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Fandom Undertale, trying to live a normal life! (Open!) - Additional IC


I drink coffee, oh and I love my fish waifus :>

Any content that takes place in the Waterfall area, which does include the Garbage Dump, please post here.
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"You are going down! AAAAAGH!"



The floor of yellow flowers,the golden throne(s??), all pointed out the throne room of the king,but in this occasion was more...special...The king Asgore Dreemurr was just standing still as a small blue scaled monster covered in badaids on her face and knees charged towards him with nothing but her fist and with all her might punch him in the gut! but alas with the armor he worn a audible clang bounces out all over the room. The king gave out a loud yet cheerful laugh as the fish grasp her red fist after the impact, He kneel down and place his hand on the young ones head and playfully pet it as he mention.

"What did i mention young one?"

"....To know your enemy...BUT ITS NOT FAIR! You are to heavy and strong!"

"Oh is that it now? Hehehe! come on undyne if you want to beat me one day you have to try,nothing is unfair if you know who you are fighting"

"....I cant even move you a inch! NOT even a inch!!...But...BUT! I AM SURE WHEN I GROW UP I WILL KICK YOU ASS!"

"HAHAHA! that is the spirit!...and you should know its bad punching armor...its not good for your bones"

The small blue fish smiled up towards the king showing off the countless sharp teeth's it had as it shook its head as the king said punching armor was bad,ITS NOT BAD,IT MAKES YOU STRONGER! The king would stand up with a smile as he would offer to drink tea and of course the small fish would accept and gladly followed the king quickly as she began to mention how she will beat him,how she will be a kong-fu master and stuff...kids have very high imagination don't you think? but as asgore sat in front of the table that had 2 teacups and teapot undyne would be already sitting on the other with her head peeking out of the corner. The king chuckled as he would pour his and undynes tea as he ask.

"tell me undyne what you wanna be when you grow up?"


"Hehehe! i see now...please call me just asgore....But anyway enjoy your tea,you have a long way ahead of you undyne...."

Present time

The light reflected inside the room, waking up undyne in the process as her yellow eyes slowly open as she laid on the bed...Buuuut as soon they open,they fell closed again as this was kinda her day off and she dint want to EVEN image getting up as last night she dint sleep well training outside and her body hurts so was best off maybe resting for the day. But as she thought the alarm from her phone would ring and she grone angrily before smashing her fist on the night stand beside her bed making the phone fall on the floor turning off in the prose, Now this day like this was special and she never cared how tired she was,she still had to get up. Giving out a long yawn she would sit up from the bed with her messy red hair scatter all over the place making her look like a lion with how messy it was but anyway getting off and standing up from the bed she would lean down and grab the phone and checking what the alarm was...and it was "That" day. With a sigh she would look around her room that was well organised with her suit of armor standing on one corner,spears stab in one wall that she uses for practice,a small TV she uses to watch "Human History" shows called anime and well other simple stuff "Well...i cant be late now" she said with a smile as she was all high hopes now!

walking towards the nearby mirror she would fix her hair and like always a long pony tail and replacing her "sleeping" eye patch with her traditional black one,the sleep one was white and soft so it docent disturb her sleep...what is under that eye patch? HAHA! sorry no one knows only that she docent have one,well we all think that...anyway! after doing so she would open the closet as...um...a set of clothe of the same color and type are in a line...every single one where a black tank top and blue pants

"No...Black,black,black,black HOOO DARK GREY!" Snatching the " Dark grey" tank top that was LITERALLY the same as every single one,she would replace her EXACT same clothing and smile as it was some how...different...But as soon she was done, walking towards her armor stand she would sigh and would pick out the helmet but leave the armor there, with a nod she would walk towards the door of her room opening it to her kitchen and living room,besides her on the table was a small box and just snatch it before walking out of her house.

Outside she would sigh and besides the dummy was a wooden spear,it seem old and VERY,
"i am right on time" she said to herself as she would walk down the small path from her house to the right and passing the local ghost home entrance on her way towards a special place where she visits once every single month. Soon two statues came to view both in the same position as sitting with there legs cross, One that seems larger than the one next to it had flowers...echo flowers..some saying happy messages about asgore and to top it all off yellow flowers like the ones in the throne room are placed on it and as well the one next to it , Undyne approach them as water began to drizzle down on her like rain,she sat down in front of both in the same position with her legs cross not caring about the water.

"Each month like i said dint I?...ya know i have thoughts of maybe visiting you two once a week instead once a month it just

docent seem right,but anyway! i brought you something! remember the this piece of wood? i used it to train with you and it was funny how you used your trident...and was unfair to but was fun even if i got little frustrated,it has been sitting there for so long so i am gonna leave it here so you can take care of it for me- Oh almost forgot!'

After placing the old wooden spear beside the statue she would grab the small box beside her and would open it revealing a old teacup that had 2 clear cracks and some pieces missing and its color wither away. look to the statue she said.

"It has gotten way to old for me to use anymore punk...cant even drink from it so i am gonna leave it here before i break it by accident, i am still sorry i stole it but oh man! the look on your face haha! you did say to drink from it so i thought taking it wont be that bad! but here would like to return it....um...even if you cant use it...anymore"

Her voice went silent as she finish the sentence looking down sadly at the thought....he cant use it anymore...he was not here and all she has been doing was talking to a statue! she did promise herself she would do it,it would look crazy for some but it was the respect she could give every month,"Some would think i am crazy talking to a statue...cant blame em" she said softly before looking up at the statue and placing it on its lap as she would stand up and walk down the path back to her home.

(sorry intro is always long is that ok?)


Napstablook shifted and stared at the computer screen. He was reading the latest issue of this month's "Spooktunes Magazine". He'd been a life-long subscriber to the magazine and had always dreamed of making an appearance in it. He had several CDs mixed and ready to go and if he decided to submit them to the studio, he believed he would have at least a minuscule chance of making it. As it was, the timid ghost never did submit his music. He was far too self-conscious and whenever he would attempt to send them out, he would always stop himself at the last minute.

what if they hate it... i wouldn't want to trouble them by making them listen to this... oh...

Napstablook spent most of his days in his house, idling away. He would regularly spend hours lying in the middle of the room and feel like garbage. In fact it was his favourite pasttime. On the rare occassions that he did leave his house he would wander with no particular place in mind. Sometimes he even ended up all the way in the ruins. Lately, he noticed, whenever he did leave this house strange things would happen. Once he ended up in the ruins and ended up encountering a human. He was far too nervous to speak with it so he had, with much conviction, attempted to feign sleep. However the human was far too clever and saw through his facade. Having no choice but to confront it, he was surprised to found that the human was kind - they cheered him up and even complimented him for his "Dapstablook" look. Feeling marginally better, he left the human in peace and returned home.

Napstablook was no stranger to isolation. When Mettaton left he had started to grow used to it. Recently, however, he did manage to call his best friend whilst they were live on show (surprisingly, with the human). He hung up fairly quickly, of course, but since that day he found that Mettaton had actually started to visit him more often which made him happy.

He finished reading the magazine article and turned off his computer. He floated back and looked at the time. What to do now...

is it time to lie down yet...?

...no, i already did that ten minutes ago... what do i do now... oh...

He exited his house and looked over at his neighbour's. Mettaton was most likely at one of his shows so he wouldn't be home. Maybe he could visit Undyne? On the times he's talked with her, he never really said much and often attempted to run away. But Undyne was nice. She didn't pressure him and eventually he stopped trying to run away when he saw her. He moved over to Undyne's house and floated in front of the door.

do i knock...? no, i can't... what if she's sleeping?

she might get mad at me... oh... maybe i should go home...


but it would be really rude to show up to a neighbour's house and leave before saying hello...

oh no... what do i do...

And so Napstablook remained in front of Undyne's house, quietly debating to himself what the proper neighbourhood etiquette would be.


@BetaNymph =Napstablook

"......*GASP* I KNEW IT! HUMANS POSSES POWERFUL WAR MACHINES THAT CAN TEAR APART PLANETS!...now all this explains why the monsters lost to them,there power is to great! I bet alphys can make something waaaay better than that! and when the time comes we will be ready...well if it dose that is"

Undyne was researching and discovering what where humans capable of as after he visit the statues she came back to her home and remember the new small box of human documents she Obtain from alphys not some time back and for her this was important! Alphys did say this was one VERY important part of human history and that it would be a GIANT plot twist of what she knows now! And all was true after the reveal that humans posses a "Planet Cracker" a device that slams a weapon known as a "Moon" on to the surface to wipe out anything that exist to extinction!. For undyne such reveal was shocking,how can the humans posses such weapon?! THIS IS OUTRAGES! If only the humans fair off the fight then maybe the monsters would have won but as it seems...the humans have all of those "Moons" to fight there enemy!. After seeing such a powerful device she would stand up and turn off the TV as she had enough info needed,pushing the button a disk would come out and says "Super Robot Punch-Out: The begging of Ragnarok" and there was one left being the next part of this documentary where it will show how to fight against this weapon!

"Ok i have to talk to alphys soon about this...all thees humans are crazy but maybe a small spaghetti rest wont hurt a bit! and plus work soon and make sure some Punks get fit! no one joins the royal guard just because...I need the best of the best!! not any punk!"

she said to herself with pride as she would quickly run out of her room to the kitchen as a healthy and strong meal is needed! and she was lucky that her heat-fridge kept the sauce ready whenever she was gonna cook!. Opening the fridge and getting out the warm sauce and placing it on the counter for use. After that opening the cabinet was some store brand spaghetti! and it was WAAAY better and cheap! walking towards the stove and getting it ready she would soon turn right to get the sauce but she notice from her none-block eye from the window something in front of her door. Odd must be the mail man or something or maybe some echo flower glowing outside as some do grow rarely near her house. Leaving the stove on she would walk up the door and grab the knob,turning it and once open she would notice-

Hey! Napstablook! dint expect you to visit"

She said with a smile NOT showing her teeth,after the last experience she dint want to scare him away as she usually dose,he is her neighbor and she tries her best to be nice to him as he is not like Papyrus where you can scream freely as you bake spaghetti and just slam stuff around! well anyway she would look at him and would remember she was cooking and with a pleasant smile...and little sweat from resisting the urges of doing something crazy like always she would say.

"Hey why don't you come in? i was actually preparing some spaghetti right now so please make yourself at home!"

She said as she kept the door open for him,She usually is not THIS polite...well she is but after that BIG PLOT TWIST...she is still in the edge but still he is here and she will do her best NOT to make vanish like almost every time, i mean as she dose this she dose learn how to e little more calm in situations like this as not all people are like her. But hey! A nice time wont hurt befor she gose to work.

Napstablook begins to quiver. He had come over just to say hello; he hadn't expected to be invited inside.

"oh... but i was just..." He began to tear up and was seriously considering vanishing and going back to his house.

maybe this was a bad idea.

But he could tell Undyne was trying her best not to scare him off and eventually her insistence convinced him, at the very least, to enter her house.

"okay then. thanks for letting me in..." At this point he was fully crying, and as he floated inside he left a trail of tears behind him. Napstablook took a seat by the table and looked around the house. It was a large house - by comparison his was quite small. He had never been inside Undyne's house. He'd catch glimpses of the interior of the house through the windows but never for more than a few seconds.

"sorry for intruding..."

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@BetaNymph =Napstablook

"no problem!"

As Undyne hold the door for him she saw him quiver and well....um..tear up..for like the 30th time but she dint change she just kept the ordinary positeve look and once he pass the door she let it go as it closed. being not in his view as he Float towards the table Undyne would bite her bottom lips in a angry way and raise her hands a little and do a slow closing motion like if some one was mad, in reality she was not mad but reason why she dose this is...WHY DOSE HE ALWAYS CRY??? i mean she dose know he is like Extremely sensitive and stuff but even still being nice,was she scary? by asgore, but he was her neighbor so even if he was like this she did have to accept him how he is, Undyne was always nice to him and that wont change...before he could see,she place her hands behind her back and smile softly as she saw the trail of tears....wait ghost tears need to like go through the ground or something? never mind she will need to clean that anyway.

Seeing him sit down she would walk pass by him as she walk towards the kitchen and heard him say how he was sorry for the bother. She stops and would look over her shoulder and give a genius smile and say nice way

Oh don't worry about that is totally ok,it dose get rather silent here sometimes so company always helps"

She with a smile....but inside deep inside she was wondering WHAT IN HELL TO DO! right now she was doing her best to at least to break her record of him staying around pass at least a minute! but still just stay calm and do your best at least today. After that she would look forward and walk forward,standing in front of the stove as the water was boiling and ready for the raw pasta,grabbing the box and ...gently...placing them in the water she and proceed to...calmly throw the empty box in the trash can...so far so good keep up the slow pace.

Hey i am kinda wondering how is your snail farm going? Have not seen it in some time"

Undyne added as she would walk towards the cabinet on the left and open it and see if-...of this one was full of Papyrus's Gifts....um...wrong one,after opening the one on the RIGHT she would see a box of tea and she wondered and would ask.

"Napstablook do you want anything?"

Undyne honestly seem she was doing pretty good...i mean he has not left yet so maybe all this time might paid off? maybe who knows but we will see in some time,she actually wonders how he has been after all that happen some time ago,he did seem well but still hope the ghost has been well.
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Napstablook sat quietly on the chair and watched as Undyne prepared her food. She had gently placed the pasta in the pot and calmly threw away the box. The atmosphere unnerved the ghost. Granted, he had never visited Undyne until now but normally he would overhear loud noises like pots clanging and plates smashing. Why was it suddenly so quiet? He could see that Undyne was nervous. She was smiling at him but her face was twitching - Napstablook bowed his head and teared up once again.

i hope it's not because she's annoyed at me...

He perked up when Undyne asked questions about his snail farm. He smiled ever so slightly and responded.

"i-it's doing great. thanks for asking..." The monsters in the Underground didn't really know or care about his snail farm, except for his neighbours. Other than music, taking care of his snails was an activity he found a lot of peace and comfort in. At one point he had taken care of the snails alongside his two cousins but since then they had left him to shoulder the responsibility on his won. But he didn't mind too much; he was fine with taking care of them on their own. Though ever since Mettaton started coming back he did come visit the farm once in a while to care for the snails with him which made him a little happier.

He felt slightly better when Undyne asked him that. Maybe she wasn't annoyed at him after all?

He looked up and saw that she was offering him something.

"oh... sure... tea would be nice...?"

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@BetaNymph =Napstablook

As undyne began to prepare the pasta she moved the bowl of sauce near the stove so when ready she can just dump- um place it on the plate and no need to go side to side,as she did she would hear how the local ghost says his farm was doing well....honestly do....why a snail farm? i mean what they give to be a farm? shells? snail milk- ok no...that is something she wont think of EVER, but still as she heart Nap's answer she was kinda surprise how he wanted tea,well everybody drinks tea of course!

"Im glad to hear it has been well, honestly have not seen it some time maybe i could go visit and see some day?"

"Now as for tea i only have golden flower tea,that is ok with you?"

As soon she finish she looked back towards him with a smile as...lets be honest...some one LIKE undyne being so calm,there is something suspicious and for her this is NOT her style but if she wants to keep the ghost from vanishing again its best she dose and maybe when he dose leave,he would leave from the front door...if that happens she would feel like a woman who manage to tame a shark i mean she kept napstablook for more than a minute AND left normally! that would be shocking for her lets face it after so many fails. But anyway as she heard him wanted tea she would grab the box from the drawer she opens and would place it on the counter,get the kettle and fill it with water,stove and heat and wait,as she did wait she would look at the brand of tea "Golden flower" tea....it was asgore's favorite tea as he visited her house often and she just always remembers his type of tea,and how to prepare it.

"You know this was asgores favorite type of tea,I hope you like it its kinda...little bitter but it will do"

she said with a smile and THIS TIME a real one,at the thought of it made her kinda happy how she use to drink with asgore tea each time he visit and was very frequently,each time he came here all he walk was how she has been improving,how she has been the best and stuff and as well other simple facts like...did you know? Echo flowers repeat the thing they last heard? put two echo flowers near each other and they will repeat it FOREVER,But as she got little lost the kettle would being to shriek telling the tea was ready,turning off the stove for the tea and pouring some on two teacups she would walk towards the table and place one in front of the spoooooOooooky ghost and then she sat on the other side.

"Enjoy your tea!....i know what you might be asking "why am i so silent today?" well its because i went to visit asgores memorial and just...brings up old memories of him and just gets me caught up in them sometimes"

she said looking down on her tea with a not so clear smile,she was lying about it but she dint want nap's thinking she was all NICE because he was here so she made up one....but its kinda true,being caught a lot with the memories of the pass slows her down,she misses the big fur goat,so much has changed without him....

Upon hearing Undyne's offer to visit the farm, Napstablook nodded meekly. It would be nice to have visitors to the farm for once. Undyne asked Napstablook if he would be okay with Golden Flower tea and he nodded once more. To be honest, he never tried it. Actually, he had never tried drinking tea at all. He looked down and wondered why.

Undyne mentioned that this particular tea was Asgore's favourite. He didn't know much about the king. When the monsters were first sealed underground he just "followed the herd", so to speak and went where everyone else was going. He never bothered to learn who was leading them or where they were going. Even when the monsters had settled in New Home, Napstablook didn't see much of the king outside of quick glances from behind crowds or seeing him on TV or the web. He wondered why Undyne brought Asgore up often. Maybe they had history together.

Soon, the tea was ready and served in front of him. He stared at the dark liquid in the mug and smelled the aroma. It smelled nice and, naturally, it did smell like golden flowers.

"...thanks...," he said, barely audible.

As he bent down to drink the tea, he stopped when Undyne apologized for her unusually quiet behaviour. What she said did confirm his suspicions. It turns out she did know Asgore from a long time ago, but he wasn't quite sure what their relationship was. He wasn't extremely curious, anyways, so he left the subject alone. Still, he wondered what the King had been up to recently. He hadn't seen him for weeks.

Once more Napstablook bent down to take a sip of the tea but much to his dismay he found himself phasing through the mug. And then he remembered -
that's why he didn't drink tea. He was a ghost so he could only eat ghost meals and, unfortunately, tea wasn't one of them. He had completely forgotted. His eyes teared up and he began to cry again.

oh.... i forgot... i can't drink tea... i'm a ghost..." He felt especially bad because Undyne had gone through all that trouble of preparing the tea. What's more, this particular flavour of tea held a special place in her heart and he wasn't able to enjoy it. To him, he was being exceptionally rude. The tears began to drop from his eyes at an alarming rate, staining the table and the ground around him and forming a large puddle.

i'm really sorry.... i forgot... and you went through all that trouble... oh.... i'll show myself out.... oooooooooo," Napstablook apologized in a shaky voice. As he did so his body slowly became more and more transparent until, eventually, he had completely vanished.

And just like that, Napstablook was gone.


As undyne sat there she h would see as Naps drinks tea it just phases through his body and falls on the ground...oh no she know where this is going.

Oh no...nononono! DON'T YOU DARE!

She thought as seen she heard he cant drink tea because he is a ghost,oh yea...she...forgot about that,should she one day keep ghost tea so if he dose visit again he can drink something?

"Its alright i forgot you could not its ok-Hey Hey don't cry its not that bad"

She said trying her best to sop the ghost from fading away but t all fail,the stream was like a waterfall or a Dam breaking...she saw him slowly fade as then...Poof...he is gone,Undyne just sat there with a poker face as he Vanish,her head turn slowly towards the clock and see how long he was here "1 minute and 7 seconds"...I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU BUT SEEMS UNDYNE BROKE A RECORD. seeing how much he was here she would give a slight cheer seeing he stood for a minute! After all this FINALLY it was done,but still she felt bad for him why he could not stay little longer? she just hope maybe one day he will stay for 5 minutes. Undyne would stand u and stretch as she would grab both tea cups and place them in the sink only to grab a mop and begin cleaning those tears,honestly she has seen sensitive people but Naps ruled them all.

"...Well...see ya i guess, still at least he did seem satisfied so hat is that just hope maybe one day he will stay longer"

she mention but as she did her phone would ring with a voice repeating "Pasta Pasta!"...it was Papyrus...A sight escape her lips as she would reach out in her pocket and check the text message and it said the following.


Yellow...small...lab coat...its Alphys?! Wait what?! this is odd what is alphys doing all the way in snowdin? Dam um...she never expected her to come out of the lab must be something important,with a nod and shock look she will text the skeleton back and say.

"Thanks Papyrus will be waiting for her! hey paps can i ask why you always use caps?"

she texted back to him as undyne sat down on the chair and waited.


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(My writing will be a bit different for the Dummy, a bit more chaotic and also with many emphasizing points. xD I hope my writing as this character will be good and entertaining enough, however. I shall do my best! <3 )


"Hahaha... It's just like you to run away. I am a ghost that lives inside a DUMMY. My cousin used to live inside a DUMMY, too. Until... YOU....! You..."

"Shucks! You were really boring! They got annoyed and flew away like any self respecting spectre. Well then. Well then! WELL THEN! Boring people are crumbs sticking to the face of this world."

"Human! I'll wipe you away with the dainty handkerchief of vengeance!"

The self-respecting ghost that inhabited a dummy was quite occupied currently, thinking about his last meeting with that boring, blasted human- and their red soul that could be used to cross the Barrier. The thing that kept dummies like him from getting fancy and nice jobs in clothing stores. Only shucks, he had failed! Some acid rain had fallen from the ceiling, and ruined all his plans that were worth making when it came to the human! The chaos had been disturbing, and annoying, and he had just gotten tired of it, and dealing with annoying ex-friends and dummies! But whatever, he didn't care about that, right? Now that he thought about it more... yes, he didn't! Who needs red souls and clothing stores when he had... when he had... well, he had his job as a punching bag, or rather, as a training dummy for the fish lady!

Or at least, it was living to stand outside her house and wait for some actual attention and recognition as a respectable dummy that should either be used for proper purposes or acknowledged for what he actually was. But shucks, it was starting to get boring to simply do the same thing day and day again... how was one such as himself supposed to tolerate it? Well, quite simply, he could not! It was ridiculous, nothing less, he deserved better then this. So not only had the idea of finally getting a soul and getting to the surface been waylaid and was looking boring to him now, but even his day-to-day life was now looking boring and dull because not he simply was not appreciated! Or... something like that, but it had gotten on his nerves already. The dummy was already starting to silently steam, though no matter, as this was not an unusual occurrence. Hadn't he come to this sort of conclusion every day or so...?

But no matter! It didn't matter, anyways. But what did? Well, the only thing that had changed in the Underground lately was the human, even if they had done something to that one cousin...? He had even heard they had went on to kill the king of the Underground afterwards, and made the rest of the human souls disappear. Scandalous, nothing less! Nevertheless, it sure had riled up the fish lady, or at least had seemed to for a time. He wasn't exactly good at measuring time. He was just a dummy, after all! Who knows how long he had inhabited this stupid psychical form... slowly trying to get closer until he could finally stop being incorporeal and... well, be able to truly have a body again. Well, it had been too long! But anyways, the human. Oh, how he hated them... loathed them with the deep desire of vengeance resting in his nonexistent soul.. but what he supposed to do about it? He just couldn't be bothered to waste more effort on such trash! Even if... such trash had a ticket to a fancy clothing store practically in their pocket... but it simply wasn't worth it, and that was that!

Having come to an abrupt halt in his rather stilted and chaotic thought process, the Dummy had noticed someone, or rather, something, pass by him on the way to a certain fish lady's house, a very timid ghost. He wasn't exactly looking like anything more then a normal fighting dummy, as normal one such as his form could look. The light tan dummy was still and stiff outside the house that looked like a fish's head, not moving an inch yet, surprisingly enough, though the thoughts from earlier were causing him to sway the body back and forth a bit irritably. So, the fish lady had a visitor. Not that he cared! He had seen the fish lady exit her house and take a spear or something earlier that day from nearby him before returning, without being disturbed. So surely, he wouldn't be now. He watched as the ghost lingered at the door for a little while.

There was a bit of an upward tilt to the dummy's strangely shaped head that looked like a sign of arrogance, even without his eyes and mouth not showing. Eventually the visitor to the house was invited inside by the fish lady. Well, observing that had been completely pointless! Time to concentrate on what was important. That human... yes, he wasn't through with them yet, was he? So, they might have killed the king and disappeared for good. So what? He would find them and get their soul personally himself, so he could finally leave his boring life in favor of the Surface! Who cares about clothing stores, surely there had to be plenty to do there... plenty of knives too! He always seemed to run out of those much too quickly. Maybe because the fish lady always seemed to prefer those pathetic spears when using him as a training dummy.

Hah! Those spears were nothing short of impractical indeed, nothing like the traditional weapons that were best, like knives and... well, knives! But returning to subject, the Mad Dummy became determined at that moment to find that human, any human, and satisfy his current annoyance with some sweet, sweet vengeance! Yes, that was it. He would wipe the smug little expression off that human's face if they thought they had escaped HIM- well, actually they never really seemed to have much expression. Well, he would just have to make the annoying human have some expression again... one of terror! It sure sounded like a plan, that was for sure! ... But where to start? Oh. Well... he didn't exactly know yet, but whatever! He would figure it out, he always did. Even if he had to seize his own opportunities, he would do it in good time. Even though the dummy wasn't exactly good at biding his time or being patient about anything.

Well, maybe the fish lady would provide some entertainment of some kind! If she ever came out that door... wow, now he was relying on the stupid fish lady to give him some point of interest, something to think and brood about. Pretty pathetic, actually. Well... it wasn't like he hadn't been driven to this point before by stupid dummies!! But for now, the incorporeal dummy was left to stay and stew over some of his thoughts, and goals, something he was kind of used to, but that didn't mean it was something he liked. In due time though... the Dummy would make his move! He would end up in the window of a fancy store in the Surface, making all others jealous! It was all just a matter of time, though... something he absolutely loathed. Perhaps there would be some knives around somewhere to keep him company....? Or even someone like the fish lady, at that point.

After so long, it was finally time. The silhouette sheathed their sword, a glowing green eye dissipated, and a step. more steps followed, one after another, as the silhouette walked back home. If they had one after all this time. Last they heard, Asgore went missing, Mettaton's show entered a new season after a heart-breaking finale with their most realistic human yet, and Alphys's extended rants on Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2.

Coury had been longing for this moment for so long. The Royal Patrol is not for the faint of heart. It was really lonely, his only real outlet was Undernet, which was a distorted version of reality, so he had no idea what to expect. After a long trek from his outpost, he reached what Alphys commonly refers to as "the Garbage Dump". Everything looked so high-resolution compared to the pictures she would send him! He could actually honk that rusty horn, which made a strange, slide-whistle-like sound. He chuckled lightly at the oddity.

"I hope my presence doesn't upset anyone... But, I'm home. I'm finally home." He closed his eyes, and tried not to break down. Hours upon hours of silence, waiting for a human to appear, will utterly destroy you. Coury knew this well, and wondered how he would readjust to the stimulant-filled world that is monster society.

He got back up, patted his rather dirty uniform back into place, and left. He patiently observed the wildlife from the maze of wooden platforms, it was all so fascinating. He watched the fish play with each other, found a neat little bug-catching spot, and caught a glimpse of a creepily smiling fellow, before they disappeared. Strange, they reminded him of... someone. He found a dock, where an all-grey monster was standing. He blinked, and they were gone. This place was full of surprises! He pulled out his phone, and sent a message to the one person he could depend on, Mettaton.

PatrolSkeleton95: Hey Mettaton~

PatrolSkeleton95: You think you could fit in a guest appearance? I'm home after so long.

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"Huh.....Alphys never came,seems papyrus just saw her...or lied to me,should have know!-...no papyrus would never lie he is to innocent and well- yea he just saw her maybe"

Undyne dint seen alphys come after Papyrus said she would but..maybe was some other yellow lizard? who knew maybe was monster kid he is yellow and is a reptile so maybe that was the case,with a shrug after seeing the time it was time to go to work in the underground and keep Hope and Justice and well her daily work of a commander and guard of the Royal guard! she had to make sure all Royal guard members where operational and other boring paper work! that she of course HATED but it was part of the job having such a important post as her. After sitting some time on the table she would get up and stretch a little much calmer than she is, walking in her room and turning left to see her clad shiny armor, Its metallic jaw and heavy exterior covered in scratches make it a menacing appearance for anybody who witness it, Both of its shoulder pads where heavy and each posses the Delta Rune As a emblem symbolizing of course her service towards the dreemurr royal family and on the back of the armor a large Delta Rune in white like the one on its shoulder stood with pride. With that she began to dress herself with the clad armor that brought fear or joy to those who saw it. But as well brought a other feeling... will the prophecy ever be true? she wonders sometimes at the sight of the Rune if one day the meaning of this Rune will come true. The "angel".

No mater if the prophecy is true or not...i wont lose hope...we wont lose hope for one day see that freedom we all dream of!

Thoughts flew in her mind as she clad herself in the Armor.

After some time she was fully suited,heavy and look little taller because of it,the only thing that she dint equip was her Helm as that could wait later today. The clad Knight walk out her room and out her door towards the outside,First off she needed to Patrol the waterfall like always first,Make sure those science protected kelp are OK and then off to the City and make her normal patrols THEN go back and fill up some boring papers like she would of all reports of all guards. As she walk out she would sigh being little calm at the nice and calm sound of the waterfall nearby, but there was some time to spare at least! maybe training will do actually all skills MUST be honed to become the best and BE the best,Putting on her helm now covering her head it oddly only had one socket for her working eye,the right of the helm (Her left) dint have a socket as hello! eye patch eye why you need one there? only one will do! and pluses works as well as a "Bad ass-Eye-Glowing-effect"...thing...IT MAKE HER LOOK COOL SO SHUSH! oh and forgot the red hair sticking out of her helm! Cool look skill has level up!. Being fully clad she would turn left and there was her favorite Dummy! she just loved training (dUH!) That is why all those who want to be the best NEED training dummy!

"Maybe i can kill sometime!....simulate a battle scenario is Key to know what to do in a true battle!"

*Clears throat*

"You made it this far without dying huh..well as a customary for those who make it this far..i shall tell you the Tragic tale of our people..."


"....SCREW IT! I FORGOT HOW IT GOES AGAIN! UGH!!!! There is no time to say it anyway!! Lets end this right here!, Right now! HERE I COME!"

She yelld out as her hand raise towards the heaven and a spear appears that will pierce and shatter the Pillars that hold the Sorrow! The spear glow bright blue with white aura as with one hand she would hurl it at great speed towards the dummy but immediately after her throw a other one appeared in the same hand and with such she sprint forward quickly to impale the dummy! if the spear miss in a battle her charge would not be easy! but hey she could just rain spears on her enemies....but that was no fun she wanted to be IN the fight!


(Like dummy is a character and i dont know what will happen....i dint do a auto hit and say what happen as i dint want to seem god modding is that ok?)
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(Haha, no problem! Don't worry, since this is a training dummy, land as many hits as you want, it won't affect him! :) Hope yo don't mind if he talks back and such, though not too much, since he isn't 'one for conversation' xD )


The Mad Dummy finally saw the fish lady walk out of her house as his form remained motionless in a position beside the house. And emphasis on finally. From his position the ghost saw her pause and seemingly not even glance his way for a few moments or so. Well, how rude, rude, rude! Immediately he felt annoyance about this, he should be acknowledged immediately, if he is going to be at all! If not... well, then... well, then, he would figure something out! It wasn't like waiting around to let his impatience and boredom fester was a first. He fumed for a few seconds about this, even though the dummy seemingly remained motionless with that arrogant little tilt to their head. But, soon enough the fish woman turned left and looked his way. Well, good riddance! A ghost that lived in a dummy such as himself most certainly deserved some use! The fish lady seemed to be armored like usual when she came to use his dummy form for training.

The first time seeing it, he had admitted to himself it looked pretty cool... but now that he had seen it so, so many times... it just looked stupid! How were you supposed to clank around in such getup anyway without making sound loud enough to scare a ghost right out of its dummy? Ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous! Really, the fish lady should get better fashion advice, that was for sure! Being an incorporeal dummy, the ghost never really cared much about invincibility or how much something might offer protection, why would he. But aside from the impractical armor, at least he would have something to do now! Or at least, kind of watch. But no matter! Surely something of interest could come of this... though as always, he didn't have his hopes up very high. As the fish lady stood facing him now with that ridiculous looking getup, soon enough she began to say her traditional and usual speech that she said before using him for any sort of training.

Ugh, this was so annoying to sit through! He didn't care about killing or death or that sort of thing, he was literally a ghost! Unless she meant using some other sort of dummy... well, she better not find one of those stupid dummies to replace him, none of them even deserved to think about such a notion!! Though... of course he didn't like the fish lady, it was just that it was a living and all, that was it. What sort of training dummy wouldn't value their position somewhat? It was kind of funny, though, when the fish lady forgot what she usually attempted to say. Hah, he had known she would anyways! She was far too predictable, and foolish! What had it been, like only once or so that she had actually quoted out some sort of history of Monsterkind...?Well, he didn't care about such things anyways! The Mad Dummy just wanted to get on with the training, of course. Fortunately, he didn't have to wait too long.

The fish lady formed a light blue glowing spear in one hand that was pointed upwards like a stupid arrow sign, and then hurled it towards the supposedly normal looking dummy. He watched it come actually straight towards him, right on mark, and then another one was soon to form. The dummy that the ghost was inhabiting was impaled immediately in the center. Immediately cotton started spilling out from the vicious stab, and onto the ground. The tear of the otherwise tough fabric could be heard as well with an unpleasant screeching noise that accompanied it. And before this could be reacted to by the dummy, suddenly the fish lady charged forward with another spear in hand, ready to impale him once more! Well, the hit was once again successful since the dummy remained motionless, which wasn't too surprising.

This time, the other hit caused the dummy to split apart at the seems, and slowly come undone... the fish lady just might have wrecked this certain training dummy... how rude! But suddenly, it wasn't long before the individual parts of the dummy that had been split apart started wiggling a bit, and it wasn't long before the ghost pulled himself together again. Even the wisps of cotton that had spilled out went back into the stuffing of the dummy, only a few remains of it implying that the dummy had ever been dismantled. Ah, so maybe he would get a proper sparring session! Though that was a big maybe, those two hits were not near as fast or as good as usual, the way he saw it! The fish lady was getting rusty, rusty indeed! And the Mad Dummy decided to let her know this.

Without much thought about what he was doing, suddenly an intense sound rang throughout the peaceful sound of Waterfall. It was dramatic, and even more so as low and behold... suddenly the normal light brown training dummy turned a darker shade of tan, and had eyes and nostrils! How could this be, right? The dummy decided to emphasize this particular dramatic and intense moment by speaking up. Perhaps not the best idea, but in his mind it sure was! For a ghost such as himself, talking sure was preferred anyways... though holding boring conversations with others sure wasn't! "Hey, you!"

The training dummy began to twitch a bit, becoming more aggravated and disturbed as he thought about exactly what he wanted to say that was bothering him. Well shucks, he might as well make a list! "Those hits you made were like a soft feather! I barely split my seams! You've done better on sick days!!" The talking dummy, his voice in a more high pitched tone, paused for a moment, though he barely really bothered with pauses. There was just no point, he wanted to say what he wanted to say before getting interrupted by any stupid dummies! "So... try again harder this time, without making me split my seams... in laughter!!" After saying this statement, the Mad Dummy at least felt a bit satisfied about being honest about his statements, and also hopefully knocking some sense into that fish lady!

He had just simmered down a bit, though, when the annoyed dummy realized that he had revealed himself as a ghost that lived inside a dummy. Well... oh well! It wasn't like he hadn't done this before, plus he wasn't exactly the subtle type when it came to these sorts of things, why should he be? Though... it was a bit embarrassing to blow his cover over something stupid like this! The dummy appeared a bit flustered, a few loose strands of lining on his strangely shaped head becoming a bit loose as his round eyes became wide, clearly a bit startled and embarrassed. He spoke up again, though this time his tone was a bit more subdued and awkward, shoed by some nervous shifting the dummy body did, though it wasn't too much or too noticeable. "And, uh, forget I spoke up at all, okay? Though you still have work to do!" After saying this, the Mad Dummy got into his original pose for the training session again as usual, still appearing a bit nervous about the whole situation, but otherwise looked as normal as usual, aside the now showing eyes and nostrils on one side of his head.

Tagged: @Yonsisac
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MoonLegend101 said:
(Haha, no problem! Don't worry, since this is a training dummy, land as many hits as you want, it won't affect him! :) Hope yo don't mind if he talks back and such, though not too much, since he isn't 'one for conversation' xD )


The Mad Dummy finally saw the fish lady walk out of her house as his form remained motionless in a position beside the house. And emphasis on finally. From his position the ghost saw her pause and seemingly not even glance his way for a few moments or so. Well, how rude, rude, rude! Immediately he felt annoyance about this, he should be acknowledged immediately, if he is going to be at all! If not... well, then... well, then, he would figure something out! It wasn't like waiting around to let his impatience and boredom fester was a first. He fumed for a few seconds about this, even though the dummy seemingly remained motionless with that arrogant little tilt to their head. But, soon enough the fish woman turned left and looked his way. Well, good riddance! A ghost that lived in a dummy such as himself most certainly deserved some use! The fish lady seemed to be armored like usual when she came to use his dummy form for training.

The first time seeing it, he had admitted to himself it looked pretty cool... but now that he had seen it so, so many times... it just looked stupid! How were you supposed to clank around in such getup anyway without making sound loud enough to scare a ghost right out of its dummy? Ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous! Really, the fish lady should get better fashion advice, that was for sure! Being an incorporeal dummy, the ghost never really cared much about invincibility or how much something might offer protection, why would he. But aside from the impractical armor, at least he would have something to do now! Or at least, kind of watch. But no matter! Surely something of interest could come of this... though as always, he didn't have his hopes up very high. As the fish lady stood facing him now with that ridiculous looking getup, soon enough she began to say her traditional and usual speech that she said before using him for any sort of training.

Ugh, this was so annoying to sit through! He didn't care about killing or death or that sort of thing, he was literally a ghost! Unless she meant using some other sort of dummy... well, she better not find one of those stupid dummies to replace him, none of them even deserved to think about such a notion!! Though... of course he didn't like the fish lady, it was just that it was a living and all, that was it. What sort of training dummy wouldn't value their position somewhat? It was kind of funny, though, when the fish lady forgot what she usually attempted to say. Hah, he had known she would anyways! She was far too predictable, and foolish! What had it been, like only once or so that she had actually quoted out some sort of history of Monsterkind...?Well, he didn't care about such things anyways! The Mad Dummy just wanted to get on with the training, of course. Fortunately, he didn't have to wait too long.

The fish lady formed a light blue glowing spear in one hand that was pointed upwards like a stupid arrow sign, and then hurled it towards the supposedly normal looking dummy. He watched it come actually straight towards him, right on mark, and then another one was soon to form. The dummy that the ghost was inhabiting was impaled immediately in the center. Immediately cotton started spilling out from the vicious stab, and onto the ground. The tear of the otherwise tough fabric could be heard as well with an unpleasant screeching noise that accompanied it. And before this could be reacted to by the dummy, suddenly the fish lady charged forward with another spear in hand, ready to impale him once more! Well, the hit was once again successful since the dummy remained motionless, which wasn't too surprising.

This time, the other hit caused the dummy to split apart at the seems, and slowly come undone... the fish lady just might have wrecked this certain training dummy... how rude! But suddenly, it wasn't long before the individual parts of the dummy that had been split apart started wiggling a bit, and it wasn't long before the ghost pulled himself together again. Even the wisps of cotton that had spilled out went back into the stuffing of the dummy, only a few remains of it implying that the dummy had ever been dismantled. Ah, so maybe he would get a proper sparring session! Though that was a big maybe, those two hits were not near as fast or as good as usual, the way he saw it! The fish lady was getting rusty, rusty indeed! And the Mad Dummy decided to let her know this.

Without much thought about what he was doing, suddenly an intense sound rang throughout the peaceful sound of Waterfall. It was dramatic, and even more so as low and behold... suddenly the normal light brown training dummy turned a darker shade of tan, and had eyes and nostrils! How could this be, right? The dummy decided to emphasize this particular dramatic and intense moment by speaking up. Perhaps not the best idea, but in his mind it sure was! For a ghost such as himself, talking sure was preferred anyways... though holding boring conversations with others sure wasn't! "Hey, you!"

The training dummy began to twitch a bit, becoming more aggravated and disturbed as he thought about exactly what he wanted to say that was bothering him. Well shucks, he might as well make a list! "Those hits you made were like a soft feather! I barely split my seams! You've done better on sick days!!" The talking dummy, his voice in a more high pitched tone, paused for a moment, though he barely really bothered with pauses. There was just no point, he wanted to say what he wanted to say before getting interrupted by any stupid dummies! "So... try again harder this time, without making me split my seams... in laughter!!" After saying this statement, the Mad Dummy at least felt a bit satisfied about being honest about his statements, and also hopefully knocking some sense into that fish lady!

He had just simmered down a bit, though, when the annoyed dummy realized that he had revealed himself as a ghost that lived inside a dummy. Well... oh well! It wasn't like he hadn't done this before, plus he wasn't exactly the subtle type when it came to these sorts of things, why should he be? Though... it was a bit embarrassing to blow his cover over something stupid like this! The dummy appeared a bit flustered, a few loose strands of lining on his strangely shaped head becoming a bit loose as his round eyes became wide, clearly a bit startled and embarrassed. He spoke up again, though this time his tone was a bit more subdued and awkward, shoed by some nervous shifting the dummy body did, though it wasn't too much or too noticeable. "And, uh, forget I spoke up at all, okay? Though you still have work to do!" After saying this, the Mad Dummy got into his original pose for the training session again as usual, still appearing a bit nervous about the whole situation, but otherwise looked as normal as usual, aside the now showing eyes and nostrils on one side of his head.

Tagged: @Yonsisac
(No i dont mind at all ^^ its much more interesting TBH! and thanks just needed to ask as i dint want to land hits and just like that,seem god modding and well...but thanks! hope this post is ok)

Undyne landed her hits with great force on her training dummy as her spear snicker and snack tearing apart the dummy,the sight of stuffing flying just made it much more great experience than hitting a piece of wood or something,this dummy was like THE BEST she had ever obtain i mean WHAT DUMMY FIXES ITSELF?! She docent know what kind of voodoo dummy- Whatever! this thing had but since then she just practice with it and no fear of needing to get a other one when she can just tear this one up and let it fix itself! Anyway as soon her spear impaled the dummy only to Slash it to bits seeing the threads landing on the ground,on her and the sky! the fluff covered the text you are reading now and so did it cover the ground where undyne stand. She stop holding her spear with one hand ventilating breath as she lift the metal covering her head revealing her face. She was sweating already and the armor just made it much harder to breath! With a large toothy Smile and holding her spear with a piece of the dummy on it she witness it once again....her favorite part!

The dummy slowly began to re-Merge itself back as one bit by bit! like if nothing happens! a new dummy all over again! Honestly she wonder what if she never found such a useful dummy?? one that can fix itself! with the grin still up she would give out a hart Laugh "FUAHAHAHA! Now THAT IS HOW YOU TEAR APART A DUMMY!" She said with pride but as we all know THIS dummy right here is...not JUST a dummy its more than just a rag doll! or anything like that,as undyne stood she heard a....um...noise? odd dint sound like anything she has heard around here. A confused expression covered her face as she look around little upset as it was annoying "What the? where is that coming from!?"she said as soon her eyes land on the dummy...um..She saw his color change darker and clear eyes and nose pop out. She look confused and oddly some one would be scared how they hurt a THING but undyne seem little uneasy and shock the fact her DUMMY was actually a THING!

"Hey you!!" Who me? the writer? oh you mean undyne sorry! Undyne would look at him and little shock as it was alive,but as soon she paid attention she heard her dummy give his opinion on her batt- HEY! "WHAT?! YOU TELLING ME I DINT HIT HARD ENOUGH?!?! I AM GONNA SHOW YOU HOW TO-"She stop as he spoke one against about how she should try again and this time make sure his Seams don't laugh! she was frustrated as how he insulted her way! SHE WAS THE STRONGEST OUT HERE AND EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT! but the fact he told her to try again is the perfect one,as she WILL try again! with a sigh and a None-so-Happy look her eyes notice the dummy shift and change as he forgives his actions. Staring at him she just nods forgiving him of the comment but...she dose have work to do alright "Dint know you where alive....but alright i will take that as a "Compliment" i will show YOU what i am CAPABLE OF!....sir Dummy!"she said with high voice to full heart as the wind began to howl and take her hair with it! Her helm would close as her only eye would shine through the darkness of her Helmet as both her hands hold a light blue spear.

"Let me show you WHAT the captain of the royal GUARD CAN DO!"

annnd...here we go

*Spears of justice plays*


as a odd music plays from somewhere that seems to play out of thin air....like..um...NEVER MINED! Blue circles glow under the dummy as 5 Spears shoot upwards impaling the dummy holding him up a few free from the ground, immediately undyne reaches forward and impales the spear she is holding upon him! only to jank him out of the spike trap upwards and slam him down on the ground with force making the ground quake in fear! The dummy impaled in the spear she Hurls him upwards high up as possible from where it could reach, 8 Spears appear beside undyne as they shoot towards the dummy one by one each going through him tearing apart piece by piece and making stuffing cover the text you are reading! Still in mid air a spear would appear above him shooting down at great speed taking him down towards the ground with it and SMASH with great force! undyne was already there waiting for it to hit the ground and once it dose she stabs him flinging him upwards to gain air but only for it to stay in front of her, She began to rapidly Stab him in mid air with her spear in hand! STABSTABSTABSTABSTABSTABSTAB! None stop with quick motion only for the last hit to impale the dummy's head as it was the last thing left as the rest what scatter on the ground like confetti! and THROWS the spear towards the wall with the dummy! its stuck there with the dummy....Undyne smiles and would laugh to the top of her lungs as she says

There ya go! That is just a EXAMPLE OF WHAT I CAN DO!....i can do MUCH more than that sir dummy!"

She said with pride sweating under the armor!

No one would dare challenge undyne....no one!

(Oh, hahahah, that's real funny. I forgot about this! See? It's so funny! hahahah, self-deprecating humor.)

After some time, which felt like nothing to Coury, Mettaton did indeed respond. How's that for dependability?

PatrolSkeleton95: Thank's MTT. You're the best. Your shows always perk me up when I'm feeling especially crushed by loneliness.

PatrolSkeleton95: Anyways, I'll be seeing you in... some time. Once I figure you the lay of the land. Y'know?

He looked around, but couldn't really see any sign of Hotland as described by four people to be "HOT AND RED AND THERE IS LAVA TOO!" Oh, of course! Duhh! He's nowhere near Hotland! He's at the garbage dump, which was described as being "The heart of Waterfall, and a cool place to meet new people!"

He explored for a few hours, until it started getting cold. Not too cold, mind you, just... more cold than usual. It started snowing, and there was a town in the blizzard. After a few quick seconds walking through the blizzard, it cleared up as quickly as it had started, and the town's placement made much more sense.

He saw a house labeled "SANS AND PAPYRUS".

Could it really be?

After all of this time theorizing about which account was which, he could finally know. Who were Sans and Papyrus really, and what were they like?

The naive skeleton he was, he knocked on the door, (unaware that they are not actually home) EDIT: Lel pleb cannot read. They are home, I'm just a self-declared idiot. Do not mind my self-deprecation. It's a thing I do when I make mistakes.

(after this post, expect posts in the RUINS AND SNOWDIN section because reasons)
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The Mad Dummy was pretty satisfied at least that he had gotten some sort of reaction from the fish lady! Not that he really cared whether it was negative or not, negative responses and causing to get such reactions from people was usually quite entertaining! Though... sometimes it could be annoying. People could just get too angry sometimes, you know? Not like him! He couldn't claim to really having good control over keeping his cool, but hey, he knew how to keep it toned down! Well... usually. Oh well, he was still better at it then a majority of all the dummies around! Nevertheless, he kept still... though he couldn't help but rock back and forth suddenly from annoyance. The fish lady did seemed annoyed herself at his honesty, though. Well, she deserved honesty, at the very least!

It could have been a lot harder then
that, that was for sure. So, she decided to turn up the heat now? Well, finally! The ghost was pretty satisfied with this too, in a sort of grudging way, for now. This better not just be a boring waste of time... because those sorts of things were quite annoying when they were, indeed! He obviously couldn't help but become a bit flustered when she said she didn't know he had been alive. Well that was just unobservant, and rude on top of it! Though at least she had a bit of dignity, to address him as Sir Dummy. Hmph. Well, that was one redeeming quality at least. He rocked a bit more, slowly and from side to side when she said that she would take something as a compliment, and would now show him what she was actually capable of. Good riddance.

He let out a bit of a snort though, about the compliment part.
"Well, don't expect too many of those from me!" The Mad Dummy seemed to have forgotten all form of secrecy or being subtle. But it didn't matter now anyways! He then waited for the fish lady to act, and make good on what she said. He didn't have time to waste on dummies that couldn't even keep their word! But after a sort of boring dramatic statement, finally it started. Though some weird music rang through the air first? How annoying it was, too! It would have been hard on any self-respecting specter's ears... well, if he had any, that is. But it was still unsettling, and rude, rude, rude! To have random music sounding out without permission. Plus, it was definitely not his respective style.

But, background noises aside, soon the dummy truly was proved how strong the fish lady was, after she started to summon those spears. What unfolded next was pretty entertaining indeed, though it could only be described as chaos and a whole lot of spears flying about and stabbing to the ghost inhabiting the dummy. Of course, it was annoying to get torn apart and stabbed piece by piece, but he had gotten used to it... since it was a living. As the dummy was torn apart by the bits, indeed his pieces showered all of the place, especially his cotton remains that were spilling out all over the place, and annoyingly enough even over words!

What came next he didn't exactly feel and was quite obviously numb to, but it sure was disorienting to be flung all over the place and stabbed so many times. Not that he was opposed to the stabbing, but was this really how traditional combat worked?! But no matter! This was just a practice sort of thing after all, even if to him it was pretty much a daily routine and more important. The dummy soon enough was scattered all over the place in various parts, his head stabbed by a spear too and was promptly stuck against a wall. Well, that was... something! Quite chaotic and such, but it was better then a measly two stabbings or so.

Maybe, just maybe, he was starting to have a bit more respect for spears... though knives were still better, and more appealing then arrow shaped weapons! As the fish warrior gloated, the dummy began to reform himself again, the scattered parts from all over the place soon coming together in one pile so he could reform himself. It sure took longer then usual, considering how most of his parts were scattered all over the place, which was annoying... but he managed soon enough. The ghost had soon put his dummy form back together. Once again, the light brown dummy rocked back in forth, though now the pair of wide eyes peered up at the fish lady, though currently they rather looked like two crossed out x-es.

A few strands of cotton stuck out a bit on his head, though otherwise the dummy was the same with the usual stitching lining... though they could also be scars of some sort. Well, he had to admit that was a nice round.... if one wanted nothing but a whirlwind of spears! But yeah, an improvement at the very least. His eyes became wide before he spoke again.

"That was complete chaos!!" The Mad Dummy rocked back a bit more as if annoyed, though for a minute paused as his eyes now became more normal appearing again.

"...But at least better then last time." He then said his begrudging approval... well, more because he didn't really feel like talking anymore, it would be pointless! It would be better to get the fish lady's training session done with already... and plus conversations weren't necessary at the moment anyway. "Carry on." It was kind of annoying to not have much to harp on, since that actually wasn't so bad of a job the fish lady did there. To express this annoyance, the dummy started to move around a bit while moving back and forth more rapidly, but then paused again, having temporarily got some sort of emotional out. That was some sort of experience... but at least it had been interesting... for once!!

Tagged: @Yonsisac

MoonLegend101 said:

The Mad Dummy was pretty satisfied at least that he had gotten some sort of reaction from the fish lady! Not that he really cared whether it was negative or not, negative responses and causing to get such reactions from people was usually quite entertaining! Though... sometimes it could be annoying. People could just get too angry sometimes, you know? Not like him! He couldn't claim to really having good control over keeping his cool, but hey, he knew how to keep it toned down! Well... usually. Oh well, he was still better at it then a majority of all the dummies around! Nevertheless, he kept still... though he couldn't help but rock back and forth suddenly from annoyance. The fish lady did seemed annoyed herself at his honesty, though. Well, she deserved honesty, at the very least!

It could have been a lot harder then
that, that was for sure. So, she decided to turn up the heat now? Well, finally! The ghost was pretty satisfied with this too, in a sort of grudging way, for now. This better not just be a boring waste of time... because those sorts of things were quite annoying when they were, indeed! He obviously couldn't help but become a bit flustered when she said she didn't know he had been alive. Well that was just unobservant, and rude on top of it! Though at least she had a bit of dignity, to address him as Sir Dummy. Hmph. Well, that was one redeeming quality at least. He rocked a bit more, slowly and from side to side when she said that she would take something as a compliment, and would now show him what she was actually capable of. Good riddance.

He let out a bit of a snort though, about the compliment part.
"Well, don't expect too many of those from me!" The Mad Dummy seemed to have forgotten all form of secrecy or being subtle. But it didn't matter now anyways! He then waited for the fish lady to act, and make good on what she said. He didn't have time to waste on dummies that couldn't even keep their word! But after a sort of boring dramatic statement, finally it started. Though some weird music rang through the air first? How annoying it was, too! It would have been hard on any self-respecting specter's ears... well, if he had any, that is. But it was still unsettling, and rude, rude, rude! To have random music sounding out without permission. Plus, it was definitely not his respective style.

But, background noises aside, soon the dummy truly was proved how strong the fish lady was, after she started to summon those spears. What unfolded next was pretty entertaining indeed, though it could only be described as chaos and a whole lot of spears flying about and stabbing to the ghost inhabiting the dummy. Of course, it was annoying to get torn apart and stabbed piece by piece, but he had gotten used to it... since it was a living. As the dummy was torn apart by the bits, indeed his pieces showered all of the place, especially his cotton remains that were spilling out all over the place, and annoyingly enough even over words!

What came next he didn't exactly feel and was quite obviously numb to, but it sure was disorienting to be flung all over the place and stabbed so many times. Not that he was opposed to the stabbing, but was this really how traditional combat worked?! But no matter! This was just a practice sort of thing after all, even if to him it was pretty much a daily routine and more important. The dummy soon enough was scattered all over the place in various parts, his head stabbed by a spear too and was promptly stuck against a wall. Well, that was... something! Quite chaotic and such, but it was better then a measly two stabbings or so.

Maybe, just maybe, he was starting to have a bit more respect for spears... though knives were still better, and more appealing then arrow shaped weapons! As the fish warrior gloated, the dummy began to reform himself again, the scattered parts from all over the place soon coming together in one pile so he could reform himself. It sure took longer then usual, considering how most of his parts were scattered all over the place, which was annoying... but he managed soon enough. The ghost had soon put his dummy form back together. Once again, the light brown dummy rocked back in forth, though now the pair of wide eyes peered up at the fish lady, though currently they rather looked like two crossed out x-es.

A few strands of cotton stuck out a bit on his head, though otherwise the dummy was the same with the usual stitching lining... though they could also be scars of some sort. Well, he had to admit that was a nice round.... if one wanted nothing but a whirlwind of spears! But yeah, an improvement at the very least. His eyes became wide before he spoke again.

"That was complete chaos!!" The Mad Dummy rocked back a bit more as if annoyed, though for a minute paused as his eyes now became more normal appearing again.

"...But at least better then last time." He then said his begrudging approval... well, more because he didn't really feel like talking anymore, it would be pointless! It would be better to get the fish lady's training session done with already... and plus conversations weren't necessary at the moment anyway. "Carry on." It was kind of annoying to not have much to harp on, since that actually wasn't so bad of a job the fish lady did there. To express this annoyance, the dummy started to move around a bit while moving back and forth more rapidly, but then paused again, having temporarily got some sort of emotional out. That was some sort of experience... but at least it had been interesting... for once!!

Tagged: @Yonsisac

(sorry i took so long i was in "that" mood and as well family situation busy busy busy -3-...sorry for short)

As undyne completely decimated the dummy she would pause for a small seconds...did she just witness her training dummy come back to life after time and time she has posses it,it talk and..well NEVERMINDE! it was alive but she felt a little bad for causing such thing to him as it was a monster,but still he could repair himself so no problem! now battle dint work as normal seeing it was a monster and monster so they is some difference,hearing the dummy say it was just total chaos she just gave out a sharp smile as she was not sure what chaos he meant...bad or good type? well dint matter now! the thought she did better than last time and overall the dummy saying it made her feel very proud seeing OF COURSE she is very good duh,lastly hearing him say to carry on she would say "See ya later...dint know you where alive all this time"she said before her helm would be place back on her head and clang shut as she would walk down her home,with her steps making loud clang noises as she was now gonna patrol the waterfall like most of the time and make sure all kelp is safe,maybe later report to toriel about today's guard,honestly for the pass days it all has been calm and no danger but more monsters living there normal life.

As soon she would walk east beside the water fall near her home as she was gonna patrol towards the kelp heading to the bridge like always. most of the time was normal and calm...well sometimes that giant octopus called...um what was it? onion-san?? she docent know but all they do is say a short hello,maybe with some conversation but not much,still undyne felt a little bad for her seeing the...onion? was mostly alone but still.


Undyne began to walk her way down the path she thought of maybe giving Gerson a visit,she always dose i mean she remembers when she use to see him fight! she even one time challenge him to fight her! and she-...um...well she was just little so it dint go well BUT gerson did teach her a few things before she Actually then decided to go with Asgore! i mean before you fight a king you gotta know something. But he was a king and well...yea she lost but look how time pass and look! Captain of the royal guard! FUAHAHAHA!


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