly as he learnt about his rights, the laws and so on and so forward. He became a 'Know-it all' brains. He muster as much as he could as he found his way through politics career and push through others whom attempted to beat him in class, he answered first and asked the last. He became a predator to get what he needed for what he believed in... too late to understand that his now rival father's plan was being fulfilled all along.
It was, however, too late for Joseph alone. He understood his fault was to believe becoming a better person professionally and achieving more than his father meant nothing if he was still the same innocent child who has never learned.

One day he spoke with his philosophy teacher whom he could not tire to talk with. An old man, a learned man. Much alike his own psychologist he shared his burden that he had carried all this time in hopes to find a solution from a different perspective - to become a man worthy to be named and not one with the same fearsome ambition of his father. His words, which came in slow paced phrased, he remembers even now. "Its not important who you are, but what you do that defines you."

Time continued to pass as he kept studying and learning, becoming the best of his class - yet also the best on his professional line. It was only natural he became a natural leader - not a charismatic one but a leader with a sense of duty so vast and through, that it make every member of his study group to feel part of a small family reunion each time he spoke about their objectives and goals, he inspired them with discipline and tools to achieve such ends. The enlightened brains behind their team, he cared not for recognition for he was mere content by taking his team to 'victory'.

Such attitude of servitude continued to push him through, earning favors through various request that only came from higher positions. He had a plain and simple personality, but the mind of a master chess player. It only took so long until he became old - and as older he became the higher he reached upon the tier of diplomacy and politics... He never wanted the seat, never wanted to be known or do harm to others whom did not deserve... but to avoid wrong doings, he also had to be in control of situations himself. It was only meant to be that Joseph met one alike himself, Oliver. Through time he learned about Oliver's goals and interest, he got to know the man himself and, with same due time, found himself passing more time with him than the rest of the group, mentoring like a guiding light. It was only fitting that a man such as Joseph would become his right hand, a voice the president would hear and trust to be of no evil or self-gain.

The title came soon after... Vice-president Joseph 'The Mentor' Sutherland, bastard son of Nore Godwin, the boy whose heart of stone never shook, broke or moved beyond his goals to surpass all whom oppose him and, become a figure of good and servitude to his beloved nation and its people.

If only his father was still alive to witness his Pyrrhic victory... if only he was taught any affection what so ever from any side... Perhaps his grave would had been visited from any member of his family, beside his business partners... if only. Joseph did only visited his grave after the funeral, and as he looked down at him, he also began to remember his nun's funeral... crowded, filled with flowers and loved ones... - he felt the words of his teacher striking him once more... which kind of funeral would he have?

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Joseph Sutherland

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Baum


[class=tabs] text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px grey; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 6px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; margin-left: -12px; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: none; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} About) (show tabsContentCoded) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentBy) if (eq ${currentTab} History) (show tabsContentCrucial) if (eq ${currentTab} Other) (show tabsContentStar) [/script] [div class=tabs]
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basic information

Full Name: Jefferson Charles Baum
Alias: Chuck (Politically), Jeff (Personally)
Age: 65
Gender: Male
Nationality: American


Face Claim: Jared Harris
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red/Grey
Height: 5’11
Weight: 172lbs
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: Reading Glasses (Occasionally), Drooping Eyelid (Left Eye).
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in depth

Personality: A loud and somewhat bombastic character, Chuck Baum is nothing if not an openhanded man, garnering a reputation in the senate for being remarkably friendly and talkative, especially to those new to congress, always giving off a somewhat welcoming aura. Of course, in this area, person and politics are split, for his other reputation in the senate is one of partisan fights, pettiness, and lack of cooperation with the ‘enemy’, leaving a very mixed relationship with many on the hill as a decent person but a ruthless politician. Chuck is a quick man to please, though also a quick man to anger, and shouting is not an uncommon occurrence within his office if things do not go the way that he would of liked, a trait spurred on by the idea that Chuck himself is a rather impatient man that prefers things to be done immediately, an ideal in stark opposition to the slow moving ways of congress.

Vices: Rash, Impatient, Easy to Provoke

Virtues: Ambitious, Cunning, Friendly

Likes: Traditional Values, Family, Cigars, Duty

Dislikes: Journalists, Losing, Mockery
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Bio: The grandson of German immigrant Friedrich W. Baum, who later went on to become a successful real estate mogul within in the US’ eastern seaboard, and the son of Admiral Victor H. Baum whose services in the Second World War had won him a Purple Heart: Jefferson Charles ‘Chuck’ Baum was given big shoes to fill, even from the very beginning of his career. His family had originally resided within New England, however his father’s military commission meant that he spent the vast majority of his time working, and Chuck was primarily raised by his mother’s family in Mississippi, which is where he first became interested in the inner workings of the state’s political landscape, for his maternal grandfather was a federal judge, and his uncle a two-times failed gubernatorial candidate.

Despite this interest in politics and governance, Chuck never quite excelled during his studies, with his primary talents instead lying in his athletic prowess, giving him aspirations of either an athletics career, or a naval commissioned like his father, having received a football scholarship to the University of Mississippi, where he studied political science and law. It was here that he would meet the woman who would later become his wife: Katherine ‘Kitty’ Montagu, to whom he would propose whilst they were still enrolled. A great blow was dealt to Chuck’s future aspirations when he received a serious injury whilst playing football which would severely impair his eyesight and make it impossible both to continue an athletics career, or enter military service, which vastly limited Baum’s career trajectory.

He would graduate in 1977 and work for a time within the office of a family friend, a lawyer, however he soon began seeking greater career opportunities, and himself and a friend from university would establish their own advertising firm, though Chuck would abandon the firm only three years later after growing dissatisfied with its level of growth. It was around this time when Chuck ran his first congressional campaign for Mississippi’s second district, having joined the Republican Party, however his youth and inexperience meant that he lost the race by a significant margin, and returned to the world of business, where he joined an energy company as an executive due to familial connections. This was the period in which Chuck had his only son: Frederick Baum, and settled down, however he never gave up his political aspirations.

In 1986, Chuck would once again run for Congress, this time proving successful and winning with a narrow margin, entering the United States House of Representatives, where he built a reputation as a popular and active member of the house, sitting on the Energy Committee and standing for the interests of struggling business. In 1991, Chuck made an unsuccessful campaign to become the state’s governor, though he was only defeated by a narrow margin, and in 1996 he successfully ran for senate, becoming Mississippi's junior senator.

It was as part of the senate that Chuck’s career reached its peak, as he was popular within the party, and able to rile up the right amount of votes, which made his the ideal candidate for Party Whip, an office which he held from 2003 to 2008, when he resigned in order to focus his time into seeking the presidency of the United States. He had launched an exploratory committee in 2007 and thought he had a strong chance, however he was forced to pull out of the primaries early in the race after his son was killed in a drunk-driving accident, forcing him to pull out of the race to spend more time with his family, though he maintained his seat in the senate. He did not spend too long out of the public eye, however for in 2015 he was elected Senate Majority Leader by his party, a position that would prove the height of his career.

In 2016, Chuck launched a second Presidential Campaign, which started as a remarkable success, however poor debate performances and the ‘Fuck Chuck’ slogan from the Houston camp saw Chuck drop down in the polls, with Houston attacking his history of failed business, and losing elections, causing his chances of Presidency to grow slimmer. At the time it was rumoured that he was to be offered the role of Vice President at some point prior to the convention, however, if this offer was true it was deemed insulting and turned down, due to the insignificance of the vice-presidential role, though publically Chuck would still endorse President Houston for his 2016 run. In 2020, Chuck chose not to primary the sitting President, and was reportedly offered Secretary of State in exchange for his endorsement of President Houston, having ambitions towards a higher position than the senate, however Houston’s loss to President Greyson removed all chances of such a deal.
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Political Leaning: Chuck leans right both fiscally and socially



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