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Fantasy United Chemical Testing Corporation

'Kit Kat' Harris

Kit couldn't take it anymore she took the hat off, "I'll put it on when a scientist is around, but you have no idea how bad, and irritating- it just- feels so bad." She said, ashamed that she was no longer human and that Alan had to see her be a freak. @Ldybug123
'Kitty' Harris

Kit sighed, "I know..." She wanted someone to talk to about her new ears, tail, eyes, feelings, and cat instincts. "Instead of me moping all day. What do you want to do? I could really use a distraction" she said, her golden eyes sparkle with excitement. @Ldybug123
'Kitty' Harris

Kit followed along closely behind Alan, she saw a random scientist and quickly put on her hat. "That was close" she mumbled under her breath. Once they entered, Kit was hit with a huge wave of drowsiness. With a cute yawn, she rubbed her right eye, "I'm kinda tired" she said innocently. @Ldybug123
'Kit Kat' Harris

Kit's eyes widened but she didn't want him to go, her instincts took over and she dropped to the floor infront of him, and she nuzzled Alan's legs with her head and ears. She stood up, "Please don't go" she begged. @Ldybug123
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'Kit Kat' Harris

Kit hugged Alan, "Thank you! If it's okay can we sit on the couch? You can watch the TV" she told him. She ran to the couch and sat down. @Ldybug123
"Yeah that's fine." Alan said, sitting on the couch. He turned on one of those cooking shows he liked. For some reason, he had always been intrigued by them. @CelestialBunny
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Six walked into the entertainment room behind Kit and Alan and placed a hand on each head "What you watching? I thought the sign said the entertainment room was closed for renovations? Am I wrong?" He increased his grip on their heads slightly. (Is it okay to say it's closed for reservations?) @Ldybug123 @CelestialBunny
"That ain't good enough soldier, you got to read the signs." Said Six, strengthening his grip slightly more. "Isn't that right?" he asked. "Bad things happen to soldiers that don't follow orders." @Ldybug123 @CelestialBunny
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Six released their heads, they weren't going to attack anytime soon. 'Boring...' He thought to himself. "It's my job to stop you soldiers doing things your not meant to, follow the rules and we're best buddies. Just this once I'll let you off with a warning, okay? But read the signs in future." He said before leaving the room. @Ldybug123 @CelestialBunny
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'Kitten' Harris

Kit was very uncomfortable when the new guy gripped her head, especially because of her embarrassing cat ears. Her cat instincts told her to attack the guy who was annoying her, but her human instincts told her to remain calm. "Yeah let's go" she said trying to hold her annoyance in, and she placed her hat on her head. @Ldybug123
'Kitten' Harris

As Kit walked around the she got slightly sadder at the thought that Alan probably didn't care about her, He probably doesn't even care about how I feel? How these stupid ears feel? Or how being part cat is?, she thought. Her ears drooped unintentionally showing her sadness, as she tail slowed down the swaying. @Ldybug123
'Kitten' Harris

Kit bit her lip, she wanted to tell him everything she was feeling. She turned around to face him and she grabbed his hand looked him in the eyes, took a deep breath and she vaguely said, "It feels weird", a tint of sadness in her eyes. @Ldybug123

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