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Fandom Unequal Wish


Junior Member
  • 1. No godmodding. Ever. Even playing Arceus isn't an excuse or reason.

    2. No gen seven pokemon until Sun and Moon come out in the US. That's November the eighteenth. Sorry, guys.

    3. I'm not too picky, but please try to use complete sentences in your posts, for the other rpers. It makes things easier for everyone involved.


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Rualie ,"Rua"

Age: Ancient, although many seem to believe that she's in her twenties

Race: Jirachi gijinka

Type: Steel/Psychic

Ability: Serene Grace


Doom Desire, Calm Mind, Psychic, Wish, Flash Cannon, Gravity, Helping Hand, Dazzling Gleam


Biography: As jirachi, it expected that Rualie would have a long, complicated life. This expectation held true. When she awoke from her last hibernation, she found herself in a strange place that turned out to be a lab in a place called PokeGene Island, a place to experiment on the new beings called pokemon gijinka. She endured many tests in order to accumulate enough power in order to escape. However, during this time, the scientists found out about her acclimated power, and decided to use it. For a test, they decided use some of Rualie's power to make her a gijinka. The test was very successful.

Next, they wanted to use her power in a big way- to give them control of the world. When they made their wish, however, it was changed. What would have been "take over the world" had been changed to "take over the world for the gijinka". Having expelled all of her acclimated power, she went into hibernation, ignorant of what happened in the last century...

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